Bad bathroom remodels
The Worst Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes You Can Possibly Make • Interior Designer Des Moines Jillian Lare
I’m currently in the midst of designing several bathroom remodels and multiple bathrooms in new build homes, so I have bathroom design constantly on my mind lately. Bathrooms are one of my specialties and really how I got my start in Interior Design (along with kitchen design), so I’ve been collecting bathroom inspirations photos for years now.
After studying thousands of bathroom photos and designing dozens over the past ten years, I’ve learned that not all bathroom design is created equal.
As a former engineer, my clients quickly learn that I’m a pragmatist. Form has to follow function, especially in a bathroom or kitchen. I don’t care how pretty it is or how cool it looks if it doesn’t work!
I’ll be honest, in my early days as a designer, I probably made all of the mistakes listed below. But, every job teaches me something new, and I never repeat those missteps again. If you’re getting ready to remodel or design a bathroom, make sure that you or your designer avoids these critical bathroom remodeling mistakes.
#1 You Have to Get Wet to Turn on the Shower
This list isn’t necessarily ranked in order; however, positioning the shower so you have no choice but to get drenched in freezing cold water every morning has to be the worst bathroom design mistake you can make.
Shower Controls Opposite Door for Easy AccessFor some reason, people became convinced that the shower controls – the on/off and temperature valves – need to be located directly under the shower head. But, often the shower head is at the far end of the shower from the door, meaning you can’t reach the controls unless you step into the shower.
I have seen showers where the client keeps the shower head pointed towards the wall while they turn on the water. This doesn’t really seem like an optimal user experience for someone’s dream bathroom.
The worst shower layout is one in which you have to get into the shower and also close the door to turn on the shower so there’s no escape. Terrible! I’ve definitely encountered this setup in hotels, and it totally sucks.
So, how do you avoid this happening to you? Look at the plans for your bathroom and picture yourself opening the door and reaching for the controls. Can you easily access them without stepping into the shower and under the shower head?
Remember, most shower doors swing both ways so as long as you can open it one way and reach your controls, it works.
If you can’t, then another revision is definitely in order. You can usually fix the issue by moving either the controls or the door.
#2 Poor or Bad Vanity Lighting
Vanity lighting design definitely deserves its own post, and I am planning to publish one soon. My biggest pet peeve with many Insta-famous or HGTV-trendy bathrooms is the lighting design at the vanities.
If you have a smaller vanity (42″ or less), then often (but not always) your only solution is to place the vanity light over the mirror. However, for larger vanities, I think it’s a mistake to sacrifice optimal lighting for a cool look or fancy decorative mirror.
Spacing vanity lighting so that it feels balanced and proportional with the mirrors and the cabinetry is a fine art. I agonize over it on every single bathroom project I design. My priority is always to provide a sconce on each side of the mirror with the bulb height between 60″ and 66″. When combined with a recessed can over the sink, the three light sources diffuse hard shadows.
If you’ve ever looked at yourself in a bathroom mirror and thought you aged 10 years, look up. I bet the light source is a downward facing sconce centered over the mirror.
#3 Not Planning For Adequate Storage
Custom Vanity Design with a Variety of StorageSo often I see photos of beautiful bathrooms with absolutely terrible storage, especially in primary bathrooms. The furniture style vanities can look really pretty but are they totally practical?
It’s so important to seriously consider everything you need to store in your bathroom both for the things you use every day in your beauty and hygiene routine as well as linens and other supplies like toilet paper. Once you understand everything you use on a daily basis, then think about the best way to store it. Do you have serums, moisturizers, makeup, etc. that needs to remain vertical? How tall are the products you use? How long and wide are your hair brushes?
I like to incorporate a variety of drawer depths whenever possible as well as cabinets with doors. The sink cabinet can be a great place for hiding the wastebasket. I also keep tall products like hairspray on a lazy Susan from Container Store under my sink.
Vintage Style Bath with Medicine CabinetI know medicine cabinets aren’t as sexy as a gorgeous decorative mirror, but they are ridiculously practical in smaller bathrooms.
In the vintage style bathroom above, we only had room for a single 48″ freestanding vanity, so we maxed out storage for small toiletries by adding this polished nickel medicine cabinet from Restoration Hardware. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve used this exact medicine cabinet because it’s very handsome, generously sized, and comes with an integrated light and electrical outlet. No more razor or electric toothbrush sitting on the counter
#4 Not Including a Hand Shower
Maybe you do your own cleaning and maybe you don’t. Either way, someone is going to be cleaning your gargantuan walk-shower at least every couple weeks. If you don’t include a hand-shower, then the only way they’ll be able to rinse down the shower walls is with a bucket. And, that’s really just mean.
I love my hand shower for both cleaning and for rinsing my hair. If you set it up correctly, you can run your main shower head and your hand shower at the same time. It’s a more affordable version of body jets, especially if you mount the hand shower on an adjustable wall bar, which I highly recommend.
#5 Buying Cheap Plumbing Online or at a Big Box Store
During my very first interior design related job – at the Great Indoors in Chandler, Arizona, 14 years ago – a very nice plumbing salesman educated me on the evils of cheap plumbing. He told me that cheap plumbing fixtures from big box stores or discount outlets are often made with cheap plastic parts that break instead of metal.
Mirabelle Pendleton Tub Filler in Polished Nickel Specified through FergusonFast forward ten years. I was freshening up the hall bathroom in our last house and bought an inexpensive version of a name brand faucet at a big box hardware store even though I warn my clients against this very thing. When we couldn’t figure out how to install it ourselves, we had to call a plumber. After two hours, he informed me he needed to go out and buy all new parts for the inside of the faucet because it was “cheap plastic junk.” So that $90 faucet ended up costing over $300.
I specify all plumbing for my projects through my sales representative at the local plumbing supply companies. They know their product inside out. They know all the parts and pieces that need to be included like valves, and wall elbows, and escutcheon for hand showers. And, they stand behind the product and help you when something goes wrong or needs replacing. They are completely invaluable members of my team.
#6 Forgetting about Towel Bars & Hooks when Space Planning
I had to make this mistake several times before I learned my lesson. Towel bars need clear wall space as do hooks if your towels are going to hang properly to dry.
In a small bathroom especially, it can be really easy to forget about hooks and towel bars. Then, when it’s time to hang them, there’s nowhere to put them.
I prefer hooks to bars because I don’t want to fold my towel, and I hate the look of unfolded towel draped over a bar.
Also, consider placing a hook where it is easily reached from the shower. When our home’s former owners remodeled, they put two hooks inside the shower in a spot where they don’t get wet. I love that idea and use it whenever I can.
I could go on and on with more bathroom remodeling mistakes that I see people make all the time, so maybe I need to write a follow up post. What do you think are the biggest bathroom remodeling or bathroom design mistakes people make? Are there any bathroom trends you’ve been spotting that drive you nuts with their impracticality? Let me know in the comments.
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via Structure Tech
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There’s Enough Room for a Sink…Really
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Wait, the Toilet is Where?
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Toilet Paper Door Stop
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Difficult-to-Reach Outlet
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Originally Published: August 31, 2020
Mistakes when renovating a bathroom: how to avoid typical mistakes and illegal redevelopment
We bought plumbing for the bathroom, but it literally "does not fit" by a millimeter. For some reason, water is poorly washed off in the toilet bowl, and it smells from the shower like from a public restroom. Already scared? But this is not a complete list of problems that may arise. I'll tell you about the most common
Elena Gorenshtein's workshop
On Houzz, there are often photos of rooms with a door to the bathroom: readers may get the feeling that the toilet and bathroom can be easily enlarged due to the corridor, and the exit can be made into the living room.
In fact, in such projects there are always two or more bathrooms. That is, if one bathroom belongs to the master bedroom, and the second - conditionally guest - goes into the corridor, the project can be considered legal. With a single bathroom, such a trick will not work: the redevelopment will not be agreed.
How to avoid? Coordinate the project before the start of redevelopment - this will save you from unknowing mistakes and illegal steps.
Error 2: Buy plumbing "by eye", without a plan and measurements apartment. But there are a lot of opportunities to install plumbing conveniently.
First, you can buy a smaller version. Compact are not only washing machines, but also sinks, showers and even toilets. Study the technical specifications and installation recommendations for the selected models - you will be very surprised!
A delicate question: How to choose a toilet bowl so that it is comfortable
Vera Vasilenko
Secondly, I advise you to take measurements after finishing the finishing (before installing plumbing). So your masters will precisely mount suspended plumbing at a height convenient for you. And there will be no situations when, due to the total thickness of the tile and the layer of tile adhesive, something does not enter literally half a centimeter. Make sure you have enough space and buy. Or - look for a compact analogue, as I described above.
An alternative way is to immediately plan a placement of appliances and furniture that does not adjoin the walls and does not depend on their (changed) thickness. For example, plumbing can be interchanged relative to its original position “before repair” or deployed at different angles. For example, in the project in the photo, the toilet is turned at an angle: the technique is not new, but still one of the most effective in case of lack of space. The built-in corner cistern additionally saves space by forming a shelf.
Important: If you swap the sink and toilet or install a Jacuzzi instead of a bathtub, this is not a redevelopment, but a refurbishment. Such works will also have to be coordinated.
Mico Bathrooms
Mistake 3: Slope the pipes less than desired
A common story: the toilet is moved far from its original connection to the sewer, which causes an unpleasant smell inside the bowl. There are two ways to avoid this situation. First, make the pipe as short as possible. Secondly, it is imperative to install pipes with a slope, but there are some nuances here: because of this, you will have to raise the floor level in the bathroom, and, possibly, in the entire apartment.
Le Atelier
An unpleasant smell can also come from the shower cabin if the drain is made to the floor and the water does not drain. To prevent water from accumulating, observe a pipe laying slope of 3 cm per linear meter, with a diameter of 40–50 mm. Accordingly, the farther your shower is from the sewer riser, the greater the slope of the pipe should be.
If the smell comes from the sink, it is most likely due to an incorrectly installed connection between the sewer network and the sanitary unit. The fact is that the water remaining in the siphon is a natural barrier to bad odors, thanks to which they do not enter the apartment. If the pipes are installed incorrectly, you lose this protection.
Tatyana Vakueva | Abwarten!
Error 4: Sew up the riser with communications
Sometimes sewerage and water supply pipes are located in a niche that the developer has provided - along with metering devices hidden behind a special hatch. But much more often the pipes are located just in the corner and just ask to be walled up. You can’t do this: if you need to repair or replace communications, you will have to turn all the partitions. The best solution is to hide the pipes behind doors or a partition, which, if necessary, can be easily dismantled.
The same with the bath hatch: the siphon can become clogged sooner or later, and you need to get to it painlessly. But it is especially important to mount the hatch at the hot tub: there is a motor here that will need maintenance.
Inspection hatch in the bathroom: Why is it needed and how to hide it?0029 - can be adapted to the shape of the finish. Read more in the article “ How to rationally use the space under the bathroom”
Arina Volkova
Mistake 5: Ignore the installation height
shells - 80-85 cm. Sometimes they are deliberately changed - for example, due to the growth of the owners.
I will say one thing: the level at which the device is located should not come as a surprise to you. And for this, it is necessary to measure the height of the installation relative to the finished floor - it will be seriously lifted by the screed and the laid pipes. The most annoying thing is that it is almost impossible to fix errors in the installation of the toilet painlessly - you have to disassemble the entire installation. It is easier to follow the builders and the installation height.
Igor Kurkin
On the photo above and on the left are examples when the sink was installed below the usual level. In one case, because of the owners of short stature, in the other, for the sake of children: at a height of 65 cm from the floor, they do not need a stool to brush their teeth
Anna Markovina
Mistake 6: Make the door to the bathroom airtight
Natural ventilation , which is in the bathroom by default, often does not cope with its task: condensation appears on the walls, and then mold. The problem is solved by installing forced ventilation. The cause of poor air outflow can be not only a clogged riser. But also the excessive tightness of the apartment: new thick double-glazed windows on the windows, a high threshold in the bathroom and the absence of a gap, which makes it difficult for air to pass through.
In the second case, you can use a life hack: make holes in the bottom of the door, and not break the threshold. Surely you have noticed: in many hotels there are ventilation grilles on the bathroom doors. If you choose the right grilles, they will not add "household noise" to living rooms.
“Design Point”
Error 7: Dismantle the heated towel rail
Despite the ingenuous name, this device not only dries towels, but heats the bathroom, including protecting against mold.
It cannot be removed. You can replace it with a new one and transfer it to any wall, except for those shared with neighbors, behind which there are living rooms. I don’t advise buying a new heated towel rail larger than the old one: the neighbors’ pipe will become colder, and after a complaint, the inspection from the Housing Office will quickly find the culprit and force everything to be returned to its original state.
By law, it is not forbidden to hang an electric heated towel rail instead of a water heater: it is more aesthetic and works all year round, unlike a water heater, which stops heating when hot water is turned off. But these are additional kilowatts in the receipt.
Studio Bazi
In the photo: a heated towel rail over the toilet — the most common and, perhaps, the most successful solution
By the way: Another annoying mistake when replacing a water heated towel rail is not getting the right size. Before you go to the store, measure the distance between the entry and exit points of the water.
Olga Shangina | Photography
Error 8: Incorrect installation of the boiler
Sometimes they try to hide the boiler in a ventilation box so as not to be an eyesore. This is a gross mistake and a dangerous violation of the law - in fact, an introduction into general house communications.
Correct - install the boiler in a niche or above the toilet, after making sure that the wall can withstand the device of the selected volume. The good news is that a water heater, unlike a gas column, can be hidden as you like - even behind wooden facades, even behind a curtain. You can't do that with a gas stove.
Question: How to hide a gas water heater and a water heater: Do not pressure test
Pressure test is the most important step in the repair of the bathroom: it helps to make sure that all pipes are installed correctly. Nevertheless, it is often not carried out: it would seem, why, if nowhere, it seems, there are visible leaks? Many are also embarrassed by the fact that for crimping you will have to call a specialist from outside - which means you have to pay again. You can, of course, carry out this procedure yourself, but then you have to rent a bulky pump. I still recommend not to experiment and call a plumber for pressure testing.
This procedure occurs as follows: after the assembly is completed, the system is filled with liquid and an excess pressure is created inside, which is several times higher than the working one. If the pipes hold pressure for several hours, then they are tight; otherwise, it is important to find the place of the leak and redo it - you risk not only spoiling the fresh repair, but also flooding the neighbors.
Tell me about other bathroom and toilet renovation mistakes you've experienced. What way out did you find?
Hochwertige Treppen und Geländer der Kunst-Schmiede
Design and Styling Artist for Residential, Set & Stills
Poor apartment renovation. What to do?
What to do?
Was your repair performed poorly and without a contract? Wanted to save money? Or maybe you are just planning repairs and choosing budget offers? Read the article and look at the photo and make the right decision. Call: 8 (926) 300-24-30, we will help you fix it.
Frustrated people regularly call us and ask: “ We didn't repair well. What to do? ". Sometimes you can help, sometimes you can't. But even if you can somehow fix everything without a complete rework, then the final cost of the work will be higher than the most expensive on the market.
And if poor-quality repairs can be corrected only after a complete dismantling and a new finish, then the cost increases significantly!
What to do if the repairs are done badly?
Counting losses from hack work:
- Materials and work for the first "repair";
- Dismantling poor quality repairs and removal of garbage;
- New building materials and surface preparation;
- New works by a skilled craftsman.
A specific example with a photo
Standard situation – an emotional call asking for help – repairs were done poorly . Our master (Alexander) left to assess the situation.
As a result, it turned out that, while renovating the bathroom and toilet, the former master, , who had no experience with epoxy grout, still rubbed it! Yes, wiped everything at once - both the bath and the toilet. In addition, he did such poor-quality repairs without a contract, and there was no one to present responsibility.
The result of this "monstrous" bad repair of can be seen in the photo below. Although the photos do not convey the whole sad picture, if you look at the condition of the apartment live. Epoxy grout in uneven mass (almost in pieces) and lay unevenly in the joints of . The tile was covered in hardened epoxy stains. Plus, tiles were also laid with poor quality .
Bath BEFORE deficiencies are eliminated
Photo will not convey the impressions and emotions of the hostess from what the bathroom turned into after such a “troweling”. In a good way, a complete dismantling and a new installation was needed. But the hostess could no longer endure all the horrors of poor-quality repairs of the apartment and begged our master try to correct the situation by less radical means.
Epoxy grout is a two-component, fast curing (cold weld) compound. It can only be mechanically removed together with the tile. Chemically, it is removed with a special aggressive acid (harmful and expensive). A combined gentle method was used for cleaning joints from poor-quality epoxy grout.
AFTER bad repair
The grout has been removed , the surface of the tile has been cleaned and a new grout with epoxy according to the procedure and the polishing of the tile has been carried out.
The reaction of the client was simply childlike and happy . Even the laying flaws of the first masters could not overshadow this joy. Although the cost of this alteration was not at all small.
If clients would spend all the funds they gave in the end on the services of real professionals , then the bathroom would receive additional bonuses in the form of significant mosaic elements and expensive beautiful fittings.
But that sad experience that the owners got, is also worth a lot . We hope it will be useful to you, our dear potential customers.
Error when choosing a master and materials
The desire to save money is quite reasonable. And renovations are no exception. However, there is not a single good deed that cannot be spoiled. As a result, any alteration turns out to be more expensive by 2, or even 3 times. It is possible to bend with economy at the expense of quality during repairs in three cases:
- Choose the cheapest building and finishing materials .
- Buy expensive materials, but invite over budget would-be master .
- Combine first and second option - cheap materials and cheapest repair offer.
The result will be like in a fairy tale about 7 hats from 1 sheepskin.
Waste of money or Cost savings
The only advantage of this choice is the low price.