White winter flower

20 Best Winter Flowers - Flowers and Plants That Bloom in Winter

Every item on this page was chosen by The Pioneer Woman team. The site may earn a commission on some products.

You don't have to wait for spring to enjoy flowers in your garden!

By Arricca Elin Sansone

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Believe it or not, many types of beautiful flowers bloom in winter. Yes, winter! Evergreen trees and shrubs always are an option for year-round garden interest, but many other kinds of plants can add unexpected splashes of color to the winter landscape. Whether you’re planting in beds or containers, winter flowers will provide a much-needed boost of brightness during the gloomiest days of the year. If you’re planting perennials, shrubs, or trees, make sure they’re suited to survive the season in your USDA Hardiness zone. (Find yours here!) Also, read the plant tag or description to give them the kind of light they need to thrive. Full sun means at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, while part sun is about half that.

When considering the best winter flowers, it's also important to think about placement. Where will you get the most bang for your buck? You want to be able to enjoy them from inside your house, so plant them somewhere you can see them when they’re in bloom. They’re also great for adding curb appeal in winter because they’re just so unexpected. Also, in order to enjoy your winter flowers, you’ve got to plant them in the fall about six weeks before the ground freezes so that they’ll have time to get established before cold weather sets in. If you’re uncertain about the freeze date in your area, check with your local university coop extension service. (Find yours here!)

Read on to learn about the best flowers that bloom in winter!

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If you’ve never seen these stunning flowers, also called Lenten roses, you’re in for a surprise. They appear in mid to late winter, often around the time of Lent, depending on your climate. Their lush petals and exquisite color make them a must-have. These perennials are super cold-hardy, so you can plant them even where you have tough winters.


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Just as the name indicates, these tiny flowers appear when snow is still on the ground in cold climates. Snowdrops, also called galanthus, look delicate but are quite cold-hardy. Their petite drooping green and white flowers are a breath of fresh air in late winter and early spring. Plant them in the fall for winter and spring flowers.


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Cyclamen is considered a houseplant in most of the country, but it actually works well as a perennial groundcover in warmer climates. Plant them under deciduous trees (ones that drop their leaves) so they’ll get winter sun and summer shade.


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Pansies and Violas

These adorable flowers with little “faces” come in every color of the rainbow, and they don’t mind a chill—so they’ll last into late fall or early winter in many climates. In the South, they’ll survive throughout most of the winter. Though they’re often considered annuals, some types will drop seeds and come back next spring.


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These evergreen shrubs have glossy leaves and stunning, lush flowers to add year-round interest to Southern gardens. There are many different varieties, so make sure to choose a type that will bloom in winter.


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Crocuses are sturdy little flowers that often bloom when snow still is on the ground. Plant the bulbs in fall for flowers in late winter or very early spring. They will return for many years.


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This lesser-known evergreen shrub is a lovely specimen for any garden. Hundreds of tiny pink or white bell-shaped flowers dangle from delicate stems in late winter. The flowers last for weeks!


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These pretty perennial flowers are extremely cold-hardy. They bloom in late winter or early spring, depending on where you live. There are many different types, so look for those that will survive in your hardiness zone.


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Witch Hazel

This interesting shrub gets wispy, whimsical flowers in mid-winter, long before the foliage appears. Make sure to plant a winter-blooming variety.


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Winter Heath

This dense evergreen shrub works well as a groundcover. It’s smothered in beautiful pink flowers from winter to early spring.


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This evergreen shrub has frond-like leaves and sprays of bright yellow flowers that last for weeks in late fall to early winter. They’re followed by shiny blue-black berries.


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These sweetly-scented flowers boast late winter or early spring blooms and were popular in Colonial gardens. Their delicate star-shaped flowers come in pink, white, or blue.


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Winter Jasmine

Bright yellow flowers appear on the arching branches of this shrub in late winter. Unlike other types of jasmine, it’s not fragrant, but it adds a splash of sunshine to the landscape when you need it the most. It’s also a great option for slopes.


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Red Twig Dogwood

It’s not exactly a flower, but the bare branches of this bright red shrub make a bold statement in your otherwise colorless winter garden. The colorful branches last all winter long and look amazing silhouetted against a blanket of snow. You can also cut a few branches to add to floral or holiday displays.


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The sweet, fruity fragrance of these evergreen shrubs make them irresistible! Delicate pink, white, or lavender blooms appear in late winter to early spring.


First Editions/ Fast-growing-trees.com

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This glossy green shrub has cascading foliage and tiny red flowers in late winter to early spring. It’s a pretty, under-utilized landscape shrub in southern climates.


Proven Winners

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It’s not exactly a flower, but the gorgeous red berries of this deciduous holly shrub make it worth planting for winter color. It’s especially striking set against a blanket of snow. Make sure to plant both “male” and “female” plant types in order to produce fruit.


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Winter Aconite

This lesser-known flower has buttercup yellow blooms that appear in late winter. The frilly foliage and flowers often pop up through the snow. Plant the bulbs in fall, and they’ll return for years.


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Petite blue flowers and strap-like leaves make scilla, also called Siberian squill, a lovely addition to rock gardens or at the front of borders. They’re extremely cold-hardy.


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Pussy Willow

This shrub has fuzzy little flowers, called catkins, that appear on bare stems in late winter to early spring. Weeping varieties are especially dramatic in your garden.


All of the Best Instant Pot Soup Recipes to Try

Arricca Elin Sansone Arricca SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more.

15 In Season Winter Wedding Flowers

Fill Your Arrangements with These Seasonal Blooms


Carly Totten

Carly Totten

Carly Totten is a wedding expert, event coordinator, and writer with a decade of professional wedding and event planning experience. She has also written for Brides and Philadelphia Wedding Magazine and online with Every Last Detail, The Huffington Post, and WeddingWire. Carly was a featured speaker for Wedding International Professionals Association (WIPA).

Learn more about The Spruce's Editorial Process

Updated on 09/14/22

The Spruce / Leticia Almeida

When you think of the winter and all of the cold weather much of the United States experiences, flowers may not be the first items to come to mind. In fact, it may feel as though a winter wedding wouldn’t allow you and your partner to have too many blooms from which to choose. However, that is not the case! There are plenty of blooms that are either only in season during the winter or continue to bloom all year long (hello, roses). Here are some of the most popular wedding flowers that are in season and gorgeous from December through March and perfect to include in bouquets, boutonnieres, ceremony arrangements, reception centerpieces, and more for winter nuptials.

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White flowers, common species for monochrome garden

Recently, the design of flower beds (and sometimes even the whole garden) in one color scheme has come into fashion. Such monochrome solutions give the landscape an unusual and austere beauty. A special place in this design is occupied by white flowers.

White color will give any flower bed the effect of lightness and airiness. Add elegance and romanticism to the garden. A wonderful combination of white flowers with green leaves and grass soothes and relaxes. It is not for nothing that many people like the white color.

The choice of plants with white flowers is very wide, these are annuals and perennials, shrubs and even flowering trees. You can also choose such plants according to the flowering period, so that the flower bed or garden always remains elegant.

Thanks to the work of breeders, among any species of flowering plants there are white-flowered varieties. It's easy to get confused, even though most of the colors are familiar to you. Let's try to understand a little.



Traditionally white bulbous flowers are snowdrop (Galanthus) and very similar to it white flower (Leucojum), moreover, white flower has varieties that bloom not only in spring, but also in summer.

In April cute bouquets bloom chionodoxa , white color is represented by varieties Chionodoxa luciliae alba and Chionodoxa gigantea alba. Beautiful large-flowered variety of white crocus - Crocus Jeanna D'Arc.

Among the great variety of varieties daffodils and tulips we present only a few. Daffodils (Narcissus) with white flowers: Beersheba, Mount Hood, Ice King, Poeticus Plenus, Cheerfullness. White tulips (Tulips): White Liberstar, Cardinal Mindszenty, Daytona, White Parrot, Tres Chic, Spring Green.

Crocus "Jeanna D'Arc"
Tulip 'White Liberstar'

White lilies are also very numerous, I would like to mention such varieties as Appleton, Annemarie's Dream, New Wave, Speciosum Album, White Heaven, Casa Blanca. Caring for them is simple, lilies are transplanted in the fall.

Gladiolus (Gladiolus) of white domestic selection are presented so widely that it is very difficult to choose a few of them. You can name such as "Moscow White Stone", "Snow White", "Polar Bear", "White Fringe", "Poplar Fluff" and many others.

It will be useful to read:

Common bulbous flowers
Bulbous flowers undoubtedly occupy the leading position among spring primroses. And it is well deserved. After all…

Varieties with white flowers are also present in muscari (Muscári Botryoides Album), fritillaria herbaceous (Fritillaria Meleagris white), garden hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis Antarctica), colchicum Alcumbum 9023 simple .

For lovers of decorative bows, we can recommend a new variety allium - giant Mount Everest (height up to 140 cm, diameter of white flower balls - 20 cm).

Fritillaria herbaceous
Allium giant "Mount Everest"

If you love exotic plants and are ready to tinker a little, then pay attention to tropical guests, who, by the way, are not very capricious.

- Ixia (Ixia), it will become a worthy decoration of the alpine slide. Ixias belong to the iris family and bloom in summer. The flowers look like stars about 4 cm, located on a long peduncle-spike of 12-20 pieces. The xiphoid leaves are collected in a funnel. Has a pleasant aroma. It has white-flowered varieties, for example, Giant.

- Liatris (Liatris), its tubular small flowers are collected in a fluffy ear, similar to a bright candle. It blooms in summer and exudes an amazing aroma (widely used in the perfume industry). The stem is covered with many thin oblong leaves. Spicata Alba variety will delight you with white flowers.

Ixia "Giant"
Liatris "Spicata Alba"

- Acidantera (Acidanthera bicolor), it is also called Gladiolus Muriel, as it has the same xiphoid leaves as gladiolus. The flower has six pointed white petals, with a dark base (most often dark crimson). The flowers are collected in a loose spike, have a pleasant, light aroma. Summer bloom.

We have reviewed some bulbous plants, among which you can choose worthy specimens for decorating a garden in white. Just do not forget that most bulbous flowers have a short flowering and require a transplant.

Perennial flowers

If you don't want to spend time replanting bulbs and permanently planting annuals, then pay attention to perennial flowering plants. Many of them have white flowers and will form the basis of your composition for a long time.

First of all, I would like to note the spring lily of the valley (Convallaria), something similar to it bought multi-flowered (Polygonatum multiflorum), beloved by all garden chamomile or leucanthemum (Leucanthemum). The broken hearts of the beauty dicentras can also be snow-white, for example, Dicentra formosa Aurora and Dicentra White. All these plants will help to decorate the shady areas of your garden in white.

Chamomile garden or nivyanik
Dicentra "Formosa aurora"

Astilbe (Astilbe), which is widely used in many flower arrangements, will delight fans of white with varieties such as Brautschleier, Bumalda, Weisse Gloria.

Fancy exceptionally white flowers aquilegia (Aquilegia) are offered by the varieties Nivea, Alaska, Dove-white, Diamond.

White flowered peonies come in a wide range of cultivars, such as double varieties Ballerina, Baronesse Schroeder, Edit M. Snook, semi-double Miss America, various non-double forms of Jan van Leeuwen, Krinkled White, Lois Kelsey and many others.

Astilba "Weisse Gloria"
Peony 'Krinkled White'

Irises (Iris) also have a wide variety of white-flowered forms, for example, varieties Bubbling Lace, Lark Ascending, Arctic Wind, Zero.

In almost every one of the many species of bluebells (Campanula), breeders have bred varieties with white flowers. And similar to a bell with a wide flower platycodon (Platycodon) also has a white-flowering variety Grandiflorus Albus.

It is impossible to ignore such a flower beloved by gardeners as phlox (Phlox). This plant also has many different varieties and species. Let's name some pure white varieties. These are Belosniejka, David, Pina colada, Neon Jade, Younique White, Panama, White Admiral and many others.

Platycodon "Grandiflorus Albu"
Phlox "White Admiral"

Late blooming Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum) will help preserve the beauty of the garden in autumn. You can pick up white varieties, diverse in height and flower size. This will give ample opportunities for their use in landscape design.

When decorating a flower garden, you can not do without undersized and ground cover plants. They are indispensable for alpine slides, rockeries, as well as for creating low curbs.

Allissum or lobularia (Alyssum) — undersized herbaceous plant up to 20 cm, sometimes annual and perennial. Small flowers are collected in lush brushes. Blooms in early summer. White-flowered specimens come in species such as marine (Benthamii, Compactum, Easter Bonnet White, Klein Dorrit, Schneeteppich) and Pyrenean.

Creeping evergreen periwinkle (Vinca) is traditionally blue, but this plant also has varieties with white flowers (Alboplena, Emily). The periwinkle of these varieties can create for you a beautiful rich green carpet of leathery leaves, against which the former five-petal flowers will stand out brightly.

Arabis "Schneehaube"

Arabis or resuha (Arabis) is an evergreen groundcover with silvery gray leaves (sometimes slightly hairy). Its stems are well rooted and form rugs. Miniature (up to 1.5 cm) white flowers are collected in a short brush. Varieties Schneehaube, Plena.

Among climbing flowering plants, I would like to note the very popular clematis (Clematis). Beautiful flowers of various shapes and colors make this plant desirable for gardeners. For a white garden, you can offer some types and varieties.

- Direct clematis (Clematis recta) - herbaceous perennial up to two meters tall, requiring a garter. Huge loose inflorescences of small white flowers create a fragrant "foam".

Clematis Fargesioides

- Fargesioides (Fargesioides) - unpretentious vine up to 7 meters tall. In mid-summer, milky-white flowers bloom, which look like falling snowflakes against the background of green foliage (Summer Snow, Paul Farges varieties).

- Whole-leaved (Integrifolia) - a type of undersized clematis, reaches only 0.5 m. It is distinguished by an unusual drooping shape of a beautiful bell flower with strongly twisting sepals. White-flowered varieties: Hakuree, Baby White, Alba.

We also note such clematis as the semi-double variety with white flowers White Swan, the flowers of the Valge Daam variety have a barely noticeable bluish tint that gradually disappears, and the Roko-Kolla variety has white flowers with a green stripe on each petal.

Flowering shrubs

Speaking about the creation of a white garden or flower garden, one cannot ignore the beautifully flowering shrubs that have white flowers.

Spiraea (Spiraea) is a shrub that has gained popularity due to its unpretentiousness and abundant flowering. A variety of spirea that blooms in spring, Spiraea vanhouttei is popularly called the "bride". Its sprawling branches leaning to the ground are densely strewn with white umbrella inflorescences, consisting of small flowers. Blooms in May-June. There are many more species of this shrub, and in each of them there are specimens with white flowers. Moreover, they have a wide range of flowering periods (from spring to late autumn).

It is impossible to forget about the clouds of inflorescences of the beauty - hydrangeas (Hydrangea). This shrub will decorate any composition. We note the most popular pure white varieties. Tree hydrangeas - Annabelle, Sterilis. Panicled - "Kiushu".

Everyone knows unpretentious lilac bushes (Siringa vulgaris), but this does not make it less beloved and attractive. No one is left indifferent by chic cone-shaped inflorescences with an amazing aroma. The variety of varieties with white flowers is simply amazing. These are also simple ones - Lebedushka, Monument, Flora. Terry - Zashchitnikam Bresta, Mme Lemoine, Krasawica Moskwy. As well as thick doubles - Pamyat 'o Kolesnikove, d.Alice Harding, Mme Casimir Perier.

Appropriate in any type of garden, unpretentious and flowering shrub weigela (Weigela) will decorate a white garden with Alba, Candida, Black and White varieties. Planting and caring for weigela will not cause much trouble even for beginner gardeners.

Erica (Erica) - an evergreen shrub from the heather family with needle-shaped leaves also has varieties with white flowers. These are Alba, Snow Queen, Golden Starlet, Springwood White, Silberschmelze, Silver Bells and others. It blooms with elongated bells, forming an inflorescence-ear. A beautiful plant, but needs winter shelter.

A very unpretentious shrub of the snowberry (Symphoricarpos) blooms in spring with small white (sometimes pale pink) flowers, but the main thing is that by autumn the flowers turn into white fruit balls that retain their decorative effect even with the onset of cold weather. Suitable varieties: Albus, White Hedge, Rivularis.

Erica "Golden Starlet"
Snowberry "Albus"

And even the usual yellow

White annuals

Annual white flowers can be found everywhere. Aster (Callistephus), Marigold (Tagetes), Verbena (Verbena), Carnation (Dianthus), Annual flax (Linum), snapdragon (Antirrhinum), lupine (Lupinus), matthiola (Matthiola), aromatic tobacco (Nicotiana alata), Salvia (Salvia), Eschscholzia (Eschscholzia) and many other flowers have white-flowered varieties and species.

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