Pictures of a sunroom
Sunroom Pictures, Sun Room Photos & Sunroom Ideas
Three Season Room Pictures
Rejuvenate your life with a three season room. Gain a new perspective as you enjoy the outdoor view from this economical oasis.
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Four Season Room Pictures
Entertain, exercise, relax and enjoy your Patio Enclosures four-season room year-round, no matter the weather or season. Enjoy the good life.
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Screen Room Pictures
Glass isn't your only option. Feel the air and enjoy the view without worrying about insects thanks to our nearly invisible black aluminum screens.
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Our Favorite Sunroom Pictures
Looking for inspiration? Check out pictures of our favorite sunrooms that we’ve designed and built. We’ll let the images speak for themselves.
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Patio & Porch Conversion Pictures
Enclose your existing covered porch or patio for more enjoyment throughout the year without the worry of bugs and weather.
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Before & After Three Season Room Pics
A three season room can transform unused space into an everyday retreat for family and friends. Get inspired with our before and after photos.
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Before & After Four Season Room Pics
Considering a four season room for some extra space in your home? View some of these amazing before and after transformations and get inspired.
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Before & After Sunroom Pics
Having a difficult time envisioning a sunroom in your own backyard? Check out some of our before and after sunroom pictures for inspiration.
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Enclosed Porch Ideas
Our porch enclosures ensure you'll always have the ideal outdoor experience. From front porches to back porches, we've got you covered.
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Solariums Pictures
Truly surround yourself with outdoor beauty and indoor comfort in a solarium. This all-glass room is unparalleled in its views.
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All Season Room Pictures
The ultimate in sunroom experience, an all season room (also known as a four season room) allows you to enjoy your glass-enclosed room year-round.
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Sunroom Photo Contest - 2022
Need inspiration for your project? Check out these beautiful Patio Enclosures Rooms and the winners of the 2022 Love My Sunroom Photo Contest.
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Sunroom Photo Contest - 2021
Our amazing customers shared their beautiful Patio Enclosures rooms with us during our 2021 photo contest. Check out these winning photos!
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Spring Sunroom Photo Contest – 2020
Check out our newest photos from our customers and see how they’ve created their perfect sunroom spaces!
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Spring Sunroom Photo Contest – 2019
Get inspired to create your perfect sunroom. Discover how the winners of our spring photo contest use their sunroom additions.
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Fall Sunroom Photo Contest – 2018
Looking for inspiration in designing your perfect sunroom space? See how our spring photo contest winners use their sunrooms.
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Spring Sunroom Photo Contest – 2018
See how our spring photo contest winners use their sunroom additions to gain inspiration for creating your perfect space.
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Fall Sunroom Photo Contest – 2017
Gain inspiration for your perfect sunroom space. Discover how our fall photo contest winners use their sunroom additions.
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Spring Sunroom Photo Contest - 2017
Learn how our customers use their sunroom additions. View images from winners of our spring Love Your Room photo contest.
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Fall Sunroom Photo Contest - 2016
Can't decide which type of sunroom is right for your home? Get inspired by viewing customer photos from our fall 2016 Love Your Room contest.
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Aluminum Sunroom Pictures
Aluminum is one of the strongest materials available. It is resistant to temperature and humidity, providing years of reliable use.
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Vinyl Sunroom Pictures
Available in our all season room only, our vinyl extrusions are reinforced with an inner frame of corrosion-resistant aluminum or steel.
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Interior Sunroom Pictures
Get inspired with our interior sunroom photo gallery. Great decorating and design ideas. Imagine yourself enjoying your new sunroom.
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Exterior Sunroom Pictures
Imagine a sunroom addition on the front or back of your home with our exterior photo gallery. Get ideas for porch enclosures and patio additions.
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Traditional Sunroom Pictures
Imagine the possibilities with a traditional sunroom addition. Get the additional living space you need with all the sunshine you want for your home.
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Gable Roof Sunroom Pictures
Our gable roof sunrooms provide maximum insulation allowing you to relax and enjoy the outdoors every day in the comfort of your home.
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Single-Slope Roof Sunroom Pictures
Our single-slope sunrooms provide maximum strength; stability and insulation to give you piece of mind and keep you comfortable throughout the year.
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Existing Roof Sunroom Pictures
All of our sunroom and screen rooms can be built into your existing structure specifically for your home. Extend the use of your space today.
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Sunroom Kit Pictures
Ideal for the experienced DIY-er, our EasyRoom sunroom kits allow you to expand your outdoor living space with the sunroom you've always wanted.
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Sunroom Blinds & Shades Pictures
Patio Enclosures offers custom blinds and shades to give privacy and offer sun protection in your sunroom all year long.
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Porch & Patio Cover Pictures
For a reprieve from hot summer sun without enclosing your outdoor space, consider a custom porch or patio cover for your home.
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Commercial Patio Enclosure Pictures
Create a unique and light-abundant space for your commercial space. Our custom enclosures are engineered for lasting performance.
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Windows & Doors
Stanek® windows and doors are the ultimate choice in quality replacement vinyl windows for your home. You'll love the way they look.
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von 100expert advice for beginners and not only
You probably know that solarium is harmful, that it can increase the risk of skin cancer, as well as speed up its aging. Everyone knows about it, but nevertheless, every year girls still go to solariums at their own peril and risk. To minimize the harm, we decided to talk to the doctor and find out, after all, how to sunbathe properly in a solarium.
Website editor
the beauty
Expert advice
Getty Images
A visit to the tanning salon is the easiest way to achieve a beautiful skin tone. True, artificial tanning is fraught with many features and even dangers that should not be forgotten: even one illiterate visit to a solarium can cause great harm to the skin. Therefore, never forget at least the most important and universal rules for visiting a solarium!
How to sunbathe in a solarium: instructions
Natalya Grigoryeva
Dietitian, specialist in anti-age medicine
that just 5 minutes of such a tan stops collagen production for 72 hours. During this period, the fibers of our skin are not synthesized! So, by doing so, we bring the aging of the skin closer.
Skin needs to be cleansed before tanning
If you still decide to go to the solarium, you need to remember that the skin must first be thoroughly cleansed. Therefore, if you are sunbathing in a fitness club while taking a shower, use a hard washcloth and preferably a body scrub. So you will remove a certain amount of dead horny scales, and the tan will lie more evenly.
Moisturize your skin BEFORE and AFTER tanning
Also, your task is to minimize the harmful effects of tanning on the skin, protecting it from moisture loss and dryness. How to sunbathe in a solarium so as not to get harmed? Any moisturizer should be used before and after sun exposure. And it is better to mix moisturizing body milk and some kind of nourishing, oil-rich cream.
Increase the amount of vitamin C in your diet
Whether you're a long-time tanner or a tanning beginner, pay attention to the amount of vitamin C in your diet. It is a powerful antioxidant that minimizes the harmful effects of tanning lamps on the skin. There is a lot of it in fresh fruits, any green fruits, as well as in leafy vegetables and greens. You can take ascorbic acid in tablets - about 500 mg per day. This should be done during the entire period while you go sunbathing in the solarium. But using products with SPF in a solarium, in my opinion, is pointless. If you are afraid of getting burned, it is better to reduce the procedure time to a minimum and do not forget about the rules for a safe visit to the solarium.
Tan activator is not harmful
As for tan activators, these are products that contain substances in their composition that allow you to get a more even tan tone, as well as help to preserve and maintain it. It is this product that is very effective in the solarium, helps to properly tan and achieve the desired shade of tan. For example, they contain beta-carotene, a substance that accumulates in subcutaneous fat and provides a beautiful shade of tan. In addition, they contain many different oils that help preserve and maintain the lipid layer of the skin. They stick together the scales of the epidermis, making the skin smoother. As a result, the tan is more even and lasts longer.
Cover moles and nipples with stickers
Before a session, it is recommended to cover more pigmented areas of the skin (nipples, moles, birthmarks) with special stickers. Such protection is quite enough to protect these areas from the effects of a solarium. This must be done even if you sunbathe in a solarium in accordance with all the rules and the time you spend in a booth is minimal. It is better to play it safe and not expose sensitive areas of the face and body to excessive danger.
Track the duration of the session
How to start tanning in a solarium and how much time to spend under the lamps? It all depends on the skin phototype. People of phototype 3-4 can sunbathe in a solarium for 5, 8, and 10 minutes. Whereas for people with 1-2 phototypes - no more than 1-2 minutes.
Do not go to the solarium too often
The time of the first session should be minimal. I would recommend visiting the solarium no more than 2 times a week. As soon as the skin is slightly tanned (as a rule, 4 sessions are enough for this), go to 1 procedure per week. After a solarium, be sure to apply a product with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients to your skin.
How to tan correctly in different types of solariums: vertical, horizontal
Beginners are recommended to start their acquaintance with artificial tanning from a horizontal solarium. In a lying position, it is easier to relax and get an even shade of tan, moreover, in hard-to-reach places such as legs, feet and the inside of the arms. In addition, the lamps in a horizontal solarium have less power, and the risk of burns is minimized here.
How to sunbathe properly in a horizontal solarium
- The main requirement is to lie down correctly, relaxed, so that the tan lies evenly on all parts of the face and body
- Keep your legs not together, but at a small distance from each other
- Do not keep your head straight, otherwise the central part of the face will simply burn! Turn your head from side to side so that the shade is evenly applied.
- In a horizontal tanning bed, you need to turn over periodically to keep both sides of the body tanned. Do not forget about it and keep track of the time spent in the device.
And yet, today, vertical solariums are considered the most common model. It is believed that such tanning booths have many more advantages than a horizontal tanning bed - from more hygienic conditions for the procedure to increased lamp power, so you can spend much less time in the tanning bed.
How to sunbathe in a vertical solarium
- Since the lamps in a vertical solarium are more powerful, it is recommended to take a bath or shower immediately before the procedure so as not to overdry the skin
- Be sure to wear a protective cap to protect your hair from damage. And if you feel discomfort, it is better to interrupt the session so as not to overdry the skin.
Do you go to the solarium?
solarium and everything connected with it / News of the Society of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory / Newslab.Ru
It is an amazing thing: since the cities and villages in our country have been flooded with solariums, the majority of the townsfolk have been divided into two irreconcilable camps. Some rejoice at the technical miracle and regularly make up for the deficiency of ultraviolet rays with its help, while others frown at an unnatural tan and tell edifying stories about melanoma and early aging of careless beauties with golden skin. I suggest that both the first and the second should be patient and figure out how safe or even useful solarium sessions are, taking into account the peculiarities of the Siberian climate.
Overripe carrots in the left corner of the ring
Summer in our area is short, and real heat with a cloudless sky is very rare. We spend most of the year wrapped up in warm clothes from head to toe. Can this be called the natural state of a living organism? Probably not. A lack of sunlight leads to depression, and skin deprived of ultraviolet baths is more prone to various diseases, from acne to psoriasis.
By the way, all these words about "artificial" tanning are a myth. The process of melanin production does not depend on the source of ultraviolet radiation, it occurs according to the same laws both in natural conditions and in a solarium cabin. Moreover, the "electric sun" generates a safer type of radiation (type A, long-wave), while short-wave rays (type B), which are the main cause of burns in natural tanning, do not pass through the glass.
A tanned body is more attractive from an aesthetic point of view: an even golden skin tone hides unevenness and even slightly masks figure defects. Self-confidence is also an important component of good health.
Another plus of the solarium is that ultraviolet rays help to produce vitamin D in the body, which is important for many metabolic processes.
And finally, a solarium can turn out to be a real friend a few weeks before a tourist trip to some hot country. Few resorts can boast of a rational attitude to visiting beaches on the first days of vacation. And - the absence of subsequent sunburn on the face and body. Irradiating pale Siberian skin with a huge dose of ultraviolet radiation is definitely more harmful than organizing solarium sessions "on the coast" in advance and preparing the body for the features of a tropical climate.
Pale toadstools in the right corner of the ring
After all, ultraviolet rays are a carcinogen. No one has yet died from excessive pallor, but with the widespread use of solariums, the statistics on the incidence of melanoma (skin cancer) around the world has noticeably worsened. Almost every one of us has moles on the skin, which are a small number of mutated cells, albeit benign ones. But if you regularly irradiate them with ultraviolet light, then sooner or later the tumor can become dangerous to health. In addition to melanoma, tanning beds can cause tumors such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell skin cancer.
In addition, even a disciplined solarium visitor cannot be sure that he is receiving useful doses of artificial light: the device itself - if it is produced poorly - can be too powerful and turn even a short solarium session into a real test for the body. Of course, there are all kinds of certificates of conformity, but be honest: do you ask the administrator for them when you come to a beauty salon?
Ultraviolet light dries out the skin (which can lead to premature aging) and damages the eyes and can exacerbate herpes infections. Do not forget about tattoos - ultraviolet can change the color of the pigment and ruin the whole picture. This, of course, is not as scary as cancer, but it also makes you think: do you need it?
Sunbathing properly
In order not to rush from one extreme to another, we will formulate general rules that will allow us to benefit from visiting a solarium, minimizing the negative consequences.
- See a dermatologist before buying a subscription to the impromptu urban tropics. Even if you have absolutely nothing to worry about. This will not punch a huge hole in your wallet, but you will know for sure whether you are shown insolation sessions, or due to the nature of your skin, you should refuse them (as well as, possibly, trips to the beach).
- Suppose you have no health restrictions (in addition to skin characteristics, these include hypertension, thyroid disease, mastopathy, pregnancy and breastfeeding) you do not have. And you do not take antidepressants, the antibiotic tetracycline and some other drugs that cause photosensitivity - this is written in the instructions.
Then it's time to calculate how many sessions you need. We make it a rule that you need to sunbathe no more than twice a week for no more than one and a half months in a row . Total - no more than 12 sessions.
- It is reasonable to increase the duration of sessions from 2-5 minutes during the first visits to 10-15 minutes at the end of the course. Correlate the duration of exposure with your skin type: snow whites should be more careful than the descendants of residents of southern latitudes.
- Upon entering the booth, remove all jewelry and cosmetics: metal accessories can burn the skin during the session, and what happens to the decorative chemistry on the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation is better not to know at all. Be sure to get stickers for the most sensitive areas of the skin: nipples, moles, age spots and tattoos. Better then, using a tinting agent, mask the border between tanned and pale areas. Also, put on a special hat and goggles to protect your eyes, and smear your lips with hygienic lipstick (or even a special one with a UV filter).