What to do with used loose tea leaves

6 Easy Ways to Recycle Used Tea Leaves – Mansa Tea

Now reading: 6 Easy Ways to Recycle Used Tea Leaves


When it comes to sustainability, I have to admit. I am not at the forefront.

Don’t get me wrong. I still care about the environment and do what most of us do.

I use the back of my scrap papers, recycle bottles and plastics, and reuse my Amazon boxes to collect other cardboard boxes for recycling. And I don’t use tea bag as I prefer loose leaf teas.

But I can certainly do more.

Recently, I felt especially bad when I noticed the sheer volume of used tea leaves that are tossed into the trash.

And NYC doesn’t make it easy for us to compost. Not all buildings in NYC have compost bins as it is a voluntary program.

Since I can’t reduce my tea consumption, I decided to research, experiment and put together the 6 easy ways to recycle used tea leaves.

Note that I did not include re-brewing tea leaves in different ways as a way to “recycle tea leaves” as I plan to talk about brewing methods as a separate topic.

Rather, this guide focuses on what to do with spent tea leaves once they have no flavor left for brewing.

1. Used Tea Leaves as Food

This is not the first time I am mentioning eating tea leaves as we previously shared a mushroom fried rice recipe that uses our Smoky Pu-erh (2017).

When adding them to fried rice, noodle, or salad dishes in a similar manner, I recommend using young raw pu-erh, green tea, or white tea. With highly oxidized or aged teas, I do find myself having a mental barrier when trying to add them directly to dishes.

Another way around this is frying the leaves (though I am personally too health-conscious to do this at home) or pickling them.

A quick tea pickle recipe based on Nepalese fermentation practices that Ezra Szkup shared with me is as follows:

2. Used Tea Leaves as a Deodorizer

You may have heard me say not to store your tea in your kitchen because tea is very absorbent.

The other side of the same coin is that spent tea leaves can be used to absorb bad odor!

How? It’s super easy.

I’ve also heard an anecdote about adding the leaves to a pillow to help sleep better.

3. Used Tea Leaves for Cleaning

Usually, tea is the reason I am cleaning. And I recently shared 4 different ways to remove tea stains.

But ironically, tea can be used to clean as well!

4. Tea Leaves for Skin Care

Different types of tea have different health benefits. Tea leaves are full of antioxidants, such as catechins.

Just as many skincare brands advertise adding tea to their products, you can DIY a tea mask, scrub, or tonic for your skin.

You can soak facial pads with tea and put them on your tired eyelid.

You can also add tea to your tub for a bath.

I recommend using lighter colored tea, such as raw pu-erh, green tea, or white tea. Also, test a small batch on your arm or a different spot on your skin to make sure you don’t get any allergic reactions or stains.

If you brew your tea leaves until there’s no flavor left, you probably consumed most of the antioxidants from the leaves. So this approach would work better with fresh leaves.

5. Used Tea Leaves for Art

Making art with tea leaves was not originally on my list, but I loved the creativity of the idea when Marian, one of our Mansa Tea Society members, suggested it.

She said that her daughter steeps used tea leaves to create watercolors.

She adjusts the intensity of the color with the amount of tea and steeping time.

This idea has never crossed my mind, but I can see how it can be a fun artful weekend with tea and painting.

I also heard that because tea leaves are high in tannin, they are good for making a tanning solution for tanning animal hides.

6. Tea Leaves for Gardening and Composting

Unless you eat all your tea leaves, you will still be left with tea leaves even after freshening your fridge, cleaning your cutting board, making DIY skincare products, and painting your new home decor.

If you have a backyard and you love gardening, this one's for you.

A trick for fast composting without odor is to have a balanced mix of greens and browns (typically 1:3 ratio, but it depends on what you are composting).

The distinction between green and brown is by the amount of nitrogen, not necessarily color. For example, brown coffee grounds are considered green for composting.

You can also collect the tea leaves and other compostable items in the freezer to remove odor until you are ready to compost or try vermicomposting.

If you don’t have a backyard, check to see if your city offers a municipal composting program. For example, NYC apartments with more than 9 units have to call to get a compost bin.

[Sadly, most food scrap drop-off sites in NYC have been closed since March 2020 due to budget cuts related to COVID-19.]

Hope this guide helps us become more sustainable tea lovers. As a tea company, Mansa Tea is also in the process of making our packaging more sustainable, so stay tuned!

7 Top Tips For Recycling Your Used Tea Leaves




December 30, 2020

‘What to do with used tea leaves?’ is a question we often get asked at Bird & Blend and the answer is: lots!

Used tea leaves are called 'chagra' and have been used by people all over the world, particularly Japan, for thousands of years. You simply dry your used tea leaves out in the sun or a dry place until they are void of moisture, and then you can use them for a range of things including plant food or bath sachets!

As we are always trying to encourage people to recycle we would love to share with you our favourite uses for your brewed tea leaves. 

What can I do with chagra?

  1. Collect your used tea leaves in a tin or Tupperware box on the side and weekly sprinkle on your flower beds, no need to dry them out first. You can also mix them into soil or compost before planting new plants. The nutrient-rich leaves will help plants grow, rose plants especially like chagra! 
  2. Dry your favourite flavour of tea on some kitchen roll on the radiator, in the sun or in the oven on a very very low heat. Place into little muslin bags to scent your drawers, cupboards or rooms. 
  3. To make a bath sachet, follow Step 2's drying tips and then throw in the tub for a great aromatic soak.
  4. For a great deodoriser, sprinkle damp leaves onto stained or smelly carpets and hoover up to leave your carpets clean and smelling fresh.
  5. Place your damp black, green or white tea leaves into a muslin bag and place over tired and sore eyes to refresh them.
  6. Sprinkle damp leaves onto chopping boards and surfaces that have absorbed strong odours like fish or meat and scrub clean as normal, this will help to absorb unwanted smells and leave your chopping board fresh.
  7. Use rooibos tea leaves to make an amazing, healing skin tea facial scrub! We have a DIY recipe for this here. 

What about used tea bags?

You'll be glad to know that your tea bags can also be reused and recycled creatively. Our tea bags are 100% plastic free, natural and compostable, read more about this and our eco-friendly approach here.

You can easily remove the tea leaves from the parcels by cutting them open and putting them in tupperware and following the steps above, or reusing the teabags themselves. 

  1. Have an aromatic relaxing bath with a herbal tea bag like Dozy Girl. Simply hang over the tap while you run a bath.  
  2. Rehydrate your skin by putting a green tea bag over your face.
  3. Refresh your tired eyes with damp black, green or white tea bags.

Head over to online shop to explore all of our 80 unique and exciting tea blends with cool teaware options to match!

Take a look at our best selling loose leaf tea blends...

Fruit Tea

Strawberry Lemonade Tea

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from $5.00

Rooibos Tea

Gingerbread Chai

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525 Reviews Based on 525 reviews

from $5.00

Green Tea


Rated 4. 7 out of 5

262 Reviews Based on 262 reviews

from $7.00

Herbal Tea

Dozy Girl Chamomile Tea

Rated 4. 8 out of 5

310 Reviews Based on 310 reviews

from $5.00

Black Tea

Earl Grey Creme Tea

Rated 4. 8 out of 5

301 Reviews Based on 301 reviews

from $5.00