Leather chair refurbish
Leather Repair: Fix Tears & Punctures in Leather Furniture
Maybe your favorite cat used your leather chair arm as a scratching post. Or the leather has ripped on your treasured recliner, leaving a nice slice that threatens to expand. If the cost of replacing your leather furniture is more than you can bear right now, take heart. Repair it yourself and no one will be the wiser.
Before beginning, make sure your piece of furniture is genuine leather. Genuine leather is the whole skin of an animal. Bonded leather is created by bonding together scraps of leather to form a seamless piece of material. These repair techniques won’t work on bonded leather.
How to tell if your furniture is genuine leather:
- Read the label if there is one. It’ll say “Genuine Leather” if it is.
- Look for imperfections in the grain. The texture of bonded leather is mechanically produced with a repeating pattern.
- If possible, pinch the material between your fingers.
Genuine leather lightens in color where it’s folded over.
- Does it have that natural leather smell? Synthetic materials have a faint chemical odor.
- Finally, look at the edges of the
To fix a full-thickness hole or cut, gather the following materials (or purchase a complete leather repair kit):
- Vinyl or fabric adhesive that dries flexible
- Soft leather filler
- Denatured alcohol
- Iron-on denim patch for substrate
- Palette knife
- Toothpick
- Smoothing card
- Tweezers
- Scissors
- Glove for texturing
- One sheet each 220-, 320-, 500-grit wet-or-dry sandpaper
- Cellulose sponge
- Scrap of cardboard to use as a palette
- Leather dye to match your piece
How to Repair Minor Scratches or Small Tears in a Leather Chair
- For minor scratches or tears that don’t puncture the full thickness, clean your chair with a quality leather cleaner.
- Once dry, apply a thin layer of leather conditioner and rub it in using a circular motion.
- Continue to apply the conditioner until the leather no longer absorbs it, allowing the final coat to sit for a few hours before rubbing it in.
- Cleaning and conditioning the leather this way removes a lot of scratches.
How to Fix Punctures & Cuts in a Leather Chair
If the leather is cut all the way through, follow these steps to repair it:
- Cut a piece of denim patch a little larger than the cut’s opening.
- Even the edges with scissors to help them lie flat.
- Using tweezers, insert the denim piece, shiny side up, into the opening. This acts as the substrate for the filler. Feel to make sure it lie flat without any wrinkles.
- Squirt a bit of glue on the cardboard. Use a toothpick to apply glue along the edges of the hole, adhering the patch to the leather. Press it down gently with your fingers. Only use glue that dries flexible.
Do not use Super Glue.
- Immediately apply firm pressure with a piece of 2x4 or another hard, flat object. Hold for a minute or two.
- Once dry, clean the surface with denatured alcohol to remove any glue, wax, or oil that will prevent the filler from adhering.
- Use the palette knife to fill the opening with the soft filler. Work it into the edges along the perimeter of the tear in case you missed any spots with the glue. Hold the smoothing card at an angle and grade over the fill to smooth it out. Feather the edges outward with your fingers.
- Allow to dry for 20-40 minutes. To hasten the process, suspend an incandescent bulb close enough to warm the area but not so close that it would burn your hand. If the filler gets too hot, it’ll bubble and then shrink, requiring a redo. When dry, the color becomes translucent and the area feels solid when you press on it with your finger.
- Smooth uneven or rough areas with 220-grit sandpaper. Wipe with a damp rag to remove any dust.
- And another layer of filler, swipe with the smoothing card, and allow to dry. Apply as many layers as you think are necessary for a good fill, allowing each one to dry completely before adding the next. Sand a final time and wipe with a damp cloth.
For Leather That Is Worn-Out and Rough to Touch
If the leather is worn-out, follow these steps to repair it:
- If you have a large area of worn, rough leather, spread the filler over it, smooth with the card, and then, with your hand inside a plastic glove, pat the filler to texturize it so you don’t end up with a large, noticeably smooth area.
- Once dry, gently sand with 500-grit paper. Wipe with a damp cloth before applying dye.
- Use a damp sponge to apply the leather dye to the area you repaired. Allow to dry. If you aren’t happy with the color, repeat the dye steps until you achieve your desired color.
- If the area is too rough after applying the dye, sand again and apply more filler, working it until you’re happy with the result.
Final Leather Repair Results
When done, the repaired area should feel soft and flexible, and unnoticeable to the casual observer. Congratulations! You now can enjoy your genuine leather chair for years to come.
How to refinish old damaged leather furniture? 10 Surprising ideas
No matter how hard someone tries to prevent their furniture, scratches do start to appear on them because of regular and daily use. People may think that their furniture is ruined once it gets scratched, they must know that there are several ways to restore it back again.
Leather couches are expensive to purchase and it takes all our heart to discard them away. However, it is worth mentioning here that leather is a versatile material that has the ability to bond itself over a period of time. This, in turn, removes the scratches that appear on furniture. All you need is a leather repair kit, some material and time to repair your own furniture and save a whole lot of money.
Handy tips on fixing the damaged furniture
Have scratches? No problem
There are different reasons that make scratches appear on furniture. Once a piece of furniture gets scratched, it becomes almost impossible to ignore them. However, there are ways to fix such furniture.
A lot of people believe in using olive oil or orange oil to fix the scratches on their leather furniture. Rubbing a little amount of either of these two oils with the help of a damp cloth in buffing motion helps condition the leather. Generally, it is a nice habit for the health of the leather.
Another way to reduce the appearance of scratched is to rub a neutral-colored shoe polish into the affected area. Follow it up with a vegetable-based oil soap. This solution works the best in case of dark-colored leather.
Re-coloring the leather is easier than you think
Leather is by far one of the best and durable materials for furniture at homes, despite the allegations that it is not meant for homes with pets and children. Leather furniture that begins to get discolored or develops scratches and wrinkles after a period of time can be easily restored at home to its original color. You can purchase a dye kit and leather preparation with applicators or purchase them separately from companies that sell leather furniture.
The color dye can be matched to the original color of the sofa. You can also make a decision to get another color. Star by preparing the sofa for coloring. Lay newspapers across furniture borders, on the carpet or the floor. Clean the leather and apply prep product.
Allow the furniture to dry for 15 minutes before applying the leather dye with the help of an applicator. Apply a leather dye to the entire couch followed by another light layer. Make sure to apply dye consistently through all cracks, piping and seams.
Those accidental cuts won’t be a bother anymore
Make sure to use a circular under patch for leather seat repair in case you are repairing a cut in the leather furniture. This makes sliding under the couch easier and it will produce even better results if the patch is coated with heat-activated glue on its one side.
In case you are using low-cure leather repair compound, smooth it over the cut and take the help of a heat gun to cure it. Hold the gun at some distance from the area of repair as it will help cure the compound without any signs of burning or shrinkage.
Match the dye of the leather and apply a small amount on the top of the affected area. Blend the dye carefully and use a hairdryer to properly dry it.
Pump some life to your flat cushion
Flattened and sagged cushions look awful and aren’t very comfortable to sit. However, the cushions can be given a gift of life, rejuvenating the couch and adding years to its life.
Accurately determine the length of the cushion by filling them with batting so that they are padded up. Add 3 cms to the length and width measurements and fetch a foam of that size. Also remember to measure the height of the cushion to determine the thickness of the foam.
Unzip and remove the old padding and foam before cutting the new foam to match the size of the cushion. Make use of Alcolin spray adhesive to attach batting to the top and front of each block. As a last step, stuff new foam into the cushions. Make use of a handful of batting to fill the corners of the cushions. This will give it a smooth appearance.
How to remove abrasions
Small abrasions can be easily managed without much effort. In fact, they can be eliminated without leaving a trace that they were there in the first place!
Start by spraying the area with water and using a small fragment of 1000-grit sandpaper. Smoothly sand the area with the abrasion until it becomes smooth. Areas with larger abrasions may be required to be re-dyed. Sand the area slowly and stop in between a multiple times to check the surface of the leather. Stop when you feel that it’s time to stop sanding the area.
Pet Urine – you can remove it, but train your pet first!
Sometimes it is an accident, while sometimes they do it intentionally – pets may wet leather furniture every now and then. While it may seem difficult to do at first, it is possible to remove traces of pet urine from leather furniture completely and maintain the health of the furniture.
Soak pet urine from the leather furniture with the help of paper towels. Keep on doing until all urine is soaked. Mix 1 cup white vinegar with 2 cups of cold water. Use a piece of cloth saturated with the solution to rub and scrub the affected leather surface. Wash the area next to remove any noticeable stains. Dry the leather surface with a clean cloth.
How to mend Saggy cushions
You can easily repair old, saggy cushions of your furniture. Start by making a pattern of the shape of the cushion with the help of batting. Using a break knife, cut a shape of the foam that matches that of the batting. Attach the batting to one side of the foam with the help of a spray adhesive.
Apply the spray adhesive to the other side of the foam as well and allow the foam to slide into the cushion smoothly as the betting faces the back of the chair. The foam, thus, gives some support to the cushion. Put the cushion back into the cover once everything is done.
Cracks, no more over your leather
Leather furniture is bound to crack if it is not maintained or repaired properly. The only possible way to repair cracks is by completely replacing the affected area. However, one simple way to make it appear like new is to clean the leather thoroughly and color it again. It will not fix the cracks completely, but hide them. This is not a long-term repair, but saves the leather from immediate replacement.
Patch a leather couch
To fix small cuts with flaps, start by cleaning the affected area thoroughly. Use a leather cleaner to wipe the area surrounding the cut with flaps with the help of a sponge. Next, apply leather glue to the lower side of the flap. Make sure to apply only a small amount of glue. Put the flap back down onto the leather. Wipe any excess glue on the surface of furniture and allow the glue to set properly.
Removing the Ink stains
It is disheartening to see an ink stain on leather furniture, especially if it is light-colored. It is important to make sure that you remove ink stains from the leather once you see them, as it will prevent the leather from further damage and discoloration.
Blot as much ink as possible from the leather with the help of a soft rag. Next, apply a small drop of bleach-free liquid dish soap onto a toothbrush before rubbing it over an ink stain in a circular motion. Lift the toothbrush once the ink mark is completely gone or appears lightened at least. Wipe the leather again with the help of a damp rag.
People get disheartened to see their expensive and exquisite leather furniture getting damaged over a period of years. However, they must know that it is completely possible to restore their furniture with the help of simple techniques. All of the techniques described above come handy in giving a new life to the old leather furniture that might have become discolored, scratched or cracked over a period of time. The greatest benefit of using these techniques is that a majority of them can be carried out at home easily.
Do-it-yourself leather furniture repair, upholstery restoration
Leather upholstery for furniture is considered one of the best materials. It combines durability and presentable appearance. But in the process of use, spots and scratches will still appear. It is realistic to do minor repairs to leather furniture on your own, although a lot depends on the nature of the damage. If the pollution or defect is not eliminated in time, the furniture will lose its value and color saturation of the upholstery. With scratches and cracks, the situation is even worse - if repairs are not started in time, then the crack can grow to such a size that it will be easier to buy a new sofa. 9Ol000
In order to correctly select materials, you should carefully assess the condition of the furniture. This is necessary to understand the nature of the problem and determine how to fix it. To repair leather furniture, you may need professional tools that are not advisable to buy for one-time home use.
If we are talking about simple dirt, it will be enough to prepare a cloth and alcohol. With the repair of cracks, everything is somewhat more complicated. Before starting work, you will need to acquire construction tools - they will be used to disassemble furniture and remove old upholstery. This is a set of screwdrivers, wrenches, screwdriver, pliers, staple remover. Replacing material involves using a staple gun. This is the basic set of tools.
Repair options are available using paint, liquid leather, and other handy tools. Therefore, it is worth buying them in advance. Do not forget about the filler of the sofa - the material may also need to be fully or partially restored. Foam rubber often acts as a filler. Be sure to get a thread and a needle. The sewing machine will do the job faster. If partial or complete upholstery replacement is planned, then a large amount of new material will be required.
Repair and restoration methods
For leather furniture, stains are not as critical as physical defects such as cuts or scratches. There are several main ways to restore such furniture, aimed at both the complete or partial restoration of the material, and at hiding defects. The upholstery will not look the same as before, but the scratches will be invisible. The following repair methods can be noted:
- The easiest way is to repair leather furniture using a product called “Liquid Leather” or its equivalent;
- The scratch can be repaired with varnish or paint to match the color of the upholstery. Here we are talking only about disguise;
- An application is applied or a patch is sewn on the damaged area, if the appearance of the product does not suffer from this;
- The most difficult and long process is the complete re-drawing of the material. It should be resorted to only when repairing with liquid skin no longer helps;
- Hardware replacement.
In some situations, it is not the upholstery itself that needs repair, but decor elements or accessories.
Liquid leather
If you have to work with large damage, you will need to fill the void with foam rubber or cotton. This area is glued from the inside of the upholstery. Use the chart supplied with Liquid Leather to select the most suitable color. The damaged surface is cleaned, degreased, after which do-it-yourself leather furniture repair is carried out. There are no special rules for applying “Liquid Skin” to the surface. The liquid can be applied with a brush or spatula. There is a trick that allows you to give the place restored with the help of the specified tool, the texture from the source material - you need to attach a sample from the sofa to the damaged area.
Choosing the right shadeCleaning the coating and applying the compositionResultPainting
Painting helps in situations where, after a long operation, the furniture has lost its appearance due to wear. In this case, minor cosmetic repairs should be carried out with the help of painting. The paint itself can be released both in the form of an aerosol and in the form of a spray, respectively, it will be easy to repair leather furniture. First you need to evaluate how the paint matches the color of the upholstery, and if necessary, mix several shades to obtain the desired color.
The damaged surface is first cleaned of dirt and then degreased with acetone. It is better to use sprays, they are more convenient to use. The paint should be applied in several layers. It is important that the previous coat of paint is dry before the next coat is applied. To make the paint dry faster, you can use a regular hair dryer.
Selecting the paint Treat with acetone Apply the composition Finished paintingUpholstery
The list of items that should be included in the repair kit is described above. To begin with, the sofa is inspected, after which the old upholstery is dismantled. The side, rear parts of the sofa, as well as the seat, are removed with a hexagon or a wrench. The staples holding the upholstery are removed with a special tool. The old filler, even if it is in good condition, is better to remove for a while to assess the condition of the frame. If necessary, the filler is replaced with new foam rubber, and the damaged parts of the frame are also changed.
The pattern of the new upholstery should be made with a margin of 10 cm, while focusing on the old upholstery. After all the details are cut out, you can start sewing. In the absence of proper skills, this process can be entrusted to a specialist.
The upholstery looks like this:
- The cut piece is placed on the sofa upholstery. It is necessary to arrange the material in the center of the furniture;
- The fabric is wrapped around the edges, in parallel with this, the tension of the material occurs;
- The upholstery is fastened with staples, which must be spaced at least 4 cm apart.
Start from the middle and work towards the edges. This will give you even tension.
Patches can solve the problem of scratches. The essence of the method is to cut and paste a piece of leather larger than the scratch itself. The patch must be round, although other shapes are allowed. The cut-out patch is glued to the bottom of the crack. As for the glue, it must be water-based. It is very difficult to find a patch that does not differ much from the main material, but even if you manage to find such material, the difference will be visible. In this situation, it is worth additionally using paint. The repair is completed when the colorant dries.
Treat the surface Seal up the hole Make a patch Glue the patchOverlays
You can repair leather furniture at home using overlays or applications. This method can be called unusual, because it radically changes the appearance of the furniture. The overlay differs from the patch in that it is placed on top of the upholstery. The overlay serves to prevent further crack growth. Accordingly, the owner of the furniture is aware that the sofa or armchair will no longer have its original appearance. But this can be avoided with a little imagination. With the help of contrasting overlays, you can depict an unusual pattern - it can be an abstract pattern or a specific image. The overlay itself is better to put on glue or sew on with threads.
Threads and needles should not be used for the reason that they leave marks, which excludes the possibility of moving the lining to another place without consequences. The use of glue leaves room for error. As in the case of conventional crack sealing, degrease the desired area before installing the lining.
Wipe the coating
There is a type of adhesive designed to work with leather. You need to look for a tool called universal skin glue. The specificity of the process lies in its effectiveness only for small cuts and cracks. Restoring leather furniture involves careful application of glue. Glue can be applied with a toothpick, a match or a stick of similar size. After applying the adhesive, firmly press the edges of the scratch. Also, these edges can be pulled together with synthetic thread. All excess adhesive must be removed. It is far from always possible to quietly turn this procedure, that is, the place of gluing will still be visible. Then the damaged area of the material should be polished and painted.
Replacement of fittings
Furniture supports, ties, wooden armrests, decor - all these elements can also break due to chemical or physical influences. Repair of these components, in most cases, is impractical. It's easier to just replace them with new ones.
Repair and restoration of leather furniture
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Moscow, Tyumen passage 5 pp. 2
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from 500 ₽ | from 2 hours
we repair scratches, scuffs, cuts, burns and abrasions on any upholstered furniture made of leather or leatherette, including office furniture, tables and interior items.
We restore and paint leather furniture
from 500 ₽ | from 2 hours
we repair scratches, scuffs, cuts, burns and abrasions on any upholstered furniture made of leather or leatherette, including office furniture, tables and interior items.
What kind of furniture do we restore?
everything that is made of leather or leatherette we can restore, including:
sofas made of genuine leather, leatherette and eco-leather. We restore the back of the sofa, cushions, sidewalls and seats.
Armchairs and chairs
Leather armchairs and leatherette armchairs. Recliner chairs, bar stools, chairs for beauty salons and barbershops.
Office furniture
leather upholstered office tables, high-back "director's" chairs, "client" sofas and chairs.
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What furniture do we restore?
all leather... if your furniture is not listed, write to us
We paint scuffs and traces of self-restoration, we repair corners and backs torn by cats and dogs, we eliminate waves and bubbles on pillows
We restore chairs of all types, brands and sizes. Refresh leather upholstery, soften hardened leather, eliminate cuts and tears; completely change the color or alter the new material.
We remove traces of claws and teeth of pets
Locally we repair every bully, every scratch, every bite and trace of fangs; complex damage is altered. We work outside.
Office furniture
We restore office tables with leather upholstery, "director's" chairs with high backs, "client" sofas and chairs.
Pillows and armrests
Stretch marks, wrinkles, bubbles and waves on pillows; paint over scuffs and cuts on the armrests. We restore the anatomy, change stale foam rubber and fluff, install reinforcing bandages
Vintage furniture
Carefully and reverently give a second life to furniture with a great history. Puttying and tinting the wood, softening the old leather with balms, locally tinting while preserving the native texture
Tables, tables and chairs
We paint scuffs, remove burns, traces of handles or hot dishes. We change the material for a new one or alter it into an analogue material
Interior items and designer things
We restore scuffs and creases on gift boxes, cases, cases, trunks and cases. We erase traces of operation on leather door trims, wall panels, ottomans and leather baguettes, frames. Send photos to WhatsApp0003
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How much does leather furniture restoration cost?
the basic prices for painting services are indicated, we can calculate a more accurate cost from the photo or during a personal inspection
Local cleaning of complex stains
from 500 ₽ liquid skin", ink, paints, marker and nail polish. We remove greasy, traces of fat, sweat, oil
Local painting of abrasions on the skin
from 3500 ₽
removal of food and drink stains, traces of independent wiping and aggressive chemicals, “liquid skin” stains, ink, paints, marker and nail polish. We remove grease, traces of grease, sweat, oil
Repair of scratches, scuffs, cracks
from 3500 ₽
local repair of surface scratches, through cracks, traces of claws and fangs of pets, while preserving native material.
Repair of burns
from 3490 ₽
superficial and through burns from a cigarette, large burns with damage to the inner lining from hookah coal, burns of other kind and sense - we remove without a trace with the restoration of the texture and preservation of the factory material.
Repair of tears and cuts
from 4990 ₽
we sew tears along the seam while maintaining the factory line, we repair cuts in open areas without leaving scars and charms. If necessary, we will completely re-sew the element with a new, identical material.
Removal of waves and bubbles
from 500 ₽
we will tighten the stretched skin along the native seam, remove folds, bubbles, creases and folds
Departure of the master to you
services for altering and local hauling at the exit are not provided.
Truck taxi
from 5000 ₽
the price includes picking up furniture, return shipping, work of movers, disassembly and collection of furniture if necessary. The final cost depends on the distance, urgency and availability of a freight elevator. Painting is paid separately.
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We work outside
Tell me when it is convenient for you and Master Lewood will come to you. Perform all repairs and restoration on site without noise, dust and dirt.
You don't have to change your schedule, squash heavy furniture, or drive halfway across Moscow through traffic jams with a pair of leather paint pads in our studio.
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We'll come to you
Tell us when it's convenient for you and Lewood Master will come to you. Perform all repairs and restoration on site without noise, dust and dirt.
You don't have to change your schedule, squash heavy furniture, or drive halfway across Moscow through traffic jams with a pair of leather paint pads in our studio. What can we do?
Basic damage for furniture restoration
from burns and scratches, to “I want a different color” and “sudden embossing”
Upholstery of furniture is expensive and time consuming. Due to the small “kotska”, changing the upholstery of the entire pillow or the entire chair is at least not profitable and not logical. There are two options: reconcile or restore.
You can try to repair the damage yourself, but it is quite troublesome, difficult and at a price close to calling a professional craftsman who has been restoring leather furniture every day for several years.
In your presence, such a master will perform a “little miracle” and completely remove your furniture from the leather upholstery:
scuff marks from the claws of pets (cats, dogs, hamsters, raccoons...) from women's heels, scratches from lightning and metal studs on clothing.
Stains and scuffs
will clean food and drink stains and remove ink from the pen. Covers scuffs from clothing. It will remove the effects of improper cleaning with aggressive chemicals and remove stains from spilled nail polish remover.
Update and prepare
will update the look of leather and eco-leather furniture. Completely repaint in a different color to match the interior or paint individual elements.
Tears and cuts
will repair tears in the skin, we will restore the consequences of unsuccessful transportation, we will repair cuts due to careless opening of the package with a clerical knife.
Mechanical Imprint
will remove unwanted “embossing” marks on leather from pen pressure, hot mugs and other unnatural imprints that do not go away on their own.
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We do not do artistic restoration of wood, upholstery or repair of textile furniture, we do not practice "tuning" or alteration of furniture: sewing pillows, installing decorative buttons, we do not repair metal mechanisms and supports.
Vlad Ostroumov
Head of Lewood studio
how do we do it?
Nine questions about the restoration of leather furniture
what and how we are going to repair the damage, whether it is necessary to take out and bring in large-sized furniture, is it safe for children and animals, how long does it take, what guarantees and other questions that you ask us every day .
The technology that we use in the restoration of leather furniture was invented in the USA in 1989. Since then, something has changed: the colors have become better, and the palette is wider; appeared elastic repair sealants for the skin; leatherette fixers, etc., but the basic principles of restoration are the same as 40 years ago.
Vlad Ostroumov
Head of Lewood studio
Nine important questions about leather furniture restoration
How do you restore and paint?
We use wear-resistant, polyurethane paints for leather, hardeners, elastic compounds for repairing and modeling missing areas of leather (deep scratches, burns), elastic adhesives for seamless repair of cuts and other materials used in private situations.
With the tool, everything is simple: a palette knife, a small atmospheric compressor, a minijet and a hair dryer.
This technology of skin restoration is used in 48 countries of the World, including the USA, Canada, Italy, Portugal, Germany, France.
How long will the entire repair take?
From 40 minutes
Painting is fast, and most of the time is spent preparing the surface and tinting the paint to match the skin color.
So big, three-section leather sofa will be completely repainted in 5-6 hours, and an iPhone-sized scuff will be removed in 40 minutes.
Repair of cuts, scratches, burns and tears takes more time, because before painting it is necessary to “lay down” the elastic repair compound and allow it to dry.
Repair of one burn on black leather will take about an hour, and a beige leather pillow scratched by a cat will take 3-4 hours.
Send us a photo of the damage and we can accurately estimate the time needed to repair.
Need to bring and take away furniture?
Most often not
The master will come to you and carry out repairs "on the spot".
Departure of the master in Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road, free of charge. Departure outside the Moscow Ring Road is paid.
If, for some reason, repair "on the spot" is not possible, then we can take the furniture from you on our own, take it to our studio, restore it and bring it back. We ourselves will lower and raise, for example, a healthy sofa that does not fit in the elevator. Furniture pick-up and delivery service is paid.
You can bring furniture to our studio for restoration by yourself. It's free ;)
Will it be dusty or noisy?
No noise. Of course, the sound of a running mini compressor is not the most pleasant and not the quietest, but it would not be correct to call it noisy. The compressor "rumbles" not constantly, but only when it "gains" air. This is approximately 10% of the total painting time.
It won't be dirty. Before starting painting, the master will cover all surfaces that paint should not get on.
It won't stink. We use de-aromatized degreasers, and the non-toxic smell of paint is aired without a trace in 10 minutes.
Will the repair site be visible?
Others won't notice
Relatives, friends, guests, customers or customers will never think that your chair or sofa had a cut, burn or other "misunderstanding" that was repaired. But you have highlighted how the skin looked before the repair, and for the first time you will “cast” a glance at this place.
The skin will not differ in color. It will retain its elasticity and softness and will not become rough. By touch (tactilely), a non-professional will not notice the difference.
When restoring large areas on deeply embossed leather, the embossing cannot always be preserved. This is the only thing that "can give out" the place of repair, but it is extremely rare.
Is it safe for children and animals?
Totally safe
Skin paint is non-toxic, non-smelly, non-allergenic, non-harmful to houseplants, and non-irritating in any way.
The fleeting, barely perceptible smell of a dearomatized degreaser is ten times weaker than the smell of nail polish and disappears in the first 2-3 minutes after application.
The whole process of restoring leather furniture is absolutely safe for people, animals and plants.
When can I use it after restoration?
Don't wait for paint to dry. The technology for restoring damage to the skin is designed in such a way that the paint dries instantly at the moment it touches the surface.
You can immediately, in the presence of the master, check the place of repair: sit down, touch, pull . ..
Master "normal"?
Excellent craftsman
If you are “waiting for a visit” to restore furniture of a well-built male with Latin roots and knowledge of French poetry in the original language, then our craftsman may disappoint you. If not, then you will be pleasantly surprised.
Our masters are Russian. They are always cultured, neat and polite. They don’t trample the floor with dirty shoes, they don’t smell of fumes, they don’t swear (in front of a client), they don’t “buzz” like budget taxi drivers. They communicate courteously, but not fawningly. They do not sell anything, but clearly and strictly do their job.
How should I take care of the furniture?
Do not use harsh chemicals
There are no restrictions or strict rules for the care of refurbished furniture.
Do not use aggressive cleaning agents. For example, wipe not with alcohol-based wet wipes, but with baby wipes, intimate hygiene wipes, or wet microfiber.
Try to avoid mechanical impact on the repair site with brushes with stiff bristles.
Perfect if every three months or six months, protect the entire surface of the skin with wax or silicone conditioner.
Send a photo to WhatsApp
send us photos of wear in the chat so that the master can more accurately orient you on the cost of repair, terms and possible options
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other repair and restoration services Lewood
Repair, restoration and upholstery of kitchen, office and bar stools
from 1000 ₽ | from 1 hour we remove damage or alter bar stools, office chairs, chairs in the kitchen and living room, in hotels and restaurants into a new material; making cheap chairs expensive and old ones new
Repair, restoration and upholstery of leather tables and tables
from 600 ₽ | from 60 minutes we repair damages, paint scuffs and clean stains from desks, coffee tables, bedside tables and dressing tables covered with leather
Repair, restoration and upholstery of leather sofas
from 1000 ₽ | from 1 hour from basic dry cleaning and removal of complex stains to individual restoration of complex damage or complete re-upholstery with new material with restoration of fittings, carriage tie and anatomy
Repair and restoration of leather office furniture
from 1500 ₽ | from 30 minutes we repair damages on leather office chairs; prints, stains on desks; we sew up and alter cuts on armchairs and sofas; paint scuffs and remove burns.