Easy care houseplants

The Best Easy Houseplants to Grow in Any Home

Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants With No Green Thumb Required


Marie Iannotti

Marie Iannotti

Marie Iannotti is a life-long gardener and a veteran Master Gardener with nearly three decades of experience. She's also an author of three gardening books, a plant photographer, public speaker, and a former Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educator. Marie's garden writing has been featured in newspapers and magazines nationwide and she has been interviewed for Martha Stewart Radio, National Public Radio, and numerous articles.

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Updated on 11/22/22

The Spruce / Letícia Almeida 

Easy houseplants can take care of themselves. Your biggest problem might be what to do with all the baby plants they'll produce. Spider plants, snake plants, and rubber plants are among the best indoor plants that are low-maintenance and easy to keep alive; they are great for beginners. Read on for more plants that fit the same bill.

The 10 Best Indoor Plants of 2022

The Spruce

As with any plant, there is always the threat of houseplant pests like aphids, scale, spider mites, and whiteflies. But disease-wise, an issue you're likely to incur is root rot from too much watering. Thus, the indoor plants described here are also perfect for someone who forgets to water their plants.

If you want to get creative with choosing your houseplant, you can pick a plant based on your zodiac sign.

The 12 Best Plant Starter Kit Essentials of 2022

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  1. Dieffenbachia poisoning. Mt Sinai.

30 Best Houseplants for Beginners

Low-maintenance options to get you comfortable with green life


Jon VanZile

Jon VanZile

Jon VanZile is a Master Gardener who wrote content for The Spruce for over a decade. He is the author of "Houseplants for a Healthy Home," and his writing has also appeared in the Chicago Tribune, and Better Homes & Gardens, among others. Jon began collecting plants over 10 years ago and he maintains a growing collection of rare and tropical plants.

Learn more about The Spruce's Editorial Process

Updated on 11/30/22

The Spruce / Krystal Slagle

If you're looking to start a houseplant collection and haven't developed your green thumb yet, some plants are better than others. Houseplants for beginners are easy to grow and can generally withstand erratic watering, uneven or bad light, and fluctuating temperatures. They can thrive in dorm rooms, offices, and sometimes even dismal corners.

The Best Easy Houseplants to Grow in Any Home

Here are 30 of the best houseplants for beginners.

Best Plant Subscription Boxes

Houseplants that are easy to care for

Caring for houseplants seems to some to be a difficult and time-consuming task, so they do not dare to put even the simplest flower on the windowsill. At the same time, flowers bring a lot of benefits, and many of them do not require a complex care regimen.

Let's see how indoor plants are useful and how to care for them.

Benefits of indoor plants

Home indoor plants not only decorate the house, but also purify the air, saturate it with oxygen and bring a lot of other benefits to their owners:

The leaves of some indoor plants are used as a medicine in folk medicine, making decoctions, tinctures and ointments from them. If you are not a doctor or a pharmacist, it is better to refrain from experiments and just enjoy the beauty of flowers and the clean air around them.

Adaptation of new indoor flowers

No matter how useful and medicinal a new flower is, for the first few months it needs careful care and respect in order to smoothly adapt to a new place.

To understand what kind of primary care a flower needs, groups of houseplants, which are distinguished by seven, will help:

Depending on the characteristics of the plants, care is selected.

The main general rule is do not unpack immediately. Let the temperature even out, leaving the plant alone for half an hour to an hour.

Room Ficus

Ficuses humidify the air, saturate it with oxygen, and neutralize the toxic substances that are there. For a city apartment with windows to the street, this option will be more useful than flowering houseplants.

indoor ficus

Ficus leaves

Ficus prefers good lighting, high humidity and does not tolerate temperature changes. It is necessary to water the plant sparingly, because from excess or lack of moisture, it can shed its leaves.

A warm shower of settled water will help maintain the desired humidity and knock off the accumulated dust from the leaves. To prevent water from flooding the ground, the pot is covered with a film.

Indoor geranium

If you are looking for auspicious indoor plants, take a look at the geranium. Its ability to purify and disinfect the air will be useful in any home. Geranium also eliminates unpleasant odors and dampness, repels flies with its smell, so such a flower is a godsend for the kitchen.

Geraniums have lush flowers ranging from white and pale pink to intense red. The plant loves light and fresh air, but does not tolerate drafts. In summer, kalachik feels good at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, and in winter it prefers 10-15 ° C.

balcony geranium

indoor geranium variety

Too much watering can damage the geranium. In order not to flood and dry the flower, water it when the top of the soil becomes dry. You can check the humidity by deepening your finger into the soil by 1.5–2 centimeters.

Multi-faceted violet

Violets have a calming effect on the human nervous system and are able to bloom all year round. This requires a lot of soft diffused light and high humidity. If the lighting is weak, and the daylight hours last less than 10 hours, the leaves begin to stretch, and the outlet loses its shape.

types of violets

decorating rooms with violets

Room temperature around 20 °C is ideal for violets. In a too hot or cold room, they become faded and drooping.

Violets are hardy houseplants, as long as they bloom a couple of times a year. For a comfortable life and abundant flowering, she needs watering 1-2 times a week - as soon as the soil dries. It is best to water from the pan, draining excess moisture after 20-30 minutes.

Gentle balsam

Seeds of indoor balsam plants are collected in boxes that burst at the slightest touch, which is why the flower is called touchy.

Balsam blooms most abundantly in good light, but shade and partial shade are also suitable for it. There are no special requirements for temperature either.

varieties of balsam

balsam in hanging pots

What is really important for balsam is abundant watering. The soil should remain moist, but do not allow the liquid to stagnate.

Gorgeous Fuchsia

Bright lantern flowers hanging gracefully from curved stems have made fuchsias popular houseplants. They do not require special care. The only thing they are afraid of is drafts.

Both a brightly lit window sill and a shaded place suit the flower. The ideal is to combine these two factors, creating partial shade in the afternoon.

fuchsia flowers

care and cultivation of fuchsia

Fuchsia should be watered abundantly, but moderately, allowing the topsoil to dry out. In winter, it is better to remove the flower in a cool place - from 5 to 15 ° C - and water it a couple of times a month. If fuchsia hibernates in a room, its stems stretch out, so in the spring they need to be cut by about a third.

What flowers are useful to keep in the workplace

The task of flowers in the workplace is to dilute the strict office interior, add oxygen and purify the air, help to distract and relieve stress. Since work comes first in this context, growing indoor plants should be simple, and the flowers themselves should be with bright greens and discreet inflorescences.

Lack of sunlight, temperature fluctuations and irregular watering are common things that indoor plants have to put up with in the office. Best for workplace:

flower for the office dracaena

cactus for the office

When choosing a plant for the office remember that it must be odorless!

For a start, you can buy easy-care flowers that will decorate your home and do not require too much attention - just regular watering.

For the office, choose hardy, odorless plants with bright green foliage. Remember that in the first month in a new place, even the most undemanding flower needs increased attention and care.


house plants, indoor plants, indoor flowers, for a gift, on the windowsill, the benefits of indoor plants

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15 examples with photos and names (the easiest to care for)

Aloe - home pharmacy

A houseplant related to succulents, loved by many flower growers for the healing properties that the juice of its leaves has. With the help of the juicy pulp of aloe leaves, a runny nose can be treated. The unpretentious plant also has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to use specimens that have reached the age of three.

Chlorophytum - air purifier

Due to its rapid growth, attractive appearance and ability to purify the air from various impurities, chlorophytum is often used for landscaping an apartment. Due to the ability of an unpretentious flower to filter the air, it is most often placed in the kitchen.

Pelargonium - blooming splendor

Pelargonium or geranium combines a lot of advantages. The flower helps to purify the air. Velvety pubescent foliage and caps of flowers in pastel, saturated or combined shades make an unpretentious plant a real decoration of window sills.

Spathiphyllum - female happiness

It is believed that this flowering houseplant helps to find happiness and love. Unpretentious "female happiness" is also valued for its beauty. Delicate green leaves in combination with white bedspreads of elegant flowers look very impressive and noble.

Decembrist - winter flower

Schlumbergera (Decembrist) - a representative of the cactus family, the peculiarity of which is flowering in winter, when many indoor plants are at rest. Many pink, white, red or purple flowers decorate the house for several weeks.

Sansevieria - the favorite of several generations

Popularly called "mother-in-law's tongue" or "pike tail", sansevieria was grown by our grandmothers. This unpretentious plant is popular with several generations at once.

There are both compact varieties and specimens reaching a meter height. Dense leaves of an elongated shape have a variegated color and a light edging along the outer edge. Sansevieria blooms in small inflorescences with a pronounced sweet aroma.

Survival record cactus

Cactus rightfully belongs to undemanding houseplants because, like all succulents, it stores moisture and is able to do without watering for a long time. Some cacti can thank the grower with the appearance of beautiful flowers. Not every cactus blooms at home, and the duration of flowering is sometimes only one day, however, this does not detract from the decorativeness of the plant.

Violets - compact home decorations

Usambara violet or saintpaulia is found in many flower growers. A rich palette of shades and shapes, regular flowering, fleshy foliage and compactness of these unpretentious houseplants make them popular.

Monstera - luxurious liana

A large ornamental leafy plant looks impressive in spacious rooms. There are varieties with a monochromatic and variegated color. The leaves can reach a meter in length, and the slits on them give the plant an attractive appearance.

Monstera is a climbing plant and its stem may require additional support.

Hoya - exquisite ivy

Wax ivy - unpretentious creeping plant with small buds that exude a sweet aroma. Nectar is formed on the flowers, which is why hoya is also called "weeping liana". Dense glossy leaves, a variety of colors, regular flowering and ease of care are the main advantages of hoya.

Ficus - variety of colors and sizes

All ficuses are decorative in their own way. There are monochromatic and variegated species, compact specimens resembling a bush, and tall trees with elastic leaves.

Hibiscus - flowering shrub

The woody stem and branches of the Chinese rose transform this houseplant into a spectacular shrub that strikes the imagination with large flowers of red, peach, pink or white. Single flowers bloom for only one day, but in the warm season, flowering is continuous, so the owner of the plant has time to enjoy its beauty.

Zamioculcas - dollar tree

Branches with glossy leaves are formed from tubers in the ground. Wax coating protects the houseplant from drying out, so Zamioculcas accumulates moisture.

Phalaenopsis - tropical weed

The beauty of orchids is admirable. Large plants with large flowers and compact mini-orchids will perfectly complement any interior or will be a wonderful gift. An unpretentious flowering houseplant has long ceased to be exotic, because it pleases with repeated flowering, without requiring complex care.

Crassula - a symbol of financial well-being

Some flower growers still believe in the signs of wealth associated with the money tree. This unpretentious flower is attractive for its beauty. The tight, fleshy leaves and spreading crown shape of an adult houseplant make it an excellent choice for arranging a home flower garden.