Landscape around a mailbox

30 Charming Mailbox Landscaping Ideas With Flower Beds

A daily trip to the mailbox to collect bills is something everyone experiences.

Instead of the boring trek, why don’t you give your mailbox a little makeover and turn it into the most desirable destination in your landscape?

Don’t you believe me? Have a look at those charming flower beds around the mailbox and they will change your opinion forever.

1. Easy Flower Bed Around Mailbox


This mailbox landscaping is a mixture of perennials and annuals that bring a lovely cottage-style vibe.

This bed has been planted with Stachys byzantina (knows as Lamb’s-ears), along with golden color Daylily, Wishbone flower (Torenia), Petunias and Calibrachoa.

A purple Leather flower (also called Clematis) climbs the mailbox post.

2. Mailbox Flower Bed With Climbing Vines


Here is one of my favorite flower bed ideas around a mailbox. Similar to the first one, this one also has climbing deep purple clematis. The red color of the Caladiums, on the other hand, creates an eye-catching contrast.

The biggest advantage of this landscaping bed is the fact it’s very easy to be maintained.

3. More Climbing Flowers Around Mailbox


This pink Mandevilla (so-called Rocktrumpet) is a tropical flower that needs lots of direct sunlight.

As a result, if you decide to use it around your mailbox box – make sure there are no trees around. I just love the vintage feel it brings to the landscaping.

4. Commonly Used Plants Around Mailbox Post


Seems like the purple Clematis is one of the most preferred and best mailbox flowers.

It comes with lots of names around the world such as vase vine, traveler’s joy, old man’s beard, leather flower, and many more.

5. Countryside Mailbox Landscaping Design


This is a great option for those of you who want to build a tiny mailbox garden for their countryside home.

The combination of greenery, the stones, and the wooden post gives an unpretentious look to the overall landscaping.

6. Raised Flower Bed Around Mailbox


I know many gardeners aim to create magic in their garden on a budget.

I love this easy flower bed around the mailbox planted with yellow and red Tulips.

It is a bit raised and surrounded by flat stones which adds an additional charm.

7. Edging Flower Beds Around Mailbox


This flower bed is more spacious than the ones I’ve already shown you.

It reminds me of a minor version of a backyard garden.

Most of the plants are pint-size perennials for shade. You can freely use Ivory Hearts, Astilbes, Petunias, and many more.

8. Maintenance Free Perennial Mailbox Garden


Keeping the garden nice and tidy is a time-consuming activity for the full-time working people.

This is why you should plan well. For instance, here is one of the easiest to maintain flower beds around mailboxes.

The variegated Liriope, dusty miller, and darker grass are herbaceous perennials that don’t need constant care. But they are looking fresh and stunning all the time.

9. Easy Personalized Mailbox Garden


The black color of the mailbox and the post perfectly contrasts with the purple petunias.

The letter written on the stone adds personalization to the design. In overall, this is a very simple flower bed idea but it is still (much) better than nothing!

10. Mailbox Planter Ideas


Does this design remind you of a little house in the prairie? It really does to me.

I also love that there is a wooden construction and the mailbox is not standing there alone, as usual. The choice of flowers is very simple and stylish at the same time.

I guess every DIYer would be keen on building it himself.

11. Stoned Mailbox Landscaping Ideas


When you decide to create a flower bed around your mailbox, keep in mind that is always better to use natural materials such as stones and wood.

They will make it look unpretentious, more welcoming and the bed would fit easier the overall landscaping.

12. Landscaping Around Mailbox


While you are creating a bed around the mailbox, choosing flowers and plants that pair well with the rest of your garden is an essential thing to consider.

That will bring a sense of togetherness and intimacy. Also, try to add some texture by creating layers with the plants.

13. Simple Flower Bed Around Mailbox


This basic but eye-catching flower bed is planted with colorful Zinnia flowers.

They are annuals that are very easy to plant as they are quick-growers and bloom heavily.

Plus, they come in lots of different colors so you can choose the ones that are most suitable for your own landscaping.

14. Brick Flower Bed Around Mailbox


For those of you who prefer simpler designs, I’ve decided to share the step-by-step tutorial for this brick mailbox flower bed. You can find it by clicking here. Enjoy!  😎


I bet every handy gardener or DIY-er would love to transform the old rusty mailbox into something beautiful.

Here is a thing – why don’t use an old wine keg and plant it with radiant petunias? Trust me, the result will leave you speechless.

16. Symmetrical Raised Flower Bed Around Mailbox


When I first saw this design, It did bring me a sense of harmonious and beautiful proportion and balance.

The stones, the flowers – everything is in the right place, isn’t it?

17. Mailbox Flower Garden With Climbing Petunias


I’ve shown you several pictures of mailbox flower bed designs with petunias but this is the first one with the climbing version.

It is basically a mailbox flower tower. A grooved pipe around the post has been used for protection from the soil.

The rest you can see with your own eyes. 🙂

18. Unique Mailbox Planter Box Ideas


This is definitely one of my favorite flower beds around the mailbox. The box itself is house-shaped which makes it unique.

My advice is to give freedom to use your imagination and experiment with the lower part.

19. Your Mailbox – More Welcoming Than Ever


I wanted to share with you this original idea of an old mailbox in the shape of a birdhouse with a green roof (planted with petunias).

Some of you may find it similar to the Icelandic turf houses.

20. Cool Mailbox Design Ideas


Here is an idea how to make a little makeover of the old mailbox design by the hanging horseshoes all over the post.

The horseshoe is still one of the most popular good luck symbols in the Western world.

21. Gorgeous Mailbox Landscaping


This vintage mailbox is almost hidden in the plants.

To have the same result, make sure you choose flowers and shrubs with different height.

In this way, you’ll add texture to the mailbox landscaping. Moreover, the box itself will pair better with the rest.

22. Unusual Mailbox Design


The reason why I’ve decided to share this mailbox landscaping design idea with you is the unusual shape of the mailbox itself.

To be honest, it will take a bit more time to create it with bricks and to organize the greenery but the stunning result is the one that would motivate us to finish the design.

Plants you can use Miniature rose, Lavender, and Hosta.

23. Zinnia Flower Beds Around Mailbox


I’d advise the gardeners who don’t have much free time to take care of the garden to plant Zinnia – very undemanding annual flower which, in fact, is always trendy.

Plus, it will make the mailbox landscaping looks more cheerful and welcoming for guests – instant boost to your curb appeal.

24. The Old Bike As A Cool Mailbox Planter

As I said, the mailbox doesn’t need to be the standard boring type.

For instance, if you have an old bike frame that you don’t use anymore, you can easily transform it into a mailbox flower planter.

You can place a square type of box on the bike stand and spray the bike frame in red.

25. Mailbox Landscape Design With Bricks

This mailbox idea combines a small garden raised bed and mailbox structure made out of bricks. This type of landscape design is budget-friendly yet eye-catching.

Bonus: Layered Flower Bed


The right flowers can elevate your mailbox landscaping by bringing a great deal of visual appeal to the overall design.

Also, adding a splash of color may be the perfect way to make the front yard stand out.

35+ Best Mailbox Landscaping Ideas For 2022

Checking our mailboxes can sometimes be dreadful, especially when we are waiting for a result from an entrance exam in college that we just applied at or it could just be simply something like a regular bill that we are not expecting.

But whatever it is that we are looking forward to receiving in the mail, it will turn out to be a relaxing moment once you decide to carefully design a landscape around your mailbox.

TIP: Think carefully about the landscape design that you want to do. You need to make sure that your mailman is safe and that it is easy for him/her to see the mailbox and place your mails. See to it that you don’t use plants that:
a. attract many bees or stinging insects
b. have thorns
c. block the view of cars or any children on bikes getting out from the driveway
By ensuring those things, you are considering the safety and comfort of your mail personnel.

Additional things you need to consider while landscaping around your mailbox.

In this article:

Bed Size and Shape

Depending on your area, mailbox gardens vary from very small to super large. Make sure that it complements the available space in your area.

Material for Edging

Your edging material can be formal or informal, depending on your landscape theme. You can choose from timber, brick or rock and remember that the edging you use will set the tone of the bed.

Choosing your Plant

As already mentioned, use plants that do not have any thorns and plants must not attract stinging insects or bees. Furthermore, consider plants that will look great in any season. Most people use a mixture of annuals, perennials, and bulbs. You can also think of installing a trellis behind the mailbox for a flowering vine.

Now that we have tackled the basics of landscaping your mailbox, I will give you a list of 35 Amazing Mailbox Landscaping Ideas.

1. Lightweight plastic mailbox


2. Before and after mailbox


3. Cottage mailbox


To make your mailbox more approachable and friendly, surround it with flowers. Mix easy-growing varieties like anise, sedum, hyssop, aster, shrub rose and phlox.

4. Mailbox with annual flowers


5. Mailbox with landscaping, creeping phlox and clematis



6-7. Flower beds around mailbox



8. Mailbox from horse shoes


9. Mailbox in flower pot



Informal mailbox garden


11. Reindeer Mailbox

Christmas is coming! Why not show the spirit of Christmas by changing your mailbox design into a reindeer!

12. Easy mailbox with flower beds

13. Mailbox around by bottle raised bed


14. Mailbox trellis


15. Rustic mailbox with cedar door

16. Rustic stone mailbox


17. Iron mailbox

18. Brick mailbox

19. Old mailbox


20-21. Other stone mailboxes

22. Brick mailbox with lantern


23. Simple mailbox with flower bed

24. Beach themed mailbox


Who says you can’t have seashells for your mailbox? You can decorate your mailbox with shells and color the post with green paint to make it look like it’s in the ocean!


Some other creative mailbox ideas…

30. Customized mailbox

31. Industrial style mailbox


32. Pink flamingo mailbox


33. Vintage mailbox


34. Grey mailbox


35. UK style mailbox

36. Low-Maintenance Mailbox Garden

All these plants surrounding the mailbox can be easily maintained.

37. Classic Charm

If you live in areas that have too much snow during winter and extreme heat during summer, then you need to find plants that will hold up to those seasons. Look for zinnias and lantanas to outline your mailbox. They’re easy to grow and very catchy with their bright colors.

38. Add Your Style

Do not be afraid to mix with the flowers and just play with it. It is important to add your personal touch to your mailbox landscape since it is part of your home. It won’t hurt to take care of flowers throughout the year. Just choose flowers that suit your climate. Don’t forget to spread a few inches of mulch on the ground to remove the weeds.

39. Recycle your Old Bicycle

This unique idea will surely put your visitors, neighbors, and mailman in awe as it makes your landscaping extraordinary. This badass old bicycle will not only function as a mailbox holder but also as a plant holder.

40. Combination of Grass and Beautiful Flowers

Make an interesting mailbox landscape with a combination of grass and flowers. In this sample, we have the perennials and feather reed grass.

41. Hang the Flowerpots

You can hang those flower pots on the post of your mailbox. Use hang pot hangers that are attached to the post to secure your flowerpot.

42. Go with the Annuals

Having annual flowers gives you the chance to change the look of your mailbox landscape every year, and most of them bloom during summer.

43. Go All Out

Be playful and do not be afraid to play with varieties of colorful flowers. It is also good to know that having a yard full of flowers takes less time to maintain.

44. Flower Bed around your Mailbox

You can easily make an eye-catching landscape mailbox by decorating the bed of it with a combination of flowers and stones.

45. Ombre Mailbox

Give your mailbox a makeover by painting it with ombre! This is very sleek and stylish, just choose the color that suits your style for your personal touch.

46. A mailbox with Masonry Base

Gather medium size stones and cement them all together to create this masonry look mailbox.

47. Create a Simple Mailbox Garden

If you don’t have much time to maintain and take care of your landscape mailbox, why not create a simple mini garden for your mailbox? In the photo, shows a collection of different grasses that includes Mexican feather grass and add four-season color to interest.

48. Colorful Mailbox design

Bring back the child in you with these colorful mailbox design ideas! You can paint the mailbox of the characters that you want and add vine for the extra aesthetic!


49. Clematis on your Mailbox

If you want to keep your mailbox uniquely interesting, you can grow clematis on it
Use a wrap of netting or wire trellis to ensure that your mailbox will be scrambled by clematis.

50. Create a Tropical Feel

For a tropical appeal, you can go for a lush or just simply grow a colorful bed of annuals to make your area catchier and more appealing.

51. Mailbox Surrounded by Charming Flowers

Just by surrounding your mailbox with big flowers can make it very inviting and give that close to nature feel. Other than this beautiful pink shrub, you can also add shrub rose and sedum to make a relaxed and lush look.

52. Use a Potted Climbing Plant

Use the post of your mailbox as a place to grow a beautiful flowering vine. You can also investigate having small vines such as clematis which can live long in your garden. Then for styling, you can add no-fuss perennials like salvia, lavender, yarrow, and ornamental grasses.

Now you have all the ideas to use to create your very own mailbox landscape. Use these ideas to make an interesting add to your household beautification. After all, what is life without beauty?

Way to Annapurna, 13 days

Apr '20


Oct '20


What will happen

Minimum age 16 years old

Group size 6 — 12

Accommodation Hotels, lodges, 2-3 people


Desirable physical. preparation for beginners

Leave a request

What's included

What will happen


Not included

Tour program by day

Tour program

[[27.69827, 85.35918], [27.714182, 85.312101], [28.347297, 83.739241], [28.402303, 83.699711], [28.396632, 83.765259], [28.417917, 83.818321], [28.457043, 83.856774], [28.526609, 83.

  • 8] , [28.457043, 83.856774], [28.409689, 83. 823887], [28.239826, 83.986071], [27.714182, 85.312101], [27.714182, 85.312101], [27.69827, 85.35918]]

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  • 8}, {"latitude": 28.457043, "additional": [], "pin": 8, "longitude": 83.856774}, {"latitude": 28.409689, "additional": [], "pin": 9, "longitude": 83.823887}, {"latitude": 28.239826, "additional": [], "pin": 10, "longitude": 83.986071}, { "latitude": 27.714182, "additional": [], "pin": 11, "longitude": 85. 312101}, {"latitude": 27.714182, "additional": [], "pin": 12, "longitude": 85.312101}, {"latitude": 27.69827, "additional": [], "pin": 13, "longitude": 85.35918}]

    [{"latitude": 53.354126, "pin": 0, "longitude": 83.769201}, {"latitude": 51.15084, "pin": 1, "additional": [], "longitude": 86.453904}, {"latitude": 51.172626, "pin": 2, "additional": [], "longitude": 86.561641}, {"latitude": 51.192061, "pin": 3, "additional": [], "longitude": 86.711214}, {"latitude": 51.121692, "pin": 4, "additional": [], "longitude": 86.849793}, {"latitude": 51.128476, "pin": 5, "additional" : [], "longitude": 86.951623}, {"latitude": 51.18244, "pin": 6, "additional": [], "longitude": 87.021658}, {"latitude": 51.18244, "pin": 7 , "additional": [], "longitude": 87.021658}, {"latitude": 51.175667, "pin": 8, "additional": [], "longitude": 87.102245}, {"latitude": 51.211747, " pin": 9, "additional": [], "longitude": 87.294502}, {"latitude": 51.361453, "pin": 10, "additional": [], "longitude": 87.758772}]

    - Overnight stay (3 nights )

    - Number of the day

    - Place of start

    - Place of finish

    Briefly Details

    Meeting, Free time


    En route:
    Accommodation: Hotel 2-3*

    Meeting at the airport. Transfer by minibus to the tourist area of ​​Kathmandu Thamel will take at least half an hour. Accommodation in a 2* hotel. Rest after the flight. Free time.

    • Optional
    • Additional meals in the cafe (1 meal) $15
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Free Wi-Fi in the hotel. Roaming


    Kathmandu, Naya Pool, Ulleri

    En route: 3 km , 1 hour
    Accommodation: Guest house
    Meals: breakfast

    Early in the morning - transfer by comfortable minibus from Kathmandu to the starting point, to the village of Naya Pul.
    The Kathmandu Valley is at an altitude of over 1,000 m and the road to Annapurna begins with a dizzying serpentine descent, with stunning views of the terraced fields scattered along the steep slopes. Along the way, there are stops for toilets, rest and snacks.
    The minibus arrives at Naya Pool in the afternoon. Here the group transfers to a jeep and gets to the village of Biretanti. Walking from Biretanti to Ulleri, to a cozy family guesthouse, takes about an hour. Before dinner, it is good to take a hot shower and relax a bit.

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Free Wi-Fi in the guest house. Roaming


    Uleri (1960m), Gorepani (2860m)

    On the way: 5 km , 5 o'clock
    Accommodation: Guest house

    Climb per day - 900 m. Walk only 4 - 5 hours. The first part of the path is an ascent of stone steps. This warm-up will last 40-50 minutes. Then - a simple and beautiful transition among oaks and rhododendrons. Terraced fields are visible all around - an impressive illustration of the diligence and patience of the Nepalese. Along the way, you will meet a wonderful waterfall, in the pool of which you can have a pleasant swim in the spring. From the last village to Gorepani, an hour and a half walk. At the end of a small but fairly smooth climb. In the upper part of the village of Ghorepani, the group is waiting for a checkpoint for checking documents.

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Climbing, Trekking

    Poon Hill (3210m), Gorepani (2860m), Tadapani (2630m):

    En route: 12 km , 7 o'clock
    Accommodation: Guest house

    Early rise, departure at 05-00. Climbing Poon Hill will take about an hour. An amazing panorama of the mountains from Dhaulagiri to Machapuchhre (6 993 m). The Annapurna South Peak (7219 m) is also clearly visible. Return back to the guesthouse around eight in the morning.
    After Gorepani the path lies down - the drop in height to Tadapani (2 630m) will be 230 m. The transition is about five hours. A protracted and rather difficult one-hour climb will end with the Durali pass (3,180m). Immediately after the village of the same name, the path will continue with a steep ornate descent. First, the descent will go along the ridge, then the path will fall into the gorge. It can be very slippery here after rain. In the spring, at this crossing, despite the low altitude, you can meet grazing yaks.
    One and a half hours of walking is left from the last village. Before Tadapani there is a small but steep ascent for about thirty minutes. Accommodation in a lodge with good young hosts, not greedy and very cheerful :-).

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo


    Tadapani (2630m), Chomrong (2170m)

    On the way: 7 km , 6 hours
    Accommodation: Guest house

    After breakfast, about 5-6 hours walking to Chomrong village. The trail starts with a rather steep two-hour descent and leads to a large terrace with a great view. The good location of the Mountain Discovery loggia provides a constant influx of guests - here you can relax, have a bite and enjoy the great view!
    After a grueling descent to the river, from the bridge over Kimrong Khola, the road leads up again. Then a simple transition for 2 hours, alternating traverses and climbs. Chomrong village is one and a half to two hours away.

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo


    Chomrong (2170 m), Sinua (2330 m), Bambuu (2335 m)

    On the way: 8 kilometers , 5 o'clock
    Accommodation: Guest house

    Chomrong is spread over slopes in all three dimensions. After spending the night in the loggia at its highest point, a leisurely descent begins down the exotic streets. Chomrong is considered the largest settlement in the Annapurna nature reserve. And prosperous - this can be seen from the abundance of good houses and guesthouses for tourists.
    The descent ends at the river, crossing which begins a long ascent to the village of Sinua (2330 m). After it, the trail becomes easier and there will be no such drops in the relief ahead.
    Along the way, there are several picturesque waterfalls and thickets of wild bamboo. With a high probability you can meet a herd of wild monkeys. Then the path again "falls" to the river, along a man-made stone staircase - to the village of Bambuu (2335 m).

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo


    Bambuu (2335 m), Himalaya (2920 m), Machapuchhre Base Camp (3700 m)

    En route: 8 kilometers , 5 o'clock
    Accommodation: Guest house

    Exit to the trail - after breakfast, early in the morning. The landscape around is noticeably changing, the slopes of the mountains are getting closer, and the scale of the relief is sharper... Starting from this day, it is safe to drink water from mountain streams, as they flow from the glacier. The path slowly rises up gradually leads to another world. The forest gives way to shrubs, and soon disappears altogether. Small buildings can be seen ahead - this is the base camp of Machhapuchhre (Machhapuchhre Base Camp, 3,700 m) - a place to spend the night. Machhapuchhre peak itself (6 993 m) rises majestically on the right.
    Early bedtime today as tomorrow we have to leave for Annapurna base camp long before sunrise. For dinner, as a rule, a motley international of trackers gathers.

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo


    MBC, Annapruna base camp, Himalaya, Bambuu

    On the way: 10 km , 8 ocloc'k
    Accommodation: Guest house

    Rise at 4 am. After a cup of hot tea, a leisurely transition up in the dark, with headlamps. The trail is quite gentle, but at night it is often covered with light snow or stuck in ice. Annapurna base camp is at least 2 hours away. As a rule, the group arrives upstairs 10-20 minutes before dawn...
    This dawn will be remembered for a lifetime! Around - a panorama of the Himalayas. The base camp itself is located at the bottom of a giant circus, surrounded by majestic slopes of cosmic proportions. The bed of an ancient glacier that plowed a huge moraine trench is impressive.
    After the descent to Machapuchhre base camp and a hearty breakfast, start the way back. With surprising ease, they rush past the places of previous overnight stays! Bambuu village - a place for dinner and overnight.

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Bathing, Trekking

    Bambuu, Chomrong, Jinu Hot Springs (1780m)

    En route: 10 km , 7 o'clock
    Accommodation: Guest house

    After an early breakfast, the passage to the village of Sinua flies by. Ahead is a panorama of Chomrong spreading along the slope. Its winding streets no longer seem overwhelming. In the legs, fatigue is felt, but at the same time - an unusual elasticity and ease of gait.
    After a break at the observation deck of Chomrong, the group descends down to the village of Jin. A pleasant surprise awaits there - a rest at the thermal spring. What could be better than relaxing in a hot pool on the banks of a mountain river overlooking the snow-capped peaks - just a hot dinner and healthy sleep.

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Free time, Trekking

    Ghinu, Ghandruk, Pokhara

    En route: 5 km , 3 hours
    Accommodation: Hotel 2-3*

    Wake up early and have breakfast. A vigorous transition to Ghandruk will take about three hours. On a suspension bridge, the trail crosses the Kimrong Khola, a tributary of the Modi Khola. Under the bridge there is a huge piece of rock, squeezed into a stone gap ... An SUV or a regular bus will deliver the group to Nai Pula. Then - transfer to Pokhara on another regular bus. After arrival, check-in and a short rest at the hotel, a friendly dinner of real Nepalese trekkers. The group became team

    • Optional
    • Extra meals for the day $20
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Free Wi-Fi in the hotel. Roaming

    Auto Tour, Boat Trip, Walk

    Pokhara, Davis Falls, Peace Stupa, Phewa Lake, Kathmandu

    En route:
    Accommodation: Hotel 2-3*
    Meals: breakfast

    In the morning, after breakfast, we take a charter bus-taxi and go to Davis Falls. This is a large round hole in the ground where, to a decent depth, water falls and disappears. But the waterfall is not as simple as they write about it in guidebooks, and how it seems at first glance. His true name is Patalechango. Away from the pompous main entrance, there is a separate one leading to the underground Shiva temple. Water oozes from the walls, the air is humid... The cave where the temple is located, and all the passages are of karst origin and during the flood are completely filled with water.
    After visiting the waterfall and the cave, walk up to the snow-white "Stupa of the World", from where a stunning panorama of Pokhara, Phewa Lake and the surrounding mountains opens. From there, the path leads to the shore of the lake with boats. A leisurely paddle ride on Lake Phewa will be the end of this day. Not far from the pier, on Lakeside, a minibus awaits the group to Kathmandu. Along the way, there are stops for toilets, rest and lunch.

    • Optional
    • Additional meals in the cafe (1 meal) $15
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Free Wi-Fi in the hotel. Roaming


    Kathmandu, Swayambhunath and Pashupatinath complexes, Buddhanath stupa

    En route:
    Accommodation: Hotel 2-3*
    Meals: Breakfast

    After an early breakfast drive to Swayambhunath complex. In translation, it sounds like "a lotus flower that arose out of nowhere" (the slang name of Swayambhunath is "Monkey Temple", due to the large number of funny monkeys living there).
    One hour taxi ride on KKD (Kathmandy Ring Road) to Bouddanath Stupa - one of the largest and oldest Buddhist stupas in the world.
    Finally, the Hindu complex Pashupatinath, an active cremation site. The place is amazing and unusual. Despite some oppressive atmosphere from smoking funeral pyres, the feeling of endless antiquity does not leave. ..

    • Optional
    • Additional meals in the cafe (1 meal) $15
    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Free Wi-Fi in the hotel. Roaming

    Departure, Transfer


    En route:
    Meals: breakfast

    Collection of things, transfer to the airport according to the time of departure.

    • WiFi
    • Net
    • El-vo

    Free Wi-Fi in the hotel. Roaming

    - Overnight place

    - Day number

    - Start place

    - Finish place


    Hotel 2*
    • 2 people in a room
    • bathroom and shower in room
    • hot water
    • bed linen
    • free Wi-Fi
    Trekking lodges
    • 2-3 people in room
    • bathroom in the room, on the floor or street
    • may not have heating

    All accommodation options

    How to get there

    There: arrival at Kathmandu airport, meeting with a guide with a bright yellow "Adventure Time" sign. On the street, just opposite the exit, there is a special covered area for those who meet, transfer by minibus to the hotel.

    Return: on the last day of the tour, packing and transfer to the airport according to the departure time.

    Time: in Nepal +2:45

    Important: The guide-leader has the right to change the program for safety reasons or force majeure.


    Questions and Answers

    Nepal's postal service works well, but it is risky to drop letters in a mailbox or even leave them to be sent to a hotel porter. Make sure the postal clerk cancels the stamp on your letter. There are few post offices in Nepal, and they are not open for long, so there are usually queues. There are many small communications offices in cities where you can make or receive calls and send and receive faxes. A minute of a telephone conversation with Moscow costs 200 rupees (about $ 3), and everything is strictly according to the meter, but in a hotel it is more expensive and rounds up the time.

    Restaurants in big cities serve European cuisine. But in the countryside, on trekking routes, food is much simpler, and at certain times of the year there may be only a few varieties available. The most typical dish in Nepal is dalbat: boiled rice served with lentils and vegetable curry, as well as fresh or pickled soybeans, which can be very spicy. In the mountains, potatoes, wheat, millet are also typical food. Meat is a delicacy and is served mainly on holidays and special occasions. Do not forget that in Hindu Nepal, the cow is sacred - beef is not eaten there. If meat is served, it is most likely buffalo, goat, chicken, or even yak meat. Vegetables can be consumed only after heat treatment, fruits - washed with running water and then with drinking purchased water. From dairy products, you can only use boiled milk in any form, for example, with tea, and it is better to exclude cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream altogether. In Nepal, they eat twice a day: around 10-11 am and 5-7 pm, and in the morning they drink a cup of tea with milk and spices. This tea invigorates better than strong coffee.

    There are no trains in Nepal and most parts of the country can be reached on foot or by air. In towns around every corner you can hire a rickshaw, an auto rickshaw or take a taxi. It is not expensive. Bargaining is appropriate, except on the bus. Drivers often don't have change, so carry small bills with you. City buses are cheap, but crowded and slow. Intercity buses, especially tourist buses, are quite acceptable. For longer trips, you can also take a taxi or a private car, but this is expensive, as is a motorcycle rental. Bicycles are the cheapest form of urban transport and often the most convenient, as taxis are hard to come by after dark and the price doubles.

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    Sample sentences:

    Whatever our present hope, heavenly or earthly, can't we also be chaste in our service to God? 不管我们目前的希望是什么,无论是天上的还是地上的,我们难道不能同样全心全意地侍奉丐︝
    An earthly opportunity or, as many professing Christians, Jews and Muslims believe, simply a symbol of a blessed state after death? 世俗的可能性,或者像许多自称是基督徒,犹太人和穆斯林所相信的邾样,仅仅是死后幸珚衁漀
    Life never ends, but earthly life ends. 生命永无止境,但尘世的生命却止息。
    In fact, the locust is the "shrimp" of the earth, and it will be very useful in our diet. 实际上,蝗虫是土地的“虾”,对我们的饮食非常有益。
    And if terrestrial life can't survive on Mars, they argue, we don't have to worry about sending more. 他们认为,如果地球生命无法在火星上生存,我们就不必担心会发送更多的火星。
    You are the most down to earth, natural, beautiful woman I have ever seen. 你是我见过的最朴实,自然,美丽的女人。
    Maybe it's earth technology, but it's like finding a mobile phone in the Middle Ages. 可能是地球技术,但这就像在中世纪找到一部手机。
    Nude... you are as simple as your hand... smooth, earthy, tiny... round, transparent. 赤裸裸...你像一只手一样简单...光滑,陆地,微小...圆形,透明。
    Away, earthly dirt. You have infected the offspring of the Unspeakable Slime! 牛骨,你是大地的污秽。您感染了无法言说的粘液的后代!
    This is an old terrestrial breed that adapted to Canaan, becoming a vigorous, prolific animal during the transitional period. 这是一种古老的地球应变,已经适应了迦南,在过渡期间变成了旺盛的肥沃野兽。
    To destroy the constructed word, a social revolution is needed, an earthly revolution. 要汤姆和玛丽于去年夏天结婚,但不是必须的。拆除人造词,需要进行社会革命,进行地面革命
    The earliest Ghost Dance had a strong influence on religions such as the Earth Lodge, the Bole Maru Religion and the Dream Dance. 最早的鬼舞对地球小屋、伯乐玛鲁宗教和梦幻舞等宗教产生了重大影响。
    The Earth's crust is composed of approximately 5% heavy metals by weight, of which 95% is iron. 的重金属构成,其中铁占这一数量的 95%。
    Since Catalina Island was never connected to mainland California, all terrestrial life was originally absent from it. 由于卡塔利娜岛从未与加利福尼亚大陆相连,因此它原本缺乏所有的陆地生命。
    Davis is the first Antarctic earth station in Australia, with the first ANARESAT satellite tracking antenna for communications installed on March 1987 years old. 1987年3月安装了第一个用于通信的卫星跟踪天线ANARESAT
    Before radio observations in the 1960s, many believed that Venus had a lush terrestrial environment. 在 1960
    Critics have accused Slaughterhouse Five of being a quietist work because Billy Pilgrim believes that free will is a bizarre earthly illusion. 批评家 指责 《五 号 屠场 是 一 部 安静 作品 , 因为 比利 · 皮格里姆 (Billy pilgrim) 相信 意志 的 概念 是 一 古朴 的 地球人。。。。 幻想 幻想 幻想 幻想
    The Robinsons finally arrive at their destination, the Alpha Centauri system, only to be surprised to find that an Earth colony has already settled there. 罗宾逊 一 家 终于 到达 了 的 目的地 , 半 阿尔法 星 系 , 但 他们 惊讶 地 发现 已经 建立 了 一 个 地球。。
    A terrestrial planet must be the right size, like Earth and Venus, to retain an atmosphere. 类地行星必须像地球和金星一样大小合适,才能保留大气层。
    The SBS earth station was developed by IBM. SBS
    After the devastating earthquake in Nepal in 2015, the earth's basic infrastructure was destroyed. 2015年尼泊尔大地震后,地面基础设施遭到破坏。
    Astraeus hygrometricus , commonly known as the hygroscopic earth star , barometric earth star , or false earth star , is a species of fungus in the family Diplocystaceae .

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