Pruning crepe myrtle in summer
What Month to Prune a Crepe Myrtle | Home Guides
By SF Gate Contributor Updated June 09, 2020
Pruning crepe myrtles in summer is not the optimal time of year to trim your trees, unless you wait until after they bloom. Crape myrtles (Lagerstroemia spp.) signal the beginning of summer with a profusion of colorful flower clusters. Floridata notes that some cultivars continue to bloom for as long as 120 days, making this tree or large shrub a popular landscape plant.
The Missouri Botanical Garden lists crape myrtle's perennial range as U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 to 9. These plants are available in a variety of cultivar heights from 18-inch bushes to 40-foot trees. Crape myrtles rarely need pruning, other than occasional maintenance cutting or the removal of unhealthy branches. Because these shrubs flower on new growth, it is important to prune at the correct time to avoid ruining flower development, whether you're pruning dwarf crepe myrtles or full-size cultivars.
Pruning Crape Myrtles in Winter
Crape myrtles are dormant through the winter months of December, January and February. Although the leaves begin falling from the shrub in late fall, it may take a month or more before all the leaves have fallen.
Clemson Cooperative Extension recommends the best time of year to prune crape myrtles to stimulate new growth is late winter to early spring, when the shrub is fully dormant and the branches are leafless and exposed. The naked branches give you a view of the structure and frame of the shrub. This is the month to prune out the interior of the plant, if needed, to improve air circulation.
Check the shrub for any dead, diseased or broken branches and remove them. If you are training your crape myrtle to a tree shape, remove any suckers at the base of the plant and prune off lateral branches on the lower trunk. Cuts made during February often develop new growth in spring and flowers in summer.
Spring Pruning Crepe Myrtle Trees
Dormancy continues into March and sometimes April. By May, crape myrtles are showing new growth and beginning to set buds for flowers. Limit aesthetic pruning to March or early April, cutting only those branches that do not yet show new growth. Cutting new growth at this time decreases the summer’s flower production.
If you didn’t remove them in February, go ahead and prune any broken, dead or diseased branches. This type of maintenance pruning should be performed throughout the year to prevent the spread of plant diseases. Continue removing any suckers or lateral branches on the trunk, if you are pruning for a tree shape.
Summer Pruning Crepe Myrtle Trees
June signals the start of crape myrtle’s blooming season, although it may begin a few weeks before or after the start of summer. The only pruning you should do at this time is to remove branches for the health of the shrub. If you are pruning your crape myrtle to a tree shape, remove any suckers or lateral branches, as well.
As the summer passes through July and August, you may want to trim off dead flowers. Doing this sometimes results in a second bloom period, but the upcoming winter may damage the tender new growth. Removing seed pods from crepe myrtle toward the end of summer helps control unwanted seedlings popping up in your lawn if you have a sterile cultivar.
Fall Pruning Crepe Myrtle Trees
As the weather cools, growth stops and the leaves begin to fall from the trees. Pruning crape myrtles in the fall may make the plant susceptible to freeze damage. Pruning stimulates new growth that may not survive cold temperatures.
As in the rest of the year, it is fine to remove branches for the health of the tree as well as suckers and lateral branches, if you want your crape myrtle to develop a tree shape. Otherwise, allow your crape myrtle to rest during September, October and November. Any shape pruning or pruning to open up the interior of the tree should wait until late winter in February.
Sanitizing Pruning Tools
The University of Florida IFAS Extension recommends sanitizing pruning tools to help prevent the spread of diseases. Before making cuts to your crape myrtle, dip or wipe the blades in a solution of ethanol or isopropyl alcohol.
- Southern Living: Crepe Myrtle Pruning Step-by-Step
- Clemson University Cooperative Extension: Crape Myrtle Pruning
- Floridata: Lagerstroemia Indica
- Missouri Botanical Garden: Lagerstroemia Indica
- University of Florida IFAS Extension: Disinfecting Your Garden Tools
- United States Department of Agriculture: USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
How to Keep Your Crape Healthy –
Don't be a victim of the unnecessary practice of trimming off the tops of your crape myrtles (also called crepe myrtles) and leaving them bare. Many are daunted by proper pruning, but they shouldn't be. Pruning crape myrtles doesn't have to be complicated!
Sure, lopped-off crapes usually bounce back, but not with the best blooms possible. In fact, these crape myrtles would often be better off unpruned than cut completely. If you want to upgrade your crape game, check out our tips'll be well on your way to the best yard on the block!
When Should You Prune Crape Myrtles?
Crape myrtle trees are summer bloomers and only produce flowers on new growth. Once they break dormancy, this new growth will rapidly emerge. Therefore, it’s good to remove a few of the older branches to make way for the new growth. Trimming crape myrtles in the late winter or early spring is a good idea in order to keep them neatly shaped.
Some gardeners trim off dead wood and cut branches from their crape myrtles late in the fall, before the first frost and after the last of the blooms have faded. Only do this if you live in the mildest areas of your tree's hardiness growing zones! Generally, crape myrtles in the fall should be left to grow.
A rule of green thumb: The ideal time to prune will be late winter, February or March; however, you can wait until April to prune your crape myrtle if you live in milder growing zones.
Trimming Crape Myrtles
If you do want to heavily trim your tree, wait until late winter and cut it back by half. Most people do this when their trees get too large, especially when they’re planted under power lines, or extremely close to their homes. crape myrtles are extremely tough trees, and often survive heavy pruning, but we don’t recommend cutting them back past half their size.
How Not to Prune Crape Myrtles
Before we discuss the benefits of pruning crape myrtles (and how to take on pruning properly), we’re going to tell you how not to prune them!
1. Don’t prune your crape myrtle trees in the summer or fall. This could stress the trees out. The summer heat will be too hot and stressful for new growth.
2. Don’t deadhead them! Although deadheading is common for a few different shrubs, you’ll hurt your chances for blooms by deadheading crapes. Small branches will grow from the stubbed trunks, and they might be too weak to support blooms.
3. Don’t use dirty or old pruners. Make sure that your tools are clean and sterile to make good clean cuts. If it takes a few tries to cut through a branch, and the cut is jagged, then it may get infected.
4. Don’t feel bad if you don’t prune your trees. It isn’t necessary to prune crape myrtles, even if it can improve bloom production. These tough trees will grow fine in their natural form and natural shape.
Pruning Tools for Crape Myrtles
1. Hand pruners: A small pair of pruners generally used to prune small branches and shrubs with stems no larger than half an inch wide.
2. Loppers: A larger pair of pruners with long handles. These are used to prune branches that are about half an inch to 1.5 inches wide.
3. A pole saw: A small saw on a pole. They’re generally used to prune branches over 1 to 1.5 inches thick.
4. Chainsaw: In some cases, when people want to seriously prune crape myrtles, a chainsaw may be preferred in order to prune thick branches and trunks. We only recommend the use of chainsaws for trained professionals.
What is the Correct Method of Pruning?
When you’re pruning crape myrtles in dormancy and want to know which branches to trim, look for any damaged, dead or broken branches. This will prevent the trees from getting infected or spreading disease.
To check if branches are dead, gently rub the bark with a coin or your fingernail. If the flesh under the bark is a light color like green, yellow, or white, the branch is still alive and healthy. If the color under the bark is brown or black, the branch is dead and needs to be cut back.
Furthermore, look for any branches that cross or rub. It will be good to remove them before they break. It’s best to remove a few branches from the center of the tree to allow more sunlight to hit lower branches and create better airflow. This sunlight will provide more blooms and growth, as well as dry out branches and prevent mold. Ensure that you remove any branches that take away from the shape that you desire for your trees, like branches growing at odd angles.
Before you begin pruning crape myrtles, study them and create a game plan for what you want to remove. You can always go back and prune later, but you never want to over prune your tree or thin it out too much! Pruning crape myrtles too heavily can damage them, resulting in what's called "crape murder."
When pruning branches, make your cuts back to about a third of their size. Make the cuts at 45-degree angles, facing upwards, to promote new growth. If you don’t want a particular branch to grow back, cut it back to about an inch away from the trunk. Make the cut straight across the branch.
If you see new growth at ground level, around the trunks of your trees, remove these. Pull upwards on them in a twisting motion to remove these 'suckers', which generally steal nutrients from the rest of the tree.
The wooden pods that remain don’t need to be removed. They will naturally drop to make way for new blooms. However, to get faster blooms after each blooming cycle, you can remove them by picking them off by hand.
Only Prune Your Crape Myrtles When Necessary
Unnecessary pruning of your crape myrtle commonly results in knobby stems and bunchy growths, making them more easily susceptible to diseases and pests. Remember that only a light pruning of your crape myrtle is needed to encourage plenty of blooms. Trim to your desired size and height, but leave your tree intact.
Interested in purchasing a crape myrtle? We sell a variety of sizes and colors to choose from! And be sure to view our Crape Myrtle Varieties guide for further planting and care tips, as well as specific variety suggestions.
Should crape myrtles be topped?
Topping crape myrtles is not recommended, as this involves removing branches, leaves and blooms from the top down, leaving only bare trunks. As a result, this weakens the tree’s immune responses, making it more susceptible to diseases and pests.
Can I prune a crape myrtle in the summer?
We don’t recommend pruning crape myrtles in summer since the heat will likely be too hot and stressful for new growth, causing strain on the trees.
Do crape myrtles really need pruning?
Don’t feel like you have to prune your crape myrtles. Although pruning is beneficial for improving bloom production, crape myrtles are tough and can grow adequately in their natural shape and form.
Blair Brown
Blair is the Content Marketing Manager at, and though she's not your traditional gardener, the planting world is definitely growing on her (pun intended!). She's enjoyed digging into plant care and maintenance and growing her plant collection, especially with exotic indoor varieties.
how to prune, when to shape the plant and what care is needed after the procedure?
Myrtle is perfect for lovers of indoor plants, as it is known for its healing effect, it can decorate the interior, clean the air from germs and bacteria. Knowing the basics of shrub care, you can get a beautifully shaped plant with fragrant flowers.
You will learn how to cut myrtle and organize proper care for it, taking into account all the subtleties of the content, from this article.
Why is pruning necessary?
By trimming the shoots, you can achieve a neat crown. If you pinch the branches all year round, the density of the bush will increase. However, the measure should be observed: with frequent pinching, the likelihood of flowering is reduced.
When should the plant be pruned?
Pruning of myrtle at home is carried out in the spring before the vegetative period strictly once every two years.

If it is necessary to achieve annual flowering, pruning is carried out in summer after flowering or in winter. Thus, it is important to decide: the grower needs the appearance of a neat branching shrub or flowering plant.
How to form a bush?
Systematic pruning of myrtle will help to achieve a decorative look and will allow you to shape the plant according to the wishes of the grower. Regardless of the final goal , it is important to pinch and trim the shoots correctly:
- the formation is carried out in the spring after the beginning of the growth of new shoots;
- pinching possible during the growing season;
- if you want to give the shape of a trunk, you need to cut off the lower branches;
- to obtain a branchy shrub, pinch the tops of the shoots;
- bonsai is created when the plant reaches the age of three, for this, the top leaves are regularly pinched;
- winter pruning is not carried out.
Crown formation is associated with lighting.
For uniform growth, the pot with the tree is periodically rotated around its axis: this way the leaves will receive an equal amount of light.
- If the plant is not pruned, it will take the shape of a pyramid.
- Trim the top to create a squat, thick cushion.
- By cutting off the sides, you can get a high crown.
Further care
If the grower wants myrtle to bloom, the following conditions are met:
- the required amount of light, fresh air;
- pruning at the end of winter or no pruning;
- tight container;
- in winter, the plant rests in the cool, and it is rarely watered during this period.
Since the tree is sensitive to temperature, the temperature regime must be observed. In spring and autumn the temperature should be 20-22 °C, in winter + 10-12°C.
Important! In summer, in sunny weather, the myrtle should be taken out onto the balcony.
The myrtle tree loves moisture, so it's important to mist it frequently. You can also put a humidifier nearby. For myrtle, bright sunlight with shading is useful.
During active development, the plant is watered with warm settled water four times a week. In winter, watering is carried out once every ten days.
A drainage layer is created to avoid moisture stagnation. Planters for common myrtle are chosen with drainage holes: this helps to accommodate a bulky root system, drainage and avoid moisture stagnation.
The soil is purchased universal with a slightly acidic reaction or a substrate for citrus fruits. To make the soil nutritious and breathable, add to the soil:
- vermiculite;
- brick chips;
- coconut substrate.
Soil composition can be improved with powdered charcoal or crushed moss.
From the beginning of March to the beginning of October the bush is fertilized every two weeks.

- Before the myrtle blossoms use a solution for decorative foliage plants, which contains nitrogen in a large dose.
- With the appearance of buds , a fertilizer with a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium is used: it is necessary to dilute the product twice and give after watering.
After top dressing, the shrub is kept in the shade for a day.
If a tree plant is poorly cared for or kept in unsuitable conditions, it becomes sick or attacked by pests.
The appearance of the myrtle will tell about the poor state of health:
- yellowing of the leaves is a sign of a lack of nutrients, so you need to feed;
- roots and stem base rot as a result of deepening of the root collar during transplantation, in this case it is impossible to reanimate the plant;
- leaf fall indicates a lack of light, dry air or incorrect watering, so it is important to put the tree in a well-lit place, spray more and adjust watering;
- elongation of the stem and blanching of the leaves is also observed with a lack of light;
- leaves become dull and their edges curl when exposed to excessive direct sunlight, it is important to shade the plant;
- when attacking a myrtle tree with a scale insect, mealybug and spider mite, insecticides are used.
Common myrtle is perfect for flower growers, as it is a beautiful plant that allows you to give the crown any shape.
Myrtle trimming at home
- 1 Myrtle is a beautiful medicinal plant that can be grown at home, following certain rules.
- 2 myrtle - Live legend
- 3 Medicinal properties
- 4 Care at home
- 6 Content
- 7 General information
- 8 Types and varieties
- 8.1 Mart Bonsai
- 8 Boetica)
- 9 Myrtle home care
- 10 pruning MIRTA
- 11 Transplant MIRTA
- 16 Description of MIRTA and its features
- 900.16.1 Description
- 16.2 Features
- 17.1 Dormant period
- 20.
1 Planting plants with cuttings
- 20.2 MIRT from seeds at home
MIRT - Beautiful MIRT - Beautiful MIRT - Beautiful MIRT - Beautiful MIRTA which can be grown at home, following certain rules.
Myrtle is not just beautiful flowers, but also fragrant shiny leaves, fruits with a charge of vivacity, as well as an inexhaustible, evergreen, source of essential oils for your home. Myrtle can be grown at home, forming a neat tree. Caring for myrtle is quite simple.
In nature, myrtle grows in the countries of southern Europe, in Western Asia and North Africa in oak and pine groves, in thickets of shrubs. Myrtle grows slowly, so it begins to bloom in four to five years.
Since ancient times, people have appreciated myrtle for its true worth: the leaves are dry and fresh as a seasoning, and the essential oil is used in perfumery and medical procedures.
Myrtle is a living legend
Myrtle is described in many legends and legends. In an ancient Arab legend, myrtle grew on the ground from a branch of the plant that Adam took with him from paradise on the day of his exile, in order to transfer to our sinful earth at least one of those plants that adorned paradise forever lost to man.
In ancient Greece, myrtle was dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite as a symbol of supreme power and honor, youth and beauty.
In ancient Rome, myrtle was revered as the tree of the goddess Venus. Temples were decorated with myrtle trees, and wild myrtle groves were dedicated to Venus. Both the Romans and the Greeks crowned the bride's head with a myrtle wreath. The emperors of Rome bathed in baths with myrtle brooms.
There was a custom in the Baltics: every girl grew a myrtle tree and on her wedding day put a wreath of its branches on her head. Wine infusion from the fruits of myrtle was considered an elixir of health and vigor, myrtle water was used to give freshness to the skin. A myrtle tree is given for a wedding as a symbol and a wish for happiness.
In the Ipatiev Monastery, there is a fresco depicting Christ offering myrtle branches to the Mother of God.
In the countries of the East, bouquets and wreaths of myrtle with roses were a favorite wedding decoration.
In England, the bride was presented with a bouquet of orange and myrtle flowers.
Medicinal properties
The ancient Egyptians treated myrtle for facial ticks, and the Romans considered it a reliable remedy for diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary systems.
Myrtle is a strong aphrodisiac, so the Greeks made myrtle a symbol of love and immortality, and myrtle has been included in love potions since ancient times. According to legend, Theseus' wife Phaedra fell in love with her stepson Hippolytus in the shade of a myrtle tree.
Myrtle oil was the basis of perfumes and tart wines, such as the Roman "myrtidanum".
Olympic champions were crowned not only with laurel, but also with myrtle wreaths. Myrtle is mentioned in the Bible (the Book of Nehemiah and the Book of Zechariah).
Dried and ground leaves used as baby powder. Later, in the 16th century, myrtle was believed to help against skin cancer. The oil was part of the "angelic water" - a tonic for the skin.
Myrtle fruits. Photo: landscape architect's pages
Avicenna paid much attention to myrtle, describing its medicinal properties. Myrtle has an antiseptic, bactericidal, carminative, expectorant and astringent effect. However, with prolonged use, irritation of the mucous membranes is possible.
Essential oil of myrtle is supposed to have an active cleansing action and is useful, in particular, in pulmonary diseases, especially those accompanied by increased night sweats.
The sedative properties of myrtle promote good sleep and are probably more suitable for evening use than eucalyptus oil, which has a stimulating effect. Both of these oils remove excess moisture well, help with catarrhal bronchitis and sinusitis. Myrtle effectively counteracts the development of infection.
Myrtle oil normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system, relieves suffering from hemorrhoids, diarrhea and dysentery. The antiseptic properties of myrtle help to cope with cystitis and urethritis, relieve congestion in the organs of the pelvic region. Myrtle has a tonic effect on the uterus. It has a reputation as a reliable antiparasitic agent.
Myrtle's astringent properties correct swollen skin and are used in the treatment of acne. Myrtle cleanses the skin, dissolves hematomas. Reduces the flaking of the skin characteristic of psoriasis.
Extracts from myrtle leaves are active against microbes. Phytoncides secreted by myrtle purify the air of the room and help to cope with influenza and acute respiratory infections. Myrtle does not cause allergic reactions.
Home care
The culture of myrtle dates back about 400 years. It is now cultivated throughout the Mediterranean, where, along with rosemary, it is a familiar landscape element. For some time, the essential oil from Corsica was considered the best. Today, most of it is produced in Morocco, Austria and Tunisia.
Garden forms of myrtle differ from natural ones in leaves and fruit color, are not frost-resistant and can grow only in regions with a mild climate.
Myrtle grows in any well-drained soil in a sheltered, wind-sheltered, sunny spot in the garden.
Myrtle in natural conditions. Photo: Greenstead Nursery
In greenhouses, the start of growth, budding and flowering is close to natural. During the growing season, several growth waves are observed: winter-spring (from the second decade of January to April), spring-summer (end of April-mid-June), summer (third decade of June-August), autumn (second decade of September-November). In July-August, there is a weakly pronounced, short-term period of rest, so sometimes the summer wave breaks into two.
When growing myrtle at home, some nuances must be taken into account:
- Myrtle has a dormant period
- Myrtle care in summer differs from winter care
- Myrtle loves the light, but on the south windowsill he can get burned.
Myrtle prefers eastern and western window sills, on northern window sills the flowers will be faded and fall off quickly.
In winter, myrtle must be provided with light, the better the lighting, the shorter the rest period.
Myrtle doesn't like moving from place to place, getting used to lighting and temperature conditions.
Myrtle seeds
Temperature. Room temperature is ideal for myrtle. In general, myrtle loves coolness and a moderate temperature of +18. +20°C. The temperature for wintering myrtle is from +8 to +10 °C.
Watering. The earth in a pot of myrtle must not dry out. In summer, myrtle is watered as the topsoil dries. In winter, water less often, avoiding drought. Watered with soft warm water.
Humidity. Myrtle loves spraying and moist air. In warm weather, myrtle is regularly sprayed with soft water, and in winter, myrtle does without spraying.
Top dressing. In spring, summer and autumn, myrtle is fed weekly with houseplant fertilizers, with a high content of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Cutting and pinching. The myrtle tree is pruned and pinched to form a crown of the desired size and shape. Cutting off the top of the tree, you get a bush, cutting the side branches - form a lush crown of the tree. Myrtle is not recommended to pinch often - this reduces the quantity and quality of flowers.
Myrtle is cut and pinched to form a crown
Transplant. When transplanting myrtle, it is necessary to ensure that the trunk is located on the surface of the soil, without a strong deepening of the root neck, and otherwise the myrtle is transplanted in the same way as other plants. Avoid transplanting into too large pots - the pot should be generous, but no frills.
Propagation of myrtle
Myrtle is propagated by seeds and green cuttings. Cuttings are the recommended way to propagate myrtle at home, it is simple and effective. After cuttings, myrtle blooms in the third or fourth year. When propagated by seeds, the world blooms in the fifth year.
Cuttings are cut long from the lower or middle part of the trunk. Leaves can be plucked from the cutting to reduce moisture evaporation. It is recommended to use growth stimulants.
The cuttings are rooted in a mixture of sand and moss, in extreme cases in ordinary leafy soil mixed with coarse sand. The rooting temperature of myrtle cuttings is +18÷20 °C. The best time for rooting is winter. Myrtle cuttings take root within 30 days. Rooted cuttings of myrtle can be covered with a cap to reduce the evaporation of moisture.
Myrtle cuttings with grown roots are planted in pots with a diameter of
Myrtle is an evergreen plant grown as a shrub and as a small tree. The myrtle tree is very popular as a gift for the bride, symbolizing a successful marriage. This plant is not so easy to care for, but it is worth it.
General information
Since ancient times, myrtle has been valued for its medicinal properties - flowers and leaves contain essential oils, and if dried leaves and fruits, they can be used as spices (spices). For example, cloves are a product obtained from one of the types of myrtle.
In the season of colds, essential oils are used for prevention, spreading their scent around the room or simply placing the plant on a windowsill, for example, in a children's room. The study also showed that myrtle can reduce allergic reactions in children.
Myrtle plants also include such valuable plants, according to their characteristics, as tea tree, eucalyptus and clove tree.
Species and varieties
Common myrtle (Myrtus communis) or it is also called " communis "(aka" room ") is the most common type in home gardening. This species is characterized by a short, well-branched trunk, which is covered with exfoliating reddish-brown bark.
The leaves are green, oval, shiny and pleasantly fragrant. The flowers are white (sometimes a faint pink shade is observed) with protruding stamens. Blooms in the summer season. The fruits are black berries with a reddish tint.
Many varieties of this myrtle species have been bred:
- Tarentina myrtle is a compact shrub with many fruits, smaller in size than the mother.
- Alhambra myrtle variety has white berries and dense foliage.
- Myrtle Variegata (Variegata) stands out among others with its variegated foliage.
- Myrtle "La Clape" - has purple berries.
- There is also a dwarf form among them - myrtle "Microphylla" .
Myrtle Bonsai
This is a miniature copy of a tree, a very popular plant, of great value to flower growers, its leaves contain essential oils used in medicine and cosmetics. The price of such a tree is not small.
The shape of such a tree can be varied, the trunk twists and bends in the process of growth, and due to the periodic pruning of the shoots, you can form the shape of the crown as you wish.
Luxuriant Myrtle - available both as a bush and as a tree with brown peeling bark. The leaves are matte, dark green, white flowers that bloom in July or August. The fruits are dark red and edible.
Mirt Hekven (Myrtus chequen) - a tree with glossy leaves and slightly wrinkled edges.
Ralph's myrtle (Myrtus ralfii) - this shrub is distinguished by pink flowers and red edible berries. The leaves have a white or cream border.
Myrtle Boetica
Large-leaved species, leaves are larger than other species (6-7 cm, while the standard is 1-2 cm), with a pointed end. This myrtle grows very slowly. The trunk has an interesting feature - it twists, in the process of growth, interesting shapes are formed. The flowers are white and large, and the berries are oblong, black.
Myrtle Hamedafna ( Kassandra or marsh myrtle ) is an evergreen shrub that grows exclusively in swamps, from which it got its name. It reaches one meter in height. Young shoots and leaves contain poison, which is dangerous for animals (for goats and sheep).
Lemon myrtle If you crush the leaves of this plant, you will feel a pronounced lemon aroma. In some countries, such leaves are used as a seasoning. Leaf sizes: length 10 cm, and width 1-4 cm. It blooms first with white flowers, and then darkens to a creamy and slightly yellow hue.
Myrtle home care
Myrtle is a plant that needs a humid climate, so spraying is a must for healthy and lush growth. In no case do not forget about watering, but do not flood, the plant is very sensitive and can get sick. Water only with soft, settled water.
But myrtle is not afraid of drafts, so you can safely leave it on the windowsill, where the window is constantly open for ventilation. With the flow of air around the apartment, useful phytoncides will spread, destroying pathogenic microbes.
The temperature must be controlled within 18-24°C. In the summer, it is advisable to put the myrtle on the street or balcony and shade a little so that the rays of a particularly scorching sun do not fall.
Pruning myrtle
As far as pruning is concerned, the myrtle tolerates it well, not to mention the fact that thanks to this, it is possible to give a different desired shape to the crown, creating various compositions. Pruning and transplanting is carried out in the spring season, no more than once every two years.
Transplanting myrtle
When transplanting, use the transshipment method, choosing a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil for myrtle is simple, with good drainage. The substrate is prepared from equal parts of sod land, peat and sand.
Adding some charcoal and organic compost is helpful. Any pruned varieties must be additionally fed; for this, any fertilizer for indoor plants (complex mineral), without chlorine in the composition, is suitable. A young plant begins to bloom only in the fourth or fifth year after planting.
Myrtle winter care
In winter, myrtle has a dormant period, while watering is reduced (the soil is only slightly moistened, preventing drying out) and the plant is moved to a cooler (8-10 ° C), but light place.
If this is not done, then leaf shedding is observed. Although this is not a big danger, as new, young leaves will begin to appear in the spring.
Propagation of myrtle by cuttings
If the main task during propagation is the preservation of maternal (varietal) characteristics, then cuttings are considered the ideal method of propagation.
Cuttings are taken from a healthy plant, they should not be very young, but semi-lignified. For better rooting, the cut is treated with a special growth stimulator (for example, root) and stuck into the prepared soil at an angle (45-55 °). The substrate is constantly checked for moisture.
Household seed myrtle
The seed method is less effective, but it is also used. At the beginning of spring, the prepared substrate (one part of peat and one part of sand) is poured into boxes (soil thickness 8-10 cm), sown with myrtle seeds, sprinkled with the same mixture of soil (3-4 cm thick), moistened and covered with glass. The temperature regime is controlled in the region of 20 ° С.
Periodically, the glass is opened to ventilate and moisten the soil, as needed. The glass can be turned over or wiped, getting rid of excess condensate.
After a couple of weeks, the first seedlings will begin to appear, when there are too many of them, thinning is carried out, and after the appearance of at least three leaves on shoots, they are transplanted into separate pots with the same substrate composition. A month later, young plants are fed with low concentration nitrogen fertilizer.
Diseases and pests
Most often mature or even old specimens suffer from attacks of parasites. The defeat of aphids and scale insects occurs if the air in the room is dry for a long time, and the spider mite appears if the soil is not sufficiently moist.
If, on the contrary, there is constant excessive watering, then in this case, root rot and damage by putrefactive bacteria and fungal infections are inevitable, and this is already serious. It is not easy to deal with such problems and most often the death of the plant is observed.
To control various pests, spray with various insecticides, following the instructions on the package. But it is better not to allow their appearance, but simply to follow the rules of care.
- If leaves fade, turn yellow, and the edges are twisted , this indicates an excess of lighting.
- If the stems are too elongated, and the leaves become too small - this is a clear sign of lack of lighting.
- Myrtle does not flower - if you prune too often or prune too much at one time, or if the room is poorly ventilated.
- Leaves wither and fall off - if this happens in winter, it means that the air is too dry and the temperature is too high (for example, when heating devices are working in the room). The plant needs a cooler room and some moisture (just a little!). Also, leaves can wither when water stagnates in the pan or from sunburn (direct sunlight).
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An evergreen shrub called myrtle is known to almost everyone. There are many legends about this plant; it is mentioned in the legend of Adam, who, after being expelled from Paradise, came to earth, taking with him a branch of this tree from the Garden of Eden. Ancient myths repeatedly mention the myrtle wreath of Aphrodite. For many peoples, myrtle was considered a symbol of peace, love, kindness and recognition, and personified moral purity and sublimity. Today, this flower is grown in any corner of the planet, if necessary, creating favorable conditions for its development.
The homeland of the exotic plant is the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In nature, myrtle reaches a height of three meters and adorns parks and gardens in warm regions. And in countries with a temperate climate, myrtle will not be able to develop on the street, so it is grown at home.
Description of myrtle and its features
Myrtle is an evergreen tree-like shrub and belongs to the Myrtle family. Today there are more than 100 varieties of this plant. The leaves of each of them have their own shade and shape; fruits also differ in color.
Home grown common myrtle , which decorates the interior like an ornamental tree. Plant height varies between 30–50 cm; occasionally the tree reaches 1 meter.
Straight branching stems and an opposite arrangement of small oblong leaves on them form a rounded crown. In flowering period , the plant pleases with white, light pink or cream flowers, which are simple and double and are located on long pedicels. Blue-black berries with a pleasant smell appear closer to autumn. Myrtle can be propagated by cuttings or seeds that are in ripe fruits.
The leaves of the shrub are known as a source of essential oils. The content of phytoncides in them helps purify the air in the room. They have a beneficial effect on the mood and performance of a person. Myrtle shrub is purchased even for the prevention of colds and to reduce allergic reactions.
Many girls and women are familiar with the healing properties of myrtle essential oil, which helps in cleansing and maintaining skin health . It is added to the compositions of creams, gels and shampoos, mixed with other oils.
Myrtle berries are used as food and added to medicinal tinctures.
Remember that myrtle bush can be dangerous . In sensitive people, it causes bouts of nausea and headaches due to its pleasant, but strong smell. Yes, and other people are advised to keep it in the kitchen or in the living room, but not in the bedroom.
Necessary conditions for growing and caring for common myrtle at home
Common myrtle does not require complex care, but, like any plant, it needs certain conditions for development.
Flower prefers moderate temperature +21-25 degrees. It is better to grow a plant on the windowsill of an east, west or south window. Insolation will not harm the shrub; myrtle needs sunlight. But for indoor myrtle, the aggressive sun will be dangerous, from which it should be protected at least with a curtain. On the northern windowsill, the shrub slows down its development; flowering is not observed in this direction.
Mirt is not afraid of drafts. A well-ventilated room will be favorable for him.
Indoor small-leaved shrub needs high humidity , which distinguishes its homeland with a subtropical climate. In warm seasons, the tree needs abundant watering, but with the obligatory draining of excess moisture from the pan so that the root system does not rot. Spray the leaves of every day; we must not forget to carry out the procedure on especially hot days, otherwise the plant may dry out due to the overdried substrate. Water must be defended or filtered so that there is no lime in the soil, which can kill the plant.
From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, indoor myrtle is fertilized with complex fertilizers every two weeks. You can use mineral and organic supplements, but in moderation.
Dormant period
The tree blooms from summer to autumn. When cold weather sets in, the active vegetation of the shrub slows down. The degree of watering the plant is reduced (only once a week) so that at low temperatures the shrub does not become overcooled. Also stop feeding the plant. Optimum temperature in winter for him will be + 5-10 degrees. A glazed balcony without heating will be an excellent place for wintering myrtle.
In a room with a higher temperature and a dry atmosphere, it is necessary to water the plant more often and spray its crown. If there is not enough moisture, this is expressed in wilting and dropping myrtle leaves. To restore a houseplant, it is necessary to improve measures for caring for it , otherwise it will not bloom by summer.
Pruning myrtle
A beautiful and neat crown of a tree can be achieved by pruning the shoots. The shape of the crown can be any, it all depends on the wishes of the owner of the plant. Some create a whole composition, turning an ordinary shrub into an exotic and extraordinary tree.
Plant tolerates pruning well, which is done every two years in the spring, it is better to form a tree when the active vegetation has not yet begun. In summer, only young shoots are pinched.
Pinching and pruning of shoots should be carried out with additional top dressing without chlorine in the composition. It is not advised to get involved in frequent cutting of myrtle: pruning can aggravate the formation of flower buds.
Transplant myrtle
Tree-like shrub characterized by slow growth of the root system. An adult plant is transplanted in the spring of only every 3-4 years in a larger container. Young myrtle is transplanted annually.
The tree is transplanted using the transshipment method so that the root system is not injured. To do this, you need to carefully transplant, along with the contents of the container, into another one that is more suitable in size and root it with the addition of fresh soil.
Propagation of myrtle at home
Propagation of myrtle at home in two ways:
Propagation of plants by cuttings
The method of grafting helps myrtle retain all its varietal characteristics and propagate in the required quantities, as much as you need to plant. It should be carried out in the winter or summer season .
Rooting pot pick up low and wide . You can buy a ready-made soil mixture or cook it yourself. To do this, take leafy soil and sand in a ratio of one to two. The temperature of the finished soil should be + 18–20 degrees.
Cuttings to be cut from side shoots 7-9 cm long. The lower leaves are removed. For processing the cut, Kornevin or Heteroauxin is used. The cuttings are planted in the ground and covered with a bag or glass, which must be lifted from time to time so that the plants breathe.
Rooting occurs within two to three weeks . Then the cuttings are planted in different pots.
Myrtle from seeds at home
Seed propagation of myrtle is not as popular as cuttings. This is explained by the fact that when propagated by seeds, myrtle loses some of the generic characteristics of . Seed germination is very slow. The first flowers should be expected only after 3-4 years.
The substrate is a mixture of peat and sand in the same ratio. The soil is poured into a pot and watered. Additionally, a fungicide can be applied. Seeds are distributed on the surface of the substrate and covered with a thin layer of earth. Having made greenhouses using glass or a bag, the pot is placed in a room with a temperature of + 18–21 degrees . Airing is done regularly, while maintaining the required level of humidity.
Seeds germinate in 1-2 weeks. Dive sprouts into pots occurs when they have two leaves of sufficient size. The soil is made from turf or peat land with sand. Seedlings are transplanted by transshipment.
Fertilizing starts one month after transplanting plants into separate containers.
The shrub can be propagated by seeds already in February with the organization of additional illumination, then by the summer with proper care the plant will already develop well.
Why myrtle dries up
Indoor myrtle usually dries up if it is not cared for properly. The main reasons for this are:
- Insufficient watering . Regular watering of the soil and spraying the leaves will never even lead to yellowing of the foliage. If the myrtle has dried out or the leaves have turned yellow, the tree with the pot should be placed in a container with water and left for 15-20 minutes. Then the pot is returned to the pallet, where the water flows. Excess liquid is drained after half an hour.
- Temperature error . At temperatures above +25 degrees, the tree dries up and sheds foliage even with optimal watering. In this case, the plant must be moved to a cooler room. Another option is to sprinkle ice cubes on a tray around the pot.
- Excess fertilizer . Fertilizers should be added to the soil in moderation. If the soil is dominated by nitrogen from top dressing, its excess can lead to a burn of the roots of the plant, which, in turn, leads to yellowing and drying of the leaves.
- Incorrect lighting . Strong sunlight sometimes causes leaf scorch. To create the optimal degree of illumination, you should move the pot with the tree to a room where the light will be diffused, without direct sunlight or with more gentle daylight.
Diseases of myrtle
In addition to drying, myrtle can become sick from other factors.
- Excess moisture . If water is not drained from the pan, the root system begins to rot, a fungus appears in it and bacteria begin to multiply. With the rapid development of the disease, the death of the plant occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to remove excess moisture in time.
- Pests . Aphids, scale insects and spider mites suck the juices from the plant and damage all its parts. The leaves curl or dark spots appear on them. It is necessary to frequently inspect the myrtle in order to notice the appearance of pests in time and treat the tree with an insecticide.