Crepe myrtle does not bloom

Why is my crepe myrtle not blooming? |

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Are you asking yourself, 'why is my crepe myrtle not blooming?' Then you need to check the key factors that could prevent it from flourishing.

Also known as Lagerstroemia, the crepe myrtle is a versatile plant that can be grown as a tree or maintained as an ornamental shrub, making it a beautiful addition to your garden ideas.

It possesses panicles of beautiful flowers with a crepe-like texture, usually in pink, purple or white, which start in late spring and endure through summer.

‘The crepe myrtle is such a beautiful flowering tree during the warmer months,’ says Lindsey Hyland, founder of Urban Organic Yield . ‘They also have good fall color. I love how the branches are thick enough to handle being in containers, which also makes them one of the best trees to grow in pots.’

A crepe myrtle not blooming is a common problem – so use our seven-step guide to diagnose why your prized tree is failing to flower.

Why is my crepe myrtle not blooming?

Though crepe myrtles are fairly hardy, reliable plants, there are several issues that can prevent them from blooming.

‘First and foremost, you need to ensure that you are growing your crepe myrtle in the right climate,’ says Homes & Gardens editor in chief Lucy Searle. 

‘Native to Southern Asia and Oceania, the crepe myrtle has transported well to other continents, and is widely grown in the US – the trees can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 6-10, though are best suited to zones 7-9.’

You also need to ensure that you know how to prune crepe myrtle.

As long as you are growing crepe myrtle in a suitable climate, then diagnosing why it is not blooming should be fairly simple.

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1. Your tree is too young

Your crepe myrtle may not be blooming if it is only a young tree – it can take 3-5 years for a tree to become established enough to flower.

This may sound like a long time, but bear in mind that the trees take 5-10 years to mature, and 20-50 years to reach their ultimate size. ‘Crepe myrtles are a long-term investment in your garden, and will be enjoyed for decades to come,’ says Searle.

Bear in mind that trees bought from garden centers are usually already a few years old, so you shouldn’t have too long to wait.

2. Lack of sunlight

‘Crepe myrtles demand six hours of uninterrupted sunlight per day, so ensure your plant's location allows for this,’ says Tiffany Payne at Orangeries UK

‘If other trees shadow your crepe myrtle, for example, it will not get the adequate exposure it requires and will not thrive as much as you would want.’

If your crepe myrtle is planted in a spot where it can’t receive enough sunlight, then you should consider moving it to a sunnier spot. The best time to do this is when the tree is dormant – ideally in late winter.

3. Crepe myrtle not getting enough water

Crepe myrtles benefit from being watered regularly when newly planted – usually for the first year – but once settled in they are quite drought tolerant.  

However, in periods of extreme drought, the trees can become stressed and fail to bloom due to lack of water.

Look for signs of wilting and yellowing, which are an indication of underwatering.

‘Water your tree deeply once or twice a month in dry weather, so that the water reaches around 12-24 inches deep in the soil,’ says Searle.

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4. Poorly draining soil

While crepe myrtles benefit from a good watering when they are young and in periods of dry weather, they must be planted in well draining soil, and do not like to be waterlogged.

The good news is that the trees are adaptable to most soil types, except for soggy soils that hold too much moisture.

5. Your tree isn’t getting the right nutrients

The right nutrient balance is important for all plants, and if your soil isn’t providing the right mix, then it could be a key reason for a crepe myrtle not blooming.

In order to thrive, crepe myrtles need phosphorus – ​​so add a slow-release fertilizer to the soil surrounding the tree in early spring.

However, a common mistake gardeners make is to use a ferilizer high in nitrogen, which is likely to inhibit flowering. Consider not just the tree itself, but nearby plants in surrounding flower beds. Use a low-nitrogen fertilizer.

6. Pruning crepe myrtle incorrectly

Crepe myrtles only bloom on new growth, so take care not to remove this when pruning.

‘A common explanation for crepe myrtle not blooming is because you pruned it too late,’ says Payne.

‘You should never clip it after it has begun to develop in the spring and once it blooms since you risk mistakenly removing new growth.

‘Instead, prune flowers either after they've finished flowering or very early in the spring before the blossoms appear.’ 

If you need to tidy up your tree, only remove older wood, rather than new growth.

Another reason older crepe myrtles may not be blooming is if the branches have become overcrowded. Make sure you remove dead branches, which will allow in more sunlight and help the air to circulate.

7. Your crepe myrtle is diseased

There are a few diseases which can affect crepe myrtles; while they should be easy to spot, they can impede growth and flowering.

Sooty mold, which appears as a black residue on the leaves, is a fungal problem caused by insects. The mold grows on the honeydew created by insects feasting on the plant’s sap. Common culprits include aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, and whiteflies.

Controlling the pests will take care of the issue – use an insecticidal soap or natural product such as neem oil.

Cercospora leaf spot is another common fungus, which is evident by brown spots appearing on older leaves. These will then prematurely drop, which puts stress on the plant, potentially impacting flowering. Thankfully, it doesn’t cause long-term damage to the tree.

The best way to avoid cercospora is to grow your tree in an open, sunny spot with good air circulation, which will make it harder for the fungus to take hold.

What do you put on crepe myrtles to make them bloom?

To make your crepe myrtle bloom, apply a high-phosphorus, low-nitrogen fertilizer in a slow-release formula in early spring. Alternatively, fertilize regularly throughout the growing season.

Younger trees need monthly feeding, while more established trees benefit from being fertilized every two weeks. 

As editor of Period Living, Britain's best-selling period homes magazine, Melanie loves the charm of older properties. I live in a rural village just outside the Cotswolds in England, so am lucky to be surrounded by beautiful homes and countryside, where I enjoy exploring. Having worked in the industry for almost two decades, Melanie is interested in all aspects of homes and gardens. Her previous roles include working on Real Homes and Homebuilding & Renovating, and she has also contributed to Gardening Etc. She has an English degree and has also studied interior design. Melanie frequently writes for Homes & Gardens about property restoration and gardening.

Crepe Myrtle Not Blooming - Getting Crepe Myrtle Trees To Bloom

Home › Ornamental Gardens › Trees › Crepe Myrtle

Crepe Myrtle

By: Heather Rhoades

Image by Gary Fink

You can go to a local nursery and purchase a crepe myrtle tree with plenty of blooms and plant it only to find that it is living but doesn’t have many blooms on it. Do you know what the problem is? Read on to learn about crepe myrtle not blooming.

Nothing is more beautiful than the flowers on a crepe myrtle. However, a crepe myrtle not blooming can be frustrating. Here are some reasons why this happens and tips for getting crepe myrtle trees to bloom.

Pruning too late

If there are no flowers on crepe myrtle, it could be that the tree was pruned late in the season, causing the new wood to be mistakenly removed, which causes the buds for the flowers to never really develop. Never prune a crepe myrtle before it blooms.

That being said, when do crepe myrtles bloom? Crepe myrtle bloom time is just after the other flowering trees. They are usually the last of the flowering trees and shrubs to bloom.

Crepe myrtle not blooming due to crowded branches

If you have an older crepe myrtle that doesn’t bloom the way you think it should, wait until after crepe myrtle bloom time and encourage the crepe myrtle bloom by pruning it carefully.

If you trim away any of the dead branches that are inside the tree, this allows more sunshine and air to reach the tree. Further, don’t just hack away at the tree. Make sure to enhance the look of the tree carefully.

Crepe myrtle not blooming due to lack of sun

Another reason there will be no flowers on crepe myrtle is that the tree is planted where it doesn’t get enough sunshine. The crepe myrtle requires significant sunshine in order to bloom.

If you have a crepe myrtle not blooming, it may be planted in a bad place that lacks sunshine. Take a look around and see if something is blocking the sun from the tree.

Crepe myrtle not blooming due to fertilizer

If the tree is getting plenty of sunshine and isn’t an old tree in need of pruning, it could be the soil. In this case, if you want to make crepe myrtle bloom, you might want to check the soil and see if it might not have enough phosphorus or too much nitrogen. Both of these situations can cause there to be no flowers on crepe myrtle.

Heavily fertilized garden beds and lawns may have too much nitrogen which promotes healthy leaves but fails to make crepe myrtle bloom. You might want to add a little bone meal around the tree which adds phosphorus over time to the soil.

So when you ask yourself, “How can I make crepe myrtle bloom?” you should know that checking all of the things mentioned and taking care of any issues will make your crepe myrtle bloom time better than you ever anticipated.

This article was last updated on

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Why myrtle does not bloom at home: six reasons

Home » Deciduous shrubs

Deciduous shrubs

Author tobiz Reading 3 min Views 48 Published Updated

The homeland of the myrtle plant is called the Mediterranean and the Middle East. Myrtle is translated from Greek as "incense". Another name is considered "Arrayan". It came from Arabic and translates as "aromatic".

How myrtle blossoms

Such names were given to the shrub for its special properties, which were noticed many years ago. The reason is the large amount of essential oils. Due to them, an antibacterial effect appears. nine0003

However, in order to test the effect of these oils, it is not necessary to make a drug or cosmetic. It is enough to be close to the myrtle. After all, phytoncides are released into the air.

The flowering period is a pleasant sight. If you manage not to miss this moment, you will see flowers of a whitish or white-pink hue.

However, it is not always possible to see. And the reason is not that the gardener missed the flowering period, but that the plant did not even begin to bloom. There are several reasons. nine0003

Why myrtle does not bloom

After all, the shrub grew in the southern latitudes and got used to a lot of light and heat. If myrtle grows in an apartment, then place the plant on a windowsill that is oriented to the south. At the same time, make sure that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on the myrtle. To do this, in the hot period, cover the pot with curtains.

With proper care, you will see flowers of a pleasant shade.

Make sure that the light does not change abruptly. This will negatively affect the condition of the myrtle. nine0003

So, for example, if the pot was on a windowsill that is oriented to the north, then the myrtle is transferred to the southern windowsill in several stages. The principle is to increase the amount of light gradually. If possible, then install the flower first on the western or eastern window sill, and only after that - on the southern one.

In its native territory, the myrtle is outdoors throughout the year. Therefore, compressed room air has a negative effect. nine0003

If it is warm outside, leave the plant outside.

If chosen correctly, the flowers will be a snow-white hue. Make sure that there is some phosphorus in the fertilizers, and the amount of nitrogen is kept to a minimum.

It is natural for a plant to give strength to fight against a pest. Therefore, there is not enough strength to flourish. Make sure that the plant is not attacked by pests or diseases.

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6 reasons why the myrtle does not bloom. What to do?

In our latitudes, myrtle originated from the regions of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, so its name in Greek means "incense", and the second name - arrayan - in Arabic means "aromatic". This evergreen plant bears such names for a reason. Even in ancient times, it was noted that myrtle, in addition to decorative, has many useful qualities due to the presence of essential oils that have a strong antimicrobial effect. Arrayana leaves have their healing effect not only as part of medicines and cosmetic preparations, but also simply releasing phytoncides into the air. nine0003

The myrtle blooms very beautifully: the whole tree is covered with boiled white flowers, sometimes with a light pinkish tint. But such a spectacle does not always please the eye of the owner, and this happens for several reasons.

Firstly , myrtle is a plant of southern latitudes, so it is used to bright sunlight. At home, the tree will feel most comfortable on the southern windowsill, where it can get plenty of sunbathing. However, from direct rays it is better to shade it with a curtain. Under such conditions, an arrayan will delight you with wonderful flowers, but placed on the western, eastern or northern side, most likely, it will not bloom at all. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the flower does not tolerate any sudden change in light. For example, if you decide to move it from the north side to the south, then you need to do this in several stages, increasing the amount of light gradually, first moving the myrtle to the east or west window sill. nine0003

Second , the flower has a real need for fresh air. Indeed, in its native lands, it grows on the street all year round, so small drafts for myrtle are not only not dangerous, but even desirable. In the warm season, the plant should generally be kept outdoors if possible: on an open veranda, balcony or in the garden. And then abundant flowering is guaranteed.

Thirdly, , this guest from the subtropics constantly needs a humid microclimate, which is provided by regular watering and spraying using soft, preferably rain or melt water. For the winter period, moisture should be reduced to 1 time per week, and spraying can be abandoned if the tree is in a cool room.

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