Beachfront bargains in nc
North Carolina Beachfront Bargains | Wilmington Homes Near The Water
City All CitiesAhoskieArapahoeAshAtkinsonAtlanticAtlantic BeachAulanderAuroraAydenBaileyBald Head IslandBathBattleboroBayboroBeaufortBelhavenBelvilleBethelBeulavilleBlack CreekBladenboroBlounts CreekBogueBoiling Spring LakesBoliviaBoltonBridgetonBrunswickBurgawCalabashCalypsoCape CarteretCarolina BeachCarolina ShoresCastaliaCastle HayneCaswell BeachCedar IslandCedar PointCerro GordoChadbournChinquapinChocowinityClarendonClarktonClaytonClintonCofieldColerainColumbiaConwayCove CityCurrieDavisDeep RunDelcoDoverDudleyDunnEdentonEdwardElizabeth CityElizabethtownElm CityEmerald IsleEnfieldErnulEureEvergreenFair BluffFairfieldFairmontFaisonFalconFalklandFarmvilleFayettevilleFountainFranklintonFremontGarlandGloucesterGoldsboroGrantsboroGreenvilleGriftonGrimeslandHalifaxHallsboroHamiltonHampsteadHarkers IslandHarrellsHassellHavelockHertfordHobuckenHolden BeachHolly RidgeHope MillsHubertIndian BeachIvanhoeJacksonvilleJamesvilleKelfordKellyKenansvilleKenlyKinstonKure BeachLa GrangeLake WaccamawLaurinburgLelandLillingtonLittle RiverLongsLongwoodLorisLouisburgLowlandLucamaLumbertonMacclesfieldMagnoliaManteoMaple HillMarionMarshallbergMaxtonMaysvilleMerrittMerry HillMesicMiddlesexMidway ParkMinnesott BeachMomeyerMorehead CityMount OliveNakinaNashvilleNavassaNew BernNewportNewton GroveNorth Topsail BeachOak CityOak IslandOcean Isle BeachOcracokeOrientalOrrumPantegoPeletierPembrokePikevillePine Knoll ShoresPinehurstPinetopsPinetownPink HillPlymouthPollocksvillePrincetonPrincevilleRaefordRaleighRed OakRed SpringsRichlandsRiegelwoodRiver BendRoanoke RapidsRobersonvilleRocky MountRocky PointRose HillRoseboroRowlandSaint PaulsSalemburgSalter PathSanfordSaratogaScotland NeckScrantonSea LevelSeven SpringsShallotteSharpsburgSimsSmithfieldSmyrnaSneads FerrySnow HillSouthportSpring HopeStacyStantonsburgStellaStokesSunset BeachSupplySurf CitySwanquarterSwansboroTabor CityTarboroTopsail BeachTrent WoodsTrentonTurkeyVanceboroVandemereVarnamtownWagramWallaceWalstonburgWarsawWashingtonWathaWhitakersWhite LakeWhite OakWhitevilleWillardWilliamstonWillistonWilmingtonWilsonWindsorWinnabowWintervilleWrightsville BeachZebulon
Subdivisions All SubdivisionsAaron's PlaceAcorn HollowAdair ParkAdams LandingAirlie At Wrightsville SoundAlamosa PlaceAlbemarle AcresAlbemarle PlantationAlbemarle Shores 2Albemarle Sound EstatesAldersgateAlfred SidburyAlice AcresAllens LandingAlmeta RunAmelia LaneAnchors BendAnderson Square CondoApatbApplewoodArbor CreekArbor Hills SouthArchers CreekArchers PointArdan OaksArden RidgeArdmoreArlington PlaceArlington PlazaArrowheadArrowhead BeachAsbury BeachAshburn AcresAshbury ParkAshby HillsAshe Island FarmAsheboro WestAshewoodAshtonAshton GlenAshton LandingAtkinsonAtkinson PointAtlantic Bch IslesAtlantic HarbourAugusta TrailsAustin PinesAutumn HallAutumn LakesAvalonAvila SubdivisionAzalea AcresBack Creek EstatesBack Creek WestBacon Island HarborBailey PointBailey PointeBaird Creek PointBaldwin WoodsBall CreekBallantine GroveBanjo Creek EstatesBanks ChannelBannerman StationBarbours PointBarefoot LandingBarnes BluffBarristers RowBarton Bay Yacht ClubBatchelor BayBateman EstatesBattalina CreekBay HarborBay HarbourBay LakeBay LandingBay RidgeBay ShoreBay Shore EstatesBay Tree LakesBay ViewBay WindsBayshore EstatesBayside ShoresBayview EstatesBayview ManorBeach HarbourBeachside CommonsBeachwalkBeacon TownesBeacon's ReachBear CreekBeattys BluffBeau CoastBeau RivageBeaufort BluffsBeaufort ClubBeaufort HeightsBeaufort LandingBeaufort PointeBeaufort TraceBeaver CreekBeaver Creek PlantationBeddard RanchBedfordBedford PlaceBeech Tree HillsBell Cove EstatesBell Cove VillageBell CreekBell Fork HomesBell Hammon PlantationBell RidgeBella PointBellamy Place TownhomesBelle OaksBellinghamBellingham Park CondoBelmontBelmont Lake PreserveBelvedereBelvedere PlantationBelvoirBenbrookBennett LandingBenningtonBent Tree LandingBent Tree PlantationBent Tree Plantation The MooringsBerkeleyBest ViewBethel CreekBhi (Bald Head Island)Bhi HammocksBhi Harbour VillageBhi Loggerhead BeachBhi Middle IslandBhi Stage I & Ii Flora's BluffBhi Stage I Sabal Palm CottagesBhi Stage I TimbercreekBhi Stage Ii BraemarBhi Stage Ii Cape Fear StationBhi Stage Ii Cedar CtBhi Stage Ii Palmetto CoveBhi Surfman's WalkBirch CreekBirchwoodBirchwood ParkBlack RockBlackstoneBlackwood RidgeBladen CountyBlades VillageBlair FarmBlair PointeBlanchardBlane Island EstatesBloomer HillBlue BanksBlue Heron BayBlue Heron RanchBluewater BanksBluewater BayBluewater CoveBluewater RiseBogue WatchBoiling Spring LakesBoliviaBolton AcresBonaparte RetreatBond CreekBoyington PlaceBoykin LakesBradford EstatesBradford PlaceBradford Woods EstatesBradham PlaceBradley CreekBranchwoodBrandy BayBrandy Creek WestBrandywineBrandywine BayBrannan On The MoorsBrantley PointeBrassfieldBrassfield EstatesBreakersBreakwaterBreckenridgeBreezewood CondominiumsBretton WdBrians WoodsBriar CreekBriar FarmBriarheathBriaryBrices Creek HarbourBrices CrossingBrick Chimney LandingBrick LandingBrickhouse PointBridge Creek PointeBridge PointeBridge ViewBridgeportBridgewaterBridgewater LandingBridgewater NorthBridgewater SouthBridlewoodBrierwood EstatesBrighton PlaceBroad-HinesBroadviewBrook HollowBrook ValleyBrooke WoodsBrookhavenBrooklynBrooks Building CondoBrooks JoeBrookstoneBrookview EstatesBrookwoodBrowntown RoadBrunswick CoveBrunswick ForestBrunswick LandingBrunswick PlantationBryans Havelock ParkBryans Havelock PkBryans LandBrynn MarrBuccaneer BayBuccaneer Bay WestBuccaneer HillsBuckheadBuds RetreatBuena VistaBumps CreekBur OaksBurruss W HButler FarmButterfieldCabin CreekCades CoveCaisons CreekCalabash AcresCalabash LakesCalabash StationCalico CreekCambridge CommonsCamdenCamelotCameron TraceCamp GlennCamp Leach EstatesCamp MoreheadCampbell's RidgeCampus EdgeCanady LandingCandlewoodCannonsgateCanons EdgeCanterburyCape ColonyCape Fear River HeightsCape IslandCape SideCaptains WheelCaraway CoveCardinal VillageCarls WoodsCarol Lynn EstatesCarolina ColoursCarolina CoveCarolina CreekCarolina ForestCarolina LakesCarolina PinesCarolina PlaceCarolina Place WestCarolina PlantationsCarolina ShoresCarolina Shores NorthCarolina Shores ResoCarolina SurfCarolina TraceCarriage HillsCarriage PondCasey SubdivisionCassedaleCassimir CommonsCastle Bay Country ClubCastle DockCastle DownsCastle HayneCastle OaksCaswell DunesCatcher's PointCatherines CoveCatnip PointCavalier TerraceCcncCedar KeyCedar TreeCedarbrookChadwick AcresChadwick ShoresChadwick Shores PlantationChaney HeightsChannel AcresChannel HavenChannel SideCharleston CommonCharleston ParkCharlestowne At BradfordChateau WoodsChatham GlennCherryCherry BranchCherry Branch SCherry Branch WCherry GroveCherry Oaks NorthChestnut HillsChinquapin RoadChowan BeachChowan ShoresCinnamon CreekClam BayClariday WoodsClaud Murray SubdivClay CrossingClearwaterClearwater PreserveClermont Road SubdivClintonClub ColonyClub PinesCoastal EstatesCoastal MeadowsCoastal RetreatCobblestone VillageCoharie Country ClubColbert PlaceColdwater CreekColindale CourtCollege AcresCollege ParkCollege Park - New BernCollege ViewColonial AcresColonial BeachColonial HeightsColonial VillageColony By The SeaColony EstatesColony IColony WoodsColony Woods SouthComfort AcresCommons@AshcrofCompass PointeCongleton FarmsConley HillsCoopers PointeCopperberryCordts Family TrustCore EstatesCornerstoneCottage PointCottage PointeCottages Of Prices CreekCottages On MainCottages@Mariners PtCottonwoodCountryCountry ClubCountry Club AcresCountry Club ColonyCountry Club EastCountry Club EstatesCountry Club ForestCountry Club HillsCountry Club PointCountry Club Point VCountry Club RunCountry EstatesCountry Farm EstatesCountry HavenCountry LivingCountry MeadowsCountry PlaceCountry SpringsCountry VillageCountryaire VillageCove At Queens HarborCovengton SquareCovil EstatesCovington StreetCrab Point BayCranberry RidgeCrane PointCrayton BayCreek EstatesCreek PointeCreeker Town SouthCreeks EdgeCreeksideCreekside At Aragona VillageCreekside EstatesCreekside FarmsCreekside LandingCreekstoneCreekwater HavenCreekwoodCrestline VillageCrestviewCrestwood AcresCroatan ColonyCroatan CrossingCroft PointCrooked RunCross CreekCrosswindsCrosswinds WestCrow CreekCrown PointCrown PointeCrownstreamCrows Nest EstCrystal BeachCrystal Coast CondosCrystal ShoresCumberland CounCypress BayCypress CornerCypress IslandCypress LakesCypress LandingCypress Shores On The PamlicoDabney ParkDaisywoodDakota CreekDalton's CoveDances Bay ColonyDavenportDavenport Farms @ Emerald ParkDavenport LandingDavis FieldsDawson CreekDawson Creek HillsDawson CrossingDawson PlaceDawson-GreenfieldDeep BayDeep Creek ShoresDeer CrossingDeer ParkDeer PointeDeer Pointe IiDeer RidgeDeer RunDeer TraceDeer TrackDeercroftDeerfieldDeerfield ShoresDel Mar BeachDelcoDerby ParkDevaun ParkDevon ParkDewfieldDickerson's WayDixie RidgeDobbs CourtDockside LandingDodge PointeDogwood AcresDogwood EstatesDogwoodsDolphin BayDolphin Bay EstatesDolphin PointDolphin ShoresDowning VillageDowntownDowry CreekDrake EstatesDrexelbrookDriftwood At TropicalDriftwood VillasDuck Creek EstatesDunescapeDuplinDurants ColonyDutch SquareDutchman Creek VillasE. Long BeachE.J. WellonsEagle ChaseEagle CreekEagle FarmEagle PinesEagle RunEagle TraceEagle's WatchEarl DavisEast BeachEastbrookEastfieldEastman CreekEastportEastwood EstatesEcho FarmsEcho RidgeEden WoodsEdenton Bay PlantationEdenton Lake & HarborEdgarwoodEdgemontEdgemont ParkEdgewaterEdgewoodEgret PointEli's RidgeElizabeth DownsElizabeth ParkElizabeth ParsleyElizabeth WayEllinwood PointeElliott PlaceEllwood PinesEmerald Isle By The SeaEmerald PlantationEmerald RidgeEnglewoodEquestrian EstatesEquine AcresErin HillsErvins PlaceEscoba BayEuclid HeightsEvans CrossingEvans MillEvansbrookEverett's Creek EastEvergreen ParkFair OaksFairfieldFairfield HarbourFairfield ParkFairlaneFairway EstatesFairwindsFairwoods On 7Falling CreekFallingbrook EstatesFarmingdaleFarmingtonFarringtonFarrior ParkFawn Ridge EstatesFeather RunFederal PointFerry Dock LandingFiddler's CoveFieldstone CrossingFieldstreamFigure Eight IslandFikeview ParkFikewoodFisher LandingFisher PointFisherman's ParadiseFishermans VillageFive Aprils PlantationFive PointsFlemingtonFlippers CoveFlorida ParkFlowers PlantationForbes PlaceForest At BelvedereForest CreekForest HillsForest OaksForest RidgeForest RunForest SoundForest ViewForestshore EstatesForks Of The CreekFort FisherFountain Hill LakeFox ChaseFox Grape BranchFox HavenFox HollowFox LakeFoxdenFoxlairFoxtraceFoy PlantationFredericksburgFreedom StarFreshwaterFulfordFullards LandingFulshire PlantationFynloch ChaseGabes PointGabriel's LandingGalleon BayGander LakeGarland ShoresGate StoneGenesis HillGeorgetownGeorgetowneGlebe Creek LandingGlen AbbeyGlen CoveGlen MeadeGlenburnie GardensGlenn LaurelGlenwoodGodfrey Creek EstateGodfrey FarmGodfreys Creek EstatesGodwinGold PointGoldsboro CityGolf TerraceGolf Terrace VillageGoodwindsGoose CreekGoose Creek LandingGoosenestGracie FarmsGracyn's CreekGrand BayGrande PalmsGrande Villas At The PreserveGrandviewGrantham PlaceGrantwoodGrantwood GlennGravely CreekGrays ManorGrayson ParkGraystoneGreen AcresGreen Bay VillageGreen Pasture FarmGreen PinesGreenbriarGreenbriar SouthGreenbrier PlaceGreenfieldGreenfield ParkGreenfield TerraceGreenview RanchesGreenwoodGreenwood EstatesGreenwood HeightsGregory Fork AcresGrenezayGrey Fox RunGreystoneGreystone NorthGrist Creek RunGrist MillGroves At SouthportGroves PointGull HarborGum Branch SquareHalawasaHalcyon ForestHalf Moon CreekHalls Creek NorthHalls PointHammocks Port SwansboroHammonds CreekHampsteadHampstead On The SoundHampton ColonyHampton PlaceHanover HeightsHanover LakesHanover ReserveHarbor AcresHarbor BayHarbor OaksHarbor Oaks CondominiumsHarbor PointHarbor Point EastHarborside Club At 70wHarbour ClubHarbour LandingHarkers VillageHarnett CountyHarris Creek EstatesHarrison CoveHarvest MeadowsHarvest PointeHavelock ParkHawkeswater At The RiverHaws RunHaymountHaywood Creek LandingHaywood FarmsHeadwatersHeart Of Carolina BeachHelms PortHeritage FarmvilleHeritage FieldsHeritage HarborHeritage HavenHeritage PlaceHeritage PointeHeritage Shores NorthHeritage Shores PlantationHeritage Shores Plantation NorthHeritage Shores Plantation SouthHeritage SquareHeron CreekHeron LandingHeron PointHeron RunHewett FarmHewett FarmsHibbsHibbs AcresHickory BluffsHickory CreekHickory HollowHickory KnollHidden BayHidden HarborHidden ValleyHideaway ShoresHiggsHighgrove EstatesHighland HeightsHighland ParkHighland ShoresHighlandsHighwood ParkHighwoodsHillsdaleHinson FarmsHinton PlantationHistoric DistrictHistorical AreaHoffman Farms Phase 2Hoke CountyHolden BeachHolden Beach HarborHolden Beach WestHoliday AcresHoliday HavenHoliday HeightsHoliday HillsHoliday IslandHolland FarmHollandaleHolly GlenHolly GroveHolly Grove Of Rock CreekHolly Hill EstatesHolly PointHolly Shelter EstatesHolly TreeHollycrestHome PlaceHomemountHorne PlaceHorse Creek FarmsHorse HammockHorse Hammock BeachHortons LandingHughes PlantationHunters CreekHunters HillHunters LakeHunters LandingHunters RidgeHuntington WoodsHurricane HavenIbis LandingIc LifeImprovement CompanyIndependence Court VillasIndependence EastIndian BluffIndian LakesIndian ShoresIndian Summer EstatesIndian Woods ParkIndigo PlantationInlet ParkInlet Point HarborInlet WatchIntracoastal WatchIrish CreekIron PinesIronwoodIsland Creek EstatesIsland PalmsIsland ParkIsland QuayIsland View ShoresIslander ResortIsle Vue BeachJ C GodwinJ H BattsJackeys CreekJacks BranchJackson HeightsJackson PondJackson's RidgeJacob White EstatesJacobs RidgeJade PointJames EstatesJamestownJefferson ParkJennings AcresJensensJetstream ParkJohnson FarmJonaquin LandingJones LakeJourney's EndJuniper CreekJuniper LandingJustice FarmJustice RidgeKandemorKanton HillsKen-MoorKenansvilleKenbridgeKentuck TerraceKenwood ExtensionKetch PointKillis HillsKingfish BayKings GrantKings HarborKings Harbor IiKings LynnKingsbridge IiKingswoodKinsaul PlaceKinsey CreekKirby GrangeKnapp's LandingKnollwood BanksKnowles LandingKure Beach ClubKure Beach VillageKure DunesLafayette ParkLaguna BayLake Arthur EstatesLake ClermontLake HavenLake Minnesott EstatesLake RoyaleLake Tabor EstatesLake Tree ShoresLake ViewLake WaccamawLakes Of LockwoodLakesideLakeview EstatesLakewood EstatesLand O'Lakes EstatesLandfallLanding ILands EndLane TreeLane Tree VillageLangston FarmsLansdowne EstatesLanvale TraceLarilyn EstatesLarkspurLarksvilleLauradaleLaurel LeaLaurel OaksLaurel RidgeLee CountyLee LandingLeeward VillageLegacy PointeLeisure EstatesLelandLighthouse CoveLily PondLincoln HeightsLincoln Place TownhomesLinville GardenLittle Beach LandingLittle River EstatesLittle River FarmsLittle River ShoresLittle Rock AcresLittle Shallotte River EstatesLive OakLive Oak CommonsLive Oak CoveLive Oak LandingLive Oak VillageLive OakesLiverman HeightsLobinger PointeLocksley WoodsLockwood FollyLogans RunLong Bay CountryLong BeachLong Creek EstateLong Creek EstatesLong Leaf AcresLong Point LandingLong Shore VillageLongleafLongviewLookout Pointe At River OaksLords CreekLuther Ennett JrLyndale AcresLynndaleLynndale EastLynnwayneLynnwood HighlandsM P Dawson Jr.
Maccumber TerraceMackison's TrailMacoMaco EastMadisons CourtMagens BayMagnoliaMagnolia GreensMagnolia GroveMagnolia ReserveMagnolia ShoresMaidstone ParkMainlander EstatesMajestic OaksMajestic Oaks EastMallard BayMallard PointeMallard RoostMallory Creek PlantationMalloy WoodsManchesterMandy FarmsManning ForestMansfield ParkMaple CreekMaple HillMaple Ridge At West Bay EstatesMaplewoodMarina TownesMariner's PointeMariners LandingMariners PointMariners Pointe VillageMariners WaccheMaritime WoodsMarl Point EstatesMarlee AcresMarsh AcresMarsh BayMarsh CoveMarsh HarborMarsh HavenMarsh Haven LandingMarsh Landing PlaceMarsh OaksMarshall FarmMary Frances PlaceMason BayMasons BluffMasons PointeMaules PointMayfaire TownviewMcarthur HeightsMcclelland WoodsMckenzie WoodsMeadow WoodsMeadowbrookMeadowland EstatesMeadowlandsMeares Bluff PlantationMellon DownsMelody PointeMerestoneMerrimon BayMfbosticMiddle Island PlantationMiddle Pointe VillageMiddle SoundMiddleton PlaceMill CreekMill Creek CoveMill Creek EstatesMill Creek LandingMill LandingMill RidgeMill RunMillbrookMillbrookeMillpond VillageMillwoodMimosa BayMimosa ParkMimosa Park WestMitchell HarbourMixon CreekMontclairMontepelier AcresMontevalloMontgomery PlaceMontpelier AcresMoores CreekMorehead Beaufort Yacht ClubMorehead BluffsMorehead CityMorganshireMorris Creek AcresMoss BendMoss LandingMount Hermon TownshipMulberry Hill PlantationMurrill SubdivisionMusgrave AcresMyers ParkMyrtle GroveN/ANahunta CreekNassau HeightsNationalNational HeightsNatures RunNautical ReachNeighborhoods Of Holly RidgeNeuse HarbourNeuse Point EastNeuse River Farm EstatesNeuse View ParkNeuse WindsNew Bern Downtown HistoricNew ColonyNew HopeNew Jack LandingNew River HomesNew River PlaceNew South BridgeNew Topsail BeachNewbegun LandNicholsonvilleNixons BeachNob HillNorbury EstatesNorfleet ShoresNorth Chase 1 @ Regency ManorNorth Creek LandingNorth Creek MeadowsNorth HarborNorth Lakes EstatesNorth LumbertonNorth Shore Country ClubNorth Shore TownhomesNorth ShoresNorth TanglewoodNorth Topsail BeachNorth Topsail ShoresNortheast DevNorthern LightsNorthgateNorthgreen VillageNorthviewNorthwestNorthwindsNorthwoodsNorthwoods ParkNot In SubdivisionOak Harbour Ph IiOak HavenOak Island Bch VillaOak LandOak RidgeOak Ridge At Grand OaksOak Ridge PlantationOak Yaupon HarborOakhurst RiverOakleighOakmontOakola AcresOakvaleOakwoodOakwoodsOcean Aire EstatesOcean Bay VillageOcean Breeze VillageOcean CityOcean Club EstatesOcean Club VillageOcean CoveOcean DunesOcean Dunes ForestOcean ForestOcean Harbour EstatesOcean HavenOcean HeightsOcean Isle BeachOcean Isle Beach IslandOcean OaksOcean PineOcean PinesOcean ReefOcean RidgeOcean Ridge PlantationOcean Ridge VillageOcean ShoreOcean Side PlaceOcean Sound VillageOcean TrailsOcean WalkOcean Walk TownhomesOcean WyndsOceanaOceanside At Oak IslOld BranchOld Ferry EstatesOld FieldsOld Goose BayOld OaksOld Settlers BeachOld TownOld Town BeaufortOlde Beaufort VilOlde FarmOlde GeorgetowneOlde Mill StreamOlde PointOlde Point VillasOlde South BanksOlde TowneOlde Towne YachtOle Mill VillageOleanderOnslow BayOnslow TerraceOrchard CoveOrchard CreekOrchard HeightsOriental Harbor PlaceOriental Harbor Village MarinaOriental PlantationOriental Village Commons CondoOsprey Cove At Boca BayOsprey PointOsprey RidgeOtherOtter CreekOwls NestOxford PlaceOyster HarbourOyster LandingPacific PlacePages Golden AcresPalm SuitesPalmetto CreekPalominoPamlico PlantationParadise EastParadise ShoresParamorePark Ridge At West BayPark VillasParkview AcresParkvilleParkwood EstatesParsons MillPatrick FarmsPatriots WatchPeacock HeightsPearsonPeartree North EstatesPeartree PlacePebble BeachPebble GrovePecan Grove MarinaPecan Grove PlantationPecan OrchardPeletier ShoresPelican PointPelican PointePelican Pointe VillagePelican ReefPelican WatchPeltier PointPembroke TownhousesPeninsula AcresPermeta BranchPerry WoodsPeyton's RidgePeytons LakePier PointePikscoPill HillPine AcresPine Bluff ShoresPine Burr AcresPine Forest EstatePine GrovePine Grove VillPine Hill EstatesPine Knoll AssociationPine Knoll TownesPine Knoll VillagePine LakePine Lake VillagePine RidgePine Valley EstatesPinecrestPinecrest EstatesPinedalePinehurst No.
6Pinehurst SouthPinehurst TracePinellas BayPinewild CcPinewood AcresPiney WoodsPinnacle RidgePinners PointPipers PointPirate CovePlantation EstPlantation HarborPlanters RidgePlanters TrailPlanters WalkPleasant CovePleasant HopePleasant RidgePleasant ViewPleasure CayPoint ComfortPoint Emerald VillasPointe BoguePointe WestPoplar AcresPoplar CreekPort VandemerePorters CrossingPorters Neck PlantationPorters PointePorters WalkPortofinoPreservation PointPrice EstatesPrince ManorPrincess PlaceProfessional ParkPungo Creek EstatesPungo ShoresQuail HavenQuail RidgeQuail RoostQuail RunQuail WoodsQuail Woods Village, LtdQuailwood VillageQuaker Neck EstatesQueens CreekQueens HarborQueens PointQueenswoodQuin MarshalRabbit RunRadio Island Marina ClubRaintreeRandomwoodRankin Place NorthRed OakRed Oak EstatesRed Oak PlantationRedd's CoveReedy CreekReefsReefs IiRegencyRegency Park IiRegister PlaceRetreat At OibRhodestown EstatesRibbit CreekRichlandRichmond HillsRicks PlantationRidge ForestRidgecrestRiegelwoodRiggsfieldRiver BendRiver Bend LandingRiver BluffRiver Bluff EstatesRiver BluffsRiver BranchRiver DunesRiver FallsRiver HillsRiver IslandRiver LandingRiver OaksRiver Oaks PlntnRiver PlaceRiver PointeRiver ReachRiver Reach WestRiver RidgeRiver RoadRiver RunRiver Run PlantationRiver Sea PlantationRiver StationRiver TraceRiver WalkRiverbendRiverbend PlantationRivercroft EstatesRivergateRiverland AcresRiverlightsRiverlights - Del WebbRiverlights Marina VillageRivermist At DutchmaRivermist TownesRivers EdgeRivers Edge - PerquimansRiverseaRivershoreRiversideRiverside PlantRiverside PlantationRiverside PlntnRiversoundRivertonRiverviewRiverview HeightsRiverview ShalRiverview SubdivisionRiverwalk LandingRiverwatchRiverwood EstatesRiverwood IiRobin LakeRobinwoodRock Hill PlantationRock PointRogers Bay CampgroundRogers FarmRoland CovingtonRolling PinesRollingwoodRoosevelt BeachRoosevelt CoveRose LandingRosedaleRosewood ParkRossRourk Landing EstatesRourk WoodsRoyal DunesRoyal OakRoyal PalmsRoyall OaksRuffin's River LndgRunnymeadeRussell ParkRutledgeRyan's RunSabiston HeightSagewoodSail HavenSail/LoftSalt Marsh VillasSalt Water PearlSalters Haven At Lea MarinaSalty ShoresSampson AcresSamsara EstatesSan SouciSanctuary At Forest SoundSand CastlesSand DwellersSand Dwellers IiSand Peddler InnSanders EstatesSanders PointSandpiper BaySandpiper VillageSandridgeSands IvSands VSands Villa ResortSandy GroveSandy HillsSandy PointSandy ShoalsSaratogaSavannah PlaceSaylors WatchSchooner LandingSchooner PointScotch Hall PreserveScotch MeadowsScotch Meadows NorthScotsdaleScott FarmsScotts HillScotts Hill VillageScotts LandingSea Aire EstateSea Aire EstatesSea BreezeSea CastlesSea Drift CondominiumsSea DunesSea GateSea Harbour Yacht ClubSea OatsSea Oats Acres IiSea PinesSea Pines AdditionSea RanchesSea SpraySea Trail PlantationSea ViewSea VillageSea VistaSea Vista Pierce CreekSea WalkSeabrookeSeaforthSeagateSeahaven BeachSeascapeSeashoreSeashore HillsSeaside BaySeaside HeightsSeaside LandingSeaside NorthSeaside StationSeaspray CoveSeaviewSeawatchSeawatch @ Sunset HarborSee DescriptionSequoia PlaceSerenity BaySettlers LandingSevendalesShadow Creek EstatesShady GroveShady Oaks DevShady Oaks EstatesShae's LandingShamrock VillageShan-Gri-LaShannon PointeShaw WoodsSheffieldShell CoveShell Island ResortShell LandingShell PointShell Point AcresShell Pt Rec VillageShepherds FieldSherrow EstatesSherrow River EstateSherwood ForestSherwood ForrestShine LandingShingle BrookShinnwood WestShipwatchShipwatch VillasShore AcresShoreline EstatesShoreline WoodsSidbury BeachSidbury FarmsSilver CreekSilver LakeSilver SandsSimmons BluffSleepy CreekSloop Point PlantationSmalls AcresSmallwoodSmith & WeeksSmith Creek EstatesSmithfield At Brunswick PlantationSmugglers CoveSnug HarborSnug Harbour (Carolina Beach)SomersetSomersett PlaceSommersetSongbird LandingSound HavenSound View IslesSound View ParkSouth Bay PointeSouth Branch EstatesSouth HallSouth HarbourSouth Harbour VillageSouth MoorSouth Oaks AerodromeSouth Of WoodberrySouth OleanderSouth ParkSouth RidgeSouth Shore LandingSouthern TriangleSouthforkSouthgate EstatesSouthport HeightsSouthwest CommonsSouthwest PlantationSouthwindsSouthwood EstateSparrows BendSparrows PointSpeight ForestSpencer's WoodsSpicers CreekSpinnaker PointSpooners CreekSpooners Creek NSportsman VillageSpring CreekSpring Creek EstatesSpring ForestSpring MillSpring ViewSpringdaleSpringwater ReserveSt Andrews CondSt HelenaSt JamesSt MoritzSt.
RegisStage IStanley FarmStanton LandingStar HillStar Hill NorthStarboard By The SeaStately PinesStatesideStella FarmsSterling FarmsSterling PlaceSterling PointeStick ValleyStill AcresStillwaterStillwater CoveStillwoodStockbridgeStockbridge At TanglewoodStone BayStone GlennStonebridge LandingStones EdgeStones ThrowStonewall VillasStonewood EstatesStoney Creek PlantationStoneybrook Business & OfficeStout LandingStraitsStratford AcresStrawhorn PointSudden RidgeSugar SpringSummer Hill TraceSummer PlaceSummer Sands CondominiumsSummer WindsSummer Winds CondominiumsSummerfieldSummerhouse On Everett BaySummerlin TraceSummersill EstatesSummertymeSummerwoodsSummit RidgeSun CoastSun SkipperSun ValleySunny PinesSunny PointSunrise PointSunset BeachSunset CoveSunset HarborSunset HillsSunset LakesSunset LandingSunset ParkSunset RanchettesSunset RidgeSunset ShoresSupplySurf CitySurf City #1Surf Motel CondoSurrey MeadowsSutton AcresSutton Place TwoSutton WoodsSuttons LandingSuttons RunSwan PointSwann HarbourSwans BluffSwansboro PointSwaseySweetbriarSwiftcreekTabernaTall CottonTall Ships LandingTall TimbersTanbridge ParkTanglewoodTanglewoodsTar Landing VillasTaraTarheeland AcresTarin WoodsTaylor CommonsTaylorhurstTbdTeachs CoveTeakwoodTeel's EstatesTelfair SummitThe ArborsThe BluffsThe Bluffs On New RiverThe Bluffs On The Cape FearThe Boardwalk At Carolina BeachThe Bridges CondominiumThe Bryant PlaceThe CapeThe CloistersThe Cottages At Front Street VillageThe Cottages At PetersburgThe CourtyardThe CoveThe FarmThe Farm @ Hunter's CreekThe Farm At Red OakThe Flatts At Coldwater CreekThe Highlands At Boiling Spring LakesThe Home Place Of SouthportThe Islander CondominiumsThe Knolls At Turkey CreekThe Lakes At AntiochThe Lakes At Brunswick PlantationThe Lakes At Pine ForestThe Landing At Cooper FieldsThe Landing At Everetts CreekThe Landing At Mill CreekThe Landing At Snows CutThe Landing At SouthportThe LandingsThe Manor At Mill CreekThe Mason Harbour Yacht ClubThe Mill At Heritage FarmsThe MooringsThe Oaks At Beard CreekThe Oaks At Boca BayThe Ocean ClubThe ParkThe Park At WillowickThe Paula Lynn CondominiumsThe Pines At Four ForksThe PointThe Pointe At Ocean Isle BeachThe PreserveThe Preserve At Morris LandingThe Preserve At Oak IslandThe Preserve At TidewaterThe ReachThe Reserve At Beaumont OaksThe Reserve At Town CreekThe Reserve On Island CreekThe Riggings CondominiumThe Sanctuary At Sunset BeachThe Shores At Lands EndThe Shores At Spooners CreekThe Shores At WindpointeThe TerracesThe Village At Lucas CoveThe Village At MayfaireThe Village Of Stump SoundThe Village Of WoodsongThe Villages At Turtle CreekThe Villas At SeasideThe Waters At Sunset PointeThistle DownsThomas EstatesThorpshire FarmsThouroughfare EstatesThree CypressThree OaksTibbys BranchTidalwalkTide LinesTides At North TopsailTidewater At Ocean IsleTiffany WoodsTiffanys CondotelTimber CoveTimber CreekTimberlakeTimberland RanchTimberwoodsTooley HarborTopsail BeachTopsail BluffTopsail CoveTopsail DunesTopsail GreensTopsail Inlet TerraceTopsail Island Yacht ClubTopsail LakesTopsail PlantationTopsail ReefTopsail ShoresTopsail VillasTown CreekTown Creek Marina CondominiumsTowne PointeTownes At Westview ParkTowngate CrossingTraders NeckTradewindsTradewinds CoveTrails EndTralee PlaceTranquil HarborTranquil Harbour IslandTreasure CoveTreasure PointeTreetopsTrent CreekTrent ShoresTrent WoodsTrifield EstatesTropical WindsTrotters RidgeTucker CircleTucker Creek EstatesTuckerburnettTuckers RidgeTurkey RidgeTurnberry WoodTurner FarmsTurtle Cove TownhomeTurtle CreekTurtle HallTurtlewoodTwin LakesTwin Oaks CondominiumsTwin Oaks PlantationTwin VillageTwisted OaksTyler, Home On The LakeUnit 1Unit 10Unit 12Unit 13Unit 2Unit 6Unit 8aUniversityUp The CreekVanceboroVancroftVandermere CreekVictoria PlaceView PointVilla CaprianiVilla GrandeVillageVillage AcresVillage At CalabashVillage At FairfieldVillage At FolkstoneVillage At Motts LandingVillage CreekVillage Green ShlteVillage Of Country Club HillsVillage Of Stump SoundVillage Of Walnut CreekVillage ParkVillage Park WestbayVillage PointVillage Point EstateVillages At Plantation LandingVineyard LandingVirginai Creek ForestVirginia BayVista CayVista PointW.
Long BeachW. Long Beach VillasWadelandWainsfieldWaits WoodsWalden Creek EstatesWalkers TraceWalnut CreekWantland's Ferry @ Towne PointeWard EstatesWards LandingWards Point WestWashington AcresWater Street Center CondoWater WonderlandWaterfall EstatesWaterfordWaterford Of The CarolinasWaterfront VillasWaters EdgeWatersideWaterstoneWaterway CoveWaterway LandingWaterways EdgeWatson WoodsWatts LandingWatts Landing EstateWedgewood At LanvaleWedgewood CommonsWellingtonWelmar HeightsWescott FarmsWest Bay EstatesWest EndWest HamptonWest HavenWest HillsWest New BernWest TanglewoodWest TraceWestbayWestern HillsWestern Wayne EstatesWestgate ShorelineWesthavenWesthaven SouthWesthillsWeston WoodsWestoverWestover HeightsWestportWestridgeWestviewWestview ParkWestwindWestwoodWestwood HeightsWheat FieldWhiskey Creek EstatesWhispering HeightsWhispering PinesWhite Hills BeachWhite LakeWhite OakWhite Oak BluffWhite Oak CrossingWhite Oak EstatesWhite's CrossingWhitebridgeWhitehallWhitevilleWhitewood VillageWhitney PinesWhittaker Creek Yacht HarborWhittaker HarborWhittaker PointWide WatersWilco Manor MhpWild DunesWilderness VillageWildflowerWildflower RidgeWildrootsWilliam C.
AlstonWilliams PointeWilliams RidgeWilliamsbrook EastWilliamsburg ManorWilliamsburg PlantationWilliamson PlaceWilliamsportWilliamstonWillow OakWillow WoodsWillowbrookWilmington BeachWilsonWilson CountyWilson Creek HeightsWindbrookeWindchaseWindemereWindermere EstatesWindfall NorthWindfieldWinding CoveWinding CreekWinding River EstatesWinding River PlantationWindjammer OibWindmill PointWindpointeWinds At Carolina BeachWindsongWindsorWindsor DownsWindsor FarmWindsor ParkWindstoneWindtreeWindward CayWindward OaksWindward ShoresWindy Pt Park A-KWinfield EstatesWingspreadWinnabowWinstead PlaceWinston ParkWinter HavenWinter ParkWinter Park GardensWinterhavenWood Creek EstateWoodberry FarmsWoodberry ForestWoodcroftWoodfordWoodlakeWoodlandWoodland AcresWoodridgeWoodridge NorthWoodside FarmsWorthington FarmWorthington PlaceWrens CrossingWrightsboro AcresWrightsville PlaceWylie BranchWyndfallWyndtreeWyndwaterYachtsman CondominumYaupon BeachYow PoissonZ A Gurganus
Price No Limit$50,000$100,000$150,000$200,000$250,000$300,000$350,000$400,000$450,000$500,000$550,000$600,000$650,000$700,000$750,000$800,000$850,000$900,000$950,000$1 Million$1. 5 Million$2 Million$2.5 Million$3 Million$3.5 Million$4 Million$4.5 Million$5 Million$6 Million$7 Million
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10 Newest Beach Houses For Sale in North Carolina | ||
Home For Sale in New Bern, $345,000This River Bend charmer has it all! 4 large bedrooms including a . 4 3.0 Sq Ft: 2271 Year: 1975 Acres: 0.500 Ad # 3367613 More Property Details... |
Home For Sale in Oak Island, $975,000Amazing opportunity awaits in this relaxed brick ranch located . 2 2.0 Sq Ft: 1892 Year: 1977 Acres: 0.620 Ad # 3368305 More Property Details... |
Home For Sale in Sneads Ferry, $340,000This is the ONE! This 3 bed, 2 full bath home includes loads of . 3 2.0 Sq Ft: 2315 Year: 2007 Acres: 0.790 Ad # 2945224 More Property Details... |
Condo For Sale in Kure Beach, $350,000Wonderful investment opportunity right by the ocean. 1 1.0 Sq Ft: 756 Year: 1982 Acres: 0.000 Ad # 3364226 More Property Details... |
Lot For Sale in Kill Devil Hills, $70,000Priced to Sell. Acres: 0.298 Ad # 3368138 More Property Details... |
Home For Sale in Corolla, $749,000Don't miss this gem nestled on a gorgeous lot on the beautiful . 4 3.0 Sq Ft: 2124 Year: 0 Acres: 0.340 Ad # 3368137 More Property Details... |
Lot For Sale in Corolla, $269,900Outstanding opportunity to build your dream beach house or hold . Acres: 0.460 Ad # 3368139 More Property Details... |
Home For Sale in Corolla, $1,093,000Introducing SAGA's Moongate Model. This *To-Be-Built* home is ...
6. Sq Ft: 2544 Year: 0 Acres: 0.460 Ad # 3368140 More Property Details... |
Home For Sale in New Bern, $1,200,000Amazing Trent River home on 2. 3 3.0 Sq Ft: 3200 Year: 1997 Acres: 2.280 Ad # 3367894 More Property Details... |
Home For Sale in Hampstead, $459,900Welcome to Magnolia Reserve and the Cedar by American Homesmith . 4 3.0 Sq Ft: 2376 Year: 2022 Acres: 0.230 Ad # 3136431 More Property Details... |
North Carolina Coast Surfing, Windsurfing & Kitesurfing North Carolina Coast View Surfing, Windsurfing & Kitesurfing (10)
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2. Carolina School of Surf
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22. Outer Banks Jetovator
29. TOPSail Surf Adventures
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Euro exchange rate on December 17
EUR CB: 68.78 (+0.33) Investments, 16 Dec, 15:58 nine0005Dollar exchange rate on December 17
USD Central Bank: 64.61 (+0.31) Investments, 16 Dec, 15:58WSJ announces start of Biden campaign preparations Politics, 06:17
Timeless classics: Pavel Tretyakov's art investment strategy RBC and Amaranth, 06:12
South Korea reported the launch of an unidentified ballistic projectile by the DPRK Politics, 05:37
Shoigu checked the advanced positions of troops in the zone of military operation Politics, 05:09
The head of the British General Staff expressed a desire to communicate more often with Moscow Politics, 04:43
Moldavian minister announces independence from Russian gas Business, 04:19
Watch Yourself and Your Habits: How to Reorder Your Priorities RBC and Gazprombank, 04:02
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Warehouse fire in Vladivostok extinguished after more than 14 hours Society, 03:56
In South Africa, three people died due to a powerful wave Society, 03:37
Disney lowers forecasts for the collection of the sequel to the film "Avatar" Technology and media, 03:27
In Hungary, the trading network has limited the release of goods at preferential prices Economy, 03:04
Analysts named the country that spends more than 1% of GDP on aid to Ukraine Politics, 02:29
SpaceX launches 54 more Starlink satellites into orbit Technology and media, 02:07
Who is a product manager, how much does he earn and how to become one Life, 02:01
Photo: Global Look Press
A single-engine Pilatus PC-12/47 aircraft carrying seven people crashed into the ocean off the coast of the US state of North Carolina, Fox3 Now reports. nine0005
According to the Federal Aviation Administration, the plane crashed into the water 18 miles (about 29 km) northeast of Michael J. Smith Airport around 2:00 pm on February 13 (22:00 Moscow time).
The North Carolina Coast Guard reported the plane was moving "erratically" before disappearing from radar.
There were seven people on board the plane, including four teenagers, all seven died, Fox3 Now clarifies.
In October 2021, a McDonnell Douglas plane crashed near Houston, Texas. According to preliminary data, the plane crashed after it failed to gain altitude at the end of the runway. On board the liner were 18 passengers and three crew members, all of them survived, but one person had to be hospitalized with back injuries.