Which plants are coffee grounds good for
How to Use Coffee Grounds in Your Garden
If you make a daily pot of coffee, you have a fabulous source of organic matter right at your fingertips. Coffee grounds can make your garden happier in several ways, and not just that coffee gives you more energy for weeding and pruning. Don't toss the grounds! You can put them to work.
Put coffee grounds in your compost bin. There are two types of compost material: brown and green. Your coffee grounds may be brown in color, but in compost jargon they are green material, meaning an item that is rich in nitrogen. Coffee grounds are approximately 1.45 percent nitrogen. They also contain magnesium, calcium, potassium, and other trace minerals. Other green compost materials include food scraps and grass clippings.
Adding coffee grounds and used paper coffee filters to your compost will provide green compost material. However, it must be balanced with brown compost material, which includes dry leaves and newspapers. There should be a 4-to-1 ratio of brown compost material to green compost material. If you have too much green material your compost pile will start to smell. If you don't have enough, the compost pile won't heat up.
Fertilize With Coffee Grounds
Add coffee grounds directly to the soil in your garden. You can scratch it into the top couple inches of soil, or just sprinkle the grounds on top and leave it alone. In smaller amounts, especially when mixed with dry materials, coffee grounds will give up their nitrogen. Used coffee grounds are actually nearly neutral in pH, so they shouldn't cause concerns about their acidity. Be careful not to use too many coffee grounds or pile them up. The small particles can lock together, creating a water resistant barrier in your garden.
You can also make coffee ground "tea." Add 2 cups of used coffee grounds to a 5-gallon bucket of water. Let the "tea" steep for a few hours or overnight. You can use this concoction as a liquid fertilizer for garden and container plants. It also makes a great foliar feed you can spray directly on the leaves and stems of your plants.
Feed Your Worms
Add coffee grounds to your worm bin every week or so. Worms love coffee grounds! Just don't add too many at once, because the acidity could bother your worms. A cup or so of grounds per week for a small worm bin is perfect. In addition to using coffee grounds in your worm bin, earthworms in your soil will also be more attracted to your garden when you use them mixed with the soil as fertilizer.
Keep the Pests Away
Create a slug and snail barrier. Coffee grounds are abrasive, so a barrier of grounds placed near slug-prone plants may just save them from these garden pests. However, be warned that some researchers quibble with this advice and don't think it is effective. You may want to have a backup plan in mind if it doesn't work. Many cats dislike the smell of coffee grounds and may avoid using your garden as a litter box if you mix coffee grounds into the soil.
The Spruce / Sarah CrowleyFresh Coffee Grounds for Acid-Loving Plants
While used coffee grounds are only slightly acidic, fresh (unbrewed) coffee grounds have more acid. Your acid-loving plants like hydrangeas, rhododendrons, azaleas, lily of the valley, blueberries, carrots, and radishes can get a boost from fresh grounds. However, tomatoes do not like fresh coffee grounds; keep them out of that area of the garden. This could be a good use for coffee that is getting old in your pantry or a type you bought for visiting friends but isn't your usual cup of joe.
Fresh coffee grounds still have most of their caffeine content as well as the acid. Don't use coffee grounds on seedlings or very young plants, as caffeine can stunt their growth. Be cautious in using fresh grounds around pets or your wire terrier may become extremely wired.
The Spruce / Sarah CrowleyDissenting Research Into Coffee Grounds in the Garden
One 2016 research study found that using spent coffee grounds in growing broccoli, leek, radish, viola, and sunflower resulted in poorer growth in all soil types, with or without additional fertilizer. The good news is that the coffee grounds improved the water holding capacity of the soil and decreased weed growth. The researchers think the poorer growth was due to the plant-toxic compounds naturally present in the coffee grounds. If you aren't getting the results you hoped for with coffee grounds, you may want to try your own experiments with and without them in your garden.
26 Plants That Like Coffee Grounds And a Few That Don’t
by Erin Marissa Russell
You may have heard the gardening tip about putting coffee grounds in your garden, but this technique should only be used in a specific situation. Coffee grounds are acidic, and if you put them on plants that like neutral or alkaline soil, they won’t be good for your plants at all. Use coffee grounds with plants that crave acidity to change the pH level of your soil.
In this article, we’ve listed commonly grown plants that like coffee grounds along with a few that don’t. This is not a comprehensive list, of course, so if you’re curious about whether a plant in your garden likes coffee grounds, just do a bit of research to see whether the plant craves acidity. It’s a good bet to use coffee grounds with acid-loving plants. If you aren’t sure about a particular plant, it’s best to err on the side of caution and save your coffee grounds for plants that will really thrive with them.
Plants That Like Coffee Grounds
African Violet
Christmas Cactus
Ghost Man
Maidenhair Fern
Norfolk Island Pine
Snake Plant
Wild Strawberries
A Few Plants That Don’t Like Coffee Grounds
Black-Eyed Susan
Century Plant
Madagascar Periwinkle
Sago Palm
Tips for Gardening with Coffee Grounds
- Surrounding your acid-loving plants with coffee grounds is one way to keep them safe from slugs or snails.
The mollusks won’t be inclined to crawl over the abrasive grounds, so they work as a barrier around your plants.
- Some gardeners report that using coffee grounds in the garden is one way to keep the neighborhood cats from digging in your carefully tended flower beds or using them as a litter box.
- Only use cooked coffee grounds that have already been used in your garden. Uncooked coffee grounds won’t give you the same benefits.
- Dilute coffee grounds with water before using them as a liquid fertilizer. The undiluted coffee grounds contain lots of caffeine (unless they’re decaf), and caffeine can be harmful for plants.
- Coffee grounds contain lots of nitrogen, making them a great ingredient for compost. By composting your coffee grounds, you can use them all throughout your garden. Just make sure that the coffee grounds make up no more than 20 percent of your compost.
- If you’re using too much coffee in the garden, you’ll see some of these negative effects: fungus growth, too much moisture in the soil, or stunted plant growth.
Stop using coffee on plants that are showing these signs, and reduce your usage on other plants.
- Daily or even weekly treatments with coffee grounds will be too much for even the most acid-loving plants. A safer schedule is to use coffee grounds on your plants about once every six weeks or so. If you’re using liquid coffee on your plants, keep treatments to once every two or three weeks, and make sure the coffee you use is diluted enough not to harm your plants.
- Don’t use too much when you give coffee grounds to your plant. About a tablespoon spread in a thin layer on the soil around the plant is plenty. You want just enough so that the soil around the plant is covered with a thin layer of coffee.
- Your plants will absorb nutrition better from the coffee grounds if you water the plants right after giving them a coffee treatment.
- Don’t use coffee on young plants or seedlings, even if they’re acid-loving. Instead, wait until the plants are mature and established before starting them on coffee treatments.
- You can mix coffee grounds with mulch to make a nutritious mixture for your plants. But you’ll need to make sure you don’t use too much coffee. One part coffee to three parts mulch is a good ratio to use.
- When you’re making coffee that will eventually be used in your garden, it’s important that you use unbleached coffee filters. After all, you don’t want the bleach to make it to your plants and garden soil.
- Coffee grounds work especially well in gardens where the soil texture needs improvement. Even if your soil is heavy clay or chalky, coffee grounds will help to aerate the soil and make it a more hospitable home for plants. Coffee grounds work similarly to sand in this way, except they’re packed with nutritious nitrogen for your plants.
- People aren’t the only ones who love coffee. Worms will be attracted to your garden if you start using coffee on your plants, and as you probably know, worms are a blessing for a garden.
As you’ve learned here, using coffee in the garden can be a real benefit. However, you need to know just how to use coffee: how much to give plants, which plants like coffee, and how often to use it. All those questions were answered here, so you should be prepared to give the acid-loving plants in your garden coffee treatments that will help them thrive and grow healthy and strong.
Learn More About Gardening With Coffee Grounds
What Plants Like Coffee Grounds?
House Plants That Like Coffee Grounds : Here’s A Complete List
Your Starter Guide to What Plants Like Coffee Grounds—And the Best Ways To Use Them90,000 for which plants are suitable, how to use cake and ground coffee in the garden and garden
- For which plants are
- Methods of use
- Watering
- Mulching
- Supplement
- compost
- for soil seedlings
- Pest protection
- Where not to use
- Helpful tips
thick as a fertilizer for indoor plants, flowers and gardens.
The answer to the question of whether coffee grounds can be used as fertilizer is obvious: of course you can! But let's take a closer look at what benefits this brings to plants.
- By adding coffee grounds to the soil, especially clay and loam soil, its structure becomes looser, drainage capacity and air exchange improve. In addition, coffee attracts earthworms, which also contribute to loosening the soil.
- The smell of coffee can repel harmful insects. He doesn't like cats either. If you sprinkle your garden beds with coffee grounds, you don't have to worry that uninvited visits from your pet will damage tender plantings.
- It is believed that fresh coffee has an increased level of acidity, and top dressing with such characteristics is not suitable for every plant. However, to avoid acidification of the soil, it is enough to shed thick water and then apply in the garden or vegetable garden.
- Coffee grounds as a fertilizer are rich in minerals and trace elements.
Potassium and phosphorus contribute to good flowering and abundant fruiting. Nitrogen activates the rapid growth of plants. Copper helps to resist a number of diseases. And although the total amount of useful substances in coffee cake is about 2–3%, which means that it can hardly be considered a full-fledged fertilizer, the use of grounds as an organic plant food is fully justified.
What kind of plants is coffee fertilizer suitable for? Therefore, before you widely use it in your garden, you need to study for which plants it is most effective to use coffee grounds as a fertilizer. It is most useful for flowers that prefer a low pH level - azaleas, hydrangeas, heathers and rhododendrons. Due to the large amount of potassium in the composition, coffee grounds can be used as a fertilizer when growing vegetable crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. Feeding fruit trees with sleeping coffee will also help to significantly increase their fruiting. Magnesium, which is part of coffee, is useful for berry bushes.

Roses, palms, ficuses and ferns, as well as violets and asparagus, respond best to coffee fertilization. When using coffee grounds as a fertilizer for houseplants, it is recommended to shed and dry it first. If you simply pour the rest of the coffee from the cup into the pot, most likely there will be no benefit, but on the contrary, the soil may become covered with a crust and begin to mold. To prevent this, you need to mix the prepared thick with soil suitable for this type of plant.
Coffee with sugar or milk should not be used for horticultural, horticultural and flower crops, as sugar attracts ants, and milk provokes the development of putrefactive processes in the soil, which can harm the root system of plants.
Methods of use
Used coffee must be diluted with a sufficient amount of liquid before it can be used as a fertilizer for watering plants. To prepare a solution for 10 liters of water, 1 cup of grounds is required. Cake is poured with a small amount of water and left to swell for about a day. After swelling, the amount of liquid is adjusted to the calculated amount and used for watering plants.
After feeding the plants with coffee grounds, it is advisable to water the soil again, but with clean water. This technique will allow the minerals to be slowly released, nourishing the plants. When planting bushes, you should spill the ground with coffee solution at the rate of 1 liter under the bush.
Coffee grounds can also be used for mulching crops to protect soil from drying out, repel pests and improve soil structure. However, it must be remembered that when using the grounds as mulch, as in the case of using coffee cake as a fertilizer in the garden in the country, it should be thoroughly dried to prevent the development of mold.
Soil supplement
Dormant ground coffee as a fertilizer can be added to the planting hole or hole before planting to improve soil structure. This technique makes the land more drained and loose, which ultimately has a positive effect on plant health and yield. When used on light soils, the thick acts as a binder. In this case, top dressing is applied to the upper soil layer at the rate of 200 ml per 1 m².
To speed up the maturation of the compost, it is enough to spill each layer no more than 10 cm thick with coffee infusion. Coffee grounds perform the function of nitrogen components that trigger an exothermic reaction inside the compost heap, in other words, heating it up, due to which the compost matures much faster. This method is so effective that some summer residents specifically purchase inexpensive varieties of ground coffee and sprinkle layers of compost on them.
For seedlings
Recently, the method of growing vegetable seedlings on a coffee substrate has become popular. But in order to prevent depletion of the soil, it is necessary from time to time to feed the seedlings with complex fertilizers.
Protection against pests
Coffee pomace as a fertilizer in the garden is also very effective for protecting plants from sexually mature individuals of harmful insects - ants, snails, aphids, slugs. According to the experience of some gardeners, coffee can also destroy pest larvae, in particular mosquitoes and garden bugs. This remedy is not as effective as insecticides, but also much safer.
Where not to use coffee grounds
Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, so if used in excess, you can burn the root system, which will lead to the death of the plant.
Poorly dried coffee waste can cause mold and fungal diseases and kill plants. In addition, coffee fertilizer is not suitable for tradescantia, asparagus, geraniums and other crops that prefer more alkaline soil. Top dressing from pomace can change the shade of rose flowers.
Helpful Hints
Dried coffee grounds are very light, so when used dry, even the slightest breeze can blow them off the garden. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to mix the cake with earth or sawdust and close it shallowly into the soil.
If the color of the leaves of the plants has changed after treatment with coffee grounds, the use of coffee grounds as a fertilizer should be discontinued. You can carefully strain the coffee infusion and use only liquid for irrigation, and use the thick, for example, to feed conifers.
It is recommended to prepare fertilizer from coffee grounds for summer cottages, using cake from the preparation of only natural coffee. Instant powder and granulated coffee is not advisable to use for this purpose, since their nutritional value is not great.
Coffee grounds as fertilizer: for which plants?
It turns out that not only people love coffee, but also plants. Especially valuable for their health and development is the thick, which remains after cooking. A huge amount of ground coffee is drunk daily, and the cake is simply thrown away. Let's find out how useful coffee grounds are for indoor plants.
- Useful substances in coffee grounds
- Latest articles about the garden
- What does coffee grounds contain?
- Coffee grounds compost
- Benefits of coffee grounds in the soil
- Latest gardening articles
- Other things to consider when fertilizing the soil with coffee grounds
- Coffee grounds in the garden
Useful substances in coffee grounds
Nitrogen. This chemical element is responsible for the growth of the plant, its development and nutrition with the absorption of sunlight.
Phosphorus - stimulates the development of the root system, flowering, formation of ovaries and ripening of fruits.
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Potassium makes plants immune to cold and even frost. Thanks to him, plants have the ability to resist diseases and be perfectly stored in winter.
Calcium - without this trace element, plant leaves and roots are poorly developed and nourished.
In addition to the above, coffee contains carbohydrates, iron, copper and other trace elements.
What coffee grounds contain
The aroma of coffee repels pests and can be an excellent substitute for expensive fertilizers. Therefore, lovers of natural ground coffee should not throw away the grounds and use it for plants. Here's why experts recommend using this inexpensive and pleasant houseplant fertilizer:
- coffee adapts perfectly to any soil;
- contains a sufficient amount of potassium, magnesium and vitamins for plants;
- repels pests;
- does not have an unpleasant odor, unlike other fertilizers.
Benefits of coffee for plants
It has long been believed that coffee grounds are used as a fertilizer only on alkaline soils or for plants that need increased soil acidity. This is due to the high acidity of the coffee itself. However, later researchers found that coffee grounds have a neutral Ph. Despite the fact that even by taste you can determine some sourness inherent in coffee beans, this acid is completely washed out during the preparation of the drink. Therefore, the residue that is used to fertilize the beds is absolutely neutral.
Coffee grounds as a fertilizer for plants
First of all, the grounds are added in a small amount to the soil when the plant is transplanted. Then it becomes more loose and airy, allowing the plant to receive a uniform amount of oxygen. Also, coffee residues can be watered with plants in which various pests have appeared. Coffee can be a worthy and inexpensive replacement for modern and expensive fertilizers. It is for this reason that cold and fresh grounds do not have to be dried immediately. It is enough just to water the plant with coffee residues. Thickening can be added not only to flowers, but also to various vegetables. For example, carrots. If its seeds are watered with coffee or a small amount of grounds, then the fruits will ripen faster and will soon please with a sweetish pleasant taste.
For which plants is coffee grounds suitable as a fertilizer?
For flowers. The benefits of coffee waste in flower beds are twofold: soil improvement and pest control. In the first case, the cake is mixed with sand. In the second, dry grounds are dug into the soil, and the plants themselves are treated with a mixture of water and coffee residues.
Use in rose gardens. A thick water solution will protect roses from snails and ants, and the specific smell of coffee will distract flying pests from buds. On soil soaked in coffee pomace, roses grow better, as the flowers receive the necessary and nutrients that stimulate the growth of basal shoots, including nitrogen.
For variegated plants. Tulips, peonies, hostas and lilies will bloom faster and longer, if coffee fertilizers are applied to the ground. Another effect for these types of plants is that the leaves and buds become brighter and more saturated. Coffee grounds are also used in the fight against slugs that actively eat bulbs.
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Preparing coffee grounds
It is unlikely that someone will be able to immediately collect a large amount of grounds, usually ground coffee is collected for a long time. It is advisable to prepare the cake in the winter so that it is ready for the planting season. After each cup of coffee drunk, the residue is collected and dried on paper to fully extract the moisture. The dried cake is collected in a jar and stored in a dark place.
Do not use instant coffee or unused ground coffee for fertilizing.
Ways to use coffee grounds
Flea products. Boiled coffee will also help in the fight against fleas in dogs. To do this, rub the thick into the wet hair of a pet after washing. The rich smell will repel parasites.
Air freshener. Coffee grounds can be added to a flower vase. It will organically fit into the overall composition, becoming a natural decorative filler, and will also act as an air freshener that can be used in the bathroom, toilet or living room.
Anti-cellulite mask. Caffeine improves blood circulation and removes excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this property, it is useful in the fight against cellulite.
Dishwashing powder. Due to its rough structure, coffee grounds perfectly wipe off dried dirt and food residues. It can be used to wash pots and pans instead of baking soda and household chemicals, which are dangerous for people and the environment.
Mask against hair loss. With the help of coffee grounds, you can massage the scalp. It strengthens the hair roots and promotes their growth.
Coffee grounds compost
Used coffee is as easy as throwing the grounds into the compost heap. Again, given the controversy of its acidity, for greater peace of mind, it is advisable to pre-rinse it under running water.
Paper coffee filters can also be sent along with the grounds. All this will pereprete and will benefit the plants.
The benefits of coffee grounds in the soil
Useful substances. Coffee drink and its grounds are an excellent source of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, as well as magnesium and calcium. Any gardener who has been growing a variety of crops for more than a year knows the real effect of these substances on the growth of seedlings.
Aeration. Coffee grounds added to the soil significantly loosen it. This contributes to better penetration of oxygen to the roots.
Insect repellent. Some insects cannot stand the smell of coffee at all. One such insect is the fruit fly.
Increased acidity. Adding coffee to the soil is beneficial for plants that love the extra acidity. The thick itself has an acidity close to neutral, which can also be used when growing certain crops.
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What else needs to be considered when fertilizing the soil with coffee grounds
Coffee beans initially have high acidity. When brewing coffee, excess acid goes into the finished drink, so this fertilizer does not affect the acidity of the soil. If you want to feed the plants with fresh coffee, you need to do this with great care. Not all of them will endure an acid reaction, especially flowers. Coffee grounds are a very useful and rich in trace elements composition. But this does not mean that you need to use only it. Coffee is a good support blend. But it cannot replace traditional organic and mineral fertilizers.
Coffee grounds in the garden
Many gardeners water the plant with a solution. To do this, it is diluted in water to a state convenient for irrigation. Then the plants are watered from the watering can, but then it will be necessary to pour it again with plain clean water. This method of fertilization is effective in that part of the nitrogen is slowly released, gets on the leaves, into the soil and nourishes the plant.
Coffee grounds also serve as a fertilizer and protect against pests in beds with carrots and radishes. If you want to reap a huge crop of these root crops, then mix carrot and radish seeds with dry, drunk coffee grounds before planting, and then plant them in the garden.