When can you plant broccoli

for the best and biggest harvest |

(Image credit: Alamy Stock Photo / Kay Roxby )

You do need to know when to plant broccoli to ensure success with your homegrown crop. 

One of the great joys of growing your own vegetables is that you get to harvest armfuls of super-tasty produce that’s better than anything you can buy in the shops – and broccoli is a prime example of that. 

The first step in how to grow broccoli is knowing when to plant broccoli – and in most US regions there are two possible options. 

It’s a cool season crop, meaning that as soon as temperatures rise and days get longer, broccoli will flower – known as ‘bolting’ – and will no longer produce spears. So keep reading to find out exactly when to plant broccoli, so you can avoid this happening.

(Image credit: Thompson & Morgan)

When to plant broccoli

To ensure your broccoli plants mature in the cool months of the year, you can either plant them in late winter or early spring as part of your vegetable garden ideas, for a harvest in spring and early summer the following year. Alternatively, if you live in a milder region, you can also plant broccoli in late summer or fall for a winter harvest. 

In the UK, spring or early summer planting is best.

(Image credit: Future)

When is the best month to plant broccoli?

Unless you are going to buy ready-grown baby plants or plugs, you first need to sow the broccoli seed. 

If you want to plant broccoli in spring, sow seeds indoors in individual cells or 9cm pots, five or six weeks before the last frost is likely in your region. This is a job you can add to your list when planning a greenhouse. 

Around three weeks after germination, harden the seedlings off for a few days and then transplant them into the garden or veg plot. 

The aim is to harvest spring broccoli before daytime temperatures reach the mid-60s°F, so make sure there’s enough time for the variety you grow to mature before days start to become warm. 

In regions that are mild in winter, you can also sow seed indoors in late summer and plant them out in fall for a winter harvest the following year.  

Refer to your calendar of when to plant vegetables, and choose when to plant broccoli by reference to other crops you will be growing, and to make the best use of your growing space for successional harvests.

(Image credit: Peter Turner/Alamy)

When can I plant broccoli outside?

‘Broccoli should be started from seed when temperatures are low,' explains TV presenter and garden designer Mark Lane . 

'Direct sow outside 2-3 weeks before the last frost. Then plant them outdoors ready to grow over summer and winter, and mature before high temperatures come along again,’ he adds.

Once it’s growing well, broccoli is frost tolerant – so even if it turns unexpectedly cold in the winter after planting, you will still get a tasty crop.

(Image credit: Thompson & Morgan)

How long does broccoli take to grow after planting?

Broccoli can take a while to grow depending on when you plant it, so you do need a little patience when growing it, explains Frances Tophill, BBC Gardeners’ World presenter.

‘Broccoli is one of my favorite vegetables to eat, but plants that go into the ground in spring sit in your beds through the whole summer and winter, before finally producing their florets the following spring. It’s worth the wait, though, as you should be able to harvest the florets for about a month on each plant between March and May, depending on when you sowed your seeds,’ she explains.

Because of its long time to maturity, it's probably best to only sow a small crop of broccoli if you're looking at small vegetable garden ideas, as you'll need to give precedence to fast producing crops for a continual harvest.

(Image credit: Alamy Stock Photo)

How do you maintain broccoli after planting?

Broccoli is easy to grow if you plant it at the correct time, but ‘during their long maturing time, broccoli plants are prone to attack from birds and a whole host of insects,’ says Frances Tophill. 

‘For this reason, netting is really important for broccoli. To avoid the plants bolting early, keep the roots cool by planting them deep, and mulching them, regularly irrigating in dry weather and making sure they have plenty of nutrients in the soil,’ she adds. You can enrich the soil and provide the best growing conditions through permaculture gardening practices.

(Image credit: Getty Images/ flowerphotos)

Insects can also be a problem in the US, agrees Jo-Ellen Meyers Sharp, president of GardenComm in Indianapolis.

‘Broccoli is prone to getting tiny worms or caterpillars in the heads, but these are relatively easy to control with Bacillus thuriengiensis (Bt),’ she explains.

This is a naturally-occurring bacteria that lives in the soil and is toxic to some insects. It’s best applied, sparingly, at the first sign of attack, usually in early summer.

There is a way round this though: ‘March and April sowings are less at risk of caterpillar damage,’  says Charles Dowding , vegetable expert, no-dig gardening advocate and author of many books, including Veg Journal .

To protect your crops further from pests and help boost the yield, also look at companion planting them alongside beneficial crops.

Can you grow broccoli all year?

You can't grow broccoli all year, as it is a cool season crop, but you can choose to plant your seeds or plug plants at different times of the year, as above, to harvest broccoli for many months on end.

Sarah Giles is a freelance journalist who writes about her two main passions: gardening and food. For the last ten years she has been gradually designing her country garden, slowly been putting into practice all the garden design ideas she's been mulling over for years, although she admits she is forever starting on a new project, so it's a constant 'work in progress'. 

How to Grow Broccoli Plants

Growing broccoli is planting the right variety at the right time. Learn to grow broccoli in your vegetable garden and harvest fresh heads for your table.

Broccoli is a hardy vegetable that develops best during cool seasons of the year. Two crops per year (spring and fall) are possible in most parts of the country, especially with continuous improvement in fast maturity and heat tolerance that extends the life of broccoli through all but the hottest parts of the season. It belongs to the cole crop family (Brassica oleracea), which includes cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, collards, kale, and kohlrabi.

Quick Guide to Growing Broccoli

Soil, Planting, and Care

Broccoli needs cool weather, full sun, water, and rich soil. For best success, start with young, vigorous Bonnie Plants® broccoli plants, which will put you significantly closer to harvest than if you were to start from seeds. Plant your broccoli where it will get least 6 hours of sun daily and has fertile, well-drained, moist soil with plenty of organic matter. Mulch will help keep the ground cool and moist. The soil pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0 for best growth and to discourage clubroot disease. To be sure about your soil pH, it is best to get the soil tested. You can buy a kit or have a soil test done through your regional Cooperative Extension office. Adjust the pH with lime, if needed, according to the test results.

For optimum growth in your garden, it's important to use a combination of premium-quality soil and plant food to support your plants. Make big improvements your soil by mixing aged compost-enriched Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose In-Ground Soil in with the top few inches of native soil. If you're growing broccoli in a container, be sure to choose a pot that is at least 18 inches in diameter (measured across the top) and fill it with Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose Container Mix (also enriched with compost) to provide plant roots with just the right environment. Wherever you choose to plant broccoli, you'll also want to feed regularly with a continuous-release fertilizer like Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Edibles Plant Nutrition Granules, according to label directions.

Plant at the spacing stated on the Bonnie label. Generally, broccoli plants should be 18 inches apart. If planted in rows, space rows 24 inches apart to give yourself enough room to walk between them, but you can plant two or three abreast in a row to minimize aisle space.

Broccoli likes steady moisture to grow fast and produce good heads, so water regularly, applying 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week if rain doesn't cover it. You can measure the amount of water with a rain gauge left in the garden. An organic mulch of compost, finely ground leaves, or finely ground bark will help keep the soil cool and moist and keep down weeds. In cold climates, it's the opposite, you may need to plant through black plastic in early spring to help warm the soil or leave the ground without mulch so that the sun can warm it.


Broccoli is temperature sensitive. If transplants sit exposed to cold below 40 degrees for a week or two, the chilling injury triggers heads to form way too early. On the other end of the scale, if you plant too late and the weather gets hot, you'll get the same early blooming, so plant your broccoli on time. The ideal temperature for broccoli is between 65 and 80 degrees. For local planting dates, check with your local Cooperative Extension office.

The best way to avoid pest problems is to keep your plants healthy and your garden clean. The main insect pests include cabbage loopers and imported cabbageworms, cabbage root maggots, aphids, and flea beetles. Disease problems include black leg, black rot, clubroot, and yellows. Contact your regional Cooperative Extension office for more information on pest identification and current control recommendations.

Harvest and Storage

When you see a flower head beginning to form in the center of the plant, check its growth every day. Ideally, you harvest broccoli while the tiny buds are tightly closed. If the buds begin to swell or show yellow (the flower petals), cut the head from the stem right away, no matter how small it is, because the opening buds have a mealy texture. After cutting the main head, leave the plant to grow bite-sized side shoots in the axils of the leaves.

Don't be disappointed if your broccoli head is smaller that those in the grocery store; they are usually grown in a friendly climate and with lots of pampering. In areas where spring heats up fast, broccoli heads are often better in fall than in spring, so try again for a bigger head later. Plant in late summer. Heads keep for about a week in the fridge.

The crop of broccoli in this spring garden is well on its way to making heads.Don't let your broccoli head develop to this stage. It will be mealy. If the little buds start stretching or showing yellow flower petals, cut the head, no matter how small.A perfect head of broccoli will be big and have lots of very tight green buds.Broccoli heads are harvested along with greens, lettuce, and cabbage in the cool-season garden in fall or spring.


Can broccoli be grown in the spring and the fall?

Generally, yes, depending upon the variety, the region, and the time planted. Broccoli does best when temperatures remain between 40 degrees and 70 degrees F. It needs to mature during cool periods, so it does well in most areas if planted in late summer to mature in fall. In spring, broccoli is planted early enough to mature during cool weather. Temperatures below 25 degrees F can damage or kill broccoli.

How will I know when my broccoli is ready to harvest?

Generally, you should harvest broccoli when individual buds of the broccoli head are pin-head size, dark green, and tightly closed. If yellow petals begin showing, the head is past its peak quality. After growing a certain variety for several seasons, you will soon know the potential size for heads of that variety. The size of the head depends on location, variety, season, and fertilization. Most homegrown heads are three to six inches in diameter.

Can I grow broccoli in a container?.

Yes, use a container 5 gallons or larger, or at least 18 inches in diameter

After you plant broccoli, do you have to top the plants?

No, that would remove the central head and you won't get the harvest that you expect. However, you would get small side shoots.

My broccoli foliage is developing yellow spots on the upper side with a downy growth underneath. What does this mean?

This is downy mildew, a disease caused by an airborne fungus. Some varieties of broccoli are resistant to this. Foliar sprays of chlorothalonil (Daconil¨) can be used to control this problem. Begin applications at the first sign of the disease and repeat according to label directions.

How can I control worms that get in my broccoli heads?

These are probably loopers or imported cabbageworms that can be controlled with a product containing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) such as Dipel¨, a biological-type insecticide. This must be eaten by the worm and is activated in the worm's alkaline gut. The worm then dies slowly from terminal constipation. This takes two to three days, which means the worms are not killed immediately.

My broccoli produced small yellow flowers shortly after I planted it and the heads were tiny.

What caused this?

Hot weather is the culprit. The plant is going to seed. Broccoli flowers quickly in temperatures much above 80 degrees. Be sure that you are planting at the right time. Next time, you should cut off the broccoli heads before they form flowers, no matter how small they are.

What causes broccoli heads to become discolored and slightly slimy?

Under certain environmental conditions, such as high temperatures during the initiation of the head, discoloration occurs. This has been observed on some of the hybrid varieties. Planting at the correct time and providing good cultural care usually avoids the problem.

On some of my plants, the stem has a hole that retains water and causes rotting after I remove the main head. What can I do?.

The hole in the stem cannot be corrected now. It is caused by a boron deficiency that is corrected by adding boron to the soil for next year. The rate is one-half pound per 1,000 square feet of a boron product such as Twenty Mule Team Borax. Dissolve it in two gallons of water and spray it evenly over the ground. DO NOT OVER APPLY. Boron toxicity occurs if too much is added, so use only what is required. Don't be tempted to think that a little extra is better

Is it normal for seconday sprouts to be smaller or should we fertilize?

The center head produced by broccoli is always the largest. The secondary heads are about the size of a silver dollar. Side-dressing with fertilizer can increase yields and size of these shoots. Although small, they are just as tasty as the large center head.

A few of my broccoli plants did not produce heads, but look healthy. What is wrong?

If the growing tip of a broccoli plant is injured, it may not head. This is called blindness. The transplant could have been injured in transit, while planting, or by an insect in the garden.

Broccoli Cole Crops Cool Season Gardening Fall Gardening Freeze Frost Gardening How-To Urban Gardening Vegetables

Growing broccoli: when to plant, seedlings and open ground

May 8 2020

A few years ago, broccoli was rarely found in summer cottages and vegetable gardens. Quite often, gardeners, having failed at the first planting, abandon this crop. However, the nuances of growing broccoli are not as complicated as they might seem, and recently they have become no less popular than other crops that are traditionally grown in garden beds. This is largely due to how useful broccoli is for the human body: it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. nine0003

The second reason why this crop has become so popular is the ease of growing cabbages. An increasing number of gardeners are striving to plant broccoli, but not everyone knows when to sow seeds in the ground or for seedlings. We will talk about this in more detail in the article.

Place to plant broccoli

Before deciding when to plant broccoli outdoors, it's worth deciding where to plant it. Cabbage loves light, fertile soil that passes water well. Since autumn, it is recommended to apply to the site where you plan to plant broccoli, compost or manure in the spring. nine0003

Broccoli loves clay soil with a neutral reaction. The site should be protected from drafts, especially for early plantings of broccoli. Cabbage will grow well if it is well lit for at least a few hours a day, but at the same time it also likes coolness.

As for the predecessor crop, it is better to plant broccoli after legumes, carrots, potatoes, melons. It is not recommended to grow broccoli where cabbage crops and beets grew a year earlier. In the beds where broccoli has already grown, you can return it after 4 years. nine0003

When to sow seeds in the ground

Broccoli seeds are sown more often for seedlings, but the weather conditions of our country allow sowing directly into the ground. The last method in the more southern regions is possible in mid-April, in the northern regions - in May. It all depends on the weather conditions of the growing region. How to sow:

  1. First, work the soil to remove weeds and loosen it, as broccoli loves light soil. Next, the site is moistened and the beds are made according to the scheme: 60 × 40 cm.
  2. Planting broccoli with seeds in the ground is carried out 1 cm deep. 2 seeds are placed in each hole to obtain maximum germination.
  3. After embedment, the hole is watered again, covered with a film or other non-woven material. So you will avoid freezing seedlings and create a greenhouse effect. The film is removed after the emergence of shoots.
  4. If several seeds from the same hole sprout successfully, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The most popular way to grow broccoli is from seedlings. It allows you to get stronger seedlings that are not scary to transplant to the garden. In addition, it allows you to get a crop earlier than when sowing broccoli in open ground.

Sowing for seedlings is carried out from the first decade of March. It is recommended to sow the seeds in stages - every 2 weeks. The climate of Ukraine allows growing both early-ripening and late-ripening varieties and hybrids.

It is recommended to buy seeds for sowing in trusted stores - they usually sell seed that has been pre-treated by the manufacturer, so such seeds are ready for sowing. If you are not sure as a seed, it is better to disinfect it in hot water before sowing and hold it in Epin's solution.

Seedling box recommended 25 cm deep. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the container, and a nutrient substrate is placed on top. You can make it yourself: take for this soddy soil, ash, humus, sand and mix. The soil mixture should be loose and permeable. Moisten it and make indentations for the seeds. The distance between the seeds should be 3 cm, in depth - 1 cm. Plant the seeds in the soil and compact. nine0003

Caring for crops is not much different from caring for white cabbage. Until the seeds sprout, the temperature in the room should be around 20 ºC. When shoots appear, it is lowered by 10 ºC, and after 7 days it is set to 16 ºC during the day and 9 ºC at night. Broccoli loves humidity, so not only the soil should always be moist, you also need to monitor the humidity of the air in the room where the seedlings grow. However, prolonged waterlogging can also harm young plants.

Seedlings dive when the shoots are 2 weeks old. We recommend taking peat pots as separate containers, with which you can then transplant seedlings together. After picking, the seedlings are shaded for several days, and the temperature is raised to 21 ºC. After the plants take root, it is recommended to feed them with molybdenum and boron. Then the temperature is slightly lowered, and 2 weeks before transplanting, the seedlings begin to harden. nine0003

When to plant seedlings in the garden

Once the seedlings have grown a little, the question arises: when to plant broccoli in open ground? Broccoli seedlings are grown for 35-45 days, until 5-6 true leaves form on the seedlings. Usually the transplanting period is from late April to early May. It is important to wait until all spring frosts are gone so that the seedlings do not freeze.

Planting in the ground is carried out on a cloudy day or in the evening. It is necessary to prepare deep holes and, if the soil is not nutritious enough, add mineral fertilizers to them. The distance between plants should be 35 cm, between rows - 60 cm. Carefully remove the plants along with a clod of soil and transfer to the hole. Planting seedlings with peat pots is much easier. Plants are buried in the soil a little deeper than they grew in containers, and watered. If there is a threat of return frosts, at first the seedlings can be covered with a film. nine0003

When it comes to caring for broccoli after replanting, it's not very difficult. One of the main care activities is watering the plants. It is recommended to water broccoli every other day, and if the summer is hot, then every day in the evening. In order for plants to grow and develop normally, it is important that the soil is moistened up to 12-15 cm deep. On the hottest days, it does not hurt to spray broccoli leaves in addition to watering. This directly affects the quantity and quality of the crop. It is equally important to timely feed and carry out preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests. nine0003

It is important to harvest on time so that the heads do not overgrow. They should be cut when they are still green, and the buds have not yet opened. Early hybrids of broccoli are consumed fresh, but late ones, harvested in the fall, can be stored. In a cold place they lie for 2-3 months.

Peculiarities of broccoli cabbage


Varieties and hybrids of broccoli

There are two varieties of broccoli: the usual form with a thick stem and dense inflorescence and Italian (asparagus) - it forms a large number of stems with small heads.

As for varieties and hybrids, they can be divided into:

  1. Early maturing: Junga f1, Linda, Vitaminnaya, Green Magic f1, Baro Star f1.
  2. Mid-season: Chubby f1, Agassi f1, Stromboli f1.
  3. Late maturing: Monopoli f1, Monterrey f1.

As you can see, growing broccoli in the open field is not difficult if you know the agricultural technology of this crop. At first glance, it may seem that it is difficult to cultivate broccoli in our latitudes, practice shows that this crop gives high yields in the gardens of Ukrainian summer residents. If you sow the seeds in time and transplant the seedlings into the garden, you can get tasty and healthy heads of cabbage, from which many different dishes are prepared. nine0003




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Broccoli - cultivation and care. In open ground. seedlings. Photo - Botanichka

In another way, broccoli is called asparagus cabbage, and, in fact, it is a kind of cabbage familiar to all of us, a culture that belongs to the Cabbage family and in which unblown inflorescences are eaten, and not leaf blades, like other representatives of the subspecies . Not everyone knows that cauliflower is genetically closest to her, or rather, cauliflower literally came from broccoli, that is, it is younger than the latter. nine0003 Broccoli, or asparagus. © msu

Broccoli was obtained by simple selection around the fifth or sixth century BC, when no one, of course, knew about such a concept as selection. For a long period of time, literally several centuries, broccoli was grown exclusively on the territory of modern Italy. Translated from Italian, broccoli means offshoot, and anyone who has seen broccoli will immediately understand why it was called that.

The first detailed description of broccoli is found in manuscripts dating from the end of the 16th century, at the same time the crop made its way to England, where it was presented as Italian asparagus. Almost simultaneously, broccoli came to the American continent, where it did not cause such a stir as in England, at first; and only almost four centuries later, broccoli was remembered in America, and this country became its largest exporter to other countries. nine0003

Currently, in addition to the United States, broccoli is actively cultivated in India, China, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, and Israel. In Russia, the production of broccoli is concentrated in the hands of private small farms.

Description of broccoli

In appearance, broccoli strongly resembles cauliflower, however, its inflorescences are not cream-colored, but green. In the first year, the stalk of broccoli grows by 70-80 cm and numerous succulent-type flower stalks form on its tip. These flower stalks are crowned with dense clusters of green buds, which are arranged in a loose head of medium size. It is this head that is eaten by cutting it off before the flowers form. If you delay the harvesting of broccoli and the buds turn yellow, then it will be almost impossible to eat such cabbage. nine0003

Since the lateral buds begin to form new buds after the head of broccoli is cut, cabbage can produce crops for several months.

Experts note an increase in demand for broccoli literally all over the world; if we take the average figures for different countries, then in terms of consumption of broccoli, only a fraction of a percent is inferior to traditional cabbage.

In this material we will tell you how to grow broccoli through seedlings, how to properly care for it, how to harvest and what varieties you should pay attention to. nine0003 Broccoli, or asparagus. © Farhan Ahsan

Growing broccoli through seedlings

When to start sowing broccoli seeds?

Usually, sowing of broccoli seeds for seedlings is carried out at the very beginning of March and continues until the middle of the month. As for varieties, when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of your region, for example, in the northern regions, where summer is short and rather cool, you should not consider late-ripening varieties for planting, here you need to focus on early and medium early varieties. nine0003

To avoid surprises in the future, try to buy broccoli seeds only in specialized seed stores and be sure to take the freshest ones.

How to prepare broccoli seeds?

After purchase, sort the seed material, select the largest of them and soak them in water heated to 50 degrees for about a quarter of an hour. Next, broccoli cabbage seeds should be immersed in cold water with a temperature of about 10 degrees, thus you will “wake them up”. nine0003

It remains to soak broccoli seeds in a solution of any growth stimulator such as Heteroauxin, IMC and others in order to accelerate their germination. Soak broccoli seeds in a growth stimulant solution for 7-8 hours, then rinse in running water, put in the refrigerator door for a day, and then dry to flow on a dry napkin.

Sowing broccoli seeds

Sowing seeds can be done in any containers with a side height of about 25 cm. ash and humus in equal proportions). The soil must be loose, water and breathable. After the containers are filled with soil, it is necessary to pour it from a spray gun, preferably with rainwater, and then make grooves a little more than a centimeter deep with a distance of three centimeters between them. When the grooves are ready, you can sow broccoli seeds, then sprinkle them with soil, compacting it a little. nine0003

Next, it is important to monitor the temperature in the room where the broccoli seedlings are grown. The temperature before germination should be at the level of 19-20 degrees, immediately after the emergence of sprouts on the soil surface, the temperature should be lowered to 9-11 degrees for about 7-8 days, and then the temperature should be adjusted depending on the time of day. So, during the day in sunny weather, it should be maintained at the level of 15-17 degrees, and in cloudy weather 12-13 degrees. At night, regardless of the weather outside the window, the temperature in the room should be at the level of 8-10 degrees Celsius. nine0003

The air humidity in the room should be maintained at 80-85%, the soil should also be kept moist, but do not overfill the soil, otherwise a black leg may appear, which will destroy the seedlings.

Broccoli seedling picking

Broccoli seedling picking is usually done when the seedlings are 14-15 days old. As containers for picking, it is most convenient to use peat pots, further transplantation of them is not needed, they dissolve in the soil and serve as additional nutrition for seedlings at the initial stage. Broccoli seedlings should be dived carefully, trying not to damage the roots. Previously, the cups should be filled with the same mixture that you prepared for sowing, pour it from a spray bottle, make indentations. Next, with a small stick, for example, from ice cream, you need to carefully select the seedlings from the box, place them in the holes of the cups, compact the soil and water again from the spray bottle. nine0003

Before the seedlings of broccoli get stronger, it must be protected from direct sunlight by shading. At the same time, you need to increase the temperature in the room, bringing it to 20-22 degrees.

After two or three days, when the broccoli seedlings take root, you can fertilize by adding a solution of nitroammophoska. To do this, a tablespoon of complex fertilizer must be dissolved in a bucket of water, 50 g of the solution can be poured into each cup. After top dressing, you need to lower the temperature again and adjust it depending on the time of day. During the day, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 16-18 degrees, and at night lower it to 8-10 degrees. nine0003

Approximately two weeks before planting in the ground, broccoli seedlings can be hardened off by taking them out onto a balcony or loggia first for 2-3 hours, a couple of days, then for 8-10 hours, a couple of days, then try to expose the seedlings early in the morning and clean late in the evening and, finally, 2-3 days before planting, leave the seedlings overnight.

Broccoli seedlings. © Catherine

Planting broccoli seedlings outdoors

When should I plant broccoli seedlings outdoors?

Usually, the age of broccoli seedlings before planting in open ground is 40-50 days, no more. At this point, the seedlings should have five or six true leaves, this is a signal that it is time to plant it. nine0003

Calendarly, this period usually falls in the middle or second half of May, however, if it is cold during this period and the soil is not warm enough, then the planting period for broccoli seedlings can be shifted.

For planting broccoli seedlings, it is imperative to choose the most open and well-lit area; it is fine if it is protected from the cold wind from the north side. Try to choose a bed on which green manure crops have grown before, carrots, onions, any cereals, legumes and potatoes are the best predecessors. Bad predecessors for broccoli are: table beets, radishes, tomatoes, radishes and turnips; if they grew on the site earlier, then broccoli can be planted in this place only after four seasons. nine0003

Broccoli Soil

The best soil for broccoli is neutral to slightly alkaline soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. Soil preparation for planting seedlings must begin in the fall, but this can also be done in the spring, at least a week before planting seedlings. For digging the soil on a full bayonet of a shovel, which must be combined with the maximum removal of weeds, it is necessary to add well-rotted manure or compost in the amount of three kilograms per square meter. In the event that the soil is acidic, add lime - 200 g per square meter. nine0003 Broccoli seedlings planted in the ground. © Mark

How to plant broccoli seedlings outdoors?

Plant broccoli seedlings in the ground preferably early in the morning and preferably on cloudy days. The optimal planting pattern is 35 by 50-55 cm. Planting is carried out in holes that must be dug a day or two before planting seedlings, and watered before planting (0.5 l). In the wells, in addition to water, you need to add 6-7 g of nitroammophoska, thoroughly mixing the fertilizer with moistened soil; then it is necessary to place the seedlings in the hole in a peat cup or with a bare root system, sprinkle with soil, compact it and water it again (250-300 g per plant). nine0003

Next, it is important to keep an eye on the weather: if frosts are expected, then the seedlings should be covered using glass jars or plastic bottles cut in half. Be aware that even at two degrees of frost, broccoli seedlings can die.

Care for broccoli

Care for broccoli consists of loosening the soil, preventing crust formation; in weeds, preventing competition from weeds; watering and fertilizing. Two weeks after planting the seedlings, it is also necessary to carry out hilling, which must be repeated in a week. Hilling can be combined with loosening the soil. nine0003

Remember that freshly planted broccoli seedlings can be damaged by the bright rays of the sun on especially hot days, so it should be shaded for about 3-4 days at noon. On very hot and dry days, in addition to strictly mandatory watering, it is also necessary to spray the air around the plants, and the more often you do this, the higher the yield and its quality.

When loosening the soil, try not to dig the tool deeper than eight centimeters, otherwise the roots may be damaged. Loosening is preferably carried out the next day after watering or heavy rain. nine0003

Watering broccoli

Speaking of watering: broccoli is usually watered every 6-7 days, however, if there is a drought and the temperature is at around 24-26 degrees and above, then watering can be done more often. When watering, try to moisten the soil, and not turn it into a swamp. Do not forget about spraying, sometimes they are even more useful than watering, for example, in regions with dense, clay soil.

Broccoli, or asparagus. © allison mcd

Broccoli Fertilizer

Naturally, if your plans include getting a full-fledged crop, then you must definitely provide for top dressing. You can feed broccoli more often. For the first time (not counting the feeding of seedlings and fertilizing the hole during planting), broccoli can be fed 12-14 days after planting in open ground. At this time, organic fertilizers are more important for plants. You can feed broccoli with a solution of mullein, about 250 g of mullein is needed for a bucket of water. To increase the nutritional value of the solution, you can add a teaspoon of any nitrogen fertilizer, such as urea. If there is no mullein, then chicken manure can be used, but it must be dissolved in a ratio of 1 to 20. The consumption rate of any of these solutions is about a liter per square meter. nine0003

The next feeding of broccoli can be carried out 18-20 days after the first. This time, nitrogen fertilizers are more important. It is desirable to use ammonium nitrate in the amount of a matchbox per bucket of water. The consumption rate is the same - a liter per square meter of soil.

The third top dressing can be carried out towards the end of the summer period, at this time potash and phosphorus fertilizers are most important for broccoli. It is necessary to dilute 30-35 g of superphosphate and 9-11 g of potassium sulfate in a bucket of water and irrigate the soil, spending 1.5 liters per square meter. nine0003

After the first wave of harvest begins and the central head is removed, the broccoli should be fed again to stimulate the growth of side shoots. To do this, in a bucket of water you need to dissolve a tablespoon of nitroammophoska and pour a liter of solution under each bush.

A week after this top dressing, you can apply 150-200 g of wood ash under the plants, this is a good potash fertilizer. For greater efficiency, ash must be scattered over previously loosened and watered soil. nine0003

How to harvest broccoli?

We've already touched a bit on harvesting: you need to know that broccoli should be harvested before its flowers open. This moment is easy to miss, so you need to keep a close eye on the cabbage. There are a number of signs by which you can understand that the cabbage is ready for harvest, for example, head size : ready for harvest they have a diameter of about 12-14 cm. dark green color, the buds must be closed. At the beginning of the yellowing of the buds, the collection must be carried out immediately, otherwise it will be too late, and the entire crop will simply disappear, that is, it will not be tasty and with reduced nutritional value. nine0003

Broccoli must be harvested in the morning when it is in turgor. In this case, it is advisable not to cut off the heads, but to cut them off, using the sharpest and cleanest knife for this.

Most often, 60-65 days pass from the moment the seedlings appear on the soil surface until the first harvest, usually the harvest of broccoli continues until mid-September. The entire crop must be harvested before frost.

Broccoli, or asparagus. © Matt Green

Broccoli varieties

There are currently 37 varieties of broccoli in the State Register. Of the early varieties of broccoli, it is worth paying attention to the cultivars: Venera, Vyarus, Green Magic and Corato, of the mid-early varieties of broccoli, Macho, Moscow Souvenir, Naxos and Fiesta have proven themselves well, from the category of mid-ripening varieties of broccoli, we can distinguish: Batavia, Heraklion, Dwarf and Curly Head, out of mid-late are considered the best: Ironman, Lucky, Monterey and Orantes, well, and finally, from the late-ripening ones stand out: Agassi, Belstar, Beaumont and Quinta.

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