Safe ways to get rid of roaches

How To Get Rid Of Roaches In Your Home: A Complete Guide [2022]

Unfortunately, they’re common pests, and they can be difficult to get rid of. If you have roaches in your home or apartment in areas such as kitchen cabinets, the attic, or in your bathroom, it’s important to get rid of them fast.

Here at Smith’s Pest Management, we help homeowners throughout Northern California, from Marin to Monterey, get rid of pests. Our team offers professional cockroach control services to help you reclaim your space and get life back to normal.

In this post, we’ll share the best and fastest ways to get rid of roaches for good, and everything you need to know about your various options.

Here’s an overview of the roaches you’re most likely to see indoors:

German Cockroaches

Image: LMBuga via Wikipedia / CC by SA 3.0

The German cockroach is the most common cockroach in the U.S. Because they breed so rapidly (each egg case can produce 20-40 baby roaches), even a single female in your home could produce a cockroach infestation of more than 30,000 individuals in a single year.

Unlike other roach species, the female German cockroach carries her egg pouches with her until they’re ready to hatch.

This means infestations spread easily and can be difficult to contain.

All cockroaches have flat, broad bodies with long hind legs and antennae. Their wings lie folded flat on their backs, and most are black or brown.

The German cockroach, however, tends to be light-brown with two dark, parallel stripes that run down the body from the head to the wings.

Brown-Banded Cockroaches

Brown-banded roaches love warm, dry areas, and are commonly found inside walls or electronics like televisions or refrigerators.

A flying cockroach, this species hates water and doesn’t like to live in moist or damp places.

They are about 0.5” in length, and tend to be dark brown. Both males and females have light yellow bands on their wings and abdomens.

American Cockroaches

 Image: Gary Alpert via Wikipedia / CC by SA 2. 5

While the American cockroach isn’t the most common roach species in the U.S., it is the largest.

It’s also one of the longest-lived – with lifespans of about two years.

These roaches are sometimes called the “sewer roach” or “palmetto bugs.” They can reach 1-3” in length and tend to be brown or reddish-brown with light yellow edges around their bodies.

What Attracts Roaches to My Home?

Regardless of what kind of roaches you have in your home, one thing is certain: you don’t want them there.

In addition to giving you the creepy-crawlies, roaches can trigger allergies, spread disease, and create an unsanitary living environment.

Fortunately, the first step to getting rid of roaches is understanding what’s attracting them to your property in the first place.

Here are some of the most common culprits:

1. Food sources

Roaches are omnivores, meaning they’ll eat anything. They are particularly fond of starches, sweets, greasy food, and meats.

Easy sources of food – like dirty dishes in the sink, pet food on the floor, or crumbs on the counter will draw them in.

Roaches also love garbage, so make sure to take the trash out regularly and keep all household garbage cans tightly sealed.

2. Shelter

Cockroaches enter homes for shelter.

Depending on the species of roach, they may live behind picture frames, in hollowed-out wood, in damp places like beneath the sink or behind the toilet, or in the backs of your electronics.

As the temperature dips outside, roaches will venture indoors.

They love quiet, forgotten areas, and may live underneath large appliances, in the corners of basements, and the attic.

3. Location

If you’re wondering “why do I have roaches in my clean house?” we understand.

Solving a roach problem can be frustrating – especially if you’ve been careful to avoid common attractants.

Unfortunately, some locations are just more appealing to roaches than others.

Species like the American cockroach don’t need unsanitary conditions to thrive – they simply enter through a gap in a window seal or a door left open and start establishing themselves in your house.

4. Water

Like all animals, roaches need water to survive – and they’ll enter even the most sanitary homes to find it.

Leaky pipes and faucets are common attractants, as are open showers and pet water bowls.

5. Landscaping

While roaches love to live inside, they’ll also enter your yard in search of food, shelter, and water.

Standing water in birdbaths, gutters, and flowerpots will all attract roaches, as will food sources like birdseed or fruit plants.

How Roaches Enter Your Home

Shelter, food, and water attract roaches to your home, but how do they get in? The most common way roaches enter your home is through tiny cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and other areas.

Here are some of their favorite access points:


Cracks and Gaps in Windows and Doors

Cracks and gaps in your home’s doors and windows are the top way roaches make their way into your home. Doors that aren’t sealed properly and windows that don’t close entirely are perfect access points for roaches.

2. Holes in Pipes and Vents

Another common entrance point for roaches is through holes in pipes and vents. If you live in an older home with vents that have holes or don’t properly seal, it’s an invitation for roaches to come inside.

Check your vents when you replace or service them and keep an eye on pipes and plumbing fixtures for holes or other potential roach access points.

3. Hitching a Ride on Furniture and Other Items

If you’re bringing used furniture or other items into the home, check them for roaches, first. These insects can hole up and hide in used items, only to emerge once they’re safely inside your home.

How to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally: 6 Home Remedies

If you want to get rid of roaches without chemicals such as bombing, foggers, or sprays you’re in luck. There are a handful of effective home remedies that will send these nasty critters packing and many of them are not harmful to children or pets.

Here are a few we recommend:

1. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth, or DE for short, is an excellent natural insecticide. Composed of pulverized, fossilized algae, DE’s particles are sharp and dehydrating. When roaches come into contact with DE, it damages their exoskeletons and dehydrates them to death.

Purchase some food-grade DE and sprinkle a light coating on any surface where you’ve noticed roach activity.

Pros: Effective, affordable, safe for kids and pets

Cons: Messy, requires re-application, you will have to locate and dispose of dead roaches after each DE treatment

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the fastest, easiest ways to get rid of roaches – and it’s probably something you already have in your pantry. To make a DIY roach bait, dice a handful of onions and sprinkle them with baking soda.

Place this appetizer in a shallow dish anywhere you’ve noticed roach activity. When the roaches consume the baking soda, it creates gasses in the roaches’ stomachs, causing them to burst.

Pros: Effective, non-toxic, affordable

Cons: Pets may consume the onion mixture (onions are toxic for dogs), messy, requires you to locate and dispose of dead roaches

3. Boric Acid

Boric acid is a naturally-occurring compound. A mixture of water and boron, it shows up in fruits and plants.

And while it’s harmless to people and pets, it’s deadly for roaches. When cockroaches come into contact with boric acid, it sticks to their legs and wings. When they ingest the powder, it acts on the roach’s nervous and digestive systems – killing it rapidly.

To use boric acid to get rid of roaches, sprinkle a light dusting onto a paper plate. Put an orange peel or spoonful of peanut butter in the middle of the plate and place the whole thing anywhere you’ve noticed roach activity.

Pros: Effective, affordable, natural, non-toxic, easy

Cons: Can be messy, requires several applications or treatments, may not be ideal for homes with pets or young kids, requires you to track down and dispose of dead roaches 

4. Borax

Borax is a readily-available laundry product that’s excellent for killing roaches. For best results, combine equal parts borax and white table sugar. Dust the mixture any place you’ve seen roach activity. When the roaches consume the borax, it will dehydrate them and kill them rapidly.

Pros: Effective, affordable, kills both adult and baby roaches  

Cons: Can be messy, requires re-application, requires you to track down and remove dead roach bodies

5. Citrus

Citrus is a tasty treat for humans, but it’s a repellent to cockroaches. The smell of lemons, specifically, deters roaches. Add a few drops of lemon oil to the water you use to mop your floors. The scent won’t be detectable to people, but it will send roaches packing.

Pros: Effective, affordable, ideal for homes with kids and pets

Cons: Does not kill roaches – only deters them

6. Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great natural roach repellant. For best results, purchase peppermint or lemongrass essential oil and mix it with a bit of water. Spray the mixture anywhere you’ve seen roaches.

Pros: Effective, affordable, safe for kids and pets, non-toxic

Cons: Does not kill roaches 

How to Get Rid of Roaches Inside the Home: 5 Conventional Methods

Looking for more conventional options to solve your roach problem? Here are some of the fastest ways to get rid of roaches:

1. Use Glue Traps to Identify Problem Areas

Glue traps are an effective way to identify roach problem areas and resolve infestations.

The smell of the trap lures roaches in and, once they step on the strip, the glue traps them.

For best results, place store-bought glue strips in any place you’ve noticed roach activity, including behind the refrigerator or under the sink.

Pros: Effective, safe for kids and pets (as long as the strips are hidden), fast-acting

Cons: You must monitor strips for a few days or weeks and change and replace them when they become filled with dead roaches 

2. Set Bait Stations

What kills cockroaches almost instantly? Bait stations. Typically, these bait stations come in a long tube and can be placed anywhere you’ve noticed roach activity.

The smell of the bait attracts roaches who then eat the poison. When the roach travels back to its home location and dies, the other roaches will eat it, passing the poison through the group.

Pros: Effective, fast-acting

Cons: Bait stations look unattractive around a home, can be toxic to kids and pets, will leave dead roaches around the home, dead roaches may be consumed by non-target species like birds and other animals – poisoning them as well


Caulk all Entry Points

While glue strips and bait stations can be effective to get rid of roaches, they won’t do much good if new roaches are constantly entering your home. With this in mind, use caulk to seal gaps and possible entry points. Pay close attention to gaps between walls or tile, worn-out weather stripping, or gaps in door and window seals.

Pros: Effective, safe, affordable

Cons: Caulk wears out over time, so you must check and recheck access points routinely

4. Use a Liquid Concentrate

Purchase a liquid roach deterrent concentrate at your local home improvement store. This concentrated liquid is designed to be diluted and sprayed into cracks and crevices where roaches like to hide.

If you need a more comprehensive solution, you can also add a bit of the concentrate to a mop bucket and mop your floors with the solution. This option will deter roaches overnight and keep them from coming back.

Pros: Effective, fast-acting, affordable.

Cons: Contains toxic ingredients, not ideal for homes with kids and pets. 

5. Hire a Pest Management Professional

For best results, hire a professional roach management team like Smith’s to get rid of your infestation once and for all.

Professional teams know how to locate and eradicate roach infestations safely and effectively, without putting your kids, pets, or household at risk.

Pros: Effective, safe, long-lasting, can deal with roach infestations both indoors and outside the home

Cons: Requires a larger upfront investment than DIY options

Roach Bombs: Avoid if Possible

When wondering how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator, some people turn to roach bombs.

Also called “foggers,” roach bombs spray a pesticide into the air.

When the pesticide falls to the ground, it coats indoor surfaces and kills target pests. Most roach bombs are designed to be placed in the center of the room and activated.

Unfortunately, roach bombs are extremely toxic, and we recommend against using them. There are safer and more effective ways to get rid of your roach infestation.

Pros: Fast-acting

Cons: Toxic, flammable, most effective only for flying roaches, not suitable for homes with pets or young children, requires you to vacate the home while the roach bomb works 

How to Get Rid of Roaches Outside Your House

If you want to prevent cockroaches in your house, you have to start by limiting their numbers outside your home.

Here’s how:

1. Clean Up

Remember: roaches need three things to survive – food, water, and shelter. While you can’t eliminate these things in the outdoor environment, you can make your landscaping less welcoming for them.

Here are a few tips:

Pros: Effective, affordable, makes your landscaping look beautiful

Cons: Does not kill or get rid of roaches – only makes your landscaping less appealing for them


Use Sticky Traps

Sticky traps aren’t only for indoor use – you can place them outdoors, too. Lay sticky traps down any place you see roaches entering your home, such as cracks around doors or windows, or foundations.

If you’re not sure where the roaches are coming from, lay the traps down in a few locations and check the traps daily to identify high-traffic routes.

Pros: Effective way to identify roach routes

Cons: Unsightly, time-consuming

3. Place Bait

To decrease the number of roaches entering your home, kill them with bait before they get inside.

Since roaches like to keep the top or side of their bodies pressed against something as they walk, your bait stations will be most effective when placed next to outbuildings, ledges, corners, fences, or the foundation of your home.

Pros: Effective, fast-acting, long-term solution

Cons: Toxic, can be dangerous for kids, pets, and other animals


Spray Pesticide

One of the more effective ways to get rid of roaches is to spray a pesticide around the perimeter of your yard and home. These sprays are long-acting (many last three months or more) and will kill roaches on contact.

Pros: Effective, long-acting

Cons: Toxic, can be dangerous for kids, pets, and other animals 

How do Exterminators Get Rid of Roaches?

If you hire a professional exterminator to get rid of roaches, what can you expect?

Here’s how our team at Smith’s Pest Management does it:

Step 1: The Inspection

Our cockroach control experts will arrive at your property to inspect the infestation. We’ll look for areas where the roaches are accessing your home, and sources of moisture or food that may be enticing them.

We’ll also identify the species of cockroach you’re dealing with and formulate a plan for cockroach control.

Step 2: The First Treatment

Based on the information we gleaned during our initial inspection, we’ll develop a treatment plan for your home. Since cockroaches can be a difficult pest to eradicate, we take a two-step process to get rid of them.

Depending on the severity of your infestation, our preliminary treatment may include baiting, monitoring, trapping, or spraying the cockroaches or providing education, cleaning and sanitization services, or insect growth regulators.

During this step, we’ll place cockroach monitors to gauge activity.

Step Three: The Follow-Up Visit

Once we’ve deployed our initial treatment, we’ll check our monitors and deploy additional treatments, as needed. The result is a complete end to your infestation, as quickly as possible.

How Do I Keep Roaches Out of My House?

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keep roaches out of your home in the first place with these simple tips:

1. Clean the House

First things first: start by removing everything that could attract roaches.

Any homemade roach killer you employ will be more effective if you make your home as unwelcoming as possible before using it.

Here are a few items to check off the to-do list:

2. Get Serious About Storing Food

If you want to keep roaches out of your house, eliminating food sources is critical. One of the best ways to do this is to store food in airtight glass or plastic containers.

Store perishables in the refrigerator, and avoid leaving fruits and vegetables out on the counter.

3. Clean Kitchen Appliances

Remember: roaches love fat and grease, and your kitchen is a great place to find these tasty treats. With this in mind, keep the stovetop, dishwasher, and other cooking appliances clean.

Pay special attention to areas like the drip pans under stove burners, the backsplash, and your garbage disposal.

Additionally, make sure you’re wiping counters and tables after you cook each night. To add an additional layer of protection, add a few drops of lemon oil to your cleaning water. The scent of citrus will keep cockroaches from coming back.

4. Get Rid of Newspapers and Cardboard Boxes

Roaches love newspaper and cardboard boxes because they make excellent breeding and nesting material. To prevent roach infestations, recycle or get rid of old newspapers and used cardboard boxes as quickly as possible.

5. Seal Cracks and Entry Points

Roaches can squeeze their small bodies through tiny gaps and cracks. To prevent them from gaining access to your home, seal cracks in the home’s foundation and install door sweeps to block gaps under doors.

You’ll also want to check for gaps around windows, and around holes used for gas, plumbing, and electric lines, and crawl space vents. Use caulk or sprayable foam to seal these cracks and keep your home roach-free.

6. Fix Leaks Right Away

If you have plumbing leaks in your home, fix them as quickly as possible. Even a tiny pipe drip is enough to provide roaches with the moisture they need to survive.

In addition to fixing leaks, regularly inspect sinks, refrigerators, appliances, and faucets to ensure they’re not leaking or producing excess moisture.

Are Roaches Taking Over Your San Francisco Bay Area Home? We’re Here to Help!

Our team is here to help you get rid of roaches permanently. We provide top-quality pest control services to residential and commercial customers in Northern California – from Marin to Monterey.

Don’t settle for living with roaches – call our team for fast, effective roach control services: (408) 871-6988

13 Best Ways to Kill Cockroaches in the Home and Yard

There are many ways to kill cockroaches — sprays, traps, gels, even natural remedies.

Here are a dozen of the best options.

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Chameleon Pictures/Getty Images

How to Kill Cockroaches

A home invader that brings along several health risks, homeowners should get rid of cockroaches at the first indication of an infestation. Traps, gels, pesticides, and natural remedies can be used to capture and kill cockroaches taking over your home. Here are some of the best ways to get rid of this invasive pest and a few solutions that might not work as well as perceived.

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Cockroach Trap: Combat

Combining food with the insecticide hydramethylnon, the Combat Cockroach Trap can help catch and kill cockroaches in and around the house. Just place these traps around where cockroaches are suspected and wait for the pests to find their way in.

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via Amazon. com

Cockroach Trap: Roach Motel

Adhesive traps are one way to capture cockroaches without poisons or toxins. The Roach Motel cockroach trap lures pests into the small container and keeps them there with a sticky glue. Cockroaches get stuck in the trap and eventually die. This method is a clean and harm-free way to clear out those pesky roaches.

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Cockroach Trap: Hot Shot Ultra Roach Bait

Using a food and water combination, the Hot Shot Ultra Roach Bait traps and kills cockroaches when they ingest the bait. You can set up these bait stations in and around the house where cockroaches have been seen, checking once a month to see the progress. The trap effectively kills roaches in hours and helps eliminate any of the cockroaches carrying eggs.

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Cockroach Gel: Advion Gel Bait

The Advion Gel Bait is an effective bait for those cracks and crevices where cockroaches get in the home. The gel works on various species including the American, German and Brown-Banded cockroaches, luring them with a high-performing bait matrix and poisoning them with Indoxacarb. Use this bait around the foundation of your home to get rid of cockroaches.

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Cockroach Gel: Combat Max Roach Killing Gel

Particularly effective against German cockroaches, the Combat Max Roach Killing Gel attracts and kills roaches trying to enter the home. Used in those hard-to-reach places where cockroaches might be roaming, the gel can help eliminate the pests quickly and easily.

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Cockroach Powder: Boric Acid

A formula of boric acid will lure and kill cockroaches in the home or a business. Apply the powder in likely cockroach hiding spots — under appliances, behind cabinets, and crevices where they crawl. Here’s why boric acid is particularly effective: If a cockroach eats another cockroach killed by the poison, it too will be killed. As with any pesticide, apply carefully and follow instructions for safe use.

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Cockroach Powder:

Diatomaceous Earth

An all-natural mineral, Diatomaceous Earth is an effective powder that eliminates cockroaches upon contact. Apply a light dusting of this powder with a scoop or duster in places where cockroaches have been seen. They step in it, and it essentially dehydrates the pests to their death. While generally safe around people and pets, follow instructions closely for a safe application and maximum performance.

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Cockroach Spray: Raid Roach Killer Spray

Fragrance free, the Raid Roach Killer is an effective spray that kills cockroaches on contact and continues to kill on surfaces for up to four weeks. It also helps eliminate nests. The spray is not only effective against cockroaches but other insects as well.

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Cockroach Spray: Ortho Home Defense

A can that sprays at multiple angle, the Ortho Home Defense Max Aerosol kills cockroaches at the point of contact and fares well at preventing pests in the future. The spray is good for indoor use and provides no extra fumes. It’s effective on all types of insects, not just roaches.

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Natural Remedy: Baking Soda and Sugar

This natural DIY method features a bowl of baking soda mixed with a pinch of sugar, placed near locations where cockroach activity has taken place. The sweetness of the sugar will attract the cockroaches; ingesting the baking soda effectively kills them. It is a simple and safe way to eliminate pests in and around the home. If using this method, make sure to safely dispose of any dead cockroaches.

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Natural Remedy: Fabric Softener

A spray bottle mixed with three parts fabric softener and two parts water can be an effective way of eliminating cockroaches. The chemicals within the fabric softener suffocate the roaches. This method only works if the cockroaches come into direct contact with the mixture.

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-slav-/Getty Images

Natural Remedy: Soap and Water

Similar to the fabric softener approach, a natural remedy for killing cockroaches is a mixture of water and soap, dispensed from a spray bottle. If you see cockroaches in the open, the spray can kill the pests on sight.

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Photo Courtesy of Bonnie Plants

Roach Killing Myth: Cucumbers

This may come as a bit of a shock, but people have tested using cucumbers as a way to repel roaches away from their home. According to some sources, cucumber peels are supposed to ward off cockroaches because they find the smell repulsive. However, this myth has been busted and is not recommended by usual cockroach control.

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Nikolay Litov/Shutterstock

Roach Killing Myth: Citrus Liquids or Herbs

Another Internet false claim to avoid. Some people have written that citrus water, herbs, or even essential oils can stave off cockroaches from your home. This is just another myth that has been busted by pest control experts.

Originally Published: April 16, 2020

The best cockroach remedies

What should I look for when choosing?

We know a lot about cockroaches. For example, the theory that after a nuclear war, these insects are the only ones left alive. Or their ability to live without a head for several days. The opinion has strengthened among the people that cockroaches are a kind of "terminators" among insects, hard to kill, scary and hardy. Let's be honest, the appearance of such a "guest" at home certainly will not please any owner. Fortunately, civilization has given us several effective types of weapons from mustachioed parasites. There are many varieties: traps, gels, sprays, aerosols, crayons and powders. Today we're going to share some of the best and most effective remedies to end your cockroach war and prevent new ones. And we will help you choose, of course. Photos of all mentioned preparations are attached to the article.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a remedy for cockroaches?

  1. Assignment of funds . You should make sure that the purchased product destroys this particular type of insect. Fortunately, many manufacturers put images of cockroaches directly on the front of the pack, so there should be no problems.
  2. Composition . Read carefully what is written on the back of the funds. Some people suffer from intolerance to certain substances. It will be a shame if you buy a cockroach remedy and it will harm you.
  3. Toxicity . Most insect repellents have a strong and unpleasant smell. But in the case of cockroach remedies, there are traps and crayons that practically do not smell like anything.
  4. Desired effect duration .

What types of cockroach remedies are available?

  1. Gels
    Destroy the insect population gradually, not instantly. All thanks to the effect of the virus. Insects scatter through their cracks and infect the entire tribe, so cockroaches can be destroyed effectively and en masse.
  2. Traps
    They kill cockroaches only if they get caught and stick. Fortunately, over the past few years, progress has stepped far forward, such baits have improved, and cockroaches have become much more successful.
  3. Sprays/Aerosols
    One of the most famous species that needs no introduction. Everyone has seen and used insect sprays at least once. A reliable and proven method of fighting, the main thing is to hit right on target and protect your eyes.
  4. Crayons
    A line made so shallow will be fatal to a cockroach. But only if he did not have time to develop immunity. This medicine is affordable and very budgetary, but it does not work with 100% probability.
  5. Concentrate
    Special fluids are usually diluted with water. They are highly toxic and are sprayed throughout the apartment. Most are not intended for amateurs and are used only by specialists in the field of pest control.

Most Popular Cockroach Remedies

Clean house

Domestic brand that produces cockroach remedies in several varieties. Can be used in residential and non-residential premises.

Aerosol . The best and most reliable means for the destruction of cockroaches and other insects "on the spot".

Crayons . They are the most budget option, but they fight well with cockroaches.

Traps . They are placed in places where cockroaches are expected to appear.

Vigilant Guard

With its name alone, this brand inspires confidence and protection to its buyer. But are these remedies really effective?

Gel . Budget professional tool, designed for repeated use. This is its disadvantage, because it acts gradually and does not destroy cockroaches the first time. Contains neostomosan and chlorpyrifos.

Crayons . An absolutely deadly thing for any type of insect, cockroaches are no exception. But you need to use in conjunction with some other tool to achieve maximum effect.

Spray . Pretty effective for a low price. Compact, easy to carry. One of the few drugs that have a pleasant smell. But at the same time, you still need to spray it very carefully - no one has canceled toxicity.


Preparations are manufactured by the Research and Production Association "Garant", Russia.

Gel . An excellent option in terms of price / quality ratio. Convenient packaging in the form of a syringe, thanks to which you can accurately calculate the dosage of the drug. The main disadvantage is that it only works for a small number of cockroaches. If the number of insects in your apartment has exceeded all permissible limits, we recommend that you consider other drugs from the list.

Spray . Suitable for independent use even for beginners. The product is applied to surfaces in places where insects accumulate and move using a convenient trigger spray system. The active substance is equally effective against flying and crawling insects. In our case, cockroaches will be killed with ease.

Force Site

Preparations of this company are intended for the destruction of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites in the practice of medical disinfestation at objects of various categories.

Gel . Colorless, odorless, produced in the form of syringes of 30 grams. Due to its colorlessness, it is absolutely invisible on the surface after application.

Traps . They are a cardboard blank, inside of which glue is applied. The sticky layer is protected by paper, which can be easily removed. In the middle of the trap you need to put a special bait in the form of a tablet. Tablets 5 - just the number of traps. When opened, the tablets emit a specific odor. After the bait is installed, you need to assemble a "house" and install it in the habitats of cockroaches. The effect comes after the first night - cockroaches stick to the surface and cannot free themselves.


Gel . Very vigorously and effectively fights cockroaches. The invasion ends in just three days. Be sure to wash your hands after use as the chemicals can irritate your eyes and skin. Received good and excellent reviews from a variety of professionals.

Spray . Acts instantly: the death of insects occurs within an hour. Convenient to use. It is used in kitchens, rooms, bathrooms, basements and utility rooms. Treat should be cracks behind baseboards, along risers, water pipes and behind refrigerators.


According to its creators, Dohlox cockroach remedies are the latest generation of modern technologies created by Russian scientists and engineers. In many respects, they are better than well-known imported analogues, and have been exported to many countries of the world for a long time.

Gel . Justifies its name. It is quite an effective remedy, and most importantly, it is quick and easy to use, which does not have an unpleasant smell for you and is easily washed off.

Traps . Works like all other traps. It is installed where cockroaches are usually shown. Inside are pills.


Crayons . An inexpensive and effective remedy that is hazardous to health if taken with bare hands. Leaves white marks on furniture and floors, which should be scrubbed with detergent and gloves to avoid poisoning.

Traps . Safe, economical and easy to use. Effectively destroys insects in any place, including food storage areas.

Safe, economical and easy to use. Effectively destroys insects in any place, including food storage areas.

Author: Zirael

Our catalog contains a wide range of cockroach control products

How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever on your own at home


At the mere mention of the word cockroach, a person experiences not the most positive palette of feelings. A mustachioed insect causes shock, indignation, disgust and disgust. It is clear that no one will be happy with such an annoying neighborhood on the territory of their own home. Cockroaches carry pathogens, worsen the sanitary condition of the premises, pollute surfaces, things and products with their traces of vital activity. Females are highly prolific and only one individual is capable of infecting an entire multi-storey building with a population of parasites. It is necessary to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment immediately after detecting their signs. Common methods will come to the rescue in the fight - this is self-baiting with folk remedies and store chemicals or ordering SES services for professional pest control.

Types and characteristics of domestic cockroaches

Representatives of the cockroach family are synanthropic creatures that are well adapted to living together with humans on the territory of households. Insects are predominantly nocturnal, love moisture and warmth. Cockroaches are not picky about food, so they eat everything. First of all, they willingly eat all kinds of crumbs, the remains of human food, decaying organic matter, and spoil food supplies. Favorite diet consists of sweets, starches, bakery products, fats, dairy products, meat fibers, cheese. They also do not disdain beer, dead skin of a person. When treats are not available, the parasite switches to paper, hair, glue, book bindings, leather goods, and textiles. In a state of severe hunger, it is able to gnaw even soap.

There are about 4640 species of cockroaches, but mainly only 2 are found at home. Insects are predominantly nocturnal, love moisture and warmth. Cockroaches are not picky about food, so they eat everything. First of all, they willingly eat all kinds of crumbs, the remains of human food, decaying organic matter, and spoil food supplies. Favorite diet consists of sweets, starches, bakery products, fats, dairy products, meat fibers, cheese. They also do not disdain beer, dead skin of a person. When treats are not available, the parasite switches to paper, hair, glue, book bindings, leather goods, and textiles. In a state of severe hunger, it is able to gnaw even soap.

Black cockroach

The black cockroach is less common, because it is being replaced and surpassed in popularity by the red competitor. Black insects have gnawing mouthparts and large body sizes. The length of an adult parasite is from 2 to 3 cm. They cannot fly, but they run fast. The body is flattened, the color is monotonous tar-brown or black-brown with a metallic sheen. They live close to humans. Settled in heated rooms, basements, basements, lower floors, kitchens, greenhouses, sewers. On the body of black cockroaches there are glands that secrete an odorous secret, which is very attractive to other individuals. Therefore, these insects prefer to be grouped in large colonies. Black synanthropes are omnivorous, considered scavengers. They love various food supplies, leftovers, biscuits, bread, pasta, canned fish and meat, flour. Quietly feed on garbage and feces. Parasites make food products unfit for consumption, because moving on them, they contaminate them with their paws, not to mention the pathogenic damage to the mouth apparatus during meals. The female has a stocky body, during her life she reproduces about 22 ootheca. A fertilized ootheca contains 8 to 20 eggs. The female wears this brown capsule for only 3 to 14 days, and then leaves it to the mercy of fate, where it is necessary, or fixes it in a warm, cozy place, without waiting for the nymphs to hatch. Black females are not able to take care of offspring. The maturation stage from egg to adult parasite takes 5-12 months under favorable conditions.

Cockroaches pose a threat to human health, carry pathogens of infectious diseases, helminth eggs. Can cause dysentery, gastroenteritis, urogenital infections, meningitis, salmonellosis, pneumonia.

Interesting facts about household cockroaches

According to researchers, cockroaches are so tenacious and adapted to cataclysms that they have a chance to survive even during a nuclear explosion. Cells are most sensitive to radiation during division. Since insects molt about once a week, part of the population will be able to withstand the disaster.

How to understand that cockroaches have appeared in the apartment

If one cockroach appeared in sight, then this is already an alarming bell for the owners of the apartment and a reason to take decisive action to destroy it. Vile insects do not live alone, but huddle in groups that, in the absence of destructive measures, grow into huge populations. At the initial stage of infection of the premises, the owner may not notice obvious traces of unwanted tenants. It is important to understand where cockroaches live and hide - this knowledge will allow you to carry out high-quality persecution in the future.

The favorite place for the settlement is the kitchen. It is warm, cozy, there is a lot of furniture attached to the wall, there is an uninterruptible power supply, a container with garbage, a jug of water or leaking plumbing - in a word, all the conditions for a comfortable existence and constant reproduction. The active activity of mustachioed neighbors begins at night, but this does not mean that they sleep during the day. They just try to conspire for the sake of self-preservation and do not crawl out of their secluded hiding places unnecessarily. In addition, cockroaches do not accept the sun's rays. With a strong infection, insects are found at any time of the day, fearlessly moving over surfaces, openly in front of people, which cause terrible discomfort.

The main signs signaling the appearance of cockroaches in the house:

Synanthropes are mainly localized in inconspicuous darkened areas where no one will disturb them. These areas need a scrupulous inspection with a flashlight. They also build nests there, which are literally covered with a dark coating from constant stay there and violent life. Insects crawl through any openings, even a pregnant female is able to squeeze into the minimum gap.

Where cockroaches live and hide

It is very important to carry out regular cleaning of the apartment in a quality manner. It is necessary to wash the floor not just in a conspicuous place, but to clean all corners, hard-to-reach places. This will allow you to identify cockroach nests much earlier than they have time to spread throughout the apartment and migrate in addition to people on nearby floors.

Calling the disinfestation service to exterminate cockroaches

It is necessary to exterminate cockroaches quickly, radically, without delay, using highly toxic combined pesticides that have passed certification. Only experienced specialists from a specialized company can cope with such a task. The services of a sanitary and epidemiological station are the most effective and reliable way to eliminate cockroaches of any degree of infection, so the decision to resort to the help of professionals is the most optimal.

Benefits of professional pest control services:

In a multi-storey building, it cannot happen that cockroaches occupy only one apartment. These insects move freely through cracks in door and window frames, through ventilation hatches and any other gaps. They lay eggs in these secret places, which, according to nature's idea, are most resistant to chemicals. Therefore, experts strongly recommend getting rid of cockroaches together with neighbors. Complex processing is a reasonable solution that allows you to really exterminate the agile barbel forever and then the likelihood that they will return again will be minimized.

How to get rid of cockroaches using store chemicals

When all cockroach caches are opened, it's time to start extermination on your own. To combat tenacious insects in stores, a huge selection of chemicals of various forms of release is presented. Which one to choose depends on personal beliefs. The drug should be used according to the instructions. Processing is carried out according to safety rules following the recommendations from the manufacturer. Below are the most popular store pesticides among consumers for the destruction of cockroaches.

Gels and pastes

This form is considered the safest for humans and pets. Suitable for the extermination of a small population of parasites and the prevention of re-emergence. The gel is packaged in plastic tubes or syringes. The consistency does not harden, when eating poison, the cockroach gets dirty in the product and brings it on its paws to the nest, where it poisons its relatives. This method is not suitable for destroying egg clutches.

List of names of effective agents from this category:

It is better to apply gels not directly on the surface, but in dotted lines on strips of paper, placing them in the places of localization. Insects crawl perfectly on vertical surfaces, so you also need to attach sheets of paste to duct tape there. These are long-acting drugs, the destruction of cockroaches occurs gradually and not radically.


Effective and easy-to-use cockroach killer. With such a household insecticide, hard-to-reach places can be treated. When spraying, wear a respirator and rubber gloves. There should be no food or kitchen utensils on the surfaces. After processing, it is necessary to pause for exposure according to the instructions, and then perform thorough ventilation and wet cleaning.

Aerosols for self-killing cockroaches:

The disadvantage is that the effect of the poison ends after evaporation, unlike gels, so the spray must be repeated according to the instructions. But the first results will be visible almost immediately, especially if applied directly to cockroaches and in nests with individuals.


Powder poison is scattered dry or diluted in water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. The resulting solution is poured into a spray bottle and abundantly irrigate the infected area.

List of dry chemicals:

Liquid concentrates

Toxic agents are not always available in regular stores, but can be ordered online.

Known active agents against cockroaches:

Tablets and microcapsules

Available in the form of water-soluble capsules or poisonous bait lenses, which are placed near the population. There are also microencapsulated suspensions that continue the harmful effect after drying.

The following poisonous preparations are most effective:

There are also well-known crayons like Mashenka. It is recommended to draw closed circles. Such household insecticides need to be boosted with other chemicals. Crayons are more suitable for preventive work. As an additional measure, you can set the trap on a horizontal surface with a glue base to trap individuals; it is ineffective against egg capsules.

For example, a trap from the Japanese company KOKUBO Nenchaku Pro is assembled in the form of a cardboard house, inside it is an adhesive base where a special bait is attached.

The mechanism is simple - a cockroach catches an attractive aroma, goes to it and gets into such a house-trap, where it sticks to the floor. According to consumer reviews, adults are well caught, and the younger generation does not have time to stick with small paws. It is not necessary to buy a trap from this brand, there are many other sticky houses for sale: Agrus, Blockbuster, Jab, Barrier.

TOP professional chemicals for home baiting of cockroaches

Preparations are potent, but less aggressive and toxic compared to those used by professionals. Suitable for the destruction of cockroaches at home. The funds are aimed at the destruction of different types of synanthropes, when choosing, you need to focus on the degree of infection and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, the manufacturer's recommendations. Home pest control must be carried out in protective equipment.

A selection of the best insecticides from different brands:

Cockroaches quickly develop resistance to many pesticides, they simply get used to them and stop reacting. In order to avoid such an effect, it is necessary to analyze the compositions of poisonous drugs and constantly alternate them. For more effective pest control at home, the products can be combined with each other. Exposed cockroach shelters, the back walls of furniture and the area behind it, walls at a level of 1 m, baseboards, the space under the bathroom and sink, places under the departed coating are subject to careful processing.

Folk methods against cockroaches

Opponents of chemical treatment can resort to folk methods for the destruction of cockroaches in the apartment. Improvised means are powerless against a strong infection with parasites, they are more suitable for fighting at the initial stage of settlement. Below are the most popular and sought-after home methods of extermination.


Sodium boric acid is sold as a powder and is considered the best home remedy. When it enters the intestinal tract of an insect, it causes poisoning. To mask an unpleasant odor, the powder is combined with foods that cockroaches like to feast on.

Borax recipes:


Ammonia does not have a direct poisoning effect. Due to the pungent smell, it is possible to scare away cockroaches and thus force them to leave the apartment. The method is good as a preventive treatment. Not suitable for harassment, the Prussians will run away through the passages to the neighbors, and then return.

Wear gloves and respirator. Pour 10 liters of water into a bucket, pour 1-2 bottles of ammonia. Wash floors and surfaces with a solution. After cleaning, it is advisable to go for a walk for several hours, upon returning, wash off the dried product with soapy water, and ventilate the apartment.

Vinegar treatment

The principle is similar to the previous method. The aroma repels insects, vinegar treatment is a good prophylactic. Dilute a bottle of table vinegar in a bucket of water. Use this liquid to periodically wipe tables, furniture, floors, skirting boards, plumbing fixtures, kitchen cabinet doors and shelves, hard-to-reach places, and ventilation systems. If you managed to declassify the cockroach nests, then pure vinegar can be sprayed into them.

Turpentine and kerosene

These are toxic combustible products, safety precautions must be observed when working with them, there must be no source of ignition. The persecution is carried out with kerosene or turpentine in its pure form. It is not necessary to dilute with water. The principle is simple - generously lubricate the cracks, the places of localization of parasites with liquid. This treatment must be repeated several times with an interval of several days.


Chlorinated solution is used everywhere for sanitation and is useful for the extermination of cockroaches, they are afraid of this smell. Dilute the finished whiteness in water, periodically carry out independent disinfecting cleaning. Death is possible only with direct contact of the insect with bleach, so this treatment repels parasites more and prevents them from settling in the apartment.

Chamomile Powder This is the most environmentally friendly and safe folk method for the destruction of cockroaches. It does not harm people and pets, but for mustachioed cohabitants it is poison.

The main task is for the parasite to eat it. Make balls from 1 tbsp. chamomile powder and boiled egg yolk, place around the apartment. If immobile individuals are found, it is better not to throw them in this form in the urn. The insect may be in a state of paralysis or sleep from the influence of poison, so you need to finish it off physically for reliability or flush it down the toilet.

Homemade traps

You can make your own trap for red and black cockroaches from scrap materials. According to the mechanism of action, the structures are glued, like a trap, with poisonous baits.

Glue trap

To create a homemade trap, a piece of thick cardboard from the box, ready-made paper packaging from cookies, a thin board will do. You can leave it in its usual form to control the number of individuals caught or build bumpers, everything is up to you.

The base must be smeared with a special non-drying adhesive with high fixing properties, such as RaTrap, or lined with adhesive tape, double-sided tape. Place a delicious bait in the center: minced meat, pieces of cheese, pastries, saucers with beer.

For the best effect, make several of these houses and place them around the apartment. Then observe the result, update portions of food. Within a few days, the Prussians should already peck and fall into a sticky trap. Dispose of filled traps.

Can trap

You will need a 0.5-1 liter can. Outside, wrap it with gauze to level the slippery surface for the convenience of the cockroach. In addition to the jar, you can attach an impromptu bridge made of cardboard strips - so that the parasite can definitely climb into the trap.

Grate the inner surface of the can with plenty of fat, it is better to take butter, pork fat - this is very attractive to the Prussians. Vaseline, vegetable oil will also come off. The main thing is that the surface is slippery, and he could not get out of the trap.

At the bottom of the jar put food with a pronounced aroma: smoked sausage, pieces of fried bacon, meat delicacies, kefir, sour cream, bakery products, boiled eggs. If desired, borax can be added to the bait so that the caught cockroaches are poisoned.

Prepare several of these jars to place in the kitchen and other rooms. Constantly check the contents of the cans, flush the caught victims into the toilet, pour boiling water or burn them in a fire.

Plastic bottle

Cut off about 1/3 of a 1.5 liter bottle. Fill with water most to half, throw in pieces of sausage, biscuits and other food that does not immediately sink to the bottom. Glue a pencil on the outside so that the cockroach can climb into the trap on it.

Insert the top of the bottle upside down into the water funnel, generously grease with oil or grease, secure with adhesive tape. Trapped individuals have no chance of climbing out. Install such a water trap near the trash can, behind the cabinets, in other inconspicuous areas.


There are many ways and preparations to fight the Prussians, there are plenty to choose from. All of them differ in efficiency, cost, type of impact, application rules. Each person who is faced with an invasion will be able to choose from the presented assortment a suitable method for getting rid of cockroaches. The main thing to understand is that trying to scare off the Prussians is ineffective, they will return.

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