Pruning money trees
How to Care for and Grow Your Braided Money Tree — Plant Care Tips and More · La Résidence
Braided Money Tree
AKA pachira aquatica
A symbol of good luck and prosperity, the Braided Money Tree is a gorgeous indoor tree that can grow up to eight feet tall. Learn the basics of caring for this plant including light requirements, watering frequency, and how to troubleshoot common problems you may encounter along the way.
What kind of light does the Money Tree need?
This plant prefers bright indirect light, though they can adjust to medium levels of light. Keep them out of direct sunlight, as too much of it can scorch their leaves!
How to water your money tree
Let your plant dry out between waterings. Water thoroughly when topsoil is dry, usually once a week. Avoid overwatering, and note that your watering schedule may be less frequent during winter months.
In prime conditions, this plant is a fast grower and can reach up to eight feet tall indoors (and 60 feet tall in the wild!). Fertilize your Money Tree 1-2 times per month in the spring and summer with indoor plant food, or foliar feed year round.
Common problems with Braided Money Trees
Why Are My Braided Money Tree's Leaves Turning Yellow?
Why Are My Braided Money Tree's Leaves Wrinkling?
How to maintain a beautiful and healthy Braided Money Tree
Take care of your Money Tree and it will take care of you! Below are simple tips to continue caring for your Money Tree over time.
Pruning Money TreesRemove dry or dead leaves all year round, but save any major pruning for the spring and summer months. When pruning your plant, take a step back and look at the entire shape of the canopy, and determine which branches to remove to give it to restore an even, balanced shape. Use sharp, clean shears and cut any excessive growth at the base of the stem.
The leaves of this plant are delicate. Mist regularly to keep dust off the plant, but if it gets to be extra dusty, carefully clean each leaf with a damp cloth.
How to Repot a money treeHouseplants grow much slower than they would in the wild. Depending on the size of your plant and the density of the roots, this is nice to do every couple years to provide fresh nutrients and encourage new growth.
When to repot - Braided Money Trees are resilient plants that don’t need a lot of upkeep. Repot once every two to three years to provide fresh nutrients.
Pot sizing - if you want your plant to grow taller, find a nursery pot that’s 2” in diameter larger than the current pot. If you want your plant to stay the same height, you can reuse the same pot and simply change the soil.
Get your hands dirty - spread out newspaper on the floor, remove the plant from the pot and shake off as much of the old soil as possible so that you have clean roots.
Place the plant in the center of the pot, add new soil and pat down firmly. Water the soil thoroughly and place the plant in an area with bright indirect light. Your plant will take 2-4 weeks to settle from the shock and adjust to its new home.
How to propagate a Braided Money Tree
There are many debates around how to successfully propagate a Money Tree. That said, it is a simple process if you take your cutting from the correct place. Follow these instructions to propagate your Money Tree:
Select a stem to propagate - Using sharp, clean scissors or shears, cut a stem with at least two nodes. The node as a joint in the plant’s stem— this is where new growth typically stems off from.
Place in potting soil - Place the cutting in fresh soil and water and drain thoroughly.
Make sure the pot is an appropriate size — no more than six inches in diameter.
Keep hydrated - Place the potted cutting in a bright area and, during the first few weeks or until your plant feels firmly rooted in its soil, regularly water and drain your new Money Tree. The soil should be just barely moist to the touch at all times.
Illustrations by our talented plant stylist, Kailie Barnes
Braided Money Tree
Considered a powerful symbol of good luck and prosperity, this indoor tree has a meticulously-braided trunk under a beautiful canopy of leaves which expand with time.
Care GuideLéon & GeorgeBraided Money Tree11 Comments
0 LikesHow, When, and Why to Prune Your Money Tree
Money Tree plants (Pachira Aquatica) are easy plants to grow indoors. I have three of them in my house! And while these plants may start out relatively small, they can grow quickly and spread out in sometimes-odd ways. From time to time, they require some strategic pruning to keep them looking the way I want. Luckily, Money Trees are not difficult to prune, and they even benefit from the process.
When pruning a Money Tree, you should have your end goal in mind and plan your cuts accordingly. You can prune a Pachira Aquatica to maintain or create the ideal size and shape or encourage healthy new growth. Some maintenance pruning is required year-round to remove imperfect, dying, or dead growth.
Pruning a plant can be intimidating. You might be worried about cutting too much or accidentally damaging the tree, but never fear: Pachira Aquatica is very tolerant of pruning. If you have ever wondered how to prune a Money Tree, this article will give you the basics of when and why, along with step-by-step instructions on the best way to do it. Read on!
Why Money Trees Need to Be Pruned
Money Trees are, as the common name implies, actually trees. They are a member of the chestnut family and can produce edible chestnuts when grown in the wild. In addition to Pachira Aquatica’s most common name, Money Trees can also be labeled as Guiana Chestnuts, Malabar Chestnuts, Saba Nuts, and several other names.
Pachira Aquatica is a plant native to South and Central America, where it grows in wetlands. Because of that, Money Trees well-draining soil and a good amount of sunlight. However, this plant can tolerate low light and infrequent watering, making it great for beginners.
Outdoors, they can grow as tall as 60 feet, but their maximum height will be much shorter when grown as houseplants. Even so, this plant can easily reach ceiling height if it is given the right conditions. That’s why people who are raising this plant indoors often find they need to cut it back to a more reasonable size.
People prune Money Trees for multiple reasons. Depending on the size or state of your tree, you may be hoping to reach one of three goals:
To limit the size or change the shape: Pruning the top of this plant encourages it to grow more from the lower part of the stem, resulting in a less tree-like plant in appearance. Money Trees have a tendency to get leggy around the top, so many people prefer to keep upper leaves trimmed back for a more balanced appearance.
To encourage new growth or a fuller shape: New stems will very likely emerge from the node below where you cut, allowing the plant to branch out and develop fuller growth.
To maintain a healthy appearance by removing old, damaged, or dead growth: Regularly removing any yellowing or dry pieces of this plant is part of maintenance pruning, which I’ll cover in more detail below. This keeps the plant looking tidy and focuses its energy and resources on healthy new growth.
Some people who grow Money Trees indoors never choose to prune it at all, and that’s also a valid option. As with any plant, each specimen of Pachira Aquatica will develop its own growth pattern. If you like the way this plant grows naturally, there is no need to force a serious pruning on it. You can just pinch out any unhealthy leaves as you see them and leave it to develop its unique growth pattern.
When is it Time to Prune a Money Tree?
If you think it might be time to prune your Money Tree plant, you’re probably right. When garden centers sell these plants, they are usually already pruned into a tidy, pleasing shape that might look like a small tree or bush and often have several trunks braided together.
However, this plant can soon produce growth that doesn’t fit into the neat pattern it had when you bought it. You may see a stem growing sideways away from the plant or a tall spindly one sprouting above the rest of the leaves. These abnormalities can add to the plant’s charm or make them look like a mess.
Most pruning is meant to improve or maintain the Money Tree’s appearance, although (as you will see below) some types of pruning are intended to benefit the plant’s health. You should not feel bad about pruning a Pachira Aquatica to get the look you want, as being pruned is not damaging to this plant.
No matter the reason, it is best to do all major pruning in the spring or early summer. This is because your plant will be in a state of active growth at that time. When the weather turns colder, most plants enter dormancy and work to conserve their energy for the warmer months of the year. Pruning at the beginning of the growing season will ensure your plant has enough energy to focus on healing and won’t suffer from the small amount of stress a cutting can bring.
If you only need to remove a leaf or two that has begun to yellow or brown, that can be done at any time of year. Simply pinching back leaves will not stress your plant.
Pruning When Your Money Tree is Getting Too Big or Tall
If you want to change the size or shape of your Pachira Aquatica, structural pruning is the method that will give the fastest and most dramatic results. This type of pruning involves removing significant portions of the Money Tree, which can be stressful for the plant. It’s essential to approach this with a clear plan, so you don’t have to do it too often.
Pruning a Money Tree that is too tall is the most common reason people need to prune this plant. Money Trees have a tendency to grow leggy or thin stems from the top that detract from the umbrella-like canopy of leaves that are closer to the central trunk.
In this case, simply use your garden shears to trim the top stems. Cut just above a node since cutting elsewhere will leave a random piece of stem sticking up that will never generate new growth. Usually, a new stem will generate from the node where you have pruned it, so you may need to cut these parts back occasionally.
For more information on keeping Money Trees small, check out this article from our site that gives you tips for table-top trees.
Pruning a Money Tree for Shape
Often a Money Tree will start to sprout stems and leaves near the bottom of the trunk, which takes away from the tree-like shape that many people prefer. In this situation, you can remove the unwanted growth by cutting it about an inch away from the trunk (being careful not to cut the trunk itself). You don’t need to worry about a node since you want to discourage any new growth in this area.
On the other hand, maybe you are trying to encourage more growth from a specific part of your Money Tree. In this case, you can prune your tree in a way that encourages new growth in a specific direction.
New growth will emerge from the next node below where you cut, so if you want to encourage outward growth, cut above a node that is facing out. To get more upward growth, cut above a node that is oriented up or toward the middle of the plant.
If you want to read more about shaping your Money Tree, this article has tips for helping grow trees taller, straighter, fuller, and more.
Root-Pruning a Money Tree to Keep it Small
If your Pachira Aquatica is rootbound, but you don’t want to move it to a larger pot, you can trim the roots to keep it compact. To do this, remove the plant from its pot (watering it first can make this easier) and tease out some of the roots. Trim them back with your sterilized pruning shears, not taking off more than one-third of the roots.
Be sure you make clean cuts and remove roots equally from the sides and the bottom of the rootball. Remove as much of the old potting soil as possible from the remaining roots, and then repot your pruned Money Tree into fresh potting mix. Water thoroughly and add more potting mix if needed. Doing this will let you keep your Money Tree in the same container indefinitely.
Maintenance Pruning
As you can probably tell from the name, maintenance pruning is intended to maintain the health of your Money Tree and to encourage healthy growth. Unlike structural pruning, you do not need to wait for any particular season to do maintenance pruning, as it is less stressful on the plant. Maintenance pruning can be done all year long.
Pruning actually encourages a Money Tree to grow. The places where you trim back stems, leaving behind a node, will divert energy and resources to creating new growth at that node. You can do this in cases where you want your plant to look a certain way.
Another form of maintenance pruning is getting rid of old, yellow, or damaged parts of a Money Tree. If you see any stems or leaves on your plant that are yellow, brown or unhealthy, it is best to cut them off right away. An imperfect stem or leaf can divert resources away from the rest of the plant. Since these parts can never fully recover, removing them will make your plant healthier overall.
Steps to Prune a Money Tree
Before you start pruning your Pachira Aquatica, consider the balance of the plant overall. Try not to prune too much off any one part of your Money Tree. You can also encourage balanced growth by orienting your Money Tree so sparse areas face the light source. More growth will occur in this area as the leaves stretch toward the light.
The steps below describe the process of a big, structural pruning, but maintenance pruning is similar. Maintenance pruning takes less planning for timing and shaping but should still be done with sharp, sterilized tools and an eye toward the final appearance of the Money Tree.
Before you get started, gather all your tools and the plant to be pruned. Sterilize your cutting tools with rubbing alcohol or diluted bleach, then leave them to air dry or dry them on a clean towel.
Plan out which parts of your Money Tree you want to prune. If you have a lot of pruning to do, you can mark the spots to cut by loosely tying a small piece of string around the stem. Be sure you do not prune more than a third of any one stem.
Start by pruning the largest pieces first. Make clean cuts with your sterilized shears at a spot about ½” above a node. Nodes are the area on your stem where new growth emerges from and are generally found in the places where that new growth has split off from the main stem to form a “V” shape. Make cuts at 45-degree angles to promote new growth.
Step back from the plant after every cut to make sure you are still happy with the shape as it changes with your pruning. If needed, follow the instructions above for root pruning.
And that’s it! You can propagate the cuttings from your Money Tree, as long as the section you cut off includes a node. We have another article about propagating Money Trees (which you can read here) for step-by-step information on what to do with your cuttings.
Best Tools for Pruning Money Trees
Pruning Money Trees is a simple process and doesn’t need a lot of specialized tools. I have linked to my favorite version of the tools needed to prune Pachira Aquatica. If you have something similar to but not exactly the same as what I have listed here, you should be fine. This plant is not very sensitive about its pruning.
For pruning thicker stems and trunks: Fiskars Steel Pruning Shears
For detailed maintenance pruning and shaping: Fiskars Pruning Scissors
For disinfecting cutting tools before pruning: 70% Rubbing Alcohol
For replacing soil after root pruning: Hoffman Organic Cactus and Succulent Soil Mix
Final Thoughts
Although most people do not think of it this way, growing a Money Tree indoors is actually a very simple form of bonsai. You are taking an immature tree and growing it indoors while at the same time modifying its size and shape to fit your preferences.
Money Trees are suitable for being grown in this way because they respond well to pruning and grow for years at a compact size. Although you don’t want to go overboard when you first start pruning your Money Tree, you can rest assured that many people have done significant pruning on this plant in the past with excellent results. So don’t be shy to break out your pruning shears and tidy up your Money Tree!
young, adult, with a thick trunk, on a trunk, etc.
Money tree is a very beautiful succulent that looks like a small tree. However, if the growth of the plant is allowed to take its course, then soon its appearance will be unattractive. In order for the fat woman to be fluffy and neat, it should be cut correctly every year.
- Is it possible?
- Why trim?
- Best time for procedure
- Rules
- How to pinch a fat girl?
- How to cut correctly?
- Young plant
- adult plant
- Tree with a thick barrel
- Creation of a beautiful and fluffy crown
- Fatow on the Softpine
- Decoration
- Recommendations for Care after
- 9000 Feeding
- Transplanting
Is it possible?
Crassula is not only possible, but necessary. The money tree is easy to form, therefore it is highly valued in indoor floriculture. It can take almost any form.
For most, this plant is associated with coins, as they resemble the rounded leaves of a tree. It is believed that the fat woman brings wealth and good luck, if certain rituals are followed. Among them:
- burying coins in a pot - to attract happiness;
- pruning and shaping a tree, with tying red ribbons on branches - for money.
There are no contraindications to pruning, neither from the point of view of floriculture, nor from the point of view of signs and superstitions. But it is important to know when is the best time for this procedure.
Why trim?
Crassula needs regular pruning. This is one of the most important parts of tree care. Here are the main reasons for this procedure:
- the plant needs renewal and growth;
- the need for regular sanitation;
- giving the desired crown shape to the plant;
- rejuvenation procedure for old fat women.
Young plants, like older ones, sometimes need updating. Over time, the old leaves dry up and fall off, and the branches become very long. The plant looks unkempt and unattractive. To restore its beauty, rapid growth and development, trimming is necessary.
The money tree cannot form a beautiful crown without pruning.
Crassids, who are not cut at all, look poorer, stretch out and lie down a lot. They don't look like trees. In addition to giving a noble appearance, pruning is necessary for:
- removal of dry and damaged branches;
- control of fungal infections on leaves and branches of plants;
- life extension for old copies.
Pruning is a radical intervention that causes rapid growth of new shoots. After such procedures, Crassula retains its beauty for several more years. But this manipulation is useful only at the end of the dormant period, when the plant has not yet begun to actively grow, so early spring will be the best time to trim the jade.
The most suitable time for the procedure
To form the Money Tree, it is enough to master the basic knowledge of this art. Regular pruning is done in the spring. The tree will hold its shape better if the trunk and top are formed during this time. The entire process must be completed from March to May.
Corrective pinching remains for the summer to remove asymmetrically developed shoots and stimulate new growth on the bare crown.
There are certain rules to follow when pruning a money tree. They will help keep the plant healthy and avoid possible problems.
Things to keep in mind when trimming crassula:
- Choose the right tool. No need to cut the tree with nail scissors. You will need a sharp blade that can cut thick shoots in one motion. It is best to use a pruner.
- Sterilize blade. Sanitation is just as important as the quality of the cut. To do this, wipe the instrument with medical alcohol.
- Cut correctly. Cut the shoot at an angle above the buds. Do not leave a long stump, its length should not exceed 3–7 mm.
- Pay attention to the direction of the kidneys. Consider first what shape of tree you need. The crown can develop both vertically and horizontally, it all depends on the location of the kidney.
- Don't get carried away. It is important to control yourself and periodically evaluate the result from the outside.
- Finish the cut immediately. The wound can be sprinkled with crushed charcoal, powdered cinnamon, or apply green on it.
- Let the plant adjust. For the first week after pruning, Crassula is placed in gentle conditions. Where it is protected from direct sun, heat and dry air. It is not necessary to water and feed the plant for the next 2-3 days until it begins to grow again.
How to pinch a fatty?
Pinching is something that can replace pruning on the money tree. This is an operation to remove the kidneys at the point of their growth. Subsequently, instead of the removed buds, 2 young shoots usually grow, which begin to branch densely.
This is a less traumatic operation for branches than pruning, and therefore more gentle.
Pinching can be done in different ways:
- With tweezers or nail scissors - it is important not to damage the adjacent leaves.
- Fingers - twist the kidney, not tear it off.
Pinching is carried out at the moment when the shoot reaches the length desired by the owner (this is important, since the overgrown shoot will only need to be cut). Therefore, if necessary, pinching can be done at any time of the year, except for the winter dormancy period, when the fat woman does not grow.
How to cut correctly?
Any grower can carry out the pruning process at home. For convenience, mature plants must be examined from all angles to see where branches and leaves need to be removed. Transplantation at such moments is not carried out, that is, the pot cannot be changed.
When pruning, a milky-white liquid is released - this is not to be scared, just the juice forms a protective film on the wound.
Crassula trimming step by step:
- Prepare your tools. Secateurs or special shears are ideal for this procedure, but they should not be used on plants that have previously been diseased or infested with pests. It is best to disinfect the instrument with alcohol.
- Find 2 branches that form a V from the trunk. Put your finger on them: this will be the place where you need to cut.
- Cut the trunk 1-3 cm above the V-shaped branches. Hold the scissors at a 45° angle, making sure the cut is clean and free of twigs and leaves.
- Remove branches from the top and sides of the tree.
- Trim branches with dry or brown leaves.
- Cut the tree to half size. Don't prune too much at one time or the plant may get sick and stop growing.
Learn more about pruning in this video:
Young plant
The younger the money tree, the easier and faster it is to prune. Usually a young crassula is a rooted and growing cutting that does not have side shoots. If not pruned, it will grow high up and without branches. Trimming a fat woman at home will make it look like a tree.
Cutting off the cutting depends on how tall it is:
- Cutting over 20 cm. Some time after the procedure, lateral shoots will begin to grow from the axils of the upper leaves.
- Shank, 15 to 20 cm long. Do not cut but pinch. To do this, remove the highest point of growth on the handle.
If the young Crassula has grown up and has several side shoots, its crown can be significantly increased. To do this, pinch the upper shoots, after which the crown begins to branch densely.
Mature plant
The combination method is the most suitable for pruning large and mature money trees. The instance already has many branches, some of them shorten when pruned, but the rest will continue to grow. Here you will need corrective pinching of the crown.
Formative pruning of mature money trees should be combined with sanitary pruning.
Step-by-step instructions for pruning adult crassula:
- Cut off dry, old, dying branches.
- Completely remove all shoots growing inside the crown, as well as long thin branches.
- Cut off any very long shoots that are sticking out of the crown. Long shoots are shortened by 1/4, perhaps even by half - so that new shoots form from the cut point.
- Completely remove hanging and downward-growing branches. Pinch off large branches during the growing season.
More details can be found in the video:
At least two shoots should appear from a remote growing point (usually 2-3 pieces). If only one sprout is “born” at the place of pinching, it must be removed again so that new shoots grow in this place and the tree begins to branch more richly.
Thick-stemmed tree
If a mature plant with a strong, thick stem is to be treated, it will be more difficult to work with it than with young Crassulas. Will need to cut:
- long branches - the optimal length is selected based on their wishes and the location of the tree;
- hanging extra shoots;
- inside growing shoots;
- diseased and dry branches;
- branches growing parallel to each other, leave the strongest and healthiest.
In order to avoid standing out stumps, it will be necessary to cut along the “ring”:
Creating a beautiful and fluffy crown
To create a fluffy crown in an already mature plant with long branches, it is necessary to cut off excess shoots. The cut should be at a height of 2-3 mm above the last pair of leaves, so as not to leave an unsightly stump.
Try to make the cut even and straight: elements of the plant that are concave or cut with a blunt tool may rot.
It is best to prune in stages: this allows you to exactly match the desired shape of the crown. Also, the tree will have the opportunity to rest between injuries.
To reduce crown thickening, it is advisable to remove the inner leaves. But be careful - branches with all the leaves removed can dry out.
Fat woman on trunk
To install the standard form, it is necessary to cut off the top and leave shoots only in its upper part. As the branching progresses, all lower shoots are removed, creating a bare trunk. The upper part is cut off, and the kidneys are pinched to make a round crown.
The standard form of Crassula, similar to a tree, has a thick bare trunk 15–25 cm high, depending on the size of the plant. The crown can be round or slender, green and lush.
Prune houseplants, including jellies, after dormancy or flowering. The same applies to transplants. But these traumatic procedures cannot be combined. Between manipulations, it is required to maintain an interval of at least 30 days.
The best time for both procedures:
- early spring, namely March;
- diseased plants need to be urgently pruned, at such times the season does not matter.
The Japanese have learned to grow miniature trees from almost any kind of plants, this art is called Bonsai. It is also possible to grow a money tree in this style. The tree grows fast enough to soon form a dense crown, thick trunk, like a towering tree.
Bonsai is best suited for certain types of Crassula:
- Tree.
- Owata and his Tricolor variety.
- Hobbit.
These species are fast growing. As soon as the Bonsai cuttings take root, they are planted in flat containers designed specifically for growing such trees. Drainage is required at the bottom of the tank. The plant is grown in the soil of the following composition:
- sod land - 3 parts;
- leaf ground - 1 part;
- sand or other baking powder - 1 part.
Learn more about shaping a tree in the traditional Japanese style:
After care instructions
The main goal of care is to maintain the desired shape. After pruning, Crassula will be most comfortable in partial shade. Reducing the amount of light can help the damage heal faster. In bright light, trees may begin to shed their leaves.
Lighting mode
After the circumcision procedure is completed, the fat woman must be moved for some time to a darker place compared to her usual place of stay. But as soon as the crown of the tree begins to slope down, and the leaves become soft, the plant must be transferred to its original place (to light without direct sunlight).
Crassula collects water in its leaves to survive short-term drought and can survive for quite a long time without watering. But you do not need to throw the plant - the soil should not dry out and turn into stone.
Overflows are the most terrible for the fat woman - the plant may begin to rot, including the roots and leaves with stems.
Watering schedule to follow:
- in summer, in very hot weather, plants should be watered moderately, several times a week;
- In winter, watering once a week is sufficient.
Be sure to spray the tree, so the leaves are saturated with moisture and cleaned of dust.
Top dressing
It is necessary to fertilize the plant about twice a month, but only in the summer, more precisely from May to September. The best fertilizer for a plant is fertilizer for cacti. Top dressing is preferably liquid, from complex fertilizers.
Transplantation is carried out annually in the spring, one month after pruning. The best option is to prune the plant in March and leave the transplant until April.
Crassula doesn't need too large pots, as the undeveloped soil will turn sour and the roots will start to rot. You should choose a pot with a low side, 1 cm wider than the previous capacity. Mandatory drainage holes closed with shards.
Crassula is a spectacular and hardy tree that will decorate any interior. If you take care of the plant and carry out all the necessary operations, it will delight you and your guests with its beauty. One of the necessary procedures is regular and timely pruning. The health and appearance of the tree depends on it.
How to prune the money tree (bonsai from Crassula): formation (photo step by step)
Such a plant as crassula (crassula) can be found in the apartments of many people. The succulent has other familiar names for hearing: fat girl, coin tree, money tree. The succulent looks spectacular, outwardly resembling a small tree with green, rounded leaves that look like coins. It has long been a superstition that Crassula is able to bring money into the house. The mint tree needs basic care, including watering, fertilizing, pruning. Therefore, novice flower growers need to know how to prune the money tree correctly. Sometimes, from an extra pair of leaves and a few branches, the appearance of the plant drastically changes.
Why prune the money tree
Money tree care should be comprehensive, including timely watering, good lighting and the necessary temperature. Periodically, the fat woman should be trimmed. Why do you need to prune a succulent plant at all?
- By pruning a coin tree, you can give a neat and refined look, create a decorative crown shape.
- Sometimes pruning is necessary to strengthen the central trunk of the succulent, because under the weight of the overgrown crown, the trunk may not withstand the load.
- Old specimens are pruned to rejuvenate and renew the exotic culture; cut if you want the succulent to grow evenly, be fluffy and not look one-sided.
- Pruning is necessary to remove diseased and infected branches and leaves.
- Sometimes gardeners practice pruning the plant before transplanting, so that the overgrown shoots do not interfere with the transplanting process.
When is the best time to prune
Some growers are wondering if it is possible to prune the money tree in autumn and winter. It is not advisable to carry out the pruning procedure during the dormant period. Pruning is best done in spring or early summer. During this period, the plant actively grows, it strengthens in the soil. The danger that the money tree will rot or get sick is much less in spring and summer. Cut shoots and leaves can be used to propagate the fat woman.
In the photo, cut cuttings of the money tree are planted in potsMethods of crown formation
There are several methods for forming the crassula crown: pinching, pruning or a complex method. Each method has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
Pinching is different from pruning and is a more gentle form of crown formation. When pinching, it is not necessary to cut the twigs and shoots, it is necessary to remove the buds on the shoots. With this method, you can control the growth point of new shoots.
After pinching, two new shoots will repeat the direction of the leaves at the point of pinching, as in the photo.Instructions on how to pinch a money tree:
- Pinching should be carried out when four pairs of leaves have formed on a young plant, and a bud has formed between these pairs. You can pinch with your fingers or use tweezers (manicure scissors).
- The kidney can be removed by hand, but it must not be torn out, but must be unscrewed. It is more convenient to use nail scissors or tweezers, since the use of tools reduces the risk of damage to neighboring leaves and shoots. When pinching off a kidney, it is important to act carefully.
- Two or three new ones should appear instead of the removed kidney.
If there is still one kidney formed at the site of the removed kidney, it must also be carefully pinched.
Important! Pinching can be done at any time of the year, except for winter. During the dormant period, the succulent stops growing and forming, so pinching in winter is pointless.
Crassula should be pruned in early spring. There are differences between pruning an adult plant and a young succulent. To form a money tree by cutting and trimming the crown, but not harming the succulent, a sharp knife, scalpel or pruner should be used when pruning. In no case should you break off twigs and leaves by hand.
Step-by-step instructions for pruning a young money tree at home:
- At the bottom of the trunk, cut off the shoots of the tree, and remove old, small or damaged parts of the plant.
- Branches should be pruned symmetrically so that later on the crassula does not skew and the branching occurs evenly.
- The tops of side branches need to be trimmed.
- Top branches should be removed as they impede the stability of the tree.
Cut straight and not at an angle. Be sure to treat the sections with either activated charcoal, crushed into powder, or ground cinnamon. Processing cuts is necessary so that the plant does not undergo rot or fungal disease.
Instructions with a photo on how to prune an adult money tree step by step:
- Before cutting the old money tree, you should choose the strongest and largest trunk of the fat woman, it will be the central one.
- Shoots located at the bottom of the trunk must be removed.
- Long branches of the lower and upper parts of the flower should be cut so that a few buds remain above them. Many growers make the mistake of cutting too close to the buds. In this case, the kidney may not give fresh shoots.
- Small shoots thickening the beautiful crown of the crassula, as well as wide and large leaves, should be removed.
This procedure is needed to improve air ventilation, as well as for light access.
- If an old tree leans to one side, it is worth paying attention to what contributed to the lean. Perhaps the shoots and leaves have grown only on one side. In this case, cut off the excess parts of the coin tree.
- The resulting sections of the plant must be treated with activated charcoal or other special agent to prevent fungal diseases.
- After the pruning is completed, water the soil well.
- When cutting branches, at least a few leaves should be left, otherwise larger branches may dry out.
Money Tree Bonsai Technique
Experienced flower growers can make bonsai from a jade tree. It may take several years to form a tree in this style. But a miniature bonsai will become a real decoration of the home. How to trim the crown of a money tree to make a bonsai? In order to grow Crassula in the bonsai style, you should follow some rules and recommendations.
- Not every type and variety of Crassula is suitable for creating a bonsai art tree. For the formation of bonsai, tree-like varieties of fat women are suitable.
- To create a composition, you need to choose the right container. A fat woman will not take root in a small and narrow bowl. Capacity under the bonsai should not be deep. A suitable pot should have drainage holes so that water does not stagnate after watering.
- Crassula must be grown with suitable potting soil. The soil should be loose and consist of soddy and leafy soil, as well as coarse sand.
- To form a bonsai, it is necessary to cut off the old and thick roots of the mint tree, which go deep into the soil. The root system should be superficial.
- Growing bonsai requires an annual plant transplant. Transplantation will need to be carried out in the spring season. When transplanting, it is necessary to change the pots according to the size of the plant and roots.
Only after the fat woman has finally turned into a bonsai, it will be possible to use a flat bonsai pot.
- For the formation of bonsai, the strongest and thickest shoots are selected, which must be in an upright position, not interfere with each other and not interbreed.
- The lower branches and top will need to be trimmed. Initially, a very shortened plant will look a little ugly and strange, but then the tops of the plant will quickly grow back.
- To make the central trunk stronger and wider, it is necessary to water and feed the coin tree in a timely manner. The thickening of the trunk is also facilitated by suitable temperature conditions and lighting. Bonsai trees are characterized by a thick, strong trunk.
Beautiful bonsai trees can also be formed from portulacaria afra, jatropha, brachychiton.
Recommendations for care after pruning
After the formation of the crown and pruning, it is necessary to take care of the fat woman, monitor its external condition. Therefore, novice plant growers need to know not only how to properly prune a money tree so that it grows beautifully, but also how to care for it.
A well-formed, well-groomed plant will be less susceptible to various diseases and can please others with strong flowering.
Crassula flowering- Money tree should be watered in a timely manner and the condition of the soil should be monitored. The soil must not dry out. In the summer, you can water the plant once a week. In spring and autumn, watering should be carried out several times a month. During dormancy, Crassula can be watered once a month. For irrigation, be sure to use settled or filtered water at room temperature. Do not water the plant with cold water or water containing bleach.
- Crassula does not tolerate high humidity and can rot, for this reason, even on the hottest days, it is not necessary to spray the plant. In case of dust or pollution, it is enough to wipe the leaves of the tree with a damp, soft cloth.
- The room temperature must be optimal for a fat woman. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. Crassula needs to be protected from wind and drafts, and also to prevent hypothermia and overheating. In the summer, a pot with a mint tree can be taken out into the fresh air.
- A fat woman needs plenty of bright, sunny light. However, the plant on hot, summer days needs to be shaded so that direct sunlight does not cause a burn. Reddened and yellowed leaves indicate the presence of a burn that prevents the normal development of the plant. The affected flower takes on a diseased appearance.
- Crassula should be fed periodically. Fertilizers need to be applied in the spring and summer seasons. During dormancy, the tree does not need to be fertilized. As a top dressing, you can use ready-made nutrient solutions intended for succulent plants. Often it is not necessary to feed the flower, it can get sick from an overabundance of fertilizers. It will be enough to make nutrients once a month.
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