Plants for feng shui
9 Best Feng Shui Plants to Bring Positive Energy Into Your Home
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Manifesting good health, wealth and luck? One way to welcome that positive energy into your home is through feng shui. All spaces need living energy, says feng shui expert Susan Chan, and feng shui plants are an easy, natural way to bring in vibrant chi, or vital energy. Placing these plants with set intentions can help invite certain energies inside your home, whether that's attracting love by finding a plant with heart-shaped leaves or tapping good luck and fortune by displaying an upward-growing money tree.
With all the time you spend at home, it's particularly critical to prioritize feng shui in your bedroom, living room and office space, says Bloomscape gardening expert Lindsay Pangborn. Plants act as living decor that adds not only dimension and color to a space but also a touch of the natural world. "Plants have been proven to show increases in creativity, productivity and a positive outlook," she says. And Pangborn doesn't see this trend slowing down any time soon. "People will continue to improve their living spaces and will do so with plants!"
We spoke to feng shui experts Anjie Cho and Susan Chan about how to choose the best feng shui plants for wealth, love, health and more. Here are nine feng shui plants that are all about bringing good energy into your space, from affordable indoor plants to houseplants that thrive in office spaces (even if they're sometimes neglected).
Monstera Deliciosa
Nora Carol PhotographyGetty Images
Loved for their large, heart-shaped leaves, these stunning plants, also known as the "split-leaf philodendron," can help tap into the marriage and relationships area of your space. With plenty of indirect light and the right amount of watering, the monstera plant is easy to please.
Money Tree Plant
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The money tree’s name actually derives from feng shui practices, encouraging the belief that it will bring positive energy and good luck to the plant owner and space, says Pangborn. This plant can thrive in indirect light, needs only infrequent watering and works perfectly for smaller living spaces. According to Pangborn, its presence has also been said to reduce stress and anxiety.
Philodendron Green
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With quick-growing vines and low-maintenance care, the classic philodendron plant makes a well-suited feng shui plant for channeling love. Its soft, heart-shaped leaves can help activate the marriage and relationships area of your space, according to Cho. For added effect, you may want to own two! "A pair of complementary plants can emphasize an equal, balanced partnership you'd like to invite in," she says.
Tharakorn Arunothai / EyeEmGetty Images
Pothos plants are excellent air purifiers, perfect for the neglected corners of your household like atop a kitchen cupboard or in the bathroom. They tend to have long, leafy vines that make them optimal indoor hanging plants. For forgetful green thumbs, these plants are incredibly low maintenance, even earning the nickname of Devil's Ivy for being near impossible to kill. According to Cho, these are great for beginners. They're one of the easiest feng shui plants to care for, and their soft, rounded leaves promote softness and harmony throughout your space.
Jade Plant
Firdausiah MamatGetty Images
In feng shui practices, jade plants represent good luck and fortune due to the plant’s round leaves. Pangborn recommends jade plants because they thrive in a sunny area and have low maintenance watering needs. They do best in bright indoor spaces — like a south- or west-facing window.
Calathea Plant
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Thanks to their colorful, detailed striped leaves, these potted plants sit pretty on any windowsill and bring vibrance to your space. The calathea requires a little bit more maintenance than other houseplants, however. They walk a fine line between needing to be moist, but not saturated, and they cannot tolerate periods of dryness. Wilting or dying plants can invite negative chi, so be sure to properly care for your calathea. But if you're up to the challenge, it is known to be a great indoor air purifier and will reward you with stunning leaf coloration.
Lucky Bamboo Plant
Veena NairGetty Images
Encourage personal growth and positive energy with this quick-growing lucky bamboo plant. Its gathered stalks can reach heights of about 16 inches, while ones potted in pebbles nurture root growth. Only bright-to-medium light is needed for bamboo to thrive, making it a great choice for office decor. As it effortlessly sprouts, it will inspire you to do the same.
Snake Plant
Dorling Kindersley: Rob StreeterGetty Images
This potted plant's a real charmer: its two-toned design adds vibrant color to a space while its upward growth encourages good chi. A member of the succulent family, the snake plant is super easygoing — it can tolerate low light and drought!
Rubber Tree Plant
Scott Webb / EyeEmGetty Images
If a small indoor tree for feng shui is on your radar, the rubber tree plant's thick, glossy leaves and purple stripes may fit the bill. Its gently curving leaves can soften harsh areas of your home. This tropical plant gets super thirsty, so water often to keep the soil moist at all times. It isn't very apartment-friendly, though, as it won't do well in low-light spaces.
What is feng shui?
Feng shui, an ancient Chinese art of arranging buildings, objects and space, looks to nature as a cue to find harmony and balance in an environment: Feng means wind and shui means water, according to Chan. It considers the layout and energy of your home along with your relationship to it in order to achieve ultimate harmony.
How to choose the best feng shui plants
Keep a space's energy soft and harmonious by choosing a plant with healthy, rounded leaves, not dry or spiky ones. Chan recommends plants that grow upward, promoting the positive movement of energy. For example, bamboo grows quickly and easily, which translates to growth and prosperity in that area of your life, she says.
What is a bagua map?
Good Housekeeping
Feng shui plants can be used in any area of your home, regardless of the bagua, says Cho. But if you would like to improve the energy in a certain part of your life, find that area in your home using the bagua map, then place an upward growing plant there. Set your intention that the plant's energy will help with growth and revitalize any potential "stuck" energy.
Pretend you're looking in at your space from the front doorway: the wealth and prosperity area is the far upper left of your home while the marriage and relationship area is the far upper right. Bonus points for adding a plant with heart-shaped leaves in the marriage and relationships space or a money tree in wealth and prosperity. Or, look for a plant or a pot that matches the color of that bagua area, says Cho. It will resonate even more within the space.
Jacqueline Saguin Associate Product & Reviews Editor Jacqueline (she/her) covers all things e-commerce in beauty, lifestyle and beyond for the Good Housekeeping Institute.
12 of the best plants for positive energy |
(Image credit: Alamy)
With feng shui plants you can welcome positive energy into your home, as well as enjoying the beauty of these living accessories.
We have all gone a bit mad for house plants in the past few years, especially with our homes becoming spaces to work as well as live and relax. There are many benefits to adding indoor plants to rooms in your home, not least that they can soften and enhance the look of a space, but are even said to improve sleep in the case of bedroom feng shui. But have you also considered that through careful choice and placement of feng shui plants for specific spaces in the house, you can improve the flow of positive energy in your life?
'In feng shui we seek to improve the flow of Chi which is our vital life force energy. Living green plants represent the wood element, which is said to cultivate human hardiness, flexibility, healing and growth. So not only can you bring these qualities into your life and home by adding plants, but by bringing in the element of nature into your interior space you will have more harmony between your inner environment and outer environment,' explains Anjie Cho , New York based interior architect, feng shui advisor and author of Holistic Spaces, 108 ways to create a Mindful and Peaceful Home.
The best feng shui plants
(Image credit: Getty Images)
You can include a feng shui plant in any room in the house, but there are certain choices that may be better for different areas.
'In general, look for soft, rounded and especially heart shaped leaves in feng shui plants – you want to bring in more ease and flow to your life and space,' says Anjie Cho. 'For instance, in a partnership area, such as a bedroom, you might not want to place two cacti, as this would introduce prickly, sharp energy.'
'Spiky plants are not good for feng shui; it is said that sharp points drain the personal energy, so something like a cactus doesn’t promote good energy,' agrees Rana Kashiwabara , a San Francisco based, feng shui certified interior designer.
'When thinking about plant selection, most are naturally air cleaning indoor plants, the wood element brings balance, and adding green color to the space is very good, because it is a very uplifting color. Rounded edged leaves are good for all parts of the home because they bring great subtle energy,' Rana adds.
1. Money tree – Pachira aquatica
(Image credit: Money tree from Bloomscape)
'Money trees are commonly used as feng shui plants and believed to bring wealth and good fortune,' says Bloomscape's gardening expert, Lindsay Pangborn.
'But it's also not just financial abundance they represent – financial wealth doesn’t necessarily mean someone feels abundant inside,' Anjie Cho adds. 'Plants don’t grow quickly, they take time to cultivate and that teaches you patience. It's not about getting rich quick, but how to create a steady, healthy flow of wealth into your life.'
With distinctive features, including its palmate leaves and gracefully braided trunk, 'the money tree not only absorbs toxins from the air, but can act as an impactful decor piece,' Lindsay adds.
Make sure you learn about money tree care to keep your plant healthy and improve its feng shui benefits.
'A money tree prefers deep, infrequent waterings when the soil volume is 75 per cent dry. It thrives in bright, indirect light, growing most evenly when it’s regularly turned so that each side receives an equal amount of light,' says Lindsay.
2. White bird of paradise – Strelitzia nicolai
(Image credit: White bird of paradise from Happy Houseplants)
'Any healthy indoor plant growing well is excellent for feng shui, encouraging nourishing positive energy. Foliage plants with lush leaves are traditionally the best feng shui plants, promoting clean air and positive energy in living spaces,' says Mark of Happy Houseplants .
The Strelitzia Nicolai, or White Bird of Paradise is a bold, elegant, tall houseplant, originally native to South Africa.
'Although it's a tall houseplant, it doesn't take up a lot of space with its slim form. It likes high or afternoon sunlight and wants to be kept dry, so go easy on the watering. This is a great beginner's plant as it is easy to care for,' adds Mark.
3. Jade plant or money plant – Crassula ovata
(Image credit: Crassula ovata from Hortology)
'The jade plant or money plant is a popular succulent house plant with a miniature tree-like structure and thick, fleshy, opal-shaped leaves,' says Mark McCance, Director of plant and pot supplier Hortology .
'Crassula ovata is believed to attract wealth due to the coin-shaped nature of its leaves, and also bring good fortune,' he adds.
'The money plant is a good feng shui plant for office Feng Shui. Typically, the southwest area of the home attracts wealth, prosperity, and abundance. But you can use these plants to attract wealth and prosperity in any space, 'says Rana Kashiwabara.
Money plants prefers bright, indirect light, with a few hours of direct sunlight each day to help keep their foliage full and vibrant, making them the perfect plants for windowsills and conservatories.
Money plants are easy to care for, and they typically have uniform growth. Find out how to care for succulents to keep them in the best condition.
'These plants do not need to be pruned regularly to look clean. They will hold all their foliage for months without dropping a leaf if cared for properly. When rotated regularly – every watering – at about 45 degrees, they should offer nice uniform growth throughout. Monthly leaf wiping should be done to keep them looking their best and to allow for optimal photosynthesis,' adds Matt Aulton, co founder of Plant Proper .
When growing jade plants indoors, 'place them in a sunny location near a south- or west-facing window. If the plant is not getting enough light, it will start to stretch and lose its compact shape,' says Brody, co founder of The Indoor Nursery .
4. Pothos
(Image credit: Marble Queen pothos from Live Trends)
'I love pothos as they are hardy plants that even a beginner can take care of,' says Anjie Cho.
'They create a sense of abundance and generosity as they are so easy to propagate. Just as if you have a fruit tree on your land, it gives more than one family can consume. So too, house plants can also offer this teaching on sharing and generosity and abundance,' says Anjie Cho
It is easy to get to grips with pothos plant care and there are many varieties of these excellent feng shui plants to choose from, such as the Marble Queen pothos from Urban Jungle at LiveTrends , with its waxy green leaves streaked with white.
5. Snake plant – sansevieria
(Image credit: Alamy)
'A snake plant, sansevieria, that has a sword like leaf shape works well for a hallway or entry way as a feng shui plant that offers a feeling of protection,' says Rana Kashiwabara.
'You can place plants either side of a front door to create a gateway to enhance the positive flow of Chi into your home,' adds Anjie Cho.
Snake plants are very low maintenance and can handle low light levels so are a good choice for low light plants.
Snake plants also produce oxygen at night time, helping to cleanse your indoor environment, so are a good choice as a bedroom plant.
'A snake plant also protects you from negativities that could come from the bedroom door, so having her will give you peace of mind,' says Clara Leung of Clara's Green House .
'She adjusts to room temperature: when the room is too hot, she will decrease temperature by giving cool O2. Likewise, when the room is too cold, she will increase the temperature by giving a warmer 02,' Clara adds. She recommended placing a snake plant on the left side from your bed frame or headboard.
'The best way to successfully water these plants is to check them weekly to see if they are light when they are lifted. If so, it's time to water. Water snake plants thoroughly. Allow the water to run through the soil completely saturating it and draining out of the drainage holes,' advises Matt Aulton of Plant Proper.
6. Philodendron heart leaf – Philodendron scandens
(Image credit: Philodendron heartleaf from Bloomscape)
'The Philodendron heart leaf is an air-purifying vining plant that is easy to care for and has fun, heart-shaped, glossy leaves,' explains Lindsay Pangborn of Bloomscape.
'This low-maintenance plant is a great addition for an office desk or shelf where its vines can trail down,' boosting positive energy as you work.
It is very forgiving feng shui plant and able to tolerate all types of neglect, including low light – so is a good choice as a winter house plant – tight roots, and inconsistent watering. 'To help it thrive, provide bright indirect light. A humidity boost is not required, but higher humidity levels promote larger leaf development,' says Lindsay.
7. Anthurium clarinervium
(Image credit: Anthurium clarinervium from Happy Houseplants)
The leaves of the Anthurium clarinervium are large, dark green – almost black – have a beautiful velvet texture, and are the perfect heart feng shui plant shape.
'The white veins stand out against the leaves' dark green, forming a stunning pattern. This is a fantastic foliage house plant, and will look amazing in any room in your home. It loves humidity, so a shower room, bathroom, or steamy kitchen would also be perfect for it,' says Mark from Happy Houseplants.
8. Rubber plant – ficus elastica
(Image credit: rubber plant from Hortology)
'One of the best air-filtering houseplants, the rubber plant features wide, glossy green foliage and can reach ultimate heights of 32 feet (10m) with the correct care,' says Mark McCance of Hortology.
'The broad leaves of the rubber plant are said to help the flow of positive energy throughout interiors, helping to eradicate negative Chi and promote health and prosperity,' he adds.
These feng shui plants require their soil to remain moist at all times; allow the top layer of soil to dry out slightly in between waterings and apply a small dose of plant nutrition 1-2 times a month during the growing season.
'It is a bit of a superhero when it comes to removing toxins from your air, keeping you feeling refreshed. To optimize the feng shui of the plant, we suggest that you position it in a sunny spot that is in the east or south east of your home. In this position, it should bring an air of calm and positivity into your space,' advises Shannon Barnadin, co owner of The African Garden .
'As the ficus is related to the fig plant, it is connected with the good luck that figs are supposed to bring,' Shannon adds.
9. Rattlesnake plant – Calathea lancifolia
(Image credit: Leaf Envy)
Popularly known as the rattlesnake plant, 'this beauty has fresh green leaves with darker green stripes and burgundy coloring on the underside. Originating in Brazil, Calathea Lancifolia is perfect as a taste of the tropical rainforest,' says Mark of Happy Houseplants.
Its common name has come about because of its markings, which look like a rattlesnake's skin. 'It needs bright but indirect light – if placed in full sun, the leaves may curl up and burn. Always keep Calathea damp throughout the year, but let it dry out between waterings so that the roots can breathe,' Mark adds.
As well as being good feng shui plants, calathea also make great pet-friendly house plants.
10. String of hearts or hearts on a string – Ceropegia Woodii
(Image credit: string of hearts plant from Happy Houseplants)
'More commonly known as a string of hearts, the heart-shaped leaves make Ceropegia woodii the perfect feng shui plant gift for someone special,' says Mark of Happy Houseplants.
'It is an easy-care delight, with trailing leaves in gorgeous green and purple. A very fast grower, with a bit of care, this little beauty will thrive in a small pot for years. It likes a shady corner, but it will also enjoy a sunny spot, so it's not a fussy plant,' he adds.
11. Aloe vera
(Image credit: Aloe vera from Hortology)
'A trendy and easy-to-care-for house plant, aloe vera has thick, fleshy stems that contain a translucent gel that is favored for its healing and soothing properties.
'The Aloe vera is also said to ward off bad luck and bad energy, helping you to realign your space and create a welcoming and positive aura,' says Mark McCance of Hortology.
Learn about aloe plant care to get the most from these feng shui plants. 'As they only require watering every 2-3 weeks during summer, they are the perfect addition for homeowners who are fond of a summer getaway,' Mark adds.
12. Peace lily
(Image credit: Alamy)
The peace lily is a favorite in feng shui, and is known to keep the energy of a room positive and upbeat. The leaves are used to attract wealth, while the flowers bring good luck,' says Brody of The Indoor Nursery.
It is important to familiarise yourself with peace lily care to grow the plants successfully. A sunny windowsill is a great spot for these plants and they need god air circulation.
Where should feng shui plants be placed?
You can place feng shui plants in any room in your house and they are a great living room feng shui idea. Ideally plant them in the corner of the room.
'In feng shui, the belief is to have a healthy balance of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water – the five elements,' explains interior designer Rana Kashiwabara.
'The home is divided into nine different areas of energy, each with its own theme and distribution of the five elements. More of the wood element is needed in the east, southeast, and south parts of the home. In my opinion, bringing in plants to every space, with different shapes of leaves, is of benefit because the five elements are incorporated by colors, shapes, and reflection; it doesn’t need to be literal,' Rana adds.
There are many schools of feng shui and while some may advise the placement of plants in certain room, others don't. 'For instance, some advise not to place plants in the bedroom as they are too active, but follow your own feelings and experience,' says Anjie Cho.
If you do prefer to have plants in a bedroom, identify the relationship area. 'Stand in the doorway of the bedroom looking in and the far right is the relationship area. Here you can place two plants. They don’t have to be the same, but a typical feng shui plant choice is two bamboo stocks in one base, as a symbol of growth in your partnership,' adds Anjie.
'Nothing should be climbing – such as a vine – in the bedroom. Pothos, or devil's ivy, should only go in the kitchen or an office with computers, to suck up the bad energy from the computers,' says David Angelov, CEO of PlantParenthood in Massachusetts.
(Image credit: Getty)
What plants bring good luck?
There are a number of the feng shui plants listed above that are believed to bring good luck.
These include the rubber plant, the snake plant, jade plant and money tree. But there are many more that could bring good luck and add to the positive energy in your home.
Which plant is good for feng shui?
There are many plants that can be good for feng shui.
It is important, however, that 'when choosing the type of plant you’ll use in your home, consider the amount of light that these areas of your home experience. Additionally, different types of plants bring different types of energy into your home. You’ll want to consider both of these factors when choosing your plant,' says Andra of Trendey .
'You should never put a houseplant in an area where it won’t thrive, as a dying or ill plant will enhance the energies of sickness, difficulty and decay in your home and really you will want an ulpifting life space,' advises Anjie Cho.
Rachel is senior content editor, and writes and commissions gardening content for, Homes & Gardens magazine, and its sister titles Period Living Magazine and Country Homes & Interiors. She has written for lifestyle magazines for many years, with a particular focus on gardening, historic houses and arts and crafts, but started out her journalism career in BBC radio, where she enjoyed reporting on and writing programme scripts for all manner of stories. Rachel then moved into regional lifestyle magazines, where the topics she wrote about, and people she interviewed, were as varied and eclectic as they were on radio. Always harboring a passion for homes and gardens, she jumped at the opportunity to work on The English Home and The English Garden magazines for a number of years, before joining the Period Living team, then the wider Homes & Gardens team, specializing in gardens.
The correct selection of plants and their location in Feng Shui |
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Frosts will come to the Sverdlovsk region: forecasters warned of a cold snap They are able not only to lift our mood, but also to improve the energy of a person and the room in which they grow. Any dwelling without the presence of indoor plants seems unfriendly and cold to us. Flowers, like all plants, purify the air we breathe and fill our home with vital energy.
Green, the predominant color of plants and flowers, is one of the most natural and natural. Being in close proximity to flowers and plants, we get a charge of positive energy, we feel how our mood changes. Fatigue, irritability goes away - we calm down. The plant pleases each of us with its greenery, blooming flower buds.
Flowers remind us of ourselves - they also appear in the world, grow, bloom, get sick and die. This is the life cycle in miniature.
According to Feng Shui, flowers in a house carry a certain energy that has a direct effect on a person. The correct selection of plants and their location in your home can harmonize the energy of your home and the energy of a person.
— When choosing indoor flowers, consider the size and shape of the plant, and in flowering plants, their color.
- According to Feng Shui, flowers should be kept in the house that grow and stretch upwards. It is believed that flowers stretching upwards activate positive energy, and plants with drooping leaves and flowers, on the contrary, ground energy.
- According to the laws of Feng Shui, flowers with rounded leaves should be preferred.
— According to the energy released, Feng Shui divides all indoor flowers into plants with male energy — “Yang” and female “Yin” energy. Plants with male energy, among the most widely known, include: dracaena, chlorophytum, asparagus, sansevier, lemon and other types of citrus fruits. Plants with sharp leaves are more characteristic of Yang energy flowers, they speed up the movement of energy and grow straight up. Plants with female energy include: violet, jade (money tree), cyclamen, begonia. Branching or creeping plants with rounded leaves reflect Yin qualities to a greater extent.
— To create a correct and favorable microclimate and energy balance of the dwelling, it is necessary to have both Yang and Yin plants in the house.
- It should be remembered that in feng shui, any dried plants are energy vampires and are not recommended to be kept indoors, as they will absorb your energy.
- When choosing a place for flowers in the house, you need to know that Jan plants should be kept in rooms that are characterized by the predominance of male energy - a study, a living room. Also, in cases where the room is located in the southern, southeastern or southwestern sector, the presence of Yang plants is simply necessary. Yin plants are preferably kept in the kitchen and children's room. These plants should be small.
- It is not recommended to keep many houseplants in the bedroom, and they should not be placed too close to the bed.
According to Feng Shui teachings, positive energy is inherent in the following houseplants: amaryllis, alpine violet, bougainvillea, hippeastrum, geranium, flowering begonias, ficus, arborescens, camellia, Chinese rose, cyclamen, arrowroot, orange and lemon tree, cissus, potted chrysanthemum.
Plants with heavy energy include: cacti, yucca, sansevera (pike tail), neoregelia, echmea. However, they can also be grown at home and successfully block the harmful Sha energy.
According to Feng Shui, all flowers radiate their own unique energy. Knowledge of the energy impact of a plant on a person and the energy of space is extremely important for their correct selection.
Ficus. It has the ability to neutralize aggression and negative energy well. Creates a favorable atmosphere in the house. However, it should not be placed in the marriage sector, since its presence in this place can worsen the relationship between spouses.
Pelargonium (geranium). Indoor geranium belongs to plants with strong energy. Geranium blooms profusely and luxuriantly, fueled directly by negative energy. It perfectly protects everyone living in the house. After sitting near the plant for several minutes, you can feel energized and rested. You need to know that geranium releases essential oils, purifies the air, improves metabolism, reduces pressure and calms the nervous system. It is not recommended to put the plant next to the bed, because inhaling essential oils for a long time can cause headaches and sometimes allergies.
Myrtle tree.
This amazing plant is your assistant in creating a happy and strong family. It brings love and prosperity to your home, and a flowering myrtle tree in the house will create favorable energy. If you are experiencing a period of cooling in family relationships, then the myrtle tree will help save your marriage and overcome adversity.
Cactus. Refers to the symbols of prosperity, fulfillment and wealth, despite its heavy energy. According to Feng Shui, the cactus is a symbol of fulfillment. This flower must be placed in the wealth zone. These plants are associated with the pantry because they are extremely water efficient. Cacti neutralize rage and anger. They are especially shown to quick-tempered people. This amazing plant contributes to the introduction of elements of logic into emotions, and helps not to concentrate on experiences.
Poinsettia and arrowroot. These houseplants are great for stimulating the search for something new. Often people who have lost the meaning of life find it again. Poinsettia helps to reveal new qualities in oneself and determine one's profession, promotes communication.
Money tree (fat woman) has long been considered a symbol of prosperity, prosperity and wealth. The presence of a money tree in the house brings an increase in material wealth. The feng shui symbol "money tree" is a good activator of the wealth zone in a house, apartment, shop, office.
Feng Shui masters advise planting this tree with your own hands, putting a coin or several coins in the pot along with the earth. When the plant grows up, it is necessary to tie a red ribbon on its trunk and decorate it with coins. This feng shui symbol should be located near a window facing southeast. If there is no window in the wealth zone, then you can equip artificial lighting and place the money tree on a table, shelf or stand nearby.
The plant absorbs negative energy well. In Feng Shui, it is believed that when negative energy passes through a bamboo stalk, it changes to positive. The plant is recommended to be kept in a floor and wide vase in the corner of the room.
Lemon tree. Lemon is especially recommended to be placed near children, as this tree develops curiosity and increases the desire for knowledge. Lemon increases activity and independence.
There are many other indoor feng shui mascot flowers that have various magical effects on a person and the energy of a home.
It should also be remembered that according to the teachings of Feng Shui, fruit-bearing and flowering plants release more energy than decorative leafy plants, and large plants - more than small ones.
Plants with lush, soft foliage radiate more positive energy than plants with sharp, hard, thorny leaves.
These tips will help you arrange the right flowers in your home. It depends on the observance of these rules whether the flowers will harmonize the energy of the house, or, conversely, will bring disharmony to your home.
When arranging flowers, observe the following rules:
- it is not recommended to place indoor flowers between two doors or in a straight line between a door and a window;
- plants with thorns, hard leaves or needles should not be placed closer than one meter from a working, sleeping or resting place;
Keep at home only plants that you like, because any flower is highly sensitive and will not grow well in an environment of antipathy;
- properly care for the flowers, if you want them to grow well, please you and fill the house with positive energy.
And the most important thing is that any flower - a Feng Shui talisman - fully demonstrates its capabilities, and its energy field is active - show your attention and love to it, and it will definitely help you. And you, communicating with this most beautiful particle of the universe, will bring your soul into a state of complete harmony with nature.
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these plants will bring happiness and prosperity to your home
And for this it is necessary to correctly allocate space in the house. After all, the vital forces within us must interact well with the energy of the things around us. This distribution applies not only to interior design, but also to living plants. They need to be bought with love, placed in the right places, and cared for and taken care of.
Feng Shui
The world view of Feng Shui assures that at home it is necessary to keep and plant those plants whose petals and leaves diligently grow upward towards the rays of the sun. To plant such plants indoors, you need to purchase flowers that have rounded leaves, as well as those plants that need watering the most, it is important to plant in bright pots.
Feng Shui Proper Placement of Indoor Plants in a Home
Thanks to the sequence of arrangement of flowers in the Feng Shui style, you can skillfully curate the charge of energy and strength in the room. As it turned out, the green inhabitants can prevent the negative influence of the energy of Scha, or slow down the excessively enhanced energy of Qi. If the influx of Qi energy is strong, then this can negatively affect the home environment. The flow of Scha energy appears where there are many sharp corners. To reduce the effect of negative flows at home, you need to equip the room with green friends.
The Feng Shui system includes five major elements: water, fire, earth, metal, wood. Each of these species is capricious, and requires an individual kingdom in the house. In fact, plants are classified as a wood element, so the east side is the most successful placement variation. Also, a tree in feng shui means money and lifelong well-being, the achievement of goals, health and career growth.
However, there are also plants that assign themselves to other subspecies. For example, pink, purple, red flowers belong to the element of fire. In this regard, the southern part of the room is considered a safe place for them. The color scheme in the knowledge of Feng Shui plays one of the important roles, it is for this reason that you should pay attention and show curiosity - to the color of plants, and think over their place in the house in advance. When the flowers begin to bloom, be sure to transport them to the southern part of the room. This is conducive to inducing the power of Qi and improve the atmosphere of the south side of the house. Therefore, it is very important to correctly place flowers around the house:
- It is not advisable to plant any plants in the bedroom.
- Place the money tree where it is rich and beautiful
- Pots must not be placed between doors. This location is unfavorable
- Note. Do not put thorny plants where you relax
- In the kitchen area, you need to plant flora that tends to multiply
- For the western part of the house, white flowers should be placed. So, harmony will reign in your home, which will create a good atmosphere for creativity.
- Plants such as cactus should be placed in the northern sector of the outbreak
Plants with endearing energy
In order for the flora to work perfectly, one must not make a mistake with the selection of a seat in space.
This plant has a wonderful aroma that resembles the smell of paradise with white and raspberry petals. Also, this home flower carries the meaning of longevity. For example, in Thailand it is customary to place flora near holy places. Recall that this tree is also popular in Hawaii. There it gained great popularity and is endowed with a cult meaning. Experts advise placing plumeria on the south side of the room. In addition to such aesthetic functions, the plant has the ability to give home owners health and prosperity.
This plant is a donor for creativity. If in the room you feel a decline in strength and energy, then it is worth considering the plants, and put those that will restore vitality. Azalea is just the same plant that can inspire you to conquer new heights. After all, the delicate smell of a flower provides concentration, and will improve focusing skills. Also, it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the body, improves blood circulation. Do not forget that this plant requires a very reverent and tender attitude.
Calla lilies
Different Feng Shui plants also perform the necessary functions in different ways. Callas are a kind of homemakers. They maintain love in marriage, and keep youth. It relieves you of stress and encourages you to do important things. As it turned out, not only a flower is endowed with strong energy, but also a picture with its image.
A green plant with long and beautiful leaves. This plant will improve the depressive state, and charge the household with good energy. The flower should be placed in the eastern or southwestern part of the house. This flower is also strong in love affairs: peace, tranquility, harmony in relationships, and in fact the red color has a beneficial effect on the retention of love feelings. If you have a yellow flower at home, then it will provide you with financial enrichment and good luck. There is a superstition that if your diploma lies near a flower for two or three days, then you will become more successful in your career.
Violet plus Yin power equals energy. The plant attracts financial well-being and good health. Pink, red violets help to improve vitality, while white ones give peace and confidence. And flowers in a blue tint give motivation and inspiration.
The aroma of Geranium has a calming effect: relieves stress, gives success in undertakings, good luck in all areas of activity. Just like Violet refers to the energy of Yin. The aroma of Geranium repels various insects. Not recommended! Put Geraniums where the home is the most.
This plant originates from Brazilian shrubs that produce beautiful orange flowers. You can't go wrong with this plant. After all, it also helps its green friends in the neighborhood. Seriously ill plants planted near Nematanthus can get a chance to recover. It is worth noting that this flower, like the money tree, helps to improve your financial situation. It is important to surround the flower with care and love.
A powerful plant, also called the money tree. Crassula can improve financial well-being in all areas. It is advisable to place these flowers in the southeastern part of the house. Recall that it will be even better if you grow this tree yourself. So it will feel the awe of the owner and his love, will also know the atmosphere of the room. Hang coins on it so that it attracts money like a magnet.
Ficus will save you from negative emotions and aggression. This green creature will energize you, improve your concentration, and give you the willpower to do crazy things. It will drive away depressing things that will ruin your mood. You need to remember one thing: you can not put this flower in the room for lovers, it can spoil their relationship.
If you like to meet guests and you have them almost every day? Then for sure after spending them, you feel a loss of strength. But Begonia will become your doctor. This flower drives away bad energy and fills your home with only positive energy.
Doctors and florists strongly recommend placing a lemon tree where children play and relax the most. After all, this tree develops an interest in knowledge and curiosity. It also increases activity and independence. In fact, there are a huge number of flowers and plants-talismans of feng shui. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, fruit and flowering plants provide more energy than skillful ones.
Myrtle tree
This amazing plant is your assistant in creating a happy and strong family. It brings love and prosperity to your home, and a flowering myrtle tree in the house will create favorable energy. If you are experiencing a period of cooling in family relationships, then the myrtle tree will help save your marriage and overcome adversity.
Feng Shui Bamboo
Bamboo has been used in Feng Shui in Asian countries for four and a half hundred years. The most popular is the “bamboo of happiness”. It looks like this: a medium vessel with bamboo roots, they consist of several vertical branches that are folded to the top into a round shape, like a spiral.
Not everyone knows how to properly look after the bamboo of happiness. Even the most experienced shop assistant can make mistakes. First, the bamboo must be shielded from the strong rays of the sun. Brown spots may indicate an overabundance of the sun. This signal must be taken into account in time, and it must be transferred to a gloomy place. Secondly, one of the main conditions is the supply of water in the tank. It is worth noting that it must be filtered, and you also need to replace the water more often.
The installation of this plant in the house, according to the knowledge of Feng Shui, is quite capable of filling the house with positive energy.
- Three branches - happiness and joy in the house.
- Five stems - wealth.
- Seven branches - health.
- Twenty-one stems - the general welfare of the house.
Which kinds of house flora should not be kept at home?
Chinese folklore also speaks of plants such as "blood-drinking plants", which include exclusively thorny representatives of the green world. So that they do not bring harm, they are placed near computers or on the windowsill.
In addition, dried and withered flowers in the house according to Feng Shui absorb the vital energy of Qi, and are spreading germs! If you saw a fading flower at home, then the shoot should be cut off and all remaining parts thrown away.
In addition, do not bring home flowers that people with heavy energy gave you. Since their aura can negatively affect the home atmosphere, and the well-being of the household.
These plants should not be kept at home!
This plant is beautiful, with its juice, which, alas, is not favorable for people, but on the contrary can cause skin irritation or retinal burns. You can not keep it indoors, especially for those who have small children. Since if a large amount of juice enters the mouth, a severe burn may occur.
A flowering plant that smells strongly during flowering can even cause fainting. Just like Dieffenbachia, its juice can cause blindness due to a severe burn. Other green friends of the plant have similar actions: Pachypodium, Diplodia, Periwinkle, Adenium.
One of the bright and frightening vampire plants. Monstera needs, even needs to cause fear, horror, just to attract attention. This plant feeds on strong emotions and feelings. The plant is endowed with both minuses and pluses: it perfectly cleans the air of dust and carbon dioxide, releases oxygen. But it also takes energy away from people. Therefore, florists advise keeping the plant to those people who, according to their characteristics, are phlegmatic and melancholic. Temperamental choleric people next to the monstera, on the contrary, will have a hard time. After all, they lose their peculiarity by splashing energy on others. Therefore, it is better for impressionable and often ill people to keep other plants at home.
Ferns are "guests" from tropical countries. These beautiful green inhabitants are popular in our latitudes. Ferns are one of the strongest energy absorbers. Like Monstera, it absorbs human energy.
Hibiscus is considered a vampire plant that absorbs energy at lightning speed. This is due to the fact that the plant grows very quickly. And also it is at the time of flowering that hibiscus consumes maximum energy. But it is worth noting that Hibiscus with its lush and beautiful flowering will surely attract everyone's attention.
Popular garden flower. In the room, Tuya absorbs all the energy entirely. Lethargy and drowsiness can become your eternal companions. I think you will not keep such a plant at home.
Shy Mimosa
Strange plant with thin stems and small leaves. The leaves of this plant are fragile, and if you touch the leaves with your hand, they supposedly hide and roll into a tube. Fear! With prolonged contact with Mimosa, you can lose hair.
Evergreen ivy
A poisonous berry plant from the Araliaceae family. Looks like a liana bush. Due to the toxicity of the fruit, it is not recommended to keep this green plant at home.
Looks like a beautiful plant. It has thick stems. At the very top of the plant are thin leaves and pink flowers. Its juice is harmful and toxic, poisoning of the body can occur.
From the Euphorbia family. An elongated small tree with spotted leaves. Its petals are invisible, and it blooms extremely rarely. The liquid of this plant provokes the appearance of skin diseases. If the poison gets into the blood, it can be fatal.
From the Aroid family. The Philodendron has lush greenery. Echidnoe, like Croton. It is advisable not to come into contact with this toxic substance, as it can deprive of vision.
Stellera dwarf
Medicinal flower to be used under the supervision of a specialist. A tall stem, which consists of twenty or thirty dotted spots of white color. Once in the human body, it can deprive the voice.
Flower with bright orange fruit. These fruits are extremely vicious and dangerous for mankind. The bright color of the berries attracts the attention of kids and pets, which is why you should not keep such a flower at home.
A relative of the cactus, as it looks very similar to it. External description: long and large needles, blooms with large light flowers, also smells good. Trichocereus in its composition has toxins that can paralyze the nerve endings.
Gesner's tulip
Good flowering plant with a medium stem size. There is a small flower in the center. The coloration can be varied, ranging from light tones, ending with motley-bright. One of the downsides is hair loss and baldness.
A perennial herb with a stem that reaches a height of almost 50 cm. It has a strong and sweet scent. Tuberose subdivides the trace elements that enhance the organs of smell. This power of the plant is also used in medicine. As it turned out, foreign doctors used the flower as a medicine when patients lost their sense of smell due to nerve problems. It is not desirable to find this flower in the house for those who have heart problems. The aroma of this plant can cause weakness and loss of energy.
The plant is very interesting in terms of external indicators, one might even say strange? Something like the tail of a fish. For this reason, it has a second name, like "pike tail". The green flora blooms and has a delicious aroma. It has a favorable effect on the clean air of the house, as well as on its aura. However, according to ancient and ancient signs, it has a bad effect on personal life, and the owners can be left alone for life.
Poisonous plant family
Remember! When buying a home plant, you should pay attention to its family. In nature, 4 main toxic families are noted:
- Euphorbia genus. The waters of these caustic creators of nature are deadly, and at best leave scars on the body.
- Aroid family. Most of them are poisonous plants.
- Kurtov family. This family includes green inhabitants dangerous to human and animal life. They are distinguished by their bright appearance. If you need to come into contact with these colors, you should wear gloves on your hands.
- Ancestral Nightshade. In this class of plants, not all are harmful. Since, everyone's favorite potatoes and tomatoes belong to this genus. However, the fruits of domestic plants are harmful, in particular their fruits.
Artificial flowers at home
Absolutely all flowers and houseplants are a positive Feng Shui symbol. If we talk about artificial flowers, they also have their advantages, which are not, for example, in potted home inhabitants. After all, they can be placed where breathing plants will not survive. For example, near a fireplace, in places with high humidity, in rooms where there is no sunlight, as well as in a cozy bedroom.
When buying flowers, you must refer to the same rules as when choosing flora for your home! Elongated artificial plants will only bring profit in all areas of life, and low artificial plants will bring peace of mind. Sharp ones are a symbol of male undertaking, round ones are female.
Is it possible to put freshly cut flowers at home?
Bouquets of cut flowers also bring positive energy into the house. In particular, roses, peonies, poppies, lilacs, orchids are good at this. You should pay attention to the color range of plants and their location. This beauty can be put in the bedroom. Because they, unlike flowers in pots, do not rot. However, cut flowers are not durable, and this is their big minus.
“If you notice how the flowers begin to fade, then immediately replace them with new ones. Preferably, it’s better not to delay with this!
Male and female flowers (plants)
It is worth noting that there are plants with male and female vitality. Yang is the energy of the stronger sex. These plants include: citrus trees, dracaena, chlorophytum, etc. Yin is the weaker sex. They are not difficult to distinguish: Yin plants creep along the ground, their leaves are mostly round and oval. Yang - plants look and grow upwards.
Plant representatives of Yang:
Aloe is one of the most common representatives of plants that carry Yang energy. It's no secret that Aloe is very useful. It is also necessary for those families whose relatives are prone to frequent diseases. In addition, this plant has been used since ancient times in mystical rites to attract love and get rid of loneliness.
This plant also has a masculine energy force. He personifies courage and passion, gives self-confidence. In some countries of South America, it is believed that anthurium brings happiness and prosperity to the house.
This flower wards off misfortunes and misfortunes from home. Also, the petals of the plant guard the owners who go on a long journey, or a long journey. It helps to maintain a balance of emotions and reason.
Plant representatives of Yin:
Will perfectly protect you from the evil eye and dark forces. This plant blocks electromagnetic radiation, cleans and humidifies the air. Florists advise keeping Tradescantia for those people who suffer from diseases of the respiratory system.
Cyclamen is also known as Alpine violet. It has been popular since ancient Greece. This plant has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house: it improves spiritual as well as physical health, also serves as a talisman against the eye, and improves physical and mental performance.
This plant is often called the flower of the dancing elves. In itself, it is very gentle, radiates softness and grace. This flower strengthens the spirit and attracts positive emotions like a magnet.
Primula was popular in Ancient Greece. In Greece, it was called the flower of the twelve gods. Some people believed that it was a medicinal plant of Olympus. Primula is immune to damage to the evil eye. It will surely protect you from all evil spirits. In ancient times, it was used in supernatural rites in order to remain young forever.
- Every cozy home needs indoor plants. Whether they are female or male. This will maintain a balance in life.
- It is forbidden to keep herbariums, flower arrangements and any dead plants at home. They take away all the good energy, they take away strength from the household.
- Put men's flowers in the hall, hall of the living room.
Place women's in a room with calm energy. It can be a bedroom, a nursery, or a hallway, but there should not be plants in the kitchen.
Folk signs
- Do you have a cactus at home? Then do not hope that your unmarried daughter, granddaughter will marry. This is only if the cactus will live in the bedroom. You should beware of the plant and unmarried women. If you believe this superstition, then your man suffers from alcoholism, because you have a cactus at home.
- If you were given a palm tree as a gift, then do not keep it at home. As it turned out, this plant can only attract misfortune.
- Ivy turned out to be a harmful air purifier. Since he will not let anyone near his mistress. If you believe the beliefs, then ivy drives men out of the house.
- Believe it or not, Violet, according to popular belief, brings bad luck in love affairs to young girls.
As you can see, there are a lot of things about flowers. They are positive and negative.