Balcony vegetable garden design
The Best Balcony and Apartment Patio Vegetable Garden ideas
By Emily Goldman Updated July 08, 2022
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A colorful basket of vegetables sitting on the ground in a garden.
Credit: Getty Images
Beginners may be wary about starting a vegetable garden, particularly one that is suitable for a balcony or apartment patio garden. But we're here to tell you that there are a number of plants that actually thrive in containers, and that means that even the most amateur of green thumbs will be able to transform their small outdoor space into a crop-yielding plot.
Herbs are great introductory plants to grow. Mint, basil, and rosemary can thrive in tight quarters, and there are so many ways to put them to good use in the kitchen. They need little interference, aside from watering, and will make any recipe you're cooking taste that much better.
For more advanced gardeners, growing greens like spinach and Swiss chard will be fun balcony or apartment patio garden ideas. "Be sure your pot is deep enough so your plant doesn't become rootbound," warns Ryan McEnany, public relations and communications specialist for Bailey Nurseries. "Many vegetables will need at least 12- to-18-inch pots to give them space to grow." Either use a fabric pot or make sure the plastic or ceramic pot has drainage holes in the bottom. "Without drainage, the pot will retain too much water and rot the roots of your veggies," he says.
Because not all plants actually play well together, having the right combination will ensure a thriving, fruitful garden. For instance, you want to avoid plants of the same family in the same pot—they will eat up the same nutrients. You also want to make sure you are utilizing your space wisely and a variety of plants, including a nice mix of bulbs, vegetables that are tall, and plants that hang over the sides.
You'll need to determine how much sun your balcony or apartment patio gets to help decide which vegetables you're able to grow, says McEnany. The plants we're suggesting do well in pots because their root systems don't run too deep. "Each of these produces a strong harvest so you can make dishes straight from the balcony throughout the summer and fall," he says. "Many varieties are now grown specifically for containers." Explore all of our vegetable recommendations to grow with these balcony and apartment patio garden ideas.
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Swiss Chard
swiss chard and other vegetables
Credit: Getty / Jena Ardell
If your balcony tends to be shadier—with less than six hours of sun each day—leafy greens like Swiss Chard are a great addition to your vegetable garden. Martha likes to grow heirloom varieties that are hard to find at the market.
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hot peppers growing in garden
Credit: Getty Images
McEnany recommends 'Pizza My Heart' Sweet Peppers ($2. 99, as they "are made specifically to be grown in containers and are great on pizzas, salads, or in a fresh pasta dish," he says. "The plant itself stays pretty compact, but you'll want to give it some support as the peppers start to develop so it stays tidy and easy to pull the peppers off for your lunch or dinner."
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harvesting green beans
Credit: Getty / DircinhaSW
According to McEnany, beans need at least six to eight hours of sunlight, so these are a great option for balconies that receive tons of natural, direct light.
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pile of fresh organic cumbers
Credit: bhofack2 / Getty Images
Another compact vegetable perfect for container growing is 'Bush Slicer' Cucumber ($2.99, "I love this cucumber because it's easy to manage in a small space and produces a ton of food," says McEnany. "The vines are a nice decorative touch if you plant it next to your railing. Just be sure to pick the cucumbers as they ripen so the plant will keep producing." This is another ideal grower for at least six hours of full sun.
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Sweet Pea Flowers
sweat pea flowers in garden
Credit: Andyd / Getty Images
Not only are they delicious, but the flowers are actually a beautiful addition to an otherwise mostly-green pot.
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A root vegetable, radishes are ideal for shadier balcony gardens, and taste great in a variety of dishes.
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Nasturtium growing in garden
Credit: Stefan Sutka/Getty Images
Edible flowers are an out-of-the-box plant to grow that will bring pollinators and color to your balcony vegetable garden.
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Credit: Marcus Nilsson
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fresh garlic
Add a pot of this allium to your window ledge—though you might be surprised at what you harvest and how quickly!
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ginger root
Credit: Johnny Miller
Keep the pot in a sunny window, and don't water it too frequently. The ginger will grow fresh knobs and sprouts that can be used in cooking. Whenever a recipe calls for ginger, simply dig it up, break off a piece, and replant the remainder. Neat trick, right?
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Credit: Alikaj2582 / Getty Images
Another leafy green, spinach has so many health benefits that it makes for a powerhouse vegetable to grow on your balcony.
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ripe tomatoes growing on vine
Credit: Jed Share/Kaoru Share / Getty Images
"There are a million tomato varieties, and many do well in pots, but I love Terenzo F1 ($4.45,," says McEnany. "It's an All-America Selections winner, so you know it's a great plant, and it just pushes out a ton of tomatoes all season." Terenzo F1 stays compact and is great in a container, or if you want to give some height to your balcony, put this one in a hanging basket, and the plant will drape over the side to give some added dimension to your space, he adds.
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Onion flowers are actually quite beautiful. Plus, these are one of the most versatile crops you can grow.
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By Emily Goldman
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22 Stunning Container Vegetable Garden Design Ideas & Tips
Follow these
Container Vegetable Garden Design Ideas to maximize harvest and make your edible garden less boring.
1. Grow Climbers and Vines
shutterstockSupport climbing vegetables and vines and direct them upward with the help of a trellis or a cage or by any other way.
Such plants use vertical space and are abundant in production. Bitter melon (a unique tropical gourd known for its health benefits), gourds, cucumber, pole beans and other beans, Malabar spinach, vine tomatoes, squashes, peas, if you want to try– pumpkin and melons.
2. Choose Colorful Containers
You can brighten up your container vegetable garden by choosing colorful containers to grow your favorite vegetable and herbs.
3. Use Hanging Baskets
Image Credit: HGTVDon’t cast out the idea of growing herbs and vegetables in hanging baskets. Tomatoes, strawberries, many other vegetables, and herbs can be grown in hanging baskets successfully. It also creates space!
4. Start One Pot Vegetable Garden
This one-pot vegetable garden idea is perfect if you don’t have space to set up a container garden. It is also useful for those who have a small balcony or open window that receives full sun. We picked up this idea from Sunset, read more there!
5. Try this Vertical Lettuce Planter Idea
We love this project done by Bonnie Plants, and why not? You can grow fresh herbs and greens easily in a limited space by following this idea. They have a step-by-step DIY article on this for you to look at, check out!
6. Grow Edible Flowers
To add some interest, color, and beauty, it’s a good idea to grow some edible flowers. You can use them in salads to garnish your meal or make sharbat.
Flowers like marigold, calendula, viola, nasturtiums can be tried. The list is long, and you can discover more names here.
7. Give Space to Herbs
Your container vegetable garden may look incomplete if you don’t grow some herbs. Fresh herbs can enhance the taste of your meal always, so it’s a great idea.
You don’t need to grow all the herbs. Consider adding 2-3 plants that you like most and suit your location: Parsley, thyme, mint, sage, oregano, cilantro, and much more to choose from. A window box, a few small containers, hanging baskets can also be used.
8. Tomatoes are Must!
Tomatoes are a wonderful and the most important addition to a container vegetable garden. They look beautiful too. Choose 2-3 varieties and grow a few plants to get a bountiful harvest of homegrown tomatoes. Learn about the best tomato varieties for the container in this post.
9. Add Colorful Varieties
Vegetables and herbs with different textures, attractive foliage, and colors can be an excellent addition to your container vegetable garden; they can add visual interest to it.
Red hot pepper, red-stemmed swiss chard, round midnight basil, fine leaf rosemary with other herbs like lemongrass or thyme can make it look appealing. Here’s an interesting post on colorful vegetables for you to see!
10. Use Unique Planters
Use unique planters to provide virtual interest to your container vegetable garden. You can recycle and DIY your own planters or buy a few in unusual shapes and sizes. There are a lot of DIY ideas available on our website for help.
11. Play with the Height
If you don’t want your vegetable garden to look boring, play with the height. Don’t use planters of similar size and height. Instead, group large and small containers together, this will create a visual appeal.
Tip: Group plants according to their height to create a garden-like surrounding effect. To do this, place tall plants in the back and short and low growing plants like herbs and greens in front.
12. Grow a Lemon Tree
Growing a lemon tree in a pot is not difficult and is probably an intelligent addition to your container vegetable garden. Here’s our step-by-step post on it!
13. Take Help of Vertical Gardening
Lettuces in the window boxes in a balconyThe biggest challenge of limited space gardening is limited space itself. To beat this, take the help of Vertical Gardening. Use shoe racks, bookshelves, and plant holders to keep more pots.
If you’re a balcony gardener, railing planters and hanging planters are a must. Besides, there are many other unique vertical gardening ideas available here.
14. Start with the Productive and Easiest Container Vegetables
Try succession planting for continuous harvest and grow the most productive and easiest container vegetables for a successful harvest. Here’s our article on it.
15. Try this One Pot Herb Garden Idea
Image Credit: Southern LivingGrowing herbs is easy to grow along with other vegetables you’re growing. We found this One-pot herb garden idea on Southern Living fascinating for urban gardeners. See the full post here!
16. Stake ’em Up!
Staking is also a good way to grow vegetables like tomatoes easily in containers in a tight spot. You can train the plant to grow vertically, saving a lot of space. If you have a sunny balcony, patio, or rooftop, all you need is a large container to grow multiple plants together and enjoy a fresh, homegrown harvest.
17. Make a Salad Table Garden
gardenersA Salad Table is an ingenious way to grow plants like spinach and lettuce. Just find a sunny spot and keep the table there, simple! You can easily get them ready-made from the market or make one for yourself at home.
Check out some impressive Salad Table ideas here18. Try Raised Beds
Instead of growing veggies on the ground, you can grow them in raised beds instead. They are easy to maintain this way, compared to a traditional garden–If you have a back problem, want to control the quality of the soil, or looking to improve the drainage.
Here’s everything you need to know about making Raised Beds19. Go the Hydroponic Way
Want to grow vegetables hydroponically? Check out some of the best DIYs here. You can also use PVC pipes for this purpose. One similar DIY is here to watch on YouTube.
View these hydroponic vertical garden ideas here20.

Finding fresh, exotic veggies like Black tomatoes, Romanesco Broccoli, Mexican Sour Gherkin, Dragon Carrot, Red Perilla, and Thai Basil can be a tough job at the supermarket–so why not grow them at your home?
Here are the most exotic vegetables and herbs you can grow in containers21. Make a Movable Garden
If your garden doesn’t get all the sunlight it needs, do not let that stop you from growing veggies. DIY a movable garden, which is basically a raised bed on wheels. This way, you can grow vegetables and move them around accordingly, where they get the right sun exposure to thrive well.
Check out some amazing movable garden ideas here22. Save Space by Making a Herb Tower
Yes! You read that right! You can grow herbs in a tower form to save space and plant multiple of them together.
Have a look at some impressive herb tower ideas hereJoin our 2.8 Million Followers
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Balcony Garden - 20 Design Ideas for Growing Vegetables and Herbs in Containers
Planting season has begun. You do not have a plot, but have you heard that you can arrange a garden on the balcony? This fashion trend captivates many citizens. Today we will look at it from the point of view of a decorator, assuming that not only the harvest is important to you, but also the pleasant appearance of your mini-garden.
You don't need any special skills or special equipment - just containers (pots), seedlings (or seeds) of vegetables or herbs and, of course, an interest in this exciting activity.
What vegetables are suitable for growing in containers and how to properly care for them - experienced gardeners will tell you on thematic sites. And we will look at it as a subject of design. After all, vegetables, herbs and herbs can be a wonderful decoration for a balcony if you approach things creatively.
How to make a lovely fragrant garden out of a balcony - read our guide with examples in the photos.
By the way, if you do not live in a city apartment, but in a private house, but you have very little land, all these ideas will also be useful to you. A compact container garden can be arranged on a terrace, lawn, or on both sides of the path leading to the entrance to the house.
More options? See our large selection of vegetable garden and herb garden designs (55 photos and many original ideas).
You are reading 6 of 6 articles in the Balcony Flowers and Plants - A Collection of Best Ideas series
about which containers to choose for growing vegetables and herbs on a balcony (or terrace).
Of course, you can plant seedlings in regular (brown) pots or balcony flower boxes. But, you see, it is too banal. Therefore, let's talk about other, more spectacular options.
1. Multi-coloured pots are the perfect and unobtrusive accent that will look great in any environment. And no matter how lucky you are with the area of the balcony - droplets of color will be appropriate everywhere.
Choose bright colors: juicy orange, egg yellow, tropical azure, poppy red… Any vegetables and herbs can be grown in these containers, no matter how decorative they are. For example, like here: parsley, oregano, basil, as well as tomatoes and peppers.
2. Play not only with the color, but also with the dimensions . If you have a spacious enough balcony, combine large containers with small ones - you get a very interesting composition. Combine not only sizes, but also different heights of pots. Or put in several tiers on top of each other (bottom - wide, above - narrower, top - smallest).
What to grow - depends on the size of the container: large ones, for example, are suitable for tomatoes and cucumbers, small ones - for lettuce and fragrant herbs.
3. They say that everything new is well forgotten old. Such is the balcony garden - it gives old things a chance for a new life. Anything can act as a container. For example, old but interesting wooden boxes - why not vintage?
This solution will not only save you money, but will also give individuality to each plant. The boxes are good for lettuce, remontant strawberries, and flowers like marigolds.
4. Admire Swedish balconies or French country vibes? Use to grow vegetables, herbs and fragrant herbs wicker baskets !
Plant your seedlings (or seeds) in a small box, bucket or flower pot, and use the basket as a planter for the outside frame. Spicy herbs look especially impressive in such containers.
How to arrange a garden on a small balcony?
If there is not enough space on the balcony, look at it critically and think about what you can definitely refuse and what you can combine. The main rule is not to overdo it, and then you will get a nice mini-garden that not only has practical value, but also a pleasing look.
5. It is possible to combine several plants in one pot . How to do it so that it turns out beautifully? Take a closer look at the leaves, flowers and fruits - and nature itself will tell you the answer.
For example, dark purple basil leaves will look great next to green tomato bushes, dill dill or pepper varieties that have the same dark foliage.
6. Small area gardeners invent sequential cultivation method . Its essence is that the crop that gave the harvest is immediately replaced by another.
So you can get a mini-garden that bears fruit almost continuously. Like here, for example: as soon as the salad gets too hot, heat-loving plants, like eggplant and pepper, are planted in a container. In this way, you can grow several crops at once in one container.
7. Learn to make more out of less . Here, for example, only four pots are used, but they contain about a dozen different vegetables and herbs.
If your greens are very varied in color and texture, choose simple, neutral containers. For example, one material + different shapes and sizes of pots.
Combine plants to create original combinations! In this section, we will show you how to create a spectacular arrangement of balcony vegetables, herbs and herbs.
Imagine this is... a flower bed that you want to be attractive. By the way, we will also add flowers, and in one of the following sections you will find out why some of them can be classified as “edible”.
8. Unusual colors of leaves of any plant always attract the eye. But the foliage of vegetables and herbs can also be very spectacular (and not only green). Why don't you look for just such species?
Choose plants with beautiful foliage, flowers or fruits for your balcony garden. Collect them together in one container and admire this amazing palette from spring to autumn!
9. Arrange a real firework of colors ! Nasturtiums, marigolds, peppers, tomatoes, basil - put it all together, play with height, volume of bushes, colors of foliage, flowers and fruits. And your "miniature plantation" will certainly be the envy of the owners of large ("real") gardens.
10. Grass is boring on its own, but at the same time it is an excellent backdrop for brighter plants. So, onions and garlic are the perfect decoration for bright tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. Plant greens in one container with vegetables - and why not a garden bed?
Ampel vegetables in containers is a creative replacement (or addition) for weaving flowers. This solution can be a godsend when you have little space on the balcony. Here we will tell you how to see this object for the original design.
11. You must love hanging plants hanging from hanging baskets . Have you tried growing vegetables this way? Of course, this is not suitable for every culture. But if there are undersized, but pretty plants - why not? Example in the photo: cherry tomatoes in the company with basil.
Tip: To avoid fiddling with the watering can and hose trying to lift them up, equip hanging containers with a drip irrigation system. This way you save both time and space.
12. Cucumber is a very common plant in the garden, but on the balcony it can become a star. Hanging green leaves and creeping shoots will decorate your home garden no worse than ampelous flowers. And when the harvest is ripe, the balcony will become your favorite place in the house.
Tip: To make harvesting easier, let the cucumber curl over the railing.
13. In general, climbing plants are an ideal find for those who grow vegetables on the balcony. Not only cucumber, but any plant that has a vine (for example, peas) will do.
Arrange several levels of greenery in one pot. Provide supports for the shoots of ampelous vegetables, and plant something that grows widely at the bottom - nasturtium, cabbage, eggplant.
If vegetables are too difficult for you, grow them in containers on the balcony herbs .
Just imagine: their aromas fill the room every time you open a window or a door to a balcony… Isn't it tempting?
14. Such a miracle is not at all difficult to make - place a wooden box under the window if the balcony is in the kitchen and plant thyme, sage and other aromatic herbs that you like. Now your house will always smell good, and there will always be fresh seasonings for roasts and desserts.
15. If you grow only spicy greens that neither bloom nor bear fruit, this is no reason to refuse an attractive picture.
No contrasting colors - play with texture contrast . So, needle-shaped sprigs of rosemary will make an excellent duet with thyme leaves, citruses or lemon verbena.
16. If you want to create a real rustic atmosphere on your balcony, surround the container with herbs with garden decor . For example, as in the photo: in the company of inverted wicker baskets.
17. Did you know that flowers can be not only beautiful, but also tasty ? For example, calendula and nasturtium can be used in food as a seasoning. Combine two pleasures at once in one pot!
Tip: Search the specialized gardening forums for more information on this subject (which flowers are edible).
And a few more ideas - some you know, but some will be a godsend.
18. There is always a place for beauty in life, even in a balcony garden. Leave some room in the pot for a small decorative element : for example, a trellis made of twigs. It is very beautiful, and also practical - as a support for climbing or young plants.
19. Arrange containers so that they are easily accessible . For example, near the kitchen door, so that herbs are always at hand. Or next to your favorite bench, from where it is so nice to admire the garden on the balcony, grown by yourself.
20. And another especially incredible idea - for fans of non-standard solutions. Turn vegetable garden upside down . Literally.
How? Very simple: put a wide box or a basin with holes in the bottom on the whatnot, through which the shoots will hang. And plant something else on top - and admire the creative upside down garden.
By the way, this invention has already been improved - ready-made two-story structures are being sold under the name "Patio Garden". Perhaps you will be able to find one or make it with the hands of a home master.
Create your own beautiful garden on the balcony and, of course, a good harvest!
balcony and loggia, ideas for a garden and a summer residence, a kitchen garden, a patio and a terrace, flowers and plants on a balcony
Garden on the balcony, photos and ideas - what to plant in a mini-garden on the loggia or balcony in the apartment
Stay in the city in summer? Do not forget to provide yourself with vitamins: grow greens, vegetables and even fruits right on the loggia or balcony!
Even natural-born city dwellers - lovers of straight lines and asphalt - are sometimes drawn to the natural environment. Someone suddenly discovers a desire to touch the living rhythm of the natural cycle. The temptation is especially great in summer, when everything around is blooming and fragrant. If you are not planning to buy a suburban area yet, but at the same time you dream of a garden and a crop grown by yourself, arrange a garden on the loggia in the apartment. After all, fruit plants very clearly show a reaction to your care and provide an opportunity to see that your work gives a tangible result.
Of course, on a city loggia or balcony you are unlikely to achieve industrial-scale harvests - you still have to acquire a plot for this. But to please yourself with a salad of your own vegetables and even fresh berries is quite within your power!
hoo Interior Design & Styling
So, what to plant on a balcony or loggia?
Level Beginner : vitamin garden
It does not require much trouble and space, but it will provide you with fresh herbs and herbs. Such a bed will easily fit on the smallest balcony, and even on the windowsill. You can plant dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, onions and salads. If you already have flower boxes, lush, fruitful greenery will completely replace them.
Level Medium : garden
Start growing vegetables. Choose an assortment and volumes based on the size of the loggia and the time you are willing to spend. Fresh vitamin salads and side dishes will always be on your menu from now on! Perfectly complement such a mini-garden in the apartment and garden strawberries.
Level Pro : Orchard
Are you confident? Try to make a real orchard in a city apartment. And let you not get lost here among the lush crowns - a cozy corner of solitude and enjoyment of ripe fruits is provided for you.
Lynn Gaffney Architect, PLLC
Planting space
Any bright spot inside the apartment is suitable for a vitamin garden with greenery. For a more voluminous garden, and even more so a garden, it is better to choose a loggia or a city terrace.
On an open balcony, I would limit myself to greens and low bush vegetables - because of the possible strong wind that will harm the plants or even knock them over. In addition, balcony ceilings are usually designed for less load, so I would not place heavy bulky containers there and plant trees. This is especially true of the old housing stock. Before planting a garden on the balcony, check its condition and strength.
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in the photo: To grow garden strawberries, a garden on loggia
is important the organization’s guidance is important. For the garden, it is best to exit to the southeast, south or southwest. Although the southern loggia will definitely have to shade a little "" "".
But if the balcony in your apartment looks at other parts of the world, don't despair. I personally grew tomatoes and peppers on the northern loggia. But in this case, you should not count on too rich crops.
The most important thing for an orchard in a city apartment is the location of the house. Do not grow edible plants on loggias overlooking busy highways and near large industrial enterprises. Vegetables, fruits and greens very easily accumulate harmful substances. In such places it is better to limit yourself to ornamental gardening.
Conservatory Craftsmen
Outdoor or indoor balcony?
The presence of glazing and insulation will affect the choice of plants and varieties and their wintering conditions. The glazed loggia, in fact, is a greenhouse, especially if it faces south and southeast. A warmed loggia can become a real winter garden.
Advice: When placing containers, remember to ventilate or provide a ventilation system.
Repair without consequences: What is not forbidden to do with balconies and loggias and the fact that you will plant the plants in containers. This creates some limitations, but also provides important advantages. Firstly, container growing allows you to create individual conditions for each plant, which means it is better to take into account its needs for certain soil, top dressing and moisture. Find out the characteristics of the varieties you want to plant, and select the optimal soil composition and watering conditions for each.
Secondly, plants in containers are more mobile. You can adjust the lighting and change their location, creating a new atmosphere. In addition, movable containers will make it possible to grow heat-loving and exotic shrubs and trees - they are simply brought into the apartment for the winter.
Kate Michels Landscape Design
Sarah Greenman
Steve Masley Consulting and Design
Which Containers to Choose
Ceramic planters and concrete planters - especially large ones - can be very effective, but also just as heavy. In addition, they are fragile. The best choice for a loggia garden would be plastic containers, especially since you can now choose them in almost any shape, style and size. And even if the loggia is glazed, it is better to give preference to weather-resistant plastic and models for outdoor use.
Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association
It is good if large containers are equipped with hidden wheels. Or you can use special mobile stands on wheels. You will find them in the garden and flower departments of building hypermarkets - or you can make them yourself.
If you want to decorate your garden in your apartment in a special way, use the original outdoor pots with simple inner containers.
Vertical gardening box systems also make an excellent base for a vitamin bed. And they are perfect for growing strawberries.
Advice: If the planter is much higher than the planting pot, fill the bottom with expanded clay and place an inner container with earth on top of it.
Steve Masley Consulting and Design
Things to watch out for
Moisture: Don't let it dry out or get too wet. The problem of watering can be alleviated by the addition of hydrogel to the soil and the use of containers with “auto-watering” and moisture control. Humidifiers help keep the humidity in the air.
Tip: When buying containers for your balcony garden, be sure to check for drainage holes.
To prevent overheating of the roots, use a larger outer planter than the inner pot - the air gap will act as a temperature buffer.
This is true not only for single, but also for elongated containers and boxes: with their help, plants with different growing conditions are combined into a composition.
Tip: Use this technique when growing herbs and seasonal vegetables such as radishes.
Margie Grace - Grace Design Associates
In the photo: the garden on the loggia will be a good supplier of vitamins for your table
their needs: for example, basil and rosemary will prefer a warm southern loggia. Complement them with radishes and herbs for tea.
What to plant in your garden
Grow tomatoes, cucumbers, green beans, beans, peppers, eggplant and squash.
Medium-sized tomatoes will become a spectacular hedge - especially if you have a part of the loggia that is now encountered with solid glazing and its lower part is also transparent. It is only desirable to tie them to a support.
Green noise: Creating a mini-garden in the house
Lisa Nieschlag "Liz & Jewels"
For climbing plants, install a trellis or tie them up with wire. They will also make an excellent green screen that will protect you from prying eyes and shade the sunny loggia, providing a more comfortable microclimate in the apartment. Whips of cucumbers and zucchini can descend from a high container.
What to plant in a fruit and berry garden
If you still decide on a real garden, you can start with shrubs. Plant garden blueberries, currants, honeysuckle, barberries on the loggia (buy compact varieties).
Climbing species and varieties of plants are also suitable: grapes, blackberries or actinidia.
Small but bold: Choosing plants for a small garden
The Labyrinth Garden
Use dwarf, weeping and columnar trees to grow in containers, as in the photo. Their growth and root sizes are limited and suitable for container growing. Columnar trees have a diameter of only 20-30 cm and look very unusual.
Ron Herman Landscape Architect
Trellis Garden
Trellised trees have a compact form. For a garden on a loggia, you can form them in the form of a cordon, fan or palmette. The formation of a plant on a trellis is a very interesting, but lengthy process that allows you to get decorative patterned forms and ensure productivity.
The trellis can of course be mounted on the wall, but I would recommend using a free trellis to avoid absolute stationarity and rigid connection with the façade. However, in this case, especially at the initial stage of formation, it is necessary to especially monitor the strength of the support.
Matt Kilburn
Choose the size of the planting container based on the size of the planting holes recommended for this type of plant. When choosing plants, give preference to zoned varieties based on your location. You can also grow heat-loving southern fruits if your loggia is insulated. Or place them in the summer on the loggia, and in the winter - in the apartment. My friend has a real winter garden on the insulated loggia - with coffee, lemons and kumquats.
Planters in the big city: size matters
Kate Hansen Photography
Jeffrey Erb
Pollination and fruiting
Separately, it should be noted that many trees and shrubs need a pair in the garden to bear fruit, and often it is better to plants of different varieties were present. So I advise you to plant two or three plants of the same species, but different varieties.
This principle can also be used as a decorative technique. For example, a balanced symmetrical composition will be obtained from two standard trees. And weeping plants will create a romantic installation in the spirit of Art Nouveau.
Tip: Pollinating insects are unlikely to reach your urban garden, so you will have to take on the role of bees. This applies not only to trees, but also to vegetables. For pollination, use a soft brush.
Jeffrey Erb
Don't expect a harvest right after planting. As a rule, the tree begins to bear fruit after a few years. Even if your trees have bloomed, make sure they are old enough and their crown has formed: be guided by the number of leaves. In the first year of fruiting, it is better to leave just a couple of ovaries. The more leafy the tree becomes, the more fruits can ripen.