Organizing a tiny bedroom

How to Organize a Small Bedroom


Elizabeth Larkin

Elizabeth Larkin

Elizabeth Larkin is a professional organizer with a strong interest in productivity, time management, and process refinement. She used her organizational skills and effectiveness to pen articles with helpful information on cleaning, organizing living spaces, and decluttering.

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Updated on 11/19/20

The Spruce / Fiona Campbell

It can be hard to get a good night's sleep in a crowded, cluttered bedroom. You'll sleep much better when you’re not worried about folding all that laundry piled up by your closet, and it’s easier to get out of bed when you aren't tripping over the mess on your bedroom floor. When it comes to small bedroom organization, the space constraints can make it difficult to stay tidy. But that just means you need to get a little creative in your organization methods.

Here's how to organize a small bedroom and create the serene space you need to recharge.

Think Like a Minimalist

Much of what’s sold as bedroom furniture isn’t really necessary. For instance, a bench at the foot of the bed, a vanity table, or a large armoire might look nice in a magazine, but in the average home all that furniture can make a space feel cramped. If you have a small bedroom, take a minimalist approach and only include the essentials. All you really need in your bedroom besides the bed likely is a bedside table and a spot to store your clothes. You even can make furniture pull double duty, such as using a dresser next to your bed for clothes storage and to serve as your nightstand.

Keep Your Nightstand Clear

In a small bedroom with minimal furniture, it’s easy to create clutter by piling various items on your nightstand. To avoid this, use a nightstand with drawers for hidden storage. Limit the surface space to just two or three items—maybe a lamp, a box of tissues, and a small dish to hold jewelry. You can even mount a bedside lamp on the wall next to your bed to free up nightstand space.

The Spruce / Candace Madonna

Use the Space Under Your Bed

If your bed allows for storage underneath, this is a great place to keep off-season clothes. This will help to declutter your floor and closet. Just make sure to keep the space under your bed neat and free of dust. Consider using wide, flat plastic storage boxes with lids to keep everything clean and sorted. Besides clothing, some other items to consider storing under your bed include luggage, gift wrap, toys, linens, and books.

The Spruce / Fiona Campbell

Establish a Decluttering Routine

After you’ve cleared all of the unnecessary furniture and items out of your bedroom, the organizing still isn’t over. The smaller the room, the faster it’s going to become messy, even if you don’t have much stuff to begin with. So it's important to get into a regular organizing routine. Go through your bedroom at least weekly to put away clothes and remove clutter such as receipts or food containers that might have accumulated there.

The Spruce / Fiona Campbell

Use Vertical Space

Small bedrooms typically have small closets and few other storage spaces, so you'll have to get a little creative with how you store items. Aim to take advantage of vertical space using shelving, hanging organizers, and other similar items. If you don't already have a shelf above the clothes bar in your closet, consider adding one for folded-clothes storage. You can even attach hooks to the backs of your closet and bedroom doors for more hanging storage.

The Spruce / Fiona Campbell

Keep Shoes in One Place

You don’t have to store shoes in your bedroom just because the rest of your clothing is there. In fact, if you have a hall closet or other storage space closer to your front door, it's often more practical to keep your shoes there. This frees up precious storage space in your small bedroom. But if you want to keep shoes in your bedroom, store them neatly and in one place, rather than scattered across your floor. Consider using a shoe organizer than can be hung on the back of a door. Or place shoes in a plastic bin that you can easily slide out of sight under your bed.

The Spruce / Fiona Campbell

32 Colorful Bedroom Ideas


40 Ways to Organize a Small Bedroom


A small bedroom can truly be a headache to organize. Having everything in one small space can get messy very quickly too!

Today, I’d love to share a few ways you can organize a small bedroom. These organizers will make your life easier and, hopefully, give you some inspiration.

1. Under Bed Shoe Drawers


Beds in our bedroom take up a large space, so save it up by getting under bed drawers. Here is a nice wooden under-bed shoe drawer with wheels you could use.

You can use a drawer like that to store not only shoes. It’s a good place to keep all your sheets, towels, blankets, and other essentials that perhaps you don’t use on a daily basis.

2. Plastic Boxes with Labels for Wardrobe

It’s essential to use the vertical space in our closets to store more items. As you can see in the picture above, I have quite a bit of empty space under my shirt and sweaters inside the closet.

I’ve got a few plastic storage boxes and attached my very own labels to them. Now, it’s super easy to just pull one box out, get my undies, and put it back. With the labels, there is absolutely no confusion!

The best thing about these is that you can print out the labels and just attach them with a glue stick. No special printable sticker paper is needed! You can use these on baskets and even fabric storage boxes, they’re great.

I have designed a bunch of these labels for different purposes but you can also print out the empty ones and just write down your own categories.

You can download them for free below. Just add in your information and I’ll send the labels straight into your inbox immediately. 🙂

Happy organizing!

3. Book Shelves Over the Bed


We often forget to use the vertical space above the bed. And that’s a huge mistake!

Have a collection of books? Install multiple bookshelves just above your bed and keep all your books there.

My personal favorites:

If you have so many books that don’t quite fit just above the bed, take an extra step, and make your own under-bed book organizer. That’s obviously if that space is free!

4. Turn Your Wall Shelving Unit into a Wardrobe

Credit: Pinterest

I absolutely loved the idea once I saw it online. If you have a small room, feel free to use wall shelving as the wardrobe.

You can hang all the sweaters, dresses and jackets just above the doors. Then, obviously use ladders to reach them.

Not a good idea for someone who’s afraid of heights. However, if you don’t mind getting up there to get your clothes, feel free to try this at home.

5. Corner Shelving Unit for Shoes

Credit: Pinterest

Perhaps instead of using floating shelves for books, install them in the corner, stack them up and store your shoes there?

It offers a super practical way to keep your shoes organized and will keep your room looking tidy and neat. And that’s exactly what we want.

6. Wall Hooks for Everything Important

Credit: Instagram

We often forget to use vertical space in our room. The truth is you can easily get everything neatly organized with wall hooks.

Get a few sturdy wall hooks, attach them to the walls and hang your bags, instruments or even accessories on them.

It’s truly a great way to get things organized. There are a ton of wall hooks that come in different shapes and sizes on Amazon.

Learn more about all the different ways you can use command hooks to organize your home.

7. Use a Pegboard to Get Accessories Organized

Credit: Instagram

This is an absolutely cute idea for those who have a lot of accessories. Organize them by using the vertical space of the wall.

A pegboard is great as a design piece, but it also has a crucial organization function. So, definitely incorporate it into your bedroom design.

8. Animal Head Wall Décor for Organizing Accessories

Credit: Instagram

If you’re a fan of animal head wall décor pieces and had them in your bedroom, use them for organizing jewelry. The through is you can truly use design pieces for organization too.

Couple it with shelves of different forms and you’ll have a beautiful looking room.

You can either go for triangle shaped shelves or hexagon-shaped shelving or good old square ones.

9. Rod Under the Shelves for Hanging Clothes

Credit: Instagram

If you have a few shelving units at home and you’re not using the space under them, install a rod. You can hang all your clothes under the shelf.

In this way, you’re going to be using more of the vertical space. And still not lose any space for books, baskets, or other goodies.

10. Use Storage Boxes on Shelves Too

Credit: Instagram

If you’re running out of space, you can easily make more of it by adding storage boxes to each shelf. You’ll be able to use more vertical space and store the small items.

Great for accessories, clothing items, school supplies, etc. Get fabric cubes with compartments and introduce even more organization into your small bedroom.

Easy, simple and works wonders when it comes to increasing room storage.

11. Rustic Jewelry Organizer

Credit: Amazon

A little accessory organizer on your wall can turn into an elegant design piece. This rustic jewelry organizer is just that.

It looks amazing, it’s super practical, and picking your accessories before going out will be so easy. Absolutely love the idea, so give it a try!

12. Your Own Clothing Rack

Credit: Instagram

In case you don’t have a wardrobe yet you’re tight on space, get a clothing rack. Get a rack with shelving like this one.

In this way, you’ll be able to store more items on it, not just clothes. You could easily get a few storage boxes and throw them in all your accessories.

If you’re creative, you can really use the rack and maximize the storage space. All of that while keeping it neat and organized.

13. Hanging Organizer


Something as simple as a fabric door organizer like this one here can help you to increase storage in your small bedroom. It’s absolutely great for lighter books, notepads, and makeup products.

What’s more important, it’s cheap and functional.

14. Door Utility Rack


Get a cute, white door utility rack like this one here. It’ll offer you some extra space to organize your accessories, makeup and self-care products, and whatever else you need.

We often forget to use our doors for storing the very essentials we need. So, if you’re running out of space, definitely get one.

They look awesome too!

15. Use Towel Rods to Hang Shoes

Credit: Pinterest

If you’re one of those people who have a ton of shoes and no space to keep them, try this idea. Get a bunch of double towel bars like these ones here.

Make sure they’re double, otherwise you won’t be able to place shoes on them. Now, just stack them up and store all your shoes.

Let’s be honest, it looks pretty cool and gives you a chance to consider all your shoes before going out.

16. Closet Drawers for Organizing Clothes


These closet drawers are budget-friendly and can give you the ability to organize all your underwear, socks, shirts and accessories. The organizer offers a very easy way to do all that.

It doesn’t take a lot of space and isn’t very high, so you can easily fit it under hanging clothes or shelves. They look great too, especially when keeping them organized is so easy.

The compartments here are the key!

17. Keep Your Shelves High


If you feel overwhelmed with the number of things you have. And installing shelves on the walls doesn’t seem like a great idea.

Try installing them just below the ceiling. In order to reach your things, you’ll need to get all the way up there.

However, you’re going to save yourself from bumping into shelves all the time and feeling overwhelmed with the amount of stuff on the walls.

18. A Storage Corner


I absolutely love how you can combine all the storage hacks to fit as many things as possible into the corners of the room. All of that while still looking organized and neat.

This is a perfect example of how you can do it all: use the corner, get the corner shelving, get a rack for hanging clothes as well as storage boxes. Elegant and yet so practical!

19. Stunning Agate Wall Hooks


Small bedrooms usually require us to maximize wall spaces. Forget the traditional wall hooks and use stunning agate instead.

To do this, you will need agate slices, moldable glue, 4-inch screws, and a drill. Agate slices are available at your local crystal shop, but if you don’t have one, you can buy a mix of agate slices here.

Read this tutorial to find out more about how it’s done in less than five minutes.

Aside from looking stunning, did you know that agate is known for repealing negativity and has a calming and soothing effect? I would definitely like to have it in my room!


Use Dollar Store Bins for Garments


Small rooms equal small closet spaces. To maximize your closet space, use dollar store plastic bins and roll your garments instead of folding them.

Stack them vertically on to the plastic bins. You will be glad to know this method holds more clothes than traditional folding and piling on top of each other!

Make it even more organized by labeling each plastic bin. Check out more Dollar Store storage hacks like this here.

21. DIY Mirror and Jewelry Box


Talk about maximizing the wall space. This two-in-one mirror and jewelry box is so ingenious. It’s hard not to replicate it. 

The idea is to mount a shelf onto your wall and cover it with a full-sized mirror. It’s such a smart idea. After all, you will need a mirror to check how your jewelry and other accessories match with your outfit, right?

Check out more ideas on how to organize small items!


Rolling Carts Are Your Best Friend


When you have a small space, anything that moves is super convenient. That way, you can always move it when you need extra space.

For this reason, you should have at least one rolling storage cart in your small bedroom.

There are many types of mobile carts available.

My favorite is this because it comes in an industrial wooden design, that goes with most minimalist décor. Also, it has built-in brakes, which is always a great safety feature for anything with wheels.

Check out more small bedroom organizing ideas that require no drilling.

23. Hanging Laundry Hamper


Laundry bins can take up so much space, so why not hang them instead? This sleek-looking hanging laundry hamper can be hung behind doors or even on the toilet wall. 

It comes with a zipper lining on the bottom of the hamper, making it super easy for you to unload your dirty laundry straight onto the washing machine.

If you’re wondering where to get it, they’re sold online here.

24. Floor to Ceiling Closet


If you can’t have a walk-in closet because of limited room space, why not have a floor-to-ceiling one? Color-code the way you store your clothes for an added decorative effect.

Complement the sleek and clean look by using minimalist decorative storage boxes. The open shelving concept makes the illusion of a bigger space.

The best part is because it’s open, you are sort of forced to maintain the neat and tidy organization of your stuff. No more hidden unfolded clothes!

Check out more closet organizing ideas here.

25. End-of-Bed Shoe Storage Ottoman


I love the functionality of this 2-in-1 small bedroom furniture. It sits right at the end of your bed, where you normally put on your shoe anyway, so why not turn it into an ottoman that stores your shoes?

The great thing is, it also folds compact when you need more space or move out of your existing one.

If you think this would look good in your room, you can get this storage ottoman here.

26. Wicker Basket Hampers


Wicker baskets are storage solutions that also look great as decorative accents. They are great decorative accents for small spaces to place things you would require to use from time-to-time.

Place them on your bedside to hold throws, extra pillows, or even your extra linen. You can buy wicker baskets from specialty home stores, or create a similar-looking one inspired by this DIY project.

27. Use a Platform Bed

Credit: Instagram

If you don’t mind having a slightly raised bed, then a platform bed could be your solution to limited storage space. The idea is to mount a slat bed frame onto sturdy pieces of cube storage shelves to maximize the under-bed storage.

Finish the look by filling your cubes with decorative storage baskets like these ones.

28. Hanging Storage Organizers

Credit: Instagram

An excellent way of maximizing cabinets that don’t have built-in shelves is by using hanging storage organizers like the ones available here.

I love this brand of hanging closet organizer because it also has side pockets on them, which can hold small accessories such as purses, belts, or ties.

I would also complement this gray hanging organizer with a similarly-colored storage bin like these.  It has a transparent side, which allows you to see its contents easily.

If you don’t want this style, you can also go for the traditional storage box. But, add labels in front, so you know what is inside each bin.

29. Pull-Out Bedside Shelf

Credit: Instagram

Declutter your bedside tabletop by installing pull out shelves to hold your gadgets while they’re charging.

Click here for a full video tutorial on how pull-out cabinet drawers are converted into pull-out shelves.

30. Behind-the-Mirror Clothes Hanger

Credit: Instagram

This is such a brilliant idea of maximizing the space behind the mirror. It comes as no surprise that this concept came from Ikea.

Besides clothes, you can also use the rack to hold your umbrella, bag, and so much more.

31. Wall-Mounted Jewelry Organizer


You can create your own cute and artistic jewelry organizer from scrap wood, or buy premade wooden shelves. My personal favorite is the decorative wooden picture frame I found here.

Stick a corkboard on one of the picture panels to hold earrings, and install screw hooks like these at the bottom of the frame to hold longer necklaces.

32. Floating Cube Shelves


You probably can tell by now that maximizing your wall space is a trend in small bedroom spaces. 

Mount wooden cubes on your wall to create extra storage space. Add a bit of character by mixing different cub sizes, such as the one seen in this photo.

You can recreate this by using raw wood materials or use pre-fabricated cubes like the ones found here.

Whatever method you choose, make sure you mount them securely onto the wall with screws. Or, if you’re renting the place or don’t want damage to your walls, use heavy-duty Commando strips available on this page.

33. Tension Rod Shoe Rack


Storing shoes can be a problem in tight spaces. But there are ways of creating extra storage space for your shoes, by using common household materials, like tension rods usually used hanging for curtains.

The trick is to find a niche in your bedroom where you can anchor the rods and hang your shoes on. The best thing about tension rods is you don’t even need to drill holes or use a nail or any adhesive to stay securely in place.

You can find tension rods at your local hardware stores, but if you struggle to find some, you can always order them here.

34. Headboard Mini-Bookshelf


If you already have a headboard in place, this may be a little hard to pull off. However, if you are yet to have a headboard and are planning to get one.

You may want to consider building a small niche on each end of your headboard to serve as mini bookshelves to hold your nightly reads.

If for some reason, you can’t create your headboard, there are also relatively inexpensive headboards with built-in bookshelves, such as the one I saw here.

35. Above-Door Floating Shelf


An area often overlooked is the space above your door. This can actually be used as a storage space, especially if you have a small bedroom.

For this project, you can use any wooden slab lying around the house and then paint it over to match your bedroom door’s paint. Alternatively, you can also buy these relatively cheap floating shelves, which can be installed without tools.

36. Under-Bed Shoe Storage


Another excellent shoe storage location is under your bed. A lot of beds sit low above the floor; we tend to dismiss it as storage spaces.

What we don’t realize is that a double bed can store at least 14 pairs of shoes. You can make your pull out shoe storage by using some plywood or wood panels and paint to create the storage base.

Finally, attaching caster wheels like this for ease of pulling the shoe storage out from under your bed. Here’s a video tutorial on how similar shoe storage was done.

37. Under-Bed Linen Storage


Another storage problem for small bedrooms is our linen. They tend to be very bulky and take up too much space in our tiny closet.

The good news is, there are storage bins specifically designed to fit perfectly under the bed and are wide enough to accommodate linens. There are various under-bed designs available, from wicker baskets to simple polyester ones.

My favorite is the under-bed storage bin I found here because they have covers that protect whatever is inside them. They’re collapsible when I don’t need them, saving me more storage space.

38. DIY Storage Daybed


I honestly can’t think of a much better way to maximize a daybed than to install drawers underneath it to maximize storage space. These drawers would be excellent places to store linen, spare pillows, and so much more.

To guide you through how to create a 2-in-1 daybed/storage and a full list of materials needed, read through the tutorial found here.

39. Floating Makeup Dresser

Credit: Pinterest

Desks and vanity tables can be bulky and take up a lot of room space. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a makeup dresser.

In fact, you can, but it will be mounted to the wall as opposed to on a desk. You simply use a combination of various floating shelves and wall-mounted drawers, mirrors, and lighting.

If you want a minimalist makeup dresser that doesn’t occupy too much wall space, you can get this compact floating one found here.

40. Maximize the Headboard Space


This photo shows two ingenious ideas of maximizing your headboard space. Both of which use rods to hang clothes on.

Perhaps my favorite out of the two is the one where you can use a curtain to cover the stuff that is hung behind the headboard. What’s yours?

The bedrooms aren’t exactly small, but the idea is quite good for any space!


I hope you’ve loved some of these small bedroom organization ideas. Do you have any of your own?

Share them in the comment section below if you do!

90 photos of interiors - Ideas for renovation

People spend almost a third of their lives in a dream, so it is very important that the place intended for relaxation be as comfortable as possible. A pleasant interior will help you relax and forget about all the things outside the bed. For ideas and tips on how to create a piece of paradise from a small bedroom, you will find in this article. nine0005

Choosing an interior style

If when planning the interior of a living room, kitchen or study, you have to think first of all about their functionality, then in the relaxation area it is permissible to give free rein to imagination and listen to the desires of the soul. The basis for design experiments in a small bedroom can be styles such as Scandinavian, modern, classic, minimalism, loft or Provence.

Small modern style bedroom

The small bedroom of the 21st century is all about clear graphic lines, soothing tones and no unnecessary items. nine0005

Modern style suggests neat but reliable furniture without additional decor. The walls and ceiling are plain, in gray, white or beige tones. Black, chocolate and navy blue finishes are best reserved for large rooms. The floor can be covered with parquet, laminate or carpet in a discreet color. Metallic sheen, chrome handles, polished wood, mirrors - all this reflects light and visually enlarges the space.

Accents in the form of paintings, exquisite floor lamps, ceramic figures, indoor plants are allowed. Bed linen should be silk or cotton, without noticeable prints. Spot LED lighting around the perimeter and bedside sconces with matte milky white shades will help create a calm atmosphere and tune in to a serene sleep. nine0005

Classic small bedroom

Lovers of luxury will appreciate this style. Marshmallow shades of white, pink, peach, light lilac are ideally combined with aristocratic golden and silver patterns, plaster moldings, columns and crystal chandeliers.

Carved furniture, painted in ivory tone enamel, creates a majestic atmosphere of the palace. The head of the bed can be upholstered in soft leather. Windows should be covered with curtains made of brocade, velvet, satin to match the overall design. The same fabrics are suitable for a canopy. The bedspread can be jacquard, with shimmering patterns. The abundance of light in a "precious" frame will turn an ordinary small room into a truly royal bedchamber. nine0005

Small bedroom in Provence style

Provence style is the best fit for romantic natures who love the atmosphere of the south of France. All interior details should be designed in pastel colors - white and blue, pink, light purple, pale green and beige. From textiles, it is preferable to choose as if burnt out, faded chintz with a small floral ornament, in tiny polka dots, a cage, rhombuses.

Furniture for a small bedroom in the Provence style is desirable to choose simple and without pretentiousness. It can be made of light wood without varnish or painted white (possibly with a slight tint) color. nine0005

Small loft style bedroom

Initially, the term "loft" was used to refer to former factories, industrial warehouses and offices that were converted into housing. They are characterized by the lack of decoration on the walls, a lot of free space, high ceilings and large windows. However, some ideas from this style may well be useful to freshen up the interior of a small bedroom.

For example, instead of boring wallpaper or plaster, only bare brickwork, concrete panels or their imitation are left. A simple bed without legs is set directly on the plank floor. Everything should look like it's a freelance artist's temporary home: no decorative frills, just a couple of black and white prints, a thin-framed mirror and high-tech lamps for lighting. nine0005

For the sake of visually enlarging the room, you can expand the window, turning it into a panoramic one, and order a wardrobe with glossy metal doors. The role of curtains in the loft should be performed by blinds or simple curtains with vertical folds.

Small minimalist bedroom

This is the best option for a small bedroom. It completely lacks any frills - no curls, patterns, decor or decorations. One or two similar in spectrum or contrasting colors in the design, perfectly even, smooth surfaces, clear furniture, lamps of simple geometric shapes - all this greatly saves space. Such a simple and modern solution will appeal to business people with a rational approach to life. nine0005

Scandinavian style small bedroom

The first association with Scandinavia is transparency and coolness. Decorating in airy whites with light brown or gray-blue accents is worth choosing for rooms facing south and located in warm climates. This finish will make it easier to endure the heat, create a feeling of freshness and lightness. A Scandinavian-style bedroom should be reminiscent of snow-capped mountain peaks and icy rivers.

nine0006 Colors

Since we are talking about bedrooms with a small area, the main attention should be focused on a light palette. Colors close to white reflect more light and visually expand the room.

Small bedroom in white

No wonder this color was chosen by nature itself to cover the sleeping earth in winter: it lulls, relaxes, creates an atmosphere of purity and peace. In a completely white room, sleep will come in a matter of minutes, and if you want to add romance, just use colored lighting. nine0005

Small bedroom in blue tones

Decorated in heavenly shades relieves nervous tension and cools the body. It will be appropriate if the apartment is often hot. For active, active people, this color will help to dissipate energy a little and enjoy dreams.

Small bedroom in green tones

Herbal, light green, emerald, marine - they all create a feeling of freshness, provide a welcome rest to the eyes and nervous system. This is the easiest color to perceive, because it is located right in the middle of the rainbow spectrum. nine0005

Green is the color of life, and in the bedroom you should combine it with calm natural shades: gray, brown, sandy yellow, turquoise or lavender.

Small purple bedroom

A soft purple tone appears in the sky in the evening, after sunset. It envelops the horizon with a light haze and seems to invite you into the fairy-tale realm of dreams. In the bedroom, it can be a great addition to green, yellow or pink elements. Purple also looks harmonious with white, beige and cream colors. nine0005

Small bedroom in yellow tones

This sunny color is perfect for a bedroom that lacks warmth (for example, there is no window or it faces north). Sand, lemon, saffron, golden will make the room bright and warm. Shades of yellow are uplifting and fill life with joy, and they are best combined with white, green, blue, purple or brown.

Small gray bedroom

Gray is the calmest and most neutral color. It is much softer than black, so it will not look bulky. This is a wonderful background for any bright accents, and in itself it has conciseness and restraint. Light or silver gray options are suitable for all interior styles. nine0005

Finishes and materials

The choice of materials for finishing the bedroom is practically unlimited. Humidity in this room is normal, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other factors is minimal. The only important condition that should not be neglected is the safety of materials: they must not contain harmful impurities and emit toxic fumes.


The floor in the bedroom is best made of warm material. It can be wooden parquet, laminate, carpet. To make the space seem more voluminous, it is worth abandoning dark and non-uniform colors, and laying boards or other vertical drawings perpendicular to the window. The carpet should blend in with the main shade, or completely cover the room, otherwise it will "cut" and reduce it. nine0005


The best choice for a small bedroom - light walls, one-color or with a small, almost imperceptible pattern. This can be whitewashing, painting, decorative plaster (possible with reflective sparkles), wallpaper, wood paneling and cork.

For a loft style, it is better to choose white or grayish masonry (similar to sand-lime brick or sandstone).


To visually make the bedroom taller, the ceiling should be glossy. It is good that it reflects the light from the side sconces. A three-dimensional effect can be achieved by placing a mirror stretch film in a drywall “frame”. nine0005

For a romantic design, a ceiling in the form of a blue or starry sky, with a 3D space pattern and elements that shimmer in the dark, is suitable. Images of planets, large figures, rich colors in the design of a small bedroom should be avoided.


The choice of fabrics must be coordinated with the overall style. But in any case, they should not be dark and contain large prints. Curtains are best purchased light, airy, made of synthetic fabrics.

Bed linen in a small bedroom would look better in one color, diluted white shades or gray. To sleep comfortably, it is better to give preference to high-quality natural fabrics made of cotton, silk or linen. nine0005

Placement of furniture, appliances and accessories

When everything is in order with the decoration and the bedroom looks more spacious, it's time to think about how to use its real area with maximum benefit. Each type of room has its own recommendations and features.

Small square bedroom

If all sides are of equal length, there is no particular problem. So, the bed can be installed in the center, with a headboard to a blank or furniture wall, on the sides - high chests of drawers or pencil cases, and on the other wall - a wardrobe. It is good to save space with an elevation-podium with retractable shelves, inside which it is easy to hide clothes, bed linen and various things needed in the household. nine0005

Narrow (rectangular) small bedroom

To visually balance the room, on a long wall it is worth sticking photo wallpapers with a three-dimensional perspective, and on the opposite wall, for example, install a cabinet with a glossy surface. Narrow walls can be expanded with horizontal stripes, which can be not only painted, but also functional, in the form of wide shelving shelves.

Small custom bedroom

Attic rooms, corners left after zoning or redevelopment, as well as lofts converted from non-residential premises have an unusual layout. They can use interesting furniture - round, oval, triangular beds, chests of drawers with beveled edges, cabinets of non-standard configuration, hammocks, hanging shelves. This approach will provide not only comfort and convenience, but also give the interior of the bedroom a unique uniqueness. nine0005


In the sleeping area, it is better to do without bright overhead light and overhanging large-sized chandeliers. To create a soft atmosphere, a few spotlights on the ceiling, wall sconces and one or two comfortable floor lamps on the bedside tables will be enough.

Reflective particles or golden patterns in wall decor can add extra shimmer.

Design of a small bedroom in Khrushchev

In Soviet apartments, the usual area of ​​a bedroom is 8-9sq.m. Of course, there is not much space, but it is quite possible to place the furniture and accessories necessary for sleeping.

Achieving this is simple: you need to install a podium, raise the height of the cabinets to the ceiling, arrange storage space under the bed, and also expand the window sill, turning it into an additional work area or ladies' corner.

In children's bedrooms, it makes sense to use bunk and folding structures.

Integration with other premises

nine0004 In conditions of cramped apartments, a good solution may be to expand a small bedroom due to adjacent rooms.

Combination of a small bedroom with a living room

This option is usually used to divide the studio into a living room and a bedroom. At the same time, the area for the bed can simply be closed from prying eyes with a canopy, a screen, a tall wardrobe, and can also be located behind a plasterboard or plywood partition.

Combination of a small bedroom with a balcony or loggia

Existence of an exit from a bedroom on a loggia or a balcony gives the chance to increase the useful area. You can remove the window and the door, and insulate the area facing the courtyard as much as possible by installing modern double-glazed windows.

Small bedrooms - photo

Our photo gallery will help you find interesting solutions for the design of a small bedroom. The photo shows the most successful options for finishing, placing furniture and decor. Get inspired!

Design of a small bedroom 5-6 sq.m. nine0011

Design of a small bedroom 7-8 sq.m.

Design of a small bedroom 9 sq.m.

Design of a small bedroom 10-11 sq.m.

Design of a small bedroom 12 sq.


Video: Small bedroom - interior ideas

Design of a small bedroom: the best interior ideas

The bedroom is a room where guests rarely drop in, and the owners themselves spend mainly night hours in it. But let's look at the bedroom from the other side. This is a place where we are left alone with our thoughts and dreams, we feel calm, going over the events of the past day. Here we are pleased to be ourselves, to rest from the hustle and bustle. The small size of the bedroom does not interfere with making grandiose plans, and this requires inspiration. It will not come to the dull bedroom of boring people. So, we will attract him and future achievements with an interesting interior! nine0005

Pros and cons of a small bedroom

In a cozy bedroom, where “walls help” to relax and enjoy a peaceful sleep, a person feels happy and secure. It is not necessary that these walls be located at a maximum distance from each other. A room of 6-8 m2 will become the most beloved corner of the house with no less success than 2-3 times larger, only it needs to be decorated with skill and love.

The negative point of the small size of the room is the impossibility of placing a large bed in it, a spacious closet. You will probably be left without a dressing table or chest of drawers, hang a large picture and many shelves, or lay a luxurious fluffy carpet. nine0005

But there will be less cleaning. And it is not difficult to solve the problems of increasing the functionality and convenience of a sleeping room with design solutions. This will require more effort. You will have to think through every detail of the interior, color design, placement of light sources, and to beat the presence of a window as profitably as possible. But financial investments in the design of a small bedroom will require less. This is an undeniable plus.

Interior style for a small bedroom

So many people, so many tastes. You should not change your desires for the sake of the small size of the room and depersonalize its interior. For a small room, there are also successful design options. nine0005

Bedroom in contemporary style

Characteristic details of the modern interior of a small bedroom are:

Calm colors of walls and textiles, discreet light, no unnecessary details, good mood and soundness contribute to rest.

In the style of minimalism

The name of the style predetermines the avoidance of all frills, which is very useful for a small bedroom. Such a design solution will appeal to business and energetic people; in the rest room, nothing should distract from relaxation, easy morning awakening. Sleep will successfully restore strength in a room setting where:

The approach to the choice of accents should also be rational, their presence is designed to save space, have a semantic load. Several photographs, paintings, laconic vases will do.

Japanese style

The people of the Land of the Rising Sun are known for their practicality and ability to see beauty in small details. Their dwellings are visually spacious, filled with air and light. They leave the negative behind the threshold, enjoying peace at home. The main principle in the arrangement of the bedroom - a room, according to the Japanese, with a philosophical meaning, is minimalism. Its interior is complemented by:

The austerity of the furnishings is diluted with exquisite textiles, a light screen, paintings that are never hung on just one wall.

In the Scandinavian style

The inhabiting Scandinavian Peninsulas harsh Normans prefer simplicity and restraint. Life in the harsh conditions of the North gave rise to a desire for light and light colors, respect for nature. "Cold" Scandinavian style is popular in the design of a small bedroom. It is characterized by:

Stencil paintings on the wall, figures of animals or birds, light curtains, blinds, carpet on the floor look spectacular in such an environment.

In the style of Provence

Elegance and tension of the Provence style will taste romantic, dreamy, harmonious. A cozy optimistic bedroom with cheerful curtains will dispel sad thoughts. The atmosphere, combining classics and rural life, will distract with positive, tranquility. In a room with such a design, uncontrollably pulls every evening. Waiting for you here:

Graceful lamps, rattan decor items, wicker baskets, flowers look wonderful against the background of pastel colors.

The design of a small bedroom

on the design of the bedrooms of small sizes constantly work and achieved good results in this field. There are many options for choosing the option that suits the size and features of your particular bedroom. General rules have been formed, following which you can visually increase the space, make the bedroom functional, comfortable and cozy. Here are the main postulates:

No need to be afraid of non-standard solutions, experiments to optimize space. A window sill can be involved in the usable area, a second tier can be used to organize an extra bed, and the working area should not be abandoned. nine0005

Numerous "Khrushchev" and "panels" have not gone down in history yet. Millions of people live in such houses and interior designers pay close attention to their design.

Small bedroom in Khrushchev,

. for a small room and meeting the taste of the owners. A cramped space will expand a large amount of light, a light palette of walls, the absence of bulky furniture, the correct arrangement of furnishings and decor. nine0005

Such simple tricks as abandoning bedside tables (at least one of them), replacing table lamps with pendant sconces, using the “accented wall” technique, choosing spotlights instead of a volumetric chandelier give good results.

In panel house

of the bedrooms in houses of this type is slightly more than in Khrushchevs. They have higher ceilings and more light. For rooms, a ceiling of several levels is applicable; dark colors, bright colors and various textures are allowed in the design of the walls. In the bedroom of a panel house, bedside tables will be placed next to the bed, which will be decorated with elegant lamps or decorative elements. nine0005

Often in the "panels" rooms are elongated, but their area is quite enough for the manifestation of imagination, techniques of mixing styles, zoning. The furniture set includes wardrobes with hinged doors, dressing tables with elegant ottomans. The main thing is to correctly place objects and choose colors.

Color solutions

Nobody will argue with the fact that only light, pastel colors are suitable for a small bedroom. Yet there are exceptions to this rule. Sometimes rich, colorful accents enliven the interior, add warmth and comfort. nine0005

It is necessary to distribute bright islands that contrast with the general background of the room carefully and carefully according to the principle: less is better ... Eye-catching objects can be:

Color is a great manipulator. Using "cold" colors is easy to achieve a feeling of coolness and freshness. If a lot of sunlight enters the bedroom window, the decision to decorate it in blue, gray, white will be the right one. Warm shades will fill the room with the sun, they are perfect for a room with a north-facing window. nine0005


For a small space, a large chandelier is not required; spotlights or small ceiling lights will provide basic lighting. They are often equipped with a dimmer - a light brightness control.

It is desirable to provide additional local lighting in the area of ​​the head of the bed for ease of reading. Table lamps on bedside tables, sconces, small floor lamps will cope with this task. It will be convenient to illuminate the mirror located in the bedroom and the work area where the laptop, books, and hobbies live. nine0005

To provide spot lighting, spotlights are useful - lamps with adjustable light direction. Pertinent for the bedroom will be shades made of dense materials that scatter light well. Their shape depends on the size of the room, if they are minimally helped out by flat forms that do not take centimeters of volume, or lamps on brackets.

Decorative lighting is a privilege of large bedrooms, but it can also be applied to small rooms. Illumination of niches, paintings, figurines will not damage a small bedroom. Its decoration will be a variety of night lights and, of course, romantic candles. nine0005

Furniture for a small bedroom

The bed is the central and honorable object of the bedroom. Having conveniently arranged the head of the interior, we begin to move along the path of arrangement. Since the dimensions do not allow to fit a large closet or chest of drawers into the room, we will use drawers under the bed frame to place things and bedding. Models with a lifting mechanism and a box for storing linen are also very convenient. nine0005

Breaking the stereotypes and purchasing bedside tables not of the standard low “height”, but high, even up to the ceiling. It's practical and original. Between the high cabinets, a wall cabinet will fit in well - and now the whole composition is ready, which is time to play with light and bright accents. A dressing table, necessary in the bedroom, will be replaced by an elegant console and a wall mirror. For important little things, hinged shelves that do not occupy floor space are useful.

Furniture manufacturers, taking into account the demand, produce small-sized and functional racks, chests of drawers, cabinets, and poufs. Without overloading the room with furnishings, calling on the help of imagination and armed with catalogs of furniture companies, you can create a wonderful interior for your favorite bedroom.

Combination of functional areas

It's hard to believe, but, nevertheless, in a small bedroom it is quite possible to attach a work area or a relaxation area to the main sleeping area. nine0005


The space between the bed and the working area is separated by a plasterboard partition, which has a decorative function or becomes a rack with additional shelves. The table is chosen with a lightweight design without bulky cabinets and drawers.

It is possible not to separate the mini-office with a partition, but to zone it with color, focusing on the wall near the table. The sleep zone is emphasized by a small carpet, local lighting, and a light canopy.

Bedroom with seating area

Armchair and floor lamp are logical in the concept of the lounge. Decorate and add comfort to the fireplace or its imitation. In order for these items to harmoniously fit into the interior, you need to consider their location and follow the chosen design style. A wicker chair, a white fireplace portal, directional light will form an intimate cute corner.

It is very good if a small bedroom has a loggia or a balcony. With their help, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room increases, a spacious area for rest or work is organized on the additional territory.

Listen to the advice of experienced designers, look through magazines and website pages, ask your friends for advice. But choose with your heart, it will tell you the right decision and whisper in which interior it will rest easy. A comfortable bed, colors that are pleasing to the eye, and furnishings selected with taste and love will create an aura of peace that will ensure good rest and good sleep.

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