Making a rock garden ideas

Rock Garden Ideas for Small Spaces


David Beaulieu

David Beaulieu

David Beaulieu is a landscaping expert and plant photographer, with 20 years of experience. He was in the nursery business for over a decade, working with a large variety of plants. David has been interviewed by numerous newspapers and national U.S. magazines, such as Woman's World and American Way.

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Updated on 11/07/22

The Spruce / Christopher Lee

In This Article

Project Overview

Rock garden designs can range from to sprawling, naturalistic creations to faux dried river beds to rustic mounds of stones, soil, and plants. It all depends on your preferences and the amount of space (and rock) you have to work with. If you have a small area, often the best design is a simple, round raised bed made of select rocks. This design can fit neatly into any well-chosen nook and will not be in the way when you mow your lawn. If you plant it thoughtfully, it also won't require a lot of maintenance.

Illustration: The Spruce, 2018

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Equipment / Tools



  1. Build the First Course

    Clear the area of grass or other organic material, if necessary. Be sure to dig up sod and other plants below the roots to prevent new shoots from coming up later in your rock garden. Lay out a circle of rocks as the perimeter of your base, making the diameter about 4 feet (or as desired). This forms the foundation of your garden and creates some elevation above the surrounding ground. You can use up most of your largest, least attractive rocks in this bottom layer, but it does not require stones larger than about 12 inches in any dimension.

    Fill the area inside the first course with sandy soil, which provides good drainage. If all you have is a clayey soil, add sand and compost to it to promote better drainage. Walk on the soil to pack it down.

    David Beaulieu
  2. Add the Second Course

    Plan the second course of stones. This can simply be a smaller version of the first course, forming a circle within a circle, or it can take the form of one or more bands of stone that pass through the center of the bed perimeter. In any case, the second course should provide plenty of room for planting between the bed perimeter and the second-course stones as well as in any additional spaces created by the second course.

    Place the second course of stones according to your plan (and don't be afraid to experiment). Since you used your heaviest stones for the first course, you have lighter, more easily maneuvered stones to use for the second course. Try to use the best-looking stones here (any size is fine) because they will be more visible than the foundation rocks.

    David Beaulieu
  3. Select Plants for Your Rock Garden

    Start your plant selection by choosing a color scheme that will work well with your stone. For example, if the garden is made primarily with red sandstone, you'll want some plants with a hint of red in them, as well as some plants displaying silver, yellow, white, or other complementary colors.

    In addition to selecting for color, choose plants that thrive in well-drained soil. Also, confirm that the plants have similar watering requirements and are suitable for the amount of sunlight the garden receives. Drought-resistant plants are best, although you can make an exception for a particularly handsome specimen that you can treat as an annual (that is, temporary) plant. Finally, seek variation in plant height and leaf texture for maximum visual impact and interest.

    David Beaulieu
  4. Plant Your Rock Garden

    Arrange the plants in your rock garden while they are still in their pots. Usually, it's best to plant in threes: grouping three of the same kind of plant together or in a strategic arrangement. Keep in mind that you will intersperse rocks among the plants.

    Once you've settled on a layout, begin planting with additional soil as needed, adding rocks for decorative effect as you go (if you add all the rocks before planting, they'll just be in the way of your digging.) 

    If you want to cover small areas of soil with rock mulch (to prevent weed growth), use small stones of the same type (or at least similar coloring) as the major stones forming the rock structure.

    David Beaulieu

Sample Rock Garden Design

Here is a good sample selection of plants for a small rock garden, chosen for color, care requirements, size/height, and texture:

This rock garden will look nicer in spring and early summer (when the plants are in bloom) than it will in late summer. That's an example of a compromise you must make unless you have a space large enough to implement a sequence-of-bloom agenda. For colorful blooms throughout the summer, you can easily add the annual, portulaca, to the mix.

Another compromise is made with Scotch moss, which is not drought-tolerant. This is a case of sacrificing longevity for a temporary pop of color and texture. Scotch moss is suited to planting zones 4 to 9 and bears small white flowers, but it is grown mainly for the solid carpet of yellowish-green that it provides. It grows in full sun to part shade.

The only plant in this sample design that is grown more for its flower than its foliage is the daffodil. The relatively coarse textures of the lamb's ear, wood spurge, and hens and chicks contrast well with the other plants, all of which have more delicate foliage. As the years go by and the daffodil and lamb's ear spread, you can divide them. If you decide that they clutter up your rock garden too much, transplant them to somewhere else in the yard.


Give your rock garden a "grown-in-place" look by layering while you plant. Set a few plants first, then add rocks around them, as though the plants have grown up through the "cracks" in the rocks. Try to cover as much of the surface as possible with rocks and plants.

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22 Rock Garden Ideas & How to Tips

Enhance your landscape with this low-maintenance solution. By Janet Loughrey, Garden Writer & Photographer

A rock garden can add height and depth to a flat area. Add a waterfall or other water feature to enhance the natural appearance. Designer: Philip Thornburg, Winterbloom Landscaping. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Adding a rock garden to your yard is a creative way to add depth and dimension to a flat or mundane space, or to introduce an element of surprise. The rugged appearance of rock adds earthy appeal, connecting a manmade landscape to the natural world.

Rocks can be used to define a slope, act as a substitute for a lawn, or become a solution to an area where little will grow. Different areas of the yard such as walkways and beds can be outlined or separated with an attractive arrangement of rocks, pebbles or gravel. A rock garden can range from a complex large-scale project with many aspects and layers, to something as simple as a small corner adorned with gravel and river stones. Even a container can become a miniature rock landscape.

Rock gardens are low-maintenance and lend year-round structure to the landscape. In order for your finished project to have cohesion, it should be well thought out and designed. Here are some basic principles to get you started, along with a list of recommended plants.


Think outside the box. Even a front yard can be the site of a rock garden, such as this entryway shown here. Designer: Philip Thornburg, Winterbloom Landscaping. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Choose and evaluate your site.

Where would a rock garden look best in your yard? Is the site in sun or shade? Will plants need regular water, or will it be a drought-tolerant landscape? Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Even a front yard can have a rock garden.


Gather ideas by looking at photos of rock gardens on the internet and by visiting local gardens. Make an idea board or list with attributes you want to include.

Draw up a design.

Once you have some basic ideas, make a plan and draw a rough sketch. For a bigger project, you may want to consult with a landscape designer. Larger rocks are a challenge to lift and set in place, so it’s crucial to know ahead of time where you want them.

Consider scale.

Use materials that are in scale with your home and yard. Big boulders can overwhelm a small space, while small stones will get lost in a sweeping landscape.

Choose a style.

Rough irregular rocks add rugged natural appeal, while smooth pebbles or clean white gravel lend a more formal appearance, such as with Japanese rock gardens and Zen rock gardens. Create a look that complements your home’s style as well as the rest of the yard.

Keep it natural.

Take a cue from Mother Nature by making the rock garden look like it belongs. This will make the design more visually pleasing and cohesive with the rest of the yard. Random groupings of stones will look more natural than placing them in neat rows or organized patterns. Incorporate a water feature or stepping stones to enhance the natural appeal.


Vary materials such as pebbles, gravel and stepping stones to make a more visually interesting landscape. Designers: Adriana Berry, Plant Passion Design. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Make a list.

In order to have the right materials on hand, make a list of what you need.

Source materials.

Peruse local garden centers, home improvement stores and specialty rock suppliers to see and compare materials before buying. For the budget-minded, Craigslist and Freecycle often have listings from people looking to get rid of rock materials. Consider rock quarries or natural areas that allow rockhounding.

Vary the rocks.

To create contrast and visual interest, vary the size and shape of the rocks. Use a mix of materials such as stones, pebbles and gravel.


Use a few well-placed larger rocks as primary focal points to anchor the space and install those first. Allow space between the rocks for plants to grow. Smaller complementary stones or gravel placed around the larger rocks will unify the design.

Keep color in mind.

Select larger rocks in lighter hues so the landscape doesn’t feel dark and heavy. Vary the color and tone of other materials to lend contrast and visual interest.

Instill order.

To keep the design from looking too busy, choose rocks with complementary colors and shapes. Lay out swaths of the same pebbles or gravel rather than mixing too many materials together.


This rock garden features plants that thrive in partial shade, including ferns, bleeding heart, hellebores and ‘Bowles Golden’ sedge (Carex). Designer: Philip Thornburg, Winterbloom Landscaping. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Soil matters.

Create an environment that is hospitable to your chosen plants. Alpine plants and other drought-tolerant plants will need sandy soil with sharp drainage. Others, such as ferns and hostas, will need richer soil and more moisture.

Pick the right plants.

Choose plants that will thrive in your climate. Traditional rock gardens include varieties that are alpine in origin, as the conditions simulate their native habitat. Rock garden plants tend to be smaller to complement the scale of the rocks. Use perennials, ornamental grasses and small shrubs to add vertical height. Creeping groundcovers will soften the appearance of the hard rocks. Add sturdy bulbs such as narcissus, wild tulips and alliums for contrast. Incorporate evergreen dwarf and creeping conifers for year-round interest. For a shade garden, choose mosses, ferns and hostas.

Complement and contrast.

To lend cohesion, choose plants with harmonious or complementary colors to the rocks. Use a mix of plants with flowers and foliage interest and combine upright and creeping forms.


Sun Shade
GROUND COVERS Sedums, succulents, creeping thyme, snow-in-summer (Cerastium), creeping phlox, gold alyssum (Aurinia), ice plant (Delosperma). Mosses, creeping Jenny, ajuga, deadnettle (Lamium), vinca, sweet woodruff.
PERENNIALS Sedges and other small ornamental grasses, dwarf conifers, dianthus, rockcress (Aubrieta), columbine, speedwell, lamb’s ear, bellflower (Campanula). Ferns, coral bells, hostas, hellebores, astilbe, lungwort, columbine, barrenroot (Epimedium).
BULBS Species tulips, narcissus, crocus, squill, reticulated iris, alliums. Snowdrops, narcissus, muscari, squill, crocus, anemone, tuberous begonias, caladium.


Designer Burl Mostul, Villa Catalana. Photo: Janet Loughrey.


Rocks absorb heat, especially in a sunny site, so plants can dry out quickly. Make sure plants receive adequate water, especially during hot spells.


Some plants such as alpines and succulents need little or no supplemental fertilizer, while others such as coral bells and hostas will benefit from a boost of nutrients. Research your plants needs and fertilize accordingly.


A layer of smaller rocks or gravel acts as a natural weed suppressant, helping to keep the landscape low-maintenance. Keep areas free from weeds so plants don’t get overwhelmed or deprived of water and nutrients. Eventually, plants should fill in enough to suppress most weeds.


Cut out dead growth and remove spent flowers to encourage new growth and keep a neat appearance.


Keep rocks in scale with the yard. In this small space, rocks are stacked to create a sculptural water feature, while a single boulder placed strategically on the other side of the path helps balance the composition. Designers: Barbara Hilty and Adriana Berry. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

See more of this garden, including before/after photos and plants used. Photo by: Proven Winners.

Designer Burl Mostul, Villa Catalana. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Pick a style that matches your home and landscape. This Asian-style rock garden evokes a sense of calm and order. Designer: Helena Wagner, 4 Seasons Gardens. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Creeping groundcovers such as woolly thyme can be used to soften hard rock surfaces. Gardener: Karen Olberding. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Large scale rock garden or hillside terrace. Designer: Burl Mostul, Villa Catalana. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

Leave spaces between rocks for plants to grow. Gardener:: Karen Olberding. Photo: Janet Loughrey.

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100+ Best Ideas | Do-it-yourself Alpine hill (Photo)

Rock garden is a fairly new way of decorating and arranging a personal plot, which has come to us to replace the classic front gardens with flower beds and flower beds. Organizing this paradise of nature in your summer cottage will not be difficult even for a novice florist who has only basic knowledge in the field of landscape design and crop production in his arsenal. A multi-tiered planting of bright flowers among the stones, an artificial waterfall beautifully played with evergreen ornamental shrubs can be perfectly combined in one place, creating a complete image of the site.

We make an alpine hill in the country with our own hands

When you see this picturesque corner with your own eyes, it seems that such a creation can only be created by resorting to the services of expensive landscape designers with extensive professional experience in this field.

We hasten to dissuade you right away. Making such a flower decoration with your own hands is as simple a task as setting up a flower bed in front of your house in your own yard.

It is clear that in order to create a multi-level alpine slide with an impromptu waterfall, which requires large stones and other material, deeper knowledge and experience in the construction of such structures will be required. But it is quite possible to plan a small hill, consisting of one or two tiers, on your own, you just need to understand a little about the technology for creating such objects.

Important! Starting to develop the design of an alpine slide, it must be taken into account that the rock garden - first of all, imitates a rocky section of the mountains. Therefore, the main material for its creation should be natural raw stone and undersized shrubs that are in perfect harmony with each other in the wild.

A wonderful composition of stones and beautiful plants with different flowering times

Having your own pond in your yard is a dream of any summer resident

To create a large rock garden, you will need huge boulders

Characteristic features and varieties of alpine slides

From the school bench, we all remember that any mountain or hill, regardless of its size and height, has:

  1. Top
  2. Slope
  3. Sole

It is from these definitions that you should build on when developing your own alpine slide project.

Alpine slides can be made in several variations, which will externally repeat different parts of hilly and mountainous terrain. Given all these design features, there are several options for alpine slides.

Beautiful rock garden made of ordinary stones and plants

Rockery - a real rock garden made of ordinary stones

An original idea - to create a quiet corner among the stones with a natural landscape

Czech rolling pin - a great alternative to the classic alpine slide

How to make a rock garden in the country

Today, the alpine hill can be found in city squares, summer cottages, areas near social institutions and wealthy farmsteads. If you choose stones and various plants with taste, an atmosphere of tranquility and luxury is created in any, even the most modest summer cottage.

If you follow the competent technology of arranging an alpine hill, you can create such a kind of landscape element with your own hands.

Sometimes this is not the easiest process. It all depends on your tastes and preferences. But no matter what type of alpine slide you choose, it must be borne in mind that a worthy imitation of natural rocky areas should be obtained, in which stones are the dominant component. They are complemented by low creeping, as well as a variety of flowering plants. The concept of "hill" is defined by the general form, which is a hill.

Natural beauty from natural materials in the garden

To complement the image of the terrace, place a composition of stones and evergreens next to it.

Preparatory stage

Starting the creation of an object, first develop a detailed scheme, which is tied to the area, taking into account the existing landscape.

When drawing the diagram to scale, it will be easier later to determine the dimensions and calculate the number of stones that will be needed to create this object.

Alpine slide layout

Select a place, taking into account several criteria:

Important! In the area allocated for the construction of an alpine slide, aquifers should not be located close to the surface. Too much moisture can harm plants.

Step-by-step work
  1. Having selected a site, transfer the developed scheme to it on a scale. Mark the general configuration with pegs and a cord. You can draw a border by pouring a path of chalk powder, ash or lime around the perimeter. After breaking down, they clean the site of debris, and dig a pit a little more than the allotted area.
  2. Next, remove the upper soil layer up to 40 cm, removing weed rhizomes in parallel. If the predominant soil on the site is heavy loam or clay, then a drainage cushion is arranged, for which slag, gravel, gravel are used. Suitable construction waste, pieces of brick, limestone. Drainage is necessary to protect the roots from rotting. It will not allow waterlogging, will provide the necessary aeration. The minimum drainage layer is 30 cm.
  3. If there are different types of material, then you need to pour them in layers, for example, crushed stone, pebbles, and then sand. Water the drainage with water and tamp.
  4. The soil that was taken out in the process of digging a pit is cleared of rhizomes, debris, stones. To it is added in equal volumes: wood chips, sand, dry peat, crushed pine bark, humus . After mixing, lay on top of the drainage layer. Leave the site for 3 weeks to allow the soil to settle.

Scheme of a simple alpine hill for a summer residence

Selection of stones for an alpine hill

The creation of an original image of an alpine hill depends on the competent selection of stones. It is recommended to use stony rocks that do not harm the environment due to the content of heavy metals and do not oxidize the soil.

The harmony of stone scree will be betrayed by the same type of stones, having different configurations and sizes. Organically look rocks that have acquired an irregular shape under the influence of water and wind.

Limestone, noble, granite, sandstone are most often used for alpine slides. You can use travertine, reminiscent of marble, forest boulder, basalt, dolomite. A good option is serpentinite, quartz, jasper.

Properly selected stones make a very beautiful rock garden

In the neighborhood of stones, unpretentious plants that require a minimum amount of moisture feel good

An artificial stream can be laid out with stones, near which beautiful flowers, such as tulips, are planted

It is impossible to make a beautiful alpine slide on a site without stones. To find worthy specimens, it is advisable to contact the nearest quarry. When transporting, it is taken into account that the weight of the stone can vary from 15 to 100 kg. Natural cobblestones have an interesting structure, among which there are stones with a heterogeneous surface structure, which have grooves, various interesting inclusions.

Porous rocks such as tuff, shell rock are not recommended, as they absorb moisture and quickly deteriorate. The color scheme of the stones and their shape play a role. Less commonly used specimens with a rounded shape. And also boulders with a lot of sharp edges are not recommended.

Laying stones

After the foundation has set, the most important stage begins - laying stones. It is carried out according to a predetermined plan.

  1. At the first stage, it is required to lay out the perimeter of the base from the most massive stones. For reliability, they are buried in the ground by almost 60%. This will then allow you to place smaller specimens so that they will not budge under the influence of even heavy rains.
  2. Referring to the diagram, leave gaps where vegetation will be placed later. Soil is laid on each layer, which is then compacted and watered. The top of the hill is the most colorful conical boulder.
  3. In the process of placing the stones, constant control is carried out to ensure an aesthetic view from all sides. It is necessary to place cobblestones with defects in the inner layers of the structure, leaving the most advantageous specimens in terms of color and shape in the visible areas.

It is recommended to avoid excessive artificiality and smoothness of the created structure. In alpine slides, naturalness is valued with a pronounced chaotic arrangement of stone blocks and small debris.

Laying stones for an alpine slide

The finished structure is evaluated in terms of acquiring integrity, visually perceived at any distance as a harmonious natural object. Having finished laying, they leave the hill for three weeks, so that the stones are finally fixed in their places.

Beautifully selected decorative flowers for the rock garden

Rock garden made of large stones

Bright flowers will refresh the alpine hill and dilute the overall picture of the backyard landscape

Having a beautiful and harmonious landscape design in your country house is the dream of every housewife

Selection criteria for plants

The choice of vegetation is determined by the specifics of the variety of the created alpine hill. This activity is carried out at the stage of developing a general scheme after studying the photographs and descriptions of the created objects.

First of all, a predictable color palette is applied to the scheme, according to which seeds or seedlings of plants belonging to several groups are purchased. If the rocky hill is located in a sunny place, then drought-resistant plant varieties are selected for planting.

Many variants of the Alpine slide include miniature trees and shrubs, as well as various flower crops and perennial herbs.

Coniferous plants bring solemnity and elegance to the decoration. Among their assortment, undersized varieties are selected.

Low-growing plants are often used to decorate a personal plot

A beautiful garden in a picturesque place

From hardwoods, varieties are chosen that do not shed their foliage for a long time.

Pebbles with plants look especially beautiful

As experienced summer residents say, there are never too many green plants in the garden

Flowers for an alpine hill

Flowers for an alpine hill are selected from an assortment of creeping low plants. Preference is given to perennial varieties. The following varieties are recommended.

Lavender, geranium, backache, sedum, fescue also look great among stones. Harmoniously combining these plants on the site, you can create a real masterpiece.

Flowers not only decorate your garden, but also fill it with a wonderful aroma.

Bulbous flowering plants, which are placed in small groups, miraculously set off the natural restraint of stones. These include hyacinth, crocus, tulip, hazel grouse. These plants bloom in spring. Thanks to their bright buds, the colorful rock garden immediately acquires a presentable picturesque look.

When selecting perennial flowering species, it must be taken into account that they must have different flowering periods. This will allow the alpine slide to look like a bright original object for a long period. The height of each type of vegetation is taken into account.

Low-growing varieties should not be shaded by taller varieties. Bright flower cultures are located closer to the front edge, providing a good viewing area.

A wonderful place to relax by the pond

For the arrangement of alpine slides, low shrubs - blueberries, lingonberries are often used. A good addition is drooping reed, bergenia, daylily. Herbaceous plants serve as a decorative background. They allow you to fill in the remaining voids after the early flowering plants have already withered.

Important! When planning where to place vegetation, consider that ground cover varieties will help prevent slope erosion. Therefore, they are selected for a place on the inclined surfaces of the hill.

Waterfall - will add even more beauty to landscape design


Trees and shrubs are planted first. The best option for their placement is a site near large stones, which are laid out along the edge of the hill. A fairly large distance is maintained by these plants.

When planting in the allotted place, a hole is dripped, suitable in size to the dimensions of the roots, at an angle. A seedling is installed, the roots are carefully straightened, the soil mixture is poured and carefully tamped.

Natural stone goes well with the entire color palette

Flower crops are then planted and lawn grass is sown. After planting, watering is carried out. Start pouring water from above. Draining, it impregnates the entire surface of the slide.

Important! Delicate rosette flowers should not be placed next to ground cover crops. Bulbous plants are recommended to be planted in some kind of limiter, the role of which will be played by a bucket with a cut-out bottom or a large jar. This will allow these plants not to spread over large areas.

The irregular shape of the stones gives the composition a special charm.

Care of the alpine slide

In the first year, you should carefully inspect the alpine slide and, if necessary, add soil, which can be washed out after watering or rains. Also strengthen unstable stones.

Further care involves timely watering, pruning of dry buds, damaged leaves, broken stems. Top dressing is carried out about once a month.

Do not use nitrogen fertilizers, as this will cause a strong green growth. Also, when watering, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is not subjected to erosion. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a regular watering can.

Noticing the signs of diseases, immediately spray the plants with appropriate preparations, and also treat them from pests.

Low-growing and creeping plants are perfect for decorating an alpine hill.

An alpine hill perfectly harmonizes with various landscape design objects. It decorates the territory, makes it attractive and original. Brings the charm of the mountain landscape and serves as a place of rest after difficult everyday life.

what is it in landscape design by example, diagrams and photos

Alpine hill rock garden is a rocky hill decorated with plants and stones, the object is the main decorative element on the site. It creates the main focus on the territory; certain rules and design standards are taken into account in its arrangement. There are a large number of rock garden photo options in landscape design.

Alpine hill with a waterfall is a dream of many summer residents

Alpine hill is considered an excellent replacement for flower beds and flowerbeds, this approach provides zoning even a small space in the garden. Landscaping of this type will also make it possible to disguise embankments that are not intended for planting. Staying in a country house with a properly designed landscape design turns into a real pleasure.

Types of rock gardens by shape


Types of rock gardens by size

Large, small alpine slides, mini-rock gardens are distinguished by size. When planning a design, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, as well as its compatibility with other objects, play an important role.

Each gardener can create a piece of the real Alps on his plot

It is enough to study the theory and be patient

Large rock gardens fit well into large areas, look great against the background of sprawling trees nearby with large-scale buildings. Large stones are used in their arrangement.

You can create a small alpine slide with your own hands in just a couple of hours, for this, improvised materials, crushed stone or small stones are suitable. The slide can be open and one-sided, in the latter case it is placed against the wall of the house, the fence.

A small rock garden made of rubble stone collected on our own site

A compact alpine slide made of beautiful stones of different colors

A mini rock garden is considered the easiest way to arrange an alpine slide. It is ideal for placement in a small area, as well as when there is no time to care for a large rock garden. The slide is placed in a container, dish, any other improvised containers are widely used.

Container rock garden can be placed both in the garden and in a city apartment

Rock garden can be installed near the porch or barbecue, along the road, on the loggia. It is easy to carry it to different places, the best place for installation is east or west.

The right choice of a place for a rock garden

The main criterion for choosing a place for a classic alpine slide is a site that is clearly visible from all sides. Preference is always given to planting light-loving plants, so the site should be as lit by the sun as possible.

For richer and more intense flowering, the slope of the hill should be oriented to the south side.

To create a rock garden, you need a large enough area so that the hill does not look bulky. “Unnatural” objects (lanterns, automated irrigation systems) should not be located nearby, which will avoid dissonance. Alpine slide can be located near the fences, from the edge of the lawn. This option allows you to create a contrast between a long object and a bright rock garden.

Plants for rock garden

Alpine mountain plants are used in the arrangement of rock gardens, colors do not matter. The choice of plants depends on individual preferences. The main requirement is a harmonious combination in the landscape.

For rock gardens, for the most part, low-growing plants are selected.

When planting crops, the growth rate of neighboring plants should be taken into account. In the arrangement of rock gardens, ground cover perennials, heather crops, conifers, ferns, small trees, perennials are in great demand. Drought-resistant grasses should be planted on the top tier. At the foot, it is necessary to plant shrubs, flowering species.

Undersized alyssum is perfect as a background. A flowering mat from this plant covers a hill for quite a long time

Armeria easily takes root on stony soils - a low perennial plant that can bloom from May to September

All plants should be undersized, large species should not be planted, as they will deprive the undersized ones , shadow them, disrupt the overall picture. Cover species are placed on the lower tier. They evenly fill the lower level, which during the flowering period is covered with small leaves. This category includes saxifrage, rezuha (arabis), young, stonecrop.

“Stone rose” (aka young) is ideal for decorating a rocky landscape. Numerous varieties of this plant allow you to create interesting compositions

Arabis is one of the best plants for rock gardens in a natural style. It is enough to plant one bush, which will grow very quickly in loose soil. The main difference is in the root system. Where cover plants will not grow, trailing plants will cover much more area than ground cover plants. The second difference between creeping flowers is their ability to braid large boulders and other landscape objects. Due to this feature, it is possible to make a truly unique design. When arranging rock gardens, eustoma, cinquefoil, euonymus, aster, junipers (horizontal, Blue Forest) are often used.

Euonymus with delicate green foliage looks great among gray stones

Coniferous plants are ideal for stony soils, mountain landscapes, they perfectly attract attention, their color does not matter. As an alternative, evergreen shrubs or trees, ornamental perennials are often used.

Evergreens should not obscure the composition of the rock garden itself, so they are tried to be planted along the edges0003

Tall flowers are also used in rock gardens. When choosing, preference should be given to crops that can grow in the sun and not in the most fertile soil. They should be long enough and beautiful. Most often, these flowers require special care. Due to the lack of soil, plants often need to be transplanted and fertilized. The category of tall includes wild rose, roses, peonies, lilies.

Small rock garden with beautifully blooming lilies

Compact alpine slide with roses and carnations

Low to medium plants used to create transitions between levels. They are used to fill the main space of the rock garden. Such cultures perform the function of borders, are used to place accents. This species includes fescue, lavender, primrose, blueberries, cloves, backache, poultry, bulbous plants.

Filling the rock garden with green spaces, it is important to maintain a balance between stones and plants

Rockery and rock garden: what's the difference?

Many do not understand what a rock garden is, how it differs from a rockery. When arranging a rockery, you should not be guided by soft, muted tones; an alpine slide provides for the creation of an eye-catching picture that attracts the eye even without bright vegetation.

Rock garden is an imitation of mountainous terrain created by artificial means

Rockery is essentially the same alpine slide, only flat

Main differences:

  1. The rock garden consists of real alpine plants, planting of which is not necessary to create a rockery.
  2. Alpine slide should be located on a hill, the surface for rockeries is always moderately flat, an abundance of flowers in this case can give the impression of bad taste.
  3. Rockeries are dominated by stones, rock gardens are dominated by plants.

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