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Kitchen Island Stock-Fotos und Bilder

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40 kitchen island design ideas

A kitchen island is one of the working modules, which is in no way connected with the kitchen set. A similar solution in kitchen space layout has many advantages: increase in the usable area for cooking, the possibility approach the work area from any side, place a sink or oven with a hob surface, expand the number of places for storing kitchen utensils, etc. The design of the kitchen island is much more diverse than it might seem on the surface. first glance. We will talk about the most interesting solutions in this article. Offers beautiful kitchens with an island and the best design ideas. Enjoy reading!

Photo from the source: Countertop Cedar 7093/E Concrete

We select the correct dimensions of the island in the kitchen

Kitchen island and dimensions kitchens are directly dependent on each other. If there is enough space large, you can afford to install a large rectangular island, which will be stretched along the entire kitchen set.

Photo source: elledecor.comTop top Cedar 1110/S White

To cook on such the kitchen was even more convenient, you can make a sink or stove on the island - this help create a working triangle.

Photo source: interierno.comTop top Cedar 9022/S Whitewashed oak

In addition, in such on a large island, it is appropriate to create a lot of storage space.

Photo from the source: novate.ruTable top Cedar 2238/S Breccia light

If your house has a kitchen and the dining room are different rooms, the island can become a convenient haven for fast food lovers.

Photo source: behance.netToptop Cedar 8345/1 Travertin gray

Large kitchen with the island is not only convenient, but also beautiful!

How to make an island in the kitchen if it small?

This question is asked many. We hasten to please you: a small kitchen with an island is real! However its dimensions, of course, will be more modest than in the first version, and the shape will not rectangular rather than square.

Photo from the source: blog.gnezdo-mall. ruTabletop Cedar 4922K-52 Madura pearl

Another relevant solution is the construction on wheels, which are taken out when you need to increase the size of the working surface, and then it will be possible to slide under the countertop of the kitchen set.

Photo from the source: Countertop Cedar 8215/12D Bourbon Pine

Distance between the kitchen and the island

The ergonomics of the kitchen island, the distance from the kitchen to the island are also important questions. In order for you to be comfortable, it is necessary that it be equal, at least one metre. You should also keep this in mind when choosing the width of the island in the kitchen.

Photo source: myblogdeco.frTop top Cedar 7052/FL* Wotan Oak

Height islands in the kitchen

The height of the kitchen island is quite an individual thing. It all depends from your height. Choose a height so that you don't have to bend down or raise your arms while cooking. Usually the most comfortable tabletop height - 15 cm below the elbow.

Photo source: na-dache.proTabletop Cedar 9968/S Pebbles

Kitchen island in the interior and its functions

Thinking through the plan and kitchen design with an island, remember that the functions that the island can perform there is actually a lot in the kitchen!

1. Kitchen an island with a dining area - it can be a full-fledged a dining area for several people or a place for quick snacks.

Photo source: Countertop Cedar 3027/S White Granite

2. Bar rack - there are models of kitchen islands with additional raised tables. A couple of bar stools are attached to them - excellent an alternative to the kitchen table when it comes to gatherings with friends or quick snacks.

Photo source: femmeactuelle. frTop top Cedar 1046/soft Grey-beige Tabletop Cedar 3831/M Douglas light

3. Additional work surface - it provides maximum comfort when cooking, makes it possible to create a working triangle. And in such kitchens will be able to cook at the same time several Human.

Photo source: excellence-line.vzug.comTop top Cedar 1021/Q Black

4. Additional storage space - if the kitchen is not enough places to store utensils or products, such a decision will become a real salvation! And if the shelves are open, you can organize not just useful places storage, but also stylish. For example, place beautiful services on them, decor, bottles of wine, jars of jams, pickles or bulk products.

Photo from the source: homeandinteriors.ruTable top Cedar 910/Br Obsidian brown

5. Territory to accommodate built-in appliances - click here fit freezer or small refrigerator. Also this is great place to place the oven.

Photo from the source: myberghoff.ruTabletop Cedar 3255/M Cocobolo

6. Kitchen island as a means of zoning - if the layout of the kitchen with an island assumes that the room is one with the living room or dining room, then the island will become an excellent tool for separating the working area and the recreation area.

Photo from the source: admagazine.ruTop-top Cedar 9022/S Whitewashed oak

20 kitchen ideas with island in a modern style

A kitchen with an island in a private house or apartment is an interesting solution! We have prepared a lot of ideas for you so that you can implement it. maximum success!

1. Smoothing the corners

An island without any sharp edges edges, and all corners are smooth will require less distance in order to get around it, which means it allows you to leave more space for the kitchen set.

Photo from source: inrosstroy.ruTabletop Cedar 1110/S White Top Cedar 1021/Q Black
2. Spelling

Straight or corner kitchen with L-shaped island are definitely good options. But the letter "P" in this design promises where more storage space and work surface. Bar, cooking area, cabinets with dishes - all this will fit and once again prove that the ergonomics of a kitchen with an island very good! But remember that such a solution requires large spaces for incarnation.

Photo from the source: Tabletop Cedar 2946/R Galia
3. Ease in everything!

If you think that the island in the kitchen, whose design assumes a closed structure, looks too cumbersome, make shelves open. So the island will seem visually lighter.

Photo from the source: almode.ruTabletop Cedar 1110/S White
Magnet that attracts se

Island in the kitchen, photo which is presented below is a vivid example of how this design can become the center of attraction for all household members. Accent will help to emphasize this lighting.

Photo source: pinterest.ruTable top Cedar 7351/S STROMBOLI GRAY
5. Non-standard hood

island hob, do not forget about the hood. There are interesting design alternatives to standard hoods that look very heavy. For example, a chandelier hood.

Photo from the source: arsenal-bt.ruTabletop Cedar 111/1 White
6. Going beyond

Unusual combinations - something that you should not be afraid of, because the design of a kitchen with an island in a modern style is just welcome! As an example of this - a modern kitchen corner is expanding through the use of a long table in the style of the Victorian era or an island that contrasts with the color of the base colors of the interior. Suddenly? Yes! Beautiful? Undoubtedly!

Photo from the source: shtory-deco.ruTable top Cedar 314/M Wenge
7. Moon in the sky

Kitchen island in shape crescent moon is a very multifunctional piece of furniture. From the outside, this dining area, and from the inside - a work surface.

Photo from source:  charlesyorke.comTop top Cedar 1110/S White
8. Opposites attracted

Modern design models of a kitchen island often suggest contrasts in the materials of its execution. For example, the base can be made of wood, and the countertop - from marble.

Photo source: marbleplus.caToptop Cedar 8345/1 Travertin gray
9. Prohibition

If you decide equip on the kitchen island both the hob and the sink, be sure provide good insulation so that moisture cannot get on the electrics.

Photo from the source: interior. ruTable top Cedar 1110/S White
10. The beauty of marble

Marble is one of the most beautiful materials of the kitchen with an island in a modern style. Photo - explicit proof of that. Just see how it blends in with fruits, flowers, how appropriately highlights the kitchen island in space.

Photo source: Countertop Cedar 2347/soft Blanco Marble
11. Original square

For some reason accepted consider that the kitchen island should be exactly rectangular. We hasten to destroy this stereotype. A kitchen set with a square-shaped island also looks Very good. Everything will fit on it, and there will also be a place for decor!

Photo from the source: toriani.ruTabletop Cedar 7493/Q Umbria
12. Layered construction

This is very correct and practical. After all, if you cook on one level and dine on another, slightly raising the dining area, it will not get water and dirt. Maintaining comfort in the kitchen and cleanliness will be many times easier!

Photo from source: pinterest.ruTable top Cedar 3045/E Betao Top Cedar 2074/FL Chestnut Oak
13. Pet Island

In homes where there are dogs or cats, their bowls are often scattered throughout the kitchen. It doesn't look very nice, and it often gets in the way. underfoot - not practical and not ergonomic. Simple yet very elegant the solution is to place the bowls on the shelves of the kitchen island.

Photo source: Countertop Cedar 2347/soft Blanco Marble
14. Kitchen with a window and an island

It is common to think that the interior of a kitchen with an island suggests that the latter is always located in the center of space. But about the importance good natural lighting should also not be forgotten. Therefore if you place this design closer to the window, the island will not be an island from this will stop, and you will get additional convenience.

Photo from source: mykaleidoscope.ruTabletop Cedar 5021/S Metallic
15. Metal island

Kitchen design with metal island in a private house or apartment - how often do you see such a solution? After all, it is considered that the main the material in this case is wood. However, metal is also appropriate here - this is practical and interesting looking.

Photo from the source: mykaleidoscope.ruTabletop Cedar 811/1 Metallic
16. Kitchen island as an art object

Since the island is the central figure in the kitchen, which always remains in sight, it can be turned into a real work of art art! For example, paint in some sudden color, you can even contrast.

Photo source: technika-remont.ruTabletop Cedar 7351/S STROMBOLI GRAY
17. Monolith

Continuing the theme of creating art objects in space suggests considering such an option as a kitchen island in the form of a single piece concrete - something akin to sculpture!

Photo from source: mebel-v-nsk. ruTabletop Cedar 2238/S Light Breccia
18. Mirror Island

Another non-trivial solution that allows you to create the most weightless design, which seems to dissolve in space.

Photo from the source: verona-kuhni.ruTabletop Cedar 1110/S White
19. Smooth transition

When the kitchen island flows from work area to dining area the table is convenient.

Photo from the source: salben.kzTabletop Cedar 1110/S White
20. Setting the accents

Even if you have chosen a kitchen project with an island, in which the latter is made in a completely neutral color, to revive the kitchen the interior will be helped by bar stools placed around it. More precisely, their upholstery. Make it bright, interesting, it will turn out very harmoniously!

Photo from the source: Countertop Cedar 3504/XX Gray granite
Great combinations

Kitchen island lighting can be different, moreover, than the more combinations you get, the more interesting it will look, and the lighting level will be better, which is especially useful for the cooking process food. After all, it will be much more convenient for you!

Photo from the source: almode.ruTable top Cedar 8050/soft Sandy Marble
22. For the sake of the purity of the experiment

The kitchen island can combine both dining and working zone. And for the latter, it is imperative to equip the hood, if you have installed a hob on the island. Please note that the size of the hood must be the same as the size of the hob.

Photo from source: galaktika21.ruTabletop Cedar 1110/S White
23. One island is good, but two is better!

If the kitchen area allows you to swing, do not limit. Does your soul ask you to install two kitchen islands? Try it. Will comfortable. After all, it is possible to equip one of them with a dining area, and on the other - working.

Photo from the source: almode.ruTable top Cedar 690/P Indian wood Top Cedar 1021/Q Black
24. Communication is everything

If you are going to equip the island with a stove or sink in the kitchen, be sure to consider the need to raise the floor due to the fact that that all communications necessary for this will be carried out through it.

Photo from source: almode.ruTop top Cedar 2073/Pw Light oak

Kitchen in a house with an island will give you many opportunities for maximum comfort!


40 design projects with photos

In modern design, centralization is considered good form: furniture is located not only along the walls, but also in the center of the room. In the kitchen, it is not only fashionable, but also convenient: there is a chance to make an additional work surface.

In this article we will talk about kitchens with an island: we will understand its capabilities, see photos in the interior and learn about various design options. Interesting projects and advice from experts will help to equip the room beautifully and functionally.

What is it?

A kitchen island is a free-standing part of a kitchen. Most often it is placed in the center of the kitchen.

At the same time, this element of furniture can be used in different ways: as a countertop or as a table, place a stove or sink there, turn it into a kind of bar counter ... It all depends on the needs and design project.

The lower part is rarely made hollow: often there are additional drawers for storing kitchen utensils.

Let's make a reservation right away: it is unrealistic to put it in a small kitchen, since it takes up too much space.

However, in small kitchens, an alternative is usually used - the peninsula. This is a protruding structure, on one side adjacent to the wall or headset.

The islands themselves are of two types:

The former are more suitable for a full worktop with a stove and sanitary ware, while the latter are more suitable for those wishing to equip an additional countertop.

Features of the layout

It should be noted that these are more tips than immutable rules. However, if you neglect them, then the island will simply interfere.

If you want to place a sink or hob on it, communications must be carried out in advance. You will also need an island hood (read what it is in this article). It costs more than usual, but it completely solves the problem of unpleasant odors.

For comfortable movement in the kitchen, indents from walls and furniture to the island should be at least 80 centimeters.

The standard length of the island is from 90 to 120 cm, and the optimal height is about 80-85 cm, like the lower section of the headset.

If you want to use the island as a dining table, make sure that the overhang of the tabletop over the base is at least 30 centimeters. Otherwise, it will be uncomfortable to sit. In addition, make sure that nothing will interfere with the extension of drawers or the opening of doors, if they are provided in the island.

As for combining it with a bar counter, please note that in this case you will need to make a two-level tabletop. Otherwise, either the stand will be lower than expected, or it will become inconvenient to work on the island.

Tip: When creating a kitchen design project, it is recommended to evaluate the arrangement not only from the top view, but also from the side. So you will understand how comfortable it will be to work and move around the room.

Keep all of this in mind when planning your kitchen with an island. Real projects with photos will be shown below - we are sure they will be useful to you.

Is the additional surface worth the restrictions? Now we'll see!

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other piece of furniture, the island has both pluses and minuses.

For Against
  • Ergonomics. The island forms a working triangle, significantly facilitating movement around the kitchen and making cooking more convenient;
  • Extra storage space for all sorts of little things, which is always missing;
  • In kitchen-living rooms or studios, it acts as a delimiting element;
  • Looks stylish and modern.
  • Requires a lot of space. Ideally, the kitchen should be at least 20 sq.m., unless, of course, you have purchased a compact model or transformer.
  • The need to carry out communications (if a sink or stove is placed on it). In an apartment it is more difficult than in a country house.
  • Purchase and installation will cost a large amount, even if you order a budget model.

Brief summary: Of course, there are more pluses. Plus, they're all quite heavy. Therefore, if space and finances allow, choose and order the model you like.

Now let's see if there are any restrictions on the size of the room where it will fit.

Island and kitchen area

As mentioned above, this requires a large kitchen. For example:

However, for a small kitchen, this condition is bypassed if you choose the right configuration: a compact island or a transformer.

Experts advise to choose the option with a pull-out mechanism and a folding top, which can replace a dining table and provide additional work surface. And in the “passive” state, such an island is generally invisible, which frees up a lot of space in the room.

Let's see photos with different types of designs.

American style

It is believed that this type of kitchen design came from the USA.

In general, it is characterized by natural materials and the combination of practicality with beauty. Therefore, we recommend decorating the island with light wooden facades and marble countertops. Moreover, furniture from IKEA will not work - Americans appreciate monumentality, so you have to find a really impressive set.

In the kitchen-living room, it makes sense to delimit the zones with a long island with a prominent bar counter. It is comfortable and looks very unusual. Turn it into a dining table with a raised table top. Due to the size, there is enough space even for a large family.

Please note: According to design standards, it must follow the configuration of the room in shape. That is, square for square and rectangular for elongated.

An American classic style kitchen with a fixed island is not only fashionable but also practical. Take a look at how the chandelier is framed. It is surrounded by an iron cascade, on which you can hang beautiful crockery and other kitchen utensils.

The décor is structurally similar to the main set - pay attention to the patina on the facades. But the color scheme is chosen in contrast. This technique makes the room visually more spacious. In this case, the main focus is on the center of the room - black wood is underlined by a white background.

Provence style

You will need to use light, light colors and natural materials. We also advise you to choose furniture that is not too heavy in appearance, without complex textures and decorative curls.

Let's start with a very unexpected decision. Remember, we wrote about the desired dimensions of the room? Meanwhile, some find a way out even for a small area of ​​12 sq. m.!

The sink is removed to the miniature island and there is room for a small cutting surface. This allows you to narrow the main headset. True, in this case, you will have to do with a two-burner hob.

The built-in sea-green peninsula also looks beautiful. Such furniture does not clutter up the center, making it possible to equip a full-fledged kitchen-dining room. It is best to use this technique in large rooms with at least two windows - one for each zone.

Modern idea: This configuration is convenient when you need both a dining table and additional storage space. In addition, it is easy to do it yourself.

Classic style

In interiors decorated in a discreet traditional style, the island is also appropriate. Try to make the kitchen in light colors, with white facades and stone countertops. Delicate patina, elegant details look amazing, especially in this scale.

A word of advice: place the shaped chandelier directly above the kitchen island. It will become the main decoration, while providing enough light above the work surface.

In the style of modern classics, the addition of non-standard textures or bright colors is welcome. We offer you this option: an island that plays the role of a dining table on the one hand, and a traditional surface with drawers on the other. To dilute the white-beige palette will help chairs of an unexpected color - for example, lilac.

If you decide to remove the wall between the kitchen and the room, it can be a worthy replacement. Place it on the border to emphasize the transition between zones.

A good move - hanging structure with stucco bas-relief. It is not only beautiful, but also practical - hang pots and pans on it. True, for this they must have an appropriate appearance - old dishes are unlikely to decorate the interior.

Scandinavian style

The bright and airy kitchens are ideal for an island. Don't believe? Let's prove it now!

Opt for natural textures such as wood. Pay attention to how multifunctional the small island is made. It combines a sink, a work surface, a dining table and a place to store books and all sorts of little things. This is the perfect solution for a small space.

Think twice before installing an island combined with a breakfast bar. If you place the countertop at the optimum height for the bar, it can be uncomfortable to work on. Therefore, estimate immediately whether you will be able to cook without discomfort.

It doesn't have to be big. Miniature models also look very stylish. Especially if you add an unexpected element during the design - for example, make legs from rough raw bricks. On a glossy snow-white background, they look interesting and original.

But for a spacious kitchen-living-dining room, a huge island is suitable, which combines several functions. For example, a table and a wide work surface. It is better to make it from natural materials. A wooden table top, for example, is now in vogue.


We love this look. Minimalism in design emphasizes the beautiful textures of countertops and the whiteness of facades. In a sufficiently large room, every centimeter is involved - rationally, don't you think?

It is better to make a table as simple as possible, but functional. Try to combine several purposes in it - a dining area, storage space, a wide work surface.

Classical styles often use rectangular or square. However, you should not be limited to them - round, wavy, zigzag. All this is quite feasible, especially if the area allows. We love this red and white design. It looks very stylish and catchy, becoming the dominant element of the interior.

Another option is an abstract island design. Smooth lines and elements flowing into each other attract the eye. If you do not want to force the room with furniture, turn it into a full-fledged work surface. A small sink, a modern hob, which at first seems like an unusual countertop decor. Fashionable and modern, right?

The modern design of the kitchen with a 9-square island also definitely deserves attention. A rounded corner set and a tiny island look organic, and the right set of tones makes the room visually more spacious.

The combined island surface is another trendy trick. Break it visually into three zones: cooking, work surface and countertop, which will play the role of a dining table. Of course, in a small room you can hardly put such a design. But in a large one, it will be appropriate.

Loft style

The idea of ​​decentralization is typical for a loft, so installing an island is the right and logical move.

If the kitchen is located in the attic, pick it up in width flush with the even part of the ceiling, and install a U-shaped set around the perimeter of the room. It seems to be nothing complicated, but the room immediately seems stylish and modern. Use traditional materials for this style - wood, brick, concrete.

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