Indoor mushroom growing
The 4 Most Important Parameters – Fungi Ally
Growing mushrooms indoors: From Psilocybe to shiitake, some things remain the same when thinking about growing mushrooms at home or commerciallyAre you interested in how to grow mushrooms indoors? You can be growing mushrooms at home or commercially with the proper foresight. There are many different methods that you can use for growing mushrooms indoors with hundreds of different species that can be cultivated. Sometimes it can become overwhelming and confusing with all the different material available on the internet. With this post we will break down the easy methods for mushroom growing using a grow kit, toilet paper, or using straw. We will cover some basics that will apply to indoor mushroom growing, regardless of the method or species you choose. There are many little tweaks and specifics to be aware of for individual species but if you follow these basics you are bound to be successful as a beginner. These concepts lay the foundation to become a pro at indoor mushroom growing.
Are you interested in how to grow mushrooms indoors, or growing mushrooms at home? The process of indoor mushroom growing can be broken into these 7 different steps as discussed in this post. The most vital part regardless of the species or method is fruiting the mushroom. Typically the point of indoor mushroom cultivation is to produce large flushes of beautiful medicinal, spiritual, or edible mushrooms, so let's go over indoor parameters for fruiting.
The most important parameters for growing mushrooms indoors or growing mushrooms at homeHow to grow mushrooms indoors involves these big four components to mushroom growing:
- CO2-below 800 ppm, depending on species
- Humidity--above 80%
- Lighting---Enough to comfortably read a book
- Temperature--is ideally between 55 and 75 degrees depending on the species
Now if you are doing a small grow in your house, it is not necessary to measure these parameters. In fact, my favorite way to tell if these are in the right range is looking at the mushrooms. The mushrooms and how they are fruiting should really be the main factor that you watch to adjust environmental controls. If the substrate or pins are drying out or slightly browning you need to increase humidity. If the mushrooms have long stems and little caps, it's likely that they either have to high CO2 or not enough light. If bacterial growth is proliferating, it is likely too hot for the mushroom to properly fruit.
To create a really nice area for growing mushrooms indoors, place the fruiting substrate into a plastic bin, fish tank, or 18 gallon tote with the top on at a diagonal. Mist inside the bin twice a day and watch the mushrooms to see how they look. You may be able completely leave the top off, increasing CO2 and light levels, depending on the moisture content in your house
Growing mushrooms indoors using a grow kitInterested in growing mushrooms at home? This is probably the easiest way to grow mushrooms indoors. All the substrate prep and inoculation has been complete. All you need to worry about is following the directions to get proper fruiting. This is a good video about using grow kits.
If you are ready to go to the next step of indoor mushroom cultivation and preparing and inoculating your own substrate, you will first need to decide what species you want to grow and how you want to do it. If you are just starting, growing oysters on toilet paper is a very easy, fast way to begin. Toilet paper can be easily consumed by the mycelium and hard for other microorganisms to grow onto. By inoculating with oyster mushrooms the mycelium will inhabit the paper very quickly and be ready to fruit within three weeks. Yields are not amazing but this gives you a basic concept of how indoor mushroom cultivation works. If you want a little more support check out this blog on the process.
Mushroom growing on straw is a great step for many growers to grow on a higher-yielding, faster substrate that needs a little more preparation. This method of indoor mushroom growing becomes more economical to continuously cultivate mushrooms and produce a good yield that can be eaten or sold commercially. This is not the most effective way to commercially cultivate mushrooms but it can be a good starting point. This method is relatively straightforward.
- Treat the substrate using either heat or lime.
- Inoculate and pack the straw into plastic tubes that the mushrooms will fruit from.
- Wait three weeks and then place the mushrooms into proper fruiting conditions.
- harvest let the bags rest and then harvest again in about 3 weeks.
To see way more detail on this check out our guidebook or this blog post about growing on straw.
You can rely on our tips, guidance, and supplies to produce more mushrooms, whether you want to grow mushrooms inside as a hobby or as a commercial activity. We offer an array of grain spawn, which is a great medium for growing indoors. You can also select from an entire array of mushroom growing kits, which makes mushroom growing inside easier.
Growing mushrooms at home is a lot of fun! Try growing mushrooms indoors for yourself with our spawn!
How To Grow Magic Mushrooms Indoors [3 Methods]
Growing magic mushrooms at home needn't be difficult. Here we look into three different growing methods, ranging from the beginner-friendly to the advanced. Whichever one you choose, big, healthy flushes of shrooms aren't far away!
Magic mushrooms can be hard to come by, only growing naturally in Europe during the autumn and winter. Depending on where you live, they might grow in abundance, or not at all. If you fall into the latter group and want a ready supply of magic mushrooms in your life, then you’ll have to take growing into your own hands.
Growing magic mushrooms at home might sound too good to be true, but it can actually be very simple and accessible to almost everyone. And if you want to get fully involved, there are more complex methods available that provide huge harvests. Below, we’ll take you through three methods of shroom cultivation, from the easiest to the most involved.
First things first: create a sterile workspace
Whichever mushroom growing method you opt for, operating within a sterile environment is essential. Despite seeming resilient, mushrooms are actually surprisingly sensitive beings. The environments in which they grow are highly hospitable—not only to Psilocybe mycelium, but all manner of moulds and bacteria.
The substrates on which they grow are prime candidates for contamination, and there are many more aggressive life forms out there that would happily outcompete and colonise your mushroom spores. So keeping things clean gives them the best chance.
How sterile you make your environment depends on space, budget, resources, and how much effort you're willing to put in. At the very least, you’ll want to wipe surfaces and tools down with isopropyl alcohol and sterilise containers in a pressure cooker or cooking pot.
If you really want to lower the risk of contamination, you can clear out a room and line it with plastic sheeting. You could also employ a powerful tool in the arsenal of cleanliness: a laminar flow hood. These devices filter air, allowing you to inoculate (inject spores into a substrate) in an environment with a continual supply of clean air.
It’s very possible to achieve successful mushroom harvests without going to the more extreme lengths of sterilisation; just do what you’re comfortable with.
Method 1: grow kits
Magic mushroom grow kits provide a quick and simple way to grow large amounts of shrooms at home. While you still need to be careful with them, they are the method least fraught with challenges.
What you need
Grow kits tend to come with:
- A fully colonised substrate
- Humidity tent/appropriate container
- Instructions
Some may come with more than this, but not always. Either way, there are a few extra pieces of equipment you’ll need to get a good harvest:
- Latex gloves
- Misting bottle
- (Optional) Heat mat
- (Optional) Heat guard
- (Optional) Hygrometer
Overview of the method
Mushroom grow kits cut out the hardest, riskiest elements of mushroom cultivation. They arrive with a fully colonised substrate, meaning it’s ready to begin fruiting mushrooms immediately, and the main window for contamination has passed.
Though each brand works slightly differently, they follow the same basic steps. Exposing the mycelium to a little air and water triggers the fruiting process. Over the next few weeks, it will be necessary to keep it in a humid environment and allow for air exchange once a day. For the specifics of each brand, Zamnesia will provide manuals.
Why choose this method?
If you want to obtain a large flush of magic mushrooms in a relatively short period, with relatively little effort, this method is incredible. For the price, yields can be significant, providing you with many memorable trips.
There are no real downsides to this option. The only reason to opt for another method would be out of a desire to perform the process in its entirety, from inoculation through to harvest. If you can master an involved method, then you can basically supply yourself with magic mushrooms forever. But for many, a grow kit is a perfect option.
Method 2: PF tek
The PF tek is perhaps the simplest form of true mushroom cultivation. Requiring nothing particularly technical, it can nevertheless allow you to achieve big yields at home while maintaining a large degree of involvement in the process.
What you need
The PF tek requires a significant amount of equipment. However, all of it is available from non-specialist sources (except mushroom spores) and shouldn’t cost too much. For a full list of equipment, consult our detailed guide to preparing a PF tek. Otherwise, here are some of the essentials:
- Mushroom spores: Either buy a spore syringe or source your own
- Pressure cooker: Not essential, but reduces the risk of contamination significantly
- Jars: This is where you will put your substrate, and where the mycelium will colonise
- Brown rice flour: This is the substrate on which your mycelium will grow
- Vermiculite: This organic substance maintains correct humidity and aeration in your brown rice flour substrate
- Large plastic box with lid: This will become a fruiting chamber for the final stages
Overview of the method
Create your substrate: Mix together vermiculite and brown rice flour, and load into jars.
Sterilise: Using either a pressure cooker or a cooking pot, heat your jars and substrate to the point that they are fully sterilised.
Inoculate: Inject spores into your jars.
Colonisation: Now, leave the jars in a suitable place and allow the spores to colonise.
Pinning: Exposing your fully colonised jars to light and cooler temperatures will cause the mycelium to form pins, which are young mushrooms.
Fruiting: Remove the cakes from the jars, put them in the fruiting chamber, and maintain a good environment. Pins will grow into fully mature magic mushrooms.
Why choose this method?
For those who want to try cultivating magic mushrooms from scratch, this is potentially the easiest and most reliable method. With good results, it offers a forgiving and satisfying introduction to the process.
However, it’s slow and requires patience, and can easily go wrong. While it’s worth exercising patience if you’re serious about developing cultivation skills, for those who just want a quick route to a flush of high-quality mushrooms, a grow kit may be more suitable.
Method 3: spawn & bulk substrate
If you’re after huge yields of magic mushrooms, this method will deliver! Hardly more complex than the PF tek, bulk grows allow veritable forests of magic mushrooms to be produced.
What you need
Now, for a bulk grow, you need some kind of spawn. Spawn is a general name given to a body of mycelium that will then go on to colonise the bulk substrate. Rather than inoculating this single, large substrate, the best method is to inoculate a smaller one and then add this mycelium to the larger one.
You may use a broken-up cake from a PF tek, an agar solution, or a liquid culture. The choice is yours.
Once you have spawn, there are a few essential things you need for a bulk grow:
- Large box, similar to a fruiting chamber
- Half a brick of coco coir
- 5l coarse vermiculite
- 3.75l cow manure
- 1.75–2l water
- Hydrated lime
There is a much longer list of necessary equipment, which you can see on our dedicated guide to growing magic mushrooms in bulk.
Overview of the method
The process for a bulk grow is very simple. Or rather, the extra steps are very simple. After creating your spawn, all you really need to do is add this to the substrate of your bulk grow, maintain conditions until it’s fully colonised, then let it fruit.
First, you will cover the box in an opaque bin bag while it colonises. Once it’s fully colonised, you can remove this and begin misting it, triggering the fruiting stage. Then, just look after it, and watch as incredibly large flushes of mushrooms appear.
Why choose this method?
There’s only really one reason to choose this method over the others: yield. As the name “bulk” suggests, this method has been developed exclusively to grow huge amounts of magic mushrooms. And it works!
If you have the patience, space, and resources to commit to this method, you can provide yourself with an almost infinite supply of magic mushrooms.
Growing magic mushrooms: a method to suit everyone
As you can see, there’s a way to grow magic mushrooms at home whatever your level of commitment or ability.
A grow kit allows you to quickly harvest a decent flush of magic mushrooms with minimal effort. The PF tek is perfect for novice cultivators who want to try growing magic mushrooms at home without a grow kit. If successful, it offers very good results and is an invaluable step in learning to grow magic from scratch. Bulk grows are best suited to those who have grown before, know a little about what they’re doing, and are after something really impressive.
Whichever method you choose, you’ll get something out of it—not least of all the magic mushrooms themselves—and next time, you can always step it up a level.
Mushroom growing room: selection and preparation
If you are seriously thinking about how to grow mushrooms at home for business or just for yourself, then the preparation of the growing room plays a major role in this process.
- Selecting and preparing a room
- Growing in a basement
- How to maximize the yield of the year?
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Room Selection and Preparation
The quality of grown champignons depends on careful care and proper preparation of the premises. You do not need to rent large barns or cellars to start growing crops. A small area is enough where you can experiment with a new kind of activity. Only as it grows, you can look for a large room and continue to do business seriously and consciously.
Mushrooms are very picky about their habitat. Therefore, in order to grow a really high-quality product, you will have to take care of the following nuances:
- room humidity,
- correct air supply,
- heating regulation,
- absence of harmful microorganisms,
- quality soil.
For the favorable cultivation of champignons, a basement-type room is best suited - a damp, cool, even damp building.
The fungus does not withstand high temperatures, hot air, places with lack of ventilation, direct sunlight adversely affects the growth of fungi. It is important that there is a regular supply of air without drafts. If the room is not provided for abundant ventilation, then proper air circulation can be ensured using special holes at the bases of the walls, and exhaust pipes can be installed at the top of the wall. Thus, the required level of heat, moisture and air will always be maintained. You can also use built-in fans from 25 kW.
You are unlikely to be able to collect a full-fledged, high-quality crop if you grow it in enclosed spaces without ventilation and are unscrupulous about caring for and watering mushrooms. As a rule, damp, cool places are a favorable zone for the habitat of various insects and microorganisms, which, in the process of growing champignons, can cause significant harm to them. By infecting one mushroom, the risk of infecting closely growing mushrooms is very high. Thus, your crop will disappear as soon as it appears. Therefore, be sure to disinfect the room before landing.
Having chosen the right place that meets all the standards, you can start growing.
Mushrooms can be grown safely in a cave
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Basement Growing
It is very convenient to grow mushrooms on shelves in basement areas. This is almost the same as growing mushrooms on the ridges, only with the rational distribution of space in the room. Shelves are located on the walls.
Some mushroom pickers prefer the technology of growing champignons in special containers. In this case, the soil or peat is poured into special containers, and then the mycelium of the fungus is planted.
Another inexpensive way to grow mushrooms in the cellar is to plant champignons in bags. This method helps to rationally distribute the territory. Bags can be hung and laid out in any part of the room.
Before starting to grow champignons, the room must be disinfected
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How to get the best yield in a year?
Mushrooms are fairly high-yielding mushrooms. With proper processing and planting, the yield can exceed several times the yield of vegetable crops. To increase the yield of mushroom crops, you need to remember a few rules for the necessary care.
Conditions for growing mushrooms depend on the stages of mushroom development. At the initial stage of mycelium growth in the compost, mushrooms should not be watered for about a month. As the mycelium grows, an increased content of moisture and air is required, so you can gradually move on to watering and plentiful ventilation of the room.
The temperature of the place that will be most comfortable for growing mushrooms should not exceed 27°C. At high temperatures and direct sunlight in the room, the mycelium dies. When the mushroom gradually begins to break through from under the ground, you need to monitor the watering. Humidity should be maintained equally, but in no case should mushrooms be poured until a puddle forms, otherwise the mycelium will die. No draft should be allowed. Strong ventilation can dry out the soil, and the mushrooms will not receive the required amount of moisture in time. Ventilation should be superficial, constant, but not intense.
Properly chosen room for growing mushrooms and compliance with the necessary requirements is the key to success and rapid business promotion.
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Mushroom growing room -
Having mastered gardening and horticulture, people want to grow something special on their own, for example, mushrooms - oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, etc.
They start looking for a suitable room for growing mushrooms, creating the appropriate conditions for growing mushrooms. Indeed, it is not difficult to grow such mushrooms, the main thing is to know how to cultivate them in a basement, greenhouse or right in an apartment or a country house.
General conditions for mushroom cultivation
Mushroom cultivation conditions
Cultivation of these unpretentious mushrooms is within the power of even novice mushroom pickers, it is enough to know the conditions under which champignons grow.
- Mycelium is introduced into the nutrient substrate heated to 25-27 degrees Celsius.
- During the incubation period, the temperature should be within 22-25 degrees, during the germination of the fungus - drop to 14-17 degrees Celsius.
- When the mushrooms are in the incubation period, the room can not be ventilated: ventilation is necessary as soon as the mushrooms begin to bear fruit. Mushrooms do not like an excess of carbon dioxide.
A mushroom like champignon does not need lighting, so you do not have to spend money on phytolamps and other lighting devices.
What you need for the cultivation of champignons
Having decided to plant champignon plantations in the basement, greenhouse or other premises, stock up on the following materials and devices:
- Shovel;
- Storage container;
- Polyethylene;
- Scissors;
- Sprayer;
- Sapkoy;
- Compost;
- Water hose;
- Urea;
- Superphosphate.
And, of course, you will need mushroom mycelium or a ready-made mycelium (if you don’t want to mess around), which it is advisable to buy from well-known suppliers. The highest quality is grain mycelium, the most resistant to external influences is compost.
What you need for the cultivation of champignonsHow to get mycelium yourself
If you want to get mycelium on your own, pour overripe mushrooms with water and wait 24 hours: spores will separate into water. Throw away the mushroom raw materials, pour spore water over the prepared soil and sprinkle with earth - 1 cm.
With the advent of spring, we plant myceliums in the room chosen for growing mushrooms.
Rooms for growing mushrooms
Cellars, greenhouses and an apartment or a country house are suitable as rooms for growing mushrooms with suitable conditions.
Conditions for growing champignons in the basement
Since there is a fairly stable microclimate in the basements, champignons are most often grown there, especially since it is easier to provide the necessary conditions for mushrooms in them.
Conditions for growing champignons in the basementWhatever the basement, the main thing is that it has:
- Excellent ventilation;
- Concrete walls;
- Concrete (cemented) floors.
To prevent sabotage, we cover the ventilation holes with mesh material, whiten the walls and ceiling with lime.
The room, which has a lot of space, is divided into two parts - for incubation and fruiting.
Water the floor regularly with a watering can so that the humidity level does not fall below 85 percent.
Conditions for growing champignons in a greenhouse
Due to their unpretentiousness and fast growth, champignons are easy to grow in a greenhouse. Greenhouse conditions make it possible to obtain about 30 kg of mushrooms per 1 m², the number of crops per year is from 3 to 7.
The main thing is that the greenhouse is humid and warm, there is fertile soil, and there is no excess carbon dioxide.
For rapid germination of mushroom mycelium, we cover the soil with plantings with plastic wrap.
We water the plantings without waiting for the first mushrooms, and when they germinate, we spray them 2 times a day.
Conditions for growing champignonsConditions for cultivating champignons in an apartment (country house)
To obtain a mushroom crop at room conditions, you need aerated containers with ventilation, trays and lids.
A fertile substrate is placed in a sterile container and mushroom mycelium is sown to a depth of 4 cm. The crops are moistened and cleaned in a warm place with a temperature of 28 degrees.
We avoid a sharp drop in temperature, otherwise we may not wait for the harvest.
At home, fungi are rarely attacked by pests, as the rooms are well ventilated, for which it is useful to turn on the fan from time to time.