How many walls should i wallpaper

When To Wallpaper More Than One Wall – Sian Zeng

When it comes to deciding how much wallpaper to bring into your home, a feature wall is often the default choice. It helps bring focus to your room, build a balanced colour palette and it’s generally a really safe way to introduce a bit of pattern into your home.

But what if you want to take this one step further and decorate more than one wall with paper? How do you know when it’s the right time to make such a big commitment? Can you decorate any space head to toe and expect it to work?


With a little help from some of our collaborators and the amazing work they’ve done with our wallpapers, we’ve outlined some scenarios below where wallpapering more than one wall might be the way to go! 

Like all our blog posts, we want to provide you with some inspiration for your home, but if you have any specific questions about decorating your space, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

When you’ve got a big room to fill

If you’ve got a large space to decorate, one wall of wallpaper just might not cut it. Wallpaper is there to enliven and accentuate your room, but if the dimensions are off, it could end up not having the impact you hoped for.

This is where we suggest running the pattern across another wall or two. Not only might this help your wallpaper make more of a statement, it may even bring the room together and help you craft a space that feels cohesive and complete.

Just take this adorable twin bedroom by Hannah Crowell as an example, making good use of our Mountains Wallpaper in Blue Peach.

Photo: @hannahcrowell


When your furniture allows it

There is a word of caution to be had, however, when you do decide to go ahead and paper more than one wall. Wallpaper can have a presence, so you never want it to outshine or overbear the rest of the features in your room.

Be sure before you make the decision to decorate in this way, any pieces of furniture, upholstery and other decorative items are going to work with this slightly more maximal approach. If needs be, you may want to hold back on what you include in your space or explore some more neutral pieces.

As Ruth Mottershead beautifully demonstrates with our Jungle Mural in Colour, there's a bit of an art to blending it all in.

Photo: @_paintgirl


When you want to create an immersive space

This is one of the biggest reasons we urge people to explore the possibility of decorating more than wall. Our designs have been created with the intention of transforming your space, whether that’s taking you off to the depths of the jungle, a magical woodland or to a prehistoric desertscape where dinosaurs roam. 

As the talented Katey Stanley demonstrates with our Fish Wallpaper in Blue Green, a completely wallpapered room can create a real sense of imagination, with her little boy transported into the wide open ocean everytime he steps into his ‘under the sea’ themed room.

Photo: @kateystanley


When you’re after ultimate cosy vibes

The same goes for if you want to craft a space of comfort and calm. Our warmer-coloured wallpapers in particular have a real atmosphere to them, perfect for bedrooms and corners of the room where you’re after something super dreamy.

You may even want to consider wallpapering your ceiling like Alina Eifel has done with our Woodlands Wallpaper in Brown Pink, a decision we feel really completes the magic of her little girls room.

Photo: @alina_und_die_3_zwerge


When you just love the pattern

Is there any better reason to go all out and paper your whole room? We don’t think so. If you love the pattern, then embrace it.

Either way, you’ll never know until you’ve tried it. Lots of wallpaper might seem like a daunting task, but ultimately, if you love it enough, you'll find a way to make it work.

Just look at this dreamy haven by Moonchild Atelier featuring our Hua Trees Mural in Grey!

Photo: @moonchild.atelier


Shop all our storytelling wallpaper collections here.

Thank you to all our collaborators for welcoming our wallpapers into your beautiful homes!


Read more from our Blog:

How To Style Our Clematis Mural

New Collection: Fish Wallpaper

A Positive Look at the Year: 2020 Round-Up for our Small Design Company

Should You Wallpaper All Walls? – House Caravan

A lot of people are asking if they should wallpaper all walls. Wallpapering breathes new life into a dull room making it look more vibrant and fun. Most people prefer to wallpaper two adjacent walls or have a featured wall that attracts attention. However, a lot of people are hesitant to wallpaper all walls thinking that it might make the room smaller or boring. If you are planning to wallpaper all walls of the room, below are some tips and ideas that you can refer to.

Should you wallpaper all walls? Deciding whether to wallpaper all walls or not depends on how you would want the room to look like. Take note that wallpaper can change not only the look but also the whole architecture of the room.  The right wallpaper can change the ambiance and creates the illusion of space. When you wallpaper all walls, make sure to choose the right pattern and design of wallpaper that will highlight the room’s elegance, improve its architecture, and hide imperfections.

Nowadays, there is a wide array of wallpaper that you can choose from. There are a few factors that you need to consider when wallpapering all walls. Make sure that you choose the right wallpaper that suits the existing theme of the room. Look for simple patterns that add the illusion of space. Read the rest of the article below for more information.

Image by Ryan Doka from Pixabay

Why Should You Wallpaper All Walls?

Wallpapering all walls adds personality and character into the room. It is also durable, flexible, and easy to maintain. Moreover, wallpapering all walls of a small room using the right pattern and style of wallpaper creates the illusion of space. Let us learn more about why it is a good idea to wallpaper all walls below.

Adds Personality into the Room

Wallpaper is a good option to add personality into the room. There is a wide array of colors, patterns, designs, and styles that you can choose from. You can choose the one that suits the existing theme of the room. Moreover, wallpaper can reflect the homeowner’s hobbies and likes. For instance, if you like gardening, you can choose wallpaper with the design of your favorite flower to cover the room. Wallpapering all walls not only gives personality to the room but also reflects the homeowner’s personality as well.

Wallpaper is Durable

If you want to have a wall covering that lasts for a long time, you can choose wallpaper. High quality wallpaper can last for about 15 years or more. It can last 3 to 4 times longer as compared to paint. While the initial cost of wallpaper can be expensive, it is a worth it investment because you can get your money’s worth in the long run.

It Provides the Illusion of Space

Using the right wallpaper, you can be able to manipulate the space that you have in the room. Choosing colored wallpaper with pastel prints can make the room brighter and more spacious. If you want the ceiling to appear taller than it actually is, choose vertical print patterns on your wallpaper. If you have a small room and would like to make it look bigger, using wallpaper is a good option.

Wallpaper is Flexible

The good thing about wallpaper is that it is flexible. It does not matter if the door or windows have a square or arch shape. Wallpaper can be cut into any shape that you desire. Moreover, you can also use border wallpaper for the edges of the walls.

It is Easy to Maintain

If you do not want to fret about maintenance, you can choose to cover all walls with wallpaper. You can easily clean wallpaper with a damp cloth or sponge to remove dirt, dust, and grime that sits on the surface. Furthermore, there are waterproof wallpapers that can be used in bathrooms and kitchens.

Things to Consider When Wallpapering All Walls

Some of the things that you need to consider when wallpapering all walls of the room include the space that needs to be wallpapered, the design and material of wallpaper that should be used, and the amount of wallpaper that should be purchased. There are many wallpaper options available on the market and choosing the right one for your specific needs can be challenging. To help you get started, below are the things that you need to consider to wallpaper all walls of the room.

How Much Space Should Be Covered?

One of the things that you need to think about is the amount of space that needs to be covered will wallpaper. Measure the height and width of the walls. Moreover, you need to consider the existing theme and decoration of the room. Would you like the room to appear brighter and more spacious? Are you aiming for an elegant and glamorous feel for the room? Determining the space will also give you an idea about the work that you will be doing. We have also shared this article titled, can I wallpaper 2 walls? You can check out the article for the pros and cons of wallpapering 2 walls.

What Wallpaper Design Would You Like to Have?

The next thing that you need to consider is the design of wallpaper that you will use. Think about the texture that you would like to have in the walls. Take note that textured walls provides depth and dimension into the room. You can also choose metallic and vibrant designs for a modern look. The wide array of wallpaper designs available can be overwhelming. When choosing a design, visualize what you would like the room to appear and choose a wallpaper design based on that.

What is the Best Material for the Wallpaper?

If you want the wallpaper to last, make sure that you consider the quality of the materials that it is made from. Aside from that, the materials will also affect the price of the wallpaper. Choose wallpaper according to your budget but do not sacrifice the quality of the wallpaper. Otherwise, you will end up wasting your money because you need to change the wallpaper after a few months or years. There are many types of materials that you can choose from. It is best to choose a material according to the room that you will decorate. When decorating high-moisture level rooms like the bathroom, it is best to opt for water-resistant and moisture-resistant wallpaper.

How Much Wallpaper Will You Need?

Another thing that you need to consider is the amount of wallpaper that you will need. To do this, measure the dimension of the walls. Make sure that you deduct the windows, doors, and any other opening in the walls. The wider and higher the walls, the more wallpaper you will need. Once you have measured the dimensions of all walls, you can determine the amount of wallpaper that you need. It is best to purchase one or two more rolls for emergency use.

✅ Video – Wallpapering For Beginners: Where Do I Start Hanging The First Sheet?

Spencer Colgan Wallpaper & Painting shared the video below on YouTube. It shows how to wallpaper walls. In the video, the steps on how to wallpaper are discussed. If you are a beginner, you can refer to the video for the step-by-step instructions on how to hang wallpaper.

Can You Wallpaper on Rough Walls?

You can wallpaper on rough walls but it is not recommended. Take note that hanging wallpaper in rough, textured, or uneven walls will not provide a good finish. There is some wallpaper that can be used for hiding rough walls like vinyl. However, it is recommended that you smooth the walls so that the adhesive will stick properly into the wall and the wallpaper. Aside from that, using thin wallpaper in rough walls will make it look uneven. The wallpaper will also peel and get torn by the rough texture of the walls. You can also read this article that discusses if you can wallpaper over damp wall. Check out the article for more tips and information about the topic.

Will Wallpaper Mess Up Walls?

If the wallpaper is not properly installed, removing it can damage the walls. Hence, you need to make sure that you install and remove wallpaper properly. Furthermore, there is some wallpaper that traps moisture. If moisture gets trapped between the wallpaper and the wall, mold will start to grow which will not only damage the wall and wallpaper but also cause health issues.

How Many Walls Should You Wallpaper?

The number of walls that you should wallpaper depends on your preferences and budget. In general, you can wallpaper any wall that you want. A lot of homeowners choose to wallpaper a feature wall to save on their budget and also to highlight a certain corner or area of the room. Others choose to wallpaper two adjacent walls for a unique look while some homeowners wallpaper all walls to have a uniform and continuous look in their walls. You can also check out this article that discusses if you should wallpaper a whole room. We have shared an in-depth discussion about the topic.


You have reached the end of this article that discusses if you should wallpaper all walls. We have found out that wallpapering all walls changes the look, feel, and architecture of the room. It makes a small room appear larger. We have also shared tips on the things that you need to consider when wallpapering all walls. Choose the best design and pattern of wallpaper to achieve the look that you want to have for your room. Thank you for reading!

Preparing walls for wallpapering

Preparing walls for wallpapering is not an easy task, but it can be done, even without the help of professionals. To make the process not so time-consuming, some rules should be taken into account before starting work.

One of the main conditions is the creation of a working space. It is necessary to free up more space, protect the floor from pollution with a film. To avoid drafts, it is recommended to close the room. It is also desirable to maintain the temperature in the room at +18…+20°C. In addition, you may need the following tools and supplies:

Tools Materials
  • Spatulas
  • Roller
  • Brush
  • Sandpaper
  • Plaster
  • Putty
  • Primer
  • Film, masking tape

Wall preparation steps for wallpapering


Removing wallpaper

In order for the new coating to serve you faithfully for many years, the wall must be thoroughly cleaned. Practical advice from our masters will help to cope with this, you will find them in the article “How to quickly remove old wallpaper”.

What to do with stains? After removing the wallpaper, look for spots. Determine their nature, and then determine how to eliminate them. Black-gray stains from fungus and mold can be removed by repeated application of a deep-penetrating primer. Their appearance may be caused by poor-quality waterproofing or a facade that is not well protected from external influences.

Use a special antibacterial fungicide to clean and kill bacteria, fungus, algae, moss and lichen from wall surfaces. The fast-acting composition will not only remove stains, but also help prevent their occurrence in the future.

Code: 515000123

Antifungal agent Ceresit CT 99 1 l

Code: 700000505

PROSEPT mold remover 500 ml



After cleaning the surface, the walls are primed. The solution is applied with a roller, the corners are treated with a brush. The purpose of the primary treatment is to disinfect the walls, clean the base from small debris, and also prevent the absorption of moisture. Strengthens the surface layer, evens out the absorbency of the base for better adhesion to plaster mixtures. When choosing a soil mixture, be guided by the properties of the surface. You can choose the right primer in the catalog of our online store by reading the product description, or with the help of a sales assistant in a hypermarket.

Code: 515001216

Deep penetration primer Ceresit CT 17 Concentrate, 1 l

Code: 5116

Deep penetration primer Ceresit CT 17 PRO, 10 l

3. Troubleshooting

If there are holes, cracks, holes from screws or nails on the wall surface, they must be repaired. Stucco will help to cope with irregularities greater than 1 cm. Fill the cracks with the mixture, level the surface with a spatula, after drying, sand it with sandpaper. If the scratches are small, they can be puttied at the stage of leveling the walls. This item can also be skipped if the wall to be glued is dry, without bumps.

Code: 511050191

Cement plaster and repair putty Ceresit CT 29, 5 kg

Code: 511001209

Light cement plaster Ceresit CT 24 Light 20 kg

4. Surface leveling

Dilute the putty, level all surfaces with a mixture and a spatula. Wait for it to dry, sand the surface until smooth with sandpaper.

Code: 5988

Polymer putty Knauf-Polymer Finish 20 kg

Code: 515000894

Finishing putty Knauf-Rotband Paste Profi 18 kg

5. Reprimer

Provides good adhesion of wallpaper to the surface. The primer solution, when applied to the wall, forms a protective film, has an antiseptic and disinfecting effect.

Please note: work on preparing the walls for wallpapering is carried out strictly in the above sequence. It is not recommended to swap stages, since the result of the work depends on it.

Code: 515001123

Universal primer Ceresit IN 10 Interior, 5 l

Code: 515001124

Universal primer Ceresit IN 10 Interior, 10 l

Specifics for preparing different types of walls

Gypsum board - puttied with a thin layer, paying special attention to the joints. Puttying is necessary so that in the future there will be no difficulties with replacing the wallpaper. It will be extremely difficult to remove wallpaper from an unprepared cardboard surface without damaging it.

Concrete and brick - the problem of processing such surfaces is the unevenness and dark color of the base. Help out plaster and applying several layers of putty. After that, sand the surface and treat with a primer solution.

OSB and chipboard boards - the preparation of this type of base is similar to the method described above. The main difference is that a special type of putty is used to level such walls.

When preparing walls in new buildings, the primer is applied in several layers, and the plaster is applied together with the mesh in order to prevent cracks in the future.

Please note: At the end of the wall preparation, it is worth removing all the pencil marks that were made at the preliminary stage of work. If you skip this step, then the arrows and inscriptions may be visible under light wallpaper.

As a result, the walls should be even and uniform in color. Once you are convinced that you have achieved this particular effect, you can glue the wallpaper. If you have questions about this step, take a look at our advice.

Now you know how to make your new wallpaper hold up well and be pleasing to the eye. Read more about their types, design and features of choice in our article.

And you can see your new interior using 3D visualization on our website.

How to calculate how much wallpaper is needed for pasting

Wallpapering walls is a simple task that many people can handle without the involvement of builders. Going to the store, buyers have already well thought out the design of the room and roughly imagine what color and quality of wallpaper they need. It is more difficult to determine the quantity. Correct calculation will save time, money and nerves. Otherwise, at the most crucial moment, the wallpaper may end. It happens on the contrary, the room is already pasted over, and there are still three more rolls in stock.

Standard sizes

According to GOST, the length of each roll of wallpaper is 10.05 m. Two popular standards are more common in width - 0.53 m and 1.06 m. The meter version is more convenient for gluing walls, work is faster, and seams are twice as small.

Rare types of textile wallpaper may have other dimensions in length and width, so when buying, you should always be interested in the dimensions.

Not so common other roll sizes:

Some houses have irregular ceiling heights, so the amount of waste can be quite large.

How many wallpapers to buy

It depends not only on the size of the room, but also on the color of the wallpaper. A roll of plain material 10 m long for a room with a wall height of 2.5 m can be safely cut into 4 pieces. If the pattern requires adjustment, then the same roll will have to be divided only into 3 parts.

The tube is labeled with a special marking indicating the connection method:

The amount of wallpaper for finishing must be correctly calculated. If they are not enough, it may turn out that they are over at the outlet. Or there will remain wallpapers from another batch, which look the same, but after pasting, a discrepancy in color shade will become evident.

Calculation around the perimeter of the room

For accurate calculations, you will need to make measurements using a construction tape measure. First you need to determine the perimeter of the room. This is the length of all walls, from which you need to subtract the width of door and window openings. Then measure the distance under and above the window sills, as well as from the doorway to the ceiling.

Calculation order:

Consider a specific example. You need to find out how much wallpaper you will have to purchase for a room 8x3 m with a wall height of 2.5 m. It has a window 2.2 x1.6 m and a doorway 1x2 m. For pasting, it is planned to purchase rolls 10 m long and 0.53 m wide.

Action algorithm:

The calculation did not take into account the gaps above and below the window and door niches. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to buy an additional skein.

If there are recesses and ledges in the door niches in the room, then one more roll will have to be purchased to glue them.

Wall murals have their own picture size indicated on the package. Their number does not need to be calculated. The area covered with photo wallpapers should be taken into account only for the purchase of other wallpapers with which it is planned to finish the rest of the surfaces in the room.

Surface area calculation

This is the most accurate and economical method. It is necessary to calculate the value of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls in the room.

How to do it:

Calculation of the example of the room that was measured earlier.

  1. Determine the surface area of ​​the walls. The perimeter of the room, equal to 22 m, multiplied by the height of the walls: 22x2.5 \u003d 55 sq.m.
  2. Calculate the area of ​​door and window openings: (2.2x1.6)+(1x2)=5.52 sq.m.
  3. Subtract the area of ​​the openings from the total area of ​​the walls: 55-5.52=49.48 sq.m. This is the surface area for wallpapering.
  4. Calculate the area of ​​the material in the roll: 0.53x10=5.3 km. m.
  5. Divide the area of ​​the walls prepared for pasting by the area of ​​the material in one coil: 49.48/5.3=9.3.

Perimeter calculation turned out to be 9, but it was agreed that 1 roll should be purchased for spaces under/above windows and doors. In this case, it is clear that 9 rolls are really not enough, 10 will be required.

Online calculator

If you do not want to calculate the number of rolls yourself, you can use special free online calculators. There are many of them on the Internet. But some measurements still have to be taken. You will need to enter the following values ​​in the corresponding fields of the online calculator:

According to these parameters, the calculator will give the desired result.

Ceiling wallpaper calculation

Only one surface needs to be pasted, so the calculation will be much easier. Let's say you need to paste over the ceiling in a room 5x3 meters with 10-meter rolls 0.53 m wide. The following calculations will follow:

  • Divide the length of the wallpaper tube by the width of the room: 10/3=3.33. So from the tube it will be possible to carve out 3 pieces of the desired size.
  • Divide the number of pieces required by the number of pieces that will be obtained from one tube: 9,4/3=3.1. This means that for pasting the ceiling you will need a little more than three rolls, you will have to buy 4.
  • If the ceiling looks rectangular, but has a complex geometric shape with projections and niches, these should also be taken into account in the calculations.

    If wallpaper with an ornament or periodically repeating pattern is purchased, then the height of the rapport must be added to the width of the room. You will need to dock the ornament and you will have to buy more skeins.

    For example, in the considered case, the width of the ceiling is 3 m, the pattern repeat size is 0. 5 m, these values ​​must be added, it turns out 3.5. The length of the skein should be divided by this value: 10 / 3.5 \u003d 2.85. It turns out that from one skein it will not be possible to carve out 3 canvases, as from wallpaper without a pattern.

    Calculation of wallpaper for partial gluing with a border

    With this method, the height of the wall is usually divided into 3 parts and 1 length is glued from below and 2 from above. You need to find out how many stripes you get from each type of wallpaper. It is convenient to make the calculation based on the perimeter of the room.

    Normally the bottom wallpaper is glued to a height of 1m. Then from one tube of wallpaper without a pattern you get 10 strips.

    For example, let's take a ceiling height of 2.65 m. Then the length of a canvas of another type will be: 2.65-1 = 1.65 m. It remains to calculate how many canvases can be cut from a 10-meter roll: 10 / 1.65 =6.

    If you take a room 6x4 meters, you get:

    Borders are sold in 5 and 10 meter lengths. To calculate the number of curb segments, you need to divide the net perimeter by the length of the curb segment - 17.4: 5 \u003d 3.48. Therefore, you need to buy 4 pieces of curb.

    Calculation for liquid wallpaper

    The main difference between liquid wallpaper and other types of wall coverings is the complete absence of joints and seams.

    Learn more