How do you get rid of mosquito

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Mosquitos range from being a nuisance to carriers of diseases and most homeowners are looking for ways to eliminate these pests every year. Thankfully, there are many ways to get rid of mosquitoes, from insecticides to natural and organic options.

There are many ways to get rid of mosquitoes, but they aren’t all equally effective. The This Old House Reviews Team has rounded up the best ways to get rid of mosquitoes and stay bug bite-free. In this guide you’ll find tips on removing them from your house and your yard, your options for DIY mosquito control, and the best professional pest control options.

Dangers of Mosquitoes

There are over 3,000 species of mosquitoes in almost every country around the world, with roughly 200 species in the U.S. alone. Unfortunately, these flying pests can carry malaria, West Nile virus, dengue, yellow fever, Zika virus, and more. This danger to humans occurs when mosquitoes ingest the disease, carry it in their bloodstream and then transfer it to the next person they bite.

It’s a common misconception that mosquitoes suck blood for food. Mosquitoes ingest blood to nourish their bodies so they can lay and hatch healthy eggs. Mosquitoes can lay 100 eggs at a time, so populations of this pest can get out of control quickly. When eliminating mosquitoes, it’s key to use multiple methods, to kill mosquitoes at every stage of the life cycle.

It’s also important to note that repelling and killing mosquitoes aren’t the same thing. Repelling mosquitoes will keep them away from you by making you less attractive to them. They’re attracted to the carbon dioxide from our breath and elements of our sweat. Mosquitoes are also attracted to standing water, laying eggs in areas such as birdbaths, damp potting soil, standing water in kitchens, puddles, and more.

Killing mosquitoes may seem like a tempting option, but it’s not always in our—or the environment’s—best interest. That’s because mosquitoes can become resistant to pesticides, making them harder to kill over time. Try natural methods first if your infestation is minor, or turn to the pros if you’re dealing with serious mosquito problems.



How to Get Rid of Indoor Mosquitoes

You’re more likely to have a mosquito issue in your yard than in your home itself, but having mosquitoes buzzing around during bedtime can be frustrating.

Mosquitoes buzzing around are easier to spot during the day than at night. If it’s getting late and you want to track them down, turn on a lamp, flashlight, or your smartphone and wait for them to be attracted to the light.

Here are the top ways to repel mosquitoes that have already entered your home.

The Best Way to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard

Now that you know how to get rid of mosquitoes in your home, here are a few ways to keep these pests out of your yard. The most effective methods to get rid of mosquitoes outdoors include these:

Apply Chemical Repellents

Applying a chemical insect repellent designed for the outdoors is a solid way to get rid of mosquitoes. Repellents can protect the perimeters of lawns, backyards, and gardens for up to eight weeks. You can also spray a traditional, safe repellent on your skin.

Set a Mosquito Trap

Mosquito traps are a handy way to control your mosquito population. These traps work by mimicking the visual and smell stimuli that attract mosquitoes to humans.

There are many varieties of mosquito traps out there. Some work by trapping mosquitoes to a sticky surface, while others electrocute them with an electric grid. The Mosquito Magnet is one of the most popular traps—it works by vacuuming mosquitoes up.

For this method, place your traps in a shady area. You may have to move them around to find the optimal placement for ensnaring mosquitoes. It’s worth noting that different species of mosquitoes react differently to traps, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all remedy.

Eliminate Standing Water

Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, and that’s where their larvae hatch. Empty all stagnant bodies of water you can, like any water that’s pooled in buckets, gutters, ditches, and pet bowls. Make sure to refresh the water in any birdbaths and check to see if your potted plants have enough drainage.

Treat Pools and Ponds

For standing water that you can’t eliminate, apply a larvicide dunk or liquid larvicide and run the filter regularly. To prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs in your pool, be sure to cover the pool at night and during the months when you aren’t using it.

Burn Candles

Citronella candles are a long-time fan favorite for repelling mosquitoes. You can buy sizable ones to place around your yard and ensure mosquitoes will keep their distance.

Set Out Thermacell

Thermacell devices are spray-free, emitting a no-mess repellent in a compact container. Completely scent-free, these containers are easy to refill and provide up to 15 feet of protection.

Keep a Manicured Lawn

Mosquitoes like to rest and settle in areas that are cool, damp, and dark. Manicure your lawn, trim trees and shrubs, and make sure your grass isn’t too tall. This will make your yard less hospitable to mosquitoes.

Plant Natural Deterrents

Repelling mosquitoes doesn’t have to be just practical—it can be pretty, too. Planting natural deterrents can spruce up your garden while keeping these prevalent pests away. Consider planting the following flora to keep mosquitoes away:

Put Down Cedar Mulch

Cedar oil is a common mosquito repellent ingredient, and you can easily find cedar mulch for your lawn or garden. Cedar mulch soaks up excess moisture, keeping it in the soil and deterring mosquitoes from settling in your vegetation.

Attract Natural Predators

Predators can’t completely eradicate your issue if you’re overrun with mosquitoes, but if you’re just getting a few unwanted critters here and there, attracting them is worth a shot.

Many birds are natural mosquito predators, including purple martins, waterfowl, swallows, and migratory songbirds. Setting up bird feeders is a solid step in attracting these birds. Installing a bat house can also help. Bats eat up mosquitoes, but you may not want to attract bats near your home.

If you have a pond, you can benefit from predators like goldfish, koi, and red-eared slider turtles.

Use Yellow LED lighting

Mosquitoes are attracted to the light from traditional light bulbs. Warm, yellow LED lights are less appealing to them, according to the American Association for the Advancement of Science.



Professional Mosquito Control

While you may find some measure of success with DIY methods, if you’re dealing with tons of mosquitoes, you need to call in a professional pest control company. Professional pest control companies have the expertise to kill mosquitoes at all stages of the life cycle and are more knowledgeable about safety practices when applying chemicals.

Here are our top recommendations for professional mosquito control.


Terminix’s mosquito solution promises to kill mosquitoes with a fast-acting, specialized treatment. Its polymer layer protects the product’s active ingredient against weather and lawn watering, allowing weeks-long mosquito prevention.

First, Terminix inspects your yard for mosquitoes. Then, the technician will create a treatment plan that involves a protection zone. Terminix offers a one-time application and monthly treatment.

If you’d like to get a free quote from Terminix, call 866-569-4035 or fill out this form.


This trusted pest control company follows a targeted mosquito control process that involves monthly treating and added protection against mosquito-borne illnesses like West Nile and Zika.

After completing a thorough inspection, your Orkin specialist will create a specific treatment plan.

Orkin uses three primary treatment controls—microbial insects that inhibit breeding in water, insecticides applied to plants that adult mosquitoes use for shelter, and insect growth regulators that prevent the development of mosquitoes in stagnant bodies of water.

To get a free quote from Orkin, call 877-868-1416 or fill out this simple form.


Hawx pest control is a newer addition to our top pest control services, but their customized mosquito plans also eliminate mosquito breeding grounds and nesting sites around the yard. Starting with an inspection, Hawx will identify problem areas, apply targeted mosquito treatment using a fogger, and recommend other steps to keep your home mosquito free.

Local Pest Control Companies

Some homeowners prefer to select a pest control company a little closer to home, whether a local business or a locally owned branch. Others simply prefer to be called instead of calling around for quotes. To be contacted by local pest control companies in your area, fill out this form or insert your details into the tool below.

Our Rating Methodology

The This Old House Reviews Team backs up our pest control recommendations with a detailed rating methodology that we use to objectively score each provider. We review pest control plans, navigate the provider website, speak with customer service representatives by phone and online chat (if available), request quotes, and analyze customer reviews for each provider. We then score the provider against our review standards for plan options, additional benefits and convenience factors, availability, trustworthiness, and customer service to arrive at a final score out of 100.

To share feedback or ask a question about this article, send a note to our Reviews Team at [email protected].

How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes – Forbes Home

For many, mosquitos are the most annoying flying insects. If you don’t appreciate being dive-bombed and riddled with itchy bites that make you want to retreat back inside, you’re certainly not alone. Eradicating the pesky buggers often becomes a top priority in the spring and early summer.

We’ve compiled an extensive guide to mosquito eradication and defense, but if you need more help getting rid of these pests, consider hiring a mosquito control company.

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What Are Mosquitos?

Mosquitos, or mosquitoes (both spellings are allowed according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary) are any members of the Culicidae family. Female mosquitos have special organs in their proboscis, adapted to puncture the skin of animals and suck their blood. As if that’s not terrifying enough, because they break skin, mosquitos can be a major vector for a number of serious diseases including malaria, yellow fever, dengue, Zika, various types of encephalitis and—perhaps most famously in the United States—West Nile virus.

Mosquitos are common in most parts of the world. Over 3,500 different subspecies exist worldwide. These flying pests can live indoors or outdoors and are active throughout the day and night, though most species are most prevalent in the late afternoon and dusk. Not all species of mosquito bite people or animals. In species that do bite, only the females do so.

How to Identify Mosquitos

Most people have probably seen a mosquito before, but if you have a significant mosquito infestation it’s important as part of your eviction process to be able to identify which type of mosquitos have taken up residence. Different species are more or less prone to transmitting diseases. The three most common disease-spreading mosquitos are Anopheles, Culex and Aedes.

What Do Mosquitos Look Like?

All species of mosquito feature the same basic anatomy: A long skinny abdomen, a compact thorax, or mid-section, where the wings grow from and a small head with a large proboscis, the long, pointed, blood-sucking appendage. When mosquitos land on skin, they often arch their bodies, lowering the abdomen and raising the head to better align the proboscis for blood draw.

Anopheles mosquitoes are one of the lightest species in color, ranging from brown to dark brown and are the primary vector for malaria. While the species is common in the U.S., malaria infections are rare and usually quickly controlled.

Culex mosquitos are one of the most common across the U.S. and have a black body with faint white bands on the proboscis and the abdomen. This species is most active in late summer and early fall and is known to transmit encephalitis and West Nile virus.

Aedes mosquitos, or Asian Tiger mosquitos, are the most distinctive species with a pattern of black and white markings on both body and legs. Unlike other mosquitos, which blood-feed on numerous mammals and birds, the Aedes seem to like humans the best and are known to transmit Zika virus, yellow fever and dengue.

Where Are Mosquitos Usually Found?

Mosquitos live in environments across the world and throughout the United States. Some species live in forests, marshes or fields while others have adapted to live in suburban environments near people. Mosquitos lay eggs in water and live in water until adulthood as larvae (the initial stage after hatching from an egg) and pupae (the transitional stage between larva and adult). You typically won’t find the pest too far from standing water.

Permanent water sources, like lakes, ponds, marshes and swamps are all popular places for mosquitos to lay eggs, as the water is slow or un-moving. Some species of mosquitos will take advantage of standing water created by rain, snow or even farming irrigation by laying eggs in moist soil or containers. The eggs dry out but then hatch when water re-floods the soil or container.

What Are the Signs of a Mosquito Infestation?

While some areas of the U.S.—especially those regions prone to hot, humid and wet weather—may be used to a certain amount of mosquitos, an infestation might be noticeable if you begin seeing significantly more mosquitos than the normal amount. Mosquitos are most active at night so if you see mosquitos during the afternoon or early evening, it may be a sign that you have a problem.

Another sign of a mosquito problem is if you notice you are constantly being bit or feel numerous itchy, bug bites—especially at night. Some people won’t sense mosquitos biting in the moment but will notice itchiness, inflammation and swelling later.

What Damage Can Mosquitos Cause and Are They Dangerous?

While some mosquitos in the U.S. can spread germs or serve as a vector for the transmission of serious viruses and diseases, most are merely a nuisance. Nuisance mosquitos don’t make people sick or spread germs, but they can be quite annoying and some people are more sensitive to mosquito bites than others—especially young children.

Some mosquitos, on the other hand, can spread disease, which can infect the people that they bite. For a mosquito to infect a human, it must first take blood from a person or animal carrying a disease. The germs must pass from the mosquitos’ gut into its body and then into its salivary glands. When that mosquito bites another person, the saliva can carry the germ down the proboscis into the new human who may then catch the disease.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitos and Prevent Them From Returning

Getting rid of mosquitos in the great outdoors can seem impossible at times. Here are some of the best ways to get rid of mosquitos, indoors and outdoors, so you can enjoy your home once again.

Eliminate Standing Water

Probably one of the most important and effective ways of getting rid of mosquitos and preventing their return, is to eliminate, or regularly clean, any standing water in your yard. Whether a puddle, bird bath, bucket, tree stump or even a kiddie pool, any container that can hold water may become a breeding ground for mosquitos to lay their eggs. Make sure water storage containers (cisterns, rain barrels, etc.) are tightly sealed so mosquitos can’t get inside to lay eggs.

Any containers you do leave outside, such as birdbaths and pools, should be emptied and scrubbed regularly. Water features like fountains or ponds can be treated with a “mosquito dunk”. This dissolvable disk is loaded with a bacteria that is toxic for mosquito larvae.

Clean Gutters

Clogged and crowded gutters can become a water trap that creates pools of standing water. This water is also full of the organic nutrients from leaves and sticks, a perfect home for young mosquitos. Clean your gutters twice a year, if possible, especially in late spring and fall. You can also consider installing gutter guards.

Fans and Citronella Candles

Fans and citronella candles are a great way of repelling mosquitos in small areas. A fan that circulates the air will confuse insects and make it hard for them to fly. It also diffuses the carbon dioxide exhaled by humans, making it harder for mosquitos to find their mammalian targets.

Citronella candles use lemongrass oil, a repulsive odor to a mosquito, to keep the pests away. Lining them along your deck, or placing them at the center of a dining table, can be a great way to abate the mosquito problem.

Broadcast Treatment

A broadcast treatment is a great way to get rid of mosquitoes outside, whether you do it yourself or hire a pest control professional. You apply a repellant spray to the entire yard and it typically keeps pests away for several months before reapplication is necessary. Using a broadcast treatment to get rid of mosquitoes costs around $1,000 for a one-acre property.

Natural Mosquito Remedies

For chemical-free ways to prevent and remove mosquitos, consider either planting plants or using essential oils derived from plants that repel mosquitos. Lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary, basil and lavender all naturally repel mosquitos. Planting these near your deck or around your yard can reduce a mosquito population. You can also mix essential oils from these plants with water to create a natural spray or bug repellant.

Introduce Natural Predators

Inviting the natural predators of mosquitos to set up camp in your backyard and handle any issues can have mixed results, depending on your comfort with wildlife. Bat and bird boxes can, depending on your area and climate, handle a mosquito problem and keep it at bay year-round.


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Professional Mosquito Removal Services

If you are unable to spray your yard yourself, or would rather the process be handled by an expert, consider a professional pest removal service. These companies can offer both chemical and natural mosquito sprays, as well as other techniques, including gutter cleaning and removal of standing water. For more on professional pest control, check out our list of the best pest control companies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What gets mosquitoes to go away?

When it comes to repelling mosquitos, the safest and most affordable methods are to reduce and remove standing water where insects lay their eggs and to set up citronella candles which burn a lemongrass oil that mosquitos hate.

What kills mosquitoes the best naturally?

The most intuitive way to kill a mosquito is probably to smack one against a surface with your hand or another blunt object. When it comes to natural repellents, various plants actually produce scents that mosquitos dislike. These include lemongrass, basil, rosemary, lavender and peppermint.

How can I avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes?

To prevent mosquito bites, you should first try and reduce and remove any habitats that mosquitos like, such as standing water. Wearing long sleeves, pants and socks and applying bug spray can also protect you from being bitten.

Can mosquitoes bite through clothes?

Yes, mosquitos can bite through close, especially thinner and loosely-knit materials. Thicker clothes, or those with tighter weaves, will offer better protection. These might include wool, velvet and denim.

What time of day are mosquitoes most active?

Mosquitos generally come out to feed at dawn, dusk and in the middle of the night. They rarely come out during the day, nor do they usually fly in direct sunlight.

What smells do mosquitos hate?

Mosquitos are repelled by various natural smells including citronella (which contains lemongrass oil), lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, cinnamon clove and cedarwood.

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How to get rid of mosquitoes at home

Mosquitoes are not only very annoying, but their bites can be extremely dangerous because they transmit various diseases. By biting us, a mosquito can “leave” a virus or parasite that can make us sick. The most dangerous mosquito-borne virus in our country is West Nile, which causes serious illness and can even lead to death. Although 80% of people infected with this virus do not have any symptoms, you should know that it starts with flu-like symptoms.

There are many ways to get rid of mosquitoes at home, and plenty of natural solutions to get rid of these small and annoying insects.

The first one is to use walnut leaves, which you put in a glass or stainless steel bowl and set on fire. Go around the house with this bowl so that the smoke gets into all the rooms. You can apply the same method against flies.

Due to the high concentration of iodine, mosquitoes will not come close and disturb you. If you don't want to burn the leaves, you can leave walnut leaves in all the rooms of your house and they will work the same way.

Garden or indoor plants, mosquito repellent in a private house

To get rid of mosquitoes while sitting in the garden, on the terrace or balcony, it is enough to plant several plants directly in the ground or in beautifully arranged pots that repel these unpleasant insects with their smell. On this list: mint, rosemary, thyme, basil, dill, nettle, lavender, calendula, chalk, lemon, bay and queen of the night, this is a great home remedy for mosquitoes.

Choose according to your own taste preferences and avoid combining too many in one space, especially on a balcony, so as not to get an unpleasant mixture of smells. You can use them the same way and place them in a pot in front of a room or kitchen window to keep mosquitoes out of your home.

Cat grass or catnip is also a plant that repels mosquitoes because of the smell they emit. Experts say that this plant is even more powerful than commercially available sprayers.

Essential Oils

If houseplants are not your style and you don't think you'll have time to properly care for them, you can use essential oils with the same scent or something more exotic like eucalyptus, lemon or him. But be careful when choosing them. Cheaper versions include synthetic flavors that can form toxic compounds when heated and are best avoided, especially if you have small children. Look for good quality, eco-friendly options that, although more expensive, are also more concentrated and will give you a longer usage period.

Use them mixed with water into which you add a few drops of essential oil and heat them to stimulate the release. On hot summer days, it is enough to leave the container outside, and on cool evenings, we recommend using those ceramic candlesticks that warm.

To ensure the most even dispersion of the essences, you can use a good low speed fan directed towards the scented liquid container at a suitable distance.

Scented candles

You can also use the same odor weapon for mosquitoes in the form of candles. You can find them in different shapes and sizes, on glass or ceramic bases, and in different scents. But we draw your attention to the fact that of all the options, candles give, perhaps, the least original aromas of the plants they represent.

Therefore, as with essential oils, it's a good idea to look for organic versions and check the label to see if the fragrance is a natural essential oil or a synthetic formula. Of this category, probably the most effective are the versions designed specifically for mosquitoes, which are chemically formulated in this case specifically to repel these insects.


Since mosquitoes thrive best in the air when there are no strong currents, if you stay within the range of the fan, you will be less susceptible to attack. You've probably noticed that when it's windy outside, mosquitoes are less active.

Studies show that their presence decreases during periods when the air speed exceeds 16 kilometers per hour. Whether we are talking about indoor models or versions that are used outdoors, fans offer you an additional bite protection solution. In addition, air currents dissipate the heat generated by your body, which attracts insects.


Yes, the well-known smell of garlic is one way to get rid of mosquitoes. You can easily get some oil by crushing one or two cloves and squeezing the juice. An effective application method is to mix the resulting juice with water and fill the sprayer, which can then be easily used on surfaces and even to cover the skin.

You can apply lavender or eucalyptus essential oils to your skin in the form of homemade lotions to get rid of stings. However, we draw your attention to the fact that these oils are aggressive for the skin and are never used in 100% concentration on the dermis. To make this mosquito repellant formula, you need to mix the active ingredient with vegetable oil such as olive, coconut, grape, carrot, etc. which also provides better hydration and nourishment to the skin.

We recommend that you also use clothing as a protective measure, choosing loose clothing with long sleeves that covers your skin as much as possible and avoid bright colors that usually attract insects.

Coffee grounds are also an effective and 100% natural way to control mosquitoes. Make sure the coffee grounds are very well dried, and when you do, put them on a plate and light them with a match. When the smoke begins to come out, the coffee grounds will slowly burn and the mosquitoes will fly away.

If you want to use mosquito repellant, but you don't like the smell of the tablets and they are toxic, you can replace them with bay leaf. An alternative is to set the bay leaf on fire, and the smoke generated by this burning will drive away the insects. Here are 6 commercial solutions to help get rid of mosquitoes:

Mosquito Repellent Spray is primarily a spray that works for several hours, but the big drawback is that it smells bad and is toxic.

Anti-mosquito tablets - probably the most effective method - tablets that last all night. They fit into a device that plugs into the mains and ensure you sleep soundly through the night.

UV lamps - and this method is quite effective at home and on the street. Repels all insects attracted by ultraviolet light.

Ultrasonic unit - in case you didn't know, ultrasound repels mosquitoes and other insects in its area, so this method is completely non-toxic.

Anti mosquito net is the oldest, but also the most effective method. Thus, you can sleep with the window open all night without worrying about mosquitoes entering the room.

Mosquito repellent - these can be found in pharmacies.

Effective ways to kill mosquitoes in the apartment