Grow a peach
Plant A Peach Pit: Growing Peaches From Seed
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Peach Trees
By: Nikki Tilley, Author of The Bulb-o-licious Garden
Image by Roman Samokhin
While they may not look or taste just like the originals, it’s possible to grow peaches from seed pits. It will take several years before fruiting occurs, and in some cases, it may not happen at all. Whether or not a seed-grown peach tree produces any fruit usually depends on the type of peach pit it derived from. Just the same, whether or not the peach pit germinates depends on the peach variety.
Germinating Peach Pits
Although you can plant a peach pit directly in the soil during fall and wait for spring germination nature’s way, you can also store the seed until early winter (Dec/Jan.) and then induce germination with cold treatment or stratification. After soaking the pit in water for about an hour or two, place it in a plastic bag with slightly moist soil. Store this in the refrigerator, away from fruit, in temps between 34 and 42 degrees F. (-6 C.).
Keep a check for germination, as germinating peach pits may take anywhere from a few weeks to a couple months or more—and that’s if you’re lucky. In fact, it may not germinate at all so you’ll want to try several varieties. Eventually, one will germinate.
Note: While it’s certainly not required, some people have found success by removing the hull (outer pit) from the actual seed inside prior to the cold treatment.
How to Plant a Peach Pit
As previously stated, planting peach seeds takes place in fall. They should be planted in well-draining soil, preferably with the addition of compost or other organic material.
Plant the peach pit about 3 to 4 inches (8-10 cm.) deep and then cover it with about an inch (2.5 cm.) or so of straw or similar mulch for overwintering. Water during planting and then only when dry. By spring, if the peach was any good, you should see sprouting and a new peach seedling will grow.
For those germinated via the refrigerator, once germination occurs, transplant to a pot or in a permanent position outdoors (weather permitting).
How to Grow a Peach Tree from Seed
Growing peaches from seed isn’t difficult once you’ve gotten through the germination process. Transplants can be treated and grown in pots just like any other fruit tree. Here is an article about growing peach trees if you’d like to learn more about peach tree care.
Some peach pits germinate quick and easy and some take a little longer—or may not germinate at all. Whatever the case may be, don’t give up. With a little persistence and trying more than one variety, growing peaches from seed can be well worth the extra patience. Of course, then there’s the wait for fruit (up to three years or more). Remember, patience is a virtue!
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How To Plant A Peach Tree
A peach is often defined as something attractive, exemplary, and delightful. There’s a good reason for this. Peaches (Prunus persica), native to Asia, are juicy, delicious, and uniquely tasty. However, peach tree care requires a commitment to learning how to grow peaches. Peach trees need a regular routine of feeding, pruning, and management of pests and disease.
How to Grow Peaches
Although growing peach trees can’t be taken lightly, it can be highly rewarding. Peaches provide Vitamins A and C as well as potassium and fiber. Fresh, frozen, dried, or canned peaches are one of nature’s true delights.
You need to first decide whether you want freestones (best for eating fresh) or clingstones (work well for canning). Peaches are self-fruitful, meaning that for pollination purposes you don’t need to plant more than one.
It’s a good idea to consult with your local university extension service about the best peach trees for your climate. There are literally hundreds of varieties, some being cold hardy to -10 degrees F. (-23 C.) and a few that are cold hardy to -20 degrees F. (-29 C.).
Select a site for your tree that will get full sun and won’t be shaded by other trees or buildings. Knowing that some peach trees can grow up to 20 feet (6 m.) wide and 15 feet (5 m.) tall, choosing the best site for your tree is the first step. Most experts recommend planting peach trees in an area that’s a bit elevated, if possible, to ensure good air circulation.
Your peach tree’s soil should be well-drained and loamy. It will need to drain quickly during heavy rains. You may need to do some serious soil amending by digging in a lot of organic matter in advance. Peach trees cannot survive in waterlogged soil, so up to two feet (0.5 m.) of sandy, loamy, fertile topsoil works best, even if the subsoil contains a bit more clay. The best soil for peach trees is ideally in the 6.5 to 7.0 pH range.
How to Plant a Peach Tree
A dormant, bare-root peach tree should be planted in late winter. A container grown tree should go into the ground in spring. For bare root trees, soak the roots for six to twelve hours before planting.
Dig your planting hole a few inches (7.5 cm.) deeper than and twice as wide as the tree’s root ball or root system. If your tree is grafted, make sure the bud union is planted a couple inches (5 cm.) above the soil. If your tree is bare root, leave plenty of room for the roots to spread. Fill the hole half way with soil and water it well. When it drains, check to see if the tree is still positioned correctly, then fill the rest of the hole with soil.
Water again and mulch around the trunk. It’s a good idea to construct a 3- to 6-inch (7.5-15 cm.) berm of soil around the tree’s root zone to help contain water and mulch.
After planting, trim the tree back to 26 to 30 inches (66 to 76 cm.), removing its side branches. This will help your tree produce a better crop.
Care for Growing Peach Trees
Fertilize your peach tree in spring using one pound (0.5 kg.) of 10-10-10 fertilizer for new trees and an additional pound (0.5 kg.) each year until your tree is 10 feet (3 m. ) high.
Plan to prune your peach tree each year in spring, making sure the center of the tree has a free flow of air and sunlight.
Pay close attention to your peach tree throughout the year to address any problems that may arise like peach leaf curl and browning, or diseases and pests. It takes some attentiveness and a bit of focus but growing a peach tree can be a gratifying and enjoyable project.
How to grow a peach from a seed? — Botanichka
Contrary to popular belief that growing trees from a stone is an empty business, a peach grown in this way is not even a myth, but a real reality. Of course, this enterprise has its own secrets, but the labor and time spent on such an experiment pays off handsomely. Let's look at how you can grow a peach from a seed.
Peaches. © Lucien MonfilsContent:
- Seed Selection
- Planting peach pit
- Peach seedling care
- Peculiarities of Pitted Peach
- Meadow garden unusual trick
Seed selection
In order to plant a peach seed, it must be removed from a ripe fruit. The best option would be seed material from a zoned variety and from a rooted plant, but there are many examples of gardeners trying to grow a completely unfamiliar variety from an unknown tree, and everything worked out well.
Selected peach pits must be dried and set aside until time in a cool, dry place. In autumn, at the end of October and until mid-November, planting time begins.
Preparing the seed for planting is quite simple: soak it in water for several days, break it up and extract the seed. However, you can go the other way - plant it entirely and immediately, immediately after extraction from the fetus. This will allow her to go through a period of stratification on her own, and germinate in her own time, usually after 4 months.
Peach pit and seed. © An.haPlanting a peach pit
The place for planting a peach tree should be chosen on a hill, where there are no cold drafts and most of the sun. If there are other peaches in the garden, then you need to move away from them at least 3 meters away. This is important from a perspective point of view, because your "pet" will grow and grow into a full-fledged tree, and it is better if this happens without a transplant.
Peach pits should be planted no more than 8 cm deep. The planting site should be watered, mulched and marked just in case.
Peach seedling care
In the spring, when the peach seed sprouts, it needs care. It consists, in the first year of life, in simple agronomic practices associated with spring feeding, watering and spraying. It is not necessary to trim the plant at this stage - its task is to grow and form a pencil-thick trunk.
Peach tree in bloom. © FanghongIn the second year, normal peach development begins. It consists in trimming the trunk at the level of two secateurs above the ground and summer cleaning of branches that thicken the crown. Next, comes the formation on the bowl and the classic care of the plant. Peach from the stone will begin to bear fruit for 3-4 years.
Peculiarities of stone peach
However, stone peach is not a simple plant - it will have special features. Firstly, its fruits may differ somewhat from the original variety, and secondly, it will have a higher resistance to temperature changes and diseases. This allows the use of this method of growing crops in areas unusual for her, for example, in places where the average annual temperature is only about 7 ° C. However, in this case, the peach is not formed in the form of a bowl familiar to the south, but is left to grow as a bush, which allows you to cover the plant for the winter.
Unusual "meadow garden" technique
Another possibility that opens up through the cultivation of peach from the stone is the "meadow garden" technology. Today it is more popular for planting apple trees, however, the first experiments in the conditions of the south of our country, and quite successful, were carried out on peach.
The principle of the meadow garden consists in planting seeds (although seedlings are possible, but this will cost more, or by grafting on the spot to a self-grown stock) in the form of beds, at a distance of 50 cm from each other and 2 m between rows, and the formation of young plants without bole, according to the principle of the fruit link. The yield from one peach with this approach is from 10 to 15 large fruits, and interestingly, such plantings are less susceptible to diseases!
What is the fruit link principle?
This is when the first pruning of a tree is made at a bole height of 10 cm, and allows only two shoots to be left on the plant: one is more developed (for crop formation), the other is shortened by two buds. The following year, when the peach bears fruit, the fruiting twig is cut off, forming two shoots again on the second one - the shoot of fruiting and replacement.
Such prospects are opened by a simple peach stone! Now that you know about it, it will surely be a shame to throw it in the trash!
How to grow a peach from a stone at home: step by step instructions
Grow a tree from a stone? Such thoughts visit from time to time everyone who likes to work in a garden or a greenhouse. Especially if you have a fragrant juicy peach with tender pulp in your hands.
And if people have learned to grow lemons and pomegranates at home, then it is not difficult to get a peach tree .
To do this, you need to be patient and follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners.
Table of contents
- Is it possible and how to grow a peach from the stone?
- Select landing material
- Select variety
- Select the method of growing
- Cold method, or stratification, at home
- , split and extract seeds
- How to germinate
- Care for young peach sprouts
- Planting a tree in open ground in the country
Is it possible and how to grow a peach from a seed?
Selecting planting material
Quality planting material is the key to success . Turkish or Spanish peaches, however beautiful and tasty they may be, are not suitable for planting in our latitudes.
Everyone knows that imported peaches are harvested from trees long before biological maturity. This is the right approach, because at the onset of technical ripeness, fruits acquire a delicate taste, retain useful substances and well tolerate transportation over long distances.
But the seeds of such fruits do not ripen , and therefore you should not waste your time and effort on their germination.
In addition, southern varieties will not survive in our climate because they are used to more comfortable conditions. If the seeds sprout, then the seedlings themselves will die without receiving the required amount of sunlight and heat.
It is necessary to choose peaches for pitting from zoned varieties, not from a grafted tree If you have already decided to plant a peach, walk around the market looking for local fruits . The seller, who has grown his goods with his own hands, will be happy to tell you how to care for the seedling in order to achieve fruiting.
It's great if a neighbor in the dacha shares the harvest. In any case, prepare a few bones. The germination rate of peach seeds is about 25%, some of the seedlings will die during cultivation, so the more seeds you collect, the better.
Be sure to ask from which tree the peaches were taken. Do not take fruit from a grafted tree because the characteristics of the variety when grown are unlikely to match those of the mother.
Only native-rooted peaches provide planting material capable of retaining species characteristics.
Choosing a variety
Zoned varieties will feel better in the local climate, content with the amount of heat and lighting that the nature of a particular region can give them.
Even if you decide to plant seedlings in open ground, with proper care they will not be afraid of frost.
When choosing a peach variety, pay attention to the main characteristics.
Winter hardiness. If you plan to transplant seedlings into open ground, choose varieties with good winter hardiness and unpretentiousness in growing conditions.
Self-pollination. Many varieties are self-pollinating. But if you want to get a generous harvest, plant at least 3-4 peaches nearby, which will subsequently bear fruit.
Early ripeness - for successful fruiting in summer, it is recommended to plant varieties of early ripening (July-first half of August).
The most popular of the early ripening peaches are: Early Riversa, Winner, Early Minion. Good winter hardiness in varieties Amsden and Kiev early, and high yields in varieties Nectarine white, Nectarine Krasnodar, Redhaven and Nobles.
For pitting, prepare large, ripe, soft fruit with no signs of damage, rot or mold. Free the bones from the pulp, rinse thoroughly under running warm water and dry. Select the bones without traces of pests and cracking.
Choosing a growing method
Growers use three methods to grow peach trees from the stone.
Stratification, or "cold method". Simulation of cold natural conditions is created so that the seeds are prepared for germination and germinate better.
During stratification, the shells soften, seeds swell, complex organic substances turn into simple ones and are absorbed by the seed germ.
Seed extraction. "Quick method", which consists in splitting the bone and extracting the kernel. After extracting the seeds from the stone, seedlings appear much earlier than during stratification.
Warm way. Seeds can be germinated in pots at room temperature and natural light.
Gardeners use three methods for growing peach trees from the stone: cold - stratification, warm and from extracted seedsCold method, or stratification, at home
For successful stratification, it is necessary to create moist conditions for the seeds at a low positive temperature and provide air access. For these purposes, a compartment for storing vegetables in the refrigerator or a basement is suitable.
Stratify seeds as follows:
- Prepare a small, unlidded container filled with damp sand or peat. Use coarse-grained sand, screened from foreign particles and thoroughly washed.
- Place the stones in the sand to a depth of 6-8 cm, place the container in a plastic bag with holes (to allow air to enter) and refrigerate for the winter.
- Check container regularly, moisten sand or peat with a spray bottle if necessary. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering, otherwise the seeds may rot.
- After 3-4 months, the seeds will "hatch" and sprouts of future peaches will appear.
- Remove the sprout container from the refrigerator and plant the seedlings in pots. Take pots with drainage holes. Use fertile soil from a mixture of leafy soil, peat and humus.
- Place the seedling pots in a well-lit area.
- Avoid sudden changes in temperature. At first, provide the sprouts with a temperature regime of + 10 ° C by placing them on a glazed balcony or veranda.
- After a few days, bring the potted sprouts into the room and keep the room temperature at +18+20°C. Water moderately when the soil dries out.
Chop and Seed
A quick way to grow a tree from a stone for the impatient. If you do not want to wait until spring for germination.
Proceed as follows:
- Chop the washed and dried bones with a knife or hammer. Use the tools carefully, try not to damage the core of the bone.
- Remove seeds and soak in warm water for 2-3 days to swell. Replace water daily with fresh water.
- When you see that the seeds have swollen and increased in size, plant them in separate pots with drainage holes.
Choose the size of the pot, taking into account the fact that the planting depth is 4-6 cm.
- After planting, water the seeds and cover the pots with glass or plastic wrap. Ventilate the "greenhouses" daily - remove the film, wipe the condensate and let's "breathe" the pots for a while. Remember, excessive moisture causes the appearance of fungus and mold, which are detrimental to seeds and seedlings.
- Remove the foil when sprouts appear.
During the growth of the peach, the root system grows first, and only then the tree itself is formed.
Gardeners who grow peaches from pits note that the height of the seedling reaches 0.5 m after 2-3 months.
How to germinate in a warm way wait months for sprouts to appear.
Planting technology is simple:
- Keep prepared bones for 6-10 days in the refrigerator.
It will be a kind of short-term stratification.
- Remove the seeds from the refrigerator and soak for 2-3 hours in growth stimulator.
- In moist potting mix, plant pits 6-8 cm deep.
- Cover the pots with transparent polyethylene or glass, ventilate them daily and wipe off any condensation.
- Germinate peaches at room temperature by placing the pots on a brightly lit windowsill. Water as needed.
- When sprouts appear after 3-4 months, remove the film and move the seedlings to a well-lit place without drafts and direct sunlight.
Soil. Use loose fertile soil of peat, humus, sand and leafy soil in proportions of 1 : 1 : 1 : 2.
Lighting. Provide good lighting. With a lack of sunlight, use LED phytolamps, which will give the necessary spectrum and accelerate plant growth.
Watering Water the soil regularly. Reduce watering during fruit ripening and dormancy.
Temperature control. In winter, provide a temperature of +2 + 4 ° C, with the onset of spring during flowering + 10 + 15 ° C, and after flowering + 18 + 25 ° C.
Give the tree a winter rest period. At this time, significantly reduce watering, refuse additional lighting and provide the plant with a temperature of + 2 + 4 ° С. Resume normal care after the awakening of the kidneys.
Top dressing. Starting in March, feed the plants with mineral and organic fertilizers every two weeks. From September, stop feeding. From organic fertilizers, use a nutritious infusion of humus.
Transplant. Transplant as it grows into a larger pot in early spring (before flowering) or early September.
Cutting. When the side shoots begin to grow, and the height of the main trunk is 70 cm, proceed to the formation of the crown.
Fruiting occurs on the side branches of the tree, so the seedling must not be allowed to grow upwards. Do a major pruning next spring. Trim and pinch vigorous shoots annually.
In order for the seedlings to survive and gain strength, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for them, including a winter dormancy periodPlanting a tree in open ground in the country
At home, only owners of a winter garden, a cool veranda, a glazed loggia or greenhouses.
Under normal apartment conditions, it is impossible to provide the seedling with the necessary temperature regime, depending on the time of year. But if all the conditions can be met, then in the first year the young peach will grow to 1.5 m .
Plan to transplant peach in open ground next March or early September. If you plant several seedlings, keep an interval of 3-4 meters between them.
The same distance should be to mature plants that give extensive shade and to the walls of buildings on the site. Choose a well-lit, but protected from drafts landing site.
Before planting peach , dig a hole about 1 m deep, apply organic fertilizer and dig well. Plant a seedling and tamp down the ground. Spill the trunk circles with water at room temperature and cover with a layer of mulch or humus.
A plant grown from stone at home in the first 2-3 years after transplanting into open ground should be given special attention, because it is still poorly adapted to weather conditions.
Plan to transplant peach seedlings in open ground for March of the next year or early SeptemberIn winter, wrap the tree with burlap or non-woven material and insulate the trunk with glass wool. Take care of the root system - so that it does not freeze, cover the soil of the near-stem circle with a thick layer of fallen leaves or spruce branches.
In open ground young trees may be attacked by aphids, scale insects, spider mites and codling moths. Of the diseases for peach, scab, leaf curl, powdery mildew, fruit rot, clasteropsoriasis and moniliosis are characteristic.