Good bedroom feng shui
Feng Shui For Your Bedroom: Rules For What To Bring In & Keep Out
Consider burning sage, palo santo, or cedar to cleanse the space of negative energy. This will ensure that you have a fresh foundation on which to build the bedroom's chi (life force energy).
Now, let's go over the most effective feng shui tweaks for your bedroom.
What to add to your bedroom to boost feng shui:
Image by mbg Creative
The right color scheme
In feng shui, certain colors are thought to promote maximum sensuality and peaceful vibes in the bedroom and promote restful sleep.
A general rule of thumb is to opt for skin tones or muted shades you'd find in nature. Here are a few:
- Off-white
- Creams
- Chocolate
- Browns
- Peach tones
One word of caution: Don't overdo it on the peach! It is thought to be very effective at attracting a partner—so effective that we need to use it with care.
If you paint your whole bedroom in peach, chances are that you will attract someone, and then someone else, and someone else. .. Consider instead using peach as an accent tone on pillows, throws, and small objects.
While accent walls and wallpapers can be tempting, they should be kept to a minimum and also have gentle colors and limited pattern.
Crisp white walls should also be avoided because at night they can become too activating. Stark white is a color of the metal element, which is mentally stimulating and not conducive to rest.
In feng shui, certain colors are thought to promote peaceful vibes and restful sleep in the bedroom. Opt for muted shaded such as off-white, creams, and browns.
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The right layout
Another way to quickly promote harmony and relaxation in your bedroom is to switch up the layout.
The most important piece of furniture to pay attention to is your bed, and you want to make sure it's in what's known as the "command position. "
This means placing your bed so you can see the entry door when you are lying in it (here's a more in-depth primer on how to position your bed according to feng shui).
Placing your bed on the same wall as your door is thought to make you feel threatened, like someone might surprise you in your sleep.
Speaking of beds, they should always have a headboard.
In feng shui, headboards provide a feeling of support in life. If you have a box spring only, you can get a headboard separately, but make sure to attach it very well to the bed so it doesn't wobble.
When choosing a headboard, go for one that has soft edges whenever possible. Heavy cast-iron headboards or ones that have bars have that same "cutting" energy you're trying to avoid in such a relaxing space.
Instead, opt for ones that are made of fabric, as they provide a soft, inviting feel. Platform beds are great too, but make sure that the platform has no sharp angles where you could hurt your shins.
Switching up the layout in your room is another great way to promote relaxation in your bedroom. Place your bed so you can see the entry door when you are lying in it.
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Pairs of everything
In feng shui, pairs are thought to promote loving, harmonious energy, so outfit your bedroom for two people—even if you're not currently in a relationship.
Leave a little extra room in your dresser and nightstand, and present everything in pairs. That means:
- 2 similar nightstands
- 2 pillows
- 2 seats
- 2 similar lamps
In feng shui, pairs are thought to promote loving, harmonious energy. If you can, opt for pairs. That means, two nightstands, two pillows, two lamps, etc.
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Accessories that are meaningful and nourish the five senses
You'll want to consult a bagua map to see what elements to pull into your space.
For example, if your bedroom falls in the health and family area, where the dominant element is wood, try to incorporate greens and blues in order to sustain that element.
After you consult a map, consider what other elements you could add that evoke the senses:
- Smell: I advise using essential oils in an ultrasonic diffuser or in a candle diffuser. Limit it to a few drops of oil in diluted in water, and don't leave them diffusing for more than an hour or two. They are potent! Lavender and jasmine oils are both calming for bed. If you have a cough, go with ravintsara or eucalyptus. Looking to amp up the sexual energy? Check out cinnamon or ylang-ylang.
- Touch: In the bedroom, it's best to go with soft, inviting fabrics when possible. I'd recommend velvet, satin, and Egyptian cottons for all sheets, pillows, cushions, and curtains.
Your bed sheets should feel particularly soft to the skin.
- Sight: As mentioned before, Earthy tones are really what you want to be seeing in the bedroom. Fiery tones (reds, pinks, and oranges) can also be nice in moderation. Again, these accents should always be presented in pairs. In my bedroom, you'll find a pair of small pink Mandarin ducks—a traditional Chinese symbol. I love these because the story goes that the ducks were always faithful to each other. Find accents like this that speak to you.
- Sound: The soothing tones of a small white noise machine can promote deep sleep.
- Taste: While you might not want to bring food into the bedroom, make sure to keep a small jar of water next to the bed. Place some lemon in there and drink it in the morning for a quick boost.
Consult a bagua map to help determine what elements should be in your space that evoke the five senses. Essential oils can evoke smell. Soft bedding can evoke touch. Earth tones can evoke sight. Soothing white noise can evoke sound, and lemon water and evoke taste.
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What to avoid in the bedroom to boost feng shui:
In our busy modern lives, we spend a LOT of time hunched over a screen. So why not make your bedroom one completely tech-free sanctuary?
Remove all TVs, electronics, appliances, and phones so that they do not produce any energy around you.
In feng shui, it's said that mirrors in front of the bed invite a third person into the marriage. Mirrors are also thought to reflect energy around a space, which could disrupt your sleep.
If you do need to have a mirror, make sure it's facing and reflecting something that you love looking at. (This may seem like common sense, but it's something a lot of us forget about!)
Paintings above the bed
Paintings and large photographs can produce that same heavy, threatening energy of a window or beam. Instead, hang a light, flowing tapestry with an inviting pattern.
Nightstands with sharp corners
Nightstands should be sturdy but not overpowering or threatening. They should be discreet, ideally rounded, and lower and away from the sleepers' heads. You don't want anything sharp pointed at your face as you're sleeping!
Large, looming furniture
Swap out tall wardrobes and pieces of furniture that make you feel oppressed when you lie in bed.
I do not recommend keeping bookshelves in the bedroom, but if you already have some, make sure the books are well-organized and lying flat (horizontally), as vertical books can create a sense of being "cut."
This may be a controversial stance, but in feng shui there is such a thing as too many houseplants—especially in the bedroom. Their energy is thought to be too yang—too strong and growth-oriented—and thus it can mess with the relaxing vibe you're going for.
Leave houseplants, terrariums, and driftwood accents for other rooms in the home and incorporate earth shades in other ways in the bedroom, like as accent colors on pillows or rugs.
Keeping water features in the bedroom is a major feng shui taboo. No fountains and no pictures or paintings of boats on the ocean, rivers, harbors.
Under-the-bed clutter
Just like you shouldn't keep anything threatening above your bed, there shouldn't be anything below it either. Clutter under the bed can create unnecessary stress and headache, even if you don't realize it at first.
A clean, clear bedroom sets the stage for uncluttered thinking, so take the time to get rid of the nonessentials in your boudoir and beyond.
You'll want to avoid electronics, mirrors, paintings above the bed, nightstands with sharp corners, and large furniture. Pictures or paintings of water, too many plants, and clutter under the bed are also not recommended.
The Best Feng Shui Bedroom Decorating Ideas From an Expert
Photo: Studio Ashby
Feng shui, an ancient Chinese perspective rooted in the belief that everything (including the arrangement of a room, like your bedroom) possesses energy, is a little like astrology. Whether you believe in it or not, learning its inner workings and understanding how it can impact your everyday life is somewhat fascinating. As it relates to home decorating, the right feng shui is believed to balance the energy that flows into and around your space and can have an impact on our wellbeing, relationships, and even our wallets.
Whether we're talking new moons and planet alignments or bedroom colors and under-bed storage, the link between environment and energy is an abstract concept—but that doesn't mean that its concrete implications in everyday life need to be confusing as well.
When it comes to arranging your bedroom, for example, feng shui consultants won't demand you float your bed at a weird angle in the middle of the room and paint your walls four different colors (at least, not the ones we spoke to). Instead, feng shui principles are malleable. "Principles are meant to be flexible, which allows the mind more room for creative solutions when needed," says New York-based feng shui consultant Laura Cerrano.
There's another reason to adopt feng shui principles, especially in the bedroom: According to feng shui, how you position your furniture can actually impact your sleep—something we could frankly all use a little more of. Not convinced? Try out a few of these nine feng shui practices, plus 11 more tips, and tell us how you slept.
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Courtesy of Studio Ashby One of the most important things in laying out your bedroom is to leave equal room on both sides of the bed. "This is symbolic of creating equal space for both you and your partner," explains Cerrano. "Sometimes the dimensions of a bedroom don't allow for this arrangement, so holding the intention of creating space is essential. Even if you could only spare an inch of space between the wall and bed, it's better than nothing. "
For balance, try placing two side tables and two lamps in your bedroom—one side table and one lamp on each side of the bed. Plus, symmetry is pleasing to the eye.
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Tessa Neustadt ; DESIGN: Amber Interiors"The most common feng shui principle in the bedroom is to have a commanding position," says Cerrano. This means positioning your bed with a clear vantage point of the bedroom door from the bed while avoiding being 100 percent in alignment with the doorway, Cerrano says.
The result? "This allows the occupant to literally, energetically, and metaphorically see and feel who and what opportunities are approaching their life."
The same goes for the ensuite bath, says Cerrano. "If you have a primary bathroom connected to your bedroom, you would also want to avoid placing your bed in direct alignment with the bathroom door."
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Courtesy of Fantastic Frank It might be tempting to treat your bedroom as a storage unit, but Cerrano warns against filling it with too much stuff. In fact, Harvard Medical School recommends minimizing clutter in the bedroom environment to improve sleep quality, which in turn promotes better health and aging well.
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Cody Ulrich ; DESIGN: HomepolishMirrors in the bedroom can seem like a natural fit for many, but feng shui warns against overusing them: "There are varying thoughts on this, but the one perspective many consultants agree upon is that adding too many mirrors in the bedroom creates an imbalance of energy," says Cerrano.
According to feng shui principles, mirrors have the ability to activate the energy within a room, yet the most important thing is to test this for yourself because every person is different, says Cerrano. "Clients I work with will sometimes choose to keep a mirror in their bedroom and tell me that they sleep soundly. Others will negotiate the principle and remove extra mirrors and still keep one while being mindful of what it reflects. Some clients love the idea of no mirrors in the bedroom or may just place a long mirror inside the closet door. " If you do that, Cerrano adds, "just make sure the closet is organized because mirrors double what they project."
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Cody Ulrich ; DESIGN: HomepolishPeople sometimes avoid rugs in the bedroom because larger-scale ones can be expensive, but Cerrano insists it's a worthwhile investment for your sleep: "Adding an area rug under or near the bed is another way to help ground the energy when sleeping and create a balance between yin (soft textures) and yang (hard surfaces)." Having two smaller rugs on each side can achieve a similar effect without the costly price tag.
06 of 20 A common place for storage in the bedroom is usually under the bed, but Cerrano believes it's not good practice: "From a feng shui perspective, storage under the bed can obstruct your sleeping pattern because the movement of energy cannot flow evenly around the energy fields of your bed." For example, Cerrano suggests storing shoes in closets because otherwise, "they symbolize other people potentially taking advantage of you. "
The feng shui consultant recognizes that it's not always possible to leave the area under the bed completely clutter-free: "If you do need to store items under the bed, be mindful of who gave these items to you and what emotional content you associate with them." She adds that some items—specifically bedding, clothing, and towels—are better to store under the bed than others. A small number of books is also acceptable, as long as their titles and content are positive.
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Brooke Holm/Trunk ArchiveThis practice speaks more to everyday habits than layout or décor, but Cerrano stresses that it's nonetheless important: "Making your bed may seem small and insignificant, yet a greater development within your conscious and subconscious minds is evolving. This simple act becomes your first accomplishment of the day and it only requires two minutes of your time."
Making the bed every morning can kickstart an organized mindset, which helps reduce stress and increase motivation, Cerrano says. "It’s also a means of self-respect because it means you've taken the time to prepare your bed for sleep as your mom or dad may have done during childhood. It's a little slice of self-love."
08 of 20 like making your bed in the morning, opening your blinds before you head out for work may not be ingrained in your daily rituals, but it should be: "Opening your blinds and your windows (if weather permits) during the day is a wonderful habit to acquire," says Cerrano.
"This is called letting the outside in. It helps to refresh the energy by allowing natural light and fresh air to filter into your bedroom. At night, close the windows and blinds as to keep the fresh energy circulating inside your bedroom when sleeping." Even if you won't be there to enjoy the natural light, let it stream in while you're at work (just don't leave your windows open and unattended—burglary is never good for feng shui).
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Courtesy of Tali Roth You may be inclined to go bright green in a bedroom, but Cerrano advises against it if you're considering feng shui principles. Instead, "pick neutral colors when painting large walls to not overstimulate the energy when you are sleeping. This could include beiges, cream colors, and earth tones. You could even include some cool blue tones. For smaller accent colors, pick colors associated with partnership energy: Pinks, reds, and whites. This could be implemented through artwork, small crystals (like rose quartz), organic candles, or bed sheets."
The goal is to create a sacred and sensual space for yourself and to share with another—if that is your intention, says Cerrano. "The addition of certain feng shui colors is just one way to assist in the atmospheric rendering of good feng shui."
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Don't align your bed directly with the bathroom door. Some feng shui consultants will say the bathroom is associated with energy drain, and suggest avoiding positioning your bed this way.
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Karolina Grabowska
Similarly, "feng shui principles invite you to remove electronics from inside the bedroom: TVs, computers, and cell phones emit the largest amounts of electric and magnetic fields, which could disturb your immune system and sleep," explains Cerrano.
The same goes for work-related gadgetry and papers, Cerrano says. "The bedroom is a place for rest, rejuvenation, and reconnection. Space can be tight, especially in studios and one-bedroom apartments, but if you can create a work area in your home that is away from the bedroom, it will help improve your quality of sleep."
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Feng shui experts are divided on plants in the bedroom. Some say plants (including other wooden accents) contain too much energetic yang energy, while others say a large bedroom can accommodate a small plant or a single palm.
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Monica Wang
Elements of wood, fire, metal, earth, and water should all be represented equally for good feng shui. Express these elements through your bedroom's color palette, textures, shapes, and decorative objects.
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In feng shui, a headboard symbolizes support. Just make sure it's securely attached and opt for soft edges (and avoid activating materials like iron) when possible.
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Avoid inviting threatening energy into the bedroom by keeping the space directly above your head free and clear. Or at least choose artwork made from softer material or a piece that features a soothing pattern.
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Karolina Grabowska
When accessorizing your bedroom, think about appealing to the five senses: touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste. Think feel-good textiles, a vanilla-scented candle, a jar of water nearby, and maybe even a white noise machine or a soothing bedtime playlist.
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Anne Sage
Evaluate your bedroom for any sharp or protruding corners, and if needed, reposition your furniture so these corners aren't pointing directly at your head.
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Haymes Paint
Tall, looming pieces of furniture have a tendency to give off constrictive energy in the bedroom. Feng shui experts recommend keeping these pieces, like bookshelves, outside of the bedroom.
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While water elements can improve good feng shui in the home, features like fountains, artwork depicting oceans, rivers, etc. should also be kept outside of the bedroom—they give off too much energetic yang energy.
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If possible, feng shui experts recommend investing in a full-sized bed or larger. Any smaller and the chi won't circulate as smoothly in the room.
7 Expert-Approved Feng Shui Tips for Your Home
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Successful Aging: 10 Tips for Better Sleep.
Harvard Medical School. July 28, 2017
Feng Shui for the bedroom
Literally translated "feng shui" means "wind and water". This is a Chinese teaching that helps to direct and balance the effect of the mysterious forces of nature on human health.
The teaching of Feng Shui originated in Ancient China about 3000 years ago, it continues to develop and improve. The basis of Feng Shui is the doctrine of vital energy (qi), characteristic of all living and non-living things on earth. Feng Shui is also used to create an interior: with its help, you can determine the direction of qi flows and, as a result, correctly place objects in the living space so that a person lives easily and comfortably.
Old books, magazines, newspapers should not be stored in the bedroom, their energy does not contribute to good sleep. The bedroom is a place where a person spends almost a third of his life, so you should carefully consider the choice of the room itself and the creation of the environment. It is not very good if the room is located opposite the bathroom or the front door - the owners may experience inexplicable anxiety.
Bedroom and cardinal points
Each direction has its advantages and disadvantages, let's dwell on them in more detail.
If your bedroom is located to the north, this is a great place for meditation, deep sleep and relaxation. But this direction does not have a very beneficial effect on lonely people: they can feel detached from the world. The northeast is not very favorable, because it worsens sleep, which means you will feel tired. Northwest is a good direction for people who prefer stability in everything.
The East is an ideal choice for a young family, the creative energy promotes development, growth and learning. Creative and business people will feel comfortable in the southeast. The western zone is recommended for romantics, for whom business and work fade into the background, the same can be said about the southern bedroom, but it will be problematic to sleep and relax in it. The southwest is considered the most unfavorable direction, here the energy is most unbalanced, therefore, a person’s subconscious mind can be haunted by a feeling of anxiety.
Bedroom color selection
Everyone who equips their own bedroom knows that the choice of color is a very important issue. The abundance of red or black shades increases the level of anxiety and clearly does not contribute to relaxation. In general, a feng shui bedroom should be done in pastel colors with bright accents. Beige, cream, light green, lavender, pale blue shades have positive energy, create a feeling of freedom and space.
It is believed that two energies should be harmoniously combined in the bedroom: yin and yang. Yin is female energy, it is characterized by calm lighting, soft colors, smooth shapes. If you feel that you are not getting enough sleep in a bedroom that is classical in all respects, then it is worth shifting the emphasis towards yang. Add shades of burgundy, dark red, dark green or blue to the interior, pick up matte shades or lampshades, bedspreads with a bright pattern.
In any bedroom there are zones: love, relaxation area, storage area. The most important is the love zone, it can be decorated with paired objects: red or orange candles, angels, figurines. Dreamcatchers are also often used - they should be hung at the head of the bed. Areas should not be cluttered, so all things should be securely hidden in a closet, and not lie in a messy pile in plain sight.
Feng Shui bedroom furniture
The heart of the bedroom is, of course, the bed, the perfect Feng Shui bed with a double mattress and a wide headboard. Each shape of the headboard has its own meaning: a triangular back accompanies love life, an oval or round one will bring prosperity to the family, a rectangular one guarantees marital fidelity. A wave-shaped headboard is suitable for experienced couples, it gives peace and tranquility, but an arched arch is not the best choice for a bed, it is a symbol of the "dead dream". There must be one mattress on the bed, since the symbolic separation of spouses into 2 mattresses may eventually become real. It is also not recommended to sleep on two beds pushed together.
The bed should not be round, and you should not give preference to synthetic water mattresses - an unstable bed does not accompany a good rest. The bed should not have its feet facing the doorway, but it can be positioned so that when you lie on it, you can see the bedroom door. You should not place a bed under the ceiling beams, which are not decorated with anything - the spouses may have health problems and troubles in their personal lives.
Large windows are welcome in the bedroom, but direct sunlight should not fall on the bed, so take care of thick fabric curtains. Near the beds, you can place small bedside tables or tables, but in storage boxes it is better to keep only bed linen. You should not put a bed in the middle of the room, this is a sign of instability and promises trouble. Do not sleep under a large lamp that "cuts" the bed in two, negative energy can also affect a sleeping couple.
Separate conversation - bed linen. It should not be blue or black, red - only for exceptional cases. Cars, predatory animals, bright acid paintings are also not the best choice, as they provoke hidden anxiety.
Feng Shui bedroom mirrors
Since ancient times, the mirror has been considered a powerful energy storage, so when considering the design of the bedroom, place this piece of furniture with care. You should not hang a mirror at the foot of the bed, otherwise a person may wake up to see his own reflection and mistake it for a ghost. It is also believed that a mirror located at the feet of a couple can lead to a deterioration in relationships.
You should not hang a mirror in front of the door to the room, as it will reflect all the energy, which means that favorable qi will not linger in your bedroom. A mirror can be helpful if your bed is positioned so that you can't see the front door. Then you can just look at the wall and see the incoming person without turning your head.
General Feng Shui Guidelines
- Before embarking on a new bedroom design, do a quality renovation or cleaning.
There should be no stains on the ceiling, scuffs on the wallpaper, and so on.
- The bedroom should always have working chandeliers, lamps and nightlights, they need to be regularly cleaned of dust, so you should not choose overly complex designs - taking care of them takes a lot of effort.
- Regularly sort out things in the closet, put things in order, get rid of excesses. Order in the closet - order in personal life.
- If your bedroom has a nightstand or dressing table, don't clutter it up. Put cosmetics, magazines, sets, etc. inside, and put a beautiful talisman or figurine on the nightstand.
- Repair furniture in time, it should always be clean and stable.
- Try to clean your bedroom yourself, a housekeeper or a stranger will not be able to fill this room with favorable energy.
Do's and don'ts?
- Old books, magazines, newspapers should not be kept in the bedroom, their energy does not contribute to good sleep.
- Try to carefully choose indoor plants for the bedroom: for example, climbing flowers can draw energy from a sleeping person, so it is better to rearrange the pot with them somewhere in the kitchen or living room.
- The bedroom is a place of rest, so it is better to keep the safe, documents and other things related to work in the office.
- Do not fill this room with bright light, halogen lamps are also not the best choice, they break the intimate atmosphere and harmony.
- Cages with parrots, chinchillas and other small animals should not be in the bedroom. This is not the place for an aquarium, because water creates anxiety and anxiety.
- When choosing paintings for the bedroom, give preference to beautiful landscapes, still lifes, family miniatures, but it is better to refuse water landscapes or pictures of flowers.
- Clocks are not desirable in the bedroom: firstly, their ticking can interfere, and secondly, they should not be bulky, because they accumulate bad energy.
If you can’t do without a clock, let it be a small alarm clock.
- Modern technology is absolutely not conducive to romance and relaxation, so it is better to place a computer or music center in a living room or office. The TV is also a separate topic of conversation: if you can’t fall asleep without it, then always unplug it from the outlet at night.
The bedroom is a very personal and intimate room, where a person should feel cozy and comfortable. In the catalog you can choose high-quality furniture for your bedroom. In a dream, we are vulnerable, so this Feng Shui room should protect us, give strength and positive energy, so choose the right bedroom design!
Feng Shui Bedroom: 12 Expert Tips
Designer, feng shui specialist and author of Hostilis Spaces, Angie Cho.
- Photo
- @anjiecho
The bedroom is the main place in the house. Here we have a rest from a busy day, enjoy sleep, recharge our “vital batteries”, fill up with energy for new beginnings and achievements. Feng Shui practices from American interior designer, feng shui specialist and author of the popular book Hostilis Spaces, Anjie Cho, can help you create a harmonious space in which the senses are in peace and balance.
Peace, only peace!
Whatever style you like, your goal is to create the most peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom. “The most important thing in feng shui is how you feel in a certain space. In the bedroom, which has positive energy, you will feel care, support, feel comfortable, like at home. Your environment has a huge impact on your state of mind, well-being and even health.
Do not place the bed in line with the door
The main principle of Feng Shui requires that the bed be placed diagonally to the door. When you lie in bed, you should be able to see the door, but it should not be in line with the bed. You should not sleep with your feet to the door and your head to the door.
Project by Ekaterina Gafina and Yulia Nikulina.
The headboard should be one piece
The headboard connects you to your partner and provides stability and harmony between the masculine and feminine. Therefore, it must be homogeneous, without holes and holes. It is best to use wooden or soft textile headboards. But avoid metal, because metal headboards are often made in a lattice pattern and create a caged feel.
Designed by Katerina Lashmanova.
Hide the TV away from your eyes
Whether or not to put the TV in the bedroom is up to you and your habits. But if you have trouble sleeping, it's best not to use it where you sleep, or at least hide it from view behind a wooden screen or curtain. Nowadays, there are many different elegant ways to hide equipment so that it does not interfere with sleep.
Choose plants carefully
Living greenery in the interior has a good effect on our state of mind, nature pacifies and harmonizes our feelings. However, not all plants meet the principles of Feng Shui. According to Angie Cho, it is best to use plants with soft, rounded leaves. For example, succulents with heart-shaped leaves or mother-in-law's tongue that releases oxygen at night - they not only heal the room, but also create a calm, peaceful atmosphere in it.
Organic bedding
Bed linen made from natural organic materials (such as cotton or bamboo fibers) is the best option for a feng shui bedroom. There are many ethical questions about how, what, and under what conditions bedding is made, because all the negative (or positive) energy is woven into the materials. Try to buy products from "ethical", non-toxic, environmentally friendly materials, because this will directly affect your well-being and life.
When it comes to color choice, white is too boring for a bedroom. It is like a blank canvas on which you apply different accents, such as colorful pillows. If you want to attract a partner to yourself, use pink bedding, if you want to add passion and fire to your personal life, use red.
Bedroom of fashion designer and style icon Betty Johnson.
1 of 7
Bed linen Euro "Kingdom of peonies", Mia Cara
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2 of 7
Bed linen 1.5-bed "Mr. cat", Bellehome
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3 of 7
Bed linen Euro "Pearl pink", LaPrima
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4 of 7
Bed linen Loft 2985
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Material: satin
Advertising. Yandex LLC
5 out of 7
Bed linen Scandinavian style, Absolut
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6 out of 7
Bed linen Euro "Gloria", "Tender is the night"
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7 of 7
Bed linen 1.5-bed "Lyon", Bellehome
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Strive for balance
If you want to attract a partner or are already in a relationship with someone, the principle of balance and balance is extremely important in the bedroom. Free space on both sides of the bed or bedside tables on both sides are just some examples. By the way, bedside tables do not have to be the same. They can even stand asymmetrically - there are no strict rules, the principle of balance leaves you freedom of action.
Project by Mike Shilov.
Incorporate Your Favorite Colors
Most people think that a completely neutral palette is the key to a perfect feng shui bedroom interior. However, this is not quite true. You can use here any shades that are close to you and resonate with your feelings. The neutral gamma is now tending towards more earthy shades: "earth" gives the foundation, support, stability, and energizes. If it suits you, feel free to choose such a palette. But in the end it all depends on your personal tastes and preferences.
- Photo
- Zara Home
Proper lighting is at the forefront
Designed by Rina Lovko. Lamp, Vibia.
More light in the house is one of the key principles of Feng Shui. It brings brilliance, clarity, activity to all areas of your life. Feng Shui recommends paying special attention to lighting - it is indispensable when someone in the house is depressed, upset or depressed. Use lighting with a color temperature of 2700 K, not 3000 K: it adds more warmth, comfort and soulfulness to the interior. And don't forget about candles - another undisputed favorite in the interior of the bedroom, creating the most intimate atmosphere that it would be difficult to achieve with the help of lighting fixtures.
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- Getty
1 of 10
Scented candle "Berries and rose", Decogallery
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2 of 10
Scented candle "Fresh linen", Whaleway
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Material: soy wax, wooden wick. Volume 110 ml
Advertising. OOO "Yandex"
3 out of 10
Glass candlestick "Glass on a leg"
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Material: transparent glass. Dimensions: 18x8.5x5 cm
Advertising. Yandex LLC
4 out of 10
Scented candle Goal Seeding, Face Yoga
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Volume 180 ml
5 out of 10
Candle "Cupcake & Vanilla", Laboratorium, 100 ml
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Advertising. Yandex LLC
6 out of 10
Set of natural dried flowers
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Beautiful, natural, eco-friendly decoration for handmade candles
Advertising. Yandex LLC
7 out of 10
Scented candle "Lemongrass", Organictai
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Volume 180 ml
Advertising. www.lamoda. ru
8 of 10
Scented candle "Sandalwood", Decogallery
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9 out of 10
Scented candle Taiga, Candle Me
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Fresh forest scent, wooden wick
10 out of 10
Scented candle with cinnamon scent, Yankee Candle
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Avoid family photos
Strange as it sounds, Feng Shui believes that there is no room for family photos in the bedroom. This is an empire for two: you and your partner, and photos of family members do not contribute to creating a sexy interior.
Don't hang pictures too low
The picture above the bed is a traditional element of bedroom decor.