Grow jasmine in container

Jasmine Container Care - When And How To Repot A Jasmine Plant

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By: Anne Baley

Image by dianazh

Compared to most other houseplants, jasmine plants can go a long time before needing to be repotted. Jasmine likes to be snug in its container, so you really have to wait until it’s almost pot bound before giving it a new home. Repotting jasmine is a straightforward process, not much different from repotting other plants, except for the extreme amount of roots you’ll have to deal with. The secret to your success will be when to repot jasmines, not how to repot a jasmine. Get the timing right and your plant will continue growing year round.

When and How to Repot a Jasmine Plant

As a jasmine plant grows, the roots wrap themselves around inside the pot, much like any other plant. The proportion of roots to potting soil slowly changes, until you have more roots than soil. This means the amount of material that holds moisture is less than when you first planted. So when you water your jasmine plant and it needs watering again after two or three days, it’s time to repot.

Lay the plant on its side on some old newspaper inside or in the grass outdoors. Pull the root ball from the pot by tapping gently on the sides, then slide the roots out. Inspect the roots. If you see any black or dark brown pieces, cut them off with a clean, sharp utility knife. Loosen up the roots with your hands to unravel the tangles and to remove as much of the old potting soil as possible. Cut off any long strands of roots that have wrapped themselves around the root ball.

Make four vertical slices in the sides of the root ball, from the top to the bottom. Space the slices out equally around the root ball. This will encourage fresh new roots to grow. Plant the jasmine with fresh potting soil in a container 2 inches (5 cm.) larger across than the one it previously lived in.

Jasmine Container Care

Once you get the plant settled in its new home, jasmine container care can be a bit tricky indoors. This is a plant that loves a lot of bright light, but not direct noonday sun. Most jasmines that do poorly after being brought inside in the fall do so because they’re not getting enough light. Try putting the planter in an east window with a sheer curtain between the plant and the glass, or a southern-facing window with the same setup.

Jasmine is a tropical plant, so it likes soil that’s constantly moist, but not soaking wet. Never let the soil dry out completely. Check the moisture level by sticking your finger into the potting soil. If it’s dry about half an inch (1 cm.) below the surface, give the plant a complete watering.

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Can I Grow Jasmine In A Pot (And How To Care For It)

Jasmine is a perennial shrubby liana that can be cultivated like a climber, provided it is palisaded. It can of course be planted in pots or planters, on a terrace or balcony. There are many species of jasmine, but the officinal jasmine, or white jasmine, is one of the most hardy, most common and easiest to live with.



How to plant jasmine in a pot?
  1. Offer him a large container with a hole in the bottom (at least 40 cm in all directions) because his rooting is vigorous.
  2. Place the rootball in a bucket of water to rehydrate it.
  3. Put clay balls in the bottom and cover with a veil to prevent the soil from clogging the drainage holes when watering.
  4. Use a special Mediterranean plant potting soil or a good geranium potting soil lightened with coarse sand or perlite.
  5. Position the jasmine and its stake, and fill in with substrate.
  6. Water generously and mulch to limit the frequency of watering.


How to water potted jasmine?

In pots, it is necessary to water more regularly than in the ground because the water evaporates faster. Water as soon as the soil is dry on the surface because this climber likes to have fresh, but not soggy, soil.


In summer, do not hesitate to put a layer of mulch to preserve the humidity of the soil and keep it cool.


How to repot a jasmine?

Jasmine is repotted in the spring, every 2-3 years. If you see rootlets coming out of the holes in your pot and wrapping around the root ball, it’s time to repot! Take the root ball out of the pot and choose a new one 1.5 times bigger than the previous one.


Replace a drainage layer (clay balls or gravel) at the bottom of the pot, so that the water does not stagnate. Mix potting soil with sand and some compost. Cover your clay balls with it and place the root ball in the pot. The collar should be just below the top of the pot. Fill up with the mixture, compact and sprinkle with water.

Which jar for jasmine?

Prefer terracotta pots that allow water and air to circulate. When you buy your jasmine, it is already in a small plastic pot. Choose a new container that measures 2cm (diameter or width) more than the one you bought.



Protect a jasmine in winter?

Out of mild climate, bring it in during the winter as soon as night temperatures drop below 2°C, jasmine in pot being more gelatinous than in the open ground. Store it in a clear, unheated (but frost-free) room.


How to cut jasmines?

After flowering, cut a 15 cm long branch, not too young (green). Remove the lower leaves and put the cutting in a pot filled with a mixture of soil and sand. You can plant several per pot.


Water in a fine rain.

Place the pot in the shade under cover and keep the substrate moist. Depending on the species, rooting takes more or less time. Sambac jasmine, for example, may take several months to root.


How to fertilize potted jasmine?

During the growth period, then during the flowering season (April to August), apply liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every 15 days.


How to take care of potted star jasmine?

In the same way as false jasmine in the ground for fertilizer applications. However, it will need regular watering and pruning may be more important to control its development.


Size of the jasmine in pot

During the first few years, jasmine grows slowly and often needs to be helped to climb up by palliating it on its support.


Once installed, its growth accelerates. Prune the false jasmine once a year, just after flowering. Eliminate the dry branches and slightly shorten the stems which have just bloomed to densify its port.


Attacks and diseases of potted jasmine

Jasmine is very resistant to disease and parasites. Aphids can visit it, let the ladybugs do their work and they will soon arrive or spray a soapy solution to eliminate them.



The flowering of the jasmines is spread out from March to September according to the species. With white, yellow or pink flowers, sometimes fragrant, jasmines are grown in pots or in the ground.


Unless you enjoy a mild winter climate, this jasmine needs to be grown in a pot to be kept in a bright but frost-free room in winter, such as a veranda or an unheated greenhouse.

Growing and Care for the Plant


A jasmine bush planted in a summer cottage not only looks attractive, but also endows its owners with an amazing aroma of delicate flowers. The popular name for the plant is mock orange. Jasmine (Philadelphus) has long been used by people for applied purposes. Its wood was used to make smoking pipes, flutes, and pipes. Today it is a purely ornamental plant, often used in landscape design. Caring for jasmine in the country is not difficult, but still necessary.

Description of the shrub and features of its cultivation

Garden jasmine belongs to the Hydrangea family. With real jasmine, a representative of the Olive family, it has only an abundance of snow-white flowers with a similar aroma in common. The height of this deciduous shrub depends on the variety and can vary from 70 cm (in miniature varieties) to 6 m. Its long straight branches are covered with gray bark. The ovoid leaves are 2 to 7 cm long. Inflorescences are racemose, consisting of simple semi-double or double flowers.

Garden jasmine

There are different types and varieties of jasmine. It is better to choose for planting those that are easily adapted to the climate where they are to be grown. In Russia, the following species are most popular:

In addition to the Madagascar species, jasmine-like gardenia is often grown at home, blooming with fragrant white flowers.

The intensity of the aroma depends on the particular variety of mock orange. Some varieties smell barely perceptible, others exude a strong sweetish aroma. There are shrubs, the smell of which resembles a berry. For example, strawberry jasmine during flowering emits the aroma of the berry of the same name.

Strawberry Jasmine

For those who decide to plant jasmine, care and cultivation of this crop in the garden will not bring any special worries. Experts recommend planting several varieties of mock orange with different flowering periods on the site at once. In this case, it does not matter when the jasmine blooms, in what month, as clouds of white petals will decorate the site from June to August.

Please note! Due to the presence of many useful components in the tissues, jasmine is included in herbal medicinal preparations. Mock orange tea has a tonic and tonic effect, helps in the treatment of depression, relieves headache and muscle pain, inflammation in the joints.

Jasmine: how to plant and care

Garden jasmine - care and cultivation

If the gardener has decided to plant jasmine, the bush can be rooted both in spring and autumn. According to experts, autumn planting is preferable. The place does not have to be sunny, mock orange tolerates shading well. It also does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil. The shrub can easily endure drought, but flowering in this case will be weak.

Planting jasmine

If you plant jasmine in a well-lit fertile area and regularly moisten it, the flowers will bloom one after another, with their snow-white mass resembling a lush cloud. For planting, it is better to choose a clear, calm day in late September or early October. At the bottom of the planting pit with a diameter and depth of 50 cm, it is recommended to lay a drainage layer 15 cm thick, and on top of it a mixture consisting of the following components:

When planting, the root collar must not be planted more than 3 cm deep, otherwise the stem may rot. The earth near the bush is slightly compacted. After planting, a small groove is dug around the seedling for further watering. Immediately after this, 2 buckets of water should be poured under the root in small portions.

Watering at planting

If several jasmine specimens are planted at once, a distance of 1.5 m is maintained between them. When planting a plant as a hedge, the interval is reduced to 50-80 cm.

Important! The site should not be blown by the winds, as the mock orange belongs to heat-loving crops and reacts poorly to drafts.

Transplanting a plant

If the jasmine was originally grown in a pot as a house plant, it can be transplanted outdoors at any time. It is better to transplant from one place of the site to another in the fall, in early or mid-October. In summer, during flowering, it is better not to replant the shrub, as the plant gives all its strength to the formation of flowers and will not be able to adapt normally.

Please note! Before the procedure, the mock orange is tied with a rope so that the shoots do not break, and watered abundantly. When the earth absorbs water, the plant is carefully removed from the pot, holding it by the crown. If jasmine is transplanted, which grows in the ground, the bush is dug up, stepping back from the trunk by 30 cm, cutting off the roots with a shovel.

1.5 kg of rotted manure mixed with fertile soil is preliminarily laid on the bottom of the pit. As a top dressing, you can also use ash or superphosphate. Further, the procedure is the same as when planting a seedling with an open root system. Transplanted young plants easily take root in a new place.


How to care for jasmine in the garden after planting? So that the moisture from the ground does not evaporate too quickly, the soil after planting must be mulched with garden soil, peat, humus. It is recommended to cut off the aerial part of the bush, leaving 4-6 buds on each shoot. This technique allows the plant to take root better and later form a more lush crown. If the land was well fertilized at planting, the next top dressing is done no earlier than 2 years later. The plant will have enough supply of nutrients for this period.

Soil mulching

Jasmine is a horticultural, cultivated plant, and for further active growth it needs top dressing. It is recommended to apply fertilizers under the jasmine bush twice a season - in early spring and after flowering. Nitrogen should predominate in spring top dressing, and in summer it is recommended to feed jasmine with fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium. Mock oranges are watered in hot, dry weather. The rest of the time, he has enough moisture, which comes from precipitation and morning dew. After the last rain, the soil under the shrub needs to be loosened.

If the plant's leaves are curling, it's most likely caused by a lack of moisture. During a drought, it is recommended to pour 3-4 buckets of water under the bush every 2-3 days. At the time of flowering, watering is carried out more often. The consequence of a dry autumn may be an insufficient supply of moisture for the plant for the winter. In this case, it is recommended to carry out water charging irrigation. Any summer resident should understand that a jasmine bush, planting and caring for which is not so difficult, will actively grow and bloom if everything was done according to the rules.

Care of jasmine

Propagation methods

Domestic jasmine: care and cultivation from seeds

How to grow jasmine from scratch? For propagation of shrubs, seeds, cuttings and layering are more often used. These methods are considered the most effective for obtaining new specimens of mock orange:

Propagation of jasmine

Before the plant blooms, the young mock orange is only watered, loosened and fed. After the flowers wither, the bush will need pruning.

Planting in Siberia

Madagascar jasmine: care and cultivation at home

Since the climatic conditions of the regions vary greatly, when planting jasmine, one should take into account the weather characteristics of a particular region. Siberia is characterized by short summers and long, severe winters. The main condition for the successful cultivation of mock orange here is a competent choice of variety. The plant must be frost-resistant, not requiring shelter for the winter.

Important! Small-leaved or thin-leaved mock orange is recommended for planting in this region. Both varieties are able to tolerate frosts down to -35 ° C. Young seedlings are planted in August-September. Before wintering, the shoots are shortened to the height of the snow cover. This will protect the branches from freezing. If there is little snow, it is additionally thrown onto the bush.

Diseases and pests

Fungal diseases affect jasmine rarely and only when there are prerequisites for this - excessive moisture and thickening of the crown. That is, a plant can get sick during the rainy season or when competent pruning has not been carried out. If there are signs of rust, spotting, the bush should be treated with a fungicide.

Aphids on jasmine

Of the insects on jasmine, aphids, spider mites, and weevil can parasitize. Young growths are especially often affected. An infusion of tobacco, garlic or laundry soap will help get rid of pests. If there are too many insects and folk methods have proven ineffective, the mock orange is sprayed with a suitable industrial insecticide, having prepared the solution according to the instructions for the drug.

Those who are passionate about ornamental gardening will sooner or later come up with the idea of ​​planting jasmine in their garden. You can be sure that the owner will not regret his choice. It is impossible not to fall in love with this delicate fragrant plant. In addition, jasmine is a long-liver, it will be able to please the beauty of its owner for 3-4 decades.

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Veseloeva Marina Nikolaevna

How to plant jasmine at home, garden jasmine shrub: planting in open ground

You can't even imagine how many unique properties common and common plants can have. In pursuit of exotic species with a capricious nature and a lot of difficulties in terms of care, many summer residents simply ignore the popular green spaces that live and develop freely in our area. Among them is the jasmine bush.

This multi-stem dweller can grow up to four meters in height and come in a wide variety of colors . Most often it has snow-white or delicate cream shades, covering cream flowers and whole leaves. Received great popularity due to unpretentiousness in the choice of conditions of detention and excellent aroma . During the flowering period, garden jasmine emits a sweetish, fresh scent that fills the garden with a real fragrance. If you plant different types of bushes in your backyard, this will allow you to enjoy charming compositions and a surprisingly pleasant aroma for a long time.

The jasmine bush is especially respected in Eastern countries, where it is called the symbol of love and passion. Based on this exotic creation, the most valuable essential oils are created that help relieve anxiety, stress, anxiety, depression and anxiety, raise hormonal status, and are also an indispensable component of highly effective cosmetic products. In addition, the pleasant smell of jasmine attracts beneficial insect pollinators, including:

Garden jasmine is often called mock orange , which is related to the purpose of the wood of the shrub in the old days. Even in Rus', pipes for smoking pipes were made from such material, from where such an interesting name came from.

Varieties of jasmine varieties

As mentioned above, the jasmine plant is represented in nature by various varieties and many hybrids. However, there are a number of the most popular and well-known species that are great for home gardening. Let's highlight some of them:

The variety pink jasmine is also appreciated by the people, but its cultivation is accompanied by certain difficulties. As a result of diligent breeding work and crossing of the above three species, scientists have developed many new varieties, including: "Efironos", "Gletcher", "Alabaster" and others.

How to plant jasmine

Planting jasmine outdoors is a very important event that determines the beauty and success of the crop in the future. In order for garden jasmine to delight you with a long and lush flowering, you should correctly respond to a number of important points, including the choice of planting site and soil preparation. It is important to remember that a comfortable distance between the roots and the walls of the hole should be at least 10 centimeters. It is better to sprinkle the rhizome with earth, deepening the root neck by 3 centimeters. Then it remains to water the bush abundantly and wait for rooting.

When choosing a suitable planting site, one should be guided by the fact that the plant grows and blooms in a special way in the south side of the plot . However, even if planted in the northern zone or in partial shade, development will be carried out quite normally. It is important that there is no stagnation of groundwater in the soil composition, which can cause the development of fungal microorganisms and putrefactive processes.

Many novice gardeners often ask the question: "When is it better to plant a bush in open ground and in what place will it bloom well?".

The best time to plant a tree is early spring or late autumn . Try to have time to implement the action before the final opening of the kidneys. Experienced growers plant the crop in September or mid-October, claiming it will bloom very profusely when planted .

As for the soil composition, the tree lives quietly in almost any soil, but a special development efficiency is noticed when growing in a fertile substrate . Immediately before planting in open ground, the earth must be carefully dug up and equipped with a hole, at least 50 centimeters deep . Later, nitrophoska is poured into the hole in the proportion of 30 grams per 1 seedling. The drainage layer is made from the following materials:

Peculiarities of reproduction

Currently, the jasmine shrub reproduces in the following ways:

seeds can be sown at any time of the year. If you carry out the procedure in winter, it is important that it is calm outside, and the thermometer does not fall below -10 degrees Celsius. It is important to close the seeds with straw or coniferous branches. In spring, the protection is removed, while the seedlings are protected from the aggressive effects of direct sunlight.

When propagated by cuttings , planting material is harvested in autumn and stored in the cellar during the winter season. In early spring, they land in open ground. As soon as the cuttings grow slightly, they need to be spudded, which will be a good stimulation of the growth of the rhizome.

In order to form cuttings , young shoots should be selected in early spring, which are laid out in beds and covered with soil. When young shoots appear, layering spuds. In autumn, they are separated from the main bush.

Propagation by dividing the bush is considered the simplest and most common way to propagate jasmine. At this stage, it is important to carefully separate the excavated root system, being careful not to damage it. Separate parts of jasmine are planted in different places of the territory.

Caring for garden jasmine

If you intend to plant a double shrub in your garden, be prepared to give it the proper attention and care, otherwise it will not bloom properly. Only if the key rules are followed exactly as established, the bush will delight you with lush and abundant flowering for a long time:

Jasmine needs abundant watering , the intensity of which should be maximum in dry weather. Drying out of the soil is an extremely undesirable phenomenon that will cause the leaves to turn yellow, as a result of which the culture will stop blooming. About three liters of water should be poured per square meter of territory.

The first feeding measures are carried out only a year after planting, and in mineral and organic preparations are used as fertilizers. In a 10-liter bucket of water, 30 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of urea are stirred. This top dressing is suitable for processing two bushes. As a good organic fertilizer, you can use slurry, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

jasmine is known to have excellent winter hardiness , so there is no need to carry out special preparatory measures. It is worth covering only young shoots using a light-colored cloth or rope.

Jasmine needs regular pruning work which is meant to give a neat shape and appearance. Every year, sanitary and cosmetic pruning should be carried out, thinning out the bushes and removing dried inflorescences to thin the crown. Once every three years, old shoots over the age of 12 should be removed.

In addition, cuttings are also intended for rejuvenating purposes, in the process of which, in the spring, the bush is cut to 0.5 meters. If the stems are cut, it is better to treat the cut points with a garden pitch, which will prevent fungal diseases.

Protection against diseases and pests

Despite strong immunity and excellent endurance, jasmine needs reliable protection against spider mites, aphids, weevil and soft false scales . Preventive measures consist in treating the shrub with various insecticides. Laundry soap or ash should be used as organic fertilizers.

In gardening, jasmine is grown in large mixborders and is an indispensable addition to the garden landscape. Dwarf varieties look great in rock gardens or rocky gardens. They can be planted in flower beds, where they play the role of a living border or edging.

It is known that jasmine shrub looks great in composition with lilac, hydrangea or weigela. Desiring to create a beautiful hedge, many gardeners combine different varieties of jasmine with luxurious shades and a unique form of inflorescences. In addition, the plant looks beautiful when properly placed with other green spaces, representing a good decoration for the gate, the walls of the house or benches.

Jasmine is a delightful shrub, so its presence in the garden is a vivid example of the refined taste of the owners of the house. It is important to pay attention to the fact that some varieties are able to bloom twice in a season. And if we talk about low jasmine, which is used in the design of rock gardens, then it may not bloom at all. For this reason, people suffering from allergic reactions to jasmine should grow low-growing varieties.

As mentioned above, in addition to the unique decorative properties and fragrant aroma, the culture has other useful properties. It is known that it is a strong honey plant, attracting beneficial insects, including various pollinators: butterflies, bees, bumblebees.

Features of planting and caring for indoor jasmine

In addition to garden species, indoor plants are also used in floriculture. If you intend to decorate your interior with such a beautiful green space, be sure to place it in a large room, for example, in the living room. It is impossible to plant a culture in the bedroom, because. a very intense smell will give you trouble, including a headache.

Apart from garden plants, indoor plants are more hardy and do not show claims to the internal microclimate . They freely live under the influence of sunlight, however, if the duration of such contact is not too long. In the summer, jasmine requires abundant watering and spraying . Dry soil is an extremely dangerous phenomenon that can lead to the death of a crop. The intensity of watering is reduced in winter and is determined by the temperature in the room. Watering and spraying is carried out using soft, settled water.

Replanting a young flower is best done every year, but when the plant grows to adulthood, such events are carried out once every three years . When transplanting, it is recommended to use ready-made soil formulations, and a thorough drainage word should be prepared in the planting container.

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