Garden soil for grass seed

Can Grass Grow in Potting Soil?

Here’s the dirt on what happens when you plant grass seeds in potting soil

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You’ve got a bald spot or two showing on your lawn, and you’re ready to throw down some seed to patch it. And thanks to your budget houseplant obsession, you’ve got some potting soil on hand. But will grass seed really grow in potting soil? This guide will explain why you can’t use potting soil to grow grass and what to use instead. 

Can You Grow Grass in Potting Soil? 

Because grass seed is fairly easy to germinate, grass will technically start to grow in potting soil if adequately watered. The problem is how long it will (or won’t) live. 

Potting soil isn’t actually dirt. It has perlite, peat, sphagnum moss, and vermiculite added to ensure proper drainage. This is important in pots because it keeps plants and their roots from getting waterlogged. But because of these additions, potting soil does not retain moisture, making it difficult for grass seeds to make the deep roots they need to thrive. 

That’s not the only problem with trying to grow grass in potting soil. Because of all the added materials, there are very few nutrients. Potting soil is sterile, which is good for indoor plants because it prohibits fungus. But outdoors, it won’t retain any nutrients, in part because water leeches through it so quickly, taking what little nutrients there are with it. Grass will not thrive without rich nutrients in your garden soil. Eventually, grass growing in potting soil will die off. No amount of coaxing will convince it. 

Can Potting Soil Ever Be Used for Grass Seed?

The only type of grass seed to grow in potting soil is cat grass. You sometimes see this for sale in small pots at pet stores, or you can buy the seed there in bulk. Cat grass seed can be barley, rye, or wheat seeds, or a mixture of all three, and is perfectly safe for your pet. In fact, it’s good for their digestion.

This type of seed does well in small pots in light potting soil. It has a short life span, but luckily it sprouts within a week so that you can keep growing new batches for your kitties.  

Pro tip: Two to three weeks before Easter, line an Easter basket with plastic (make a few drainage holes) and fill it with potting soil. Plant cat grass seed and water regularly. By Easter, you’ll have an Easter basket full of fresh grass instead of the plastic stuff. 

What Soil Is Best for Growing Grass?

Photo: Patryk Kosmider / Adobe Stock

The best soil for growing grass is a well-balanced, compost-rich garden soil that provides plenty of nutrients for your lawn throughout the growing season. If you are going to reseed a lawn (especially a mostly-dead lawn), you will want to till the soil and add a mixture of compost, mulch, and garden soil to create the best growing conditions. Or, use garden soil that has added compost and manure.  

Plant the Right Kind of Grass Seed  

Just as important as choosing the right kind of soil is selecting the right type of grass seed for your growing conditions. For example, Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass, so it thrives in Southern climates and sunny conditions; Kentucky bluegrass is a cool-season grass and can bounce back after cold Midwestern winters. 

Keep your lawn up by following a lawn maintenance checklist that includes watering, mulching in the fall, and properly fertilizing. If you think your lawn needs an intervention, contact a local lawn care specialist to repair and maintain your little patch of grass. 

How to Make Your Own Grass Patch

Before stores and infomercials started selling grass repair, or patching products in a bag, groundskeepers at golf courses made up their own mixture and used it to fill in divots and bare spots. I do the same thing for my own yard and so do many landscapers. It is very quick and easy to make and use, and it allows you to put in exactly the type of seed that you want to use.   Plus, it is way less expensive than the products sold in stores or on infomercials.

Here is all you need to do. Put in a bushel or two of garden soil into a wheel barrow. Thoroughly mix in an equal amount of compost. If you don’t have compost you can use vermiculite, perlite, or sphagnum peat moss (the brown peat that comes in bales). You want to end up with a spongy, crumbly, water-holding mixture, much like a potting soil.  In fact, you could use bagged potting soil instead of this mixture if you don’t have the other ingredients at hand.

Next, mix enough grass seed so you see plenty of seed in every handful. When spread on the lawn you want to see 15-20 seeds per sq. inch. Use a grass seed that matches what you already have in your lawn. If you don’t know, bring a sample to a local nursery.  If you have some starter fertilizer around put a cup or two in the batch. This is not critical if your soil is fairly healthy and regular fertilized. You can always fertilize after the grass up. We recommend LAWN FORCE 5 if you like using liquid fertilizers.

Over Seeding With Your Grass Patch.

If you are using this mixture to over seed a thin area of the lawn that does not have dead or bare spots, simply toss the mixture over the lawn wherever it is thin.  If necessary, rake the lawn lightly afterwards to get the mixture to drop down off the grass blades.  That’s it. You are done.

To get the grass seed to actually grow it is critical to keep the seed damp until the grass is established. Give it a good watering to get things started. If the soil below the seed was dry, really soak it deeply. The grass patch mixture will be nice and dark when damp so it will be easy to see if and when it dries out. Depending on the time of year, and the amount of rain you get, you may need to water once or twice a day, or maybe once or twice a week. The soil should not be soggy, it just needs to be damp. Once the grass sprouts and starts to root deeper and toughen up you can gradually phase out the watering to once or twice a week, enough to keep the soil from getting too dry.  Again, it depends on your local weather conditions as regards to temperature, precipitation and even wind, which dries out soils too.

When over seeding you will probably also find a few areas that are either just bare soil or spots of completely dead grass.  You will need to do things a little differently and follow the Spot Seeding steps below.

Spot Seeding With Your Grass Patch

STEP 1. If there is thickly matted dead grass or thatch covering the spot you want to seed, you would need to remove that as your first step. If you try to seed on top of that, the seed would sprout but the roots would not be able to get into the soil and the new grass would die within a couple of weeks.

If you find that by removing the matted grass you have created a low spot in the lawn, fill that with topsoil to even things out. Tamp the soil down lightly with your foot

STEP 2.  (Skip this step if you have added topsoil to fill in a low spot. ) Scratch up the area you are spot seeding with a dirt rake, garden weasel or some other tool that would loosen up the soil at least 1/2 inch down. This will help the new seed dig into the soil quickly.  Smooth out the area so it is level.

STEP 3.  Top these areas with your homemade grass patch mixture. Put it on about 1/2″ thick and make sure it covers all the scratched up soil areas.

STEP 4.  Water.  As per above, you need to keep the grass patch moist until the new seed is well established.

For better results, before the seed sprouts make sure you hit it with either our Aerify PLUS  (especially if you have Clay soil) or Nature’s Magic. They both contain trace nutrients that will stimulate faster rooting and will generate beneficial root fungi called mycorrhizae (my-core-rhy’-zee).

Note: If you are filling in deeper ruts or holes, don’t fill them with your home-made grass patch and waste it that way. Grass seeds deeper than 1/2 to 3/4 inches will have a hard time sprouting. Use regular soil to fill the holes or ruts, tamp it down lightly and only put your home-made grass patch on the very top.

Fertile soil - TD "Lawn grasses"

Fertile soil - the top layer of soil, which contains a large number of substances useful for plants and shrubs. They are formed as a result of humus not only of vegetation, but also of the vital activity of microorganisms. The main feature of fertile soil is humus. It is he who is formed as a result of a very complex process of nutrient exchange between plants and microorganisms. The soil under the lawn consists of a combination of fulvic acids and humic acids. They are vital for the growth of plants, as well as strengthening their root system. nine0005

Lawn soil: important physical and chemical properties

Fertile lawn soil is characterized by a sufficiently high, concentrated nutrient content, balanced chemical composition. And since all living things, including plants, must breathe, therefore the ground for the lawn must be not only rich in minerals, but also porous.

Specialized lawn soil demonstrates optimal characteristics, the best indicators of porosity and proper gas exchange - all that is extremely important for the subsequent provision of quality conditions for life and the normal growth of lawn grass and plants. nine0005

When determining what soil is needed for a lawn, one should pay attention to the physical composition of the proposed product and the type of soil on the site.

We offer lawn soil in bags from well-known Russian manufacturers, we always have the following types of products in stock: with coniferous trees and shrubs.

  • "Garden soil" - is offered for growing vegetables, flowers, is used for dressing ridges of fruit trees and berry bushes, and is also suitable for creating a lawn in country conditions. nine0018
  • "Flower soil" - used for growing seedlings, rooting cuttings of garden, house plants, also used to create a flower lawn.
  • "Lawn soil" - this soil is prepared exclusively for grass lawn and is suitable for all types of lawn grasses.
  • "Universal Earth" - ideal for all types of berry, green, vegetable crops, lawn grasses, seedlings, etc.
  • Wholesale soil: the best deals

    LLC "Lawn grasses" offers you to buy fertile soil in bags. Also for professionals and wholesalers, in addition to packaged soil, we can offer various types of lawn soil by weight. Terms of delivery, availability and assortment of loose lawn soil can be clarified with our managers.

    If you need help choosing a lawn soil or you need to discuss the terms of cooperation, our specialists will always be happy to help you make the right choice and answer your questions. You can get a free consultation by calling the contact numbers +7 (812) 942-7118 , +7 (812) 600-4612 or by sending a request directly from the site.

    Ideal summer lawn: planting and maintenance rules

    A dense and even carpet of emerald grass that adorns a summer cottage looks no worse than flower beds. And if the lawn sowing technology is strictly observed, then periodic care of it in the future will not require excessive efforts. A well-groomed lawn on the estate will become an effective part of the landscape design of the site and will bring real benefits by improving the ecological situation and microclimate on the estate. These are not empty words - it is known that every year a half-hectare lawn absorbs about 40 tons of dust, which means that the air in the area becomes cleaner and healthier. And even if your site is smaller in area, you and your family or guests will still breathe healing clean air. nine0005

    In addition, the presence of a lawn on the territory of a summer cottage increases the humidity of the air, so in hot summer it will be easier for you to endure hot weather. Any summer resident can break a lawn on his own, since this does not require either expensive special equipment or deep agronomic knowledge and skills. How to sow the lawn according to the rules, we will tell you in detail. The main rule in this matter is to work slowly, conscientiously, carefully observing the technology of planting and care. nine0005

    Before you begin work on the breakdown of the lawn, you need to decide on its type. The type of lawn is chosen taking into account its future use, because a grassy lawn for outdoor games and a patio area differ significantly in the set of grasses used for planting a lawn. There are different types of lawn grasses, so before purchasing them, you should clearly define the purpose of the future lawn. And when buying a herbal mixture, carefully study the instructions on the package, which contains information about what purpose the seeds are intended for growing a lawn. nine0005

    Sports turf

    It is broken up on a site where it is planned to equip a sports or playground or an area for walking dogs and other pets. The sports lawn is sown with mixtures of grasses that are not afraid of trampling. The grass cover from them grows dense and hard, so even intensive use of it for its intended purpose does not lead to the formation of bald spots on the lawn. True, when arranging such lawns, a more durable substrate is prepared, which prevents ruptures of the grass cover from appearing. nine0005

    English classic turf

    In terms of purpose and properties, it is completely opposite to sports. Such a lawn is created not for playing or walking on a grassy carpet, but for admiring it. To grow an English lawn, the site is sown with a mixture of seeds of expensive tender and succulent grasses that are demanding on the soil and need regular care and shearing. The English lawn does not tolerate shade and trampling. It looks luxurious and respectable, but it performs an exclusively decorative function. Picnics and tea parties are fatal for him, as well as any other movement on the tender grass. nine0005

    Garden lawn

    This type of lawn is the easiest to grow and maintain. The cereals that make up its herbal mixture are unpretentious, grow well both in shaded places and under the scorching rays of the sun, and are unpretentious in terms of soil fertility. Therefore, a landscape gardening lawn is often chosen for arranging recreation areas, areas adjacent to pools, etc.

    Moorish lawn

    This option is suitable for lovers of fragrant herbs and flowering meadows. This lawn is constantly in bloom, and flowering plants are diverse, differ in flowering time and color palette. Moorish lawn grass seed mixes are sold ready-made. But you can also make your own exclusive set by choosing unpretentious herbs with different flowering periods, so that throughout the summer season the artificially created flowering meadow will please the eye. If making your own mix seems too difficult, you can buy a ready-made set of herbs that get along well together and bloom in turn. nine0005

    The great advantage of the Mauritanian lawn is that it does not need to be mowed often, the grass is mowed only if necessary to remove the next batch of faded plants, making room for new ones. Walking on such a lawn is not recommended, rather high (about 10 cm) grass will take underfoot and is unlikely to fully recover. Meadow lawns look like they were created by nature and look especially harmonious on a farmstead decorated in a rustic style.

    Universal lawn

    For laying out universal lawns, professionally grown and rolled strips of grass are used. They are sold together with turf. Such lawn "semi-finished products" quickly take root in a summer cottage and allow you to equip the most neglected areas in a short time. Rolled lawn is less decorative than classic English lawn, because it is grown using hard grasses that are unpretentious in care. They are not cheap, and in order to properly plant them, special soil preparation and laying skills are required, so you will probably have to invite professionals for planting, which will also cost a pretty penny. nine0005

    How to choose a place for your lawn

    A competent choice of a place for laying out a lawn is already a good application for success. If you have enough space to choose a herb pad, you can dance from the herb mixture and purchase the one you like best. If one zone is empty, you need to choose herbs for it, taking into account specific conditions. For example, an English lawn will not be complete if it is broken in the shade or in the wind.

    If you decide to arrange a lawn in the garden with fruit trees, then keep in mind that grass will hardly survive under their crowns. The root system of the tree will interfere with it, taking away moisture and nutrients from the soil. In addition, the shadow from the branches will interfere with the processes of photosynthesis taking place in the cells of the grass. The aesthetics of the grass cover in this case will be a big question. In low-lying, moisture-saturated areas, lawn grass roots will rot. It is possible to grow a quality lawn in such areas only after arranging an effective drainage system. nine0005

    If the area allotted for the lawn has a height difference, then at their junction the soil is especially susceptible to leaching and erosion. It is impossible to grow an even grass cover in such conditions. It is necessary to first smooth out the difference in levels to a steepness of no more than 30 degrees and strengthen the slopes with a reinforcing mesh, which will provide the soil with reliable support.

    Experts do not recommend making green paths on the site or parking for cars, arguing that bald ruts will form on them due to heavy traffic of people or cars. The earth will become dense, without oxygen the grass cover will suffocate and gradually die. To prevent this from happening, you can lay a protective lawn grate in such areas, which will not allow you to trample the grass or roll it with the wheels of cars. On footpaths, you can rarely put large tiles, stones or dig round wooden cuts to move along them without stepping on the lawn. nine0005

    Proper fit: the nuances of technology

    It is better to think over the arrangement of the lawn without haste, in the winter season. Having thought everything carefully, choosing and buying a herbal mixture, it will be possible to start laying out the lawn in the spring, as soon as the snow recedes and the earth warms up. It is in early spring that lawn mixtures have the best survival rate, because the earth at this time is saturated with moisture, and there is no sweltering heat. If, for one reason or another, you missed the time to plant the lawn, then it is better to postpone work until the fall, when the heat subsides and the rains become more frequent. But you can’t delay it: before the onset of winter, the lawn needs to be mowed once, and preferably twice. nine0005

    Preparatory work

    They are held in this order:

    Herbicide Lintur 1.8g lawn without weeds

    If the lawn has risen together, it’s too early to relax. Only regular care will make it spectacular and well-groomed. Quality lawn care includes: