Fly killer spray homemade
Homemade Fly Spray Recipe | The Prairie Homestead
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Learn how to make your own homemade fly spray recipe. This is a wonderful natural fly spray that will help prevent flies around your homestead and while you work with your livestock. You can relax knowing that it’s made with natural and safe ingredients instead of unknown chemicals.
You know how in the book of Exodus, one of the ten plagues was massive amounts of flies?
When I was younger, I always thought “Well, that one wouldn’t be THAT bad…”
I take it back.
A few years ago, we had massive amounts of flies. It was a constant battle to keep them off of my animals, out of my food, and off of my baby… (It got so bad, I even got bug nets for the playpen!)
Of course, the typical solution is to use hardcore chemicals and sprays to drive the flies away.
I just don’t feel good about doing that anymore.
Especially when I’m milking my cow.
I know from experience with my horses, whenever you apply fly spray, it gets everywhere. On your hands, on your clothes, in your mouth. I don’t want those chemicals floating anywhere near my lovely raw milk.
So I started experimenting with homemade fly spray recipes. Last year I tried a few white vinegar/dish soap/mouth wash concoctions. While they sorta worked, I wasn’t super impressed with any of them.
This homemade fly spray recipe with essential oils works much better.
More Natural Fly Control Tips for Your Homestead
I kinda feel like a pro when it comes to natural fly control these days. We deal with them. A lot. So I’ve written about my natural fly control strategies plenty of times.
Here’s some more tips for you:
- Need insect repellent recipes for the humans in your life? I’ve got ya covered. Here are 20+ recipes to keep the bugs from biting.
- I don’t use homemade fly spray on my chickens, BUT, I do a variety of things to control flies in my chicken coop.
- Got flies in the house? Try using my homemade fly trap which is easy to make and works really well.
- Want to reduce the flies around your homestead? Try implementing these 4 natural strategies for farm fly control.
Homemade Fly Spray Recipe
- 4 cups raw apple cider vinegar (where to buy raw apple cider vinegar) OR make your own vinegar
- 20 drops rosemary essential oil (where to buy my favorite essential oils)
- 20 drops basil essential oil
- 20 drops peppermint essential oil
- 2 tablespoons liquid oil (olive oil, canola oil, or mineral oil will work)
- 1 tablespoon dish soap (Like this one)
Mix together in a spray bottle. Apply to the animals frequently (give it a good shake before applying). And be careful, it smells strong. Whew!
The final verdict?
It works. But if you are expecting your homemade fly spray to be like conventional fly sprays lasting for several days, you will be disappointed.
From my observations, it repels the flies, it doesn’t kill them. I had to apply 1-2x per day for maximum effectiveness, but at least it provided temporary relief without chemicals. I will definitely be using it during my milking routine and on my horses and goats, too.
- If you don’t have access to raw apple cider vinegar, you can still use pasteurized apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. I just think the raw goodness packs an extra punch.
- Speaking of vinegar, if you have any glass quart-sized vinegar jars hanging around, often you can screw on a spray top for a cool glass spray bottle.
- If you don’t have these exact essential oils, no worries. There are TONS of oils that repel insects including lavender, tea tree, pine, citronella, arborvitae, thyme, etc. Feel free to play around and mix and match.
- Try this really cool Mason Jar Lid Sprayer Cap in order to mix up this spray in any old mason jar you have laying around! (affiliate link)
Watch Me Make This Homemade Fly Spray!
Homemade Fly Spray Recipe
A natural homemade fly spray recipe that will prevent flies around your homestead. Made with safe, non-toxic ingredients!
- Author: Jill Winger
- 4 cups raw apple cider vinegar (where to buy raw apple cider vinegar) OR make your own vinegar
- 20 drops rosemary essential oil (where to buy my favorite essential oils)
- 20 drops basil essential oil
- 20 drops peppermint essential oil
- 2 tablespoons liquid oil (olive oil, canola oil, or mineral oil will work)
- 1 tablespoon dish soap (Like this one)
Mix together in a spray bottle. (This really cool mason jar lid sprayer cap would do the job!)
Apply to the animals frequently (give it a good shake before applying). And be careful, it smells strong.
- If you don’t have access to raw apple cider vinegar, you can still use pasteurized apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. I just think the raw goodness packs an extra punch.
- Speaking of vinegar, if you have any glass quart-sized vinegar jars hanging around, often you can screw on a spray top for a cool glass spray bottle.
- If you don’t have these exact essential oils, no worries. There are TONS of oils that repel insects including lavender, tea tree, pine, citronella, arborvitae, thyme, etc. Feel free to play around and mix and match.
- In the market for a spray bottle? This lid allows you to mix up this spray in a regular old mason jar, plop the lid on… and you’re good to go!
Natural Fly Repellents That Actually Work
Enjoying the outdoors is a favorite pastime until a swarm of uninvited guests shows up: FLIES. Bug sprays and insect repellents such as DEET are proven and effective fly repellents, but in recent years, people have looked for natural fly repellents that actually work.
So, which natural fly repellents are scientifically proven to keep flies at bay? We’ve researched which have scientific backing versus which have mostly anecdotal support.
In this article:
How To Make Natural Fly Repellents
DIY fly repellent spray: In a bowl, mix 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap. Spray around the home to deter flies. You can use the following essential oils to boost the power of the spray, but always use caution with essential oils. They can cause allergic reactions and harm pets.
Most effective essential oils: Lemongrass, catnip, citronella, and cinnamon
Toxic to pets: Lemongrass, cinnamon, tea tree, and peppermint essential oils, among others, should be avoided around cats and dogs.
DIY fly killer spray: Mix ½ cup of water with ½ cup of isopropyl alcohol (found at your local drug store) and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap into a spray bottle (add water first so soap doesn’t bubble). Spray directly onto pesky flies to kill them.
Historical Uses of Plants as Fly Repellents
It’s unquestioned that at least some plants have insect repellent qualities. It stands to reason: Plants don’t want insects gnawing on them any more than we do. So as they evolved, plants developed natural bug repellent properties.
Many plants release a vapor when eaten, for example. Ancient people didn’t know that, but they did know burning the leaves of some plants, such as the neem tree, would lessen the bother.
Some are more effective than others, but data is still being collected on the topic.
Moghul painting illustrating a man burning neem leaves near a river where biting insects would be present (© Dr. Sarah Moore, co-author “Plant-Based Insect Repellents.”)Natural Fly Repellent Ingredients that Work
Here’s a breakdown of some scientifically proven solutions for your spray bottle, along with a sample of common folklore solutions, supported mainly through anecdotes.
Ingredients With at Least Some Scientific Backing
- Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE): According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), EPA-registered products with the active ingredient OLE (or PMD, its synthetic counterpart) “provide repellent activity sufficient to…reduce the bites of disease-carrying insects.”
Pro Tip: It’s important not to confuse “oil of lemon eucalyptus” with the similarly named “lemon eucalyptus essential oil.”
- Lemongrass oil: According to a 2013 study, “The Repellency of Lemongrass Oil Against Stable Flies…,” stable flies spent significantly more time in the study’s untreated zone than in the treated zone.
Pro Tip: Lemongrass essential oil is toxic to pets.
- Catnip: A 2009 study by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that catnip essential oil was quite effective as a natural repellent, with an average repellency rate of 96 percent against stable flies and 79 percent against houseflies.
Pro Tip: Growing catnip in your home or garden can help repel flies.
- Coconut oil: In a study by the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and published in Scientific Reports in 2018, compounds derived from coconut oil proved to be a better repellent than DEET. When tested against stable flies, the coconut oil compound was more than 95 percent effective, while DEET was only 50 percent effective.
Pro Tip: This compound is specific to coconut fatty acids — not coconut oil itself.
- Citronella: According to a 2011 study on plant-based insect repellents published in Malaria Journal, “Citronella-based repellents only protect from host-seeking mosquitoes for about two hours, although the formulation of the repellent is very important.” Depending on other additives in the repellent, citronella can be more effective.
Citronella candles also are extremely popular, but “field studies against mixed populations of nuisance mosquitoes show reductions in biting around 50 percent, although they do not provide significant protection against mosquito bites,” the report said.
Pro Tip: While citronella essential oil products can be safe to apply to the skin, they are toxic to many pets.
- Cinnamon: Not only is it a fly repellent but a great DIY air freshener. Alone or combined with other methods, flies sure hate it.
Pro Tip: Cinnamon and cinnamon oil can cause skin irritation and digestive problems in pets and humans.
Mostly Anecdotal Support
- Witch hazel and apple cider vinegar: A popular home remedy, a mixture of witch hazel and apple cider vinegar along with a touch of eucalyptus oil will ward off flies because they don’t like the smell.
- Essential Oils: Lavender oil, tea tree oil, rosemary oil, peppermint oil, rose oil, and more.
While all have shown some promise with keeping bugs away, it’s best to use this in combo with other methods and enjoy the scent.
- Basil: Consider as a candidate for gardening indoors.
- Plastic bag of water: Flies have eyes consisting of thousands of little lenses, making them highly light-sensitive. That’s why having a bag full of water on your window or doorstep could reproduce a natural disco ball effect and thus repel some flies. Some suggest adding a penny to the bag to increase the effect.
- Hairspray hack: Chase and spray them, pesky intruders! Hairspray will cause wings to stick and bugs to fall on the ground. You know what to do from there on.
Keep a Tidy Lawn to Reduce Flies
Though natural fly repellents’ day has not yet fully arrived, there’s still plenty you can do to reduce the insect’s presence in your life. One of the best ways to keep flies away is to maintain a lawn and garden that flies find unattractive.
Here are a few ways to keep flies at bay in your lawn:
- If you have a composting pile, you’ll want to place it in a corner of the yard away from the house.
Flies are attracted to decaying organic matter, so they will love your compost pile. If the pile includes fruit, it’s almost guaranteed to attract fruit flies.
- Grass clippings and leaf piles can serve as valuable nutrients for your lawn, but make sure they are spread evenly to promote quick breakdown or they will attract flies.
- There are a number of herbs and plants credited with keeping flies away, so you can add these to your garden or grow them in pots and move about as needed. These include:
- Basil, Mexican marigolds, mint, rosemary, lavender, yarrow, and pitcher plants
- Clean out all areas that collect water, as these attract not only flies but female mosquitoes, as well.
- Make sure animal waste is removed and disposed of properly as this, too, can create a fly problem.
- Trash cans should be well-maintained and closed at all times.
Some Natural Solutions Attract Flies
Instead of repelling flies, some repellent recipes attract them into a trap.
Sugar-Sweet Flytraps: Particularly good at catching gnats and fruit flies.
You Need:
- Glass bottle or mason jar
- 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 1 cup of water
- Dish soap (a couple of drops)
- Plastic wrap and a rubber band to secure it
- Toothpick
How To:
- Mix ingredients together in a mason jar.
- Cover with plastic wrap (make certain it’s tight across the top).
- Secure with a rubber band.
- Poke a few holes in the top and place close to fruit or wherever these pests are congregating.
Soda-bottle traps: Great for house flies and a fun DIY project to do with the kids.
You Need:
- Plastic soda or water bottle (any size )
- A sharp, serrated knife (please, be careful)
- Bait: The more attractive the bait, the more flies you’ll get.
Soda or sugar water, honey, or old fruit works well
How To:
- Carefully draw a line with a marker and cut off the top of the bottle below where the neck tapers, usually just above the label works.
- Flip the top upside down without the lid and put it into the bottom like a funnel. Note: If the top is cut too small and falls in the trap won’t work.
- Bait: Water and something sweet. A 50/50 mix of sugar and water, fruit pieces, or even a few drops of fruit-scented dish soap works.
Pro Tip: You can hang the trap by punching two holes through both layers of the trap, then thread wire into holes, crimp ends of the wire, and voila! A hanging fly trap.
Flypaper: Modern versions are not toxic, they’re just sticky. Flypaper has dropped in popularity in recent years, probably due to having dead fly bodies suspended in living spaces. You can buy them at most grocery or hardware stores, or on Amazon. com.
Carnivorous Plants: Plants that trap flies, like the pitcher plant, will munch on the bugs and set you free.
Unregistered Repellents
Some plant-based fly deterrents (legally) fly under the regulatory radar. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has listed several natural ingredients often used in these repellents as minimum-risk pesticides. Products with these active ingredients are not registered by the EPA.
Examples of ingredients used in unregistered repellents are:
- Citronella oil
- Cedar oil
- Geranium oil
- Peppermint and peppermint oil
- Soybean oil
Note: The EPA does not evaluate these ingredients for effectiveness, only whether they’re safe for people to use. Without science to prove how they repel flies and other insects, these natural fly repellent sprays are more a matter of personal anecdotes and folklore.
The EPA’s webpage gives more information about minimum risk pesticides if you’re interested.
The 2011 study on plant-based insect repellents in Malaria Journal notes that testing efforts to evaluate and develop safe and effective products are ongoing:
“Recently, commercial repellent products containing plant-based ingredients have gained increasing popularity among consumers…[T]hese [products] are commonly perceived as ‘safe’ in comparison to long-established synthetic repellents although this is sometimes a misconception.”
Much more standardized testing is needed, the study said, “to better evaluate repellent compounds and develop new products that offer high repellency as well as good consumer safety.”
Are Plant-Based Products Better?
Even if a plant-based substance shows promise, that doesn’t mean it will lead to a product friendly to humans and the planet. As the study in Malaria Journal points out, “Some natural repellents are safer than others, and it cannot be assumed that nature equates to safety.”
It’s not necessarily true that extracting repellents from plants is better for the earth, either, the study says. “While plant volatiles are naturally derived, distillation requires biomass energy, extraction commonly uses organic solvents that must be disposed of carefully, [and] growing the plants uses agrichemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides (unless sourced from a sustainable and organic source).”
Don’t Forget the Fly Swatter
While there is a case to be made for natural fly deterrents, science has yet to prove that all-natural remedies are anywhere close to being as effective as a fly swatter. Many, though not all, natural solutions are unscientific, anecdotal remedies passed down from generation to generation or, in today’s Internet age, passed along on social media.
For the best results, stick to ingredients that have scientific backing. With a little bit of science, trial and error, and a few fly swatters, you’re sure to find a few natural fly repellents that work.
FAQ About Natural Fly Repellents That Actually Work
Is There a Natural Fly Repellent that Actually Works?
Catnip oil, oil of citronella, and oil of lemon eucalyptus (or PMD, its synthetic counterpart) are included as active ingredients in EPA-registered insect repellents. A comprehensive approach yields the best results, though. A combination of repellants, attractants, and a clean home and yard will provide the best fly control.
What Scent Repels Flies the Most?
The ingredients that best repel flies include oil of lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, catnip, citronella, and cinnamon.
Essential oils can be toxic for pets and cause allergic reactions in people so use them with caution. If you believe your dog has ingested or come in contact with essential oils or liquid potpourri, call your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline at (800) 213-6680.
How do you Keep Flies Away Permanently?
Keep it clean. Make sure animal waste is removed and disposed of properly as this, too, can create a fly problem. Trash cans should be well-maintained and closed at all times. You should also clean out all areas that collect water, as these attract not only flies but also mosquitoes.
When to Call a Professional
Flies multiply quickly, and even clean homes can run afoul of these filthy creatures. If the DIY solutions don’t work or you need extra help, consider calling a pest control professional to find the source of why bugs are bugging you.
Main photo credit: Nixon Johnson / Pexels
Karon Warren
Freelance writer Karon Warren’s work has been seen in USA Today, USA Today 10 Best, Curbed Atlanta, Apartment Therapy, and Best Self Magazine. She also is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and Society of American Travel Writers. Her porch has the best container garden on the block.
Posts by Karon Warren
How to Make Homemade Insect Spray » Inventions and DIY
The number of known species of insects in Russia is estimated to be over 80,000. Some of them are beneficial and some are dangerous to humans. We view some insects as pests, and many homeowners resort to using harmful chemicals to eliminate them.
However, there are also ways to make homemade bug spray, which is a natural alternative to commercial sprays.
Here we have listed eleven recipes that use homemade products and essential oils to make a natural insect repellent spray to prevent bugs.
Goods for inventors Link to the store.
- How to Make Homemade Insect Spray: 11 Sprays for Sticky Insects
- 0023
- 2. DIY tea tree oil spray
- 3. Natural bug spray with lavender oil, lemon juice and vanilla extract
- 4. Peppermint insect repellent oil
- 5. Grape or olive oil and vodka insect spray
- 6. Use geranium essential oil
- 7. Coconut oil and citronella insect repellant
- 8. Lemon and eucalyptus essential oil control bugs
- 9. Apple cider vinegar
- 10. Get rid of bugs with onion, garlic and cayenne pepper
- 11. Essential Oil Insect Repellent Spray
- Why Use Homemade Insect Repellent Sprays?
How to Make Homemade Bug Spray: 11 Sticky Bug Sprays

Citronella extracts are the first effective active ingredients used in mosquito repellents. Citronella is an Asian herb that people use for natural remedies. Because it has the fragrant properties of the material, many believe that its chemistry is responsible for its effectiveness as a repellant.
DIY electronics in Chinese shop.
Citronella Lemongrass Insect Repellent Spray Recipe
- 10 drops Citronella Essential Oil
- 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil
- 8 tablespoons of water
- 8 tablespoons witch hazel
- 1 clean spray bottle
Citronella is a classic bug spray that many people love. It protects against mosquitoes and insects, but some of its properties may also limit its effectiveness. For example, it quickly evaporates after spraying. Also, you may need to reapply the mixture for it to work well.
2. DIY tea tree oil spray
Tea tree oil is another versatile essential oil that exists on the planet. You can use it to maintain healthy skin, nails and hair. Many researchers have found that it also kills various bacteria and viruses. Its benefits don't stop there; it is also one of the best oils for repelling mosquitoes and other insects.
Tea Tree Mosquito Repellent Recipe
- 1 clean empty spray bottle
- 10 drops of pure tea tree essential oil
- 1½ cups fresh water
To make your natural bug spray repellant, mix all of the ingredients listed above and spray on your skin before leaving the house to keep dead bodies away.
Lavender essential oils are active moth, flea and mosquito repellants. It is safe for humans, some animals and various plant species. You can easily create your own insect repellant.
DIY Lavender Mistake Spray Recipe
- 1 Empty Spray Bottle
- 7-8 drops undiluted lavender essential oil
- 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1 cup fresh water
Combine all the ingredients to make a homemade bug spray recipe, shake it well in a spray bottle and spray all over your home. You can also use it as a natural insect repellant that you can keep in your pocket for personal use.
4. Peppermint oil for insect repellent
The use of peppermint essential oil is not limited to aromatherapy. It can also scare away stinky insects, rodents, and other creepy creeps that walk the ground. It works like a natural bug spray because most bugs don't like the smell of mint.
Mint Spray Recipe
- 1 Empty Glass Spray Bottle
- 10 drops undiluted peppermint essential oil
- ½ cup witch hazel
- 1½ cups fresh water
Mix water and witch hazel in an aerosol can and add peppermint oil. Finally, shake the mixture, and voila! You now have a homemade bug spray that you can use to prevent bug bites.
5. Grape or olive oil and vodka insect spray
Some vegetable and plant oils contain natural insecticidal properties. These plant-based oils include grape seed, jojoba, almond, olive oil, and neem. If you have one or two of these oils, you can use them to create a natural bug spray.
Vegetable Oil Insect Spray
- 1 tablespoon of one or any combination of grape, olive, jojoba, neem or almond oil
- 1 tablespoon vodka
- 50 drops essential oil (optional)
- 1 glass atomizer
Mix one or any of the vegetable oils listed above with vodka in a spray bottle. Add essential oils if you want to make the mixture stronger. Shake the mixture well and your homemade bug spray is ready to be sprayed! Always shake before use and reapply as needed.
6. Use geranium essential oil
According to the published journal Agricultural and Food Chemistry (... ), rose geranium essential oil is a very powerful insect repellent. If you have pets or live in a tick-prone area, consider adding geranium essential oil to your insect repellent kit.
Powerful Homemade Geranium Essential Oil Insect Spray Recipe
- 1 clean empty spray bottle
- 10 drops pure rose geranium essential oil
- 1½ cups of water
For your bug spray, mix all of the ingredients listed above and spray in small amounts because it's incredibly powerful. If you plan on spraying it on your pets, avoid their face, their abdomen, if they have open sores, or if they tend to lick their bodies.
7. Coconut oil and citronella - insect repellant
According to the USDA or USDA, some coconut oil compounds are more effective at controlling bugs and bugs better than the synthetic chemicals found in commercial bug sprays. As USDA scientists emphasized, acids derived from coconut oil have a strong repellent effect on blood-sucking insects, beetles and mites (...).
Natural insect spray: recipe for coconut and citronella
- 4 tablespoons coconut oil
- 4 tablespoons witch hazel
- 35 drops of citronella essential oil
- 150 ml atomizer
Pour the ingredients into the spray bottle. Close the lid and shake the mixture. After mixing the essential oil blend, your natural insect repellent spray is ready to use. Shake the bottle before use.
8. Essential oil of lemon and eucalyptus inhibits bugs
Lemon-eucalyptus oil comes from a tree called eucalyptus gum. Like picaridin, a substance found in commercial bug sprays, lemon eucalyptus does not act as a true insect repellant, but as a mask to keep insects, such as mosquitoes, from reaching the target.
Both lemon eucalyptus and picaridin have potential side effects such as skin irritation. And because of the potentially harmful effects, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says the latter is not safe for use with toddlers—children under the age of three.
Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Spray Recipe
- 15 drops Lemon Eucalyptus Oil
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 4 tablespoons witch hazel
Mix all the ingredients, pour into a clean spray bottle and your homemade sprayer is ready. Reapply four hours after evaporation.
9. Apple cider vinegar
Fruit flies are one of the most annoying bugs in the world. They can sometimes be tricky, but with the right ingredients, you can get rid of them quickly.
A cider vinegar and dish soap trap recipe
- Small bowl or one-time party
- 1 ½ cups apple cider vinegar
- 3 drops of dish soap
This recipe will be useful in your home, especially in the kitchen. To be able to use for homemade fly repellents, pour apple cider vinegar into a bowl and add dish soap. Place the mixture in a corner next to fruits or vegetables and leave for 24 hours.
Flies will instinctively dive and drown. To use apple cider vinegar as a spray, add one cup of water and pour all the ingredients into a spray bottle. Spray in an area where it is frequently flown.
10. Get rid of the bugs with onion, garlic and cayenne pepper
If you need a natural insect repellent spray for your garden and don't have essential oils for outdoor use, you can still make an insect repellent spray that is chemical free. substances and commercial pesticides.
Organic homemade insect spray for your garden
- 2 garlic cloves
- ½ medium onion
- 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper
- 1 tablespoon organic liquid soap or biodegradable dish soap
- 1 cup mint leaves
- 1 ½ to 2 liters of water
First chop the mint, garlic, onion and cayenne pepper. Strain the mixture and place it in a 2 liter bottle or a clean old vinegar container. Add soap and water to the mixture and shake well. Spray this insect repellant on any garden plants that are susceptible to insect attack. Spritz in your garden once or twice a week.
11. Essential Oil Insect Repellent Spray
If you find it difficult to choose a specific essential oil to use in your insect repellent spray due to the many benefits of each, you can mix them. Here we have created several essential oils that can be safely combined.
Ultimate Essential Oil Spray Recipe
- 15 drops of citronella essential oil
- 10 drops of lemon and eucalyptus essential oil
- 10 drops lavender essential oil
- 15 drops of geranium essential oil
- 5 drops rosemary essential oil
- ½ tablespoon alcohol
- 4 tablespoons natural witch hazel
- 4 tablespoons of water or vinegar
- ½ teaspoon vegetable glycerin (optional)
- 1 glass atomizer
Mix all essential oils into a clean bottle. Add alcohol and shake well to mix. Then pour in the witch hazel and vegetable glycerin, if available.
Shake the mixture. Finally, add vinegar or water and shake again. Your natural bug spray is ready to use. Remember to mix it before every use.
Why use homemade insect sprays?
The bug spray recipes we listed above only take a few seconds. In addition, it is safe and free of toxins compared to commercially available insect repellent sprays that contain harmful substances such as DEET. DEET is short for N-Diethyl-Meta-Toluamide. The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) found that this chemical has side effects, including neuronal changes in areas of the brain that control learning, memory, concentration, and movement. Using homemade insect sprays, you do not risk yourself and your family with harmful substances ( .. ).
We hope you have learned a lot from this article. In addition to removing bad smell from shoes in the closet or oily smell after cooking, you can now use your essential oils and other household products to avoid mistakes!
How to get rid of flies: remedies, instructions
Flies in the house are not only an irritant, but also a source of potential danger to residents. RBC Real Estate explains how to kill flies indoors and prevent them from appearing in the future
Photo: Shutterstock
Flies live on average for about a month, but if they settled in a house, they manage to do a lot of harm to people during this time. These insects multiply rapidly and interfere with the tenants of the apartment. Together with an expert, we figure out why flies are dangerous, how to get rid of them using folk, industrial methods, and when it's time to resort to the help of professionals.
- Where do flies come from
- What are dangerous
- Fly repellent
- How to make a fly trap
- Expert comments
The material was commented by Petr Fisenko, Disinfector Specialist of the Dez_Hunter Disinfection Service
Where do flies come from
Flies enter the apartment from the street from the entrance or through ventilation openings and multiply within it. Insect larvae often enter houses with spoiled vegetables and fruits.
The problem is especially urgent in summer, when it is hot outside and insects actively breed on organic garbage. By the way, in summer, flies can do without visiting human dwellings, but once inside, they often cannot fly out of the room: due to the peculiarities of the reticulum structure of their eyes, they do not distinguish glass.
The "invasion" of flies often happens in autumn, when the temperature outside drops - they instinctively look for a warmer place. For the winter, insects hibernate and may well remain in the secluded places of the apartment to wake up in the spring.
Why flies are dangerous
In addition to annoying buzzing, flies, like most insects, also cause more serious problems - they are carriers of infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera and helminthiasis.
Insects feed through a long proboscis, preferring liquid food. Getting into the kitchen, they will first of all fly to a mug of cold tea, spilled compote or a drop of honey left on the table. Bacteria spread quickly, getting from the paws of flies to food and garbage. If an insect lays eggs in food, it can be very poisonous. In particular, for this reason, doctors advise avoiding street snacks, especially during the hot season.
Photo: Shutterstock
Flies bite and can cause allergies, severe irritation and itching. Insect bites should be disinfected as soon as possible, for this any of the sanitizers that have become familiar in everyday life will do.
In most cases, the problem is easier to prevent than to solve. If the windows are open during the warm season, they need to install screens. Seal gaps, do not leave doors open for a long time. You can also install a couple of traps in the entrance or hang ribbons so that the flies that enter the house do not fly to the apartment. Food and drinks should not be left in the room, dirty dishes should not be left in the sink, surfaces should be wiped, and pet bowls and toilets should be clean. Organic trash attracts flies even if it's in a closed closet or bucket, so it needs to be taken out daily. Sink drains in kitchens and bathrooms must be kept clean.
How to get rid of flies: 9 products
1. Traps
Self-made fly traps should contain bait - pieces of fruit, syrups, jam. In parallel with the destruction of flies that are in the room, install screens on the windows so that new insects do not fly in, attracted by the smells from the trap. Instructions for making a trap are given below.
2. Tapes
There are many options for special insect tape. It is hung on a ceiling or a chandelier, flies sit on a trap, stick and die. You can make the tape yourself: cut the paper into strips, grease it with rosin or resin, in which castor or linseed oil, glycerin and sugar are dissolved. The mixture must be prepared in a water bath.
3. Fumigators
These are best used in closed areas where people and pets should leave for a while. Close windows and doors, plug the fumigator into a socket and wait for the required time, which is indicated in the instructions for the product. Then the room needs to be ventilated, and nets on the windows are desirable so that the insects do not fly into the treated apartment again.
4. Aerosol sprays
It is essential to use insecticidal products away from food and personal hygiene items. Make sure that pets do not enter the treated area for a couple of hours - chemical sprays can be dangerous for them. After use, ventilate the room and wipe the surfaces on which the sprayed substance has settled with a damp cloth.
5. Essential oils
Like many insects, flies are sensitive to odors. Try lighting citronella candles or an aroma lamp with lavender, basil, eucalyptus, or mint essential oils. You can also add them to water and spray doorframes and window sills with a spray bottle.
6. Plants
Some herbs have a strong, specific odor that repels flies. You can arrange in vases or spread out branches of wormwood, bird cherry, elderberry or nettle in a room with flies. Both fresh and dried plants are suitable - for some time they also spread a bright aroma around.
7. Darkness
Light attracts flies. Therefore, if you darken the room, leaving only the window open, there is a chance that the insects will fly out. But this method is relevant only if there is nothing in the room that could interest them - drinks, food, dirt and garbage. Otherwise, the flies will continue to feed and breed without trying to leave the apartment.
8. Fly Swatters and Vacuum Cleaner
An old tried and true way to kill some insects is physical impact, rolled up newspaper or commercially available fly swatters will do. Flies can be collected with a vacuum cleaner, but then the contents of the garbage bag should be thrown away immediately. But such methods are good if there are one or two insects in the apartment or the owners want to relieve nervous tension.
Photo: Shutterstock
9. Professional disinfection
If there are too many insects, and the available methods have been tried and do not help, it makes sense to turn to exterminators. Specialists will treat the premises.
How to make a fly trap
A plastic bottle with the neck cut off is useful for this. There should be bait inside, preferably something sweet. Then the paper sheet folded into a cone is placed inside the bottle with a sharp edge, so that the tip does not touch the liquid. Flies will climb inside, but they will not be able to fly back through a narrow opening.
Another version of the trap is with soap suds. At the bottom of the jar, table vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing detergent are poured. The top of the jar is covered with cling film and a hole is made through which the flies can get inside.
Petr Fisenko, Disinfector Specialist of the Dez_Hunter Disinfection Service:
— Is it possible to use folk remedies like wormwood and essential oils if there are pets in the apartment?
- Plant repellents and some essential oils have a strong odor that irritates and disorientates insects. The phytoncides they secrete can kill flies. Insects cannot be nearby and quickly leave the room. But you need to use them with caution, pets can be allergic to these smells, so it is better to isolate them while using the products.
- Is it worth additional treatment of surfaces where there were flies?
— Flies can spread dangerous infections and diseases. That is why, first of all, you need to make sure that food does not get into the food, on which insects could leave eggs. It is necessary to regularly wipe the surfaces of dining tables with soda solution, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating, and do not leave ready meals in the public domain. Clothing and textiles of these insects attract little.
— When is the situation critical and you need to call professionals?
- If two or three flies flew into the apartment through the window - this is not a disaster, you can deal with them yourself (for example, using Velcro or aerosol) and they will not cause much harm. The situation becomes critical when, in the absence of an obvious source of flies, it becomes more and more. If you do not have dampness in your apartment, mosquito nets are installed on the windows, the garbage chamber in the entrance is in proper sanitary condition, and flies appear regularly and in large numbers - this is a reason to turn to specialists. As practice shows, fly nests in an apartment are often found in the most inaccessible places: in cracks and crevices under window sills, in ventilation, in closets. Only a disinfectant with sufficient experience will be able to determine the source of insects and competently eliminate it.
— How do professionals treat a room?
— The extermination of flies in the apartment is carried out using a cold fog generator. This is a method of spraying an insecticide with air, in the form of an aerosol, with particles no larger than 100 microns. In the process of processing, a haze or a cloud with a fine dispersion of a substance spreads throughout the room, enveloping it and penetrating into various cracks and hard-to-reach places. Processing time depends on the area of the apartment, on average it is 30-40 minutes. After at least three hours, you can return to the apartment and ventilate it thoroughly for an hour. Subject to all the recommendations of the disinfector, the treatment does not pose any danger to people and pets.