Feng shui room design
The Best Feng Shui Bedroom Decorating Ideas From an Expert
Photo: Studio Ashby
Feng shui, an ancient Chinese perspective rooted in the belief that everything (including the arrangement of a room, like your bedroom) possesses energy, is a little like astrology. Whether you believe in it or not, learning its inner workings and understanding how it can impact your everyday life is somewhat fascinating. As it relates to home decorating, the right feng shui is believed to balance the energy that flows into and around your space and can have an impact on our wellbeing, relationships, and even our wallets.
Whether we're talking new moons and planet alignments or bedroom colors and under-bed storage, the link between environment and energy is an abstract concept—but that doesn't mean that its concrete implications in everyday life need to be confusing as well.
When it comes to arranging your bedroom, for example, feng shui consultants won't demand you float your bed at a weird angle in the middle of the room and paint your walls four different colors (at least, not the ones we spoke to). Instead, feng shui principles are malleable. "Principles are meant to be flexible, which allows the mind more room for creative solutions when needed," says New York-based feng shui consultant Laura Cerrano.
There's another reason to adopt feng shui principles, especially in the bedroom: According to feng shui, how you position your furniture can actually impact your sleep—something we could frankly all use a little more of. Not convinced? Try out a few of these nine feng shui practices, plus 11 more tips, and tell us how you slept.
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Courtesy of Studio Ashby One of the most important things in laying out your bedroom is to leave equal room on both sides of the bed. "This is symbolic of creating equal space for both you and your partner," explains Cerrano. "Sometimes the dimensions of a bedroom don't allow for this arrangement, so holding the intention of creating space is essential. Even if you could only spare an inch of space between the wall and bed, it's better than nothing. "
For balance, try placing two side tables and two lamps in your bedroom—one side table and one lamp on each side of the bed. Plus, symmetry is pleasing to the eye.
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Tessa Neustadt ; DESIGN: Amber Interiors"The most common feng shui principle in the bedroom is to have a commanding position," says Cerrano. This means positioning your bed with a clear vantage point of the bedroom door from the bed while avoiding being 100 percent in alignment with the doorway, Cerrano says.
The result? "This allows the occupant to literally, energetically, and metaphorically see and feel who and what opportunities are approaching their life."
The same goes for the ensuite bath, says Cerrano. "If you have a primary bathroom connected to your bedroom, you would also want to avoid placing your bed in direct alignment with the bathroom door."
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Courtesy of Fantastic Frank It might be tempting to treat your bedroom as a storage unit, but Cerrano warns against filling it with too much stuff. In fact, Harvard Medical School recommends minimizing clutter in the bedroom environment to improve sleep quality, which in turn promotes better health and aging well.
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Cody Ulrich ; DESIGN: HomepolishMirrors in the bedroom can seem like a natural fit for many, but feng shui warns against overusing them: "There are varying thoughts on this, but the one perspective many consultants agree upon is that adding too many mirrors in the bedroom creates an imbalance of energy," says Cerrano.
According to feng shui principles, mirrors have the ability to activate the energy within a room, yet the most important thing is to test this for yourself because every person is different, says Cerrano. "Clients I work with will sometimes choose to keep a mirror in their bedroom and tell me that they sleep soundly. Others will negotiate the principle and remove extra mirrors and still keep one while being mindful of what it reflects. Some clients love the idea of no mirrors in the bedroom or may just place a long mirror inside the closet door. " If you do that, Cerrano adds, "just make sure the closet is organized because mirrors double what they project."
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Cody Ulrich ; DESIGN: HomepolishPeople sometimes avoid rugs in the bedroom because larger-scale ones can be expensive, but Cerrano insists it's a worthwhile investment for your sleep: "Adding an area rug under or near the bed is another way to help ground the energy when sleeping and create a balance between yin (soft textures) and yang (hard surfaces)." Having two smaller rugs on each side can achieve a similar effect without the costly price tag.
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bauer-media.com.au A common place for storage in the bedroom is usually under the bed, but Cerrano believes it's not good practice: "From a feng shui perspective, storage under the bed can obstruct your sleeping pattern because the movement of energy cannot flow evenly around the energy fields of your bed." For example, Cerrano suggests storing shoes in closets because otherwise, "they symbolize other people potentially taking advantage of you. "
The feng shui consultant recognizes that it's not always possible to leave the area under the bed completely clutter-free: "If you do need to store items under the bed, be mindful of who gave these items to you and what emotional content you associate with them." She adds that some items—specifically bedding, clothing, and towels—are better to store under the bed than others. A small number of books is also acceptable, as long as their titles and content are positive.
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Brooke Holm/Trunk ArchiveThis practice speaks more to everyday habits than layout or décor, but Cerrano stresses that it's nonetheless important: "Making your bed may seem small and insignificant, yet a greater development within your conscious and subconscious minds is evolving. This simple act becomes your first accomplishment of the day and it only requires two minutes of your time."
Making the bed every morning can kickstart an organized mindset, which helps reduce stress and increase motivation, Cerrano says. "It’s also a means of self-respect because it means you've taken the time to prepare your bed for sleep as your mom or dad may have done during childhood. It's a little slice of self-love."
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bauer-media.com.auJust like making your bed in the morning, opening your blinds before you head out for work may not be ingrained in your daily rituals, but it should be: "Opening your blinds and your windows (if weather permits) during the day is a wonderful habit to acquire," says Cerrano.
"This is called letting the outside in. It helps to refresh the energy by allowing natural light and fresh air to filter into your bedroom. At night, close the windows and blinds as to keep the fresh energy circulating inside your bedroom when sleeping." Even if you won't be there to enjoy the natural light, let it stream in while you're at work (just don't leave your windows open and unattended—burglary is never good for feng shui).
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Courtesy of Tali Roth You may be inclined to go bright green in a bedroom, but Cerrano advises against it if you're considering feng shui principles. Instead, "pick neutral colors when painting large walls to not overstimulate the energy when you are sleeping. This could include beiges, cream colors, and earth tones. You could even include some cool blue tones. For smaller accent colors, pick colors associated with partnership energy: Pinks, reds, and whites. This could be implemented through artwork, small crystals (like rose quartz), organic candles, or bed sheets."
The goal is to create a sacred and sensual space for yourself and to share with another—if that is your intention, says Cerrano. "The addition of certain feng shui colors is just one way to assist in the atmospheric rendering of good feng shui."
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Don't align your bed directly with the bathroom door. Some feng shui consultants will say the bathroom is associated with energy drain, and suggest avoiding positioning your bed this way.
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Karolina Grabowska
Similarly, "feng shui principles invite you to remove electronics from inside the bedroom: TVs, computers, and cell phones emit the largest amounts of electric and magnetic fields, which could disturb your immune system and sleep," explains Cerrano.
The same goes for work-related gadgetry and papers, Cerrano says. "The bedroom is a place for rest, rejuvenation, and reconnection. Space can be tight, especially in studios and one-bedroom apartments, but if you can create a work area in your home that is away from the bedroom, it will help improve your quality of sleep."
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Feng shui experts are divided on plants in the bedroom. Some say plants (including other wooden accents) contain too much energetic yang energy, while others say a large bedroom can accommodate a small plant or a single palm.
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Monica Wang
Elements of wood, fire, metal, earth, and water should all be represented equally for good feng shui. Express these elements through your bedroom's color palette, textures, shapes, and decorative objects.
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In feng shui, a headboard symbolizes support. Just make sure it's securely attached and opt for soft edges (and avoid activating materials like iron) when possible.
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Avoid inviting threatening energy into the bedroom by keeping the space directly above your head free and clear. Or at least choose artwork made from softer material or a piece that features a soothing pattern.
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Karolina Grabowska
When accessorizing your bedroom, think about appealing to the five senses: touch, sight, smell, sound, and taste. Think feel-good textiles, a vanilla-scented candle, a jar of water nearby, and maybe even a white noise machine or a soothing bedtime playlist.
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Anne Sage
Evaluate your bedroom for any sharp or protruding corners, and if needed, reposition your furniture so these corners aren't pointing directly at your head.
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Haymes Paint
Tall, looming pieces of furniture have a tendency to give off constrictive energy in the bedroom. Feng shui experts recommend keeping these pieces, like bookshelves, outside of the bedroom.
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While water elements can improve good feng shui in the home, features like fountains, artwork depicting oceans, rivers, etc. should also be kept outside of the bedroom—they give off too much energetic yang energy.
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If possible, feng shui experts recommend investing in a full-sized bed or larger. Any smaller and the chi won't circulate as smoothly in the room.
7 Expert-Approved Feng Shui Tips for Your Home
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Successful Aging: 10 Tips for Better Sleep.
Harvard Medical School. July 28, 2017
10 Feng Shui Bedroom Ideas and Essential Rules
When it comes to getting a good night's sleep, you'll probably readily admit that there are very few things you won't try. From lowering your thermostats to upgrading your mattresses, there are plenty of strategies for getting solid shut-eye. But as it turns out, optimizing your bed's feng shui could be one of the simpler ways to ensure a restful night's sleep.
"[Feng shui] is not just about the physical presentation of the room and the accessories in it," says Laura Cerrano, a New York–based feng shui consultant. "It's important to have an emotional connection that aligns your intentions with your heart, allowing yourself to open up and feel the energy of the room."
To learn more, we asked Cerrano to share some tried-and-true strategies for improving the energy of a bedroom. Read on for 10 feng shui dos and don'ts, including the No. 1 home accessory to leave out of your bedroom for maximum R&R.
As you'd probably expect, your headboard and bed frame play a significant role in optimizing the feng shui of your bedroom, according to Cerrano. Choose "a solid wooden headboard and frame," she suggests. This is a "common suggestion in Western feng shui because the element of wood relates to the symbolic nature of supporting your body and energy when sleeping," she explains.
So what are some of the drawbacks of having a metal headboard or bed frame? "From a Bau-biology feng shui perspective," metal frames and metal box springs can amplify and distort the earth's natural magnetic field," states Cerrano. "Wooden materials are not conductive, so they can help reduce radio frequency signals from wireless appliances (your computer, cell phone, and television) from negatively penetrating your personal energy field," she adds.
Ana Rascon / EyeEm / Getty Images Try to part with electromagnetic field appliances in your bedroom altogether, suggests Cerrano. "Choosing to leave those types of EMF appliances within your bedroom during sleep increases interference with your circadian rhythm. This is especially true with young children and adolescents," she adds.
"In general, it's best to allow your bed to be placed against a solid wall, as this psychologically provides a feeling of support and protection," says Cerrano.
She advises arranging your bed so that it has a clear vantage point of the doorway while not being in direct alignment with it. "When you allow your bed to be directly aligned with your doorway, the energy flows too quickly," she says. "This can feel unsettling, thus disrupting your sleep."
Sarah Sherman Samuel When choosing bedroom furniture, opting for pairs can be especially harmonizing. "Two nightstands (one on each side of the bed) is recommended" for optimal feng shui, explains Cerrano. "They symbolize balance and equality in Western feng shui practices." If the layout of your bedroom doesn't allow equal space for this particular arrangement, one side table will do, reassures Cerrano.
But even if you're short on space, avoid storing items underneath your bed, she advises. "In Western feng shui, it's said that energy expands in all directions. When sleeping, your 'third eye' awakens and greatly expands—your higher consciousness is wide open."
Amy BartlamWhen it comes to accessorizing, Cerrano encourages choosing items you love in order to optimize the energy of your bedroom. "Accent pillows, a throw blanket, and a comforter can all help enhance the energy through subtle colors, patterns, and designs," she suggests.
"What you choose would all depend on the overall atmosphere you are aiming to create along with what is already established within that room." Follow your gut and decorate with textiles that bring you joy.
Alyssa Rosenheck The home accessory that tops the list a feng shui bedroom don't? A mirror. "From a feng shui perspective, mirrors are considered to be an activation cure, which promotes Yang energy (movement)," Cerrano explains. "Inside the bedroom, the majority of the energy you ideally want to cultivate is Yin (restfulness)."
Of course, there are exceptions to the no-mirrors-in-the-bedroom principle, says Cerrano. If you want to have a mirror in your bedroom, "be sure it's not facing your bed directly," she advises. "Instead, allow the mirror to face an outside window, which could be beneficial as it helps to pull more daylight into the room.
Daria Shevtsova / PexelsTo ensure a good night's sleep, be conscious of your bedroom's ceiling. "Do you have a ceiling fan, beams, a skylight, an angled or slanted ceiling design?" asks Cerrano. "Any of these could negatively affect your sleep and energy as they relate to Sha energy (which drains a person's energy)," Cerrano explains.
If your ceiling has any of the aforementioned items, avoid sleeping directly under them, if you can, she suggests.
Sonnie Hiles / Unsplash To bring good vibes to your space, consider purging unwanted items from your bedroom. "If you store objects from your past or present that you do not associate with beneficial emotional memories or energetic frequencies, it could negatively influence your aura (energy field), dreams, emotions, and thoughts on a subconscious level," cautions Cerrano.
In addition to keeping your bedroom neat and tidy, Cerrano advises that you are discerning about what items you bring into the room, as decorative items "play a collaborative role in enhancing your space."
Adrianna Calvo / PexelsWhile water is believed to be conducive to financial success in the Chinese culture, the element has no place in the feng shui bedroom, whether tangibly (a fountain or a fish tank) or figuratively (water-centric artwork and photos).
The reason? The powerful and active chi energy created by water disrupts the peaceful, serene vibe that feng shui aims to create in the bedroom. And because water extinguishes fire, the element can be bad news for the libido and, ultimately, passion.
According to feng shui best practices, interior colors should be chosen for their relation to Bagua, the energy map of the home. Each "zone" within the home has different energetic needs, and fulfilling those needs promotes harmony between one's physical, spiritual, and psychological selves.
No time for energy mapping? Earth and skin tones are a safe bet (think ivory, peach, coral, and chocolate) as are soothing, tranquil colors such as soft blues and pale greens.
This story was originally published on January 14, 2017, and has since been updated.
Feng Shui design or Feng Shui interior design. Interior design in Yekaterinburg. Architectural Bureau of Alexei Sukhov – arch-buro.com
10/31/2011 | Rubric: Apartment interiors
This interior design is made in accordance with the Feng Shui map compiled by experts. Some rooms have several design and color options.
Consider each room separately.
The hallway is one of the most important parts of the apartment - what impression it will make on incoming people and will depend on the impression of the whole apartment or house, including the owners. The entrance hall, which immediately at the entrance has a lot of shoes, jackets, fur coats and raincoats hang on an open hanger, and there is a cat litter box or a vacuum cleaner in the corner, you see, it will never make a pleasant impression either on the guests or on the owners themselves.
The hallway must have a comfortable and spacious closet for shoes and clothes. A large mirror is desirable in the presence - but in no case should it be located opposite the front door. It is also important to have a small sofa or ottoman. The front door should open and close freely - nothing should interfere with the qi energy.
Interior and furniture living room should have a rest, listen to music or talk quietly. There should be no aggressive objects and colors. Perspective feng shui , the ideal furniture option in the living room is a corner sofa and / or several armchairs. The color scheme should be calm and neutral shades.
In the interior design of bedroom there should be nothing superfluous, the main thing is a comfortable and comfortable bed. The main instilled Feng Shui for the bedroom is that the bed must have a headboard against the wall and must have approaches from both sides. You should be careful with the mirror in the bedroom - it should not reflect the bed: it is believed that the reflection of the marital bed can lead to betrayal. From the point of view of Feng Shui, it is not good when the head of the bed is at the window or when you have to sleep with your feet towards the door. You should not make a bedroom in red or blue tones - according to Feng Shui, these colors cause aggression.
For a person who does not have a second half, but wants to find it, it makes sense to buy a large enough bed for two people and put two pillows on it. And if you lie in the right direction and activate a certain sector in the apartment, you can be sure that the second half will be found very soon.
In a nursery, choosing the right furniture is more important than anywhere else. Bunk beds are strictly not allowed. Also, do not use "adult" furniture and furniture "for growth." The best option is to buy furniture according to age: this is very important for the harmonious development of the child. In Feng Shui, it is generally accepted that a child's room should have a lot of cabinets, bedside tables, shelves and drawers so that the child gets used to the fact that each toy and thing has its own place. Be sure to have active and bright accents in interior . And another important point in children's is bright lighting.
The kitchen is the place where most people, especially the female half of humanity, spend a lot of time. Very often this is the place where they eat, arrange fun gatherings with friends, where they spend a lot of time to please and surprise loved ones with their various delicious dishes. For those who love to cook and those who spend a minimum of time on it, it is important that in the interior design of the kitchen everything was functional and convenient.
According to the style of feng shui cuisine, the most important rule is that the elements of fire (microwave, stove) must be separated from the elements of water (refrigerator, sink, dishwasher). Otherwise, the same rules apply in the kitchen as in the rest of the rooms.
And another very important Feng Shui rule in all rooms is order, cleanliness and the absence of unpleasant odors.
Alexey Sukhov Architectural Bureau | archburo.com
Tags: Feng Shui interior design, apartment design, Feng Shui design
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Feng Shui in the interior - kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms in apartments and houses. Colors, plants, mirrors, etc. in interior design according to Feng Shui
Feng Shui in the interior: advice from Eastern masters
An ancient Chinese teaching tells how to achieve harmony in the arrangement of a house and apartment.
- Achieving balance
- Organization of space in interior design according to Feng Shui
- Feng Shui in the interior of the kitchen
• Space organization
• Kitchen furniture according to the rules - Feng Shui Living Room Interior
• Feng Shui Living Room Design Tips - Feng Shui Bedroom Interior
• Planning Principles
• Proper Bed Placement - Mirror in the interior of Feng Shui
- Harmonious colors in feng shui design
- Feng Shui style: flowers in the interior
• For plants to bring good luck - Paintings in the interior according to Feng Shui: how to maintain balance
- Talisman of love and rebirth
• What compositions can you make
Achieving balance
The name of Taoist philosophy is translated as "wind and water". Theoretically, this is a search for harmony in oneself and the world around. In practice - the recommendations that are followed in the construction, repair and redevelopment of housing. The main task is to activate the flows of positive Qi energy and protect the room from negative Sha.
Organization of space in interior design according to Feng Shui
In the house there are sectors that are most favorable in terms of geographical location:
1. North is a zone of career growth and personal achievements, the best place for a home office.
2. Northeast - wisdom and knowledge, well suited for the library, arranging the workplace of a child and an adult.
3. East - a zone of family and health. There is a living room or kitchen.
4. Southeast - associated with wealth. The Chinese are advised to place a wardrobe or safe, a desk with a laptop in this side.
5. South - personifies self-realization and glory. Also great for an office.
6. Southwest - Closely associated with marriage and love, Feng Shui home interior design considers this location ideal for a bedroom.
7. The West is the realm of children and creativity. It is better to organize a room for a child here.
8. North-West - travel and home helpers. In this side, it is worth highlighting a pantry with sports equipment and household appliances.
We will tell you recommendations for the design of specific premises.
Feng Shui in the interior of the kitchen
Basic rules regarding the location of the kitchen and finishing of internal planes:
- Favorable is the location on the east, south or southeast side of the house, where there is a lot of sun. In the north - extremely undesirable.
- In the case of a free layout, it is not necessary to allocate the center of the apartment to the kitchen area.
- Only one door leads to the room. If there are more of them, the energy balance will be disturbed.
- The entrance to the kitchen should not be visible from the hallway so that Qi does not leak.
- The proximity to the bathroom will negatively affect.
- The ceiling needs to be single-level, without artificial beams and suspended structures that crush it.
- Feng Shui also recommends giving up podiums and steps in kitchen design.
There are two ways to correct the failure to follow these tips: keep the kitchen door permanently closed or hang “wind music” on the passage, which will prevent the favorable energy from escaping and at the same time protect the kitchen from negative intrusions from the outside.
Organization of space
The peculiarity of the room is in the presence of two arguing elements: fire and water. To avoid the conflicts and discord associated with this, Feng Shui kitchen interior design advises to single out three zones in the layout: stove, refrigerator, kitchen sink.
Household appliances should be divided into sectors, taking into account the elements. For example, a microwave oven should not be installed next to a sink or refrigerator.
Rule 9 kitchen furniture0094
The space under the ceiling should be freed as much as possible so as not to interfere with the movement of Qi. Therefore, it is better to do without upper hanging cabinets, replace them with open shelves or cabinets with transparent or mirrored doors. Smooth rounded lines are welcome in furniture, without sharp corners.
In Chinese teaching, the table as an object is associated with solidity and constancy. Therefore, glass countertops in the interior of a Feng Shui kitchen are unacceptable; in extreme cases, a transparent plane must be covered with a thick tablecloth.
The best shapes for a dining table are round and oval. In rectangular and square models, corners directed at people carry a harmful energy charge.
Feng Shui living room interior
The main room should occupy the largest room. If the layout does not allow, it is expanded with the help of mirrors. The desired geometry is a rectangle or square, because non-standard configuration will upset the flow of Qi.
Favorable orientation - east, south or southwest.
Feng Shui living room design tips
- Furniture should be arranged in such a way as to create as few sharp corners and protrusions as possible.
Especially dangerous in terms of energy are the corners directed to the table or the entrance to the room. Draperies, flowers, climbing plants will help to mask such zones.
- It is better if the sofa group forms a square, oval, octagonal composition and takes place in the middle of the room. But it is not worth placing it in an L-shape.
- Those sitting on armchairs and sofas should be able to see freely the interlocutor and the center of the room. Furniture should be turned back not to windows and doors, but to the walls.
- Chairs installed very close to the door will block the penetration of Qi into the room, so it is better not to occupy the area near the doorway.
- As in the kitchen, it is important to choose a round or oval coffee table or dining table (if the resting place is adjacent to the dining room) to decorate the living room according to Feng Shui.
- It is not good to isolate a room from other rooms with a blank door: Qi will stagnate.
Another option is also not suitable, when there are several doors in the living room: this is how positive energy quickly dissipates. It will be possible to delay it if you cover the doorways with drapery.
The main rule is that the arrangement of furniture should not interfere with the vital energy of Qi. Instead of bulky, massive objects, it is better to use graceful, neat forms. Cabinets, racks, slides should not be placed near door or window openings, this will limit the access of favorable flows from the outside. The best place is along solid walls and in the corners of the room. Doors and stairs should not be reflected in the mirror facades of cabinets.
For a sofa group, Feng Shui in the living room interior advises choosing models with legs so that the energy circulates freely under the chairs and contributes to a good rest.
Feng Shui Bedroom Interior
The area of the bedroom should always be smaller than the living room. in Eastern philosophy, it is associated with Yin, and the living room with Yang.
Principles of planning
It is necessary to restore strength in a calm environment, so the bedroom is located away from the front door. It is believed that such a neighborhood leads to private diseases.
A room at the end of a corridor or perpendicular to it must not be allocated for sleeping. If there are several bedrooms, they should be placed on the same side of the corridor, and not opposite each other. When this rule cannot be observed for technical reasons, bells must be hung next to the opposite rooms (they will destroy the opposition of energies).
Feng Shui in the interior of the bedroom does not recommend equipping the bedchamber next to the kitchen. But if there is no choice, then the stove and the bed cannot be moved to the common wall at the same time.
A feeling of depression will arise in the household when the windows of the room overlook the pond. In the interior decoration, it is also worth abandoning the manifestations of the water element: an aquarium, a fountain, paintings with seas and rivers.
The room must be square or rectangular. A triangular or L-shaped layout will upset the balance.
Correct bed placement
1. The bed should not be placed at the foot of the doorway.
2. It is unacceptable for the head or foot of the bed to look at the window.
3. The bed should not be placed in a straight line between the window and the door, otherwise the smooth flow of Qi will turn into a chaotic one.
4. Feng Shui bedroom design does not recommend placing the bed in a corner or under ceiling beams. It is important to ensure that the rest of the cabinet furniture does not direct its sharp corners to the bed - this is perceived as energy arrows.
5. Sleeping people should not be reflected in the mirror.
It is strictly forbidden to buy a used bed, as it keeps the aura of the previous owners. A rectangular back carries a healthy and strong charge, but its corners should be rounded. But the back with crossbars is likely to bring bad luck.
Often people hang huge paintings, bookshelves, photographs over the bed. In the interior of the room, according to Feng Shui, only paintings with positive and calm plots are acceptable - no storms, battles, gloomy forests. Photos of deceased relatives in the bedroom are unacceptable, you can only hang your own.
Mirror in Feng Shui interior
In the Eastern tradition, it is a powerful magnet that can attract energy with both positive and negative charges.
Be sure to hang at least one full-length mirror. And such that there is still room above the crown - a symbol of a career and replenishment of the family budget.
All mirrors in feng shui interior design need to be framed so that energy is not lost. Evenly distributing reflective surfaces throughout your home will help the Qi move in a smooth circular motion.
- In the hallway, the mirror must not be hung in front of the front door, passage to the bathroom, as well as on the stairs.
This is fraught with the fact that Qi will not stay in the apartment, and the tenants are threatened with illness and financial problems. It is favorable if “wind music” or a flower from the entrance area is reflected in the mirror.
In a cramped hallway, where the eye immediately rests on the opposite blank wall, it is better to place a mirror there, but slightly shifted relative to the entrance arch. The mirrored facades of the wardrobe will create a "corridor", Qi will easily penetrate through it into the interior of the housing.
- It is a categorical taboo to place a mirror plane on the front door itself, because Qi will not be able to get into the house at all.
Interior Feng Shui with mirrors recommends installing them on the front of the door to the bathroom.
- When designing a bedroom, reflective ceilings will have to be abandoned.
The bed must not be visible in the mirror. The best place for him is a dressing table in the corner of the room. A round-shaped mirror calms and balances the currents, while frames with corners, on the contrary, attract currents that interfere with sleep.
- In the design of the dining room, oriental masters recommend installing a mirror so that it reflects the set dining table. This will bring prosperity to the family.
- Mirrors in the interiors of the Feng Shui living room should be placed opposite the windows if the house offers a beautiful view.
This technique will fill your home with natural harmony.
- In the bathroom, you can activate positive energy by placing two mirrors opposite each other: on the inside of the door and on the wall.
But using mirror tiles is not good, because it is associated with a cracked surface.
Oriental sages are convinced that mirrors should be smooth, without decorative elements, inscriptions, drawings (they distort information). And the most important feng shui interior items are bagua mirrors. These are round talismans framed by a ring of trigrams. Their task is to attract negative energy and neutralize it with the help of natural elements.
Harmonious colors in feng shui design
The use of some colors and the exclusion of others will create an energy balance in the design.
- Red
Activity, strength, passion, a symbol of prosperity. Together with gold, it attracts monetary luck to the house and apartment. It is undesirable to combine with blue and black (Water element). Red will show its best side in rooms for sports, creative work. You need to apply it carefully: an overabundance of color in the interior according to Feng Shui will turn order into chaos, provoke outbursts of anger.
- Orange
The energy of red plus the good nature of yellow, the output is a charge of creation and well-being. Stimulates the mind, fantasy, improves memory, tunes in to communication. It is recommended when decorating a living room, a nursery, in public interiors - for offices and reception rooms.
- Gold
Symbol of honor and respect. Deepen positive emotions, self-esteem. It is believed that shades of gold attract money.
- White
Purity of thoughts, carelessness and innocence. Excites the desire for knowledge, exact sciences, learning crafts. The white color for the interior of Feng Shui is an association with the sun's rays, attracting Qi to the home. However, you can not create completely white rooms, they are cold and alarming.
- Blue
Associated with water, heaven. It calms, pacifies, encourages the study of the world and self-contemplation. It sharpens a person's spirituality, intuition. Perfect for meditation corner design. It is not necessary to paint the entire room blue; in the interior of an apartment, according to Feng Shui, one item with a blue tint is enough.
- Green
Spring and development. Softens emotions, cures the effects of stress. Well suited for decorating a bedroom, nursery, in the office - for decorating a rest room. The combination of red + gold + green calls wealth to the house.
- Violet
Spiritual development, heightened sensory perception. Depending on the mood of the beholder, it gives him peace or energizes him. Helps to focus and achieve material wealth.
- Yellow
Fun, optimism, luck. Yellow colors in Feng Shui interior design attract warmth, family happiness to the apartment, improve mood and activate positive thoughts.
- Black
Unlike Western perception, black does not bring sadness and mourning. More associated with magic, mystery. It is better to use a few black strokes in the design of a well-lit room - this will balance the flow of Chi.
Feng Shui style: flowers in the interior
The teaching tells about the five main plants that have a beneficial effect on the home environment.
- Peony is a symbol of wealth, respect, strong love. During the 20-day flowering period, its lush buds are associated with the financial well-being of the family.
A beautiful sign of prosperity, passed down through generations, will be a tree peony in the garden. He lives up to 100 years.
- Chrysanthemum from all living flowers of Feng Shui for the interior is considered a companion of happiness and fun. Planted next to the house, it personifies comfort.
- White magnolia is the key to sincerity and purity of soul. More connected with female energy.
- Orchid in design is a symbol of innocent thoughts, like magnolia.
- Lotus is a sacred flower in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, a sign of harmony and spiritual growth. If you place an image of a lotus at home, this will enhance your creative gift.
In addition to species, Feng Shui evaluates flowers in the interior in terms of their color. And here the principles that we talked about in the section on favorable colors come into play.
For plants to bring good luck
The Chinese advise following five rules when arranging flower arrangements.
1. Plants with thorns and thorns should not be placed in the eastern part of the house.
2. As soon as the fresh flowers in the vase begin to fade, they should be removed from the room. Decay and decay attract negative energy.
3. If you tie two or three bamboo stalks with a string, it will help you adequately cope with everyday hardships. And a sprig of a pine tree will attract longevity.
4. The money tree will work better as a magnet for wealth if placed in the east or southeast side.
5. If it is difficult to take care of living plants, then the flowers in the interior of feng shui can be artificial, with silk leaves. But real ones are better.
Paintings in the interior according to Feng Shui: how to maintain balance
Posting random images at home is not thoughtful. When choosing, you need to remember the rules:
- A reproduction should radiate peace and serenity, evoke a positive emotion. But if the plot is pleasant, but the donor himself is not, then the gift should be discarded.
- Paintings in the interior of Feng Shui should not contain battle episodes, natural disasters, birds of prey and aggressive animals. Such stories will definitely change the energy of the house for the worse.
- You will get a negative effect if you hang portraits of deceased celebrities or your deceased relatives on the walls.
- Abstract plots are difficult to "read" from the point of view of the charge contained in them. They can have both positive and negative effects. Symbols, hieroglyphs, runes, the meaning of which is unknown, are also potentially dangerous.
- Feng Shui for interior paintings advises you to carefully choose scenes with destroyed buildings, cracked dishes, and even with elderly people. They are believed to bring destruction.
- Massive frames impede the movement of Qi. The way the picture will be either without a frame at all, or with a light design.
- Several reproductions in one room can overlap each other's energy.
It is better to hang one canvas per room.
Choosing a picture for interior design according to Feng Shui is based on the purpose of the room.
In bedroom scenes with sunny forest edges, bouquets of flowers, butterflies look organically.
If in the living room often gather friends and habitually noisy communication, active stories are acceptable: galloping horses, flying flamingos. If this is a place for family gatherings, peaceful images of animals with cubs will support the atmosphere.
To strengthen the energy of in the kitchen will help paintings with predominant green and red colors: bright poppies, still lifes with ripe fruits, landscapes. Double the warmth of the hearth with beautifully drawn ready-made dishes.
In the hallway Feng Shui style in the interior prefers canvases depicting mountains and the sun, which activate all positive energies.
Talisman of love and rebirth
There must be butterflies in the house.