Coriander seeds planting tips
Coriander - How to Plant, Grow and Harvest
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This hardy annual herb makes a pretty clump of fresh green leaves in a sunny or partially shaded spot, in the ground or in a container. A relative of parsley, coriander is grown for its tangy leaves as well as its aromatic seeds, which are used to flavour curries.
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Seeds can be sown outdoors from spring to autumn, in a sunny or lightly shaded spot with free-draining soil. You can also sow into pots of multi-purpose compost.
Scatter the seeds thinly, cover with a little soil or compost, and water gently. Germination takes from one to three weeks.
Sow small batches every three or four weeks for a constant supply of leaves from mid-summer onwards.
You can extend your leaf harvests into early winter by sowing batches in autumn under cloches or in a low polythene tunnel.
When growing coriander for the seeds, sow in full sun in spring or early summer to ensure the seeds ripen, and thin out seedlings to 10cm (4in) apart to give plants space to mature.
Keep the soil or compost moist, but avoid overwatering. Dry conditions can cause plants to bolt (or flower) prematurely.
Plants don’t normally need feeding, but the occasional application of a balanced liquid feed can be used as a pick-me-up.
Weed regularly around plants grown for seeds, so they don’t have to compete for sunlight or water.
If you don't have the time or space to grow from seed, or only want a few plants, you can buy pots of coriander in garden centres and supermarkets.
Coriander leaves, flowers and seeds are all edible and can be harvested from mid-summer onwards.
Pick the leaves when young and use fresh or freeze for later. Regular picking encourages more leaves to sprout.
When plants start to flower, either pick the blooms to add to salads, or leave them to form seeds.
For coriander seeds
Pick the seeds when ripe, just before they start to fall – cut entire stems and allow to dry on a sheet of paper in a warm room.
When the seeds are fully dry, store in an airtight container.
Seeds can be used whole or ground to a coarse powder with a pestle and mortar.
Recommended Varieties
Common problems
Slugs and snails
These feed on the young seedlings and you'll see the tell tale slime trail on the soil around your crop, as well as on the leaves.
There are many ways to control slugs and snails, including beer traps, sawdust or eggshell barriers, copper tape and biocontrols.
Plants flower and set seed prematurely.
Unless growing for seed sow bolt-resistant varieties. Sow or plant at the correct time and keep the soil or compost moist.
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Coriander Seeds: How To Grow Coriander
Cilantro / Coriander
By: Bonnie L. Grant, Certified Urban Agriculturist
Image by Alesikka
Chances are pretty good that if you have ever grown cilantro you ended up with coriander seeds at some point. Coriander is the fruit or seed from the cilantro plant, which is also sometimes called the coriander plant. Letting cilantro plants bolt is how to grow coriander. The bolted plants send out flowers and seed in high heat. Growing coriander is easy and rewards you with a seasoning that adds exotic interest to your dishes.
What are Coriander Seeds?
Coriander is a seasoning. It is a hard, round little seed that is a light brown color. Coriander seeds are ground and used in breads, Indian and Middle Eastern foods, Latin and Asian cuisine and is also a component of pickling spices. Cilantro seed answers the question, “What is Coriander?” The coriander plant goes to seed if it is planted when summer is in full swing. If you want cilantro for the citrusy leaves, you need to plant it when temperatures are still cool in spring.
How to Grow Coriander
Plant seeds in late spring to early summer. The plant needs rich, well-drained soil and a moderate amount of water. Sow in a full sun location for best production in loam or sandy soil. Space the seeds 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm. ) apart in rows 15 inches (37.5 cm.) apart. By midsummer, the coriander flowers will appear as white lacy umbels. In a couple of weeks the plant will set seed. Neglect is actually the best method of how to grow coriander.
The formation of coriander seeds is dependent upon day length, sunlight and temperatures. Cilantro has a short growing season in hot climates and bolts when it is finished growing. Plants grown in mid summer will bolt in only four to six weeks due to the high temperatures. The varieties of cilantro seed that do not say they are slow to bolt will produce the quickest coriander crop. Slow to bolt means the plants will not form seed quickly and are more suitable for the cilantro leaves.
How to Harvest Coriander from Cilantro Plants
Coriander seeds need to be harvested before they drop off the plant. The pretty little flowers are attractive to honeybees and butterflies and turn into the seeds after pollination. The seeds are tiny and will be loose on the stem when ripe. Place a bag under the old flower stem and cut it off. Shake the stem into the bag and the ripe seeds will fall in. The seeds are best used as soon as possible but can be stored in a tightly sealed container.
How to Use Coriander Seed
Coriander needs to be ground in a spice grinder or mortar and pestle for use in cooking. You can also toast the seeds to bring out the flavor or wrap them with other seasonings in cheese cloth as a bouquet garni. The ground seed is most often found in curry powders such as Taklia, which is an Arab condiment, and garam masala. It is used in soups, stews, baked goods, desserts and as a rub on meats.
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Growing coriander: planting and care
Growing coriander is not difficult. It can be easily planted and grown in the garden. Below is an instruction on how to get a good harvest of coriander on your site.
Coriander or as it is also called cilantro in its appearance is very similar to parsley, but unlike it, it has a pronounced pleasant aroma that cannot be confused with anything.
Coriander adds a special touch to Asian dishes. Fans of good and tasty food should always have coriander in the house, preferably fresh. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. You won't find coriander greens in many supermarkets. Therefore, we recommend growing and propagating coriander yourself. nine0003
It's easy and even quite fast. We will tell you two ways to grow coriander.
- 1 Coriander cultivation - Two methods
- 1.1 planting coriander seeds
- 1.2 Coriander cultivation seedlings
- 2 Video on the planting of the coriander
Coriander Coriander - two methods of

Plant seeds from April to May. Please note that there are no frosts at night. Otherwise, you will have to wait a while to sow the seeds.
Coriander is an unpretentious plant, it is enough to make furrows on the bed to spread the seeds at the rate of 2 grams of seeds per square meter and plant to a depth of 1.5 cm. The distance between plants should be about 10-13 cm, and between rows 25-35 cm
In general, coriander doesn't care if the seeds are covered with soil or not. However, it is recommended to cover the seeds with a small layer of earth to protect them from drying out. nine0003
After 7-10 days, the seeds begin to germinate and grow at breakneck speed, so you can harvest fresh herbs as early as 14 days after germination. Sowing seeds can be carried out throughout the summer with an interval of 1-2 weeks.
Our recommendation:
Coriander is an annual plant. To grow fresh coriander greens for the next year, you need to wait for it to bloom, this will be the second half of August, you can cut off the flower umbels (light brown) shortly before maturity. If you dry the umbrellas, the seeds will fall out by themselves and you can plant them the same way next year. nine0003
Growing coriander seedlings
Coriander seedlingsIf you have a plant pot, you can use it to grow coriander. To do this, soak the seeds and plant them in the ground to a depth of 1.0-1.5 cm.
During germination, simply keep the soil moist by watering twice a week. Then, when the greens appear, carefully remove them from the pot, for this you can use a small scoop or spatula and separate the roots with a sharp knife. Be careful not to damage the roots. nine0003
Individual plants can now be planted in small groups in a larger pot or planted in the garden.
Video on the landing of the Coriander
Previous Articles in September are important things that need to be done in the garden and garden
The following article of rainwater - 3 simple methods
I engage grapes and various vegetables in his garden. nine0003
planting and care in the open field, growing from seeds
Herbaceous annual plant coriander (Coriandrum sativum), also called vegetable coriander, is a member of the genus Coriander of the Umbelliferae family. It is widely used as a spice in cooking, and also as a flavoring agent in soap making, perfumery and cosmetics. This species is a honey plant. The name coriander comes from the ancient Greek word, some scientists believe that the word meaning "bug" is a derivative of the name. An immature plant has an odor similar to that of a bug when it is crushed. Another part of the experts believes that the derivative word has a homonym, which means "St. John's wort". In this regard, it is not known exactly why coriander was named that way. You should also know that coriander and cilantro are the same plant. To date, it is not known exactly where this culture came from, according to one version from the Mediterranean. This plant came to Great Britain, Central and Western Europe from Rome, while later it was brought from Europe to New Zealand, America and Australia. Today, cilantro is widely cultivated in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Ukraine and Crimea. nine0003
- 1 Brief description of growing
- 2 Features of coriander
- 3 Coriander cultivation on the windowsill
- 4 Landing the coriander in the open soil
- 5 Conduct for coriander
- 5.1 6 Diseases and pests of coriander
- 6.1 Diseases
- 6.2 Harmful insects
- 7 Varieties of cilantro
- 8 Properties of coriander: benefits and harms
- 8.
1 Useful properties of cilantro
- 8.2 Contraindications
- 8.
Brief description of cultivation For indoor cultivation, seeds are sown from the beginning to the middle of March, and they are sown in open soil in May-March.

Coriander Features
Cilantro is a herbaceous annual plant. The shape of the root is fusiform, the height of the bare erect stem varies from 0.4 to 0.7 m, which branches in the upper part. Basal leaf blades are long-petiolate, coarsely dissected, tripartite with wide lobes, while their edge is incised-serrate. The lower stem leaves are short-petiolate, twice pinnatipartite, while the upper and middle ones are vaginal, pinnately dissected into linear segments. At the tops of the peduncles are umbrella inflorescences, which include 3-5 rays, consisting of white or pink small flowers. The fruits are ribbed, hard, spherical, ovoid or spherical. Flowering is observed in June-July, the time of fruit ripening depends on the climate and is observed in July-September. The seed remains viable for 2 years. Fragrant greens are called cilantro and it is used in dried and fresh form, while the seeds are used as a spice, which is called coriander. nine0003
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Growing coriander on the windowsill
If desired, coriander can be grown on your windowsill, in this case, fresh herbs will be on your table all the time. Such greens contain a large amount of vitamins and other substances that are very useful and necessary for the human body. For seedlings, seeds are sown from early to mid-March. Seeds must be evenly distributed over the surface of the moistened soil mixture, keeping a distance of about 70 mm between them, while they are buried in the substrate by about 10-15 mm. Crops should be covered from above with transparent polyethylene or glass, and then the container is placed in a warm and well-lit place. In the case when the daylight hours are still too short above the crops, you need to install a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp at a height of 20 to 25 centimeters. nine0003
Caring for seedlings is very easy. Watering should be carried out only when necessary, it is aired systematically, and condensate must be removed from the shelter. After seedlings have formed cotyledon leaf plates, the glass must be removed. The first greens can be cut after 20 days.
❤🏡 We sow coriander (cilantro). Garden on the windowsill!!! /balcony
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Planting coriander outdoors
To grow coriander in open soil, you need to choose a site where cucumbers, zucchini and squash, as well as related crops, have previously grown. The site should be sunny and well protected from drafts. This crop can also be grown in a shady place, but the shade is not suitable for this, since cilantro grows weak there, with a small amount of foliage, while flower arrows form early enough, while the fruits grow small and ripen for a long time. Low-lying areas are not suitable for sowing cilantro, otherwise the bushes will get wet before they have time to ripen. Such a culture grows very well on slightly alkaline or neutral soil, which should be loamy or sandy loam. nine0003
The site must be prepared before sowing cilantro, for this, the soil is digged with the introduction of humus into it (1/2 bucket per 1 square meter of the plot), which should be combined with a not very large amount of wood ash. Instead, complex mineral fertilizer can be applied to the soil (from 20 to 30 grams per 1 square meter). Sowing is carried out in March-May. Sprouts begin to appear already at a soil temperature of 4 to 6 degrees, but the warmer the earth is, the faster the seedlings will appear. nine0003
Not very deep grooves should be made on the site, while dry seeds should be laid out in 2 or 3 pieces, between which a distance of 80 to 100 mm should be observed. The distance between the grooves should be from 10 to 15 centimeters, in which case the growing bushes will not cover each other from the sun's rays. Seeds are buried in the ground by 15–20 mm. Then the crops need to be watered. The time of emergence of seedlings depends on the variety of coriander, storage conditions and weather, and varies from 7 to 20 days.
SOWING CORIANDER - CILLAND Video tutorial by Olga Chernova April 13, 2017
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Caring for coriander
growth and development. Of those seedlings that have grown in one nest, the strongest should be left, and the rest should be pulled out. Further, the coriander must be watered in a timely manner, weeded, and also loosen the surface of the soil around the bushes. nine0003
How to water
Crops should be watered frequently and abundantly, because germinating seeds should not feel a lack of liquid. After the seedlings appear, watering should be reduced, while the soil in the garden should be slightly damp all the time. After the active growth of the green mass begins, the abundance of watering is increased, if this is not done, then the bushes will bloom too early. After fruit ripening begins, watering should become very scarce. When the bed is watered or it rains, its surface must be loosened, otherwise there will be little greenery, and the inflorescences will grow early enough. nine0003
Top dressing cilantro
Fertilizers are recommended to be applied to the soil before sowing the seeds. And during the growing season, bushes are not fertilized. The plot for sowing should be prepared in the autumn, for this, during digging, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and compost are introduced into the soil, while in the spring, right before sowing the seeds, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied.
Herbs are harvested as they grow. After the flower stalks are formed, the greenery will become much smaller, while the foliage will coarsen, and its nutritional value will decrease. If you take care of the crop correctly and adhere to the rules of cilantro agricultural technology, then 3 green crops can be harvested from one bush per season. nine0003
In the area where this crop was grown, next year you can plant eggplants, as well as other representatives of the Solanaceae family.
The best varieties of coriander (cilantro), how to plant and care for cilantro
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Diseases and pests of coriander
Diseases rust, ramularia or powdery mildew. nine0003
Ramulariasis is a fungal disease that actively develops at high humidity, if it is very cold in summer and heavy dew falls in the morning. Such a disease can destroy coriander bushes. Spots of brown color form on the surface of the leaf plates, and a pale gray coating appears on them over time. Outwardly, the bush looks like it has been burned, and dies pretty quickly. In order to prevent the seed before sowing, it is necessary to pickle with Fitosporin-M solution, while in the area where cilantro grew last year, it cannot be sown this season. nine0003
Rust is another fungal disease that is very common and can cause severe damage to the crop. In the affected bushes, pustules of a dark red color form on the surface of the leaf plates, they tear over time, and spores of the fungus spill out of them, carried by insects or wind. So that the bushes do not get sick with rust, it is necessary to take the same preventive measures as in the fight against ramulariasis.
Powdery mildew
Powdery mildew is also a fungal disease. A whitish coating forms on the aerial part of the affected plant. After a while, this plaque becomes denser and changes its color to brown. The disease develops most actively in dry and hot weather with sudden changes in temperature and humidity. A large amount of nitrogen in the soil can also contribute to the development of the disease. All diseased bushes should be removed from the soil as soon as possible and destroyed. To get rid of such a disease, if desired, you can resort to folk remedies that are distinguished by their non-toxicity: the foliage should be treated with a solution of soda ash or fresh mullein, yogurt or an infusion of fermented weeds. nine0003
Harmful insects
Striped and umbrella bugs, seed-eaters, as well as caterpillars of winter cutworms can settle on cilantro.
Since experts do not advise spraying bushes with insecticides, in order to prevent the appearance of seed-eater on the bushes, the seed material must be pickled before sowing. In autumn, it is imperative to clear the site of all plant debris, and the soil will also need deep digging at this time.
If bugs or scoop caterpillars appear on the bushes, they will need to be collected manually. If a lot of cilantro is grown, then the bushes can be treated with a solution of wood ash or mustard, you can also use an infusion of onion peel. nine0003
Coriander varieties
The coriander varieties that are most popular with gardeners will be described below.
- Caribe . This hybrid Dutch variety appeared relatively recently. There is a lot of foliage on the bushes, which has a strong and pleasant smell.
This annual plant is frost-resistant. Its leaves are very tender, and they are used as a seasoning for first and second courses, as well as salads, and the seeds are used in the preparation of confectionery and marinade. nine0018
- Amber . The variety is characterized by slow shooting. The bushes have a large number of very fragrant leaves. The composition of such a plant includes a lot of essential oils, its greens are added to the first and second courses, and also to salads, while the seeds are used in the preparation of sausages, confectionery and marinades.
- Borodinsky . This variety of medium ripening can be consumed fresh, and seasonings are also prepared from it. The taste of such coriander is very pleasant, and the smell is subtle. nine0018
- Debut . This medium ripening variety is resistant to stalking. It is used in the preparation of marinades and various dishes.
- Stimulus .
Medium late variety. The bush has a compact rosette, consisting of dark green shiny leaf plates, in diameter it reaches 25–30 centimeters. Such cilantro can be added to meat dishes, salads and soups.
- Venus . This late-ripening variety has a raised rosette of leaves. Greens have a pleasant taste and exquisite smell, they are added to salads and used to decorate various dishes, the seeds are used to flavor bread and confectionery, and also in the preparation of marinades. nine0018
- Taiga . A late-ripening spicy variety that has a large amount of foliage, painted in a rich color, they have an unusual smell. Seeds are used as a seasoning, and herbs are added to a variety of dishes.
- Vanguard . This medium ripening variety is undersized. The leaf socket is raised, it has a strong smell. The seeds are added to marinades, and the dried and fresh leaves are added to a variety of dishes.
Still popular are such varieties of cilantro as: Alekseevsky, King of the market, Ranniy, Kirovogradsky and Oktyabrsky. nine0003
Properties of coriander: benefits and harms
Useful properties of cilantro
Coriander shoots and leaves contain rutin, carotene, vitamins, microelements and essential oils, and fruits contain steroid compounds, tannins, sucrose, fructose, glucose , polyphenols, fatty oils, pectin, alkaloids, starch and essential oil. Such a plant becomes even more useful due to the fact that it contains a mixture of organic acids: linoleic, oleic, isooleic, ascorbic, myristic, stearic and palmitic. nine0003
Coriander has antiscorbutic, analgesic, diuretic, anthelmintic and expectorant effects. It helps to increase appetite, lower blood pressure, disinfect the digestive tract, improve intestinal motility and vision, increase potency, stimulate the kidneys, and cilantro helps with insomnia, eliminates swelling and relieves nervous tension, energizes and tones.
The juice of this culture helps to reduce gum bleeding and strengthen them, eliminate toothache and disinfect the mouth in case of stomatitis. Greens help cleanse the human body of bad cholesterol, and also have a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. If you eat a few coriander leaves, you can reduce the effects of alcohol and get rid of a hangover. nine0003
Coriander - use, treatment of many diseases
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Coriander should not be eaten with diabetes, coronary heart disease, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, after a heart attack and stroke, and even for pregnant and lactating women. If you eat too much green cilantro, then it can harm even a completely healthy person: there is a violation of the menstrual cycle and sleep, as well as a weakening of memory. In some cases, when overeating greens, an allergy may appear: pain in the abdomen, vomiting, an itchy rash on the surface of the skin, nausea, and upset stools. As soon as the first symptoms of an allergy are noticed, an antihistamine must be taken immediately, otherwise complications such as Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock may appear soon enough.