How often should i water my poinsettia
How to Care for Your Poinsettia in 3 Simple Steps
Poinsettias are the quintessential Christmas flower as they ring in the holidays like none other. They also have a tendency to really mess with people as they can check out and die without any forewarning. Poinsettias offer big, beautiful blooms that brighten any room, but many people worry that caring for poinsettias can be too difficult or finicky.
In reality, Poinsettias are quite simple to care for as long as you consider where they come from. Poinsettias are tropical plants native to Mexico, so their needs are unique, but not complex.
Taking care of Poinsettias is easy as 1-2-3. The first two steps will get you to a 90% success rate, and, hopefully, step 3 will ensure a home run. So, let’s talk about that now.
1. Avoid Freezing Your Poinsettia on the Way HomeAn icy ride home will do Poinsettias in. Remember, these kids are from the topics.
Just like leaf lettuce can freeze on the way to your vehicle in central Alberta’s December, so will the leaves on a Poinsettia. You can tell your Poinsettia has been chilled by their wilted appearance, especially if they initially appeared robust and beautiful upon leaving the store. Unfortunately, this kind of wilt won’t resolve with a drink of water.
There are a couple of things you can do to protect them from our wintry temperatures. One has to do with when you pick them up, and the other has to do with how they are packed for travel.
To avoid Poinsettias getting too cold, make sure they are dressed in two layers (like us) when they enter the frosty outdoors. The best wrap for them is in a paper sleeve folded at the top with a sealed plastic bag over the top.
What if the establishment doesn’t have this kind of wrap? What if they just have one single plastic sleeve and no more wrap?
I think it’s always a good idea to carry a large plastic garbage bag along with you for every Poinsettia that you are purchasing. You can slip the bag over the plant and tie a loose knot at the top before you leave the store. I would recommend that you use clear garbage bags so that you can get out of the store without anyone thinking you are stealing anything, and you can also see the Poinsettia to get it situated right in the vehicle as you leave. Poinsettias can, and should, be fastened in with seatbelts, just like children.
Make picking up your Poinsettia the last stop of your day so it can go into a warm vehicle and doesn’t have to sit in the cold during other errands.
A combination of no more walking through parking lots with open plastic sleeves exposing poinsettias to ice-cold temperatures, and no more leaving your poinsettias out in the cold will do wonders for caring for your poinsettia.
2. Hold the Water, Your Poinsettia Isn’t ThirstyOverwatering can be fatal for poinsettias. This is the second most common cause of death when caring for poinsettias.
Who had the best success growing poinsettias in my house? My kids. Why? Because they neglected them and never watered them!
Poinsettias don’t need to be watered often. As a rule of thumb, poinsettias only need water every week or ten days, but remember to check them daily as each home is different.
Before you water, always check if the poinsettia soil is dry. My favourite way to check the water status of a poinsettia is to pick up the pot and check its weight; you don’t need to stick your finger into the soil. Full disclosure…even after all these years as a greenhouse and gardening girl, I still hate that first sensation of dirt packing under my fingernails.
When the poinsettia pot is very light, it’s time to give it a drink. Remember, Poinsettias are from the rainforest, where the shallow soil dries out quickly. They are used to being dry. Bring the poinsettia close to the doorstep of wilt, just up to the edge, but not to a full-on dry and stressed flagging. This kind of wilting is not good for plants.
When the Poinsettia is dry, water it thoroughly until water drips out of the pot’s drainage holes. You can water Poinsettias a couple of different ways:
- Place the tip of your watering can or cup at the soil line to water thoroughly. Avoid spilling water all over the leaves because this could cause another set of issues.
- Fill a shallow dish with about 2” (5 cm) of water, take off the Poinsettia pot cover if it has one, and place the Poinsettia pot in the dish to soak up water from the bottom for 15-20 minutes.
Take note of how much a thoroughly watered poinsettia weighs and keep this in mind as you check your poinsettia for water daily.
If a poinsettia is overwatered, it will get a sagging, wilted look, leading you to think that it needs more water, but it doesn’t. Poinsettias have shallow, delicate roots because they never needed deep roots in the rainforest. Root rot can settle in quickly if Poinsettia roots stay too wet. You can tell a Poinsettia has root rot when the foliage collapses or looks droopy, and the soil is soaked.
When you first notice any wilting, we automatically think it needs water, and this is the juncture where the overwatering cycle can begin. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to check the weight of the pot before you water so that you aren’t watering unnecessarily.
There is no need to fertilize Poinsettias once they are in full bloom. They are in their glory and don’t have high nutrient demands at this point in their life cycle.
3. All the Rest of the Creature Comforts, Poinsettias are Really a Plant Embodiment of GoldilocksFor the last 10% of poinsettia success, the grand slam, remember: ‘Not too hot and Not too cold.’
Keep your Poinsettia at average room temperature, in the high teens to mid-20° C; keep it from areas that are too hot or too cold, and avoid areas that have blasts of hot or cold air.
The most common areas that are too hot for poinsettias are those near furnace forced air vents (heat registers) and fireplaces. The hot moving currents will dry the leaves and flowers out and they will get dry and crispy like a potato chip.
Spaces that are too chilly for poinsettias can catch us off guard. Watch for areas that get drafts of polar air, like near the front entry with repeated door openings and closings. Set poinsettias back from entrances where the cold air won’t hit them.
Drafty window ledges and cold window panes offer a similar scenario. When a poinsettia is chilled, it will look wilted – looking wilted is a Poinsettia’s universal sign of displeasure. Sometimes they recover, but other times they do not.
That’s all it Takes to Keep a Poinsettia Thriving- Keep your Poinsettia from freezing in the car.
- Always check your Poinsettia before watering.
- Find your Poinsettia spot with a nice, steady temperature.
And that’s it! If you’d like to keep your Poinsettia looking beautiful for the rest of the year, visit my blog How to Get Your Poinsettia to Rebloom and Stay Beautiful Year-Round.
Enjoy the festive splendor of your Christmas Poinsettia this season! If you’d like more tips and tricks on caring for live Christmas décor, be sure to check out my other two blogs, How to Choose and Care for a Real Christmas Tree and How to Select, Use, and Care for Live Christmas Greenery!
©Sharon Wallish Murphy ©Gardening with Sharon
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How To Water A Poinsettia - How Often And How Much
The watering schedule of a poinsettia makes a big difference for plant health and successful growth of your poinsettia throughout the holiday season. Learn how to water a poinsettia, and grow a happy healthy plant.
Learn how to water a poinsettia to keep your poinsettia flowers healthy and happy- these are rescued plants that are starting to regrowA few years ago I was so fortunate to receive an oversized potted poinsettia as a Christmas gift.
The plant was large and attractive, and the colorful leaves made a festive statement by it’s sheer size alone.
I’m quite sure there were a few plants potted together in one pot to make that one fabulous display.
The poinsettia plant was so large and spectacular, and seemed so thirsty, that I made sure to give it lots of extra water every few days or so. Little did I know that I was slowly destroying it.
To my dismay, the plant started to drop lots of leaves, and then also stopped absorbing and taking up the water.
I lost my poinsettia from over wateringCan You Over Water A Poinsettia?
Through generously watering my poinsettia plant on a regular basis, I had in fact over watered it.
Unfortunately the plant did not survive, and I was unable to bring it back from the brink.
That year I learned a very big lesson in growing poinsettias :
- Do not over water.
It is very easy to care for poinsettias, including watering. The important thing is to do it the right way.
Over watering a poinsettia can cause:
- Leaf discolouration, changing from green or red to yellow
- The leaves to drop from the plant
- Root rot, eliminating the plants ability to take up water and nutrients through the plant roots.
Can You Under Water A Poinsettia?
Under watering a poinsettia will also cause stress for the plant.
Poinsettia plants are vulnerable to stress, and if experiencing under watering or too dry conditions, the plants will demonstrate their stress through symptoms displayed in their leaves and colouring.
Under watering a poinsettia can cause:
- Leaves to discolour and drop prematurely from the plant
- The leaves to wilt
- Dry and scarred leaf edges after recovery
If the poinsettia is displaying wilting, and the soil is dry, this is an indication that the plant is not getting enough water. Give the plant a good watering and allow it some time to take up the water and rehydrate.
The plant should recover when it has been rehydrated.
Once perky again, keep your eye on the plant for when watering is needed again. Keep up with a good watering schedule for the poinsettia plant so as not to expose it to repeated stress from under watering.
You may notice some injury from it’s previous wilting, such as leaf drop or dried leaf edges, however it should bounce back and regrow new healthy leaves with proper care.
both over watering and under watering can cause damage to poinsettia leaves and leaf lossHow To Water A Poinsettia
Water a poinsettia with a watering can, or vessel containing water, from the top surface of the potting soil.
water the poinsettia once a week, after the soil has become dryUse room temperature water so as not to shock the plant during the watering process.
Make sure that you place the pot in a container in which to catch the drainage water, as the plant should be watered thoroughly at watering time, and enough to drain freely from the bottom of the pot.
Another easy way to water is to place the whole pot into the kitchen sink for watering. The pot can then freely drain any excess water into the sink.
Water the plant thoroughly, and let the excess water drain completely, until there are no more water drips coming from the bottom of the pot.
Below you will find some tips on:
- How much to water
- How often to water
- Misting Needs, and
- Top or bottom watering
How Much Water Does A Poinsettia Need?
The amount of water a poinsettia needs will be dependent on the amount of water it takes to fully wet the soil in the pot, and cause drainage of water through the other end of the pot.
The poinsettia will guide you as to it’s hydration needs, and the amount of water to provide:
- When the soil is dry to the touch at the surface of the soil, it is time to water.
- At this point you can water the plant thoroughly with tepid water, so that the water seeps through the holes at the bottom of the pot.
- Make sure that there are good drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, and that they allow the water to drain freely after watering. If the holes are plugged, make a drainage hole or two.
- Make sure to never allow your poinsettia to sit in the drainage water after watering. This can occur by accident, especially if the plant pot is wrapped in some type of protective foil.
- Always remove the plant pot from the foil before watering, and allow to completely drain if reapplying the foil pot cover.
How Often Do You Water A Potted Poinsettia?
A poinsettia watering schedule will be dependent on a number of factors, such as the size of the plant, the size of the pot, and the type of growing medium or potting mix. Allow the soil to dry out in between waterings, and generally watering the plant once a week will be sufficient. The surface of the soil should feel dry to the touch before watering again.
- Let the soil moisture level in the pot guide you as to when to water the plant again.
- When the soil surface feels dry to the touch, it’s time to water.
- Another indication is to take note of the weight of the pot itself. Dry soil in the pot will cause the plant to be much lighter than when freshly watered.
- On the flip side however, try not to let the plant stay dry for too long, as under watering can also cause stress problems for the plant as discussed.
Do Poinsettias Like To Be Misted?
Poinsettias are tropical plants that like bright light and warmth. However if the environment is too warm and dry, they may suffer from the same symptoms as under watering.
In a dry environment:
- Misting the leaves once in a while with a spray bottle will help to provide some humidity for the plant.
- Another option for a dry environment is to place the pot on top of a pebble tray to allow the water to evaporate from the tray into the air underneath the plant.
Do You Water Poinsettias From The Top Or Bottom?
You can water your poinsettia from the top or the bottom, however watering from the top is likely the easiest and the best way, and also the quickest method.
There is no real reason to water from below unless that is your personal preference.
The plants that I generally bottom water are those that have leaves that do not tolerate moisture, as well as young seedlings that are just establishing roots.
To water poinsettias I will use a watering can, and deeply soak the pot of soil from above, allowing the water to pour through the pot.
When the pot has finished draining I pour out the water from the drainage container, as it is very important not to let the poinsettia pot remain sitting in water that has been drained off.
If left sitting in the water, you are risking over watering.
water poinsettias from the top or the bottom, and make sure to have a container or plate to catch the excess drainageWhy Are The Leaves Of My Poinsettia Falling Off?
When there is premature loss of leaves from a poinsettia, this is an indication of stress, generally from the environment in which it is growing and the care that it receives.
an adopted poinsettia plant being nursed back to health- note the leaf loss plus the new grow of tiny leaves along the stemsConsider the ideal environment of the plant, and provide what it needs. By providing for the poinsettia plant needs, the plant will be less apt to become stressed and will maintain the beautiful leaf color and colored bracts.
Poinsettias like a warm environment with lots of sunlight during the day, at least six to eight hours if possible. The ideal temperature is room temperature, at 68°F or 20°C during the daytime, with nighttime temperature being a little cooler.
Try to avoid placing the poinsettia in areas where there are significant temperature fluctuations, such as near a heat source or a drafty doorway.
Poinsettias like a sunny location, but will also do well in indirect sunlight close to a sunny window.
Water once per week when the soil is dry on the surface, and do not allow to stay dry for too long in between waterings.
If the leaves begin to curl, they may have gotten too cold. Keep this in mind, especially when transporting outside in winter.
Resulting injury to the leaves in this case occurs along the leaf edges, similar to leaf wilt injury.
If you identify the needs of your poinsettia, and meet it’s watering, light, and temperature needs, it should bounce back from the stress, replacing the dead leaves with new growth and tiny green leaves.
tiny new leaves growing back on the poinsettia stem after leaf lossConclusion
We love to grow Poinsettia during the Christmas season, along with other festive plants such as Christmas Cactus, Paper Whites, Amaryllis, and Wintergreen.
The colorful bracts add a festive pop of color to holiday decor.
This popular holiday plant can also be grown on through the winter months, long past the winter holidays, if we learn to meet it’s growing needs.
Taking care of your poinsettias watering needs is pretty simple, once you are aware of what your plant will require to stay healthy and beautiful.
You can keep your poinsettia for many years if you meet it’s needs and don’t give it too much love, like I did with my beautiful large plant.
Water the plant regularly, although not too frequently. Allow your plant to guide you about when it’s time to water again.
There is a poinsettia here in our province that has been grown successfully for many years now by it’s owner. The story is bittersweet, although heartwarming and also a loving tribute to someone special. You can read about it here.
These popular plants can have a long life, and if well cared for they can live long past the holiday season. Who knows, if they survive past the new year and grow on as house plants, they may bloom again next Christmas season.
Have you ever wondered how to water a poinsettia, or struggled to keep your Christmas poinsettia plant happy and healthy? Have you over watered or under watered your plants? Make sure to leave a comment below to share your experience!
7 golden rules for extending the life of the perfect New Year's gift - AgroXXI
Anna Medvedeva
Originally from Mexico and with over 150 different varieties, the poinsettia has established itself as a houseplant number as a gift for New Year and Christmas in many countries around the world. In Russia, sales of poinsettia are also growing, because it is impossible to take your eyes off this flower!
Poinsettia is often associated with the artist Frida Kahlo, who was very fond of these flowers. nine0004
The second name of the plant is the most beautiful spurge. And this is true. A variety of colors, ranging from a fiery collection of reds, pinks and oranges, as well as creams and whites, easily turns the poinsettia into a luxurious apartment decoration.
Contrary to popular belief, the poinsettia isn't too difficult to care for, but there are some key things you need to know to make it a successful flower in your home.
1. Poinsettias do not like a lot of water. Always remember that the root system of the plant should not be in waterlogged soil. Otherwise, root rot will begin and the beautiful flower will die. nine0004
2. Get in the habit of looking at the leaves. If they turn yellow or fall off, you are probably not watering properly. It is better to water a little with separated water at room temperature - for example, once every two days, when the soil dries. Abundant watering - once a week is recommended only when the poinsettia has faded and is at rest.
Another reason that the plant is shedding leaves may be a lack of nutrients, which is often observed in indoor plants. Recipe - Spray Folirus Complex Liquid Fertilizer as directed - once or twice a month depending on the condition of the plant. nine0004
But spraying with warm water is best avoided, as this contributes to the appearance of red spider mites.
3. Poinsettias need warmth and light. A pot of flowers can be placed next to the radiator, but no drafts! If you placed the pot on a windowsill, then do not open the windows, and make sure that the temperature in the room is between 15 - 20 degrees Celsius.
4. Buy smart. Many supermarkets place flower pots at the front door of the store for the New Year in the hope that customers will be tempted by the beautiful flowers and make a purchase. But never buy a poinsettia that is near automatic doors that open every 30 seconds, because the plant will be damaged by harsh Russian winds that don't happen in Mexico. nine0004
5. If possible, test the soil before purchasing. The soil should be neither wet nor completely dry, and if so, the plant has probably not received proper care and is in a deplorable state.
6. Finally, when you have chosen your poinsettia, protect it from the wind by wrapping it in a tight wrap during transport home.
7. In order to prolong the life of the poinsettia, every spring, after the onset of warm weather (usually in April or May), the flower is transplanted into a new pot, which is larger than the previous one. Before that, pruning is done - the stems are removed by a third, replanted after the appearance of new leaves, they provide regular watering and the introduction of nutrients along the leaf. Since the poinsettia grows quickly, shaping is part of the ongoing care. nine0004
The flower propagates well by cuttings, which, after spring pruning, should be placed in water at room temperature so that the milky juice drains. Then the cuttings are allowed to dry and planted in a liter container with a slightly acidic substrate. Within three weeks, the cuttings take root.
The dormant period of the poinsettia lasts 8 weeks (compared to six weeks of flowering), for which, from the third decade of September, daylight hours are reduced to 10 hours, and then the flower pot is sent to the darkest place or covered with an opaque and light cloth to In the New Year, the plant was able to bloom due to the natural cycle. nine0004
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How to care for red poinsettia at home? + PHOTO
Considering home care for poinsettias. We tell you how to properly care for the Christmas star after purchase and what to do in spring, summer, autumn and winter.
We describe watering, top dressing, propagation, pruning, replanting, flowering, dormancy, as well as possible problems when growing a plant. nine0004
Contents of the article:
- 1 Poinsettia, spurge or Christmas star?
- 2 Red poinsettia: how to take care of it at home?
- 3 Propagation of the Christmas star at home
- 4 After-purchase care for poinsettia or during the flowering period (December-February)
- 4.1 How to buy poinsettia correctly?
- 5 Red poinsettia care after flowering: pruning, rest period (March-April)
- 5.1 How to make poinsettia bloom a second time? Repotting
- 6 Caring for the Christmas Star from May to September
- 7 Preparing poinsettia for flowering: October-November
- 8 Poinsettia leaves turn yellow, fall off or fall off, what should I do?
- 9 The most beautiful poinsettia: interesting facts
Poinsettia, spurge or Christmas star?
The plant is native to the tropical forests of Mexico on the Pacific coast. The common English name poinsettia is given to the flower in honor of Joel Roberts Poinsett, who introduced it to the US in 1825 as the first US minister to Mexico. nine0004
Scientifically, poinsettia is called the most beautiful spurge (Euphorbia pulcherrima), and in Europe and the USA it is known under the popular name - Christmas Star, Star of Bethlehem, Star of Christ, as it blooms before Catholic Christmas (December 25th).
In the United States, the plant is very much used during Christmas celebrations as a decoration for homes, churches, offices and public places, and December 12 is the official National Poinsettia Day.
To date, more than 100 varieties of plants have been bred with different colors of bracts, for example: red (Angelica, Barbara), white (EckesWhite, WhiteStar), cream (PinkRibbon, Regina), pink (Dorothe, FestivalRose). nine0004
Red poinsettia: how to take care of it at home?
The Christmas star flower loves a lot of diffused light, so windows on the southeast, southwest, west or east side are best suited. In the summer, it is necessary to shade during the day so that direct sunlight does not fall.
The optimal temperature regime for the plant is: active growth phase - +18-25 °C, flowering - not lower than +16 °C, dormant period - +11-16 °C. The main thing is to protect it from drafts and temperature changes. nine0004
How to properly water poinsettias?
In summer, water the poinsettia once every 2-3 days, depending on the air temperature, as the moisture evaporates actively due to the high temperature.
In autumn and winter (preparation for flowering and flowering) Christmas star does not need to be watered often, it needs moderate watering - 1 time in 6-8 days.
During flowering, it is useful to spray the plant every 3-4 days with a small amount of warm and settled water.
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Top dressing
During active growth and development from May to September, the poinsettia must be fed with a complex mineral or organic fertilizer, and during flowering with potash fertilizers.
We recommend reading:
Diseases and pests
Most often, the whitefly, spider mite and mealybug infect the Christmas star. Read more about how to get rid of these pests.
For the prevention of diseases and pests, you must follow the conditions for caring for the most beautiful milkweed and inspect the flower weekly, especially the underside of the leaf and leaf sinuses. nine0004
See also:
Propagation of the Christmas star at home
Poinsettia is propagated vegetatively in the same way as samples grown from seeds lose their varietal characteristics. At the same time, it is very difficult to obtain seeds at home.
Propagation by cuttings
- Cut off the top of the young shoot at an acute angle so that the cutting has at least 4-5 internodes (approximate length 8-10 cm) and cut off the bottom pair of leaves.
- To remove the milky juice, put the cuttings in a container of warm water for 10-12 minutes or wipe the cut with absorbent paper. Then it is desirable to sprinkle the cut with charcoal to prevent decay.
Attention: do not touch the cut with your hands, skin irritation is possible. Wear gloves. nine0081 - Plant the poinsettia cutting in a moist nutrient substrate (peat, sand, leaf and sod soil - 1:1:3:3) to a depth of about 1 cm to reduce the risk of root rot.
- Place the container with the cuttings in a warm place (18-22°C) with diffused light and cover with foil. Spray moderately daily and ventilate to keep the substrate moist but without excess water.
After about a month, the cuttings of the Christmas Star take root and new leaves appear on them. nine0081 - Pinch off young shoots as they grow to speed up the formation of new stems. In September, transplant the cuttings into separate pots with a diameter of 10-16 cm.
- The optimal time for propagation of poinsettia by cuttings is May-June. Also, cuttings can be used for cuttings from pruning after flowering (March).
The most beautiful poinsettia, like all spurges, secretes milky juice. Recent scientific studies have proven that the juice is minimally toxic and does not pose any danger to human health.
Juice may cause mild irritation on sensitive skin and, if ingested, stomach irritation and may occasionally cause diarrhea and vomiting.
Wear rubber gloves when pruning or transplanting a flower, and when finished, wash your hands with soap and water. Take special care of your eyes - in case of contact, rinse them with running water for at least 15 minutes. nine0004
After-purchase care for poinsettia or during the flowering period (December-February)
After purchasing a poinsettia, you need to create optimal conditions for its flowering and development.
- Room temperature +16-24 °C, no fluctuations or drafts. During flowering, the most beautiful euphorbia needs a lot of diffused light; in case of deficiency, its leaves may fall off.
In winter, it is ideal to place on the south window, but the west and east sides are also suitable. nine0081 - Maintain high air humidity: spray the flower with settled warm water 1-2 times a day.
Dry air reduces the decorative effect: the leaves begin to dry out and turn yellow, and fall off prematurely.
- Water the Christmas Star after the top layer of the substrate is dry. The most beautiful poinsettia loves moderate soil moisture. Too much water is a big risk.
- The first 20-25 days the flower will get used to the new conditions. After three weeks, it needs to be transplanted into a new substrate: universal soil mix + sand + vermiculite + drainage at the bottom. nine0076 Transplanting will prolong the flowering of the Christmas star. If it is not possible to transplant, then feed the most beautiful euphorbia fertilizer for flowering plants.
How to buy the right poinsettia?
Poinsettia is best bought in the warm season, but in most cases it is bought in November-December, when it blooms and has maximum decorative effect.
- Before buying, carefully inspect the flowers (not bracts!). The central inflorescences should not be opened (ie buds) so that the Christmas star still blooms in your house for as long as possible.
Foliage should be lush and healthy. nine0081
- Buy a flower in a warm store (temperature not lower than +15 °C) . In winter, there is a risk of buying a plant with frozen roots, especially in the market.
- Euphorbia the most beautiful is afraid of frost, especially in a flowering state, so it is necessary to deliver it to the house as soon as possible. Before going outside, carefully wrap the poinsettia in paper and cover with a cloth.
Excellent poinsettia (Christmas star) to buy
Poinsettia red care after flowering: pruning, rest period (March-April)
Poinsettia usually stops blooming in early to mid-February. The approach of the end of flowering can be determined by the appearance of green leaves on top of the bracts. After flowering, the Christmas star sheds leaves (bracts), it begins a dormant period.
- Cut the stems about 50% (leaves a bush about 14-16 cm high), leaving 4-5 buds on each. With pruning, you can give the desired shape and density to the crown, and then maintain it by trimming and pinching new shoots.
- Move the flower to a darkened room with a temperature of +11-14 °C. Water it rarely and little (1 time in 10-12 days), but at the same time, so that the substrate does not dry out completely (some flower growers allow complete drying).
- After 1.5-2 months (the optimal time) the dormant period of the most beautiful poinsettia ends, and it is transferred to its usual place.
Poinsettia after pruning in March
How to make a poinsettia bloom a second time? Transplant
After the end of the dormant period, it is better to transplant the poinsettia to a new substrate for re-blooming.
- During transplanting, the earth ball near the roots is saved and transferred to a new pot, slightly larger (transshipment). At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer is required.
- The soil mixture is prepared independently (peat, sand, leaf and sod land - 1: 1: 3: 3) or bought ready-made loose and nutritious.
- After transplanting, the Christmas star is transferred to a warm and bright room (the south or southeast side is best) and begin to water abundantly after the top layer of the soil mixture has dried by 2-3 cm.
10-15 minutes after watering, be sure to drain the water from the pan to avoid root rot.
Transplanting poinsettia with a clod of earth
Recommended reading:
Caring for the Christmas Star from May to September
After transplanting and the onset of warm days, the Christmas Star flower begins to grow and develop. During the active growing season, it is not difficult to take care of it: the main thing is to avoid drafts and direct sunlight. nine0004
- A large amount of ambient light and abundant watering stimulate the growth and development of poinsettia, new shoots appear. Of the young shoots, it is recommended to leave the strongest 4-6, and cut off the rest.
A removed shoot can be rooted if desired (propagation by cuttings), and a new plant will grow from it. - The shoots are pinched so that the Christmas star does not stretch out, but bushes, and a compact and beautiful bush is obtained.
- Every two weeks it is desirable to fertilize with fertilizers for decorative and deciduous species or complex. Poinsettia also responds to the introduction of humus, humus or bird droppings with a sharp growth. nine0081
Preparing poinsettia for flowering: October-November
In autumn, the air temperature drops, and accordingly, gradually reduce watering and fertilizing. To encourage the poinsettia to develop bracts, i.e. "bloom" is necessary for at least two months in the fall with continuous long dark nights and bright sunny days (8-10 hours).
- To do this, from September 20-25 until the end of November - beginning of December, from about 18.00 to 08.00, cover the Christmas Star with a thick cloth, cardboard or a dark bag so that the light does not fall on it, and the night falls. At the same time, move it away from the battery on the windowsill, but without touching the cold window, so that there is uniform coolness.
- In preparation for flowering, water the poinsettia sparingly (after half of the substrate has dried) and keep the temperature at least +16 °C.
- On the 1st of December, transfer the most beautiful poinsettia to a sunny window and a warmer place. Soon, buds and colored bracts will appear on the milkweed.
Why doesn't the poinsettia bloom?
During the preparatory period for flowering (two months), any random light at night (even the TV, a street lamp or a passing car) can disrupt the formation of flower buds. nine0004
Poinsettia flowers
Poinsettia leaves turn yellow, fall off or fall off, what should I do?
- Poinsettias tend to wither and fall off the leaves most often due to excess or lack of water.
- Poinsettia can shed its leaves abruptly without wilting due to drafts or extreme cold.
- The leaves of the Christmas star turn yellow, mainly due to the dry air in the room, against the backdrop of high temperatures.