Bohemian color palette
16 Ideas of the Boho Color Palette
Planning your design is always such a time-consuming process. However, fashion never sleeps, and some styles are extremely popular nowadays.
We are inspired by such festivals as the Coachella music fest, celebrity parties, and fashion shows to create something new in Boho style!
Boho or boho chic is a design for those who want their home to be filled with life, free spirit, and bold colors. Incorporating all the most relaxed and unusual tones, this space design option is perfect for creative personalities who are not alien to the free flight of fantasy.
Only here can you see a unique combination of oriental and French vibes or a luxurious antique mirror next to a colorful homespun rug.
Overall, this design is made to fully represent the inner world of the inhabitants of the house and create a glamorous atmosphere for creativity.
However, Boho color palette includes millions of combinations that will work together perfectly and inspire absolutely different eras.
What is so cool about boho style is that you can design any room in this direction.
In this article, we will cover three blocks: boho by era inspiration, boho by color, and boho in a specific room design. Keep reading to find out everything you need to have a perfect Boho color palette in your design!
70’s Boho Color Palette
The fashion world has been looking back at the bohemian style of the 70s for years.
Popular clothing brands collect collections from the attributes of this era.
The interior design isn’t far behind either.
The relaxed boho style is no longer a rarity in modern design. Still, interior designers see even more potential in it and, at the same time, room for creativity.
Boho exists not only at the expense of the 70s of the last century.
This interior mixes eras and styles, harmoniously uniting in bizarre eclectic compositions. A riot of colors and ornaments, vintage and folk art live here.
The manifestation of boho in the interior is very diverse. But, like any style, it has its characteristics.
So, specifically, the 70’s Boho color palette is known for its quite unusual and, from first sight, impossible-to-mix colors.
The most common of them are violet, blue, red, and green shades.
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Boho Chic Color Palette
Boho style is formed not only by decoration but also by accessories. Aristotle argued that nature does not tolerate emptiness.
Be Unique! Small, simple but eye-catching Boho pins that look great on anything else you would like to decorate!
Create your own Boho customized pins based on your favorite Boho art. The great decoration to form your Boho style.
Similarly, the boho style in the interior does not tolerate space.
There are many objects in the boho interior.
Their arrangement in the room may seem messy, but the mess is not boho-chic.
The line is sometimes thin but always clear. If staying in a cluttered room is fraught with psychological discomfort, then a boho space is conducive to creativity and relaxation.
Bohemian comfort is largely due to textiles. Here and there, assorted pillows, scarves, and patchwork bedspreads are scattered in a creative mess, carpets and mats cover the floor, tablecloths and napkins are on the tables, windows, and doorways are decorated with curtains.
Housekeepingbay.comPerhaps the most sophisticated and planned in the variety of boho is boho chic. The style does not involve worn vintage chairs and antique decor: only high-quality decor and furniture items, precious metals, expensive fabrics, and luxurious accessories.
The color palette is bright, but the shades are softer, and the transitions are smoother than the classic version. All items are carefully selected and combined with each other.
That is why the Boho Chic color palette includes most colors which could be similar to each other such as beige, sandy, brown, and in contrast, to make those accessories pop, you could use such bright colors as green and orange.
How to Decorate BohoBoho Vintage Color Palette
Boho is an interior that tells stories. Sewing machines, suitcases, and chests that you inherited from your grandmothers will come in handy.
Time-worn furniture, the piano that your great-grandmother played, your uncle’s old radio, porcelain figurines from the past – all these things will breathe soul into the boho interior, making it original and unique.
Not everyone and not always has the opportunity to assemble an interior from objects “with history”.
In this case, deliberately aged textures and vintage-style furniture will come to the rescue – finding such products in the mass market today is not difficult.
A worthy company for vintage in the interior will be made by hand-made decor.
Dreamcatchers, crocheted napkins, macrame, patchwork pillows, patchwork quilts, rag dolls – all your hand-made items will find their place in a bohemian interior.
In order to place hand-made products in a boho space, it is not at all necessary to be a master of all trades – drawings and crafts of your children will perfectly fit into the interior.
Boho Vintage style color palette includes shades of gray, beige, light blue, and amber orange.
Housekeepingbay.comBoho Retro Color Palette
Seashells from the beach, crystal threads, and, of course, retro posters.
Ceramic figurines or wooden figurines. Pictures painted by street artists. Oriental lanterns. Caskets and many other trinkets will only complete the interior.
You can hang bunches of bulbs and dry flowers under the ceiling of any room.
The main thing for retro boho is not to be afraid to experiment with rich colors and original patterns, incongruous materials, shapes, and textures.
A boho retro room necessarily reflects the owner’s inner world, its uniqueness, and refined taste!
That is why the Boho Retro color palette is so random but unique. It includes shades of blue, gray, amber, orange, and gold.
Housekeepingbay.comBoho Bedroom Color Palette
The bedroom in this style is exceptionally comfortable and a place for creativity.
A bed is optional (you can even get by with just a mattress), but if you choose one, then get spacious bedding sets and a large colorful blanket.
The lines of bedspreads and curtains falling to the floor seem to be created in order to create an atmosphere of ease and relaxation, making every day a day off.
When decorating, use natural materials and do not forget about the original decor: pillows, souvenirs, and woven rugs.
The more ornaments you can collect, the better the idea will be conveyed.
Interestingly, Boho Bedroom doesn’t include too much of bright colors.
Most of them are rather serene and light, such as beige, sandy, camel, light gray, creme.
Housekeepingbay.comBoho Farmhouse Color Palette
Not all households may like the boho style in the exterior or interior of the house, so it is worth discussing with family members before deciding to furnish the whole house in this way, especially when it comes to your little farmhouse.
If there is no single solution and the whole bohemian-style house does not take place, then you can stop at the living room, dining room, or bedroom.
And so that the interior does not fall apart, the space can be combined with common style elements – for example, colors, decor, bright accents, plants.
The farmhouse is usually that one cozy place that you would visit in the summer to see your grandma or clear your mind from the megapolis rush.
Obviously, it is understandable why it should be relaxing and pleasurable in the first place.
However, with boho style, your farmhouse will be not just simple and boring but still glam and soft.
Boho Farmhouse color palette is a variety of beige, camel, dark brown, peachy, violet, and sea blue.
Housekeepingbay.comBoho Kitchen Color Palette
Have you always dreamed of a colorful set of kitchen utensils or pink curtains?
The kitchen in boho style is a place where colors can be combined. You can safely make a color accent on the countertop or kitchen cabinets.
In the kitchen, let’s allow chaos in the form of jars located in plain sight, conservation, multi-colored kitchen utensils, and dried herbs.
Plants in pots, as well as fresh herbs in flowerpots, will help to decorate the kitchen.
The most common colors in Boho Kitchen usually are celery green, dark brown, rust orange, charcoal gray, sandy and beige.
Housekeepingbay.comBoho Home Color Palette
Before you start applying the boho style in the interior of the house, you can prepare it: plaster the walls in relief, paint in the main color of the interior, or stick wallpaper with a bright print.
You can focus on one of the walls and apply patterns to it with a stencil.
Wallpaper can be glued even on the ceiling.
If the walls are brick – emphasize them, do not close them. Also, do not hide “communications” – pipes, beams, batteries.
For the floor, it is better to choose natural materials – boards, parquet, tiles, you can have a rough finish, aged.
For home decor in the boho style, various stained glass windows and mosaics are great. Interestingly, the most popular colors for the Boho
Home are such shades as light blue, cobalt, gray, bone, chartreuse, and copper.
Boho design by color
However, even when you have decided that your flat, farmhouse, or just a kitchen will be designed in any variation of boho style, you don’t have to mix random colors with different undertones.
You can actually get a perfect monochrome design even in boho style!
Boho Emerald Color Palette
Having a little house near the ocean or in a seaside area would be quite inspiring to design its interior in boho emerald colors.
Here is a list of shades that will look perfect mixed:
- light blue;
- olive;
- hunter;
- emerald;
- blue-green;
- teal.
Boho Neutrals Color Palette
Boho Neutrals is quite warm and calming color variation. It will work perfectly for those who don’t want to have too many bright colors.
Because of the decor and additional accessories, the interior in neutral colors will not look too simple or minimalistic and will stick to Boho style! Such Boho Neutrals are:
- brown;
- camel;
- beige;
- bone;
- bronze;
- dark brown.
Boho Rainbow Color Palette
On the other hand, if you are a fan of a really bright and unique mix of absolutely polar and opposite colors, then the Boho Rainbow mix is definitely for you!
Inspired by mother nature and classic boho, rainbow boho does include:
- red;
- yellow
- blue;
- pink;
- green;
- cobalt.
Boho Terracotta Color Palette
Those who can’t wait to express their passionate personality in the interior or exterior design really adore the boho terracotta color palette.
It is a mix of high fashion, fire, and bright sunsets.
It is fair to say that only bright and expressive people would make a choice for Boho terracotta shades:
- amber orange;
- rust;
- copper;
- peachy;
- mauve;
- orange.
Boho Yellow Color Palette
When it comes to yellow undertones and shades, we could really imagine a sweet kid’s bedroom in such colors.
The Boho Yellow direction is actually so cute and feels like the sun is always shining in this room.
Those colors are:
- must;
- copper;
- yellow;
- mustard;
- banana;
- light brown.
Bright Boho Color Palette
Finally, there is this one mixture that allows you to put literally anything you want in your design and not be called weird or crazy because you can always answer that this is Bright Boho!
So, if you’re not sure what exactly you want, but your soul wants to live in a fantasy world full of positivity and creativity, then you should go with a Bright Boho color palette:
- fuchsia;
- yellow;
- orange;
- plum;
- cobalt;
- green.
Related: 12+ Ideas For Your Living Room Color Palette
Desert Boho Color Palette
If any of the previous variations seemed to be too much for you, then there is a perfect option to choose boho in calm and warm monochrome.
The mix of such colors is called Desert Boho and consists of:
- dark brown;
- camel;
- charcoal;
- beige;
- bone;
- bronze.
Related: 65+ Benjamin Moore Exterior Paint Colors
Earthy Boho Color Palette
Mother nature was so generous to gift us with so many truly beautiful colors which will be pleasant for each soul and personality.
Thanks to that, the boho style has a special direction which is called Earthy Boho and includes such calm and serene shades of brown and gray as:
- beige;
- bone;
- cream;
- dark brown;
- dark gray;
- camel.
So, now you understand why Boho style is actually for everyone, and the Boho color palette varies from the most unusual and unique mixes such as Boho Rainbow or Bright Boho to calming Earthy Boho and Boho Neutrals.
Boho color palette works perfectly in any room and was popular even in the 70s.
Frequently Asked Questions
⭐ Can I use old interior accessories in Boho?
Yes, old accessories work best in Vintage and Retro Boho styles.
⭐What is Boho Emerald color palette?
Boho Emerald color palette includes light blue, olive, hunter, emerald, blue-green and teal.
⭐ What is special about Boho Chic style?
Unlike any other Boho direction, Boho Chic is usually perfectly planned, looks tidy, not messy.
Boho Color Palette -
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Bohemian Style - Beauty Inspired by Nature - LiveJournal
Today we'll talk to you about Bohemian Style . Although, it would seem, almost everyone knows him, it is with him that frequent confusion with other styles occurs.
By tradition, I want to start the story with an understanding of the essence of style . "Bohemiens", "Bohemians" in France were originally called gypsies from Bohemia (a place in Central Europe, in the modern Czech Republic) - i.e. people leading a semi-nomadic lifestyle, eclectically absorbed many different cultures, earning money by singing, dancing and other different things =)
The textures of bohemian style are also varied. The style gravitates toward natural fabrics (proximity to the ground), rough textural (“tied nomad on his knee”) and light flying (free soul, flight). And these disparate textures collide in one image. Shoes are usually comfortable, leather or suede and flat.
Clothes are also very eclectic and bright . Imagine that you are a true nomad, and the number of things you have is limited, but at the same time you leave either the indestructible, or the brightest and most beloved. Therefore, rough knitting, a casual T-shirt and a romantic skirt, for example, are mixed in the images. Nevertheless, this mixture is not outrageous, it is rather about freedom from conventions and about nomadic romance “what was, then I put it on, but I had only the most interesting”
If you are a person who is close in spirit to free artists, then the bohemian style will respond to you “redesign” — alteration and decoration of things, when a simple thing is taken and altered, embroidered, repainted. How else can a "poor artist" live?
A gypsy theme is well expressed by voluminous trousers and skirts with an accentuated waist, loose tops, flying hems.
Layering is also one of the features of the bohemian style. (but not only him). Like folds, frills, smells.
An instant way to add a touch of bohemianism to your look is richly embroidered loose cape draped casually over the shoulders.
Bohemian style is truly gypsy in terms of detail. Lots of parts . It even happens that all things are accented, but there is no base as such. The accents are most often prints, jewelry made from natural materials, home-made jewelry, ethnic themes, embroidery, braid, beads, fringe, tassels. Often dissimilar things are combined in one image, which requires good artistic taste to make a whole ensemble.
Bohemian images don't quote just one ethnic culture or era, they mix everything they like . Ethnic earrings, fringe, homemade bag and patchwork? Why not.
Bohemian-inspired jewelry often leans towards natural materials or eclectic ethnicity. In addition, home-made jewelry “made by hand by a nomad” fits well into the bohemian style. bright but not complex. Such decorations do not carry a sacred meaning, this is for other styles. An exception is the theme of feathers - they, like flying fabrics, emphasize the flight of the soul, freedom.
Because bohemian style is all about detail, hats and hair accessories are a must. Hats, scarves, headbands. The hairstyles themselves are quite loose and flying.
Bohemian style has its own branches . For example, Boho chic is a sleeker and more fashionable option. To imagine its essence, imagine that our "poor artist" earned money to buy new and high-quality ones, and began to live in the city, but did not change the spirit of freedom.
Another subtype of bohemian - hippie style , this is a more naive and airy version, with an emphasis on cheerfulness and the rejection of material wealth.
Now let's think, that bohemian style is NOT , although these clothes are constantly sent there. First, style Mori . Although it is understandable with him - he is very similar in execution - a combination of flying and rough, layering, high detail. But the message is different. Boho is about an artist who joined the gypsies, and Mori is about a magical forest doll. The semantic difference is big. Mori is a separate style with its own characteristics. At least from the belfry of European culture.
They like to record any exotic things in boho, but in general ethnic style exists by itself , and when it is not worn eclectically, it is hardly boho, it's just ethnic references (1 row of collage) Like the strange desire of some write down any elegant thing in boho (2nd row of collage: just a romantic blouse, and just an elegant creative jacket, no “eclectic gypsies” are observed)
Well, there is often confusion with creative styles and, apparently, due to the unsuccessful generalization “everything that is creative is boho” - no, of course. There can be tribal, and conceptual art, and cosplay, and much more.
I hope my article helped you figure out the boho style.
Bohemian style in clothes, shoes and accessories (more than 80 photos) - Do-it-yourself haircuts and hairstyles - Hairstyles and haircuts step by step
Bold, confident women are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, do not recognize frames and boundaries, enjoy every moment life. Therefore, they choose clothes in a special, unique style. The ability to look irresistible, attractive and at the same time be free from any prejudice is a rare quality. Independence, great taste, rich imagination, all this perfectly characterizes the bohemian style of clothing. And it’s worth mentioning right away that this is not just a fashionable trend, but a formed, conscious way of life.
Bohemia means "Gypsy" in French.
The history of the emergence of style
Europeans first became acquainted with the term "bohemia" (translated from French - "gypsy") in the XIX century. There are several versions of the appearance of this fashion trend. The most attractive is the legend that connects the bohemian style with the world of art. Wealthy Europeans scorned the free lifestyle of artists and actors. After all, their desire for independence, unsettled life and fun pastime did not fit into the framework of the usual ideas. Therefore, the rich bourgeois compared them with nomadic gypsies.
It is known that in 1881 a certain organization appeared - the Rational Dress Society, which classifies various fashionable styles, and it was she who entered the style considered in this review into her register.
People of art rarely had sufficient funds to update their wardrobe in time. Often they had to make do with old things or combine clothes of different styles in one look. Light negligence, loose silhouettes and bright colors are important components of the bohemian style. Over time, he received a new development thanks to the hippie movement. Freedom-loving young people brought new elements to it, clothes became even more extravagant. Ethnic patterns, denim and suede items, decorated with fringe and frills, have come into fashion.
Features of the bohemian style
This style is characterized by layering, usually in one image they combine things of different silhouettes. For example, a loose tunic and short tight-fitting shorts. Preference is given to fabrics of natural composition: cotton, linen, wool. Things made of materials of very different textures look quite stylish: heavy velvet, delicate lace, leather, suede. The color scheme is rich, mostly natural shades: beige, brown, blue, blue, green. Beads, fringe, embroidery are actively used as decor. A distinctive feature of this trend is the abundance of handmade accessories: bracelets, beads, earrings, headbands and headbands. In addition, intricate ethnic prints on fabrics can be attributed to the characteristic features.
Color range
The abundance of colors rightfully rules here, bright, juicy tones are valued, as well as all shades, one way or another associated with nature. Let's say sunny yellow and orange are suitable, blue is marine, heavenly is blue, grassy is green. In addition, we must not forget about the shades of the rainbow, because it is also a natural phenomenon. Brown colors, as well as gray and black, are also in demand, and most often they act as a background, that is, for example, an outfit can be black, but richly complemented by various embroidered bright patterns.
Materials used
Most often, preference is given to natural fabrics such as linen, chintz, cotton. But the following materials are also actively used:
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- Velvet;
- Velvet;
- Suede;
- Barege;
- Coarse calico;
- Leather;
- Leatherette;
- Fur;
- Organza;
- Openwork;
- Boucle;
- Atlas;
- Aksamit;
- Guipure;
- Denim;
- Tweed.
Prints and motifs
Choose from a wide variety of ethnic patterns, often featuring plant motifs, particularly gypsy florals. It can be large poppies, blooming red roses, peonies and daisies. Patchwork is often used, and from pieces of fabric of different motifs, for example, a peony can be depicted on one segment, and a rose on the other. Indian motifs are also no less popular - triangular figures, the image of arrows, feathers. Zigzag colored lines, images of birds and simply abstract multi-colored stains are very much appreciated.
You can combine bright colors of clothes, for example pink and bright blue, red and blue, yellow and green.
Stylish looks
The best way to stand out from the crowd and express your involvement in the art world is to dress up in bohemian style. Simple and comfortable things made from natural fabrics will help create an unforgettable and vivid image, the main secret is a competent combination and a sense of proportion. For everyday wear, you can choose practical, non-marking clothes, and for going out - an elegant ensemble. There are a lot of options, it is worth getting acquainted with the basic things in the boho style in more detail.
- Floor-length dress. For hot weather, you can choose a linen dress, decorated with frills and lace. It is recommended to emphasize the waist with a thin strap. As an accessory, you can use a hat with a wide brim or a headband.
A knitted dress, complemented by long beads, will look quite original. For an evening out, a dress made of chiffon or silk, decorated with exquisite embroidery, is suitable. Footwear: sandals with braided straps.
- Tunic. A loose straight blouse can be of different lengths. Short models and floor-length products with deep cutouts on the sides look equally stylish. Flared sleeves do not restrict freedom of movement, a deep neckline emphasizes the beauty of the chest. Perfectly combined with shorts, jeans, long skirts, if desired, they can be worn as an independent outfit. Recommended shoes are sandals.
- Knitted cardigan. Models in this style are characterized by a free silhouette. Often cardigans have a fringe trim in the same yarn as the cardigan itself. As an addition, a wide leather belt is perfect. Knitted cardigans can be combined with jeans and long dresses. Sometimes a poncho is used instead of a voluminous sweater. Footwear: boots, high boots.
- Long skirt.
It can be colorful and flowing. It goes well with sandals and sandals.
- Suede or leather vest. This item is worn over a turtleneck, blouse or top.
- Top without straps. Most often, preference is given to tops with elastic bands above the chest and below the waist, while the top itself remains free and is made of airy fabrics with a lining.
- Flowy trousers. You can give preference to multi-colored products or look at the traditional black color.
- Denim shorts. Usually the image is complemented by an elongated cardigan with or without sleeves, a top or T-shirt is put on under the cardigan.
Matching bags
Handbags, bags with fringe, as well as handbags with lace or embroidery are welcome. A bag complemented with beads and beads looks very nice, usually such embroidery is some kind of image, for example, a sunrise. Ethnic motifs also look wonderful, so the bag can be multi-colored, complemented by different geometric patterns. From the models of bags, I would like to highlight hobo, saddle bag, bag, basket, tote, hippie.
Casual shoes
Shoes should be as comfortable as possible, look casual, but at the same time attractive. Mostly shoes with flat soles or comfortable wedges are worn. Decor in the form of rivets, embroidery, fringes, tassels, straps, beads and beads is appreciated. Bright and colorful shoes will suit bold, active people, but a calmer color scheme will be relevant for conservatives. Most often, it is made from natural materials so that the legs "breathe" and do not get tired from a long walk. Ballet shoes, sandals, sandals with a low square heel, boots, low shoes, flat boots, wedges or low heels are worn. You can also look at loafers, moccasins and slippers.
Perfect accessories
Layered beads, voluminous bracelets made of natural stones, as well as all kinds of pendants, such as medallions and cameos, are highly valued. Feather earrings or tassel earrings are especially relevant. By the way, here we showed how to make such earrings, here we demonstrated how to make a bracelet with a brush, and here we showed a pendant in the form of a leather feather. Beaded necklaces, massive rings on the fingers, ankle bracelets will also suit this look.
The image can also be completed with a hat, absolutely any shape, complemented by flowers or embroidery. Wide belts, knitted belts with fringe, as well as chiffon neckerchiefs look very nice.
Makeup should look natural, this applies to daytime makeup. Therefore, cosmetics are chosen in a neutral palette - beige, pale pink. During the day, lip gloss of the most neutral palette is most often used. Well, evening makeup can demonstrate a riot of colors - dark shadows, bright eyeliner, smokey ice eye makeup, lips covered with scarlet lipstick.
A certain distinctive feature of the style is long hair, most often it is loose and complemented by a flower - a hairpin that holds the strands in front. The hairstyle does not have to be perfect, deliberate negligence and natural hair color are appreciated. Hair can be worn in a ponytail or in a loose braid. A headband, a headband, a barrette, or a stylishly tied scarf can all help complete the look.
The color of the nail polish can match the riot of colors found in nature. That is, preference can be given to yellow, green, blue, blue, orange, red or earthy black. You can complete the idea with the help of nail stickers with ethnic patterns or draw the appropriate patterns yourself by hand or using a stencil.
Additional photos
Bohemian fashion of the 70s (video)
Bohemian style in clothes, shoes and other accessories that complement the image looks incredibly impressive, you want to admire such a look endlessly. In addition, these things are amazingly comfortable and cozy. In general, this is a great style for a casual outing.