Best time to grow potatoes

for a bumper crop |

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Knowing when to plant potatoes is important to ensure a good harvest. A cook's staple, potatoes can be grown in most soil types provided they have a sunny spot. Potatoes can also be grown in bags or in pots on a patio if you do not have an area of open ground. They’re also relatively easy to care for, which makes them a perfect vegetable for beginners to grow. 

There's a huge variety of potatoes you can grow from fast-growing early varieties such as 'Swift' that provide small new potatoes in summer, to maincrops like the popular 'King Edward' that can be stored for the winter months. With some planning and successive planting you can be harvesting and enjoying potatoes from June right through to Christmas.

If you're learning how to grow potatoes knowing when to plant them is key, and this is the lowdown.

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When to plant potatoes

As with knowing when to plant vegetables in general, when you plant potatoes will depend on your climate, soil conditions and the estimated date of the last frosts in your area. Potatoes are not hardy plants, so in general they are planted in spring from mid March to late April and can be harvested anywhere between June and October. In milder regions potatoes may be planted earlier than in colder regions.

'In general, potato plants are usually planted two to three weeks before the last frost date,’ says gardening expert Mary Jane Duford , known for her step-by-step guides. ‘The plants take about two to three weeks to sprout up above the soil, meaning that the timing works out so that potato plants sprout outdoors around the time of the local last frost date.' 

Before planting potatoes you can give them a head start by 'chitting' them. This is a process which encourages seed potatoes to develop shoots before they are planted. To do this lay the seed potatoes in trays (you could use egg boxes) with their eyes pointing upwards and place the trays in a cool, light, frost-free place. In northern latitudes chitting is generally done six weeks before planting.

Potato seeds are ready to plant when the shoots are about three-quarters of an inch (2cm) long but they can be planted at any length, and they’re ideal as potato companion plants alongside flowers for beneficial effects.

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What is the best month to plant potatoes?

When you plant potatoes will depend on your climate and growing zone, but it will also depend on what type you are looking to grow.

Potatoes are split into three types depending on how long they take to mature: first early, second early and maincrops. 

First early potatoes: plant in mid-to late March ready for harvesting in June or July 

Second earlies: plant early to mid April for lifting in July or August

Maincrop varieties: plant in mid to late April and harvest in August for immediate use or lift in September/October for storing.

'Gardeners in the south usually plant potatoes in mid to late February. March to April are the most common planting months for potatoes in temperate regions. Gardeners in particularly cold climates may have to wait until May to plant potatoes,' explains Mary Jane Duford.

(Image credit: Miracle-gro)

Tips on when to plant potatoes

While looking at calendars can be a useful guide for planning when to plant potatoes, it is important to pay attention to the weather, in particular the temperature of your soil. 'Early (or 'new') potatoes are best planted as soon as the ground is ready in March or April. “Ready” means workable and not cold to touch,' explains gardening expert Monty Don, author of The Complete Gardener .

To help you determine when the soil is ready consider buying a soil thermometer, suggest the gardening experts at glasshouse makers Hartley Botanic . 'Even potatoes have a temperature requirement of 43°F (6°C) at a 4 inch depth at least three days before planting,' they explain.

Early potatoes are likely to sprout above the surface of the soil before the frosts have passed; in this case they will need to be 'earthed up' to help protect the plants from frost damage. This is where soil is mounded up around the plants leaving all but the tips exposed. Earthing up also stops the growing tubers from turning green and encourages a larger crop.

(Image credit: RHS/Paul Debois)

How late can you plant potatoes?

If you’re wondering when to plant potatoes later on in the year, be aware that they are best planted in spring, but can be planted as late as mid-summer for a small crop of early or 'new' potatoes. Generally early potatoes will be ready to lift 10 to 13 weeks after planting while maincrop varieties mature in around 22 weeks. Potatoes planted in summer will not need chitting.

'While the overall production will be diminished, you could certainly plant potatoes as late as July for a small harvest of new potatoes in September-October,' says Mary Jane Duford. 

Similarly, Monty Don, writing in The Complete Gardener , has said of his early potatoes that he has, 'planted as late as the second week in June and still got a decent crop’.  

(Image credit: Andrew Shaylor / Getty Images)

Can you grow potatoes all year round?

Potatoes can be grown outdoors all year round in warm climates such as in their native region of South America, but in northern latitudes with shorter growing seasons they are best planted in spring and harvested from June to October.

'Even in their native growing environment, potatoes follow an annual lifecycle of growth-harvest in which growth is aligned with the longest days of the year in terms of sunshine,' says Mary Jane Duford. 

Pippa is Content Editor on Homes & Gardens online contributing to Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors print issues. A graduate of Art History and formerly Style Editor at Period Living, she is passionate about architecture, creating decorating content, interior styling and writing about craft and historic homes. She enjoys searching out beautiful images and the latest trends to share with the Homes & Gardens audience. A keen gardener, when she’s not writing you’ll find her growing flowers on her village allotment for styling projects.

The Best Time to Plant Seed Potatoes | Home Guides

By Sasha Degnan Updated March 25, 2022

The best time to plant potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) depends on your local climate and seasonal temperatures. Potatoes are half-hardy annuals that grow best in cool weather, but they require at least 120 frost-free days to produce a crop. Their lush foliage will die back when exposed to freezing temperatures.

Soil temperature is one of the main considerations when determining the best time to plant seed potatoes, because cold, damp soil will cause the seed pieces to rot. Most potato crops are grown in spring after all frost danger has passed and the soil has warmed, although it's possible to grow these tasty, starchy tubers in autumn in mild climates.


Plant seed potatoes in spring once the soil warms to at least 45 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit or in autumn 110 days before the average first frost date.

The Best Time to Plant Potatoes

In most climates, spring is the best time to plant potatoes, because it provides the plants with the right soil and air temperature and enough frost-free days to produce a crop of tubers. The Old Farmer's Almanac recommends planting seed potatoes two to four weeks after the last spring frost when soil temperatures have warmed to between 45 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. In northern climates, some growers plant early-bearing potato varieties before the last spring frost once the soil is warm enough to cultivate with a garden fork and simply cover the plants on nights when frost is forecast.

Many gardeners wonder, ​Can you plant potatoes in the fall?​ The answer is yes, you can. In southern climates, seed potatoes can also be planted in winter from September until February as long as the soil stays warm and reasonably dry. Gardeners in mild climates can also plant seed potatoes in summer for an autumn crop. The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension recommends planting autumn potatoes in summer roughly 110 days before the first autumn frost.

Preparing Seed Potatoes for Planting

Knowing how to prepare seed potatoes is an integral part of learning how to grow potatoes at home. Potatoes are susceptible to disease, so seed potatoes must come from certified disease-free potatoes acquired from a reputable source. Start preparing seed potatoes a few days before planting so that the cut edges have time to dry out to help prevent rot. Use a sharp, sanitized knife to cut large seed potatoes into 1 1/4-inch chunks. Make sure each seed potato piece has a growth point, or eye, which is where the foliage will emerge.

The University of Minnesota Extension recommends spreading the seed potato pieces on a tray in a room where temperatures stay between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, so they can dry out. Leave them in the room for a few days, turning the pieces occasionally, until the cut edges feel dry to the touch. Prepare a planting site while the seed potato pieces dry, so you can plant them in the ground quickly once they're ready.

Planting Seed Potatoes

Cornell University Home Gardening advises against growing potatoes in the same bed where potatoes and other annual nightshade crops, such as tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), eggplants (Solanum melongena) and peppers (Capsicum spp.), have been cultivated in the previous two years. The soil can carry pathogens that may pass to the potato plants. Choose a growing site that receives six hours of sunlight each day, and plant them in fast-draining, organically rich soil. Dig a 4-inch-deep trench and space multiple planting trenches 2 to 3 feet apart. Plant the seed pieces cut-side-down 8 to 12 inches apart. Cover the planting trenches with 6 to 8 inches of soil.

Potatoes grow best in the ground, but understanding how to grow potatoes in a container is good to know if your garden soil is very wet or slow to warm in spring. The University of New Hampshire Extension recommends growing potatoes in a 10- to 15-gallon container that is 2 to 3 feet tall with drainage holes at the base. Put 6 to 8 inches of soil at the bottom of the pot and plant the seed pieces 1 foot apart. Cover them with 6 to 8 inches of soil. Position the pot in full sun.


Writer Bio

Sasha Degnan is a freelance writer and educator specializing in gardening and horticulture. She has nearly 25 years of experience in the propagation and care of plants.

Proper planting of potatoes (from A to Z): methods, timing, schemes for a good harvest

In recent years, amateur gardeners have increasingly begun to grow potatoes in their backyards.

As a rule, the planting of this wonderful root crop, which is not for nothing called the “second bread”, is carried out before May 20 (the period depends on the climate of your region). To get a high yield, there are several ways to plant potato tubers.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly plant potatoes, depending on the planting method you choose. nine0003


To get a good potato harvest, you need to choose the right time for this operation and the best place for planting. Of great importance is the method of planting potatoes, which will be different for different regions of the country.

Plant each variety separately. In the northern regions of the country, use only early varieties of potatoes so that the tubers have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.

Best time to plant potatoes. nine0016 Potatoes can be planted only after the soil in the area at a depth of 12 cm has warmed up to a temperature of + 9 . .. + 11 degrees. As a rule, the air temperature in this case is + 12 ... + 15 degrees.

The fact is that roots on potato tubers begin to form only at a temperature of +8 degrees. If the ground is colder, then the tubers will simply begin to rot.

In the central regions, it is recommended to plant potatoes on May 7-12; in the north of the country - May 12 - 20.

Moreover, in the northern regions we advise you to plant only early varieties of potatoes. nine0003

Site selection and bed preparation. To get a good harvest of potatoes, we recommend planting tubers in an open, well-lit area. In the shade of trees or some buildings, potato bushes will develop more slowly, and the yield will be low. Moreover, the tubers themselves will be small.

The more sun - the higher the harvest! Under the influence of direct sunlight, the bushes themselves will be strong and healthy. And the pain will be less.

Do not plant potatoes in lowlands and flooded areas. Without access to oxygen, potato tubers will simply rot. Under such conditions, potatoes can only be grown on ridges. nine0003

Therefore, the formation of beds will depend on the method of planting potatoes.

Soils . Potatoes love fertile, organic-rich, loose, light and neutral soils.

When preparing a potato field for planting for digging, add (per 1 sq. m.): two buckets of compost and sand, a bucket of leafy soil, half a bucket of wood ash, 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate.

Acid soil must first be neutralized with dolomite flour (2 kg per 6 sq. m of field). nine0003

Preparing tubers for planting. If you buy potatoes from us, then its tubers are already completely ready for planting. They have been pre-treated with biogrowth stimulants and biologically active antiseptics (no chemicals!).

Dip tubers bought at garden markets for 30 minutes before planting in a raspberry solution of potassium permanganate. And then for another 30 minutes, place in a solution of "Zircon" and "Cytovit" (5 drops per 1 liter of water).

After that, put them in a dry, warm room, well lit by the sun, to warm up for 5 to 7 days. After that, you can start landing. nine0003


Any gardener tries to save space on his plot, especially if he has a garden plot of six hundred. But at the same time everyone wants to get the maximum yield. Therefore, he chooses the most effective landing method.

There are more than a dozen ways to plant potatoes. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Spade fit. This is the most popular way. Potatoes are recommended to be planted together. nine0003

Tie a rope corresponding to the length of the row in the field to two pegs. Starting from the side of the field, using a stretched rope, place the edge row. The first person digs a hole 8-10 cm deep, the second person puts a tuber in it with sprouts up.

Then the first one digs the next hole at a distance of 25 - 30 cm and fills the first tuber with the excavated earth. And so on.

Having completed the landing of the first row, two people, holding on to the pegs, carry the stretched rope to a distance of 70 cm - to the next row. And repeat the same operations. And so - until the entire field is planted. nine0003

This is the easiest way to plant potatoes. It can be used on a site of any configuration. But it will not work only if your field is in a lowland, or if the groundwater level is closer than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth.

Ridge planting (Dutch method). We recommend this method to those gardeners who have heavy clay soil or close groundwater.

It is best to use a walk-behind tractor to form ridges. First, fertilize the entire field well (we talked about how to prepare the soil above). Then, using a walk-behind tractor, form ridges 25–30 cm high at a distance of 75–80 cm from one another. nine0003

In the ridges, dig holes 10 cm deep, 30 cm apart. Plant potato tubers and sprinkle them with earth.

Combs can also be shaped by hand with an ordinary shovel. When choosing soil from row spacing, pour it into ridges.

Planting in trenches. We recommend that you use this method of planting potatoes on light sandy, sandy and peaty soils, where irrigation water does not linger, but quickly goes into the lower layers of the soil.

Dig trenches in a potato field 20 cm wide and 25-30 cm deep, 80-85 cm apart.

At the bottom of each trench, lay a 15 cm layer of compost or humus mixed with fertile soil and the addition of superphosphate and potassium sulfate (2 tablespoons per 1 running meter).

Arrange potato tubers on top, 30 cm apart. Fill the trench with fertile soil mixed with compost in a ratio of 1:2.

Planting in straw. nine0016 This ancient method has been used in villages for centuries. Usually straw bedding is prepared in autumn. Straw and hay are laid out in a thick layer (45 - 55 cm) on the potato planting site. Over the winter, the litter will pereprete and turn into humus.

In the spring, potato tubers are placed on this rotted bedding in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30 cm from one another. From above they fall asleep with a thick layer of straw (25 cm).

With this method of cultivation, it is important to water the potato plantings very well, soaking the straw to a depth of 50 - 60 cm. Sprinkle hay and straw on top after each watering. nine0003

Cleaning with this method is a pleasure. Gently pull the bush towards you (it pulls out of the straw very easily), and collect clean tubers!

You can try this method of growing potatoes this year as well. Lay compost or leafy soil on the bed, as described above. Spread the tubers on it and cover with straw on top. And grow it the same way.

Film fit . This method allows you to speed up the ripening of potatoes. Prepare the potato field by applying all the fertilizer. Then spread a black film or thick black non-woven covering over it. Make cross-shaped cuts in it, placing them in a checkerboard pattern. nine0003

In the cuts, dig holes 10-15 cm deep, add 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash. Fill the holes and water each one very well (1 watering can for 2 holes).

Black film or agrofibre will keep the root layer warm all the time, and the potatoes will grow faster and the tubers will form larger.

Bag fit . This method of growing potatoes is well suited for owners of small plots, as it does not require a lot of space. And yields in bags are very high. nine0003

Bags must necessarily pass oxygen to the roots. It is best to use such from under sugar or flour. Unscrew the edges and fill the bag with fertile soil (30 cm layer), consisting of the top fertile layer, compost and leafy soil in a ratio of 1:2:2.

Place 3 - 4 tubers on top and top with the same potting soil to a depth of 20 cm. Spill the plant well with water until it reaches the bottom of the bag.

Place the potato planting bags in a sunny position near a wall or fence. nine0003

As the bushes grow, fill the bag with fertile soil and unfold the edges of the bag.

It is very important to water your plantings regularly so that the soil in the bags is always moist and loose!

Use only early varieties for growing in bags!


How and when to plant potatoes. Hilling is one of the most important operations in the cultivation of potatoes.

Experts recommend no more than three hillings during the entire growing season of potatoes. Spud your plantings for the first time when the height of the potato tops reaches 15 cm. In most of Russia, return frosts are very likely at this time. And additional land will reliably protect the sprouts from freezing. nine0003

Hill up potato bushes so that only the tips of the young tops (1.5 - 2 cm) remain above the ground.

Cultivate a second time when the buds begin to appear on the potato bushes. You can spud a third time during the period of active flowering.

When you hill up, you increase the volume of soil in which tubers are formed, which contributes to their rapid growth and development, as well as the formation of new stolons. In addition, hilling improves the access of oxygen to the root layer. nine0003

Pay attention to the fact that after each hilling, the bushes begin to grow rapidly, they become stronger and, as it were, more cheerful.

Hilling is not carried out when growing potatoes under a film.

Some advanced gardeners use unhilling instead of hilling.

Unlocking. With this method, the tops are laid out on the ground, and fertile soil is poured on top, leaving only the tops of the shoots on the surface. By the way, loosening is used when growing potatoes in bags and in straw. nine0003

Hill up only in the early morning or in the evening after 18:00, because under the bright sun the bushes can begin to wilt!

How to properly water potatoes. Water potatoes once a week in dry weather and twice a week in hot weather.

Water slowly, gradually wetting the soil. It should get wet well to a depth of 50 - 60 cm. Approximately 10 liters of water should be spent on each potato bush.

You can water with cold water directly from the well. But be sure to put on a rain nozzle on the hose so as not to wash away the ground around the bushes. nine0003

After flowering, double watering to allow the plants to form large, juicy tubers.

Stop watering two weeks before harvest.

How to fertilize potatoes . Since the potato crop is a root crop, in no case do not use chemical fertilizers to feed this crop! After all, all the chemistry will be deposited in the tubers, which you will then eat.

You gave the potatoes good nutrition when planting, so it will be enough to feed the bushes twice - in June and July, with slurry at a concentration of 1:10 (at the rate of 5 liters per bush). nine0003

You can apply slurry only after abundant watering with clean water, otherwise you risk burning the plants!

When to harvest potatoes. Potato harvesting time depends on varietal characteristics. Harvest early potatoes at the end of August. And for fresh consumption, you can start digging bushes at the end of July.

Harvest mid-season varieties at the beginning of September, later - after 15 - 20 September.

Potatoes intended for storage must not be dug up too early, as the tubers are still too thin-skinned and have not yet reached their maximum mass. nine0003

But don't delay harvesting, because bad weather can cause fungal diseases in plants.

The entire crop must be harvested before the first frost!

The main sign signaling that potato plants are ready for harvesting is drying and lodging of tops.


A variety not damaged by the Colorado potato beetle:


Early maturing varieties:

La Strada, Lux, Gala, Miner, Otrada, Kalinka, Zhukovsky early, Banker, Carmen, Luck, Nevsky, Prime.

Mid-season varieties:

Chudesnik, Irbitsky, Hostess, Kingsman.

Belarusian varieties:

Palace, Breeze, Uladar, Manifesto, Treasury.

You can read more about these varieties on our website. nine0016

And you can buy them from us today!

Read also our published articles:

“How to plant potatoes?”;

"The best varieties of potatoes for spring planting";

Potato pests and how to deal with them.

When and how to plant potatoes: expert advice

How to harvest a high yield of potatoes? The cultivation of this culture has its own characteristics, the knowledge of which is indispensable. How to plant potatoes correctly, the editors of the site learned in the Agrarian Center of the Tomsk Region. nine0003

Choice of variety

Obtaining high yields of potatoes largely depends on the right variety. Well-known varieties, for example, "blue-eye", of course, are very tasty, but are unstable to almost all types of potato diseases.

Experts note that late varieties have higher yields, but even a very good variety should not be planted for more than 8 or 10 years. It must be replaced by a new one.

The most common varieties of potatoes among the population of the Tomsk region: Nevsky, Zhukovsky early, In memory of Rogachev, Nakra, Rosara, Lina, Fresco, Antonina, Lyubava, Solnechny, Ketsky, Safo, Anniversary, Charm, Tomich, Sante, Ideal, Karatop, Feloks , Adretta, Lugovskoy, Tuleevsky, Udalets, Rozhdestvensky, Zekura. nine0003

Preparing the soil and potatoes for planting

The soil for potatoes for next year is already being prepared at the end of this summer. For digging, you can add urea, ammonium nitrate, double granular superphosphate or potassium salt.

Pure tubers must weigh between 55 and 100 grams. It is recommended to warm the tubers to room temperature for 3 days, then spread them out on the windowsill, in low boxes or on the floor near the window, so that the tubers get a little daylight. nine0003

Potatoes can be treated with copper sulphate, Energen, Buton or Agricola Vegeta biostimulants.

If the tubers are thick, strong and short shoots, they can be planted. Large potatoes should be cut with a knife so that at least 2 sprouts are located on the cut parts. Dry them for 2 days, then proceed to planting.

Planting potatoes

Potatoes are best planted after cucumbers, radishes, radishes, beans, green peas and green manure. It should not be placed after tomato and eggplant. nine0003

Potatoes should only be planted when the soil is warm to 8°C. Stick to a planting depth of 9-10 cm. Early varieties should be planted in early May. Plant mid-season potatoes in the 10th of May.

Planting methods

1. Smooth method. Plant the vegetable by spreading the potatoes in the furrow. The best potato growth is seen when the distance between the bushes is 65-70 cm and the aisles are wide. Row spacing and hilling should be loosened a week after planting. nine0003

2. Comb method. Cut the ridges with a tractor cultivator or walk-behind tractor. Plant potatoes 8 cm on loamy soils and 11 cm on sandy soils. It should be moderately moist, loose and free of weeds. Potato hilling is carried out when the plant is 15-17 cm in height.

When plants develop slowly, remember to feed them and water them regularly. Weak development can be recognized by the state of the tops. For example, if there is not enough nitrogen, then there will be thin stems and small leaves, and the tops of a light green color. nine0003

End each watering by loosening the soil. When watering, keep the watering can close to the ground. The water temperature must be greater than the soil temperature.

Potato fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are most valuable for potatoes. Not completely rotted manure is valid for 2-4 years. Manure that has decomposed to humus is 4 times more saturated with nitrogen than fresh manure. Therefore, it is better to choose rotten manure for fertilizer. It is also recommended to use slurry with water or humus. Use wood ash for digging, add to top dressing and to holes. nine0003

How to properly store potatoes

Store potatoes in a cool, dry and well ventilated area. During storage, the main thing is not to let the tubers germinate or rot. Potatoes go bad especially in the spring.

Protection against pests and diseases

Diseases and pests of potatoes reduce its yield and quality of tubers. The main fungal diseases of this crop are early rot and late blight. Of the insects, the Colorado potato beetle and wireworms cause the greatest harm. nine0003

Late blight

The most common fungal disease of potatoes. It affects leaves, stems and tubers. On the surface of the tuber, brownish-grayish depressed spots are formed, inside it is painted in a rusty-brown color. The fungus enters the tubers during the harvesting period. The disease spreads in damp, moderately warm weather. To prevent the development of the disease, after harvesting, all affected plant residues are removed from the site and destroyed. When the first signs of disease appear, the plants are sprayed 90% solution of copper oxychloride.

Control of the Colorado potato beetle

One of the pest control methods in private farms is the cultivation of resistant varieties of potatoes. The Colorado potato beetle affects the following varieties less: Pomegranate, Crystal, Lasunok, Spark, Loshitsky, Temp. Chemical control remains the most effective method of dealing with the beetle. Plants are usually treated when there are more than 15 larvae per plant in the plantings. For the first treatments, it is better to use insecticides such as Commander and Iskra Zolotaya - they provide protection for 20 days.

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