Best plants to plant in winter
Winter Gardening: Best Crops to Extend Your Harvest
Late summer is a great time to plant crops that will see you through the winter.
This article has been updated from its original text.
By now many vegetable gardens are offering an abundance of fruit and vegetables to harvest, preserve, and enjoy. Sowing more seeds is often the last thing on a gardener’s mind. But July to September is a great times to plant crops that will see you through the winter.
While many crops won’t grow during winter’s coldest temperatures (say goodbye to melons, tomatoes, squash, and peppers, for example), many vegetables will tolerate and even thrive on the cooler temperatures that come with fall and winter.
The main limiting factor at this time of year is sunlight. While temperature is also a factor, you can address this using greenhouses, cold frames, cloches, and row covers.
Related: Greenhouses – How to Choose and Where to Buy
A good benchmark to remember is that if your winter temperatures routinely drop below 25 F (- 4 C), you’ll need protection for your plants. But before that, there’s still time to plant crops that can help get you through the winter.
What is winter gardening?
When gardeners talk about growing food for the winter, they’re generally talking about several different things:
- Planting enough crops in late summer and fall to harvest throughout the winter.
These late-sown crops reach maturity before the cold hits, but they hold well in the garden so you can harvest them when the rest of your crops has long tapered off. They won’t usually grow much during these colder temperatures, but they will stay in good condition for eating fresh. That means you need to grow enough to harvest without regrowth. Examples of commonly grown plants in this category include root vegetables, winter lettuces, Asian greens, parsley, peas, kale, and spinach.
- Planting short season crops late in the regular gardening season to eat before temperatures plummet.
As the beds in your garden empty from summer harvests, those vacancies leave opportunities for quick-growing crops that you can eat before the cold sets in.
Anything that grows in 3-6 weeks can fall into this category, such as radishes, tendril peas, lettuces, turnip, arugula, and mustard greens.
- Using tools and techniques to protect crops so you can grow all winter long.
If you have a way to make your season’s heat last longer, such as a greenhouse, cloche, or row cover, you can extend the time when your plants actually grow. Many of the plants listed above will grow longer and more vigorously if protected by one or two layers of cover.
Related: How to Make an Instant Cloche
- Planting slow growing crops to harvest in late winter or early spring.
In this case, your crops enter the winter not yet full grown. As the days shorten and the temperatures drop, these overwintering crops go dormant. Then, when the calendar changes and the days begin to lengthen, they start growing again, adding to the growth they put on in fall. Overwintered crops are usually ready for harvest very early, about the same time you start planting next season’s crops.
They don’t usually need winter protection and include onions, cauliflower, garlic, and some types of broccoli.
With so many options available, it’s often best to approach the winter gardening season with a variety of strategies. Plant some vegetables that will mature quickly, others that will hold well in your garden beds, and still others that will overwinter and begin growing again when the days lengthen.
What winter vegetables can you plant right now?
Planting times vary depending on your location, but a general rule is that in the northern part of the country, most winter crops get planted in late July and August. In the southern US, extend that window as far as October.
Here are our top recommendations for vegetables to grow this winter.
Carrots hold well in the garden throughout the winter.
Winter vegetables to grow outdoors
Getting these vegetables to a reasonable size before the first frost means you can harvest them as long as they remain accessible. You can also overwinter some varieties for that late winter or early spring harvest.
Plant beets 6 to 8 weeks before your first expected frost. Harvest as baby greens or leave in the ground to mature into delicious, vitamin-rich roots. In most locations, beets can stay in the ground all winter if mulched when very cold weather hits.
Broad Beans
Slow growing but delicious, broad beans will grow through the winter months if planted in mid to late fall and staked in areas with lots of snow. Harvest in early spring when the pods fatten.
One of the easiest crops to grow, garlic generally goes into the ground in mid to late fall and gets harvested in midsummer. Plant with lots of compost, and add mulch for protection from weeds and weather.
Related: How to Grow and Harvest Garlic
With so many cabbage varieties to choose from, you can harvest this pungent garden vegetable from summer right on through to spring. Sow overwintering varieties in July and August (even later in warmer areas) and protect against winter pests with a floating row cover if necessary in your area. If you notice growth slowing down, add some finished compost around the plants and water well.
To harvest carrots in winter, plant in late July or early August and permit them to grow until they reach a large enough size for eating. Hold in the garden over the fall and winter months, harvesting slowly enough so you can make them last. Carrots won’t generally get much bigger after the temperatures drop, but they will hold well in the soil for many months. A fresh carrot harvested in December is one of the best Christmas treats.
Kale is one of the easiest plants to grow and cold weather only sweetens its flavor. For a winter harvest, plant a generous amount in slightly alkaline soil in early to mid August. Kale will usually survive freezing temperatures, but you can protect the leaves from heavy snowfall if you want to prevent breakage.
Related: Kale – The Workhorse of the Winter Garden
Onions are another crop that will overwinter well—providing you choose overwintering varieties. Lengthening days will kickstart their growth in late winter, making them ready for a late spring harvest. Transplant seedlings into your garden by late August and protect with straw mulch or floating row covers if temperatures dive below – 10 F (- 23 C).
Plant peas outdoors until mid-August for a fall harvest. With some protection, peas will also overwinter and begin growing again in spring in warmer areas. One favorite is the parsley pea, grown for its green tendrils to add to salads. Grow this pea variety for harvesting before the frost hits, or provide protection to extend its harvest into winter.
Winter crops to grow under cover
There’s no question that greenhouses, raised garden covers, and other forms of cover offer the gardener some of the best return on their money—and winter gardening is where these tools really prove their worth. The following vegetables will grow outdoors until hard frosts appear. Then they need protection to extend the harvest.
Related: 5 Things to Consider Before You Buy a Greenhouse
This nutty flavored green has the characteristic oak leaf shape that is now prevalent in so many ‘spring’ mixes. But arugula will grow even better in cooler weather. If protected from frost, it can grow all winter long. Plant in successive sowings two weeks apart beginning six weeks before your first expected frost. As temperatures approach freezing, cover with a cloche or floating row fabric. Arugula also thrives in a greenhouse.
Arugula grows well in cooler temperatures if protected from frost.
Bok choy
Bok choy is another quick-growing green that thrives in cooler weather. Sow in August and September every 2 to 3 weeks (plants will grow and go to seed quickly). Protect with a floating row cover or cloche when heavy frosts and extreme temperatures threaten. Bok choy is high in calcium and a great addition to winter smoothies.
Related: The Early Salad – 5 Underrated Greens You Can Eat in Winter and Early Spring
Without the worry of hot temperatures causing them to bolt, winter lettuces can thrive in late summer and early fall. It’s seeding time that can be tricky, since August plantings can still be peak summer temperatures. Solve this problem by planting in seeding trays in a cooler area and then transplanting when the weather cools, or by using shade cloth if temperatures soar. Soon enough the season will shift and bring lettuces just what they need: cooler days and ample moisture. As the cold weather approaches, cover with cloches or floating row fabric. Lettuce planted in a greenhouse usually does the best of all.
Sow in mid to late August for fall and winter harvests. Because parsley forms a taproot, it’s best to plant this tasty green in soil that has been dug deeply and amended with compost. Use the fresh leaves all winter for vitamin-rich greens. To prolong your harvest, choose the outside leaves when picking and cover with a cloche when the weather dips below freezing.
While difficult to grow in the heat of summer, spinach thrives in cool weather and will continue to grow new leaves even with lower light. It is also hardy enough to grow without cover until mid-October in many locations, so you can plant it later in the season (August to September), allow it to grow outside, and then cover it before the first frosts.
Related: Spinach – How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest
Swiss Chard
Like spinach above, chard is a fairly hardy plant that will tolerate cooler temperatures into October. And while it does need protection as cold weather approaches, its leaves can take a bit of freezing and still retain their flavor—as long as you let them thaw on the plant before harvesting. Sow in early August and keep moisture consistent for the best growth.
Build your own portable garden cloche with these easy to follow plans and list of materials.
See Eartheasy’s complete line of greenhouses for more information.
More winter gardening tips
Once you have chosen your crops, there are some other considerations that can help improve your chances for success during cold, wet weather.
- Start seeds in trays
If you live in the northern states or Canada, winter gardening often requires careful timing to make the best use of your planting window. Starting seeds in trays can give your seedlings a jump on the season. When a bed becomes vacant in your garden, transplanting a healthy seedling into the ground saves you a few weeks growing time.
- Grow in raised garden beds
In some parts of the continent, wet weather can inhibit plant growth just as much as cold temperatures. Raised beds lift your garden soil above the soggy ground and help ensure the best drainage possible.
They also warm more quickly come springtime.
- Protect against wind
We’ve talked about frost and snow, but wind can often damage plants during the winter. Creating a windbreak, planting in a sheltered area, or using polytunnels or row covers for wind can give your plants added protection.
- Use cover crops on dormant beds
Cover crops restore soil nutrients and control weeds, erosion, and compaction in your soil. Once you’ve harvested a bed, think about sowing a cover crop rather than leaving soil bare until spring.
Growing and harvesting vegetables all winter
Despite colder temperatures and shorter days, winter provides a gardening opportunity suitable for many hardy vegetables. Consult your local seed companies for varieties suitable for your area and get planting!
Related: How to be Successful Growing Vegetables Inside This Winter
Best Crops to Extend Your Harvest Into Winter - 7
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About the Author
Shannon Cowan
The blog editor at, Shannon lives on six acres of land with her husband, daughters, and backyard poultry flock.
17 Winter Flowers 2023 That Will Thrive in the Cold
Every item on this page was hand-picked by a House Beautiful editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.
Baby, it's cold outside.
By Hadley Mendelsohn and Jessica Cherner
Claire Plumridge/Getty Images
As soon as spring rolls around, gardeners everywhere head outside with new bulbs and tools in hand. However, gardening doesn’t have to be a warm weather-specific hobby because there are plenty of winter flowers that thrive in the cold. That’s right, even when the temperatures fall below freezing and a thick blanket of snow covers the ground, some flowers can grow tall. Many perennials, annuals, and shrubs actually bloom during the coldest months of the year.
So if you’re looking to break out your gardening gear or to try out your green thumb for the first time, there’s no need to wait until May. We’ve done some digging and rounded up 17 floral species that prefer winter over spring. Everything from pansies to black tulips would also make for a beautiful pop of color against bright white snow. That said, before adding these plants to your garden, check the USDA Hardiness zone where you live to be sure they’ll survive winters. Once you find your perfect petals, grab your shovel, apron, and gloves, and get to work.
Pansies Gardens
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Snowdrops Van Zyverden
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Daffodils Bloomsz
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Hellebores Spring Hill Nurseries
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Black Tulips Van Zyverden
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Winterberries Spring Hill Nurseries
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Winter Jasmine National Plant Network
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Pieris Green Promise Farms
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Winter Aconite Blooming Secrets
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Cyclamens The Home Depot
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We also offer some helpful tips to keep them alive and well. Note: Perennials and shrubs need to be planted before the ground freezes to establish their roots. In mild climates, you can plant hardy annuals like pansies for much of the winter. So without further adieu, we bring you our favorite winter flowers.
Van Zyverden
The Home Depot
The Home Depot
Spring Hill Nurseries
The Home Depot
Van Zyverden
Black Tulips
Spring Hill Nurseries
The Home Depot
National Plant Network
Winter Jasmine
The Home Depot
Green Promise Farms
Blooming Secrets
Winter Aconite
The Home Depot
The Home Depot
Witch Hazel
Home Shops USA
English Primroses
New Life Nursery and Garden
Blooming Secrets
Glory of the Snow
Trees Again Nursery
Pussy Willow
Willard & May
Online Orchards
The Home Depot
The level of difficulty is more dependent on the flower than it is on the season, so if you're worried you may not be able to keep your florals alive, be sure to read about their care before planting.
The most essential gardening tool to keep in your arsenal is a trowel.
House Beautiful editors do know a thing or several about flowers and which ones thrive best in certain conditions. Plus, our list is backed by hours of research!
What flowers to plant before winter? - 20 best views
Author Maria Chursina To read 20 min. Views 34k. Posted by
An experienced florist knows that work in the garden does not end in autumn. If you sow flowers before winter, then in spring they will begin to bloom early and this will help you reduce the amount of work in the season. Also, flowers of late sowing are more hardened than summer ones. Why it is worth sowing flowers in the fall and what flowers can be planted before winter, we will tell in this article. nine0008
- Benefits of winter sowing flowers
- Disadvantages of winter sowing flowers
- When to plant flower seeds in winter
- Preparing the site for winter sowing
- How to sow flowers in winter?
- Caring for winter crops in spring
- What flowers to plant before winter
- Annual flowers to plant in winter
- Alyssum (Lobularia)
- Annual aster (Callistefus sinensis)
- Velvettsy (Tagets, Chernobrivtsy)
- Godegia
- calendula (nails)
- cosmia (cosmos)
- lavaters (wild rose)
- Flox Drummonde,
- Esholzi
- Aquilegia
- Alpine aster
- Gypsophila
- Heuchera
- Gentian
- Delphinium
- Carpathian bellflower
- 0014
- Lupine
- Primula
- Nivyanik (Garden chamomile)
Benefits of winter sowing flowers
- Saving time.
Flowers require a lot of care. Therefore, by planting them before winter, you will not need to grow seedlings and there will be free space on the windowsill for other heat-loving plants.
- Seedling hardening. Plants sown late in autumn and winter are more resistant to temperature extremes, diseases and pests. nine0014
- Early flowering. Winter flowers bloom 2 weeks earlier than those planted in early spring through seedlings.
- Seed stratification. There are flowers that must be stratified before starting growth. That is, during spring sowing, manufacturers recommend keeping the seeds in the refrigerator. And in winter, in the ground, the seeds will go through this process in natural conditions.
- In the fall you can sow seeds that are nearing the end of their shelf life.
Sudden weather changes in late autumn and winter can have a detrimental effect on plants. For example, a thaw and again a severe frost can lead to the fact that the seeds begin to grow actively and then freeze at the initial stage of development.
Also, if the garden is heavily infested with weeds, the weeds will start growing at the same time as the cultivated flowers in the spring. In this case, weeding must be carried out very carefully so as not to harm the delicate shoots of flowers.
When to plant flower seeds before winter
The ideal time to sow flowers in autumn is when the temperature is stable, but not frosty. Depending on the growing region, this falls at the end of October - the beginning of November.
If sown too early, early seedlings may freeze in winter. Sowing should be done only when the temperature is close to zero and, according to the forecast, there will be no more warming. In winter, the seeds will be in a dormant stage and for this they need the appropriate conditions.
Preparing the site for winter sowing Better prepare the soil in advance
For planting seeds in autumn, the soil must be prepared in advance. Seeds are sown in frozen soil, and in this case it will be very difficult to loosen it.
It is necessary to choose a place protected from strong winds, which is located on a slight elevation, since the seeds will simply rot if moisture stagnates. Ideally, make a separate bed 15-20 cm high, propping it up with sides. In such a ridge, the water will leave faster and the soil will warm up sooner in the spring. nine0005
Also, before sowing, study the needs of the flower, because there are plants that easily tolerate transplantation, and there are those that do not take root well during transplantation. Therefore, the latter must be sown in a permanent place immediately.
After deciding on the bed, it needs to be carefully dug up and cleaned of plant residues and weed roots so that they do not interfere with the seedlings of flowers in the spring.
For digging it is necessary to apply humus, at a rate of 4-6 kg per sq.m. or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at a dose of 15-20 g per sq. m. If the earth is heavy, it must be well loosened and mixed with river sand. nine0005
How to sow flower seeds before winter?
Before sowing, the seeds do not need to be soaked and germinated, they are only sown dry so that they do not germinate too early. Also, during sowing, the weather should be dry.
Since sowing before winter has the risk of freezing, it is necessary to increase the seeding rate by 25-50%.
Due to the fact that the soil is very compacted in winter, it is necessary to reduce the sowing depth of seeds, in comparison with spring planting. And it is better to crush the seeds with a thin layer of peat, sand, humus or a mixture of these components. To protect against frost, crops are covered with agrofibre, fallen leaves or straw. nine0005
After sowing, the seeds should not be watered so that they do not germinate in advance and do not freeze in winter.
Peat, straw, fallen leaves, agrofibre or film are perfect for mulching the ground.
What flowers to plant before winter
Seeds of annual and perennial flowers are used for sowing before winter. These plants must be resistant to frost and able not to get wet with an excess of moisture. What flowers can be planted in the fall before winter, we will consider below.
An easy way to sow flowers for the winterAnnual flowers that can be planted in winter
Before winter, cold-resistant annual flowers with a short development period from germination to flowering are sown. They can be sown immediately in a flower bed or with a subsequent transplant. For example, the delphinium does not tolerate transplantation well, this must be taken into account when choosing a site. nine0005
Flowers can also be sown in containers or pots. But if you want them to sprout early in the spring, the containers in which the seeds are sown must be buried in the ground, and a drainage layer and holes should be made at the bottom of the pot so that excess moisture does not stagnate.
So, what seeds of annual flowers can be planted before winter.
Alyssum (Lobularia) Alyssum photo
This is the best flower for dry and rocky places and is popular with flower growers. Its flowering begins in early May and lasts until frost. nine0005
Winter sowing of this flower will allow you to get healthy and resistant seedlings in spring. The seeds are very tiny, so they are mixed with sand before sowing.
When choosing a site, keep in mind that alyssum blooms best in loose and well-moistened beds.
Sowing should be done in frozen ground and then mulched with peat, humus, agrofibre or film. Shoots need to be thinned out, because with a thickened planting, fungal diseases can appear on them. Recommended sowing pattern 15×20 cm.
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Annual aster (Callistefus sinensis) Annual aster
A popular flower that came to us from China. Translated from the ancient Greek "Kallistefus" means "star". Now it can be found in city flower beds, flower beds, front gardens and in containers. When sowing asters in winter, the risk of developing Fusarium, which often affects this flower, is reduced. nine0005
For growing callistefus, a sunny area is suitable, where marigolds or calendula have previously grown. It is advisable to raise the beds by 15-20 cm. Before planting, the soil must be shed with Fitosporin to disinfect it from fungal diseases. The recommended planting scheme for an annual aster is 20 × 35 cm. The sowing depth is 2 cm. Then the beds should be sprinkled with dry soil and insulated with sawdust or light peat.
Marigolds (Tagetsy, Chernobrivtsy) Marigolds (Tagetsy)
This flower, in addition to its beauty, is very useful in the garden. The secretions from its roots repel the nematode and help reduce the damage to plants by diseases. nine0005
Infusions can also be made from the marigold plants themselves to control pests on vegetables.
Tagetes is a heat-loving plant, for this reason they are sown before winter only in the southern regions. For this method of cultivation, upright, rejected and thin-leaved marigolds are suitable. These flowers tolerate partial shade well, but bloom best in sunny areas.
Seeds can be sown after frost has set in in the furrows, which are then covered with soil that has been stored in a warm place. Then the crops are covered with agrofiber or a mini-greenhouse is made for them. nine0005
Winter sowing of marigoldsDid you know that seasoning is made from marigold petals? Then we offer to view our article "Edible flowers and their types."
Godetia Godetia
A flower with a wide variety of colors that will decorate any flower bed. It is often planted around flower beds, in pots and containers.
But godetia, like marigolds, prefers to grow in areas with warm winters.
Sowing is recommended to be done immediately in a permanent place. For this, a flower bed that is in the sun is suitable. The seeds are very small, so the sowing depth should not exceed 0.5 cm.
Crops for the winter need to be insulated so that they do not suffer from frost and excess moisture. In spring, it is recommended to thin the crops so that the distance between plants is at least 25 cm. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, so even an inexperienced gardener can grow it. This flower is cold hardy and therefore ideal for winter sowing. nine0005
Any soil is suitable for growing, the plant takes root easily after transplantation, so it can be planted where it is convenient. Sowing begins when the average daily temperature is at 0 ° C and there will be slight frosts at night. At temperatures above + 5 ° C, seeds can hatch in winter and will not tolerate frost well. Seeds are sown dry in holes 4 cm deep and 15-25 cm apart, then sprinkled with dry soil and mulched with humus or straw.
An interesting fact. If you plant marigold around a vegetable patch, it will repel the Colorado potato beetle.
Kosmeya (Cosmos) Kosmeya
Each of us often sees Kosmeya around houses, near entrances and in city flower beds. It is very popular for such plantings, because it is completely unpretentious in cultivation, is bred by self-sowing and has an exquisite look.
Cosmos is sown immediately in a permanent place, well lit by the sun with light soil. Seeds are sown in 3-4 pieces with a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Then the seeds of cosmos are sprinkled with earth so that they are at a depth of no more than 0.5 cm.
Then the crops are insulated with straw or agrofibre. You should not apply a lot of fertilizer under this flower, because it will increase the vegetative mass, and not bloom. In the spring, plants need to be thinned out, because the more space a cosmea has, the more magnificent it blooms.
Lavatera (Wild Rose) Lavatera
Another flower that every grower can grow. The plant does not require special care, it grows well in flower beds and in pots. Its large flowers open in late spring and bloom until mid-autumn. nine0005
Lavater grows best in an area with good lighting and light loose soil. It is necessary to feed a wild rose only if the soil is completely poor and depleted.
Seeds for the winter are sown in a permanent place at a depth of 1 cm. To protect against freezing, the crops must be covered with a film or agrofibre. In order for the flowers to develop well, the crops need to be thinned out in the spring. So the recommended planting pattern for Lavatera is 20 by 25 cm.
Phlox Drummond Phlox Drummond
As the famous German collector K. Foster said: "A garden without phlox is a mistake." Because this flower looks great both in compositions with other flowers, and alone.
Among the 50 species of phlox, it is Drummond's phlox that is an annual, all the rest are perennial flowers. It is cold-resistant, so gardeners often sow it before winter, or rather at the end of November.
When choosing the exact time for sowing, it must be taken into account that even with a slight warming, the seeds may germinate and young plants will die from frost. For sowing, choose beds where the soil is neither too heavy nor too light. Because in the first case, the plant will suffer from rot due to stagnant moisture, and in the second case, the roots will quickly dry out due to lack of water. nine0005
Seeds are sown in small grooves in 2-3 pieces with a distance between future plants of about 15 cm. The areas where phlox is sown must be insulated, but it is better to make small greenhouses from arches covered with foil. In the spring, extra seedlings are thinned out, leaving the strongest shoots.
Eschscholzia (California poppy) California poppy
Sowing before winter is ideal for growing Eschscholzia, as the seeds undergo natural stratification and begin to bloom much earlier than when sown in spring. The California poppy does not like transplantation, so it is immediately planted in a permanent place. To do this, choose flower beds well-lit by the sun. Seeds mixed with sand are sown in small furrows. Crops need to be mulched with a thick layer of dry leaves. nine0005
Interesting fact. Eschscholzia blooms only on sunny days and closes its fiery buds as soon as the sun sets below the horizon.
What kind of perennial flowers can be planted before winter
There are many perennials and biennials that can be sown in autumn, but still flowers sown before winter grow stronger, more resistant to diseases and temperature changes. What kind of flowers to plant in winter among perennial species, we suggest that you familiarize yourself further. nine0005
Aquilegia Aquilegia
The flower received its popular name “catchment” because after rain or dew its corollas are filled with water to the very brim.
This picky plant is an excellent decoration for borders, flower beds and home flower beds. Just winter sowing is more preferable for aquilegia, since the seeds must undergo stratification. The flower must be sown immediately in a permanent place. To do this, choose a site in partial shade with loose fertile soil. Aquilegia seeds cannot be deepened into the ground, but only sprinkled with earth with a layer of 0.5 cm.
If there is not enough rain in your area, water the bed a little immediately after sowing. So that the seed does not freeze in winter, the bed should be covered with mulch from fallen leaves, straw, humus, compost or agrofiber. In spring, seedlings must be thinned out, for low-growing varieties, the distance between plants should be at least 25 cm, and for tall ones, from 40 cm. systems. Therefore, the alpine aster is not afraid of any frost, and it grows remarkably for many years in flower beds and flower beds, and autumn sowing is the best for it. Since aster seeds are too small, they are sown in pots or boxes, which are then dropped into the ground. Also, aster can be sown immediately in open ground. nine0005
As mentioned above, the aster prefers to grow on slopes, so it is best to sow it in a sunny place, but it can withstand a little partial shade. Also, the bed should be on a hill so that excess moisture does not collect in it. Seeds are not buried in the soil, but scattered over the surface and crushed with a thin layer of peat. After sowing, the aster is mulched for the winter with humus or leaves.
Planting an aster before winterAn interesting fact. In China and Japan, the alpine aster was nicknamed the "love flower". Their ancestors believed that a drink made from the petals of this plant is a love potion with which you can ignite the extinguished feelings of spouses or make a guy or girl fall in love with you.
Gypsophila (Bream) Hazel
In the common people, gypsophila is called a tumbleweed, because it forms balls up to 1 m in diameter, which break off from their stems in autumn and fly over great distances.
Gypsophila is poorly accepted after transplantation, so it must be sown immediately in a permanent place where it will grow for many years. A sunny area with loose sandy loam soil is ideal. If your soil is heavy, then you need to add sand to it. It is also preferable to sow gypsophila on a raised bed, because the plant may die from excessive moisture. If there is no lime in your soil, you need to apply it at a rate of 25-50 g per square meter. Seeds are sown on the surface of the earth and then sprinkled with a layer of earth of 0.5 cm. The plants grow quite large, so the recommended distance between them should be about 70 cm.
Geichera Geichera
A fabulous flower that gardeners love to use to decorate their front gardens, alpine hills and discounts. There are many types and colors of this decorative leafy flower. Heuchera is now actively coming into fashion. It is also resistant to frost and remarkably propagated by seeds during winter sowing.
Heuchera grows best in full sun as its leaves become even brighter in sun and red leaves may remain green in shade. The seeds are very tiny, so they only need to be pressed into the soil a little. Sowing begins only when the soil freezes a little. For the winter, crops do not need to be covered. In spring, seedlings must be thinned out, the distance between plants should be 20-25 cm.
Gentian Gentian
An excellent solution for landscaping rocky hills and rock gardens. When sowing in winter, gentian seeds undergo a long stratification and therefore quickly germinate in May-June. It even happens that seeds that did not sprout can sprout in a year.
Gentian is sown in a shady place, covering them with a thin layer of earth. If a cold winter without snow is expected, the flower garden should be covered with spruce branches or fallen leaves. In spring, seedlings need to be thinned out, the recommended distance between plants is 15-25 cm.
Delphinium Delphinium
Another flower that is ideal for planting in winter is the delphinium. This perennial plant can withstand frosts down to -50°C.
For seed germination, it definitely needs a decrease in temperature, even if you transfer the sowing to spring, the seed will need to be stored in the refrigerator.
Light and loose soil is suitable for growing delphinium. It is better to choose a sunny area that is closed from the wind. nine0005
This flower needs to be sown in a permanent place, because it does not like replanting. For winter, seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 mm and covered with mulch.
How to sow delphinium before winterInteresting fact. The delphinium got its name from the ancient Greeks, who compared its bud with the head of a dolphin. And the second name "larkspur" was given to it, because in the Middle Ages it was used to heal wounds.
Carpathian bluebell Carpathian bluebell
Graceful perennial flowers that love to grow in sunny areas and do not require special care. On well-fertilized soil, Carpathian bluebells will bloom twice a season.
If the soil in the flower garden is heavy, add sand to it. It is also better to mix seeds for sowing with sand, because they are very small. There is no need to sprinkle them, just cover them with humus or peat for the winter.
Lavender Lavender
This is an evergreen shrub known throughout the world, which is used in medicine, perfumery and cosmetology. Lavender is quite demanding on growing technology, but it sprouts best of all when sown before winter. nine0005
Lavender cultivation is possible only in the southern regions. A well-lit place is suitable for sowing, which is well protected from the wind and will not have stagnant water. The soil should be light, with a high content of humus. Lavender does not grow well on soil with high acidity, therefore, if necessary, you need to add wood ash or lime.
Seeds are sown at the end of October in furrows 3-4 mm deep and sprinkled with river sand. For the winter, the bed is insulated with sawdust, straw, humus or any other available material. Shoots will appear in late May - early June. Then you will need to thin out the crops so that the distance between plants is 30-40 cm.
Interesting fact. If you add a sprig of lavender to a sugar bowl and leave for one week, you will get lavender sugar, which can be used to make confectionery.
Lupine Lupine
A flower with spectacular inflorescences, which will not only be a bright decoration of the flower bed, but also enrich the soil with readily available nitrogen.
Seeds are sown in a permanent place that is well lit by the sun with soil of neutral acidity. nine0005
Sowing is carried out in grooves 2 cm deep, which are then sprinkled with soil. When sowing, it should be taken into account that the plants need a lot of space for normal development and they should be at a distance of about 25-30 cm from each other.
Primula Primula
This mountain flower grows in the Swiss Alps and the Himalayas. Now breeders have created many primrose hybrids that can be sown at home. nine0005
Seeds must be stratified in winter to germinate in spring. Before winter, it is better to sow primrose in boxes that should be in partial shade, because tender shoots can die under the rays of the spring sun. Since the seeds are very small, the soil for them must be loose, because on a heavy one they will not even be able to break through. If it is not possible to loosen the soil sufficiently, you can scatter a layer of purchased soil for flowers on the ground. The advantage is that there are no weed seeds in the store land, which can also then harm the primrose seedlings. nine0005
Seeds are sown directly on the surface of the soil, sprinkled with a thin layer of light soil. In the spring, seedlings will appear very slowly and it is at this phase that they need careful care and normalized watering.
An interesting fact. The English use the young primrose leaves as a salad, and the roots as a spice.
Lion grass (Garden chamomile) Garden chamomile
An unpretentious plant that forms sprawling bushes with very fragrant flowers. Garden chamomile looks great in group plantings, flowers after being cut can stand in a vase for a long time and are often used to create bouquets. nine0005
Nivyanik can be sown in late autumn and early spring. But when sown in winter, the plants are healthier and hardened. Chamomile garden does not freeze even if the winter is without snow.
For abundant flowering, garden chamomile should be sown in sunny areas with little shade on fertile soil with neutral Ph. The seeding depth is 1 cm, the recommended distance between plants is 8-10 cm, and after thinning it should be 40-50 cm.
Now you know what flowers can be sown before winter and the subtleties of their cultivation. Share in the comments what other flowers you tried to grow in this way and which species you liked. nine0005
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20+ flowers that can be sown before winter. Name, description, photo - Botanichka
Have you already finished the summer season, "preserving" the house for the winter and saying goodbye to your plants until spring? There is a reason to visit the cottage again, because you did not sow flowers before winter! This process will bring a little trouble, and in the spring you will thank yourself for your foresight. After all, annual and perennial flowers sown before winter are practically free seedlings of flowers, which, moreover, will also bloom two weeks earlier. What flowers can be sown before winter, we will tell in this publication. nine0005 20+ flowers that can be sown before winter. © fusionblox
All the benefits of winter sowing flowers and the features of this process - in the material "How to sow flowers before winter?"
Letniki that can be sown before winter
1. Alyssum sea and sea lobularia
Winter sowing of these very similar (both externally and in care), but still different colors, allows you to get strong hardened seedlings adapted to the conditions open ground. nine0005
The bed for sowing is chosen with loose soil, with acidity close to neutral. The seeds of Alyssum ( Alyssum maritimum ) and Lobularia ( Lobularia maritima ) are very small, so they can be sown mixed with river sand. Seeds are sown in frozen ground, it is desirable to mulch the crops.
Read our detailed material: Lobularia - relentless flowering until the end of the season.
2. Annual aster or Chinese Callistefus
Winter sowing of asters ( Callistephus chinensis ) reduces the risk of fungal diseases that cause serious damage to these flowers. And the plants themselves bloom much earlier than when sown in the spring.
For winter sowing of asters, it is very important to choose the right place. Plants for growth and flowering need a sunny site with loose soil and neutral acidity. As predecessors, it is desirable to choose marigolds or calendula. You can not plant asters after the asters themselves, tulips, gladioli. nine0005
It is advisable to prepare a bed raised, 15-20 cm high, water will not stagnate on it, and in spring it will warm up quite quickly.
Under no circumstances should fresh manure be applied to the seed bed. After preparing the grooves for sowing, they must be shed with Maxim and Fitosporin preparations to prevent the spread of fungal diseases.
Aster seeds remain viable for no more than three years, and the closer the expiration date of the seeds, the worse they germinate, therefore, before winter, asters seeds need to be sown quite often, on the basis that not all of them will germinate. Seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm, covered with prepared dry soil from above. You can additionally mulch the bed with sawdust or peat. nine0005
Read our detailed material: Annual asters, or Callistephus.
3. Marigolds
There are conflicting opinions about the possibility of sowing marigolds ( Tagetes ) before winter. The thing is that marigold seeds need heat to germinate. And with a lack of heat and excess moisture, the seeds can simply rot. Therefore, it is better to sow heat-loving marigolds before winter in regions with not very cold winters and early spring.
In cold climates, this planting is quite risky. Experienced gardeners advise trying sowing marigolds before winter not in open ground, but in a greenhouse. Be sure to cover such crops for the winter with a layer of peat. nine0005
Lobularia maritima. © Shiran Annual aster, or Chinese Callistephus (Callistephus chinensis).Read our detailed material: Marigolds in garden design.

4. Godetia
Graceful flower for flowerbeds, borders. Godetia ( Godetia ) is also very good in pots and containers. Planting godetia seeds before winter allows you to achieve earlier and more abundant flowering. Similar to sowing marigolds, godetia seeds are recommended to be sown in regions with fairly warm winters. But many flower growers from colder regions successfully grow Godetia and sow before winter. nine0005
It is desirable to sow seeds immediately in a permanent place. The plant prefers a sunny location and fertile soil. Crops need to be mulched to protect against frost and excessive moisture.
Read our detailed material: Rules for growing graceful years.
5. Calendula, or Marigold
Even for inexperienced flower growers, sowing and growing calendula ( Calendula ) does not cause any difficulties. The plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. Calendula is a cold-resistant crop; it sprouts without problems in the spring after sowing before winter. nine0005
Marigold seeds can be sown in almost any soil. Crops can be done on a seedling bed or immediately to a permanent place - the plant easily tolerates a transplant. If you plan to grow calendula in containers, then you can sow seeds directly in them, be sure to make drainage there.
Read our detailed material: Calendula - cultivation and care.
6. Cosmos, or Cosmos
Cosmos ( Cosmos ) are very beautiful and at the same time unpretentious flowers, for which they are loved by many summer residents. Sowing cosmea seeds before winter will not cause any problems. It often propagates itself by self-sowing. In this case, in the spring, extra shoots can be removed. nine0005
Sunny areas with well-drained loose soil are ideal for sowing kosmeya. If the soil is too nutritious, the plant will begin to grow green mass at the expense of flowering, so do not abuse the fertilization. As a rule, cosmea is sown immediately in a permanent place.
Godetia. © MeighanCalendula, or Marigolds (Calendula). © Juan Eduardo AndrésCosmos, or Cosmos. © steve gf choiRead our detailed material: Growing cosmea from seeds.
7. Lavatera
Lavatera ( Lavatera ), popularly also called the wild rose, is another unpretentious beautiful flower. It is an ideal plant for a low maintenance flower garden and is suitable for growing in containers, flowerbeds and borders.
The plant is very unpretentious, but still it develops best in well-lit areas with light loose soil. The plant is absolutely undemanding to mineral nutrition; fertilization for planting is necessary only on very poor and depleted soil. nine0005
Lavater seeds before winter, as a rule, are sown immediately in a permanent place. It is desirable to mulch crops for the winter.
8. Phlox Drummond
Seeds of annual phlox ( Phlox Drummondii ) are frost-resistant, so the plant can be successfully sown before winter. However, it should be borne in mind that with prolonged thaws, the seeds may germinate ahead of time, and the seedlings may die from recurrent frosts. Therefore, it is necessary to provide shelter for crops with phlox. nine0005
Ideal - small arches or an upside-down vegetable box with a stretched covering material.
9. Californian Eschscholzia
Sowing Eschscholzia ( Eschscholzia californica ) before winter is one of the simple methods of its cultivation. With this sowing, the seeds undergo natural stratification, and seedlings bloom much earlier than in spring. Eschsholzia does not tolerate transplantation, so it is immediately sown in a permanent place.
The site for sowing is selected sunny with loose, breathable soil. It is desirable to mulch crops. nine0005 Lavatera Phlox Drummondii. © Malcolm Manners Eschscholzia californica. © grenouille57
In addition to the annual flowers described above, before winter you can sow: field cornflower, annual delphinium, iberis, cochia, snapdragon antirrinum, annual poppy, matthiola.
Biennial and perennial flowers that can be sown before winter
10. Aquilegia
Aquilegia ( Aquilegia ) is a charming plant with openwork foliage. It is widely used to decorate flower beds, borders of borders, mixborders. Very popular because of its unpretentiousness. nine0005
Aquilegia seeds must be stratified in cold conditions, so autumn sowing is preferable. Aquilegia does not like transplanting, it is better to sow it immediately in a permanent place. The plant prefers partial shade and loose, humus-rich soils. When sowing, the seeds do not need to be deeply buried in the ground, it is enough to sprinkle them a little. The bed with crops must be covered with mulch.
Read our detailed material: How to grow aquilegia from seeds?
Alpine aster ( Aster alpinus ) is easy to grow from seeds. It can be sown before winter or in spring in May. Autumn sowing is preferable; after stratification under natural conditions, the seeds germinate much better. Asters seeds are quite small, it is better to sow them in boxes or containers, and then dig into the ground. But you can immediately to a permanent place.
Asters should be grown in full sun or partial shade. The bed must be on a slightly elevated place. The plant does not grow well in damp or damp places. Crops are sprinkled with a thin layer of humus. For the winter it is better to mulch them. nine0005
12. Bergenia
The process of growing bergenia ( Bergenia ) from seeds is quite difficult. Seeds need cold stratification for germination, and in spring they need to be at a certain temperature. Seeds and seedlings are very small, besides, seedlings develop quite slowly. For this reason, when sowing bergenia seeds, it is important to adhere to a certain technology:
- seeds must be treated with a fungicide to prevent diseases, for example, "Fitosporin" before sowing; nine0014
- seeds should be sown in boxes with loose soil to a depth of no more than 0.
5 cm;
- The box of crops will need to be kept outside, under the snow. Thus, the stratification of seeds will take place.
In the spring, at the beginning of March, the boxes should be brought into a room where, at a temperature of 18-19°C, the seeds will germinate for about a month. Crops should be kept in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
As sprouts appear, soil moisture should be monitored. The soil should not be dry and excessively wet. Seedlings develop very slowly, they can be planted in pots when they reach a height of 10-12 cm. Plants will bloom for 3-4 years. nine0005 Aquilegia. © LookaroundAnne Alpine aster (Aster alpinus). © Mike Badan (Bergenia). © Giulio Franceschini
13. Gypsophila
Gypsophila ( Gypsophila ) does not tolerate transplanting very well, it must be sown immediately in a permanent place. In one place, gypsophila can grow for a very long time, so it is important to immediately choose the right one for them. Plants grow strongly over the years, so the gypsophila is placed quite freely - 2-3 plants per square meter.
For sowing, choose an open sunny place, preferably with loose sandy loamy soil. If the soil is dense, be sure to add small pebbles and sand to it. The site must be dry enough, without stagnant water - gypsophila can die with strong moisture. nine0005
14. Heuchera
Heuchera ( Heuchera ) is well propagated by seeds, but it must be borne in mind that the seeds do not remain viable for so long. Seeds and shoots of geyhera are very small, so sowing and caring for seedlings can be quite troublesome. It is more convenient to sow geyhera in boxes with loose, well-drained soil. The soil should not be acidic. Seeds do not need to be buried, it is enough to press them down a little.
15. Gentian
An interesting plant for rocky hills, rock gardens. Gentian ( Gentiana ) are not yet very common in flower beds, perhaps because they are not easy to grow from seed. To get seedlings of gentian, you need to know that she definitely needs long-term stratification in cold conditions. Under conditions of exposure to temperature changes, soil moisture, processes occur in the seeds that contribute to their germination.
Gentian is best sown in boxes or pots with loose soil. Sprinkle the seeds with a layer of soil and dig the containers into the ground in a shady place. In the spring, you need to make sure that the soil in them does not dry out. nine0005
Gentians sown in autumn usually germinate in May-June. It also happens that the seeds that did not sprout in the spring sprout the next year. Therefore, do not rush to throw the earth out of the boxes. Boxes should be kept in partial shade and keep the soil moist. And in winter, leave them outside again.
Gypsophila. © FilipHeuchera. © Carl LewisGentian (Gentiana). © Dodo Donatella16. Delphinium
Growing a delphinium ( Delphinium ) from seeds is not easy. When sowing, be sure to consider the following:
- delphinium needs cold stratification, so it is preferable to sow it before winter;
- only fresh delphinium seeds germinate well.
If planting is postponed until spring, then the seeds must be stored in the refrigerator;
- they can only be sown in light, loose soil. In heavy clay soil, they usually do not sprout.
Delphiniums do not tolerate transplanting well, so it is advisable to sow them immediately in a permanent place. For sowing, you need to choose a sunny, wind-protected flower bed. Seeds are sown not deep, 2-3 mm, crops for the winter should be covered with mulch. nine0005
17. Carpathian bluebell
Usually the Carpathian bluebell ( Campanula carpatica ) is sown just before winter. A well-lit place is chosen for sowing. The soil is preferably well-drained with acidity close to neutral.
Soil preparation is standard, it consists in digging and fertilizing. Humus and sand are introduced into heavy soil. If the acidity is high - lime, dolomite flour or ash.
18. Lavender
Lavender ( Lavandula ) is a very attractive plant, but quite tricky when grown from seed. If you are unable to achieve seedlings of her seedlings, try sowing lavender before winter. The thing is that she definitely needs to go through the stage of cold stratification. If you sow in the spring, you will have to put the bowls with crops in the refrigerator.
For sowing lavender in open ground, you need to choose a sunny, wind-protected place, always dry, without stagnant water. The soil for growing lavender should be loose and fertile. The plant does not grow well on acidic soils, therefore, with increased acidity, lime or wood ash must be added in advance. nine0005
When planting, the seeds do not need to be buried too deep into the soil, about 3-4 mm. You can sprinkle the grooves with seeds with river sand. After sowing, the bed must be mulched for the winter, and with the onset of persistent frosts, throw more snow on the bed.
Usually shoots appear in May-June. Seeds may sprout later, so do not try to dig the bed too early. When the seedlings appear, you need to control watering - the soil should be moist, but not flooded with water. nine0005
Delphinium (Delphinium).© JuniperJungle Carpathian bluebell (Campanula carpatica). © Elmer van VeenLavender (Lavandula). © AchimRead our detailed article: How to grow lavender from seed?
19. Lupins
Perennial lupins ( Lupinus ) are not only a bright flower bed decoration, but also a valuable green manure plant. Although, usually, as green manure, one-year-old lupine is sown. Unlike spring crops, when sown before winter, the seeds give friendly shoots.
It is better to sow lupine immediately in a permanent place. When sowing, you need to take into account the size of adult plants, seeds should be planted with a distance of at least 25–30 cm. For sowing, it is advisable to choose a sunny place or partial shade, soil with acidity close to neutral. The plant does not tolerate close groundwater.
Read our detailed material: How to grow lupins from seeds?
20. Primrose
Getting primrose ( Primula ) from seeds is not very easy, not every grower can do it. Primrose seeds require stratification, so it is desirable to sow it before winter. It should be borne in mind that the germination of seeds is quite low, especially if the seeds are not just harvested. The seeds of the flower are small, and the seedlings are very small at first. Therefore, it is recommended to sow it not in the garden, but in a separate box. nine0005
The soil must be carefully prepared before sowing. If the soil in the area is very dense, it will be difficult for small seedlings to break through. Therefore, the soil must be loose, well-drained. You can even stock up on sowing primrose with good store soil. This soil will not contain weed seeds. And as a rule, ready-made soils of good quality are very loose and light.
Primrose seeds are sown superficially, slightly covered with soil. It is better to put a box with crops in partial shade so that the spring sun does not burn the tender shoots. You need to carefully monitor the moisture content of the soil. Small seedlings can die even with a short-term drought, and with an excess of moisture, they can suffer from waterlogging. Primrose seedlings develop rather slowly. And all this time the crops need careful care. nine0005
Read our detailed material: How to grow primroses from seeds?
21. Leucanthemum, or "garden chamomile"
Seeds of leucanthemum ( Leucanthemum ), or garden chamomile, as gardeners often call this flower, are distinguished by good winter hardiness, they can be sown both before winter and early spring. With this sowing, the entrances will be stronger and more hardened.
Preparation of beds and soil for sowing is standard, cornflower can be sown on a seedling bed, or immediately on a permanent place. nine0005 Lupine (Lupinus). © Twiggy's PhotographyPrimula. © tabbynera Leucanthemum. © manuel m. v.
Dear readers! In addition to the plants listed above, you can sow aconite, arabis, buzulnik, gaillardia, gelenium, doronicum, saxifrage, clematis, levisia, flax, lychnis, spurge, shaving, sedum, rudbeckia, garden yarrow before winter.