When should you leave faucets dripping

Preventing & Thawing Frozen Pipes


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Frozen Pipes

Frozen Pipes

Learn how to prevent water pipes from freezing, and how to thaw them if they do freeze. Learn how to prevent water pipes from freezing, and how to thaw them if they do freeze.

Why Pipe Freezing is a Problem

Water has a unique property in that it expands as it freezes. This expansion puts tremendous pressure on whatever is containing it, including metal or plastic pipes. No matter the strength of a container, expanding water can cause pipes to break.

Pipes that freeze most frequently are:

How to Protect Pipes From Freezing

Before the onset of cold weather, protect your pipes from freezing by following these recommendations:

How to Prevent Frozen Pipes
How to Thaw Frozen Pipes

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When Should You Drip Your Kitchen Faucets?


One of the easiest ways to prevent frozen pipes this winter is by leaving the drainage system on a slow drip. This means keeping one or more faucets on at around five to ten droplets per minute to alleviate pressure in the plumbing system.

Sinks, showers, and other faucets are all great candidates for this winterizing process.

It sounds easy, but homeowners should follow Warner Service's tips for the best process. This includes knowing the appropriate time to drip the faucets. Here's a list of the few times when it's important to leave the inside faucets on a slow drip to prevent freezing this winter.

Before Freezing Weather Occurs

An important time to drip your home faucets is before freezing weather occurs. For example, if you know that the overnight temperature is planning on dropping to an alarming 32 degrees Fahrenheit, leave a faucet or two on a slow drip throughout the night. As a hint, if you’ve left it to the right amount of drips-per-minute, the dripping won't be loud and should be barely noticeable.

By doing this, you sleep soundly knowing that you took plumbing precautions and won’t need to keep waking up to check the dropping temperature. This is also a good idea if you know cold weather is going to hit overnight or while you’re at work, out to dinner, or otherwise not thinking about your home’s plumbing system for a long period of time.

During Ice, Snow & Sub-Freezing Temperatures

It's important to drip the faucet during sub-freezing temperatures, ice storms, and any degree of snow. Keeping that faucet drip shouldn't be too big of a plumbing problem, but here’s what you need to know.

The most crucial faucets to drip during extremely cold weather include those that align an outside wall or are in a non-heated area of your home. For most homes, this includes a kitchen or bathroom sink or tub. You might also consider areas like utility rooms, attics, laundry rooms, or garage sinks as prime candidates for drip duty.

When You're Going Out Of Town

Are you planning on going out of town for the holidays this winter? Leave a water faucet that's located as far away from where water enters your home on a slow drip. The reason the location matters is that being far away from the source requires the entire system to be pressurized and prevents freezing.

Also, keep the programmable thermostat set no lower than 58 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure warm, circulating air and not-frozen pipes. Also, ask a friend or family member to stop by and check for any plumbing problems every few days - especially if you know cold temperatures, ice, or snow are in the forecast while you're away.

Other Important Plumbing Tips To Know

Dripping the faucets is one weather precaution you need to take to keep plumbing problems from occurring. Insulate all exterior and interior piping that has the potential to freeze, and take caution before bad weather strikes by draining and cleaning the hot water heater, checking for existing leaks, and getting the advice of a trained professional plumber if you notice any plumbing problems.

Do you need help with winterizing your home? Do you want to ensure your home’s plumbing is in top shape this winter? Do you have a plumbing emergency that needs immediate attention?

Contact our knowledgeable and friendly team at Warner Service today to schedule a plumbing appointment. You can also subscribe to our weekly blog for more tips. Click on the button below to get started:

Close the tap. How can you save liters of water? | Society

Vasily Pervunin


Photos from public sources

Annually increasing tariffs for housing and communal services force us to revise the norms for the consumption of resources, including water. This does not mean that you need to start washing once a week, and use the water after washing clothes to flush the toilet. You can often save money by simply changing your daily habits without compromising your established lifestyle. nine0005

Specialists of Minskvodokanal told how it is possible to reduce spending on consumed water.


First of all, pay attention to the faucet. Often we ignore that an open or faulty faucet is dripping. It is estimated that from a slightly dripping faucet (about 10 drops per minute) at least 160 liters flow out in a month. Therefore, it is important to eliminate all leaks by ensuring the tightness of the faucet, as well as teach yourself and children to tighten the valve tightly after using water. nine0005

Do not leave the faucet constantly open when brushing your teeth. Ideally, for these purposes, you can use a cup by filling it with water for rinsing your mouth. This will save up to 15 liters per minute, that is, about 750 liters per week in terms of four family members. The same recommendation applies to shaving. Turning off the faucet while shaving can save up to 380 liters per person per week.

Do not open the faucet all the way while washing your hands. In addition, if possible, to save money, you should use cold water, since hot water is more expensive. For example, you can wash your face with cold water. So it will turn out not only to save, but also to temper the body. True, this recommendation is only suitable for healthy people. nine0005

Give preference to the shower over the bath. It is estimated that the average person will need three times more water to take one full bath than a 5-7 minute shower. By the way, you can save money by turning off the tap while soaping the body. If you still cannot do without a bath, try filling it not completely, but, for example, half. Saving water at each dose will be up to 20 liters.

It is worth noting that high-quality aerator-sprayers installed on faucets (including showers) also allow you to use less water. And when using a shower handle with a water flow interrupter, it is possible to reduce water consumption by another quarter. nine0005


In the bathroom, first of all, pay attention to whether the toilet bowl is leaking. Otherwise, up to 260 liters of water can be lost per day, and over 16,000 liters per year!

Significant water savings can be achieved by installing a combination toilet with a 6/3 liter double flush. Thus, a family of four will be able to save up to 24,000 liters of water per year. In addition, what can be thrown into the bin should not fall into the toilet, saving water in this case will be up to 25 liters per day. nine0005


In the kitchen, the first recommendation is the same as in the bathroom - check the faucet for leaks.

When washing dishes, it is better to use a sink stopper, this will help to reduce water consumption by about three times compared to washing under running water. You can go the other way: when washing dishes by hand, fill one of the sinks (or some other container) with water and detergent and rinse in another sink under a small pressure of running water. This way you can save up to 60 liters of water per day. nine0005

If you have a dishwasher, try running it on a full load to save up to 60 liters of water. By the way, a high-quality dishwasher can save up to 60% of water, in contrast to washing dishes by hand under running water.

Vegetables and fruits should be washed in a container filled with water (for example, with a small amount of natural vinegar added for disinfection) and then only rinsed under running water.


Washing in modern washing machines uses water more sparingly than when washing by hand. At the same time, it is advisable to use the washing machine at full load, if possible, setting the required level of water supply.

Although front-loading washing machines are more expensive than top-loading machines, they use one-third as much water.

How much is wasted?

Dripping faucet

More than 160 liters per month

Brushing teeth, shaving with an open tap

Up to 15 liters per minute

Leaking toilet cistern

Up to 260 liters per day

Washing dishes under running water

Up to 60 liters per day

Taking a bath instead of a 5-minute shower

Up to 50 liters at a time

water saving

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