When should i plant spinach
Spinach Planting & Spinach Growing
Spinach is a fast-growing plant, yielding many leaves in a short time in the mild weather of spring and fall. Get expert tips for growing spinach.
Spinach is a cool-weather vegetable related to beets and Swiss chard. A fast-growing plant, it yields many leaves in a short time in the mild weather of spring and fall. When growing spinach, the trick lies in making it last as long as possible, especially in the spring, when lengthening days shorten its life. One great way to do that is to start with vigorous young Bonnie Plants® spinach plants, which are already well on their way to maturity when you put them in your garden. Although it prefers full sun, spinach will still produce a respectable harvest in partial shade.
Quick Guide to Growing Spinach
- Plant spinach during the cool weather of spring and fall.
- Space spinach plants 12 inches apart in fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0.
- Start off the growing season right by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter into your native soil.
- Check soil moisture often or consider using a soaker hose to keep moisture levels consistent.
- For tender and rapid leaf production, feed regularly with a water-soluble plant food.
- Harvest spinach starting with the outermost leaves once leaves are large enough to eat.
Soil, Planting, and Care
Spinach grows most quickly in well-drained soil rich in organic matter such as compost or composted manure and with a pH of 6.5 to 7. A simple way to improve your existing soil is to mix 3 inches of aged compost-enriched Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose In-Ground Soil with the top 6 inches of existing soil. In order to grow spinach twice a year, plant it about 4 to 6 weeks before the last frost in the spring, and again 6 to 8 weeks before the first frost in the fall. Space plants 12 inches apart; this gives leaves room to reach full size. Perhaps the easiest growing option is to plant spinach in pots filled with premium quality potting mix, such as Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® All Purpose Container Mix which will provide roots with just the right environment for strong growth.
For the most tender leaves, encourage spinach to grow fast and without interruption by fertilizing regularly with a water-soluble fertilizer like Miracle-Gro® Performance Organics® Edibles Plant Nutrition that feeds the soil along with the plants for better growth. (Be sure to follow directions.) This plant food works in tandem with great soil to help you achieve the best possible spinach harvest.
In the spring, plants will grow tall and bloom (called bolting) as soon as the days are longer than 14 hours. Heat also speeds up bolting, since spinach prefers temperatures between 35 and 75 degrees. Our variety is slow to bolt, which is a real bonus for gardeners who don't have the luxury of long stretches of mild weather.
Because it bolts in the lengthening days of spring, spinach is an especially popular crop for fall, when days are short and cool. Plants are very cold-hardy, tolerating temperatures as cold as the teens to low 20s once they are well established. This quality makes them great for overwintering over in zones 8 and southward.
In cold climates, some gardeners plant spinach in a cold frame or cover plants with hay and leave them all winter; they'll be first to produce a very early spring harvest.
Heat and long days will end your crop, so plant as mentioned above. Pests that enjoy spinach include flea beetles, spider mites, and aphids, which feed on the leaves. Diseases that attack plants are downy mildew (a mildew that may appear during cool, moist weather) and white rust (which causes white spots on the leaves). For instructions on how to fight back against these pests and diseases, contact your local Extension agency.
Harvest and Storage
Spinach leaves are ready to harvest as soon as they are big enough to eat. Harvest by removing only the outer leaves and allowing the center leaves to grow larger; this will allow the plant to keep producing. Picking the outer leaves also gives the advantage of briefly delaying bolting. In spring, when plants are about to bolt, pull the entire plant at once to enjoy the leaves before they become bitter.
When is the best time to plant spinach?
In late winter or early spring for a fast crop and again in late summer or early fall, after the hottest temperatures have passed. Spinach is a cool-weather vegetable.
How can I know when my spinach is ready for harvest? What is the method of harvesting?
When the outer leaves are about 6 inches long, they're ready to be harvested. Or, if it is spring and plants are near the end of the season where they will soon bolt (bloom), you can pull up or cut the entire plant.
My spinach bolted, and I cut the plants just above the soil line.

No, they are finished. It is time to pull them up and replace them with a warm-weather crop. You can plant spinach again in late summer for a fall harvest.
Container Gardening Cool Season Gardening Fall Gardening Frost Growing Techniques Spinach Vegetables
How Do I Grow Spinach? | Planting & Harvesting Guide
Spinach is a cool-season plant that’s one of the first crops of spring and a great fall crop as well. You’ll enjoy growing this undemanding plant and will enjoy eating it even more. Harvest spinach any time to enjoy raw in salads or cook it up in seconds for a delicious side dish that’s loaded with vitamins and minerals. If you want to grow spinach in your garden, here’s everything you need to know.
You can also download my How Do I Grow Spinach? one-sheet and keep the free resource handy for your reference.
Spinach is an undemanding plant that’s a joy to grow and even more of a joy to eat.
When, Where and How to Plant Spinach
Spinach can be either sown directly into the garden or started from seeds indoors. For the least work and the most convenience, seedlings can also be purchased from a nursery in spring.
To give spinach a head start, plant seeds in sterile seed-starting mix indoors about six weeks before the last expected frost date. The seeds will germinate one to two weeks later in soil that is between 60 and 68 degrees. If growing in a room that stays cool, consider using a seed-starting mat that will raise the temperature of the soil.
Spinach is frost tolerant, so it can go in the ground long before many other crops. When spinach seedlings have two true leaves and when there are four or fewer weeks remaining until your last frost date, the seedlings may be transplanted outdoors.
Seeds can be planted outdoors as soon as the soil is workable in spring — about six weeks before the last expected frost — and they will germinate as the days warm.
To germinate seeds faster and more reliably, there is a process called “priming.” A week before sowing spinach seeds indoors or out, soak seeds in room temperature water overnight or up to 24 hours. Next, place the seeds on a paper towel to air dry for one or two days. Once the seeds appear dry, place them in an airtight container and store the container in a cool place. The seeds will have soaked up and retained enough water to stimulate the first stages of germination. Wait at least five days, but no more than seven, and sow the seeds.
Primed spinach seeds will germinate both faster and more uniformly: In about five days, the grass-like seedlings will emerge.
Spinach seeds last up to three years in storage. If in doubt about the age or viability of spinach seeds, prime and sow a few seeds early to test the batch. If the test seeds don’t germinate, it’s time for a new packet.
For a steady harvest over several weeks, a good strategy is to plant a new crop every 10 days. Each crop can be sown directly, or you can stagger plantings of both seeds and seedlings. Continue these succession plantings until it’s time for summer crops to go in. When late summer comes, start up again for fall crops.
Spinach grows well in a wide variety of soils, but like most crops, it does best when the soil is well amended with lots of organic matter, especially compost. The ideal pH range for spinach, like many common vegetable crops, is 6.5 to 7.0. A soil test can tell you if you are near the target and, if not, what amendments can be added to the soil.
Spinach will grow best in full sun — six to eight hours of direct sunlight — or partial shade.
Follow the spacing instructions that come on the seed packets for the variety you have, or plant just a little denser with a plan to later eat the baby spinach that you will remove while thinning the crop.
Spinach can be planted outdoors before most crops can because it is frost-tolerant.
Types & Varieties of Spinach
There are two main types of spinach: Savoy and smooth-leafed.
Savoy spinach and semi-savoyed spinach have dark green leaves characterized by their wavy or puckered leaves, and they include some of the best varieties for growing in cold weather. And yet, some savoy spinach varieties are adapted to withstand heat, offering the best of both worlds.
Smooth-leafed spinach, also called flat-leaf spinach, is the kind you often see in salads. It can be harvested as baby greens for sweeter, more tender leaves, or allowed to grow.
Auroch is a fast-growing smooth-leafed spinach that performs best in fall, winter and early spring, with a high resistance to downy mildew. It’s ready for harvest in 24 days.
Bloomsdale is a classic variety of savoy spinach that withstands heat better than others, so it offers the best of both worlds, and it’s renowned for its garden-fresh flavor. In 50 days, it produces thick, succulent, dark-green leaves that are very sweet in salads. When planted in autumn, Bloomsdale will overwinter and mature in the early spring, though it’s best sown in early spring for late spring and early summer harvests.
Gazelle is a smooth-leafed spinach with uniform leaves and bunches that make it perfect for baby leaf harvest. It’s also highly downy mildew resistant and ready for harvest in just 26 days.
Palco matures in 38 days and is adaptable as both a cool-season or warm-season crop. It is a flat-leaf spinach that may be harvested as baby greens or enjoyed after attaining its full size. It is both bolt and mildew resistant.
Red Tabby is a red-veined smooth-leafed spinach with angular leaves in an upright growing habit. It matures in a month and is downy mildew resistant.
Renegade has fleshy, round, smooth, dark green leaves and sweet, tender stems. It’s a flat-leaf spinach that matures in 42 days.
Space is a slightly savoyed spinach with medium green leaves that are highly resistant to downy mildew and mature in just 25 days. It is versatile — grow it in all seasons.
Spinach comes in a wide variety of shapes, textures growing habits and even colors.
Watering Spinach
Spinach is a thirsty crop that enjoys up to 1.5 inches of water a week. If it hasn’t rained that much in a week, make up the difference with supplemental irrigation. Water under the foliage, right at ground level, to avoid wetting the leaves, which invites plant diseases. When growing spinach, it’s really nice to have a drip irrigation system for a slow and consistent application of water — but it’s not necessary as long as you keep on top of watering the garden when Mother Nature fails to.
A 2-inch layer of organic mulch such as shredded leaves, pine bark or straw will help keep the soil cool and moist between waterings.
Organic mulch around spinach plants will keep the soil moist between waterings.
Fertilizing Spinach
As long as you have good rich soil, spinach isn’t a demanding plant. But it can help to add some organic nitrogen-based fertilizer — like alfalfa, soybean meal or blood meal — at planting time. Adding compost before planting will also help the plants along, and balancing the pH will ensure the nutrients in the soil are readily available to the plants.
Spinach Pests & Diseases
When it comes to pests and diseases, spinach is a gardener’s dream since it rarely succumbs to any serious problems.
Provide adequate spacing to allow for good air circulation to avoid mildew. If downy mildew does become a problem, practice crop rotation or choose resistant varieties.
Proactively check for slugs, which are easily controlled with a number of environmentally-friendly options, including handpicking, placing bowls of beer near the plants at soil level, or using a pet-safe iron phosphate bait like Sluggo.
Spacing spinach adequately at planting time can reduce instances of mildew later.
Harvesting Spinach
And of course, the best part of spinach is eating it. You can harvest spinach whenever you want. This is one of those cut-and-come-again plants that I love so much since new leaves will resprout to replace the ones you cut. Simply snip away individual leaves as soon as they’re big enough to use. Or you can cut the entire plant about an inch above the soil level. Cutting encourages new growth and another crop of leaves and that makes me a very happy and healthy gardener!
When spinach bolts — that means it has sent up a flower stalk and “gone to seed” — it becomes bitter. This happens when the weather heats up in summer. At this point, the plant is done. Pull it out and add it to the compost pile, and plant your next crop in its place.
To harvest spinach, snip away individual leaves as soon as they’re big enough to use, or cut the entire plant about an inch above the soil level. Cutting encourages new growth and another crop of leaves.
What are your secrets to growing spinach successfully? Let us know in the comments below.
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Episode 045: Succession Planting: Practical Tips for Growing More Food
Episode 094: How to Start and Care for Seedlings Indoors: My Steps for Success
Episode 122: Fall Vegetable Garden Success: Best Plants and Tips for Cool-Season Growing
Episode 179: Plant Partners: The Science-based Benefits of Companion Planting, with Jessica Walliser
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How Do I Grow Spinach? one-sheet
joegardenerTV YouTube: Best Mulch for a Vegetable Garden
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How to grow spinach in the garden. Growing spinach in spring and winter crops.
Everyone can grow spinach in the garden. This is an annual, very early ripening, unpretentious, cold-resistant crop, almost not affected by diseases and pests. Spinach endures short-term frosts down to -6-8 °C. Spinach can coexist with all horticultural crops, it is well suited for compacted plantings or as a precursor to heat-loving crops.
Spinach soil.
Spinach can be grown on any soil, everywhere. The best yields are obtained on fertile, loose soils with a neutral reaction. A bed with spinach In the photo: A bed with spinach. Growing spinach in the garden. placed in a sunny place, make it not high so that the soil does not dry out. Spinach is a moisture-loving crop! Therefore, sometimes a bed is made with sides around the perimeter so that water does not drain during irrigation. This makes spinach easier to care for. With this planting, spinach can be watered less frequently. It is better to plant spinach after crops that require good tillage and manure, for example, after cucumbers, potatoes. Before planting, they dig up the soil, bring in 1 sq. m half a bucket of humus, two handfuls of ash or 60 g of complex mineral fertilizer Fertika (Kemira).
When to sow spinach.
Spinach can be sown in April-May or before winter. During winter sowing, the bed is prepared in September-October, grooves are cut on top. After the earth is frozen by frost at the end of October or in November, the seeds are sown in frozen grooves and sprinkled with loose earth, which was stored at a positive temperature. The earth is crushed, in the middle lane, winter crops are mulched. Growing spinach by winter sowing makes it possible to harvest 1-2 weeks earlier. Since spinach is a plant with a short daylight hours, with early sowing in late April and late in the third decade of August, the most delicious and juicy leaves are obtained. Under temporary shelter, spinach can be sown from mid-April. At a soil temperature of +3-4 °C, spinach seeds germinate. Spinach can be re-sown every two weeks. During summer crops, the daylight hours are shortened to 10 hours. To do this, in the morning and evening, spinach is covered with boxes or matting over the arcs. At daylight hours of 16 hours or more, spinach shoots, the growth of its leaves slows down, they become thin, acquire a bitter taste.
Spinach seeding .
Before spring and summer sowing, it is better to soak spinach seeds for 1-2 days in water at room temperature. Every 4 hours the water must be changed to a new one. After the seeds are slightly dried and sown according to the scheme corresponding to the variety: (5-6 cm) x (18-20 cm) to a depth of 1.5-2 cm for compact rosettes, 20x45 cm for large rosettes. Sowing is carried out in compacted, watered grooves. After the seeds are sprinkled with earth, which is crushed with the palm of your hand or the back of the rake. For faster seed germination, crops can be covered with lutrasil or plastic wrap, which are removed after germination.
► HOW TO Grow Rhubarb
Spinach care.
Seedlings appear ten to fourteen days after sowing. In order not to thicken the planting and prevent possible diseases, spinach is thinned out, since two seedlings can appear from one seed. With a dense planting, spinach rosettes are formed with elongated brittle leaves. Thinning is done when the spinach has a second true leaf. Water the spinach after thinning. Later, when thinning, seedlings with a small number of leaves are removed. As a rule, these are male plants (spinach is a dioecious plant), less productive and less valuable in terms of the content of nutrients. Two weeks after germination, spinach can be sown with radishes or other compacting crops. Spinach care includes weeding, loosening. Water spinach abundantly so that the water reaches the depth of its roots. For 1 sq. meter spend on a bucket of water. In dry weather, watering is carried out 3 times a week. Plants are not watered during the rainy season. Too much moisture can cause root rot in spinach. With proper care, there are no problems with spinach. Under unfavorable conditions, it can be affected by aphids, larvae of mining flies, slugs, snails, downy mildew, spotting.
When to harvest spinach.
In the 5-6 leaf phase, spinach can be eaten. A rosette of 9-12 leaves is considered ripe and ready for harvest. This usually occurs, depending on the variety, 4-5 weeks after spring sowing (early varieties), and 6-7 weeks after summer sowing (late varieties). You can’t delay harvesting spinach, otherwise its leaves will coarsen. Harvesting is carried out selectively, as the rosettes mature, until the peduncles appear. Plants are pulled out with a root, washed without getting on the leaves, dried with a towel, napkin. Store spinach in a refrigerator in polyethylene or a container for a day. Leaves should not be washed before refrigeration, as this shortens their storage. Surplus harvest can be frozen.
Read more about spinach: Spinach is the king of vegetables . / Useful properties of spinach . / Spinach recipes . / Frozen spinach and spinach dishes.
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When and how to plant spinach seeds outdoors
Spinach leaves are a real find for adherents of a healthy diet and people who generally love tasty and healthy food. This dietary greens is rich in vitamins, minerals, microelements, protein. A low-calorie product has a beneficial effect on the body, in particular, it improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Spinach can be grown both in the garden and greenhouse, as well as at home on the windowsill, while it can grow normally outside from early spring to September-October. This article will talk specifically about the rules for planting and growing spinach in the open field.
- 4 Step-by-step instructions for planting spinach seeds outdoors
- 5 How to care for spinach outdoors
- 6 How and when to harvest spinach, how to store
When to plant spinach seeds outdoors: the optimal time
Spinach can be called a relatively cold-resistant crop. Seedlings of the plant are able to safely survive negative temperatures down to -8 degrees. Therefore, you can sow it in open ground in the spring and not be afraid of returning frosts.
It is optimal to plant spinach in the garden after the ground has warmed up to 4-5 degrees Celsius.
Spinach seeds can be sown outdoors from mid-April to July. At such times, a crop is planted for cutting mature greens. Planting from mid-July to mid-August is carried out to obtain and cut young leaves.
Early sowing in the southern regions can be done as early as March. In the Middle lane (Moscow region) it is possible to sow from mid-April. In Siberia, in the Urals - since May.
Tip! Spinach is an early crop. If you want to regularly cut fresh, tender greens, then it is advisable to sow the crop in the garden every 3-4 weeks.
Choosing a place in the country for planting and growing spinach
The best place for planting spinach is sunny, protected from winds and cold drafts, with fertile soil.
The most suitable soil for growing spinach is loose, fertile, moisture-intensive, neutral in acidity (6.5-7 pH), fertilized with organic fertilizers. Light loamy soil that meets the listed characteristics is more suitable.
Soil fertility is very important for spinach, so it should be planted in cultivated areas with nutrient soil, which contains a lot of organic matter.
By the way! It is not necessary to allocate a separate bed for spinach, it is best to plant the plant in the aisles of vegetable beds.
Thus, you save space in the garden and use the territory profitably.
The best predecessors of spinach are all vegetable crops under which organic matter (humus, compost) was applied.
A bad predecessor for spinach is beets , they can be affected by the same diseases.
Do not plant greens in areas with stagnant moisture (for example, lowlands where water accumulates). If this is not possible in your garden, then it is recommended to make a high bed , for this you need to make an artificial mound of fertile soil (about 10-15 cm) and enclose such a bed with boards or bricks.
How to prepare the soil for sowing spinach
It is best to prepare a bed for sowing spinach in advance - in the fall. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can do this in the spring, but at least 4-2 weeks before planting seeds in open ground.
The selected area must be dug up to the bayonet of a shovel (that is, to a depth of about 30 centimeters).
Mineral fertilizers are applied for digging. For example, you can add different substances: superphosphate (30 grams per square meter), potassium chloride (15 g per sq.m., urea (20 g per sq.m., but it must be applied in the spring). Or you can just in the spring apply complex fertilizer Nitroammofosk (already contains nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) or Fertik Lux (in addition to nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus contains trace elements).0003
Important! It is impossible to abuse nitrogen mineral fertilizers, because greens accumulate nitrates.
If the selected area has not been fertilized in the last two seasons, it is also recommended to add well-rotted humus or compost (about 6 kilograms per square meter) for digging.
Important! Although spinach loves fertile soil, fresh manure should not be applied to the bed. Such fertilizers will have a bad effect on the condition of plants and the taste of greenery.
If the garden has acidic soil, it should be limed. To do this, you can add dolomite flour for digging, or a special deoxidizer.
Preparation of spinach seeds for planting
Pre-sowing preparation of seeds for planting helps to see friendly seedlings at an earlier date. That is, in general, it improves the germination of seeds.
The easiest way to process is soaking spinach seeds in warm water . So, pour the seeds in a shallow saucer with warm water, but they should not float in the water, it should cover them slightly. You need to soak for 1-1.5 days in a warm place. In this case, it is necessary to change the water every 4-5 hours. During this time, the seeds will be saturated with moisture, their hard shell will soften, and therefore, they will germinate faster. After processing, you need to slightly dry the seeds and immediately sow in the ground.
Step-by-step instructions for planting spinach seeds in open ground
It is very important to follow the correct sowing pattern, because if the planting is too dense and dense, the plants will grow poorly and develop slowly. The following instructions will help you plant correctly:
- On the selected and prepared site, you need to loosen and level the soil with a rake.
- The grooves must then be made. Furrow depth - 2 cm, distance between rows - about 15-20 cm.
- Water the rows profusely. Wait until the water is completely absorbed.
- Now sow the seeds. The distance between the seeds is 7-10 cm. A denser planting is also acceptable, but then the seedlings will need to be thinned out.
- The seeds in the grooves are then covered with soil and lightly compacted.
- It is recommended to cover the bed with foil or agrofibre before emergence. The material will reduce the evaporation of moisture, retain heat.
How to care for spinach outdoors
The taste of spinach greens directly depends on the quality of plant care after planting. The good news is that the plants do not need any super complicated care! Under favorable conditions, seedlings will germinate in about 14 days.
So, in order to grow tasty and healthy spinach, you need to care for it as follows:
- When sprouts appear, you need to remove the covering material if you covered the bed after sowing.
- When the seedlings grow the first true leaf, it is necessary to thin out spinach, between plants there should be a gap of 8-10 cm from each other. If thinning is not carried out, then the greens will develop poorly, and the risk of diseases will increase. Of course, you do not need to carry out the care procedure if you initially sowed the seeds with an optimal interval. Plants need to be watered after thinning.
- Spinach is a moisture-loving plant, so you need to pay special attention to watering . The soil in the garden should always be moderately (!) Wet, while waterlogging, waterlogging or drying out of the earth should not be allowed. It is very important to regularly and abundantly water the plants in hot and dry weather, otherwise premature stemming will occur.
- The soil must be loosened during the entire period of growing spinach in the open field. It is necessary to carry out the care procedure a few hours after watering. Loosening is necessary to prevent the formation of an earthen crust and improve the supply of oxygen to the roots of the plant. You need to loosen to a depth of 3 cm.
- Be sure to remove weeds in a timely manner , otherwise they will take nutrients and moisture from the soil, depriving the spinach. Weeding can be combined with loosening.
How and when to harvest spinach, how to store it
You can harvest spinach (that is, cut off the leaves) approximately 8-10 weeks after germination. The readiness of the bush for collection is determined by the plant itself: when 5-6 leaves are formed, you can cut them off.
The best time to cut greens is in the morning when the weather is dry. At the same time, you can not harvest in damp, rainy weather or after watering, otherwise the leaves can quickly rot.