Designs rose garden
Rose Garden Ideas - How to Design with Roses
Create a beautiful rose garden for your front or back yard, small or large garden, and learn what to plant with roses By Janet Loughrey, Garden Writer & Photographer
At Last® rose. Photo by: Proven Winners
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As one of the world’s most beloved garden plants, roses deserve a prominent spot in the landscape. While these long-lived shrubs have a reputation of being somewhat fussy, newer cultivars bred for disease-resistance and vigor have made growing roses easy for even novice gardeners.
A rose garden can be as simple as a single rose specimen interspersed with a few other plants. It can be as elaborate as a formal landscape embellished with hardscaping, arbors, seating, and statuary. Even smaller spaces can accommodate roses in containers, raised beds, or narrow side yards. Here are the basics of rose garden design, along with some ideas to get you started.
On this page: Planning | Different Spaces | Landscaping Tips | What to Plant With Roses | Design Ideas | More Rose Gardens | Related Reading
On this page:
Choose your site:
Make sure the site gets at least 6-8 hours of sun a day and has good air circulation to help prevent disease.
Make a plan:
- Gather ideas from books and online sources for inspiration.
- Draw up a rough sketch as you’re brainstorming to help visualize what the finished garden will look like.
- Include pathways for easy access.
- Beds should be small enough to allow for pruning and other maintenance chores.
- Consider structures such as pergolas, arbors or trellises, as well as seating and decorative accents.
Choose a style:
Decide what kind of rose garden you want. Do you want a clean formal look with structured hardscape, or a more natural appearance with other plants mixed in? Pick a style that will harmonize with your home’s exterior.
Pick a color scheme:
Select colors that you enjoy and that will also help unify the home with the landscape.
Prepare the soil:
Roses like rich, well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH between 6.0-7.0. Amend the soil with compost or other organic matter. For containers, use a high quality all-purpose potting soil and make sure pots have adequate drainage holes.
Plant selection:
Choose roses that are easy-care and hardy in your region. Select varieties for traits including size, shape, flower color, and form, fragrance and repeat or continual bloom. Many newer varieties such as Oso Easy Roses are bred for disease-resistance, vigor, and long bloom time. Some older types, particularly hybrid teas, can be higher maintenance and more disease-prone.
Plant fragrant rose varieties near a deck or patio to enjoy their fragrance up close. Gardener: Diana Gough. Designer: Phil Thornburg. Photo by: Janet Loughrey.
Large rose garden:
- Create a design with formal rooms or mixed borders that are grand in scale so it doesn’t get lost in the surrounding landscape.
- Keep scale in mind when adding hardscape, seating and structures such as arbors and pergolas, which are typically included in rose gardens.
- Choose larger rose varieties that will show up better in the landscape.
- Plant in drifts of 3 to 5 specimens of the same variety for greater visual impact.
- Plant larger groupings with the same flower color for a more unified look.
Small rose garden:
- Choose smaller rose varieties that will stay in scale with a more intimate space.
- Maximize the use of space by including vertical elements such as climbing roses and trellises.
- Select a few key rose specimens rather than trying to crowd in a lot of different varieties.
- Limit the color scheme to one or two hues so the design doesn’t look too busy.
- Choose roses with lighter colored flowers in hues of white or yellow to make the space look larger and brighter.
Front yard rose garden:
- Leave plenty of room around rose plants so they don’t crowd sidewalks or other trafficked areas.
- Don’t allow plants to obstruct entrances or doors so visitors don’t get scratched by thorns.
- For foundation plantings, allow enough distance between shrubs and the home’s facade to provide adequate air circulation.
Backyard rose garden:
- Include seating areas in different parts of the yard, which will encourage you to spend more time enjoying your rose garden.
- Site the rose garden where you can enjoy it from inside the home.
- Plant fragrant rose varieties near a deck or patio where you can enjoy the sweet perfume.
- Place a bench, water feature, or statuary at the far end of the rose garden to draw the eye through the landscape and encourage visitors to wander and linger.
Create a grand entrance to your home with a rose-covered arbor. Gardener: Mary DeNoyer. Photo by: Janet Loughrey.
Grow vertically:
Include climbing roses to maximize your space. Train other vining plants such as clematis to grow up through shrub or climbing roses to create exciting flower combinations.
Grow horizontally:
Train climbers along a fence to define garden rooms or to soften an unsightly chain link fence.
Plant in containers:
Many roses can be successfully grown in containers, a good solution for small spaces, apartment balconies, patios, and decks. Containers should be at least 15 to 20 inches in diameter and 18 to 24 inches deep. Half whiskey barrels work well. Miniature roses can be grown in smaller pots or hanging baskets. (See more on growing roses in pots.)
Cover a slope:
Mass groundcover varieties such as Flower Carpet® or Drift® roses along a slope for low-maintenance erosion control.
Plant in drifts:
For greater impact, plant in groups of 3-5 specimens of the same variety.
Plant a hedge:
Plant a row of taller shrub roses to create privacy from the street. A row of shorter groundcover roses can be planted along a foundation, in a curbside strip, or used to define garden areas.
Make an entrance:
Create a grand entrance to your home with an inviting entryway complete with a rose arbor and adjacent plantings to soften the landscape.
Create a transition:
Use a rose-covered arbor in a side yard to define the transition between front and back yards.
Use as a background planting:
Place climbers along a tall wooden fence to soften the backdrop and break up the expanse of wood.
Foundation planting:
Combine landscape roses with other shrubs that bloom at different times along the front of your home for a season-long display of color.
Mixed border:
Use low-growing ground cover roses near the front of a mixed border or taller semi-climbers in back to establish height and layers.
A curbside planting of roses underplanted with perennial geraniums offers screening and privacy. Garden and photo by: Janet Loughrey.
A rose garden can be greatly enhanced by incorporating other plants as part of the overall design. Roses go well with a wide variety of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals. Choose plants that have the same cultural requirements of full sun, ample water and rich soil.
Also, consider how much maintenance your roses will need:
- Hybrid teas, grandifloras, floribundas, climbers, and miniatures all require regular maintenance and pruning, as well as winter protection in cold climates.
Companion plants should be confined to in front of or behind roses, not in between them, to allow easy access.
- Species, shrub, old garden, and landscape roses require only minimal maintenance: cleaning up in winter and deadheading as needed when in bloom. These types of roses can be surrounded with perennials, annuals, bulbs, and shrubs.
Flowering companions:
Intersperse plants that flower at different times to extend the bloom season. These can include perennials or annuals such as petunia, verbena, or calibrachoa.
Complement and contrast:
Pair roses with other plants in complementary hues to create drama and contrast. A gold-colored rose such as Oso Easy Lemon Zest® would pair well with Rapido Blue Carpathian bellflower or ‘Violet Profusion’ salvia.
Add different heights to a mixed border or formal rose garden with trees. These can include snowbell (Styrax japonicus), fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus), dogwood (Cornus) and crabapple (Malus).
Enhance the landscape by providing contrasting color, texture, and structure with shrubs. These can include boxwood, spirea, bluebeard, and daphne.
Use groundcovers as a living mulch and weed-suppressing carpet. Good rose companions include perennial geraniums, dead nettle, bugleweed, and lady’s mantle.
Provide contrast with perennials of different size, structure, and color. Good rose companions include alliums, lavender, catmint, salvia, phlox, and speedwell.
Climbers can be trained up or alongside rose plants for an extra layer of color. These may include clematis, climbing bleeding heart (Dicentra scandens), morning glory and jasmine.
Plant fragrant rose varieties near a deck or patio to enjoy their fragrance up close. Gardener: Diana Gough. Designer: Phil Thornburg. Photo by: Janet Loughrey.
Combine roses with other plants of different heights for a layered tapestry. Gardener: Jeff Clark. Photo: Janet Loughrey.
A formal rose garden is characterized by distinct lines, clipped hedging and structures such as pergolas and arbors. Gardener and designer: Nancy Cutler. Photo: Janet Loughrey.
A rose-covered gate marks the transition between the front and back yards. Gardener: Mary DeNoyer. Photo: Janet Loughrey.
Train roses vertically to add varying layers to the landscape. Gardeners: Darin Simmons and Matthew Greydanus, Laurel Hedge. Photo: Janet Loughrey.
Train climbing roses along a fence to create an attractive screen for privacy. Gardeners: Danny Hills and Wayne Hughes, Lonesomeville Gardens. Photo: Janet Loughrey.
Roses combine well with many perennials, shrubs, trees, and annuals. Photo: Matthewshutter / Shutterstock.
My Garden: An Affinity for Roses
In this front garden, perennials such as catmint, delphinium, and hollyhocks mingle with roses.
From Parking Lot to Rose Garden
See this backyard that was transformed into a spectacular rose garden featuring David Austin roses.
Portland's Rose Test Garden
Another public rose garden, features over 10,000 rose plants from 550 species.
Rose Care: A Beginner's Guide
Cottage Garden Design
How to Grow Climbing Roses
How to Treat Black Spot on Roses
How to Get Rid of Aphids
How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew
14 rose gardens to inspire |
(Image credit: David Austin Roses)
Rose gardens have long been symbols of romance and elegance. Loved for large blooms and divine fragrance, the rose is a stalwart of the English garden and there are few plants that can rival its versatility. Available as climbers, ramblers, bushes, shrubs and ground cover roses, in a variety of colors, fragrances and repeat flowering or single blooms, there are a variety of rose garden ideas for almost every position.
Picture a rose garden and it may well conjure images of formal rose gardens designed to pay homage to the classic elegance of roses. Often these gardens consist of symmetrical, geometric borders edged with trimmed box-hedges and infilled with neatly trimmed rose bushes, often arranged by color. However, you don’t need to plant roses in a formal rose garden to appreciate the beauty of roses, there are numerous ways to enjoy them in your garden from climbing over a pergola to in pots on the patio.
We’ve rounded up an array of rose garden ideas to introduce them into your outdoor space.
Rose garden ideas
Roses are such beautiful flowers that many designers like to create a dedicated area for them. ‘Roses should be the star of the garden,’ says Florida-based garden designer Matthew Giampietro . ‘I like to incorporate roses into a garden by designing a formal rose garden or outdoor ‘room’ for roses, or even just a border of roses.’
In times gone by, walled rose gardens were known as rosaries and often contained nothing but roses. Modern gardening practice tends to favor designing a rose garden so that roses sit amongst perennials, biennials, and annuals, however – both because it looks more contemporary and because it helps to prevent rose sickness. For example, salvias (such as the fabulous hot-pink ‘Cerro Potosí’) are thought to act as natural fungicide because their leaves contain sulphur.
1. Plant roses as hedging or en masse
(Image credit: Future / Justin Paget)
‘We like to bring the luxe look of roses into the gardens of modern homes,’ says Pennsylvania-based landscape designer Nathan Tuno , who works at Roots Landscape Inc .
‘Roses done as a hedge or a large mass grouping work beautifully in contemporary landscapes. Stick with neutral tones such as white or blush, or perhaps yellow to give a pop of color while staying cool and understated. We lean on the Knock Out rose varieties, such as Sunny Knock Out or White Knock Out. They produce an abundance of delicate flowers while being unfussy. ’
2. Plant roses for a wildlife garden
(Image credit: Alamy)
Many garden designers like to use wild species roses (or single and semi-double roses that have the look of wild roses) to create a wonderfully informal, natural look, while providing food for wildlife.
‘I especially love the pasture rose (Rosa carolina),’ says Maryland-based landscape architect and designer Kirsten Coffen . ‘This rose is native to North America and grows especially well in coastal areas and sloping terrain. The bright-pink flowers are born in spring and throughout the summer and are a much loved food source for bees and other pollinators.’
Such wild roses are superb grown as a rose hedge or as part of a mixed native hedge – wonderful wildlife garden ideas.
3. Grow roses through a tree
(Image credit: Alamy)
Growing a rose through a tree makes for a romantic, beautiful feature in the garden during summer. Make sure you select the right tree and the right rose for a knock-out combination.
‘Choose a rambler that is not so vigorous that it will smother trees,’ advises Michael Marriott , one of the world's leading rose experts. ‘One of my favorite free-flowering ramblers is ‘Francis E. Lester’ , which has single soft-pink flowers like a wild rose, with a delicious musky fragrance. These are followed by similar quantities of small orange hips. It would be suitable for a medium-sized mature tree like an old apple. The advantage of growing into a tree is that once up there it needs no maintenance so all you have to do is admire it!’
4. Grow roses as ground cover
(Image credit: Alamy)
Procumbent roses sprawl over the ground, quickly suppressing weeds and concealing bare soil, and many of them have single or semi-double flowers that provide nectar for pollinators.
‘The Flower Carpet roses come in a variety of colors from dark red and bright pink to yellow and white,’ says Kirsten Coffen . ‘As ground cover, they combine beautifully with pale-blue catmints (Nepeta), which offset the hot flower colors. I like to use such roses to create a punch of color near a walkway or entrance space.’
5. Grow a rose garden over a seating area
(Image credit: David Austin)
Repeat flowering and with beautiful fragrances, roses are a brilliant choice of flower for growing near a seating area. Try training a rambling rose, such as this Phyllis Bide variety by David Austin Roses , across an arch over a bench for a pretty garden retreat. A repeat flowerer with a medium, sweet scent and sprays of small, pale apricot-pink flowers, Phyllis Bide brings a romantic feel to the garden summer long.
(Image credit: RHS Rosemoor)
Take a more informal approach to growing roses and include them as part of a mixed border of shrubs and herbaceous perennials to bring color and height. Planting them alongside plants such as Achillea Mollis and Sea Holly will create a romantic cottage garden feel as these borders at The Cottage Garden at RHS Rosemoor prove.
7. Plant roses in color blocks for impact
(Image credit: RHS Rosemoor / Jason Ingram)
Planting multiple roses of the same variety is often seen in formal rose gardens and can look truly show-stopping. If doing this be sure to plant in odd numbers. If you're looking for inspiration, The Queen Mother’s Rose Garden at RHS Rosemoor has a fantastic array of modern rose types including Hybrid tea (large-flowered), floribunda (cluster-flowered) and shrub roses.
8. Line a path with rose arches
(Image credit: National Trust Images / Marianne Majerus)
Training climbing roses over pergolas and arches along an avenue or pathway can make moving through a garden truly magical, as this image from the walled rose garden at National Trust Mottisfont proves, featuring arches covered in Rose Adelaide d'Orleans. Other climbing roses perfect for growing up an arch include The Generous Gardener, Malvern Hills and Constance Spry – unrivalled for scent. If you’re looking for rose garden inspiration be sure to visit National Trust Mottisfont, home to the National Collection of pre-1900 old-fashioned roses.
9. Pair roses with lavender for a cottage garden feel
(Image credit: David Austin Roses)
Planting shrub roses with lavender is a classic combination which will guarantee a relaxed cottage feel and will bring color and fragrance throughout the summer. According to the rose experts at David Austin Roses , simple combinations cannot be underestimated; try planting its Boscobel rose with English lavender for a show-stopping and easy-to-maintain display.
10. Use rambling roses to soften garden walls and structures
(Image credit: David Austin)
Climbing and rambling roses are a brilliant way to bring height and colour to a garden and are particularly useful if you’re looking to obscure unsightly structures. A classic rambler, David Austin’s Phyllis Bide, is a repeat flowerer that can grow up to 4.5 metres tall making it brilliant for this purpose.
- See: How to take rose cuttings – tips for propagating roses
11. Grow a rose garden around a doorway
(Image credit: Future / Britt Willoughby)
Growing a rose around a doorway can really make a feature of an entranceway. If growing a rose around a doorway, seating area, place where people pass or children play, then consider a variety with few thorns such as Mortimer Sackler or The Shepherdess.
12. Brighten up patios with potted roses
(Image credit: David Austin Roses)
If space is at a premium then roses can easily be grown in containers to bring scent and color to a patio. Good roses for growing in pots include Harlow Carr, Princess Alexandra of Kent, Desdemona and Vanessa Bell, all available from David Austin Roses .
Raised garden bed ideas are another great way to incorporate roses into a more structured scheme.
13. Grow a rose over an obelisk to give height to borders
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Growing a climbing rose up an obelisk is a brilliant way to bring height to mixed borders. Loved for its strong, Old Rose scent, Gertrude Jekyll is a brilliant choice for an obelisk which will bring beautiful fragrance and quintessential elegance to any garden.
14. Create a focal point with a rose-covered pergola
(Image credit: National Trust Images / Johnathan Buckley )
Growing a climbing or rambling rose over a perogla or gazebo can make a spectacular focal point in a garden. With their cascading, clusters of blooms and whimsical 'rambling' nature ramblers are a great choice for this, including varietes such as Rosa mulliganii, one of the biggest rose varieties, pictured here at Sissinghurst Castle Garden in the care of the National Trust.
How do you start a rose garden?
Prepare your path
The best soil for planting roses should be free-draining, slightly acid and medium in texture – neither sandy nor clayey. If your soil type differs from this, you can improve it by digging in lots of organic material – a few minutes of extra effort at this stage can lead to a healthy plant that gives you years of pleasure.
Start them well
It’s not advisable to plant new bushes where other roses have grown in the last three years, as this will greatly increase the risk of ‘rose sickness'. This occurs when fungi that grew around the roots and soil of the old plant start to attack the new one. The addition of around 30g of mycorrhizal fungi per rose bush is particularly helpful in poorer soil conditions or when roses are planted in areas where roses have previously been grown.
Choose the right rose
Bush roses look great in island beds mixed with perennials, while miniature varieties make excellent edging plants in front of the taller varieties. Shrub roses on the other hand, planted singly, can make excellent specimen plants, and you can also try clustering shrub varieties to make a flowering hedge. Smaller roses can be grown in pots.
Care for your roses
Deadheading roses is an important part of caring for a rose garden; doing so regularly during flowering season will keep yours neat.
Which roses are best for wildlife?
Roses with single or semi-double flowers because their nectar and pollen are accessible to bees and hoverflies. The golden rule is: if you can’t see the yellow stamens, a rose is not wildlife-friendly.
Great examples include the charming blush-white Jacqueline du Pré and the cheering, striped rosa mundi ( R. gallica ‘Versicolor’ ), which work well in borders. Garden designers increasingly use such single and semi-double varieties to create a contemporary, naturalistic look.
‘For wildlife, I suggest Comte de Champagne with almost single, soft-creamy-yellow flowers of medium size,’ says Michael Marriott . ‘They have many golden-yellow stamens in the center making them very attractive to wildlife. If not deadheaded, they will set a lovely crop of hips.’
Other great shrub roses that provide hips to feed birds during fall include ‘Scabrosa’ , which has fruit that resembles cherry tomatoes, and ’Geranium’ , which is hung with incredible flagon-shaped scarlet hips in the fall. Many ramblers (such as ‘Francis E. Lester’ ) are also excellent for hips. But not all roses produce hips, so check with your supplier.
Pippa is Content Editor on Homes & Gardens online contributing to Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors print issues. A graduate of Art History and formerly Style Editor at Period Living, she is passionate about architecture, creating decorating content, interior styling and writing about craft and historic homes. She enjoys searching out beautiful images and the latest trends to share with the Homes & Gardens audience. A keen gardener, when she’s not writing you’ll find her growing flowers on her village allotment for styling projects.
Do-it-yourself rose garden
A lush rose garden is the dream of almost every gardener, if not every one. Roses make the garden respectable, provide an opportunity to demonstrate their skill and diligence. Roses require great care, and therefore they have become a kind of symbol of a good housewife, a cozy home, a strong family. Rosary in the country - 100 photos of how to make a rose garden, read our article.
A beautiful rose garden in the garden fills the soul with special feelings, and its creation, as a rule, becomes a kind of "landmark" in the comprehension of landscape art: you seem to feel that you are ripe for something significant. However, successful rose gardens are extremely rare in Russian gardens.
It's a pity to see the solid and respectful effort spent on creating an inexpressive composition. Most often in such cases, you note that the plants are healthy, well-groomed, which means that the owners of the garden do not spare time for it and have sufficient knowledge. And what is missing, in essence, is some small thing that would not be difficult for them to understand, especially since so much has already been done, and done successfully.
Rosaries at the summer cottage
Sources of varietal planting material. First of all, you need to learn how to buy roses for a large rose garden. A lot depends on the choice of variety. More than 30 thousand varieties of roses, probably at least a thousand (no one counted) are annually available on our market.
The distinguishing features of the variety are not only the shade and shape of the flowers, but also the timing of flowering, the size and shape of the bush, which is of great importance in design.
Watch the video: DIY Rosary
Of course, it is impossible to compare such a number of varieties to make a choice. Therefore, rose breeders divide varieties into groups, which include cultivars more or less similar in their growth patterns and flowering frequency.
Varieties of each group are suitable for certain roles in garden design. The labels on containers with plants in garden centers and markets do not always contain information about the height and shape of the bush, often there is not even an indication of which group the rose variety belongs to for decorating the rose garden.
Rose garden designHow to choose roses for a rose garden
In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to find a way to purchase plants where there is enough complete information about them. Several options are possible here.
First: find a garden center that sells pre-order roses through well-known nursery directories. The usual procedure for purchasing roses in these cases is as follows: in the trading floor or office of the company, you study catalogs, where, as a rule, there are detailed descriptions of varieties.
Reception of orders starts in the fall and often ends by January, because. soon the planting of the rose garden begins. Having chosen the necessary plants, you leave the application and make a deposit. Roses arrive at your order in the spring, then you can pick them up, and at the same time pay the rest of the amount.
The benefits of buying catalog roses for your garden rose garden are huge: the product comes directly to you from the best suppliers, it is of good quality and without regrading.
Prices usually do not differ from the cost of roses of unknown origin in the collective farm market, since the planting material goes across the border under your guarantee of its purchase, and thus sellers will be able to avoid many unnecessary expenses.
And finally, the choice of varieties is huge, while a limited number of the most popular varieties are purchased for free sale. In addition, in the fall, you can safely sort out the whole variety of roses available for purchase in the rose garden on the site, consult with the sellers, and for this you do not have to push around the counter, calling them screaming, as is often the case in spring.
Call for applications for roses and other plants from well-known nurseries are often published as advertisements or appear on the sales floor of garden centers. Look for them in the fall.
Purchasing roses for the rose garden
The second way is to purchase plants from a specialized farm. In many regions, rose-growing nurseries and farms are now developing, where roses are sold, propagated, including under licenses from well-known breeders.
Most likely, you will have to go a long way to get to such a nursery, so buying from a nursery is more suitable for those who need a large number of specimens at once.
The advantage of such a purchase is that the rose growers of your region, most likely, have figured out for a long time which varieties grow better in your conditions and get sick less. They will be happy to recommend you successful varieties for creating a rose garden, and provide you with all the necessary information about them.
The choice in specialized farms is usually large, but it is better to clarify by phone how many varieties of the groups you are interested in are available in order not to travel in vain. The widest assortment is usually presented in the spring, make the first call as early as possible, back in March, to find out what time is most profitable for shopping from this point of view, because each nursery has its own rules. See a selection of photos of a rose garden in the country:
Roses from garden centers
The third option to purchase roses is suitable for those who do not need roses in large quantities. For example, you already have a rose garden in your garden, and you want to add a few new items to it. In this case, a productive solution would be to study publications in magazines by buying issues where there are articles about varieties of roses.
As a rule, the authors of publications identify the most, in their opinion, worthy ones and describe in detail their properties. If this or that rose interests you, you can search for it in garden centers already by name, and then the lack of complete information on the label will not bother you: you already know everything you need about the variety.
Rose garden - planting charts
Rose garden layout. The composition of a regular rose garden consists of flower beds, rabatok, which may have a border of clipped shrubs or other border plants (only barberry is not suitable: it has too powerful roots that will take a lot of nutrition from roses).
To complicate the spatial structure, you can add arches that are entwined with climbing roses, use standard roses that look good in the centers of flower beds or along the sides of the path in the form of an alley. Roses look good against the background of trimmed hedges, which can be used to mark the outer boundaries of the composition.
In the landscape rose garden, groups and mixborders line up with a predominance of roses in the assortment. Good companions for roses in a flowering rose garden:
- sage,
- thyme,
- agastahe,
- ornamental cereals,
- catnip,
- lavender.
They are planted to cover the underside of large rose bushes, which usually does not look very attractive.
Choose the sunniest place for a beautiful rose garden, if the soil in the garden is heavy, it is desirable to make drainage. The soil for planting roses must be well filled with manure humus (up to half the volume of the earth), it is desirable to add superphosphate and wood ash.
The best period for work is from the moment when the soil warms up to 8-10 C (hyacinths usually bloom at this time), until May 20th. Planting roses for a rose garden and especially their further care have their own characteristics. So, if you decide to arrange a rose garden in your garden, you will need to have a guide to growing this crop on hand.
Do-it-yourself rose garden at their summer cottage: creation, schemes, arrangement, design
Like a queen on a chessboard, a rose rules the show in the flower kingdom. Its noble beauty can revive a green lawn or a blank wall of a fence, bring bright accents to the landscape design of a garden plot. There is an opinion that the cultivation of roses is associated with many problems. In fact, creating a garden rose garden is a task that is quite feasible for everyone. And we invite you to talk about some of the nuances and wisdom today.
1 Preparatory stage - site selection
2 Drawing up diagrams and layout plan
3 Steps for making a rose garden
3.1 Soil preparation
3.2 General landing rules
3.3 Preparing rose seedlings for planting
4 Planting certain types of rose gardens
4.1 Planting standard roses
4.2 Planting a hedge of roses
5 Selection of rose varieties for planting
So, you have decided to create a rose garden with your own hands, but do not know how to approach this difficult task. First of all, decide which area of the garden you would like to set aside for your rose garden. There are a huge number of options for planting roses, but you need to pay attention to the fact that the place for laying out the flower garden is sunny, calm, with fertile soil. When forming a rose garden, swampy and damp areas of the garden, as well as areas in the shade of trees or buildings, should be avoided. As for the soil, light loam with an acidity level of 5-6 pH is considered the most successful soil for planting roses.
Weaving roses look spectacular on the facade and in the design of the entrance group of a country house
A flower bed of geometric roses will be accentuated by a low border of evergreen shrubs
Abundantly blooming rosaries in a summer cottage can be planted freely, emphasizing the naturalness of the garden, or geometrically, following a well-thought-out plan. You can plant roses in the form of a group on a lawn or near a pond, equip a hedge around the perimeter of the garden with roses, or place them in a flower bed. A rose garden of undersized flowers will be an excellent solution for creating a border inside a summer cottage, and climbing varieties of roses will favorably set off the architecture of a gazebo or pergola, hide a nondescript wall of a house or a fence.
About the features of planting and caring for a climbing rose, you can learn more from the material:
Even a singly planted standard rose in the form of a tree or a sprawling bush of a tea-hybrid rose can transform the landscape of a dacha. Tall park roses will perfectly fit into the design of the entrance group of the site or add solemnity to the long alley leading to the house. Roses will become a truly royal decoration of any corner of your garden plot, bring the missing “zest” to its appearance and fill your garden with a delicate fragrance.
When choosing a scheme for planting a rose garden, pay attention to the color range of rose blooms and dilute its diversity with perennials or evergreen shrubs. Conifers or ferns will not only create a favorable background for the perception of the rose garden, but will also give this corner of the dacha a picturesque look when the roses have faded. You can get some ideas on how to arrange a rose garden in a garden plot in the form of a group planting of roses with your own hands from the diagrams below.
When planting roses in a group, it is necessary to consider which perennials and evergreens will emphasize their beauty
At the initial stage of creating a rose garden, it will be useful to draw a sketch of the placement of roses in the group
The rose garden looks original, created from a combination of white or cream roses with perennials, blooming lilac inflorescences
The planning diagram of the rose garden will help mark the area allocated for the flower garden
Soil preparation
If you wondered how you can make a rose garden with your own hands, you should definitely pay close attention to preparing the soil for its improvement. The properties and composition of the soil plays a significant role in creating a rose garden, because a rose, as befits royalty, is quite capricious and capricious.
Preparing the soil for planting roses consists of draining and fertilizing the planting hole
The most unfavorable soil for planting roses is heavy clay, which will require drainage - removal of excess moisture from the plant. Coarse-grained sand, expanded clay or gravel are most often used as drainage materials. Dry sandy soil is also of little use for a rose garden - it must be fertilized with a mixture of clay and humus. In the case when the soil in the garden plot is fertile, a hole for planting roses is formed to such a depth that the root system of the bush fits. If the soil is not very good in its properties, then a hole is dug deeper and wider in diameter, and its bottom is sprinkled with drainage or fertilized.
Planting a rose seedling consists of the following steps: preparing the hole, trimming the seedling, backfilling the roots, tamping and watering the soil
After the place for the creation of the rose garden is chosen and the scheme of its breakdown is thought out, it takes about 2-3 months to prepare the soil for planting roses. Considering that autumn is the best time for planting roses, approximately in the middle of summer, the area of the garden chosen for the formation of a rose garden is dug up to a depth of about 60 cm and the topsoil is loosened. Then, the earth is fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. In a couple of months, the earth will settle, excess moisture will evaporate from it, it will be saturated with useful substances and acquire the optimal composition for the development of the rose garden.
When choosing the location of the rose garden near the country house, make sure that this area of the garden is not shaded and well lit by the sun
A border of low-growing roses planted along its perimeter will give a bright frame to a green lawn
Important to know! As organic fertilizers for roses are used: rotted manure, peat, humus, compost - at the rate of 10 kg of fertilizer per 1 square meter of land. A mixture of mineral fertilizers suitable for roses and sufficient for 1 m3 of soil: 70 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of potassium chloride.
General landing rules
In order for the rose garden in the country to please you with its flowering, you must adhere to some rules for planting it. Before planting, the root system of roses is moistened, broken or damaged tips are cut. The aerial part of the bush is shortened, leaving 1-3 of the most powerful shoots without leaves, shoots and color. In the designated places of the garden plot, holes are dug for planting, taking into account the length of the root system of roses.
Planting roses in ceramic pots will simplify the creation of a garden rose garden and give the terrace adjacent to the lawn an original flavor
In the process of planting, the rose seedling must be kept strictly upright and ensure that the tips of the roots do not bend up. To do this, the seedling is periodically shaken so that the planting mixture is evenly distributed, filling the space between the processes of the rhizome.
Ground-covering roses with miniature inflorescences, planted around an artificial reservoir, will create a voluminous and colorful frame for it
A multicolored rose garden will look good against a green grassy lawn
Important to know! The planting density of roses is selected based on the expected height, width of the bush and is: 25-50 cm for miniature, dwarf and floribunda roses; 60-100 cm for hybrid tea and undersized park roses; 1-1.
5 m for standard and weakly growing climbing roses; 2-3 m for tall park, weeping standard and fast growing climbing roses.
After planting, the ground around the bush is carefully crushed with feet, then loosened a little, watered abundantly and spud to a height of about 20 cm with peat or sawdust so that the above-ground shoots are completely covered. It is recommended to plant roses in autumn, from October until frost.
After wintering - in spring, roses are pruned and sprinkled with tree bark or wet peat. Subsequently, when the shoots reach a height of 5 cm, it is recommended to re-spud and mulch the soil with an 8-cm layer of peat or humus.
You can learn more about how to revive roses after wintering from the material:
Preparing rose seedlings for planting
When preparing a rose for transplanting from a container, it is necessary to moisten the ground well so that the earthen ball does not crumble when removed. In order to plant a rose grown in a plastic pot, you need to cut it, remove the lump and, without destroying it, place it in a previously dug hole for planting. A pit for a rose from a container is dug approximately 10 cm wider and higher than its dimensions. The resulting gaps after moving the rose from the container to the hole are covered with a mixture of garden soil and peat so that the upper surface of the earthen coma is equal to the ground level on the site.
Before planting, the root system and shoots of rose seedlings must be trimmed
When roses for rosaries are purchased as seedlings, the root system of the flower may dry out and freeze. If the plant is frozen, it is necessary to dig it in the open ground for a couple of days on the eve of planting. If the roots of the rose are excessively dry, you need to place them in water 10 hours before planting. Immediately before planting, the roots of the rose are cut to 30 cm, removing spoiled shoots, and the aerial part is shortened, leaving a couple of strong shoots. The roots of the seedling can be treated with a clay-dung slurry to provide extra nourishment for the rose until it takes root.
Material on how to grow a rose from a cutting will also be useful:
Some types of rose gardens require specific preparation of the seat, depending on the scheme of formation of the flower bed and the types of roses used for its arrangement.
Rosary of park roses will give solemnity and elegant look to the central alley
Planting standard roses
Standard roses are planted in the rose garden as a tapeworm - an accent plant that differs from others in size and color. A hole for planting a standard rose is dug according to the same principle as for a bushy one - based on the size of the rhizome. So that the standard tree does not break from gusts of wind, at a distance of 10 cm from it, on the leeward side, a wooden stake is added dropwise and a rose stem is tied to it. The stake is selected with a diameter of 2 to 4 cm and a height equal to the tree trunk to the base of the crown plus 50-70 cm. It is advisable to treat the underground part of the peg with an antiseptic to prevent wood decay and drive it to a depth of about 50 cm into a hole prepared for planting roses.
The rope intended for tying the stem tree must be pitched and fastened with an 8-shaped loop in three places on the stem of the rose - near the ground, in the middle of the trunk and at the base of the crown. To protect the trunk of a tree from damage by a rope, it is wrapped with burlap patches in the areas where the loops are placed. An elastic mount, specially designed for such purposes, will greatly simplify the procedure for tying a rose.
Standard roses, which are small flowering trees, are good both in a group and singly
A secluded seating area with a bench can be formed using a hedge of roses and clear trees
Planting a hedge of roses
Shrub or climbing roses look great planted as a hedge, formed either around the perimeter of the garden plot, or inside it - to divide into zones, for example, to create a border between a farm area and a recreation area. For arranging a single-row hedge inside the garden, undersized roses with a height of less than 1 meter are most often used - while the distance between the bushes should be 50-70 mm.
A lush flowering bush of a climbing rose will brighten up the monotony of the fence of a summer cottage
A multi-row hedge of roses consists, as a rule, of two or three tiers, with lower roses planting in the foreground, then medium-sized roses (1-1.5 m), and the highest (more than 1.5 m) form the background background, adjacent to the main fence. It is necessary to ensure that the row of roses closest to the fence or to another building is laid 30-50 cm from the wall. The roots of roses during this planting must be distributed in such a way that they “leave” in the opposite direction from the building.
A rose garden, created under the walls of a country house, is able to decorate even the most nondescript building
When planting roses in multi-row hedges, they adhere to a checkerboard pattern with a distance between bushes approximately equal to half their height.