When is the best time to plant dahlia bulbs

How to Plant Dahlia Bulbs in Your Garden

Wondering how to plant dahlia tubers? Good news! Planting dahlia bulbs is simple, yet rewarding.

Easy-to-grow dahlia flowers bloom year after year, filling your landscape with stunning color and texture. These beautiful flowers grow in a rainbow of hues and wide variety of shapes that transform your garden from mid-summer through autumn.

Best of all, planting dahlia bulbs is easy. Read on to learn everything you need to know about planting dahlia tubers.

How to Plant Dahlia Tubers in Your Garden

Let's start with timing, as you may be wondering when to plant dahlia bulbs. The best time to plant dahlia tubers is in the spring, after the danger of the last frost has passed.

In many regions, the perfect time to plant dahlia bulbs falls between mid-April and early June. You can check your region's specific last frost date to be sure. As a general rule, stop planting dahlia tubers after mid-June.

When you plant dahlia bulbs, the ground temperature should be at least 60 degrees F. Dahlia tubers don't like cold soil, so planting them too early means they may struggle to grow.

Once you've determined that the soil is warm enough, loosen the soil in your planting site. If the soil is heavy or clay, amend it with sand, aged manure or peat moss. This will help lighten the soil, so it can drain properly.

Now that the soil is prepared, it's time to dig holes for your dahlia. How deep should you plant dahlias? Dig holes in the soil about four to five inches deep.

Place the tubers in the hole with the points (or eyes) facing up. Cover the tubers with 1 to 3 inches of soil. As the tubers sprout, you can continue adding soil up to ground level.

Don't water the tubers when you plant them, unless it's very hot and dry. Wait until you can see sprouts above the soil surface before watering. You don't need to fertilize when planting tubers, either.

Do You Soak Dahlia Tubers Before Planting?

Generally, dahlia tubers do not need to soak before planting. However, if they appear dried out and shriveled, you may want to soak them in a bucket of tepid water for one hour before planting.

Where Should I Plant Dahlias?

Choosing the right site for dahlia tubers will help flowers bloom and thrive. Dahlias grow in USDA hardiness zones 7 to 10. As plants can grow to be several feet tall, select a planting spot that offers protection from the wind.

Start with the soil. Dahlias prefer rich, well-drained, loosened soil. Aim for a slightly acidic pH level of around 6.5 to 7.

Be sure to choose a site with optimal sun exposure. Dahlia flowers grow best when they receive at least six to eight hours of sun per day. Morning exposure is best, so pick a site with full sun exposure for the brightest blooms on your plants.

Can I Plant Multiple Dahlias in One Area?

Planting multiple dahlias in one area creates a beautiful floral display of blooms from mid-summer though fall. If you're growing large dahlia plants or growing dahlias for cut flowers, you may want to set aside a dedicated area of your garden just for dahlias.

This reduces competition from other landscape plants. However, smaller dahlias can be grown in borders and mixed in with other flowering plants.

Either way, provide dahlias with enough space when planting dahlia bulbs. Leave at least 1 to 2 feet between each small dahlia plant, and at least 3 feet between each large dahlia plant.

Starting Dahlias in Pots

If you want to get a head start on your dahlias, plant bulbs indoors in pots. Start planting about a month before outdoor planting time.

Choose large containers so your dahlias have plenty of room to grow. Fill containers with rich soil amended with compost.

The planting method is the same; dig a hole in the soil about four to five inches deep. Place the dahlia tubers in the holes with eyes up, and cover with a few inches of soil.

You'll see sprouts within a few weeks. The plants should be ready to go into the ground after the danger of the last frost has passed, giving you a great start on your summer blooms.

Planting dahlia tubers is as simple as it is rewarding. These easy-to-grow plants offer a profusion of colorful blooms and late-summer garden interest.

for bold blooms and beautiful cut flowers |

They bloom from mid-summer to late fall, but you might be asking when to plant dahlias to enjoy their extravagant display. 

Growing dahlias extends the season with big, bold flowers that fill the backyard with color. Most are tall, adding height at the back of the border, and the single-flowered cultivars provide nectar for bees and butterflies. On top of that, dahlias have a cut-and-come-again habit, so they supply beautiful, fresh flowers for the house. 

Our guide has the details on when to plant dahlia to get the most from these colorful, exotic flowers. 

(Image credit: Getty Images)

When to plant dahlias

Hailing from Central America, dahlias shouldn’t be planted outside until the weather warms. If you have stored or bought tubers the answer to when to plant dahlia tubers is to pot them up under cover (for example, in a greenhouse) in March or April. Rooted dahlia cuttings are also best started off under cover in mid to late spring. And potted dahlias should go in the ground after risk of frost has passed, which is May or June in most regions. 

Dahlias are available in such a vast range of colors and shapes that you can select the ones that best suit your style of garden. For instance, the cactus and ball varieties bring retro glamour; the single and anemone forms fit into jungle-style flower bed ideas; and the huge dinner-plate dahlias are a must-have for a cutting garden. 

‘I like to intersperse dahlias among other plants,’ says Oregon-based landscape architect and garden designer Bethany Rydmark . ‘For example, dahlias work well in modern meadows, as accents in a mixed border, or as infill in a parterre.’

When to plant dahlia tubers indoors

Dahlia tubers that you have stored over winter or bought can be potted up under cover (for example, in a greenhouse) in March or April, and then planted outside in May or June.  

‘Planting tubers will often give you earlier flowers,’ say Dave and Sue Hall at specialist dahlia nursery Halls of Heddon , near Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, ‘because more often than not they will produce multiple shoots which will not need pinching out.’ 

It is best to harden off the young plants to acclimatize them to outdoor conditions before planting. For example, by placing them in a cold frame or by sitting them outdoors during the day for a week covered with fleece, then gradually remove the fleece.

When to plant dahlia tubers outdoors

What about when to plant dahlia tubers outdoors? ‘Dahlia tubers can be safely planted out between April and May,’ say Dave and Sue Hall. ‘The warmer the climate, the earlier you can plant. So the further south you live in the UK, the earlier you can plant.’ 

In most parts of the UK and the northern US, it is safe to plant dahlia tubers direct outside from mid to late April. 

Usually, the tubers will set about growing their roots during late spring and begin sending up new shoots in early summer. However, sometimes they may shoot early in warm spring weather. Don’t worry because this won’t damage the plant in the long run. 

‘Growth that emerges too early may be nipped back by spring frosts,’ say Dave and Sue. ‘The plants will recover and it should result in bushier plants earlier on, as they will have had a natural pinch.’ 

When to plant rooted dahlia cuttings

Mini plants, known as ‘rooted cuttings’, are readily available from dahlia suppliers in mid to late spring. They are often more reliable than tubers in establishing robust plants faster and can produce a better flower color. 

If possible, plant them up under cover (for example, in a greenhouse) during spring. ‘Dahlia rooted cuttings can be planted directly outside, but they will certainly benefit from being potted up and grown on for at least a few weeks before planting out,’ say Dave and Sue Hall. ‘In the south of the UK, planting out can be done from early to mid May. In the north and Scotland, you would not normally plant out until June. We would not advise planting out before the date of the last expected frost in your area.’ 

Harden off the young plants before planting out, in order to prepare them for the weather outside. For example, by placing them in a cold frame or by sitting them outdoors during the day for a week covered with fleece, then gradually remove the fleece. 

When to plant potted dahlias

In late spring and early summer, ready-grown dahlias in pots can be bought from nurseries. As for when to plant dahlia like these? They can be put directly into sunny borders once all risk of frost has passed. 

‘Only buy fresh, strongly growing plants that have not become pot bound,’ advise Dave and Sue Hall. ‘Being pot bound will put a check on their growth and they will be slower to get away.’ 

To check if a plant is pot bound, peer underneath to see what the roots look like. If they are old and in a dense knot under the plastic container or – if you are able to slide the plant out of its container – should they be growing around and around the compost, avoid purchase.

When to plant dahlias in pots

If you want to grow dahlias in pots to brighten up the patio or terrace, plant the tubers into well-drained containers of peat-free compost under cover (for example, in a greenhouse) in March or April. Then, once risk of frost has passed, move the pots outside into a sunny position. 

‘Totally Tangerine’ (orange), ‘Red Fox’ (scarlet), and ‘Verrone’s Obsidian’ (claret) all reach around 2.5ft (75cm), making them ideal for containers. Water dahlias in pots regularly, as they like moist compost. 

When to sow dahlia seed

Dahlias are usually grown from tubers, which is far easier and quicker. However, if you like a challenge, they can also be raised from seed. Sow the seed under cover (for example, in a greenhouse or on a bright windowsill) in early spring. Once they are large enough, harden off the young plants and then plant into borders in June. 

When should I start my dahlia tubers?

Start dahlia tubers in March or April by potting them up under cover; plant them outside in May or June.  If you don’t have space to start them in a greenhouse or indoors, dormant tubers can be planted directly outdoors between April and May.

How late can you plant dahlia tubers?

You can plant dahlia tubers as late as May or June in most regions. When it comes to their blooming season, they should carry on up until frost.  

When and how to plant dahlia tubers outdoors

If the rose is considered the "Queen" of flowers in many countries, then the dahlia is without a doubt their "King". Very few ornamental plants can boast such a wealth of shapes, sizes and colors!

In addition, the dahlia is very unpretentious. Content with the most minimal care, he pleases the gardener with his bright, lush flowering from early July until late autumn.

About the history of the appearance of the dahlia, how to care for it, how to dig it up and store it in the winter, we have already told in our article: "How to grow dahlias".

In this article we will tell you when and how to plant dahlias in spring. In addition, we will tell you the best varieties of the numerous species of this regal flower.


The timing of planting and preparation of dahlia tubers depend on their type. Most often, Russian gardeners choose the following:

Large-flowered. In height they grow up to 80 cm, and the diameter of the flowers of the newest varieties can reach 30 cm!

Decorative . These are large bushes up to 1 m high with numerous flowers up to 25 cm in diameter. This species is distinguished by the richest palette of colors and variety of forms.

Cactus . The tallest bushes - can grow up to 1.5 m. Flowers with a diameter of up to 20 cm are distinguished by the most bizarre shapes and unusual colors.

Pompoms . Plant height - 80 - 90 cm, diameter of flowers - up to 15 cm. Flowers of bright, saturated colors look like mesh balls. They look very beautiful and last a long time in a vase after cutting.

Semi-cactus . Tall, sprawling bushes (up to 1.2 m) are covered with holly, bright flowers, up to 18 cm in diameter and a variety of one-, two- and three-color colors.

Miniature . The most elegant dahlias, up to 40 cm high, are literally strewn with large flowers, up to 15 cm in diameter. They bloom earlier than others and do not crumble during the first winter frosts.


Planting time for dahlias depends on the region where you live. The main condition is that the earth should warm up well, because the plant is a tuberous plant.

In the Middle lane, North-West region, dahlias are planted in the third decade of May. If the spring turned out to be early and warm, then it can be a week earlier. However, when return frosts appear, a flower bed with dahlias should be covered with a non-woven covering material.

If you come to the dacha only on weekends, then it is better to move the planting date to June 25-27. After May 25, spring frosts usually stop.

In the Urals and Siberia, the spring is later and more humid. Therefore, dahlias are planted there in late June - early July. And it’s better to first germinate them in a pot, and plant the seedlings in a permanent place after July 10.

In the southern regions of the country, dahlias are usually planted in April, as the land there quickly dries up and loses moisture. Therefore, it is impossible to be late with the deadlines.

All varieties of dahlias that tolerate cold climates will grow well in the south. This is a versatile and very unpretentious flower.


If you bought tubers in March-April, you can germinate them in advance and get early lush blooms. To do this, fill some container (box or basin) with a moist substrate, consisting of purchased soil for flower seedlings, sand and sawdust in equal amounts.

Make drainage holes in the container to drain excess water and build some kind of drip tray.

Wet the substrate well and place the dahlia tubers in it, sprinkling them with a 10 cm layer of soil. Place the container in a warm place and cover with a transparent film on top.

Very soon the plants will grow. After the first shoots appear, move the box to the window. Water your plants regularly. At the end of May, transplant them into a flower bed.

This planting of germinated dahlias will ensure that they bloom 2 to 3 weeks earlier.


All gardeners know how to plant dahlias, but not everyone correctly understands how to prepare them for this operation.

Before planting, we recommend treating even healthy tubers in three different solutions, dipping them there sequentially and holding for 30 minutes.

First, treat the dahlias with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, then with Fitosporin M, and finally, dip them into the Zircon solution.

The first two preparations will disinfect the tubers from any bacteria and pathogens of fungal diseases. The third - will accelerate the process of germination of sprouts on the tuber.

Then place the tubers on a dry, clean cloth or paper and let dry. After that, you can start landing.


Dahlias like quiet, sunny places with light shade during the midday hours, well protected from wind and drafts. But if the plants are exposed to the sun less than 6 hours a day, then they may not form buds.

Dahlias prefer loose, fertile soils with a neutral reaction. It is better to choose “native” soil from the planting pits and fill them with a soil mixture composed of a fertile layer, compost, sand and leafy soil.

Add phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, wood ash (1 bucket for 4 plants) and a glass of dolomite flour (in acidic soils) to each hole.

Dig planting holes with a depth equal to the diameter of the bulb plus 10 cm. Of these, 5 cm is a drainage layer of coarse sand or perlite, which is laid on the bottom of the hole.

Distances between plants depend on the species and variety. Low-growing dahlias are planted at a distance of 40 cm from each other, tall ones - 70 cm.

Mulch the flower bed well with sawdust or freshly cut grass. The mulch will retain moisture in the soil and discourage weed growth.

For more information on how to care for dahlias, when and how to dig them up and store them, see our aforementioned article "How to Grow Dahlias".


Now that we have told you in detail when and how to plant dahlias, it remains to choose the most beautiful types and varieties. We can help you with this.

We offer you the best and most popular varieties of dahlias from our collection.


Latest innovations: Avignon, Sir Alf Ramsey, Arthur Humbley, Almond Joy, Big Brother.

Our collection: Vancouver, Flood Light, Sensation by Otto, Fleur, Spartacus.

DECORATIVE: Passionate, Mero Constellation, Gypsy Girl, Tartan, Cream Peach.

POMPON: Sunny boy, Lipoma.

CACTUS: Freequolet, Aloha, Silent Folly.

SEMI-CACTUS: Firebird, Favorite, Kennemer.

MINIATURE: Salvador, Pablo, Riviera.

You can buy all these dahlias from us right now. We have no doubt that they will bring you many pleasant moments and decorate your garden in an unusual way!

Growing dahlias from tubers is a fairly simple and affordable process for every grower, so even beginners do not have to worry, as can be seen in the video below. It provides simple and understandable information for everyone, so that anyone can please themselves and loved ones with beautiful lush flowers in the middle and end of summer, when other plants can no longer boast of such violent and abundant flowering.

When to plant dahlias - description of the plant and planting features, in which month they should be started growing

Dahlias are a popular perennial tuber plant of the Asteraceae or Compositae family.

In order for dahlias to always please with their bright color and lush flowering, you need to know the rules for planting and caring for the plant. When to plant dahlias? We'll tell you in the article.


Plant description

lush, large leaves.

Fleshy roots form tuberous thickenings at the base of the rhizome. The flowers are collected in large inflorescences in the form of baskets. On their edges are reed flowers of bright colors, in the middle - tubular bisexual flowers.

Lat. Dáhlia

The most common methods of plant propagation are cuttings and tuber division after flowering.

Propagation by seeds of dahlias is used when breeding undersized varieties. Such plants are distinguished by non-double flowers and a collar form of flowering. When is it better to plant dahlias, in what month can they be planted? Let's talk further.

Growing Conditions

Dahlias like a well-lit and well-ventilated place and bloom for several months from May to late October. Varieties of dahlias are distinguished by the time of flowering.


With a lack of light, excessive growth of shoots occurs at the expense of flowering. The optimum temperature for growing is 15-20°C.

Dahlias successfully tolerate both heat and temperatures as low as 0°C. In cold climates, the tubers do not overwinter and must be dug up and stored in a cool place. And in the spring, plant it again in a permanent place in the garden.

How to prepare the soil

One of the varieties of dahlias

When planting dahlias, attention must be paid to the choice of soil. Soil mixed with sand and clay is not suitable for growing these flowers. The soil should be fertile, neutral or slightly acidic.

The place for planting flowers has been prepared since autumn. It must be carefully dug up, add humus or compost to neutral soil. If the earth is slightly acidic, then fertilize it with lime. 14 days before planting, apply 30 g of fertilizer with potassium sulfate per 1 sq. M of soil.

When to plant dahlias

In autumn, it is necessary to properly dig up the tubers of the plant, which do not tolerate frost and cold.

To do this, carefully dig out the plant at the end of September, sprinkle the tubers with ash or sand. During storage of tubers, they must be periodically inspected so that rot does not appear. If the tuber begins to rot, you need to get rid of the area touched by rot in order to protect the root of the plant. From time to time the tubers should be moistened.

When planting dahlias, you need to follow simple rules:

Dahlias are an undemanding plant. But for these flowers, sudden changes in weather are detrimental. And in spring, the weather is very changeable: the bright sun is often replaced by wind and drizzling cold rain. Therefore, it is recommended to grow tubers in a greenhouse, and only at the end of May to transplant them into open ground.

In what month are dahlias planted? There are many different varieties of dahlias, some of which can be planted in a permanent place at the end of April. In any case, these beautiful sunny flowers are planted in open ground in the second half of spring.

Colorful flower garden with dahlias

Before planting it is necessary to inspect and make sure that the tuber is healthy. If there is damage, they must be lubricated with a small amount of brilliant green or kept in a weak aqueous solution with potassium permanganate.

The planting site of the dahlia should be open to sunlight and protected from drafts.

It is important to properly prepare the soil for planting tubers. Take in equal quantities, earth, sand and peat and put in a box where the plant will be planted. Pay attention to the fact that the peat part should be above the ground and sand. The soil should be well loosened, drained and nutritious.

The tubers of the plant take root at a shallow depth and are covered with earth to a depth of 3-5 cm. Seedlings and cuttings of dahlias deepen to the first pair of leaves.

The distance between flowers depends on the variety and can range from 30 to 80 cm.

It is believed that dahlias can be planted in June. If June is not dry, then dahlias are planted both in the first and in the second half of the month. With too bright sun, hot weather and the absence of small doges, flowers planted in the first month of summer may die.

Sowing seeds

Sow seeds in early March in small containers for seedlings. In open ground, plants are planted in early summer. Usually dahlias grown from seeds have a mixed color of inflorescences.

This variety is called "Merry Fellows", the plant does not produce tubers. In February, dahlia seeds can be planted in the greenhouse. In late April or early May, the sprouts that appear can be planted in open ground.

Lush dahlia hat

When planting a plant, you need to be sure that warm and dry weather will not be replaced by frosts and a sharp cold snap, which can be observed in central Russia in April and early May. The earth must be sufficiently warmed by solar heat.

If dahlias have already been planted, and unexpected frosts have nevertheless come, you can use a remedy for strengthening the roots of the plant called Lutrasil.

If the cold has damaged the sprouts of the plant, its roots will survive thanks to the use of this remedy and will give new shoots.

Expert opinion

Yuliya Yuryevna

I have a large garden and vegetable garden, several greenhouses. I love modern methods of plant cultivation and soil mulching, and I share my experience.

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Basic care of dahlias

It is important to know not only when to plant dahlias, but also how to properly care for such a plant. After planting, it is better to lay a layer of mulch from deoxidized peat or sawdust under the bushes.

This measure will help retain heat and moisture in the soil, as well as protect against the invasion of slugs. If there are a lot of these pests, we recommend that you additionally test the ash under the planted dahlias with a thick layer. This will make it difficult for the mollusks to move.

It is better to water the flowers twice a week, if the weather is very hot and dry, you can increase the frequency of watering. But, in this case, you should not make them too plentiful. In the lower layers of the soil, moisture could not dry out, and abundant repeated watering would provoke rotting of the rhizome.

If the flowers are planted in the country and it is not always possible to regularly water the crop, you can spud the bushes. Also, in the case of rare watering, it is better to introduce water slowly, but for a longer period of time, so that the soil is well saturated.

When the plant is actively developing, it is important to fertilize in a timely manner. The optimal regimen is once every two weeks. Until the formation of buds, you can alternate rotted organics and mineral products.

When the formation of flowers has begun, it is better to give preference to potassium sulfate, superphosphates, boron. You can alternate the described means with an ash solution.

When tall dahlias are planted, it is better to prepare a support for them in advance. Due to the severity of the buds, such varieties can bend down to the ground. In this case, decorativeness will be lost.

Solutions in authentic style look interesting when there is a wicker fence near the flower garden.

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