What will kill carpenter bees

8 Ways to get rid of Carpenter Bees

The safest way to get rid of Carpenter Bees would be to call a professional bee removal team, such as Bee Serious Bee Removal because when it comes to the safety of your family, you only want the best.

With over 20,000 different species of bees in the world, there are bound to be a few of them that are more of a hindrance than a help. One of those bees is the Carpenter Bee. They look similar to Bumblebees in size and general shape but whereas Bumblebees usually nest in the ground, Carpenter Bees nest and lay their eggs in wood that they have drilled into for protection. If you notice these wood dwellers living in your home, here are 8 ways you can get rid of Carpenter bees on your own.

Although Carpenter Bees are typically docile, they can still cause big problems in your home. The male hovers just outside the nest to protect and fight off any intruders or other bees by engaging in physical combat, albeit without a stinger. The female, who actually does have a stinger, acts as a last line of defense for those who enter the nest. The real problem with Carpenter Bees is what they do to the wooden features of your home. These little insects bore holes out of soft wood and create a series of tunnels to lay their eggs and seek refuge from the weather and danger outside of the nest. Even though this doesn’t seem too bad, over time it will do a lot of damage to your home. Carpenter Bees are looking for raw or untreated wood, damp wood and older outdoor furnishings such as tables and chairs. This means the most common places you will find them is door frames, windows, the siding of your home, patio furniture and exposed wooden beams.

If you have realized that you have a Carpenter Bee infestation, here are a few simple ways to get rid of them or protect your home before they come around looking for a new place to build a nest:

1. Paint or seal any exposed wood around your home.

These little bees are looking for easy to drill wood, therefore, if your deck, door frame or windows are left untreated, they are the prime candidate for a bee infestation.

2. Vacuum the bees out with a wet-vac.

This method is best if the nest is fairly new and if you have a high powered wet-vac. The best time to try this is to wait until the evening because the bees will be back in the nest for the night.

3. Make a lot of noise.

Carpenter bees enjoy the quiet so if you find yourself with some unwanted guests, set up a radio or speaker right next to or on top of where the nest is. Not only does the music disorient them, the vibrations will cause them to evacuate their nest. Often times, once a severe problem has happened in their nest, they will not return to that same place anymore.

4. Make a citrus spray.

Carpenter Bees are naturally repelled by the smell of citrus. in a small pot of water, slice the citrus fruit and boil it in the water for 10-15 minutes to release the juice. Let the citrus water cool down and pour it into a spray bottle with a “stream” nozzle and spray it into the nest site.

5. Boric Acid.

This common household item can be used for a bevy of different DIY insect-removal projects. Mix 3 parts water with 1 part boric acid in a spray bottle and spray inside the entrance hole. This is very poisonous to the carpenter bees and will exterminate them within an hour.

6. Aerosol Carburetor Cleaner.

Although this is not the most natural remedy, it works. Whether they are inside when you spray it inside or not, it will either kill them or make their nest inhabitable.

7. Essential Oils.

Carpenter Bees are very sensitive when it comes to scents inside their nest. Peppermint, tea tree and lemon essential oils are excellent for making their nest unbearable thus making them leave for good. Although this isn’t a permanent solution, it will buy you a little time to safely get them out of the nest without hurting them so you can properly seal the entrance site.

8. Pyrethrum Spray.

Pyrethrum, also called Tanacetum, is a flower that is used a lot in natural pesticides. It is one of the strongest natural insecticides that is allowed in organic gardening.

If you notice a carpenter bee hovering around your house, you can bet there is an entrance to their nest nearby. Although home remedies seem easy and foolproof, you should always wear protective gear when handling chemicals as well as disturbing an insect nest.

If you need help with bee removal, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

How to get rid of carpenter bees

(Image credit: Diane Helentjaris/Unsplash)

Carpenter bees can damage wooden structures, which is why you need to look out for them, and discourage them from these parts of your home. 

Part of the Xylocopa genus of the Apidae, or bee family, carpenter bees are common in the USA, and while they are important pollinators of many flowering plants, can damage additions, sheds, pergolas and much more. 

Unlike with getting rid of wasps, where you may seek to kill them if you have a real problem, it is far better to deter carpenter bees in the first place – they are only seen as pests because of the damage they can do to buildings.

How to get rid of carpenter bees

There are many ways to get rid of carpenter bees, from doing so without killing them to using spray and even vinegar. These are the most effective ways of tackling them.

How to get rid of carpenter bees without killing them

To get rid of carpenter bees without killing them, it’s best to try natural methods – any treatment that can harm the environment, and in particular useful pollinators, is best avoided. If you’re carrying out any anti-bee treatments, do so at dusk to avoid the bees. 

To make wooden structures much less appealing to carpenter bees, it's vital to varnish or paint them – carpenter bees love untreated ior unstained wood, but hate wood that has been treated. This is an easy fix and will protect wood structures from the weather, too.

Discourage carpenter bees with insecticide

Of course, you can kill carpenter bees with insecticide but that should only be done in desperate circumstances because, as we say, these are important pollinators. It is far better to prevent them boring into wood in the first place. If you are not looking for a natural solution, which is our preferred option, spraying an insecticide on to the wood where carpenter bees will or have in the past gathered before they arrive will deter them. This should be done in late winter, since carpenter bees tend to arrive in spring. 

How to get rid of carpenter bees with spray

You can use carpenter bee spray to get deter them. For a natural solution that deters rather than kills them – our preferred route – use citrus scents, which they dislike to get rid of them.

To make your own, boil up citrus fruit rinds in water, or add some drops of citrus oil to water, and spray around the tell-tale holes. Alternatively, try a few drops of almond oil. If you’re worried about the solution marking the wood, try it out in an inconspicuous area first.

If you need a last resort, you can use a chemical carpenter bee spray, though be aware that insecticides are hazardous to children and pets so keep them in the house while you work, and put on protective clothing.  

Use carpenter bee spray with care, to avoid harming other friendly creatures and insects around the garden. Specialist insecticides designed for carpenter bees can be sprayed around and into their holes. Try a foaming aerosol to get right into the tunnels the bees create, or use an insecticidal liquid in a trigger spray. Alternatively, an insecticidal dust can be puffed into the holes. 

You might need to make repeat applications, starting from early spring. Once the bees have died, seal up the holes to prevent them being used by new bees. Lengths of wooden dowelling or caulk can be used to plug the holes. 

Worried about getting too close to carpenter bees? We would always advise calling in a professional firm to do the job for you.

How to get rid of carpenter bees with sound

It’s said that carpenter bees are affected by sound, so by turning up the volume to teenager-level close to the carpenter bees’ home, the vibrations might encourage them to move out.  

Do explain to your neighbors before blasting them with noise for a couple of days.

Another option is to try wind chimes, which may be enough to deter them from settling.

Can I use a carpenter bee trap?

You certainly can use a carpenter bee trap. The bees fly in but they can’t escape. Choose one that’s designed specifically for carpenter bees. Hang the trap close to the affected wood. You can also make your own bee trap, constructing a wooden box with angled holes for the bee to enter, with a plastic jar fixed to the bottom – the bees get in, head towards the light but can’t get out.

How to get rid of carpenter bees with vinegar

To get rid of carpenter bees with vinegar, mix up a strong solution of vinegar and water and spray it directly into the bees' holes. This will kill carpenter bee larvae, so  if you are looking to deter them rather than kill them, you might want to look to more bee-friendly options.

How to kill carpenter bees with WD40

You can use WD40 to get rid of carpenter bees – spray it into their nest and they will die or flee quickly. However, this is another method of getting rid of carpenter bees that isn't friendly, is risky to carry out – and we would advise calling in the professionals if you have a real problem rather than tackling it yourself.

What do carpenter bees hate most?

Bees really hate the scent of citrus oil, but they also avoid wood that's been treated, and dislike jarring noise.

How do I recognize carpenter bees?

Unlike honeybees or bumblebees, carpenter bees don’t live in colonies, preferring to excavate a tunnel to lay their eggs. Take a closer look at wooden structures around the yard. 

Carpenter bees like to bore their way into wood – especially sheds, pergolas, posts, porches, window trim and even the eaves of the house. Once they’ve bored a smooth, round hole, about ½ in (1.5cm) in diameter, they make a right-angled turn to construct a burrow, hidden from sight, creating cells for individual eggs.

Carpenter bees differ from the honey bees and bumblebees that we usually spot flitting from plant to plant, collecting pollen. They are much larger and instead of the furry yellow and black stripes, their abdomens are black and shiny. The males don’t sting though they can fly too close for comfort if they feel you’re on their territory. But bother a female carpenter bee at your peril, as they can sting.

How can I spot carpenter bee damage?

To spot carpenter bee damage, take a closer look at wooden structures around the yard. Carpenter bees like to bore their way into wood – especially sheds, pergolas, posts, porches, window trim and even the eaves of the house. 

You might spot sawdust by the holes where a bee has been boring. Older holes can also be enlarged or reused by the bees. Adult bees can overwinter in the tunnels, emerging in spring to mate. Over time, the damage can result in decay, moisture retention and rot.

Lucy Searle has written about interiors, property and gardens since 1990, working her way around the interiors departments of women's magazines before switching to interiors-only titles in the mid-nineties. She was Associate Editor on Ideal Home, and Launch Editor of 4Homes magazine, before moving into digital in 2007, launching Channel 4's flagship website, Channel4.com/4homes. In 2018, Lucy took on the role of Global Editor in Chief for Realhomes.com, taking the site from a small magazine add-on to a global success. She was asked to repeat that success at Homes & Gardens, where she has also taken on the editorship of the magazine. 

how to get rid of tree wasps

Home » Pests » Insects in the apartment and in the house

Insects in the apartment and in the house

Author Arina Lerner Reading 5 min. Posted by

Carpenter bees, commonly called tree bees, are not the nicest neighbors. They appear in the house in late spring and scare your household with aggressive behavior. Such bees can easily destroy a house or agricultural buildings. In addition to their aggressive nature, these insects have a genetic memory that makes them return to the places of the previous generations settlement again and again. That is why it is possible and necessary to get rid of these pests in the shortest possible time. To fight, you can use: baits, traps, sprays, putty, but the most effective way to fight is trapping.

Carpenter bees are extremely dangerous, so you should get rid of them immediately. Preventive measures
  • Active control measures
  • Insect prevention
  • Insects are solitary, so the methods of trapping carpenters' bees with any traps are most effective. Before proceeding with the destruction of wasps, you need to know a few facts about them and why they are dangerous:

    A carpenter bee can gnaw through any kind of wood in a matter of days

    Active control measures

    In addition to using specialized traps to catch single carpenter bees, local remedies can be used to get rid of annoying insects:

    Aerosol Carburetor Cleaner - Easy Carpenter Bee Control

    Insect Prevention

    If you have carpenter bees in your yard, getting rid of them once can't guarantee they won't reappear.

    In order to prevent the bees from reappearing, it is necessary to use preventive measures for reappearance:

    In order to effectively stop the reproduction of new offspring of insects, it is necessary to kill the larvae that the insects have laid in the house.

    Therefore, to eliminate them it is necessary: ​​

    1. Use insecticidal powders. It is this consistency of the poisonous substance that can not be absorbed into the wood for a long time, and not lose effectiveness until the delayed larvae hatch.
    2. After you have applied the powder killer, do not seal the passages and exits of the hive. The hatched larvae will make new holes in search of a way out, where they can escape the strong insecticide.
      After all the carpenter bees and wasp larvae have left the nest, or have been destroyed, close the insect passages.

    By following all the measures to get rid of wasps, and using prevention tips, you can effectively get rid of the invasion of such pests and protect your home from their destructive effects.

    How to get rid of bees in the wall of a wooden house: tips, videos


    1. Popular tree bee control methods
    2. Prevention of the emergence of bees
    3. Video

    The question of how to get rid of bees in the wall of a wooden house is relevant for owners of private estates and outbuildings made of wood. Despite the benefits of insects (pollination of plants, the destruction of flies and caterpillars), they cause a lot of inconvenience. Such a neighborhood threatens with bites, the development of an allergic reaction and nervous shock. In addition, buildings are more likely to collapse as the bees gnaw through wooden walls to lay eggs and make a home for their offspring.

    The carpenter bee is a large insect, the proximity to which threatens to bite and destroy wooden buildings. In addition, it causes fear with its impressive size and loud buzzing

    You can cope with bees in a wooden house on your own, using insecticides, folk remedies and mechanical methods. The article contains effective methods of pest control and preventive measures that will protect you from the neighborhood with insects.

    What wood bees look like and why they are dangerous

    Wood bee (carpenter) - a large wild insect with a dense rounded black body. The body of the pest is crowned with transparent wings with a purple tint, and long antennae are located on the head. The paws of insects are covered with many villi, which allows them to carry a maximum of pollen at a time. Female carpenters possess a sharp stinger that they use as a defense.

    Insects got their name because of the habit of settling in wooden buildings (walls of houses, dachas, bathhouses), on balconies, under the roofs of brick houses or in tree trunks (less often found in the garden in the ground). Carpenters do not feed on wood, but gnaw through it in order to lay eggs and create comfortable conditions for offspring. Insects multiply quickly, therefore they constantly expand the expanses of their abode, gnawing out new moves and increasing the voids in the tree.

    Carpenters build a dwelling in dry tree trunks, walls of wooden buildings and fences

    Bees that have settled in the neighborhood cause inconvenience and danger. The main risk is the carpenter's bite, which is not only painful, but also poisonous. In healthy people, swelling, redness, itching and discomfort appear at the sting site. In addition, during a bite, poison enters the human body, which has a depressing effect on the nervous system and causes shock. And in the presence of an allergic reaction, such a phenomenon can cause anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and lead to very sad consequences.

    Carpenter bees are predominantly solitary insects, which makes it difficult to exterminate them. For the complete destruction of insects in a house or in a summer cottage, one should find and destroy their habitat, as well as kill the queen to avoid re-growth of the population.

    Bees are also dangerous because of their behavior, which is provided by nature. By landscaping housing, such neighbors damage wooden floors and walls. This leads to the appearance of voids into which spores of the fungus fall, which in the future can lead to the destruction of the structure. In addition, in the passages laid by carpenters, grinder beetles can settle, which are no less dangerous for buildings.

    Carpenter bees are quite impressive in size, black body covered with small fluff, and purple wings

    Popular methods of dealing with tree bees

    You can get rid of tree bees in the wall of the house yourself, using pesticides, available home or folk remedies. During the operation, it is important to observe safety measures, and in the case of the use of insecticides, strictly follow the instructions. In the article, we have collected the most effective methods of struggle that will help get rid of bees that have settled in the walls of a wooden house or on a plot.

    When starting to exterminate pests, follow these simple tips:

    When you go hunting for bees, wear a special protective suit or thick clothing. This will reduce the risk of being stung and protect against pest poison

    Pesticides and insecticides

    For the rapid destruction of adults and larvae, chemical compositions are used - pesticides and insecticides. Preferably, carbaryl or boric acid is used. The procedure for use is simple: dissolve a small amount of powder in water and treat the place where insects accumulate with the resulting mixture, or pour it into an earthen hive. When working with toxic compounds, observe safety measures: put on a respirator and a protective suit, avoid getting poison on the skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory organs.

    Do not use insecticides that are not intended for bees. This will only increase the aggressiveness of the pests, and the evil swarm will actively attack people and animals.

    Loud noise

    Vibration and loud sounds are not acceptable for bees. To expel insects, place large speakers as close to the walls of the house as possible and turn up the music at maximum volume. You can also connect a special device that creates vibration. This will force the insects to get out of the nest and leave it for good.

    Loud music and vibrations that pests can't stand will help get rid of carpenters in the walls of houses. Pour liquid directly into the habitat of pests and it will destroy insects. When working with gasoline or diesel fuel, take precautions to prevent fire. In addition to fire safety measures, take care of personal protection.

    Carburetor Cleaner

    Carburetor liquid will help to destroy the bees in the walls of a wooden house. To carry out disinfestation, simply spray the composition from a can in the habitat of insects. An unpleasant smell will scare away pests and deprive them of the desire to return again.

    After the extermination of adults, take care of their offspring. To destroy the larvae in the cracks and passages of the bee dwelling, pour the insecticide in the form of a powder (the liquid will quickly be absorbed into the tree and the effect of it will be much lower), and in the autumn seal all the holes.

    Traps for bees

    Home-made traps installed on the sunny side will help lure insects out of the nest and remove them from the site or walls of the house. The order in which they are made is:

    1. Build a small frame out of wood with small holes around the perimeter.
    2. At the bottom of the trap, attach a regular plastic bottle filled with a mild soap solution (water and dish detergent).
    3. The scent of the wood will attract carpenters, and if they enter the wooden box, they will fall into a soapy solution from which they cannot escape.

    A trap with bait will help to breed wild bees and get rid of single neighbors. This method has a number of advantages: safety, environmental friendliness, the possibility of making it yourself from improvised materials

    Prevention of the appearance of bees

    After expelling wasps or bees from the walls of your house, take care of preventive measures:

    Sagebrush can help protect your yard or home from pests - plant it in your front garden, place dry twigs in your attic, or treat the wood with essential oil

    . It is better to do this in early spring, when the insect population is low. To fight, use folk methods and chemicals, and after the complete extermination of pests, take the recommended preventive measures.


    The process of fighting bees has its own subtleties and peculiarities. In order to competently and effectively carry out the extermination of insects, watch the video:

    About the author:

    Marina Nabilskaya

    A young mother, wife and part-time freelancer. Being a lawyer by education, she is used to collecting and providing the most complete and reliable information.

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