What do peonies look like
What Are the Different Types of Peony Flowers?
The peony, Paeonia spp., is a flowering perennial for USDA Hardiness Zones 3-8 that thrives in full sun. It blooms in springtime, and sometimes early summer.
The blossoms are big and flouncy, and are a staple of cottage gardens and the theme of many a botanical print and textile.
Colors include pink, purple, red, white, and yellow. Flowers consist of single, double, or semi-double layers of petals that are often fringed or two-toned. Some are fragrant.
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The leathery, serrated green foliage of some shades to bronze and copper in autumn, and guess what? Deer usually leave this plant alone.
In our guide to growing peonies, we discuss all you need to know to grow your own plants.
This article focuses on the types of peonies available, growth habits, and unique physical attributes.
Here’s what’s in store:
Types of Peonies
- Genus Breakdown
- Growth Habits
- Herbaceous
- Tree
- Intersectional
- Petal Characteristics
- Varieties to Choose
With 33 species and 15 subspecies, Paeonia is a fascinating genus that has much to offer the home gardener.
Let’s get started!
Genus Breakdown
There are three main sections into which all members of the Paeonia genus fall:
- Onaepia contains two North America species.
- Moutan consists of tree species from China.
- And Paeoniae is a catch-all for all of the herbaceous Asian and European species.
The wild North American species are seldom found in cultivation, but the tree and herbaceous types have been extensively cultivated and there are numerous varieties available to home gardeners.
In addition, there is a hybrid of the tree and herbaceous types, as we’ll soon learn.
Growth Habits
Species and cultivars grow in one of three ways:
- Herbaceous
- Tree
- Intersectional
Let’s find out about each.
Herbaceous types are soft-stemmed plants that die down to the ground at the end of the growing season and go through a period of dormancy, before returning the following year.
P. lactiflora ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ is an herbaceous cultivated variety that has been a favorite of peony lovers for over 100 years.There are numerous species and cultivated varieties ranging in height and width from one to three feet.
Examples include the Chinese or common P. lactiflora, and the fern leaf P. tenuifolia.
Fern leaf peony (P. tenuifolia) has feathery foliage, small blossoms, and a low profile.Additional herbaceous species include woodland varieties, such as P. japonica and P. obovata.
Herbaceous types sprout as reddish shoots that rise from tuberous roots. They bloom for a week to 10 days in late spring to early summer.
Flowers are available in a variety of colors and bloom formations, as we will discuss below.
Per Rodale’s Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening, tree varieties are derived mainly from two species, P. suffruticosa and P. delavayi.
P. delavayi is either maroon or yellow.Like herbaceous types, flowers come in an array of colors and petal arrangements, and they bloom for seven to 10 days. The flowers are exceptionally large.
However, instead of dying to the ground, tree types drop their leaves and the woody stems remain bare and in place all winter.
There are many shades of P. suffruticosa.Woody types grow more slowly than herbaceous plants, and some reach over six feet tall and five feet wide at maturity.
They are known for being the earliest bloomers of the season.
Tree cultivars are generally found under the species name P. suffructicosa, or Moutan (Chinese mǔdān).
An exception to this is P. rockii, or Rock’s peony, named for Austrian botanist Joseph Rock.
The final group contains some of the best performers in the home garden, the intersectional hybrids.
Also known as “Itoh” peonies, they are a cross between woody and herbaceous species.
This name honors Japanese breeder Toichi Itoh, who was the first to make such a cross using the tree species P. x lemoinei, and the herbaceous cultivar P. lactiflora ‘Kakoden’ in the 1940s.
Intersectional Itoh hybrid Paeonia ‘Bartzella’ is prized for its yellow color.Per Ted Griess, Extension Horticulture Assistant at the Nebraska Extension, a mature Itoh hybrid may produce over 50 dinner plate sized blossoms on stems so sturdy, no staking is required.
They are exceptionally hardy late bloomers that open closer to summer, and flower continuously for up to three weeks. This is much longer than the typical seven to 10 days of herbaceous and tree types.
Photo by George Chernilevsky, Wikimedia Commons, via CC BY-SA.Like herbaceous varieties, the intersectional types have soft stems that die to the ground at season’s end.
In addition to choosing from tree, herbaceous, and intersectional plants, there is an exciting array of unique petal characteristics that render some flowers “garden variety” and others more unusual.
Let’s take a look!
Petal Characteristics
We’ve mentioned that blossoms may have a single, fully double, or semi-double flower structure.
Within these broad categories are fine distinctions painstakingly developed by breeders, including anemone, bomb, and Japanese.
They refer to the center of the blossoms, where the reproductive organs are located.
Herbaceous P. lactiflora ‘Globe of Light’ has single, anemone-style blooms.
Anemone peonies are readily identified by their narrow “petaloides,” or yellow petal centers.
Bombs are dense and spherical, with a center full of true petals.
Bomb-style Paeonia ‘Red Grace’ is a fully double herbaceous variety. Photo via Alamy.And while there are no peonies native to Japan, a long-time favorite style in Japan has been single petal flowers with “staminodes,” petal-like structures that look like a combination of yellow stamens and shredded petals.
They are referred to as Japanese peonies.
Herbaceous Japanese style P. lactiflora ‘Neon’ has fully double blooms. Photo via Alamy.These enchanting petal configurations are another unique trait that helps to distinguish one plant from another.
And as some are quite rare, obtaining and successfully cultivating novel types is cause for celebration by members of peony societies.
Varieties to Choose
There’s something for everyone. Whether you like herbaceous, tree, or hybrid intersectionals, you’ll find exciting options such as the following:
Honey Gold
P. lactiflora ‘Honey Gold’ is an herbaceous cultivar with Japanese style petals in a semi-double layer surrounding a lemon-yellow center.
P. lactiflora ‘Honey Gold’
This is a fragrant flower that blooms in late spring to early summer.
Mature dimensions are 30 to 35 inches with a spread of 28 to 36 inches.
Find ‘Honey Gold’ now from Burpee in packages containing one bare root.
Plant this herbaceous variety in the spring.
Paeonia suffrictosa ‘Koukamon’, aka ‘Floral Gate,’ is a Chinese tree cultivar with fully double eight-inch ruffled burgundy blossoms that deepen to black at their centers.
Mature dimensions are 48 to 60 inches tall and 24 to 36 inches wide. Bloom time is late spring to early summer.
Tree types are best planted in the fall.
All That Jazz
For an outstanding intersectional, you can’t beat Itoh hybrid Paeonia ‘All That Jazz.’
This fragrant late spring bloomer boasts masses of creamy apricot fully double blossoms splotched with burgundy. Flowers are up to six inches across, and there may be up to 50 per plant.
‘All That Jazz’
Mature dimensions are 24 to 48 inches tall and 36 inches wide.
Find ‘All That Jazz’ now from Eden Brothers.
Plant this tree-herbaceous hybrid in the fall.
A Palette of Peonies
The majority of available varieties are cultivated varieties and hybrid crosses of species native to Asia and Europe. Some are herbaceous and die to the ground at season’s end, while others have woody stems that remain in place through the winter.
The garden variety herbaceous species and cultivars are the easiest to grow, and of these, the souped-up intersectional hybrids offer a longer bloom time, larger flowers, better support of heavy flower heads, and exceptional hardiness.
A charming array of petal structures ranging from single to semi-double and fully double is further enhanced by breeders’ alterations to the reproductive centers that result in uniquely attractive anemone, bomb, and Japanese styles.
What’s not to love with the bold and bouncy blooms of this cottage garden classic?
Add the perennial peony to your garden planner today, and enjoy its early season glory for many years to come.
Are you growing peonies in your garden? Let us know your favorite types in the comments section below!
If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to learn about more spring flowering plants, here are a few suggestions:
- 9 Reasons Why Your Peony Fails to Bloom
- 25 of the Best Early Spring Blooming Flowers
- How to Plant and Grow Anemone Flowers
Peonies... everything you wanted to know and more
When are peonies in season?
Peonies are “perennials” which means that they live for more than two years. The term is used to contrast shorter-lived biennials and annuals, but it’s also used to distinguish plants with little woody growth from trees and shrubs (also technically perennials).
As herbaceous perennials, peonies grow and bloom over the spring and summer. They die back every autumn and winter, then spring to life again (in Spring!) from their rootstock. However, there is actually a much rarer type of peony that you haven’t seen before – Tree Peonies! These woody shrubs grow much like rose bushes and there strong woody stems support large blossoms. In fact, stumbling upon a Peony tree, adventurer Marco Polo said they looked like “roses as big as cabbages”.
Where are peonies grown?
Peonies are native to Europe and Asia, but today they are sold all over the world. One of the little known facts about peonies is that even today, if you’re lucky, you can still find them growing in the wild in certain parts of Europe.
From late October through to December each year Peonies are available from Fig & Bloom. You’ll find soft pink Peonies in our popular “Venice” design and we also sell Coral Peonies in various sizes. Visit out our online store to send flowers to Sydney and send flowers to Melbourne.
Peonies have been cultivated in China for more than a millennium, where they are called “sho yu“. The English translation is “most beautiful” – no wonder so many people have fallen head over heels for this beautiful flower!
They grow best during cold winters, and in warmer climates peonies often fail to bloom. If you live somewhere hot, your flowers have most likely been imported.
What colours do peonies come in?
Peonies are available in every colour except blue. The most common hues, however, are pink, white and yellow. The yellow variety is commonly used by New York floral designers, but it has not been as popular in Australia.
You can’t mistake Japanese Peonies for any other variety, they are truly unique! The stamens and filaments of this beautiful peony variety become enlarged and cluster in the centre, and as the flower blooms, it’s body divides into two clearly separate sections. A protruding centre of stamens and filaments which is surrounded by a bowl of guard petals. Often the colours of a Japanese Peony will vary between the centre section and the surrounding, giving it a beautiful two-toned appearance.
What to pair Peonies with in a bunch?
Peonies are always a feature in a flower bunch, and we are going to tell you what they they look stunning paired with! Our personal favourite selection include; Ranunculus, Anemones, Lisianthus, pastel pink and white Stock, as well as vibrant coloured Snapdragons, while foliage such as eucalyptus and dust miller are a gorgeous leaf choice! However you can add in various foliages, whatever is seasonal usually is what your florist will use! Foliage creates an eye popping colour contrast mixed with all the other flowers! If you are looking for the perfect bunch to give to your friend, lover, or perhaps you are looking for wedding inspo we could not suggest a dreamier flower. Peonies are an absolute dream!
How big do peonies grow?
Peonies can grow INCREDIBLY LARGE, as big as 10 inches in diameter. Like roses the size of cabbages! Tree peonies tend grow larger blooms as their strong wooden stems can support the increased weight of the flower head.
How long do peonies last after they start blooming?
What we love most about peonies is, watching these beauties slowly explode from tight little buds into intricate and extraordinarily large blooms. You could almost question how such a tiny bud can open up with SO many petals! Peonies, providing they are fresh and locally grown, will last beautifully up to 5-7 days. If you hope for these blooms to last a little longer then keep them in a cool room away from direct sun, and make sure you are re-trimming your stems and keep refreshing your vase water every few days.
Can I grow peonies at home?
Yes! Don’t let their delicate and elegant appearance fool you, Peonies are in fact very hardy plants. They are easy to grow at home as long as you live in an appropriately cool climate. They don’t need much care and can survive through very harsh winters. Once established in your garden, peonies will continue yielding beautiful fresh blooms each year for many years to come. Like roses, peony plants can live a very long time and in fact might even outlive you. Peonies are known to live up to 100 years in some cases.
The Flower Expert offers these great tips for growing peonies at home:
- Planted in early autumn, or spring for grown peonies.
- Plant the tuber in a well prepared bed, working compost or peat moss into the soil.
- Dig a hole approximately eighteen inches wide and 18 inches deep for each tuber.
- Space the holes so that the plants will be at least 3 feet apart. Fill the hole about half full of soil.
- Mix in a handful of a balanced fertilizers, such as 5-10-5 at this time.
- Plant the garden tuber with the uppermost eye not more than 2 inches below the ground surface.
- A tuber planted too deeply will have difficulty producing blooms. Put a little soil around the tuber and water thoroughly.
- Then fill the hole with the remaining soil, and press down firmly.
- Water again to settle the tuber.
- Plant a tree peony tuber with 4-5 inches of soil covering the graft.
Do Peonies have any symbolic meaning?
Having been cultivated in China for more than a thousand years, it is not surprising that Peonies do have symbolic meaning. In fact, peonies themselves are floral symbol of China!
The Peony is the flower of love, and it is the 12th wedding anniversary flower! Peony bouquets are an absolute favourite choice for brides, thanks to their dreamy, soft, and romantic petals. Peonies are thought to bring good fortune and prosperity, so if you’re a newlywed then we would highly suggest you keep this little fact in mind. Peonies also symbolise romance, compassion, prosperity, good fortune and a happy marriage!
Are peonies used for any medical purposes?
Chinese ancients believed that peonies could relieve headaches, help calm asthma symptoms and alleviate the pain of childbirth. Actually, Peony-root is one of the oldest traditional Chinese remedies for conditions like convulsion. These days, however, this bloom really only have one medicinal purpose – bringing fragrance and happiness!
Keep scrolling if you love peonies too!
review of all kinds (120 photos). Planting, care, pruning and transplanting with your own hands
Genus Peony of the Peony family. Occasionally, the spelling "peon" is found in the literature, which is also correct. The genus got its name from the name of the healer of the Greek gods Peon. According to legend, Peon treated Ares, the god of war, wounded by Hercules, an insidious and treacherous deity, a great lover of bloody battles. He treated, obviously, very successfully, which caused burning envy from his mentor, the god of healing Asclepius. nine0003
The teacher planned to poison a talented student, but Peon accidentally found out about the plans of Asclepius and turned to the Greek gods with a plea for salvation. The gods took pity on the doctor and turned him into a beautiful peony flower.
For many centuries the plants of this group were used only as medicines. The ancient Romans had a special passion for the flower, who firmly believed in the ability of the plant to heal from any ailment: not a single warrior went on a campaign without a peony root in his bosom. nine0003
A tincture of seeds soaked in wine was believed to cure nightmares. An alcoholic extract from the roots was used for diseases of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. The British believed that a peony bush planted at the front door drives away evil spirits from the house.
A more practical use for this plant was found in Russia: the Caucasian peony was used to make paint for paper and fabrics. The peony was also used in cooking: the seeds were used as a seasoning for meat dishes, and the boiled roots were eaten along with vegetables. nine0003
In China, peonies have been known and loved since time immemorial. By the middle of the XVI century. in the Celestial Empire, there were already more than 30 varieties listed in special catalogs. They were very expensive, and some were literally worth their weight in gold. It was from China that peonies began their triumphal march to other countries and continents.
Herbaceous peonies came to America only in 1850, and it took enterprising Americans only 13 years to officially recognize the undeniable merits of peony flowers (1903 g - the American Society of Pion Breeders was created, which still exists).
In Russia in the 17th century. peonies were considered more as a medicinal plant, and were grown in apothecary gardens.
Brief content of the article:
Botanical description
Herbaceous perennial, rarely shrub, growing wild exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere: 45 species in Asia and Europe, 2 in western North America. In Russia, out of 15 species, 9live in the Caucasus, the rest come from the Far East and Siberia.
Multi-stemmed shrub, stems, depending on the variety, simple or branched, from 30 to 100 cm high. The stem ends with a flower. In autumn, the aerial part of the bush dies off. Powerful rhizomes with renewal buds remain to winter in the ground. Leaves of a complex structure, of various shapes in species peonies. Large green or bluish tint. Arrangement on the stem is alternate.
Flowers large to very large, up to 20 cm in diameter; in wild-growing and non-double varieties, they are simple with fully developed stamens, and complex in semi-double and double flowers with partially or completely modified stamens. nine0003
Peony fruit with large black or red seeds very showy, can be used as a natural floristic material along with flowers.
Classification and varieties
Most of the currently cultivated varieties of peonies come from the specific lactiflora peony (Paeonia lactiflora) - 70%, from crossing it with other species, mainly with medicinal peony - 30%, and directly from the form of medicinal peony (Paeonia officinalis) - less than 1% of officially registered varieties. nine0003
Remarkable Far Eastern species - milky-flowered peony, also grows in natural conditions in Transbaikalia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea. The varieties obtained from it are distinguished by high winter hardiness. The view is beautiful in itself: pure white simple flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm, with golden stamens.
Varieties descended from medicinal peony, which are native to warm regions - France, Switzerland, Northern Italy, have less resistance to low temperatures. nine0003
Garden classification of peonies is based on the structure of the flower, but it is difficult to determine the peony variety from a photo. There is also a division of varieties into groups according to the height of the bush and the timing of flowering.
There are at least 10 thousand varieties of peonies in the world, although there are much fewer officially registered ones - about 4.5 thousand. Many varieties were created at the end or even in the middle of the 19th century, still have not lost their popularity and today are and half a century ago! nine0003
It is possible with a high degree of certainty to name the most famous and probably familiar to gardeners all over the world, the peony variety is the famous Sarah Bernhardt. Bred in France in 1906 by Lemoine; universal purpose, excellent in cut. The flower is very large, densely doubled, pink in color, and although it does not have a pronounced aroma, it is difficult to pass by a flowering bush without stopping to admire its beauty - truly “Divine Sarah”.
Another popular peony variety with the no less "speaking" name Scarlett O'Hara was created in the USA in 1956 g. Simple flower, blood red or flamingo pink petals, with many contrasting yellow stamens. Differs in indestructible health and a strong, high bush. The peculiarity of the variety is that the flower is cut off while the buds have not yet opened.
Large pearl-white flowers of the Duchesse de Nemours (Mrs. Gwyn Lewis) peony are a classic and bestseller in the Netherlands. It was bred in France in 1856. To this day, flower growers all over the world are pleased with the strength and power of the bush, it is equally magnificent in the open field and in the cut. nine0003
Tree or semi-shrub peony (Paeonia suffruticosa), native to China, is a very special and unique representative of the genus. The plant is of hybrid origin. In total, there are about 500 varieties in the world, most are Chinese:
- with double flowers - Sino-European
- semi-double and non-double - Japanese
For the first time they came to Russia from the Baltic countries in 1858. There are varieties of tree peony of Russian selection: there are not as many of them as Asian and European ones, but unlike their heat-loving relatives, they are adapted to our difficult climatic conditions. nine0003
As a result of crossing yellow tree peonies and herbaceous species, hybrids of the Itoh group (ITO hybrids) with large yellow flowers appeared.
These flowers owe their appearance to the breeder Toichi Ito from Japan: he managed to cross two species, which was not previously considered possible. The leaves of the new hybrid are the same as those of a tree peony, and the stems are like those of a herbaceous peony - the aerial part dies off in autumn.
Planting and care: Breaking with tradition
Peonies are not capricious plants, however, they make high demands on light and soil. If you want to grow a beautiful healthy bush that will delight you with luxurious flowering for many years (and peonies are famous centenarians!), You will have to work hard.
The ideal soil is a well-cultivated loam with a slightly alkaline reaction. Lime must be added to acidic soil. The secret of Dutch flower growers for planting and caring for peonies in the open ground: aquatic vegetation, extracted when cleaning ponds, is laid out in flower beds (duckweed with a high lime content is a particularly good fertilizer). nine0003
Planting holes should be deep and wide (50-70 cm), which is more important in heavy soils. On clay soil that is poorly permeable to moisture, the pits should be made even deeper so that drainage from broken bricks or gravel can be arranged.
Although peonies are very demanding on soil moisture, they categorically cannot stand constant dampness and stagnant water - their roots will simply rot. The pits are filled with a nutritious earth mixture (humus and peat with the addition of bone meal or superphosphate). nine0003
All earthworks should be carried out in advance, 2-4 weeks before the expected day of planting peonies, so that the soil has time to settle. The vital point when planting a delenka is the depth: strictly from 3 to 5 cm from ground level.
Higher or lower, and the peonies will not bloom, this will affect both the health of the plant and its lifespan. Some gardeners measure the required distance with a ruler - and it must be said, it's worth it.
The best time for planting and transplanting peonies in the Middle lane is the period from mid-August to mid-September. At this time, the plant is at rest, and it is easier to endure stress. Only in autumn: their own peonies, bought "from grandmothers" at the market, or donated by neighbors.
But from the moment peonies from Holland, Poland, China entered the domestic market, the situation has changed radically: now everyone has to plant newly purchased peonies, contrary to laws, traditions and rules, in the spring. This is bad, but still acceptable. nine0003
The purchased root must be kept in the refrigerator until planting to prevent bud growth. It is important not to overdry or flood the root, trying to maintain the most optimal humidity. Plant in the garden before it gets warm or hot.
Mulch plantings. Do not forget to water and weed regularly: such a plant develops very slowly, and it is too weak in the first couple of years to withstand weeds or drought on its own.
In short, a small peony planted in spring will need care and attention. But in the end, a magnificent bush will grow from a tiny piece of root, and it will bloom - and this is the best reward for all the work!
A small bonus: peonies do not need to be covered for the winter, which distinguishes them from some other perennial flowers. Only young plants and all new plantings need little shelter. In one place, a peony bush can grow and bloom beautifully for about 20 years. nine0003
Peony bouquets and arrangements
Peony is one of the best cut flowers, if not the best. There are even special cut varieties. On the site they are planted separately, away from the front area of the garden. The standard stem length is 40 cm. This is a lot if all flowering shoots are cut from the bush.
In order to accumulate enough strength for flowering next year, the bush must have at least half of the shoots left - they cannot be cut. nine0003
The high decorativeness of the flower makes it possible to make bouquets of peonies in plain, contrasting or shading each other colors.
If in our country varieties with large, double flowers enjoy constant popularity and universal love, then Japanese florists literally idolize simple, not double peonies. They are considered the kings of the ancient art of ikebana. After all, the florist's talent lies in emphasizing the individual beauty and uniqueness of each flower. nine0003
Photo of peonies
Post published: 28.11
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planting and care, transplanting, when to prune, varieties
Peony in beauty and aroma is second only to a garden of roses. These are some of the most beautiful flowers in the garden, so they are very popular with gardeners.
Peonies are a favorite garden flower, and it's no surprise. Lush and bright flowering usually lasts two to three weeks, but different varieties come at different times. Therefore, flowering of a well-chosen collection can last up to three months. Starting from the first days of May and ending with the last ten days of July, your garden will be filled with bright colors and wonderful aroma. nine0003
In this flower garden, a large collection of herbaceous peonies is organized on the lawn in the form of concentric semicircles. For the winter, the leaves of these flowers die off completely and are subject to pruning, so the plants winter well under the snow. The only thing they don't like is seasonal soaking and fresh organic matter. Both can lead to the death of the flower.
These garden flowers vary in color, size and flower shape and can be single or double. They have a rich spectrum of aromas, most strongly pronounced and unusually pleasant. The leaves of these flowers are openwork, ornamental, decorative already in early spring: even in an empty garden, before flowering, they stand out with reddish and purple hues. Their attractiveness is preserved in the summer, after flowering - cut bushes keep their shape perfectly. And in autumn, with the onset of cold weather, the leaves of peonies again acquire reddish, bronze and purple hues. nine0003
Tree peonies have been a well-deserved favorite lately. The conditions for their cultivation are somewhat different from keeping herbaceous varieties in the garden. A collection of tree-like peonies should be placed in areas slightly shaded at midday and well protected from the wind, as their winter hardiness and overall stability in windy places are noticeably reduced. Arabesques are still good from these flowers.
- 1 Growing Pions
- 8 White peonies in the country house
Growing peonies
There is an opinion that with proper agricultural technology and subsequent care, peonies can grow in one place for more than 20 years, while each year endowing the summer cottage with their magnificent flowering. This gives us an incentive to create good conditions for flowers and provide them with decent care. nine0003
Suitable soil
Pionaria can be located on almost any soil, but prefers loam, clean and cultivated. Only swampy and too damp soils do not tolerate plants. Attention should also be paid to the level of groundwater, which should be at a distance of at least 50-70 cm from the soil surface. If the GWL is closer, then peonies can be planted on artificial beds of greater height, or special drainage ditches can be arranged around the pionaria. Ignoring such facts and actions leads to rotting of the root system and death of plants. nine0003
Location of the flower bed in the garden
Experts recommend planting peonies in sunny places, as these plants are very photophilous, but growing in partial shade is also possible. Be careful when choosing a location, as the amount of sun regulates flowering and its profusion.
It is advisable to determine the place for planting peonies a few meters from trees or shrubs, as they need complete freedom, but the lack of moisture or nutrients, due to the development of a number of other large plants, can affect growth and flowering. Also, the pionaria should be well protected from winds and sharp drafts. nine0003
How to grow peonies (video)
Landing preparation
The scheme for planting peonies is very simple, and the work itself will not take much time and effort from you, but careful preparation should be made before planting a peony, since the growth of the plant, its development, flowering and life expectancy depend on it.
So, first of all, we prepare pits for landing. This should be done a month and a half before disembarkation, so that the earth inside settles well. Pits are dug at a distance of 80-100 cm from each other, 60-70 cm deep, 55-70 cm in diameter. The correct planting scheme will help not only the plants themselves in development, but also the owner of the pionaria in caring for flowers. nine0003
Now that the pits are ready, it is necessary to add a special mixture to them - compost, peat and rotted manure with impurities of 150 g of potassium sulfate, 350 g of bone meal and 170-200 g of superphosphate, if clay soils, you can add 140-170 g of slaked lime (shredded). All such a composition is mixed with the top layer of earth, removed in advance, and compacted. As a result, you should get about half a pit of nutrient mixture, which will serve as a reserve of the right amount of nutrients for the future. nine0003
Planting peonies
The best time for planting is the period from mid-August to the end of September. If you plant peonies at this time, then the winter cold will have time for the plant to take root and develop the root system, and this is very important.
Further, the prepared planting material is planted in holes dug in advance according to the scheme, and the planting depth is adjusted. It is required to place the planting material in the soil so that the renewal buds go into the ground by no more than 3-4 cm, when grown on loams, and no more than 5-6 cm on sandstones. nine0003
When planting, it is not necessary to compact the soil around a new bush, so as not to break the young roots, and also not to change the deepening of the bush into the soil, which may affect its development and flowering in the future.
Peony Care
If before planting the pits and the soil in them were prepared correctly, then for the first two years your pionaria does not need top dressing and can develop perfectly due to fertilizers applied in advance. What is most needed during this period is the timely loosening of the soil, watering and weeding. nine0003
Loosening is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the bush. The depth of loosening is no more than 5-7 cm, the distance from the bush is 20 cm, the total band of loosening in diameter is about 15 cm.
Timely and systematic watering is also important, about once a week, 25-40 liters of water for each adult bush. Watering is especially important at the beginning of summer, during the period of active plant growth and budding. nine0003
Watch carefully for drying of the soil around the bushes during the summer heat, due to the high evaporation of moisture, additional watering may be necessary. If watering occurs in the grooves, you can apply the same temporary scheme, but if watering from a watering can, then it is possible every day.
Try and timely remove weeds in pionaria, which has a positive effect not only on the appearance of plants, but also on their development.
Peony fertilizer
Top dressing is carried out already in the third year after planting, when the plants begin to actively bloom. In total, three top dressings are carried out per season.
- The first feeding - nitrogen-potassium, in early spring, possibly immediately after the snow melts. 10-15 g of nitrogen and 10-15 g of potassium are scattered around the bush. Fertilizer should be poured only on the soil, avoiding contact with the bush.
- Second top dressing - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
It is carried out during the budding period to improve the quality of flowering. The amount of nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is 10 g, 12 g and 15 g, respectively. nine0094
- The third top dressing is carried out 12-15 days after flowering, it is necessary to stimulate the formation of large renewal buds, which will ensure good growth and flowering next year. Potassium-phosphorus top dressing, 12 g and 20 g of fertilizer, respectively.
Video of planting and growing peonies in plot
Peony breeding
Reproduction of culture is possible in several ways, but most often we use the simplest and most common - division.
First, a mature white peony bush is cut off so that it can be dug up. The trunk with the stems is tied and, having carefully dug, so as not to damage the roots and buds, they are removed from the hole. Next, the root system is washed with a weak stream of water from a hose to make it easier for you to deal with the division.
Now, with the help of a wooden stake and a hammer, the bush is divided in two, then, each part is in two more, and already with garden shears into a full-fledged planting material. A quality division is formed, without old or spoiled roots, about 30 cm long, with 1-2 good roots and several buds. nine0003
Red peony cuttings are placed in prepared planting holes, after sprinkling with earth, the upper bud should be several centimeters under its layer.
After planting, it is not necessary to compact the earth around, it is important to water the peony seedling abundantly and mulch the soil around the future bush with peat or humus.
Peony varieties
Herbaceous and tree peonies have many varieties, not to mention the fact that every year this number grows significantly. We decided to tell you some of them so that you know exactly what to build on when laying a pionaria or propagating a crop in your own area. nine0003
So, the most popular today, by right, can be considered: News of Altai, Maxim Festival, Cruiser Aurora, Corina Versan, Yellow Peony, Pink Peony, Sarah Bernhardt, Pink Reidians, Mercedes, Albert Crusse, Mont Blanc, Longfellow, Eugene Vardieu , Philippe Revoir, Clemenceau, Enchantress, Angustifolia peony and many other varieties that are not only in demand among gardeners, but will also qualitatively complement any garden.
White peonies in the country
Experts advise taking these flowers very seriously and giving them enough time, because only by observing the rules of agricultural technology and providing white peonies with proper care, you can achieve not only the correct bushiness of the plant, but also beautiful, long flowering. nine0003
So, the recommendations of specialists in growing white peonies:
- Flowers should be planted in partial shade or even in full sun as they require at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day;
- When planting in the ground, make sure that the root system is not too deep, as this is not correct.
If the roots of the plant go far into the ground, then flowering can be short-lived, painful, and this will also negatively affect the development of the plant as a whole; nine0094
- Be sure to provide white peonies with systematic and proper care. Beautiful and majestic plants prefer timely watering, loosening the soil and proper feeding, which favorably affect the internal biorhythms of the plant and its appearance, in particular, the flowering of the bush;
- When the flowers reach the age of 7-10 years, they need to be planted, or just renew the bush. The plant is dug up and carefully divided into several strong parts, leaving only 3-4 roots, no more than 15 cm long; nine0094
- Try to follow not only the flowering and development of peonies, but also the quality of flowers. It will improve, and, accordingly, improve the appearance of the bush, if faded and dried buds are removed in time;
- During the flowering period, carefully consider the ovaries of the buds.