What can i plant onions next to
20 Onion Companion Plants (& 4 Plants To Grow Nowhere Near Your Onions)
There are a range of different onions to grow in your garden – from large bulbing onions, to red onions, to scallions.
But when choosing which onions to grow, and where to place them in your garden, you need to think about what will grow well alongside them.
You need to think about which plants can benefit them. You also need to consider which plants may suppress onion growth, or be detrimentally affected by the presence of alliums nearby.
In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best and worst companion plants for onions. By thinking about this list, you should be able to move closer to an excellent plan for polyculture planting in your growing areas.
Why Onions Make a Great Companion Plant For Many Crops
The strong scent of onions and other alliums means that they themselves are a great companion plant for many other crops. They can repel, confuse or distract a number of pest species.
In this list, we will explore plant companions that aid onions, but also plenty that are aided by them. We’ll also talk about some onions which, while they may not have a strong positive or negative impact, can happily grow alongside your onion crop.
As you read this list, it is important to bear in mind that the interactions between different plants are actually little understood. So while science can guide us to an extent, many of our interplanting and companion planting decisions must be made from experience, or, more specifically, the experience of other gardeners.
Fruits and Vegetables to Plant With Onions
First of all, let’s look at some of the other common fruits and vegetables to grow alongside your onions:
1. Other Alliums
Firstly, of course, you can consider growing your onions alongside other alliums. While it must be remembered that diseases and pests can pass between them, it is still worthwhile thinking about growing more than one member of the onion family in the same growing area or bed.
One benefit of this is that when you grow, for example, onions and garlic in the same bed, you can rotate your crops more easily. But it should also be remembered that they do tend to enjoy the same (or similar) growing conditions.
When it comes to annual alliums, it is best to implement a crop rotation scheme so disease does not build up in the soil.
But onions and other alliums should not be grown alone, even when you want to implement crop rotation. You should definitely consider using them in rotation alongside other plant family groups and never in mono-crop isolation.
2. Brassicas
One plant family that can really benefit from being grown alongside onions are the brassicas. Members of the brassica, or cabbage plant family will benefit from alliums that are planted with them because the alliums will help repel, confuse or distract a range of common pests.
So plant onions alongside members of this family, which include:
- Broccoli
- Cabbages
- Cauliflower
- Kale/ Collards
- Kohlrabi
- Mustard
- Pak choi (and other Asian greens)
One exception to this is turnips. Onions may affect the flavor and root growth of your turnip crop.
3. Carrots
Onions also work extremely well interplanted with carrots. This is a classic companion planting combination predominantly for pest control. The onions help to repel or confuse carrot fly, while the carrots can help reduce problems with onion flies.
4. Parsnips
Another root crop that can work well alongside onions are parsnips. They can grow happily alongside one another and can also help in pest control.
5. Beets
And a third root crop to consider growing alongside onions are beets.
Root crops and alliums won’t compete for nutrients too excessively and like similar conditions. So it can be a good idea to combine onions and root crops in one bed when thinking about crop rotation.
6. Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant (And Other Warm Season Crops)
Onions and other alliums can also slot in nicely as companion plants for tomatoes and other members of the nightshade plant family. Again, in this context, the onions can help with controlling a range of different pests that might otherwise trouble your crops.
Onions can also aid in pest control for other warm season crops such as squash, zucchini and cucumbers.
7. Potatoes
In certain studies, evidence has also suggested that onions intercropped with potatoes can bring pest control benefits. So onions can be a good companion plant for potatoes too.
8. Lettuce
Lettuce is a quick crop that can often fit in around other plants in garden beds and help you make the most of space and time. This is another crop that can work well as a companion plant to onions. Sow lettuce while bulb onions are still small, then harvest to give them more space as they begin to bulb out.
You can also sow onions around a lettuce bed to help protect them from a range of pests.
(The same is true for other leafy greens, such as spinach and chard, for example.)
Radishes also work well with both lettuce and onions, and the three can together be an excellent combination in your garden for spring or fall.
9. Strawberries
You might be worried that strong smelling onions will confer their flavour to strawberries grown nearby, but this is not the case.
Instead, onions and strawberries can be good companions. Again, onions will help strawberries by repelling or confusing a range of pests.
10. Fruit Trees
Both annual and perennial onions (and other alliums) are also extremely useful for planting alongside fruit trees in a fruit tree guild or forest garden. Again, they are beneficial for their ability to help in the control of aphids and other pests.
Herbs That Make Good Companion Plants for Onions
Next, let’s take a look at some herbs that make good companion plants for onions:
11. Chamomile
Chamomile is one of the herbs said to boost the growth and flavor of onions when grown nearby. Of course, this is also a useful plant to grow for herbal remedies.
12. Summer Savory
Summer savory is another herb that may aid onions when used as a companion plant. This herb too is said to improve the growth and flavor of your onions.
13. Dill
Dill is another common herb described as being beneficial for onion growth and flavor. Of course, it is also a great culinary herb that can be used in a range of different ways in your kitchen.
14. Parsley
Parsley is very similar in many respects to carrots. And so growing parsley and onions together can confer many of the same benefits of growing carrots and onions together.
15. Mint
Planting mint close to onions can baffle onion flies. So this can also be a beneficial combination. Just be aware that mints can be prolific growers, and will take over a bed if you let them. Here’s a guide to growing mint without fear.
Flowers That Make Good Companion Plants for Onions
Flowers can mingle happily with your edible crops too (some are even edible flowers themselves). There are a wide range of flowers to grow in your vegetable garden. But here are a few flowers that will either benefit onions, or benefit from having onions growing nearby:

Marigolds may help to suppress nematodes in the soil, and so, therefore, may help in protecting onions against nematode attack.
17. Pigweed (Amaranth)
Pigweed can be beneficial in your vegetable beds because it is a dynamic accumulator that can draw up nutrients that help onions to grow strong.
18. Sow Thistle
Sow thistle is another ‘weed’ that can be beneficial for onions in a similar way. These and other deep rooted plants can be chopped and dropped to return nutrients to the soil to benefit other plants grown nearby.
19. Roses
Roses are one ornamental plant that can be badly affected by aphids and other sap sucking pests. Planting onions close by may help to a degree in repelling these pests.
20. Other Ornamental Flowers
Onions will also similarly help a range of other ornamental flowers, by covering up their scent and confusing, distracting or repelling many of the common pests that plague them.
Planting onions and other alliums is not a panacea for pest control. It won’t keep pests away entirely. But for many plants, it can certainly help at least to a degree to keep the garden ecosystem in balance.
4 Things To Never Plant Near Onions
As mentioned above, onions are great companion plants for a wide range of different crops. But there are certain plants that you should avoid planting near onions, including:
1. Peas
Peas may grow less strongly when onions are close by. And they may also lead the onions themselves to grow less strongly too. Peas and onions planted together are believed to have somewhat stunted growth.
2. Beans
The same thing is true of beans, and other legumes. No beans, peanuts or other leguminous plants should be planted alongside your onions. If you want to achieve the best results for both crops – keep them apart.
3. Asparagus
Onions will not only stunt the growth of asparagus. They can also affect the flavor of your asparagus crop. So be sure to keep these crops in different beds or growing areas.
4. Sage
Sage may work well with onions in stuffing and other recipes but it may stunt the growth of onions if you grow the two plants as companions.
The information above does not include every potential plant combination, of course. Onions can find a place and be beneficial as companion plants for a huge range of different crops and other garden plants. But it should help you narrow down your options. And decide where and how to include onions in your planting schemes.
Onion companion planting: the best crops to grow with onions
(Image credit: Thompson & Morgan)
Once you get to grips with onion companion planting you’ll enjoy better results growing your own delicious, healthy crop of this versatile vegetable. In addition, with their strong scent, planting onions with other crops and flowers can also provide benefits for the other plants, making onions themselves great companion plants for many crops.
Companion planting – which essentially means planting onions with other crops, herbs or flowers that will be beneficial to their healthy growth – can help you to get the most out of your garden by deterring pests and increasing your harvests.
Onion companion planting is an important element in how to grow onions, and while you might think it sounds complicated, it is actually very easy. You simply plant two or more different plants next to them that are known to be mutually beneficial, whether that's in terms of harvest, improving flavor and quality, or deterring pests, so you enjoy better results from your vegetable garden ideas.
This easy guide should help you to decide what plants to grow alongside your onions in order to ensure a super delicious bumper harvest.
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
Onion companion planting
Onions are one of the easiest vegetables to grow and produce large yields making them a favorite of the veg patch, especially for small vegetable garden ideas where every bit of space needs to be as productive as possible. With onion companion planting, you can boost the crops even more. Onions also offer a host of benefits to other plants, too, making them the ideal contender for those starting out with companion planting.
'With some careful planning and by gardening smart you can grow a community of mutually beneficial plants so your crops will thrive without needing intervention and avoids the use of harmful pesticides' says horticultural expert Rob Smith from the Organic Gardening Catalogue . This is great for those interested in permaculture gardening and to create a sustainable garden full of happy, healthy plants and crops.
What can I plant with onions?
(Image credit: Getty Images)
There is a wide range of plants that can be grown with onions, including other vegetables, herbs, and even flowers. Through onion companion planting, each plant will benefit.
Regardless of whether you are growing your onions from seed or sets, when you plant onions you should also think about companion plants. This is an important aspect of planning a kitchen garden
Onion companion planting – with vegetables
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
There is a wide range of vegetable crops that are perfect partners for onion companion planting. If you practice onion companion planting alongside crop rotation you will increase your chances of a healthy harvest.
Planting onions, specifically growing spring onions, with carrots is a classic combination that many gardeners swear by. The smell of onions deters carrot root fly from the carrots for carrot companion planting, while the smell of the carrots helps to deter onion fly from the onions – a highly beneficial pairing.
However, there have been mixed reports of the success of this method, with some gardeners convinced, while others are less sure.
'If you are particularly worried about carrot fly you can 'use Enviromesh or fleece around the edges of the carrot bed, stretched as a screen three-feet high. The pest is a ground flyer and won’t make it over the screen,' advises gardening expert Sarah Raven .
Onions get on well will all members of the cabbage family (brassicas), which also includes lettuce and broccoli. This is because companion planting with onions provides good resistance to cabbage worm, weevils and cabbage looper. The aroma of the onions also helps to confuse rabbits seeking out the scent of leafy greens to enjoy.
Due to their strong scent, onions also deter aphids and Japanese beetles from running amuck over your tomato plants, so are ideal for tomato companion planting, and tomatoes will not compete with onions for soil nutrients.
Plant onions around the base of your peppers to deter aphids and Japanese beetles.
Onion companion planting – with herbs
(Image credit: Yeo Valley Organic Garde)
As part of your herb garden ideas, plant herbs among your crops for onion companion planting.
Growing mint or parsley as onion companion planting helps to ward off onion fly. The fragrant leaves of both mint and parsley help confuse the onion fly, which likes to breed in the onions' leaves. Onion fly maggots will also eat their way through the onion bulbs leaving you with no crop come the time to harvest onions.
However, 'take care with some companion plants such as mint,' cautions Sue Sanderson, horticultural executive at Thompson & Morgan . 'These are fast-growing plants and will quickly smother your crop. Ideally grow mint in a herb planter alongside the crops to keep it under control.'
This pretty daisy-like flower and aromatic herb has plenty of benefits for the garden. It is a good plant for pollinators, attracting pollinators with its sweet fragrance as well as being able to be dried to make a calming tea. It is also antibacterial and anti-fungal, helping to protect your plants. As if this isn't enough, when chamomile is used as an onion companion plant it also improves the flavor of the onions.
If you prefer your onions to taste sweeter, onion companion planting with summer savory is the perfect combination. It will also help to encourage the growth of your onions.
Onion companion planting – with flowers
(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)
There are many blooms that as well as being beautiful and fragrant flowers, are also, surprisingly, excellent for onion companion planting.
Alliums and chives are also both members of the onion family and have the same benefits of companion planting as the traditional vegetable, while also looking beautiful as flower bed ideas. Planting alliums or chives as part of your rose garden ideas will help to deter aphids and black-fly, keeping your rose blooms looking beautiful.
One of the most popular late summer flowers and flower for the fall garden, pair chrysanthemums with chives 'as the onion scent will deter aphids,' advises Sue Sanderson of Thompson & Morgan.
If you're short of room, species of onions including scallions and chives are a very compact choice for companion planting. 'Where space is limited, add in crops among your flowers, selecting beneficial partners, such as fringes of chives, to attract garden helpers to the vegetables,' advises gardening expert Leigh Clapp.
What vegetables should not be planted with onions?
There are various vegetables that you should not plant with onions. You should not grow peas, beans or asparagus next to onions as they require different conditions and therefore in order for one to thrive, the other will not.
Surprisingly, other onion or allium plants – such as garlic, shallots or leeks – also make a poor companion plant for other onions as they are all vulnerable to onion maggots. These will travel from plant to plant and can quickly decimate a bed. Plant these plants far apart to prevent any spread – that way even if one area of onions fall victim, you still have others to fall back on.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Can I plant onions next to tomatoes?
You can plant onions next to tomatoes. As mentioned about, in fact, growing tomatoes next to your onion crop may help to deter pests from bothering your tomato crop.
'These pungent vegetables make great tomato companion plants. Their unappealing odor is a natural deterrent of many garden pests that feed on tomato plants, explains Bob Lawson from Kellogg Garden .
Can I plant onions next to cucumbers?
As onions are classed as root vegetables, meaning they grow beneath the soil, and cucumbers are not, they do make good for cucumber companion planting.
If you are growing cucumbers, they send one long root down, taking nutrients and water from deeper in the soil. For this reason, the plants do not compete with one another for nutrients.
(Image credit: Hartley Botanic)
Can I plant onions and peppers together?
You can plant onions and peppers together. As onions do not take up a lot of room above the ground, they are good to plan as neighbors if you're growing peppers.
Also, onions have a strong smell with helps to deter a lot of pests such as aphids and slugs, making them great for pepper companion planting.
Having graduated with a first class degree in English Literature, Holly started her career as a features writer and sub-editor at Period Living magazine, Homes & Gardens' sister title. Working on Period Living brought with it insight into the complexities of owning and caring for period homes, from interior decorating through to choosing the right windows and the challenges of extending. This has led to a passion for traditional interiors, particularly the country-look. Writing for the Homes & Gardens website as a content editor, alongside regular features for Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors magazines, has enabled her to broaden her writing to incorporate her interests in gardening, wildlife and nature.
news, onions, vegetables, plants, vegetable garden, growing, gardening
Belarus News / Gardening and gardening
17.03.2022 09:00
Onion is a useful plant that is often used in cooking.
Add it to salads, to meat, and also use it as a snack. For this reason, summer residents prefer to grow onions on their own beds. nine0015
In addition, it is a rather unpretentious crop that can get along with a large number of other plants on the site.
Onions and carrots coexist without problems on the same bed. At the same time, the onion is able to provide the root crop with good protection against pests, which also protects the neighbor from problems, for example, from the onion fly.
Photo: PixabayBerries
Strawberries and strawberries are also good neighbors for onions.
The crops protect each other and do not interfere with or take important nutrients from the soil. nine0003
Dill grows well next to onions.
Foliar crops can also be planted nearby. They will protect the vegetable from insects that can harm.
Thanks to onions, you can grow healthy and tasty radishes, since the first plant has a positive effect on the taste of the vegetable, and also repels pests from it.
These crops should be grown at a distance of 35-40 centimeters so that the tomatoes do not shade the onions. nine0004 However, a plant with a bright aroma will still protect tomatoes from the Colorado potato beetle.
Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts can easily get along with onions, which will repel insects. At the same time, it is important that the beds are at a distance of 50 centimeters, no less.
Author: Olga Kotova
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All news Compatibility of onions with other vegetables
Onions are a tolerant crop that is friendly to many vegetables. Unless, of course, the neighbors are at an acceptable distance. However, he also has "enemies". The right combination of vegetables will improve your yield and help you make the most of your garden. With what to plant onions in one bed? This question often arises among gardeners. nine0003
Peculiarities of growing onions
This crop has been known to people for more than 5 millennia. The importance of this vegetable in human life is difficult to overestimate. It is not only a fragrant "highlight" of many dishes, but also a remedy. Its substances are able to destroy harmful microbes and bacteria, which is very important in the cold season.
Onion is a regular in vegetable gardens. Among all varieties of culture: leek, batun, shallot, it is the sevok that is the most popular. This variety has a hardy character. It perfectly tolerates coolness and can grow at a temperature of 16-18°C. While seeds need only 5°C. The culture tolerates frost well in autumn. nine0003
The plant is resistant to many diseases and pests; only the onion fly poses a serious danger to it when grown. The culture does not require much care, it ripens very quickly. What really matters? This is the planting site. He loves the sun's rays and nutritious loose soil.
Peculiarities of growing onions
It has complaints about the composition of the soil only if they are calcareous. Wood ash will help to cope with this trouble. In addition, it should be noted that with increased acidity of the earth, onions poorly absorb useful substances. Under such conditions, the plant may be infected with downy mildew. nine0003
The onion reacts well to the abundance of water only at the first stages of growth. To mature faster, he needs dry soil, so the groundwater level in the area should not be high. Ideally, it is 1.5-2 meters. Very dislikes vegetable weeds. They prevent it from growing by taking away the sun's rays. Regular high-quality weeding of the beds will save the onion from unpleasant neighbors.
The best predecessors for onions are those crops that fertilize the ground. These include zucchini, radishes, potatoes, eggplant and legumes. The vegetable feels good after lettuce, dill, cilantro, squash. nine0003
Important! Onions do not like to be planted in the same place for many years. It will grow well there only after 3-4 years.
A vegetable will be grateful to the gardener if he fertilizes the soil with humus and nitrogen before planting. After 3-4 weeks, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers can be added. Ash and a little salt are added to the furrows, and the bulbs themselves are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting in open ground.
Important! Onions need nitrogen fertilizers for good growth. nine0003
When to plant onions, carrots, beets? These crops are the first to be grown in the garden. They do well in cool air. They need a temperature of 5-7 ° C for planting.
Compatibility of onions with other vegetables
Crop rotation in the garden is the alternation of different crops on the plots. The main goal is to maximize the productivity of the site.
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A planting plan is based on the following factors:
- Lead crop identification. Here they determine which vegetable is in priority, and how many bushes the gardener expects;
- Garden relief. For example, in the lower slopes there is an abundance of water. Strawberries and cucumbers love this soil;
- Predecessors. Different plants need different nutrients. In addition, some vegetables have a weak root system and take everything they need from the top layers of the soil;
- Climate features; nine0058
- The degree of soil erosion on the site.
What can be planted next to onions? To answer this question, you need to know about some of the features of this vegetable. Its roots are very weak and thin, like cobwebs. They dry quickly in the sun. Most of the root system is in the upper layers of the soil. It grows no more than 50 cm into the ground.
In addition, the plant is very fond of nitrogen substances. They are also not indifferent to zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and various types of cabbage. These vegetables completely select substances useful for onions, so onions cannot be planted after them. nine0003
Important! By observing the rules of crop rotation, it is possible to increase the yield of most vegetable crops by several times.
The best neighbors for vegetables
What can be planted next to onions? When growing, a favorable neighborhood is important for each vegetable. Compatible plants are able to share important micronutrients among themselves in case of need. For a plant, such help will not be superfluous. In addition, the vegetable itself can be useful for other crops, protecting them from pests. nine0003
Compatibility of onions with other vegetables
What can be planted next to tomatoes
Can onions be planted next to carrots? These vegetables are a good example of the mutual assistance that different cultures can provide to each other. Carrot rows can often be seen near onions in many vegetable gardens. Together with carrots, they are ways to ward off harmful insects. The onion goes well with garlic. They can be safely planted nearby.
Garlic is a unique crop after which you can plant any vegetable. But he himself cannot be planted in last year's bulbous places. Moreover, next to each other, these vegetables feel comfortable, having a beneficial effect on growth conditions. But on the same bed, onion and garlic will not get along, as they need the same nutrients and water. The result of joint "living" may be the depletion of the land, which will negatively affect the level of the crop. nine0003
Beets like to have a neighbor like an onion next to them. It allows her to bear large fruits, their ripening will occur faster. When planted, the onion produces tall green leaves that cast a good shadow over the beetroot rows. So the plant can protect itself from the scorching direct sunlight. Such conditions for beets are very pleasant. In just a couple of days, its fruits gain strength and begin to grow actively.
Important! Onion is an excellent precursor for beets. The soil during the growth of the culture will be saturated with the necessary substances and will be loose, which will have a good effect on the growth of the root crop. nine0003
A good company for a vegetable can be some varieties of cabbage: broccoli and kohlrabi. These crops need regular watering, and water will not hurt the onion either. But it is advisable not to plant this trinity on the same bed. These crops overlap each other with the sun's rays, which ultimately greatly affects the yield.
In addition to carrots, the onion also has a good protective function for turnips, radishes and tomatoes. Many pests, especially aphids and earth fleas, do not like the smell of this crop. Having smelled it, they quickly change these habitats to other, less odorous ones. nine0003
Dill and onion have a lot in common. You can open a pack of seeds for planting at the first appearance of heat, at a temperature of 5-7 ° C. These cultures complement each other well, improving the characteristics of the fruit. Between these two vegetables, a tomato will feel great.
With what to plant dill in one bed? This question often comes up. What is the compatibility of dill with other plants? In addition to onions, he gets along well with cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, cilantro. At the same time, it is saturated with useful substances, helping other crops to grow. nine0003
Dill and onions are good neighbors
Cucumbers and onions cannot grow on the same bed. The green fruits of the first are very fond of water, but such saturation with moisture has a bad effect on other crops. The roots begin to rot in plants, and the fruits themselves become watery. Such an environment is favorable for the development of the fungus.
Strawberries and onions work well together. The latter helps to avoid the development of rot in the berry. Cultures are able to exchange the necessary substances with each other. Strawberries next to onions feel protected, but its beds cannot be oversaturated with moisture either, otherwise the good neighborhood will come to an end. nine0003
Neutral neighbors for crops
Some combinations of crops in the beds do not harm each other, but there is no special benefit either.
Is it possible to plant melons next to zucchini
These crops include the following:
- Zucchini. Both vegetables have many characteristics in common. For example, they tolerate light spring coolness well, but only with stable heat during the day. The cultures themselves are unpretentious: only regular weeding and moderate watering are needed; nine0058
- Distinguishing greens. They do not interfere with each other, sometimes they even help. A good combination is obtained with onions and parsley. Their root system is the same, the greens take little nitrogen from the soil, which is “in hand” for the vegetable.
Onions, in turn, drive away parasites from parsley and cilantro;
- Salad. Onions do not benefit from this plant, but there is no harm either. But such a neighborhood is very favorable for salad, since the vegetable perfectly drives away aphids from plantings. In addition, you need to monitor the green plant so that it does not grow leaves on neighboring beds, otherwise it will take all the sunlight for itself. nine0058
Important! Onions need moderate watering. At high humidity, the roots of the culture rot. This should be remembered when planning the placement of vegetables next to the onions.
The worst neighbors for onions
The combination of certain crops not only does not bring benefits, but, on the contrary, is harmful.
These include the following types of vegetables:
- Classic cabbage. Like onions, she is a lover of "feasting on" nitrogen fertilizers. Thus, the soil for the vegetable becomes very poor.
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