Weeping japanese maple tree
How to Grow and Care for Weeping Japanese Maples
Acer palmatum var. dissectumWhether it’s a screaming infant in the theater, a breakup gone horribly wrong, or the ‘It’s Not Your Fault’ scene from “Good Will Hunting,” weeping speaks volumes: “Don’t bring a baby to the movies.” “Let ’em down easier next time.” “Matt Damon has range.”
This is true in the botanical world, as well. Plants with a weeping form stand out from the upright clumps of greenery that we’re so used to seeing.
The uniqueness of foliage not attempting to stretch up for sunlight is intriguing, to say the least. And the beloved Japanese maple, Acer palmatum, comes in weeping form!
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Also known as A. palmatum var. dissectum, Japanese weeping maples add the majesty of dissected leaves and a cascading habit to an already-awesome plant. It’s well worth learning how to grow one in your own landscape or garden.
So much so, in fact, that we’ve whipped up this little guide here. We’ll cover everything you’ll need to know to grow these plants yourself.
Here are the specific nuggets of knowledge that you’ll be nibbling on up ahead:
What You’ll Learn
- What Are Japanese Weeping Maples?
- Cultivation and History
- Propagation
- How to Grow
- Growing Tips
- Pruning
- Cultivars to Select
- Managing Pests and Disease
- Best Uses
- Quick Reference Growing Guide
What Are Japanese Weeping Maples?
Although plants can secrete tear-like water droplets from the ends of their leaves – a process known as guttation – this isn’t what “weeping” is referring to in this case.
When a plant’s common name contains the word “weeping,” this is in reference to the drooping growth habit of its branches and foliage.
Along with this weeping form, A. palmatum var. dissectum also has dissected leaves with seven to eleven lobes each.
Each lobe is jagged, feathery, and finely cut down to its point of attachment, or node. The end result is lace-like foliage that sways a bit more gracefully in the wind than standard Japanese maple foliage.
For these reasons, this variety is also commonly referred to as threadleaf, cutleaf, or laceleaf Japanese maple.
A. palmatum var. dissectum has an average height of eight to 10 feet so it’s a bit shorter than a standard Japanese maple, with a typical A. palmatum ranging in height from 15 to 25 feet.
Both the standard species and this variety possess a spread that is typically equal to or greater than their width.
I’ve generalized these details for a reason, though – with all of the natural variations and different cultivars out there, one all-encompassing description is difficult to provide if not impossible.
But a weeping habit and finely-dissected leaves are common features that all maples of this variety share.
Cultivation and History
Best grown in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8, A. palmatum var. dissectum hails from China, Japan, and Korea. This plant owes the “Japanese” part of its common moniker to the way it was heavily cultivated by the Japanese people for centuries.
Japanese maples were first mentioned in writing way back in the 7th century, and they were introduced to England and the eastern United States in 1840 and 1862, respectively.
The majority of Japanese weeping maple varieties were carried to America by Japanese immigrants, who traveled across the Pacific to the West Coast of the USA.
These cultivars, formerly unknown to Western gardeners, were brought to light by J. D. Vertrees, a retired county extension agent from Oregon who published a book titled “Japanese Maples” in 1978.
This was the first text to cover A. palmatum var. dissectum cultivars in English, and it was also the first publication of Timber Press.
Japanese Maples
Copies of the most recent edition are available now on Amazon.
Many different cultivars have been bred since then, with each possessing a unique combination of characteristics that give this variety of Japanese maple its own ornamental niche in the landscape.
Many A. palmatum var. dissectum cultivars were propagated by taking cuttings from a mutated branch of a standard Japanese maple, so it’s best to avoid growing Japanese weeping maple cultivars from seed.
Cuttings will produce a pure genetic copy of the plant that you’re propagating, while seeds may leave you with a plant that’s not quite what you were looking for.
Feel free to give it a shot if you’re patient and you like unexpected surprises – you can learn more about the process in our guide to propagating Japanese maples from seed.
Along with rooting cuttings, you can also transplant a Japanese weeping maple that you purchased from a nursery or an online vendor.
From Cuttings
Begin by taking softwood cuttings of new, fresh growth from a mature tree in May.
With a sterilized blade, remove a three- to four-inch cutting from the tip of a branch. Choose one with nodes that are spaced close together, if possible.
Remove the leaves from the lower half of the cutting and dip the defoliated end in rooting hormone powder or gel.
Bonide Bontone II Rooting Hormone
Bonide offers 1.25-ounce containers of IBA root hormone powder – enough for rooting 2,800 average cuttings – via Arbico Organics.
Stick the hormone-dipped end of the cutting into a well-draining, 1020-sized plastic seed tray that’s filled with a 50/50 mix of sphagnum peat moss and perlite. Place the tray adjacent to a sunny window and keep the media moist.
Hardening off can begin once the cutting has developed a set or two of new leaves.
On a spring day after the threat of frost has passed, place the cutting outside in a partially-shaded spot, and leave it out for 30 to 60 minutes. Once that time’s up, bring the cutting back inside.
The next day, do the same thing, but add an additional 30 to 60 minutes. Repeat this addition of time with each successive day until the cuttings are acclimated to a full day’s worth of outdoor exposure.
At this point, you’re ready for transplanting!
Via Transplanting
Prepare holes in your garden that are as deep as each transplant’s root system is tall. Make the holes a bit wider than the roots, though – this makes for easier backfilling.
Place the transplants into their respective holes, then backfill with the dug out soil. Water in the transplants, and keep the adjacent soil moist until they become established.
How to Grow
As with any plant, proper cultivation is essential for ideal health and aesthetics.
Climate and Exposure Needs
Japanese weeping maples grow best in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 8, so make sure you don’t plant north or south of these regions.
A. palmatum var. dissectum loves partial shade exposures. Full sun is a bit too harsh, while full shade will diminish a Japanese weeping maple’s fall color. Think Goldilocks – not too much, not too little, but just right.
Soil Needs
Above all else, the soil must be well-draining. This can be accomplished with many different soil textures, but trying to improve the drainage to plant in clay is a hassle. Choose a space with a silt loam or sandy texture if possible.
Slightly acidic soils are also your best bet, so shoot for a pH somewhere in the range of 5.5 to 6.5.
Water and Fertilizer Needs
Until established, the soil where Japanese weeping maples are planted should be kept moist. Afterwards, they only need moderate supplemental irrigation. In practice, wait until the top couple inches of soil are dry before watering in the absence of rain.
Every spring, A. palmatum var. dissectum could use some fertilization before the leaves emerge.
This is best achieved by working two to four inches of organic material into the soil above the root zone. Organic materials such as compost and well-rotted manure are solid choices.
Read more about fertilizing Japanese maples in our guide.
Growing Tips
- Partial shade exposure is optimal.
- Be sure to provide well-draining soil.
- Irrigate moderately by letting the top one to two inches of soil dry out in between watering.
Feel free to remove diseased, dying, and sickly branches whenever you happen to notice them. Use sterilized blades when doing so.
Interested in shaping your A. palmatum var. dissectum to better suit your aesthetic vision? Find more tips on pruning here.
Cultivars to Select
There are many different varieties of Japanese weeping maples to choose from… it’s almost overwhelming! Here are several that – in my humble opinion – truly stand out.
Crimson Queen
Known for its crimson red growth that emerges in spring and persists throughout the growing season, ‘Crimson Queen’ practically demands fealty with its gorgeous leaves.
Come autumn, the foliage’s redness changes from a blood-red crimson to a bright-red scarlet. All of that in combination with beautifully cascading branches, ‘Crimson Queen’ makes for a wonderful addition to the garden.
‘Crimson Queen’
To purchase a two- to three-foot-tall ‘Crimson Queen’ in a #2 container, visit Nature Hills Nursery.
Inaba Shidare
For a red, large-leafed, and sturdy A. palmatum var. dissectum cultivar, ‘Inaba Shidare’ is the one for you.
Photo via Alamy.During the growing season, the six-inch-wide foliage emerges a purple-red before turning a bright crimson in fall.
‘Inaba Shidare’ also has a fast growth rate and is cold-hardy to boot, making it more than just a pretty face. Er, tree…
‘Inaba Shidare’
You can pick up ‘Inaba Shidare’ from Maple Ridge Nursery in one-, three-, seven-, 15-, and 25-gallon containers.
In defiance of its Japanese weeping maple kin, ‘Seiryu’ has an upright growing habit, standing tall while its brethren are fit to droop. With a rich green color during the growing season, its foliage turns shades of gold, orange, and orange-red in autumn.
It’s a bit taller than average as well, with a mature height of 10 to 15 feet.
Long story short – if you like the Japanese weeping maple but dislike the “weeping” part, and you also want something other than a standard Japanese maple, then ‘Seiryu’ is for you.
Interested in this cultivar? Order one now from Nature Hills Nursery.
With seven- to nine-lobed leaves that start off green in spring and turn yellow-gold or red in fall, ‘Viridis’ is a widely available cultivar of A. palmatum var. dissectum.
With its varied color scheme at different times of year, many gardeners will be able to find a suitable space in the landscape where the hues of ‘Viridis’ will complement the plantings around it.
It reaches six to eight feet in height and six to 10 feet in width, and specimens can be purchased from FastGrowingTrees.com.
‘Waterfall’ is very similar to ‘Viridis,’ except for its large, three- to five-inch-long and equally wide leaves. It’s a bit more shrub-like than ‘Viridis,’ with a more rounded form.
Subtle differences, sure… but ‘Waterfall’ is nevertheless an essential cultivar for any diehard Japanese weeping maple collector to own.
To buy ‘Waterfall,’ check out Maple Ridge Nursery. Choose from plants in one- or 25-gallon containers.
Managing Pests and Disease
One notable factoid: A. palmatum var. dissectum is notably resistant to rabbit damage! But this plant is far from indestructible. Let’s examine what types of pests and diseases can threaten a Japanese weeping maple’s health.
In addition to the damage that they already cause, insects can be vectors for disease. By dialing in their management, a gardener can help to prevent disease outbreaks as well.
Aphids are small, green, soft-bodied insects that feed directly from the phloem of plant tissues with sucking mouthparts.
Along with the stress and structural destruction that this causes the plant, aphids excrete honeydew as they feed, which can attract ants and lead to black sooty mold infections as well as further tissue damage.
The best forms of control include strong sprays of water and applications of horticultural oil. The former will physically knock the aphids off of leaf surfaces, while the latter will snuff them out.
Monterey Horticultural Oil
Monterey sells horticultural oil in ready-to-spray and concentrate that are available at Arbico Organics.
Read more about managing aphid infestations in our guide.
Asian Ambrosia Beetles
Also known as the granulate ambrosia beetle, Xylosandrus crassiusculus shows up in early spring to attack deciduous trees with thin bark such as Japanese weeping maples.
Their presence is indicated by wilting leaves and toothpick-like woody trunk protrusions.
The beetles bore into trunks, feed on sapwood and heartwood, and vector fungal pathogens. Suffering from the combined damage of all these issues, infested plants often die.
Pyrethroid insecticide applications can work as a preventative measure, and permethrin formulations can be applied in February, a month before the beetles usually show up to bore into trees.
If pruning dead wood doesn’t save an infested tree, it’s best to remove and destroy the entire specimen to prevent further spread.
Green-Striped Maple Worms
Dryocampa rubicunda feeds on a few different types of tree, but maples are its favorite host. The worms are the larval stage of the adult moths, aka rosy maple moths.
These moths lay yellow eggs on the underside of leaves. The larvae that hatch out are about an inch and a half long when fully grown, with black heads, green and white stripes, and red markings on both ends of their bodies.
After hatching, the mapleworms start feeding on foliage, which can end up severely defoliating infested trees.
The damage is usually temporary, but overall growth can be stunted if defoliation occurs repeatedly in consecutive years. All this damage and stress can leave the infested tree vulnerable to more severe issues down the line.
For prevention, it’s important to avoid fertilizing excessively, as an overabundance of nutrients can make plant tissues more appetizing to the pests.
Scrape off the yellow egg clusters when you find them, or just remove the entire leaf. Severely infested branches can be pruned away and disposed of.
Bacillus thuringiensis will target the mapleworms while leaving beneficial insects alone.
Monterey Bt Liquid Concentrate
Monterey sells pint-, quart-, and gallon-sized containers of Bt insecticide concentrate that are available from Arbico Organics.
We’ve just hit the highlights of the most common pest issues here. You can use our in-depth pest guide to learn more about identifying and controlling other creepy crawlies that may harm your trees.
Using sterilized tools, disease-free soil, and proper cultivation practices will go a long way in keeping specimens healthy.
Caused by fungi, anthracnose causes darkened foliar spots, leaf cupping, leaf curling, and premature leaf drop.
Cool and wet weather conditions are often precursors to anthracnose infections. The fungal spores overwinter in trees and fallen leaf detritus, and are splashed by water and carried by wind in spring.
Anthracnose is rarely more than a cosmetic issue, so it can be ignored and the tree will most likely be fine. But if control is warranted in the case of severe infections, there are some things you can do.
Raking up and destroying leaf detritus, pruning infected branches, and proper cultivation practices are all excellent preventative measures. In the event of severe defoliation several years in a row, fungicides can be applied to prevent reinfection.
Leaf Scorch
While not a disease per se as it isn’t caused by an infectious pathogen, leaf scorch is a physiological condition that occurs when there isn’t enough water for plants to cope with harsh heat and sun.
As a result of leaf scorch, foliage will brown and dry along the leaf margins. As the scorch progresses, entire leaves will blacken and die.
There is no known cure for scorched foliage, but plants can bounce back if the causal stressors are remediated. This means proper watering and proper fertilizing, since the former leads to leaf scorch and the latter damages water-collecting roots.
Best Uses
A Japanese weeping maple makes for an ideal specimen planting, so be sure to put yours in a place where it will stand out as a focal point in the landscape.
Most specimen plants also make good accents… but not this one. Its size, growing habit, and foliar interest make it pretty tough for an A. palmatum var. dissectum to share the spotlight. But hey – a plant could certainly have worse qualities.
With how these plants weep, you wouldn’t want to put any smaller plants underneath the canopy, much like you wouldn’t want someone with an attractive forehead to sport bangs.
But this weeping habit makes background plantings stand out all the more, so… pros and cons!
Quick Reference Growing Guide
Plant Type: | Deciduous tree | Flower/Foliage Color: | Gold, purple, red/Green, orange, purple, red |
Native to: | China, Japan, Korea | Tolerance: | Shade, rabbits |
Hardiness (USDA Zone): | 5-8 | Maintenance: | Low to moderate |
Season: | Spring (fall color) | Soil Type: | Fertile, sandy, silt loam |
Exposure: | Partial shade | Soil pH: | 5.![]() |
Time to Maturity: | 10-15 years | Soil Drainage: | Well-draining |
Planting Depth: | 1/4 inch (seeds), depth of root ball (transplants) | Uses: | Specimen |
Spacing | 6-12 feet | Order: | Sapindales |
Height: | 8-10 feet | Family: | Sapindaceae |
Spread: | 10-12 feet | Genus: | Acer |
Water Needs: | Moderate | Species: | Palmatum |
Common Pests and Disease: | Aphids, Asian ambrosia beetles, green-striped mapleworms; anthracnose, leaf scorch | Variety: | Dissectum |
The Japanese Weeping Maple: It’ll Bring You to Tears
For some people, it becomes harder and harder to cry with age.
Set your eyes on an A. palmatum var. dissectum, however, and you may find yourself welling up… or, if you dislike revealing your sensitive side, you may wonder aloud who’s cutting onions nearby.
Hyperbole aside, the Japanese weeping maple is truly beautiful. It’ll make a wonderful addition to your garden or landscape!
Any remarks or questions can go in the comments section below. We get a kick out of reading your comments here at Gardener’s Path, so don’t be shy!
For more A. palmatum guides, behold what we have in store:
- How to Grow Japanese Maple Trees
- A Guide to the Different Types of Japanese Maple Trees
- 21 of the Best Japanese Maple Varieties
The Japanese Weeping Maple – A Quick Read Before Buying! – Ask the plantician
The Japanese weeping maple is a deciduous tree that is iconic to the Japanese scenery. These weeping maples are hardy, slow-growing, and produce changing foliage based on the season. If you’re looking to give your garden an extra Asian touch, the Japanese weeping maple is an excellent choice!
The scientific name for the Japanese weeping maple is Acer palmatum var. dissectum and is more commonly referred to as the Japanese Laceleaf Maple. A distinctive feature of this deciduous tree is that it produces arching branches that look like waterfalls, hence the name ‘weeping’ maples. The Japanese weeping maple is often used as a gardening ornament by showing off its dark red colors during the autumn season.
The purpose of this article is to help you decide whether you should invest in a Japanese weeping maple. These plants are incredibly slow-growing and take years to establish firm structure and roots. It’s no surprise that a matured weeping maple can easily cost over 100 US dollars. Let’s dive into the maintenance requirements to see whether these plants are worth your hard-earned dollars.
Weather Conditions
The Japanese weeping maple needs to sit in a location where it can take in half a day of sun. They don’t like being exposed to excessive sunlight. These plants do not have thick waxy leaves to protect themselves from water loss from the leaf surface and so are susceptible to being scorched.
If you don’t have a planting spot with half a day’s sun, you can still grow the Japanese weeping maple in a pot. The plant needs to keep away from gusty winds and dry sites. Growing in a pot will provide you with the flexibility of moving the plant around the house, depending on weather conditions. Personally, I raise my weeping maple in a pot for this very reason. Using wood chips or mulch will help retain soil moisture and keep roots cool.
Below is a table of various weeping maples and their recommended hardiness growing zones:
Weeping Maple Variety | Hardiness |
Inaba shidare | 5-8 |
Tamukeyama | 5-9 |
Crimson Queen | 5-8 |
Waterfall | 5-8 |
Red Dragon | 5-8 |
Viridis | 5-8 |
Lion Heart | 5-9 |
Ever Red | 5-9 |
Orangeola | 6-8 |
Red Select | 6-8 |
Seiryu | 6-8 |
The Japanese weeping maple does not require regular watering as long as they’re kept slightly moist. These maples are pretty adaptable to any soil, but light and fluffy soil with good drainage are ideal; these guys don’t like keeping their feet too wet. They grow well in sandy loams and don’t require a lot of fertilizer to grow well. Depending on weather temperatures, watering once or twice a week is sufficient to keep the maple hydrated.
General Maintenance
The Japanese weeping maples are very slow-growing trees that do not require frequent pruning. In fact, it’s best to keep pruning to a minimum and, if needed, should only be done in late fall to mid-winter; pruning in spring or summer often results in significant bleeding.
As you can see, the Japanese weeping maple is reasonably low maintenance, provided that you can find the right spot for a balance of sun and shade. Let’s have a look at some weeping maple varieties that are available in the market.
Japanese Maple VarietiesThere are several weeping Japanese maple varieties with varying colors to choose from. These weeping maples share similar visual effects of drooping branches. Here are just a few examples:
1. Inaba Shidare Japanese Maple
The Inaba Shidare Japanese Maple prides itself on being able to produce beautiful dark red foliage. Its leaves are divided into five to seven lobes that have many cuts. The young leaves of this maple grow bright red. In midsummer, the red color transitions into a dark red wine color. Towards the fall, the leaves turn greenish-red, and they turn bright red again in the fall.
This weeping maple is considered a dwarf Japanese maple because it usually only grows up to five feet tall and spans six feet wide. As the plant matures, the maple branches out in a mushroom shape and eventually drags downward due to the weight of the leaves.
This weeping maple provides a stunning red contrast against the generic green garden. Bringing one of these Inaba Shidare Japanese Maples into your home will surely get your visitor’s attention and have them talking!
Photo by Bernard Matković2.

The Red Filigree Lace Japanese Maple is similar to the Inaba Shidare variety in terms of color but has much thinner leaves. Almost no other japanese maple variety has such finely-cut foliage as the Red Filigree Lace Japanese Maple. This weeping maple is arguably the best variety for growers who do not have much sun at home(e.g. apartment residents), as this tree can grow in the shade all day long. It’s also one of the smallest maples, with the height and width usually growing no more than three to four feet after 10 years of cultivation.
Photo by Hickory Hollow Nursery and Garden Center3. Waterfall Japanese Maple
If you’re looking for something more dramatic, consider the Waterfall Japanese Maple. In the fall/autumn, the branches produce flaming orange leaves that resemble a volcanic eruption. It transforms itself back to its natural green color for the remaining seasons before blending into its signature orange for the fall.
The Waterfall Japanese Maple does well in full sun and semi-shade. Though, similar to most of the maple family members, its leaves are susceptible to scorching if exposed to excessive sunlight and dry winds.
Related Questions:
1. How big does a weeping Japanese maple get?
The weeping Japanese maple generally reaches a height of about 7 feet and a diameter of 11 feet. The weeping maple varieties are overall more petite than the other maple varieties with an upright growing structure. Weeping maples grow their branches downwards, which means their height is limited.
2. How long does it take a weeping Japanese maple to grow?
Like other maple varieties, the weeping Japanese maple is an extremely slow grower reaching up to about 7 feet in its 10 years of maturity. If you’re looking to add a weeping Japanese maple into the garden, it’s recommended that you buy one that is already established. These maple trees take several years to grow into their mature form.
Before investing in a Japanese weeping maple, you need to consider whether you’ve got a suitable spot for the tree to absorb half a day’s worth of sun. You might find it more convenient to plant one in a pot if you live in a region with changing weather conditions.
Japanese weeping maples don’t require a lot of time commitment as they don’t need frequent pruning. Just plant them in well-draining soil, keep them relatively moist, and they’re happy campers! If this sounds like a tree you could maintain, it may well be worth your investment to add a beautiful miniature japanese tree to your garden.
- Acer palmatum var. dissectum
- 15 Dwarf Weeping Japanese Maple Varieties
- How to Care for Lace-Leaf Weeping Japanese Red Maple Trees
What is remarkable about Japanese maple? Planting, care and propagation of plants
- Japanese red maple
- Brief description of the most requested varieties
- Japanese maple planting and care
- Japanese maple seeds
- Japanese fan maple
- Japanese maple photo
- Japanese maple buy
Leaves are perhaps the most underestimated feature of plants. But it is the leaves of the Japanese maple that are the keys to the successful design of your garden.
Japanese red maple
Japanese maple (Acer Japonicum) and Dlanical Mapne (Acer Palmatum) - highly decorative leafy trees and bushes (in culture). These two species, as well as a variety of the second - fan maple (Acer palmatum Dissectum) - create group Japanese maples . Miniature maple varieties grow well in Japan but can be easily grown in our climate. The most resistant is the green-leaved maple and its red-leaved varieties 'Atropurpureum' and 'Bloodgood'.
Japanese maples grow very slowly and usually reach several meters in height. In Japan, the largest tree at the age of 100 years, reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in trunk diameter. Usually Japanese maple and palmate maple grow up to 8 m, and fan maple - no more than 2-3 m in height.
When 200 years ago these plants began to be imported from Japan, which had been growing there for centuries, European botanists were stunned by their incredible diversity. Europeans originally christened them with a Latin name - Acer polymorphum . And from this group, perhaps, this Japanese maple was one of the first that was brought to our region. This type of maple has almost round leaves , most of them are up to 15 cm long and consist of 7-, 9-, 11-, 13 feather-like lobes. They are very similar to the human hand. Because of the shape of the leaves, this maple has another name - hauchiwa-Kaede . There are four main varieties Japanese maples: - a typical Japanese maple A. japonicum, in which the shares are connected almost together and the leaf seems to be solid. Other maples: A. japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’, A. japonicum ‘Dissectum’, A. japonicum ‘Vitifolium’.
Japanese maple looks very impressive during flowering in May. Its flowers are red or yellow-green, large, up to 15 mm in diameter. But the most impressive tree is in autumn, when Leaves take on an enchanting color. In direct sunlight, the leaves turn red and purple, shading into bright orange and red. They look stunning! Japanese Maple , Maple Katsura (Acer Palmatum 'Katsura', Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Katsura'), Maple Butterfly (Acer palmatum ‘Butterfly’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Butterfly’).
Brief description of the most popular varieties:
Japanese Maple Senkaki is an attractive and compact tree, a popular variety that is sure to be appreciated by lovers of Japanese maples. Tree height - up to two meters, suitable for growing in large pots and containers. Leaves lobed, usually with five lobes, turning bright orange in autumn.
Japanese Maple Senkaki (photo):
Maple Garnet - incredibly beautiful maple, you can look at it endlessly, especially in the autumn season. Average height maple is four meters. The main highlight is the unusual spreading crown, as well as the color of the leaves in the autumn months, they turn carmine red.
Maple Garnet (photo):
Japanese maple planting and care
Every gardener will be able to grow a very beautiful Japanese maple. You only need to choose the right place to plant, and also spend a little time caring for it.
Landing. Be sure to select the correct landing site. The ideal place for them would be sunny or partially shaded, protected from the winds. They tolerate some shade but are prettier when grown in full sun. Yes, those trees are do not like transplants. Once you have planted Japanese maples, they should not be repotted because it is very easy to damage their delicate roots.
Japanese maples frost resistant. Concerning soil requirements , they should not be planted in wet soils. Japanese maples are sensitive plants. The soil must contain a high proportion of humus and have slightly acid reaction . If the soil is sandy, then it needs to be enriched with fertile garden soil. Due to the fact that the roots of these plants grow close to the ground, it is necessary to level the place where they are planted well. Thus, you will be able to create thermal insulation layer , which will perform its protective function both in winter and in summer. It is also necessary to cover young maple seedlings in winter as these plants may suffer from frost. Also, in early spring, shelter will contribute to a not too fast development of their kidneys.
Japanese Maple ideal for planting in containers . And all thanks to his compact growth . But for the winter, plants in tubs should be moved to a frost-free room. It grows slowly and is also very picturesque. Besides being easy to grow, Japanese Maple will provide you with a lot of joy in summer and autumn with its beautiful leaves that change color with the onset of cold weather. Expect fireworks of fiery red, brown, yellow and orange leaves.
Care. After planting the young maple must be fed . The first top dressing is a month after planting, then they are fed once every four weeks. Suitable compound fertilizer and compost. After the winter period, be sure to remove frozen branches. Gardeners do not recommend cutting tree crowns, because Japanese maple pleases exactly with its natural beauty. Also, don't forget Mulch the soil before the start of the winter season. In hot weather be sure to keep an eye on the soil, maple does not like dry soil . Sometimes the leaves of the plant are also sprayed, do it in hot weather. Maple pest - gall mite . Watch the leaves carefully, if you see something suspicious, it is better to remove the leaf immediately .
Japanese maple seeds
Many varieties of maple seeds fall in autumn, but there are varieties whose seeds can be collected in summer. The seeds are medium in size, most often brown in color, they are often called “helicopters” by the people, because they very slowly fall to the ground, and at the same time rotate. There are some difficulties when growing maple from seeds. It all depends on the chosen variety. It is easiest to grow maples, in which the seeds fall in spring or summer.
After you collected seeds , they need to be placed in the cold. It is best to put the seeds in an airtight bag beforehand (zippered lunch bags are suitable). The collected seeds are placed in the refrigerator. Each variety has its own temperature , the best option is 3-5 degrees Celsius. check the seed bag constantly to make sure there is no condensation or excess moisture on it. Seeds are taken out after 120 days. Seeds of some varieties can be planted after 90 cold days. Germinated seeds can only be planted in small containers when a second layer of leaves has appeared on a small sprout. Now you can plant the tree in the ground.
Japanese fan maple
Fan maple is a marvelous decoration of every garden or park. It is an excellent compact tree that impresses with the beauty of its leaves. Fan maple is one of the varieties of Japanese maple, because the historical Homeland trees - Japan, and also grows naturally in China and Korea. The tree is very compact, height is about eight meters. Crown very unusual, dense, spherical. Sometimes it has several trunks. The leaves of the fan maple are very beautiful and large, the average length is 12 centimeters and the width is four centimeters. The leaf is divided into lobes. Blooms mainly in spring, small flowers in inflorescences, appear later Lionfish.
Garden use. Japanese Maple will look very good in a private garden as well as in city parks. Its interesting and very bright leaves attract attention. You can make it the main accent on your territory, because in autumn it is very difficult not to notice this tree. Japanese maple is very effectively combined with large stones or boulders, and even with small pebbles, which can be scattered near the tree root. The canopy provides shade so you can plant near the tree ferns or other shade-tolerant plants. Landscape designers with good taste will be able to create very unusual compositions using maple and coniferous plants , as well as combining maples and flowering shrubs . The main thing is not to overshadow this beautiful tree!
Japanese maple photo
Japanese maple buy
You can buy Japanese maple in our Florium store
Published: 27. 10.2021
Tags: palmate maple Japanese maple Japanese maples
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Japanese maple fan-shaped red. Acer palmatum Discectum
By Oksana Jeter 11/01/2007 Garden ornamental, Spring in the garden, Winter in the garden, Summer in the garden, My garden in the south of England, Autumn in the garden, Plants, Garden design 0 Comments
Japanese red fan maple (Acer palmatum Dissectum Atropurpureum). Photo, care. Japanese maple in the garden and at home.
Photo. Maple Japanese fan red. Acer palmatum Dissectum Atropurpureum.Japanese maples are exceptionally showy ornamental trees and shrubs. Even in winter, deciduous Japanese maples captivate the eye with an unusual shape of a bare crown, resembling a mushroom or an umbrella, and many thin fan branches. However, the beauty of Japanese maples peaks in autumn, when their leaves are painted in stunning bright colors: red, orange, gold ...
Maple genus ( Acer ) consists of approximately 110 species of deciduous (less often evergreen) trees and shrubs that grow naturally in the humid forests of Europe, north and central America and Asia. Here we will talk only about a certain category of maples, which are usually called Japanese maples , because. they come from Japan and Korea. The Japanese maple group includes only two species: the Japanese maple itself ( Acer japonicum ) and palm maple , or mountain maple ( Acer palmatum ) with its highly ornamental variety fan maple ( Dissectum ). fan maples have dissected pinnate leaves resembling a lacy fan. Japanese maples began their victorious march in the European garden culture in the distant 1600s, and by 1882 202 varieties of these trees were already known in Britain. Currently, garden centers offer several hundred varieties of Japanese maples , which are primarily distinguished by the color of the leaves, especially impressive in autumn, when maples dramatically change color to red , gold or orange.
The size of Japanese maples depends on the variety: both Japanese and palmate maples can reach 8 m in height, while fan maples usually do not exceed 2-3 m. fan maples often grow more in width than in height. Leaves Japanese maples are small and extremely decorative. Despite the name red maples assigned to Japanese maples , the color of their leaves comes in different shades of green, burgundy, red, yellow, orange and even crimson and appears better in open, well-lit spaces. The flowers of Japanese maples are small, yellow-green or reddish, depending on the plant variety (see photo). After the end of flowering at Japanese maples form small paired lionfish fruits. Some Japanese maples are also decorative with their bark.
Japanese Maple Care
In their natural environment, Japanese maples grow as undergrowth, so they are accustomed to high humus content and slightly acid soil reaction, partial shade, and more or less constant humidity levels. Most garden soils are fine for Japanese maples, with the exception of highly alkaline, poor permeability and standing water, or completely dry out in the heat. Danger Lies Japanese maples in the garden , these are late spring frosts that can damage tender young leaves. Since the color of the leaves of Japanese red maples is best shown in an abundance of light, to plant these magnificent trees, choose a place that is protected from direct hot summer afternoon sun, but open to morning and evening sunlight. Even more vulnerable to the scorching sun are varieties of Japanese maples with bicolor or bordered leaves; they must be planted in semi-shady places or places with rarefied light.
Japanese red maple and flowering mahonia in my garden, November
Japanese palmate maple ‘Katsura’ in bloom
Japanese red maple. Acer japonicum
Frost resistance of Japanese maples - from climatic zone 5, in the Middle lane, these plants need winter shelter, which is well suited for garden fleece for the crown of fan maples. Make sure the soil is well-drained before installing the winter shelter over the Japanese maple. In softer regions, heavy wet snow should be gently shaken off the thin branches of Japanese maples (especially fan maples), as branches can break under the weight of snow. Japanese maple should not be touched when its branches are covered with ice.
During dry periods, fan maples require regular watering and foliar spraying. The lack of moisture (as well as its excess), too hot sun or too strong, dry wind, the Japanese maple will respond with dried tips of the leaves, and for more severe stress - with a complete drop of foliage. There is no need to panic: the Japanese maple has not died, but simply needs increased attention. Eliminate fertilizer completely when stressed, provide regular watering without standing water and spraying, and soon the Japanese maple will recover and grow new leaves.
An essential part of Japanese maple care is mulching in spring and autumn. Mulching with garden compost and other organic matter (leaf humus, tree bark, wood chips, etc. ) protects the surface root system of the Japanese maple from freezing in winter, drying out in summer, and also provides top dressing. Mulch your Japanese maple in early spring and late fall, on well-drained soil, avoiding organic material touching the tree trunk. Before spring mulching, sprinkle the soil in the radius of the Japanese maple crown with granules of slow-release fertilizer, then mulch with compost or humus, and on top of them you can put a layer of wood chips or decorative bark. Japanese maple should only be fertilized once a year with a slow-acting fertilizer, strong fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are not recommended!
Japanese and fan maples: propagation
Japanese maples are propagated by fresh seeds collected in mid-autumn. Subsequently, only the strongest seedlings are selected, which are kept cool in winter. In early spring, young Japanese maple seedlings are transplanted into larger pots, and when they reach a height of 30 cm, they can be planted in a permanent place.
It is very difficult to propagate fan maples vegetatively. In nurseries, it is practiced to graft fan maple cuttings onto a stronger root system of Japanese or palmate maple.
Japanese fan maples: pruning
Japanese maples grow slowly and naturally form a beautiful and harmonious crown. Pruning is recommended only for mature or old plants to thin out an overly thickened crown or to emphasize the exquisite shape of the trunk and weeping branches of the Japanese maple. Thinning the crown of Japanese maples also contributes to the penetration of light and air into the depths and is the prevention of fungal infections. Pruning of Japanese maples is done only during the dormant period, when there are no leaves on the plant.
Japanese maple in the garden
In the middle lane for growing Japanese and fan maples, it is convenient to use tubs and pots. In Japan, fan maples in tubs are not installed on the ground, but at eye level, so that everyone can admire the shape of the trunk, the elegance of the crown and the brightness of the leaves of these charming plants.