Vinegar to clean leather couch
How to Clean Leather Furniture
With its sumptuous texture and supple feel, leather furniture provides an element of luxury to your room decor. Fortunately, despite its opulence, leather doesn’t require the kind of painstaking maintenance you might associate with other refinements. Inevitably, however, there comes a time in the life of all leather chairs, chaises, and sofas when a little care is called for. Rest assured that it’s not difficult to learn how to clean leather furniture, and the process involves only supplies that most homeowners keep readily at hand.
Tools & Materials- Vacuum (with brush attachment)
- Clean cotton or microfiber cloths
- Vinegar
- Small bucket
When you set out to clean leather furniture, the first step in how to clean a leather couch or chair is to remove all dust and loose debris from the piece. You can do so easily by means of a vacuum cleaner outfitted with a brush attachment. Don’t forget to clean between the cushions of the furniture, if there are any. Once finished, wipe the whole thing down with a cotton or microfiber cloth.
Having inspected the furniture in the course of dusting and wiping it down, you now understand which parts of the piece look the worse for wear. These are the areas where you’re going to focus the lion’s share of your cleaning efforts.
STEP 3: Apply diluted vinegar to problem areas.To address the problem areas, you can use a simple but effective homemade cleaner, comprising equal parts vinegar and water. Mix the two in a small bucket, then dip in the corner of a cloth. Wring out the cloth so that it’s damp but not wet, then proceed to wipe down the soiled parts of the leather. Rinse the cloth after every few strokes to avoid spreading any dirt.
STEP 4: Wipe down the leather promptly.Photo: istockphoto. com
Next, follow up with a dry cloth, making sure to go over every area that you treated with the water-and-vinegar solution. At no point during the process should you let the leather become soaking wet; saturation is one of the material’s enemies.
STEP 5: Apply conditioner and buff the furniture.When you’re satisfied with your leather couch cleaning, apply a small amount of a commercial or homemade leather conditioner to a clean, lint-free cloth. Select an inconspicuous spot on the piece of furniture and apply the conditioner by rubbing in a circular motion. Be sure to thoroughly rub the conditioner into the leather, and then let it sit for an hour or so.
Check the spot and if you are satisfied with the results, apply conditioner in a similar manner to the rest of the piece of furniture, section by section. Buff the conditioner with a clean cloth, and then let the piece thoroughly air dry before you settle in with your popcorn.
Other Tips for Cleaning Leather
Photo: istockphoto. com
Has a careless guest spilled something, and you’re wondering how to clean leather furniture to banish the stain? Don’t despair—you can probably prevent the accident from leaving a permanent stain, but to be successful, you’ll need to work quickly. Different stains demand different remedies.
How to Degrease LeatherWipe away grease stains with a clean, dry cloth. Do not add water, because the liquid could help the grease soak into the leather. If the grease has dried by the time you notice it, try sprinkling baking soda onto the area in order to draw out the grease. Leave the baking soda on for a few hours, then brush it off with a rag.
How to Remove Ink and MoldRubbing alcohol may be the key to removing ink from leather. Dab alcohol onto a cotton swab, then wipe the stain until it clears. Keep in mind for the future that many homeowners have reported luck using rubbing alcohol to remove pesky patches of either mold or mildew on furniture.
White and beige leather are notoriously vulnerable to stains. To remove dark-colored spots from such pieces, opt for a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and cream of tartar. Combine the two into a paste, apply it to the stain, then leave it in place for 10 minutes. Wipe it away with a damp cloth.
Generally speaking, be wary of experimenting with stain-removal products on leather; some may do more harm than good. Always first try a cleaning agent on an inconspicuous part of the furniture. That way, if things go awry, nobody is likely to notice!
If none of the above tips or tricks prove helpful, consider seeking the assistance of a pro.
FAQs About How to Clean a Leather Sofa or Leather ChairsPhoto:
Having read through our process as outlined above, you’re nearly an expert in leather cleaning and will soon be ready to show off your clean leather couch. Check out these last bits of info to truly understand the dos and don’ts of how to clean leather chairs or other leather furniture.
Then, simply gather a few supplies and get to work. You’ll wonder why you didn’t clean your leather furniture sooner!
Q. What is the best thing to clean leather furniture with?After a thorough dusting with a clean, soft cloth, the best thing to clean leather furniture with is a 50-50 solution of white vinegar and water, which is wiped gently across the surface of the leather to clean it.
Q. Is Vaseline bad for leather?Vaseline will add an immediate shine and suppleness to leather, but its effects are not long-lasting. You are better off following the steps above to get long-lasting conditioning and cleaning results.
Q. What should you not clean leather with?Don’t attempt to clean your leather furniture with harsh commercial cleaning solutions such as window cleaner. You should also avoid olive oil, hairspray, shoe polish, and fingernail polish remover.
Q. How often should you clean leather?You can clean your leather furniture as often as every 6 weeks, but you can also almost certainly stretch out your cleanings to twice a year.
How to Carefully Clean Leather With Household Materials
A little soap or vinegar does the trick
Reviewed by
Brandon Pleshek
Reviewed by Brandon Pleshek
Brandon Pleshek of Clean That Up! is a seasoned veteran of the cleaning industry with over 20 years of experience in commercial and residential cleaning. He is a member of The Spruce's Cleaning and Organizing Review Board
Learn more about The Spruce's Review Board
Fact checked by
Sarah Scott
Fact checked by Sarah Scott
Sarah Scott is a fact-checker and researcher who has worked in the custom home building industry in sales, marketing, and design.
Learn more about The Spruce's Editorial Process
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein
Project Overview
The best way to clean leather furniture is to do it gently—the gentler your cleaning method, the better. Leather is a very forgiving material, and just a tiny amount of regular care goes a long way. The jury is out whether soapy water or vinegary water solution is best, but both work wonders. For a quick leather cleaning, you can gently wipe down the surface using a microfiber cloth and equal parts vinegar and water to remove light dirt. For a deeper cleaning, it's helpful to incorporate mild soap.
Stains happen, and so do dust and dirt. However, harsh cleansers on leather can leave stubborn stains that are hard to remove. This approach is especially true for aniline leather which can become stained easily as it does not have a surface protective layer.
Vinegar is a practical, inexpensive household product that naturally cleans and removes stubborn stains from leather. However, to ensure it doesn't ruin or discolor the leather before cleaning, test the vinegar solution on a small, hidden part of the item to check it can handle it.
Click Play to Learn How to Clean Leather Furniture Quickly and Easily
Clean any stains immediately, so they do not have a chance to set. Older stains that have had time to dry and set may be harder to remove, and these gentler cleaning methods may not work so well.
It is best to clean your leather furniture regularly to prevent dirt buildup. Save your furniture manufacturer's instructions, and follow them for the care and cleaning of your leather furniture. Those instructions are targeted towards the specific type of leather used in your furniture. It is very helpful to have them when there are difficult stains on your upholstery.
The 9 Best Leather Sofas of 2023
Equipment / Tools
- Microfiber cloth
- Mild soap
- Vinegar (Optional)
When there are no instructions, the single best and simplest way to clean leather is with a very small amount of very mild soap, such as Dove or Ivory. This process works on most stains and for general cleaning and upkeep. Always test an inconspicuous spot first and allow it to dry.
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein-
Use a Microfiber Cloth First
Before cleaning it with soap and water, go over it with a dry microfiber cloth.
The Spruce / Danielle HolsteinIt will get most of the dirt.
Moisten Cloth Slightly
Once you are done, moisten a cloth very slightly; wipe it across a bar of mild soap. If you are using liquid soap, use a very slight amount. Now, clean the surface of your furniture with this damp cloth.
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein -
Do Not Rinse; Instead, Buff with a Dry Cloth
Never let the leather get overly wet, and remember to not rinse after cleaning with the soap. Simply buffing with a soft cloth is all you need. The moisture from the soap will condition the leather as it cleans. Polish if you need to, but just using this method is enough.
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein -
Remove Tough Stains With Lather or Vinegar Solution
When treating a stain, your best bet is to first try a gentle method that works on most stains: soap lather. A tougher stain may need a more heavy-duty approach, like a vinegar solution.
First, get several rags to use for wet wiping and drying. Use a clean, soft, absorbent cloth. If the stain comes from a liquid, blot up as much as possible. Do not wipe it, as that can make the stain bigger and unmanageable. Dampen the cloth with water, but do not make it soggy since it can leave water stains. To control it, spray water onto the rag and wring out the excess before using.
Apply a small amount of soap to the damp cloth and work it into a lather. Work the lather into the leather gently. Soft circular motions work well—no need to rinse. Absorb any excess moisture with a clean, dry cloth.
If you have a problematic or stained area, make a solution of half water and half vinegar. Dip a rag into the solution, wring out the cloth, so it’s damp but not wet, and wipe down the furniture. Repeatedly rinse the cloth to avoid spreading the stain.
The Spruce / Danielle Holstein
Article Sources
The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
Reliable and Scientific Tips for Cleaning with Vinegar. National Science Foundation.
How to effectively clean a sofa with vinegar and soda
Dirty upholstery makes it difficult to relax, but you don't want to wash your favorite sofa with expensive store chemicals? You can use products that cost a penny and can be found in every home. However, they give excellent results. We offer folk remedies for cleaning the sofa at home with soda and vinegar - we have collected the most effective recipes here. Choose, try and enjoy the result.
Before you try to clean the sofa with vinegar and baking soda, make sure that it does not harm it:
- The methods shown are only suitable for fabric upholstery. A sofa upholstered in suede, natural or synthetic leather cannot be cleaned like this.
- Cleaning the sofa with vinegar and soda is contraindicated if the upholstery contains silk fibers.
Silk does not like acids or alkalis.
- If the recipe contains a recommendation to thoroughly rub the sofa with a brush, it is not suitable for fleecy upholstery - velor, velvet. Also, flock and chenille do not like excessive friction. Be very careful when cleaning them with a brush or cloth.
- Tapestry, velor and velvet do not tolerate strong moisture. Choose recipes for them in which the sofa does not need to be washed.
Even if your upholstery is not included in the list of exceptions, this does not mean that you can do anything with it. Before cleaning the entire sofa with baking soda and vinegar, test the selected method on a small inconspicuous area. Do everything that is described in the recipe and dry the treated fabric. Now compare it with the rest of the upholstery. The color has not changed, the pattern has not floated, the pile has not begun to crumble? Then the chosen method suits your sofa.
Please note that the pile of many upholstery becomes stiffer after wet cleaning and drying. This is usually fixable - just lightly rub the treated area with a dry brush. You can also pour a little fabric softener into clean water, which you will use to rinse the upholstery after cleaning. But don't add conditioner directly to vinegar solutions.
If the bristles are not softened with the brush, the selected cleaning agents are changing the structure of the fibers. In this case, it is better to choose a different cleaning method for your sofa.
The following are detailed descriptions of cleaning. All recipes use 9% white table vinegar and regular baking soda (not soda ash).
Vinegar, Baking Soda and Fairy Sofa Cleaner Solution
Suitable for removing general dirt, grime, street dirt, tea, coffee, grease, beer stains. Also, the tool will help restore the faded color of the upholstery fabric. "Fairy" can be replaced with any other dishwashing liquid, as well as high-quality liquid soap.
Cleaning instructions:
- In a spray bottle, mix 80-100 ml of vinegar, 1 tsp.
"Fairy" and about 400 ml of hot water.
- Pour 1 tbsp. l. soda. Be careful - the product foams quickly and strongly. Close the bottle.
- Spray the resulting solution evenly onto the upholstery surface.
- Wait a few minutes for the "chemistry" to dissolve the dirt.
- Scrub the most soiled areas with a brush.
- When all stains have been wiped off and dissolved, remove the dirty liquid with a sponge and clean water.
- Wipe the upholstery dry with a cotton towel and dry the sofa.
The best recipe for cleaning the sofa from urine (we use vinegar, soda, peroxide)
This method is guaranteed to remove the smell of animal and human urine from the sofa upholstery. It is effective even against old stains, but in the most difficult cases, the sofa treatment will have to be repeated twice. Important! Peroxide will bleach many fibers, so be sure to test it on your sofa upholstery beforehand.
Cleaning instructions:
- If the puddle of urine is fresh, it must be removed.
Use paper towels to blot the liquid from the edges to the center of the stain. Do not smear urine on clean areas.
- Then clean the sofa with vinegar and water (1:2). Moisten the soiled areas liberally with the solution and leave until the upholstery dries.
- The dried surface should be rubbed with soda.
- Next, prepare a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide (1:1) and add 1 tsp. liquid soap or shampoo.
- Apply the solution to the surface sprinkled with soda using a sponge or spray bottle.
- Wait about two hours for the product to work.
- Clean the sofa of soda residue with a brush or vacuum cleaner, and then wipe it with a sponge and clean water.
- Dry the upholstery thoroughly.
How else can you clean a sofa with vinegar?
Here are five more effective cleansing recipes for different occasions.
Dirt type | Cleaning instructions |
Dust, faded colors (gentle method, suitable for cleaning all upholstery, including tapestry, velor and velvet) |
Stains of beer, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages and other odorous substances; general pollution |
Salt, general pollution |
Attention! Before cleaning a dirty sofa with a solution of water, ammonia, and vinegar, be sure to test the product on an inconspicuous area of the upholstery. This mixture bleaches many fabrics. |
Stains of fruit juices, tomato juice, wine |
Light general soiling, dust |
Now you know how to clean the sofa with vinegar and other household products. These recipes have been tested by thousands of housewives and tested by time - some of them were used by our grandmothers. Such a “dry cleaning” has one drawback - it takes a lot of time and effort. But the costs are minimal, and the result is no worse than from expensive purchased cleaning products.
Don't want to experiment with cleaning your sofa with water, baking soda, vinegar, ammonia or conditioner? Or maybe you just do not have a few free hours for such work? Trust your sofa to professionals who will do everything for you. In Moscow, professional cleaning of sofa upholstery is carried out by Top Dry Cleaning. Contact us now - we will clean your sofa at home at any time of the day and with a guarantee of quality.
All about methods and means of cleaning the surface of leather sofas
November 28, 2017
Furniture care
20 minutes
Any furniture needs maintenance, and leather furniture is no exception. This is a more whimsical and capricious material: it must be regularly wiped from dust, moistened, prevent damage and quickly respond to stains.
Settling dust gradually penetrates into the porous structure of the material, so it becomes more and more difficult to remove it every day. To prevent this from happening, vacuum the sofa once a week and wipe the sofa regularly with a damp calico or flannel cloth. Do not forget about the folds and seams, where a lot of dirt always collects.
Leather upholstery loses elasticity over time and begins to crack due to the evaporation of natural oils from the surface. To slow down this process, use moisturizers (cream or conditioner) and keep the room at a moderate humidity, around 70%. It is not recommended to place a leather sofa close to heating appliances.
If you are planning to leave for a month or more, throw a special cover made of natural material over the sofa: it will prevent dust from accumulating on the surface.
How to properly clean a leather sofa?
Clean your leather sofa for the first time after purchase. Use a special cleaner and a soft brush for this. After a couple of minutes, remove the remnants of the product with a napkin. When the surface dries, apply a special cream. It is easy to do this with a soft cloth. The cream will create a protective coating, and in the future it will be easier to clean the sofa from dirt.
Follow this sequence for all subsequent cleanings:
- Vacuum the surface.
- Remove any remaining dust with a damp cloth.
- Check for contamination. Treat stubborn stains with a special cleaner.
- Remove the product and wipe the entire surface with a dry cloth.
- Apply moisturizer or conditioner to skin.
An alternative to a vacuum cleaner is a steam cleaner. Walk several times over the entire surface, stopping at the dirtiest areas. Then remove excess moisture with a soft cloth.
If a stain is noticed, apply the cleaner to the stain and blot with a tissue. Do not rub the dirt on the skin, as this will only increase the size of the stain. And do not rub the surface too long and thoroughly: you can damage the structure of the material by “rubbing” the pores.
Moist skin easily develops fungus or mold, especially in poorly ventilated rooms, so do not forget to wipe the sofa with a dry cloth after cleaning.
Cleaning products
The documents for the sofa must indicate the type of leather used for the upholstery. Many manufacturers write what exactly can and cannot be used to clean a particular model, be guided by this information. Buy a cleaning agent immediately after purchasing the sofa, do not wait for the first stains to appear.
If no documents can be found, choose a neutral cleaner and test it on an inconspicuous area. Wait until the material dries - sometimes the defect can only appear on a dry surface.
Special cleaners require strict dosing - never pour by eye. For general cleaning, choose soft, gentle products with abundant foam, and apply stain removers pointwise to dirt.
Home remedies
Light dirt can be removed with a soft cloth and soapy water. To prepare it, mix two tablespoons of liquid soap and a spoonful of ammonia in a glass of water. You can use apple cider vinegar instead of soap. Soak a cloth in this solution and wipe the surface, then go over it again with a dry cloth.
Stain removal
How to deal with dust, we figured out, now let's talk about removing more serious dirt.
Spot type | Cleaning method |
Grease stains | If the stain has just appeared, sprinkle it with salt and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the salt and wipe the skin with a soft cloth.![]() |
Blood | Cold soapy water will help clean the sofa of fresh blood. In no case do not use warm water - this way you "fix" the stain on the skin, and it will be ten times more difficult to remove it. An aspirin tablet dissolved in a glass of water will help against dried blood stains. |
Paints or markers | An alcohol solution will help against marks from felt-tip pens or pens. Moisten a cotton pad and gently remove the stain. Alcohol helps the oils evaporate, so be sure to follow up with a moisturizing conditioner or cream after cleansing. Do not use acetone for cleaning, it can damage the leather. |
Drink marks | To remove tea or coffee stains, first wipe the skin with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture, and then sprinkle with salt.![]() |
Wax or gum | In this case, ordinary ice will help. Wrap it in cellophane or a thin rag and apply it to the stain. Wait 10-15 seconds, and then remove the stain with the blunt side of the knife. |
Mold and Mildew Removal
Fungus or mold on leather furniture is caused by high humidity in the home or excess moisture on the surface. To combat them, use specialized tools that are easy to find in a furniture store.
Vinegar solution is suitable for home remedies: mix it at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml of water, moisten a cotton pad, wipe the infected surface, and remove the residue with a dry cloth before the solution is absorbed into the skin. Periodically check the sofa for mold - the longer it "lives" on the skin, the more difficult it will be to remove.
How to clean a white leather sofa?
The white sofa looks more impressive than its black "brother", but it is much more difficult to care for it. If you prefer home remedies, use a mixture of beaten egg white and half a glass of milk for cleaning. Soak a cloth in it and wipe the surface of the sofa. With fresh greasy stains, heated milk, ammonia or vinegar in a weak concentration will cope. Toothpaste will help against simple dirt: apply a little paste on a soft-bristled brush and gently wipe the stain. After cleaning, do not forget to apply a moisturizer - it will not allow the skin to dry out and protect it from dust and high temperatures.
What must not be used for maintenance?
When choosing a cleaning agent, immediately exclude ordinary stain removers, washing powders with abrasive particles, grease-removing dish gels, chlorine products and hard brushes from the list.