Vegetable gardening design ideas
20 Best Vegetable Garden Layout Ideas
Every item on this page was chosen by The Pioneer Woman team. The site may earn a commission on some products.
Grow your own leafy greens in a space of any size! 🥬
By Arricca Elin Sansone
Jon LovetteGetty Images
It takes a lot to start a vegetable garden: choosing the right vegetables to grow and buying seeds, and then there's planning the actual yard space. Of course, there's nothing like the neat and tidy rows of traditional raised garden beds, with everything lined up and planted in an orderly fashion. But, sometimes, you simply don't have the space. If you live in an apartment with a balcony, a condo, or house with a small yard, you've got to get a little more creative. Fortunately, there are vegetable garden layout ideas for any size of yard.
A few factors will help you decide the best layout plan for your vegetable garden. Depending on your plant hardiness zone, you'll want to make sure you find a location for your garden that receives full sun, which is considered 6 or more hours of direct sunlight per day. Many garden favorites, such as tomatoes and bell peppers, like it even hotter, so 8 or more hours is ideal. Very few vegetables will tolerate mostly shade, so if your yard is shaded all day, your best bet is to opt for a container garden that you can place where you do have full sun exposure. Also, make sure you have access to water; that sounds obvious, but if you have to haul watering cans or drag a hose too far in the heat of summer, it's not the most pleasant experience! Still feel up to the challenge? To inspire you, here are the best vegetable garden layout ideas including designs, products, and tips to make your garden even more productive.
1 of 20
Hang a Pot Vegetable Garden
Short on space? Try various hanging pots, which works well for many different types of edibles including strawberries, herbs, and lettuce. Bonus: it keeps your plants away from animals in your garden such as bunnies!
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Prop Up a Ladder Garden
A repurposed ladder makes the perfect foundation for lots of pots of herbs without taking up a ton of space on your patio or deck. It also accommodates different sizes of pots and window boxes, as shown here, for a pretty and appealing display.
Alison Miksch
3 of 20
Interplant with Flowers
If you don't have a dedicated garden plot, plant edibles alongside your flowers. There's always room to tuck pretty plants such as Swiss chard and nasturtium here and there throughout your garden. Plus, the local pollinators will thank you!
James Brokensha Photography
4 of 20
Line Them in Tidy Rows
This layout is the most traditional, and it definitely is appealing! You can plant tight rows of plants that don't mind chilly weather such as lettuce, then pull them out when they go to seed as hot weather hits. Replant a heat lover such as beans in the same space.
Barbara Rich
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Grow Them on a Trellis
Growing up is always a space-saving option. Plus, some veggies, such as cukes and squash, are more productive and less vulnerable to disease with vertical support (due to better air circulation).
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Grow Vegetables in Pots
Place various sizes of pots on the stairs leading to your home. The benefit is that each plant gets its own container so they're not competing for nutrients or moisture.
Gunther Fraulob
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Try Companion Planting
Many gardeners believe that by planting certain combinations of plants together, they're mutually beneficial—keeping away bad insects and attracting the good ones. Here, cabbage is interplanted with signet marigolds (also edible!) for a pretty and practical display.
Barbara Rich
8 of 20
Construct Raised Beds
Raised beds are the best way to deal with poor soil; they also warm up a bit faster in the spring than the ground. You can purchase one or DIY one from wood (don't use pressure-treated, which can leach chemicals) or concrete paver stones.
9 of 20
Grow in a Vertical Garden
If hungry garden visitors keep munching on your produce, try this ingenious solution: Long metal containers, such as repurposed gutters, can be mounted to stakes. Just be sure to punch holes in the bottom of each container, and plant shallow-rooted veggies such as various types of leaf lettuce, creeping herbs such as thyme, or kale.
Julija Kumpinovica
10 of 20
Set Up a Windowsill Garden
If you don't have a bit of space outdoors, a windowsill garden still allows you to grow something useful! Herbs are the best choice because they're easy to grow, many adapt to indoor conditions, and they're so expensive to buy at the grocery store. Just make sure they get plenty of bright light.
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Mount a Wall Garden
Simple shelves or a repurposed wooden pallet make a great hanging vegetable garden. Herbs and lettuce do especially well, and you won't have to share with the neighborhood critters because they can't reach!
Jasemin Abazi / EyeEm
12 of 20
Fill a Pocket Garden
This idea is inexpensive and so cute! Repurpose hanging shoe organizers (just make sure the material is porous or poke 3 to 4 holes in each plastic pocket) to grow shallow-rooted veggies such as lettuce. You'll also find fabric pockets specifically designed for planting.
Philippe Gerber
13 of 20
Grow in Stock Tanks
Stock tanks keep having a moment! Why? They're nearly indestructible, last for years, and are just about the right height for comfortable access--especially if you have back issues. Look for bottomless tanks or poke lots of holes in a traditional stock tank for drainage.
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Use Window Boxes
Dress up windows in a pretty, practical way with a window box full of vegetables or herbs. You can also hang window boxes from deck railing to maximize your space.
Jacky Parker Photography
15 of 20
Arrange Shallow Containers
Why buy lettuce that just ends up going bad in the crisper? Plant shallow containers with various kinds of lettuce, and harvest when you need it. Wait a week or two in between sowings. That way, you'll keep the harvest going longer.
16 of 20
Make Tall Raised Beds
You don't have to forgo the fun of gardening if you have a bad back or achy knees. Raised bed planters at waist height can accommodate you and make gardening more fun, less painful.
17 of 20
Grow in Fabric Bags
Fabric bags are a great way to grow vegetables because you can fold these bags up for storage at the end of the season. They're especially good for crops such as potatoes because it's easier to layer soil and to harvest.
Wander Photography
18 of 20
Go Hydroponic
Hydroponic gardens are less messy because the plants grow in water, not soil. Consider these for indoor gardens if you have zero outdoor planting space or sunlight. Many come in kits that include a grow light.
Firdausiah Mamat
19 of 20
Stuff in Straw Bales
Believe it or not, you can grow vegetables in straw bales! It's fun, clean, and can be done anywhere, such as the edge of your property or even on pavement. The bales typically last a season or two, and you can recycle the rest in your compost bin.
20 of 20
Strawberry Garden
Here's a cool idea for an edible garden! Cut holes into pipe and mount high off the ground to keep your plants away from munching garden visitors. This works especially well for plants that can drape over the edges, such as strawberries. Just be sure to drill some holes for drainage on the bottom of the pipe.
How to Plan a Perfect Mother's Day Brunch Menu
Arricca Elin Sansone Arricca SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more.
25 Incredible Vegetable Garden Ideas
Growing your own produce at home has seen a surge in popularity in the last decade as it encompasses three huge trends: eating clean, saving money, and knowing exactly where your food comes from.
Whether you’re in love with the premise of homegrown organic vegetables or are simply looking to reduce your shopping bill, this list of 25 vegetable garden ideas will have you reaching for your trowel.
1. Raised Beds
Raised beds are a sleek looking way to have your vegetable garden presented in your backyard. It looks clean and landscaped, while also being functional; you could grow different types of vegetables in each planter. For example, you could plant root vegetables in one planter, lettuces in another, and so on. This method of separating your vegetables in different planters will help you focus different types of plant food on specific types of vegetables to help them get the nutrients they need and improve their growth. The raised beds shown here are bordered with wooden planks, keeping your vegetables to their own area and ensuring your yard remains neat and tidy.
2. Fancy Plant
Vegetable gardens, though beneficial in many ways, are often considered to be quite unattractive and messy, and therefore are generally not present in yards that are immaculately kept. This doesn’t need to be the case, however, as is displayed here in this yard where defined vegetable garden beds sit on a manicured lawn. Providing the vegetable patches are well-maintained, you can still achieve a polished look. Using an edging tool around the vegetable beds will create a defined look, adding to the pristine effect. Grouping similar vegetable types together will also prevent the beds from looking disorderly.
3. Yard Sale Pots
You don’t need a lot of space or money to grow your own vegetables. Pots and planters are ideal vehicles for growing vegetables, and you can use the containers that you probably already have lurking around your garage or garden shed. You could also pick up a selection of various pots at yard sales, as a collection of old mismatched pots filled with growing vegetables will fit with the popular rustic trend. Growing your own food doesn’t need to be expensive; you can have fun sourcing containers from markets or friends and family, and then, find more enjoyment in planting your vegetables and watching them flourish in your inexpensive mismatched pot collection.
4. Divide and Conquer
A large bed with a divider would work well for people who have a small to medium-sized lawn, or for people who want to keep their vegetable garden fairly compact while still growing a variety of vegetables. This is a more easily achievable alternative to having several vegetable beds, which would require more space and more effort to create. The divider is a simple and inexpensive solution for keeping different varieties of vegetables separate. These dividers can be purchased from hardware stores, but could also be easily replicated at home with a few lengths of timber. The planks need to be set out in a grid shape, and could be secured together either with glue, screws, tack nails, or garden string.
5. Hanging Planters
Growing vegetables in hanging planters is an excellent space-saving solution and could be done with just a few planters, or in bulk as seen here. Utilizing hanging planters means you can keep different types of vegetables separate, which can benefit the plants themselves. But it will also make life easier for you if different vegetables require different treatment in terms of the frequency and amount of watering they need.
Planters are best hung from metal frames for strength and stability as they can become quite heavy when filled. The planters themselves could be built from wood, metal, or plastic, depending on the look you are going for and the amount of money you wish to spend.
6. Urban Gardening Box
A vegetable garden in a box is a perfect way for urban city dwellers to grow their own produce. Your container box can be kept on a windowsill, a balcony, a terrace, or small garden, and the size of the box can be specifically chosen to suit your space limitations. Though you may not be able to grow an abundance of vegetables in a container box, a small selection of your favorite vegetables should be easily achievable. With the addition of a couple of grow lights, you can keep your garden growing all year round. You can also rotate your crops to grow different crops one after the other.
7. Planter Party
If you are fortunate to have the space required, you could create your own vegetable garden by grouping together a selection of large planters. These deep planters are perfect for growing root vegetables that require extra space, and the height of them also means you won’t have to spend hours on your knees tending to the needs of your plants. Tall planters such as this would be ideal for anyone with joint issues, as you could happily pull up a chair and enjoy gardening without running into stiff joints or aching muscle issues.
8. Heart-Shaped Box
If you like your gardening endeavors to be more on the unique side, there’s no reason why you can’t get creative with your vegetable garden. This heart-shaped vegetable plot is just one example of how you can customize your garden to reflect your personality. You could buy a shaped container to house your vegetables, or, alternatively, build your own vegetable bed on the soil in your yard to your chosen shape using regular garden tools. Edge the vegetable bed in a miniature fence to enclose the vegetables and maintain the shape.
9. Children’s Veg Garden
Having a vegetable plot in your backyard for your children to tend to has many benefits. Gardening can increase a child’s concentration, help develop an interest in healthy eating, encourage children to spend time outdoors away from their digital devices, build self-confidence, and nurture a love of nature. Gardening is also a perfect way to bond with your children and allow them to reap the rewards of their handiwork. To create a children’s vegetable garden, focus on functionality rather than appearance. Build the garden in a safe place easily accessible for your child, and space out vegetables so that they can maneuver safely between them.
10. Tiered Vegetable Plants
If your backyard is on a slope, then instead of trying to contend with it, make a feature out of it. Create a multi-level vegetable garden by building planters in a step-like method, and make the most of your sloping yard. These tiered planters have been painted to draw extra attention to them. If you plan on painting your planters, be sure to do it before planting your vegetables and choose a hardwearing paint intended for use outside to prevent fading and peeling.
11. Planting Table
Planting tables, though generally quite costly, are an excellent space in which you can grow vegetables without using up valuable floor space. You can purchase planting tables in a variety of sizes to suit the space you have, the only limitation being that they tend to be quite shallow and so are not suitable for growing vegetables which require a lot of growing space beneath the soil. Obviously, they are portable and therefore can be moved into a greenhouse during adverse weather, or can be moved around your yard to a more suitable spot if you find your vegetables are not thriving.
12. Green Roof
Accessible rooftops make excellent spaces for growing plants, herbs, and vegetables. Due to their comparative height with other buildings and trees, they tend not to be in the shadows during any time of the day, and therefore vegetables benefit from maximum levels of sunlight. They also make efficient use of rainwater. Having a vegetable garden on your roof gives you a peaceful and quiet place to relax in the middle of a city, as well as a great view while you’re gardening. Green roofs have many other benefits, including prolonging the lifespan of roofs by protecting their materials from the elements, as well as reducing energy bills as green roofs tend to keep buildings warmer.
Communal vegetable gardens are growing in popularity as a means to enjoy fresh organic produce while also building relationships within the community. The general idea behind community gardens is that a single plot of land, typically owned by local authorities or a non-profit organization, is turned into a communal vegetable garden that can be nurtured by individuals within the community, who then share the produce once it is harvested. These community vegetable gardens are a great way to get to know your neighbors and build positive connections in your neighborhood. They also improve the attractiveness of your local area and encourage community spirit.
14. Industrial Garden
Galvanized containers can be utilized as portable vegetable containers in backyards, on balconies, or on rooftop gardens. They are especially useful for growing vegetables which have deep root systems, due to their depth, along with plants which bear fruits, such as tomato plants, as stakes can easily be placed in them and won’t fall over. Galvanized pots are very sturdy and hardwearing, and therefore are a good investment which can be used year upon year. They have a trendy industrial look about them, which has become increasingly popular in recent years and can be picked up relatively cheaply at hardware stores.
15. Busy Balcony
In lieu of a backyard, you can make use of your balcony as a home for your vegetable garden. You can be selective with your choice of vegetables, choosing to grow only those that take up limited space, or if you’re keen on growing a wide variety of produce, then you can maximize growing platforms by being clever with your space. Balcony planters are available that can be fixed to the railings of a balcony, creating a growing space which didn’t previously exist. You can also create more growing space by placing planters on shelves on your balcony, fixing planters to the walls, or using hanging planters.
16. Green Wall
Wall planters solve the problem of trying to create a vegetable garden in limited space. Wooden or metal planters can simply be hung or screwed onto the wall, providing a place to grow your produce. If positioning several planters on to a wall, be sure to allow enough space above each planter for the vegetables to grow upwards.
17. Vegetable Deck
If your outside space is decked, consider using solid planters to house growing vegetables. Concrete or metal planters can look sleek and elegant on decks, and they do a great job of keeping soil and compost from spilling out onto your deck. Large planters filled with vegetation will also provide some welcome greenery on a decked area.
18. Vertical Gardening
Vertical gardening has really taken off over the last few years, as growing plants and vegetables has become more trendy among younger generations who often live in apartment blocks or have very limited outside space. A vertical garden can be looked upon similarly as the idea behind high rise buildings; when you don’t have the floor space to build outwards, instead build upwards, creating masses of space on a small footprint. A vertical vegetable garden can be achieved by creating vessels on your walls or fences in which you can plant your growing produce.
19. Hanging Baskets
Hanging baskets are synonymous with flowing flowers, but they are actually a great receptacle for growing produce, particularly herbs that don’t require as much growing room as vegetables. You could hang baskets in your backyard or on your balcony, growing herbs to complement the vegetables you have growing elsewhere.
20. Through the Window
This window box is proof that you don’t require any outside space at all to grow your own vegetables. Produce can be grown entirely indoors as long as it is placed in an area with lots of sunlight, such as a windowsill. Green onions are the perfect vegetable to grow in a window box as they need very little space, and a large quantity can be grown in a relatively small container.
21. One-Pot Wonder
If you’re only just embarking on your vegetable growing journey, then you may want to start small rather than going whole hog right from the start. You can grow your own food with just one container pot, and once you become accustomed to the level of care your growing vegetables need, you can choose to branch out with more pots, or just continue with your one pot project. A tomato plant is always a good starter plant, as it grows upwards fairly rapidly, requiring little space to achieve an abundance of the fruit.
22. Grow Bags
If you’re not particularly interested in how your vegetable garden looks, then grow bags are the perfect low-cost medium for growing vegetables at home. They can be washed out and reused after each season, providing a long-term solution for your vegetable growing needs. They are popular among experienced gardeners because they don’t dry out at the bottom like some pots do, retaining more moisture and nutrients for better plant growth.
23. Hydroponic Vegetables
Hydroponic gardening is the art of growing plants without the use of soil or compost. It is taking off in a big way in the vegetable supply industry due to its efficiency, but a DIY hydroponic vegetable garden can be achieved at home with a little bit of research and some basic items that you probably already own.
24. Veg Edge
Create your own vegetable plot in your garden by simply introducing nutrient-dense soil into a specific area and enclosing it with a low-height edging strip. The benefits of this option are that you can completely customize the size and shape of your vegetable garden, and it involves very little time, effort, and money spent before you can jump in and get your hands dirty with planting your veggies.
25. Greenhouses
The humidity in a greenhouse makes for an ideal vegetable growing environment, and you will find that your vegetables thrive more so than if you grow them in an open space. Though greenhouses have taken a dive in popularity, most likely due to their often unattractive appearance, there is no contest when it comes to the best conditions in which to grow plants. If you’re willing to spend a small fortune, there are modern greenhouses on the market to house your vegetable garden and make a trendy statement in your yard at the same time.
Growing your own vegetables is a very rewarding hobby, whichever way you choose to do it.
Garden design: styles, decor, design of garden beds, rules
Every owner of a house with a garden plot or summer cottage wants to make this place as convenient as possible. Regardless of the size of free land, the site can be arranged in several ways, the main thing is to develop the design of the garden correctly.
No matter the size, making a beautiful garden is easy
Garden design needs to be done right
To begin with, it is recommended to create an approximate garden design scheme
- 1 Planning garden and country design
- 2 Basic styles
- 3 Technique for decorating a plot with flowers
- 4 Technique for decorating a plot with trees and shrubs
- 5 Basic rules for decorating a small plot, decorating an entrance and garden
- 6 green zone
- 7 How to save on design
- 8 50 photos of garden design ideas:
- 8.1 See also
Garden and country design planning
Professional designers recommend starting garden design with a blueprint. It can be exemplary, in the process you can remove something, modify it, change it.
There are several options for planning landscape design, they reflect the main purpose of the land.
- Recreational area. If the owners are not summer residents, growing plants is not included in their plans, then the entire zone is a place for rest and relaxation. If the footage allows, you can allocate a few meters for a garage, gazebo, bath. Fresh air is conducive to picnics. Therefore, opposite the main house, or on the side, build a playground, patio, artificial pond. nine0014
- Plot for work. Suitable for those who like to grow plants, care for them, collect and preserve. Here, the main part of the territory is intended for beds, the rest for shrubs, garden trees. If the size of the site allows, then you can create a small recreation area, for example, a bench under a canopy.
- Combination. The latest in garden design. You can work, then have a good rest. The main footage is allocated for the beds. They can be combined.
Along the perimeter it is possible to plant berry bushes, fruit trees. Leave the rest of the place for a recreation area. This is a canopy, a gazebo, a small pond, flower beds. nine0014
You can decorate the garden in different ways, it all depends on the preferences of the owners
On the work site everything is adapted for growing
In fact, if you take landscape design seriously, you can create a small, detached oasis for relaxing with friends or family. The main thing is to follow a few basic rules.
- Consider style in advance.
- Correctly choose the method of gardening, the necessary plants, trees, shrubs. nine0014
- Properly arrange everything.
The result will not be long in coming, the design of the garden will amaze the imagination.
Thinking ahead when designing a vegetable garden
A vegetable garden can perform different functions, if it is a place for recreation, then it is better to plant flowers there
If everything is done correctly, then the result will pleasantly surprise you
See also Coniferous in the landscape design of a summer cottage
nine0002 If the site is drawn up by the owners themselves, then it is not necessary to comply with all design canons.
Regular | Garden design, for which the observance of geometric lines, the general style. Lawns should be located evenly, flower beds symmetrically to each other. An author's statue or fountain will look unusual | nine0087
Landscape | A calmer and more natural garden design. When making a shrub, spruce is preferable. It is possible to build an artificial pond or stream |
Alpine | For him, it is better to buy wild flowers, from which you can build multi-level flower beds. Along the perimeter, stones can be laid out, pebbles can be poured |
Village | nine0079
There are many smaller styles for decorating summer cottages and gardens: oriental, Mediterranean, exotic, French, English. If the family could not find a solution that would suit everyone, you can apply the combined design of the garden and vegetable garden. nine0003
If you create a design on your own, the atmosphere will be more homely
A rustic garden would be a great place to relax
See alsoEnglish garden landscape design: ideas with photos
Rarely, when there are no flower beds on a personal plot, in a dacha. They are the main decoration of the entire perimeter and landscape design in general. In order for them to please the owners all year round, it is necessary to choose the right seasonal plant species. nine0003
Flowers are annuals, biennials, perennials. Depending on the specific species, they are able to spread out as a carpet, or create a hedge. Most experienced flower growers recommend planting mainly bulbous, perennial plants on their site and diluting them with annuals. Compositions will always be different and unique.
It is advisable to plant flowers in the garden, they will harmoniously complement the overall picture
You can choose plants that will delight you all year round
Many experts recommend planting perennials by combining them with annuals
Flower beds can be arranged in many ways.
- Discount. A strip of flowering plants located around the lawn. For this design method, carpet varieties of flowers are preferable: chistets, echeveria. Due to the high density of the cover, you can make a composition of any complexity and color.
- Border. Plants are arranged in the form of a border, preference is given to undersized specimens: aster, iberis, marigolds.
- Mixborder. In this case, several types of flowers are used, the flower bed can be made multi-level, of various shapes.
In addition to various types of flower beds, vertical gardening can be used to decorate the design of the garden. It will help to hide an old, ugly fence, a blank wall, play the role of a living fence, put it along the gazebo.
Climbing plants are used in vertical gardening: hops, grapes, clematis.
Colors can hide some imperfections in area
Flower beds can be arranged in different ways
See alsoDecor for the garden with your own hands
As a rule, several trees and shrubs are planted in all summer cottages and household plots. The design of the garden in the country allows this. Trees can be both fruit and ornamental. Between them, you can safely place beds with vegetable crops, the main thing is that they have enough sunlight.
The first ones are planted from the north, so that they and the nearby beds have enough sunlight. nine0003
Coniferous trees are a wonderful element of decor. They make a stunning hedge, which in summer gives coolness, in winter it pleases the eye with a rich green color. Conifers are unpretentious in care, organically fit into any type of landscape design.
In most cases, arborvitae, spruces, pines, junipers are used.
Usually a few trees and shrubs are planted on the plot
Trees may be fruit and ornamental
Coniferous trees will look very good in the design of the garden
See also What should be the design of the veranda?
Basic rules for the design of a small plot
Plots with small footage can also be beautifully and unusually designed. In such cases, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rule: "Massive elements do not belong here."
All buildings other than the main building must not be large. They can be hidden behind hedges or plantings. Even small buildings should be single, it is necessary to alternate the recreation area with decorative elements, a gazebo, benches. nine0003
Plots with small footage can also be beautifully and unusually designed
In small areas it is better not to use massive elements
Deaf, high fences are prohibited by garden design. In a small space, they will create the impression of a cage, narrow the space even more, and air circulation will be disturbed. It can be replaced with a mesh fence and a picket fence.
Do not plant trees that can grow "to heaven". It is better to replace them with undersized ones. nine0003
To visually expand the space it is necessary to avoid strict lines and angles. Everything should be streamlined, neat. Flower beds with plants should be oval or rounded. It is better to plant trees not one after another, but scattered, in different parts of the site.
To save money, it is better to plant perennials diluting them with annuals
You can decorate the site beautifully without much effort
Trees are best planted undersized
See alsoModern landscape design. Top trends
Designing beds, entering and leaving the green zone
Before starting to form beds, the site must be cleared, divided into zones. If the place is located on a hill where the wind often blows, you can build a low fence. But, you do not need to close the sunlight to the plants.
In order for the beds to differ from each other, they are delimited by boards laid in different shapes. You can play with these figures. For example, plant one type of flower in the center, around it another, third. The space between them can be filled with decorative stones, green grass, gravel. nine0003
The landscape design of the garden looks amazing, where the compositions of vegetables and flowers are correctly selected. For example, calendula + garlic, basil, tomato, lettuce; marigolds + bell pepper, dill; peony + beans, peas; poppy + garlic, carrots; rose + beets, cabbage, lettuce; cloves + onions, cabbage.
Before starting, it is worth dividing the site into zones
Beds are best demarcated
See alsoLandscape plants
How to save on design
Any area can be beautifully decorated without much effort and at minimal cost. When developing an author's design, the main expense column is the purchase of seedlings, seeds, decor elements. A multi-grass lawn will significantly reduce costs. You can buy inexpensive varieties and mix them with natural, natural weeds.
A beautiful flower garden is the result of the gardener's creative imagination. To save money, it is better to plant in perennials, diluting a little with annuals. nine0003
Climbing plants may be used. They are perennial, unpretentious in care and every year you can change the direction of growth.
Garden design: 50 beautiful photos, tips for landscaping
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nine0004 Layout, types of beds and options for their design - we tell you how to beautifully arrange other elements of the garden on the planting site.
Thinking through the design of a suburban area, we first of all think about the design of the garden and recreation area. Landings are usually perceived as a purely functional part of the territory, although in fact it is the same full-fledged element of the landscape. They affect the overall appearance of the site and can also look spectacular and decorative. In this article, we tell you how to arrange a comfortable and at the same time beautiful garden in a private house. nine0003
How to arrange a garden and garden beautifully
Design ideas
— Types of beds
— Design options
— Other elements
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The main function of the garden is practical. Here you will spend a lot of time doing various garden work, harvesting. Therefore, first of all, it is important to think over its layout: size, location, composition, interaction with other zones. nine0003
Things to consider:
- Tasks. Thinking about planting in the country, we immediately imagine endless rows of potato bushes, but this does not have to be the case. Now mini-gardens are in trend: for example, only with herbs. Or maybe you love fresh berries in the summer and you don't need vegetables at all. Based on your plans for the harvest, it will become clear what size the garden will be approximately.
- The size and shape of the plot. The beds are just one of the components of the local area. There are also outbuildings, the house itself, a garden, a recreation area, additional elements (pool, pond, well, barbecue area, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to plan the number and location of the ridges, taking into account all this. If the site is very small, think about what you can give up or how to add usable area. For example, flower beds can be transferred from the ground to a pergola or special multi-tiered structures, thus freeing up space below for planting.
Or, conversely, organize a vegetable garden in containers if you do not intend to grow a lot of fruits and vegetables. nine0014
- Relief. In addition to the area, the relief of the territory is also important. The landscape design of the garden on a plot with a flat surface and with a slope will be different. If in the first case everything is simple, then in the second, as a rule, soil strengthening is required. Terracing is often used for this - just on such surfaces you can set up a neat vegetable garden. Or make multi-tiered beds that repeat the natural relief.
- landing conditions. This is the general climate, the illumination of the site, humidity, soil composition, proximity to other plants, etc. You can influence some of these factors by placing the landings in the appropriate place. And if this is not possible, then select crops suitable for your site. nine0014
- Logistics. It is important to arrange the beds so that it is convenient for you to interact with them.
For example, if you use water from barrels for watering, it is better to set up a vegetable garden closer to them. Also, there should be a convenient passage to it, and it is better to store all the necessary garden tools within walking distance - or at least not at the other end of the site, especially if it is large.
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Let's take a closer look at how to create a beautiful garden with your own hands.
Varieties of beds
The first thing to consider is whether the beds will be static or temporary. The first option is the classic and most popular. For landings, they choose a certain place that does not change. The second type is suitable for those who do not plan to set up a large-scale garden or have not yet decided what the final landscape will look like. Temporary beds are mobile, their location can be changed every year and even during the season. nine0003
There are several types of classic static beds (several can be combined on the same plot!):
- Low - these are the most common strips of fertile land, slightly rising above the rest of the plot. The height of the side does not exceed 10-15 cm. Often they are left in their natural form, only trampling paths between the ridges. If the soil is too loose or you want to make the planting area more decorative, fences are added.
- High - these include structures with a height of about 80-100 cm. This arrangement is considered the most comfortable for the gardener - you do not need to bend low during weeding or watering. Also, high beds dry out quickly, so they are great for rainy areas. At the same time, in a normal climate, they will have to be watered more often than ordinary beds. Either ordinary soil or more complex combinations are used as filling: for example, with the addition of a layer of branches.
- Vertical is a very useful and sometimes the only possible solution for a small area. If there is not enough space on the ground, this option allows you to get additional usable area. Strawberries are usually planted in plastic tubes that are stacked on top of each other. Herbs, cucumbers and tomatoes are placed in small containers in horizontal rows. And climbing vegetables can be planted in barrels. This planting is also good because crops become less accessible to soil pests. nine0014
- Multi-tiered - to save space, play with difficult terrain, or, conversely, diversify too flat terrain, you can use multi-tiered structures. Several beds in special containers of different sizes are stacked on top of each other, forming an interesting composition. In this case, again, an additional - vertical - area is involved.
- Warm - used as an analogue of a large greenhouse if you live in a harsh climate or want to get an earlier harvest of vegetables. According to the type of construction, they can be high or low, the main difference from the usual ones is an additional bottom layer of fresh manure or compost that has not had time to ferment.
Additionally, you can make a protective coating on top: a film on the crossbars or a cap roof if the structure has a frame. nine0003
Blogger Agnes Annerbrink's social networks
Warm beds
Design options
To get a beautiful garden, as in the photo below, the beds should be designed aesthetically, neat fences or decorative elements are added to the plantings.
Blogger Teresa Berry's social networks
Here are some ideas that are relevant and easy to implement:
- Plank fence - fast, easy, inexpensive and environmentally friendly. It is enough to make a fence around the perimeter of boards, lining, log cabins or timber - and you get a natural decoration for plantings. This decor is suitable for a landscape, eco- or Scandinavian garden. nine0014
- Decorative borders - they will help "pick up" the tracks and outline their boundaries. Materials can be anything: slate, vine, plastic, metal shield, glass bottles, etc.
If the ridge is large, for greater stability of the sides, you can install them not just on the ground, but dig small grooves.
- French garden - if you have a regular garden on your site, this arrangement of plantings will complement the severity of its lines. The beds are arranged symmetrically in a circle or rectangle, divided into several identical sectors. Garden paths are laid between them - they are usually made of gravel or tiles. Sometimes, if space permits, a lawn is added. nine0014
- Bags or baskets are an unusual but very effective way to beat landings. To do this, a long strip of land is allocated under them (it can be additionally fenced with bricks or boards), which is made with the same strong bags or baskets with soil and plants planted in it. It turns out decorative and at the same time functional.
- Bosquet-bed - instead of the usual sides along the perimeter of the plantings, a mini-hedge of tiny shrubs is planted. For this role, for example, evergreen boxwood is suitable - it feels great in the climate of the middle lane.
- Flowerpots and large planters - any game with meanings looks interesting. So, instead of the usual flowers in beautiful pots or vases, you can plant herbs, mint, onions or a few garden strawberry bushes.
photoSocial networks of blogger Elizaveta Mikhalkova
Social networks of blogger Boho Wife
Social networks of Wood&Stone 9 studio0003
Blogger's social networks Homegrown Patch
Other elements
Finally, in addition to the plantings themselves, other elements can be located in the garden area, which also need to be included in the overall design.
Social networks of blogger Elizaveta Mikhalkova
First of all, these are greenhouses: large or micro - depending on the size of the plot and the amount of crop that you plan to get. If this is a full-fledged building, it can be located both in the center of the landings, and a little to the side.
For convenience and aesthetics, you can lay out paths from the greenhouse along the ridges, put a couple of planters with flowers or herbs in the general style at the entrance. And greenhouse-type beds - alternate with ordinary ones. nine0003
Most often, a small shed is built to store tools and other summer fixtures. In this case, it can also be decorated with: climbing plants, an attached rack with flower pots or vertical micro-beds, garden decorations. If there is no space for a separate building on the site, organize more compact storage. For example, you can put a wooden or metal rack right in the planting area, decorating it with vines. Make a small table, hang tools on hooks from the fence, make a composition of boxes on the ground, etc. nine0004 Social networks of blogger Agnes Annerbrink
Social networks of blogger Saltbox Acres
Social networks of blogger Elizaveta Mikhalkova
Material prepared by
Anastasia Stepanova
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