Seven ways to stop a burglar

How to Prevent Burglary: 10 Tips from a Burglar

From Spotlight: Home Cleaning Tips That’ll Put More Happy in Your Holidays

Don’t come home to a nightmare and the feeling of being invaded. Here how to stop a house burglary from ever happening.

Image: tommaso79/Getty

You come home to an open front door, a ransacked house, and missing valuables. How did a burglar know you’d be gone? How did they get in? 

Here are nine tips from a burglar's perspective about how to keep them out. And try these home security tips to prevent burglary, too.

#1 Put Ladders Away

Call me a social climber if you will, but I love ladders. They make it so easy to reach a second-story window. I really love it when upper story openings aren’t wired to a home security system. 

So, if you want to keep me out, store your ladder in the basement or a locked garage. And call your security company to wire upper-story windows into your alarm system.

#2 Don't Make Your Trash So Visible

Can’t tell you how much fun I have driving around neighborhoods on trash day (especially after big gift holidays) when the empty boxes on the curb reveal what wonderful new toys you have. That made it possible for me to land a new laptop and a flat-screen TV in one easy trip to your home!

Next time, break down the boxes and conceal them in the recycling or trash bins. 

#3 Keep Shrubs Trimmed

Oh, how I love overgrown shrubs and trees. A wonderful place to hide before I break in and grab all your cool stuff. 

Trim back bushes and trees near windows and doors. Make sure entry points to your home are easily visible from the street. I much prefer to work in private. While you’re at it, install motion-sensor lighting. 

#4 Be Sure Your Exterior Doors Are Steel

A plain wood-panel door is an invitation. I have no trouble kicking it in. 

You may want to install steel-wrapped exterior doors with deadbolts on all your entries. And be sure your windows are locked when you’re away. 

#5 Watch Where You Hang Mirrors

You’d be surprised how many homeowners position a mirror in their entry hall so I can see from a window if the alarm system is armed.

A little free advice: Relocate the mirror so your alarm system isn’t visible if someone peers through a window.

#6 Have Someone Attend to Your Home When You're Away

Wow, isn’t it amazing how fast the grass grows? An uncut lawn, unshoveled sidewalks, packages on the porch or in the yard, and shades always closed scream, "I'm empty. Come inside!" 

Hire someone you trust to mow or shovel regularly, pick up around the porch and doorstep, open and close various window shades, and turn different lights on and off (or put a few on timers). One more thing: Lock any car you leave in the driveway, or I can use your garage door opener to get in quickly.

#7 Don't Put Valuables in an Easy-Carry Case

I can carry that right out your back door. 

You may want to invest in a wall safe, which I rarely attempt to open. Or, rent a lock box at your bank.

It's quite likely that I'm a friend of a friend of yours in the interwebs. And through them, I may discover you're away for the week in Paris, having the time of your life. And I'll have the time of my life ransacking your place.

If only you had known that posting comments and photos of your trip on social networks is fine — as long as you do that after you return, so you won't broadcast your absence.

#9 Inviting People to Your Home to See Stuff You're Selling

You're downsizing. Great! Selling a bunch of stuff like TVs, computers, jewelry. I just have to call you up, and when you invite me to your home, I just grab the items and run.

It's called “robbery by appointment.” If you want to sell high-ticket items to strangers, I suggest you arrange to meet at the parking lot of your local police station. I definitely won’t show up, and you’ll still have your valuables.

For more tips, see our list of low-cost tricks to fool burglars. Did you know there's a gizmo that mimics the glow of a TV?

More in Finances & Taxes

Top 13 Foolproof Ways to Stop Burglars from Targeting Your Home

Top 13 Foolproof Ways to Stop Burglar from Targeting Your Home

So how to stop burglars from targeting your home or getting into your house?

Here we have collected the top 13 easy, affordable and effective ways to deter burglars based on a survey of 86 inmates currently serving time for burglary.

Also Learn: How to know if your house if being targeted by burglars in this guide.

#1. Install Home Security Cameras

Security cameras on display around your home is one of the most useful ways to prevent home break-ins, and statistics show homes with security systems are up to 300% less likely to be broken into.

When the burglars see one, they know you’re serious about protecting your home. Even if they have masks on, they still don’t want to run the risk of triggering the audio alarms of security cameras and being captured in the video footage.

As you are more likely to be burglarized if you rent than own your home, installing a security camera for your rented home would be the best way to stop burglars from targeting your home.

Note that the landlord’s consent is required if you opt for hard-wired security cameras or need to drill holes around. So it is best for you to choose the 100% wire-free security cameras that require no cablings or drilling holes and can be repositioned when you need to move.

Reolink Argus 2

100% Wire-Free Starlight Camera

Rechargeable Battery & Solar Powered; Outdoor/Indoor Protection; 1080 Full HD; Starlight Night Vision; 2-Way Audio; Live View Anytime Anywhere.

Learn More

Editor’s Tip: Some insurance companies offer up to 20% of home insurance discounts for security cameras. You can also choose the DIY security cameras with no subscription fees to save money when buying home security cameras.

Watch the video of a shirtless man vandalizing the car captured by the Reolink security camera, RLC-410.

Reolink RLC-410

PoE Bullet IP Security Camera with Audio

5MP/4MP Super HD; Outdoor/Indoor Protection; 100ft Infrared Night Vision; Audio Recording; Mobile Remote Access & Control.

Learn More

#2. Home Security Checks

Another good way to stop burglars and robbers getting in your house is to have security checks. Some police departments will send a crime prevention specialist out to your residence for a free inspection. And they will give you a summary of what you can do to stop burglars from targeting your home and beef up your home security.

Call the crime prevention unit of your local police department to see if they offer the free home security checks. If they don’t, ask if there is an online checklist they recommend to the local community.

#3. Get a Big Barking Dog

Having a big guard dog is an old-school method to stop burglars from targeting your home, but it DOES work - 34% convicted burglars surveyed said that a dog inside would change their mind before breaking into a home.

And even a small dog with a loud bark can be a deterrent against bandits and thieves to protect your home from burglary. Burglars know that small dogs barking can wake up the people inside, and most burglars don’t want their presence known.

However, stopping a burglary isn’t a good enough reason to get a big guard dog. Dogs require care and companionship, and you shouldn’t get one if you’re not prepared to take care of it. If you do get a guard dog, put up a “Beware Of Dog” sign to make it clear you have one.

Discuss more: Does having a dog deter burglars? Read this post to check out the all-sided views.

#4. Install Motion-Activated Floodlights

Installing motion-activated floodlights and keeping them on at night can also be an effective way to scare burglars away and keep thieves or bandits away from your house.

Any burglars who want to set foot on your property will soon find themselves in the spotlight. That isn’t any fun, and they’ll probably scurry off quickly.

They know a home with motion-activated floodlights is probably not a good one to break into. Burglars and thieves will want to target properties that don’t seem to have a lot of defenses up, and they want to sneak in and out fast without any detection.

If you can stop them in their tracks before they ever get near your front door, then you’re one step ahead of the game.

#5. Trim Back Bushes and Shrubs

Bushes and shrubs that grow out of control could be the best places for burglars and bandits to hide themselves when they case your house. Make sure they are trimmed back sufficiently and that there aren’t any dark spots or hidden areas where burglars could hide.

And you certainly don’t want a burglar to feel like he can hide somewhere until the moment is ideal to break in. Illuminate everything and putting up signs would deter burglars from entering at all.

#6. Lock Everything Up

Based on our survey of the burglars, 56% of them come in through either the front door or back door. Another 22% come in through a first floor window.

To stop the burglars from targeting your home, put in solid, thick doors that can’t be kicked in and install deadbolt locks. Besides, install thick windows that can’t be easily broken into (and lock them just in case). In this way, you will reduce the likelihood that your home will be broken into by nearly 80%.

Bonus Tip: Read this expert guide to learn how to secure your home windows from break-ins.

#7. Use Indoor Lights with Random Timers

Putting indoor lights on timers can also help stop burglars from targeting your home when you’re away. Just make sure the timers are random so that burglars can’t detect a pattern.

If you leave lights on or off all the time inside, it gives a signal to burglars that no one’s home. So it is wide of you to set the lights to turn on and off randomly.

#8. Have Someone Remove Flyers and Mails

One trick burglars often use is to put flyers on every door of a neighborhood and see how long it takes homeowners to remove them. They usually do this during the summer, when families are typically on vacation.

One of the best ways to deter burglars or thieves and stop them from targeting your home while you’re away on vacation is to have a friend or neighbor remove flyers and mail every day. Flyers and mail piling up can indicate that you’re away.

#9. Leave Your Radio and TV On

A loud radio or TV on can be an even better deterrent than an alarm (learn more burglar deterrent gadgets here )to prevent burglars and bandits from breaking into your home. When the radio and TV is on, it indicates to burglars that someone is probably inside. Most homeowners don’t like to waste electricity.

#10. Close Your Blinds

Keeping your blinds – even at night is a can’t-miss tip you should follow to stop burglars from targeting your home. They like to walk through neighborhoods and look into windows for flat-screen TVs and gaming systems.

Burglars also want to get a feel for who has the nicest stuff and where it is inside the home. That makes it easier for them to get in and out quickly with some valuables. Keep your blinds closed – even at night – to prevent them from seeing what’s inside.

#11. Put Your Valuables Away

Putting bikes, tools, and other valuables away when you’re done using them also does the trick to keep burglars away from your house. You absolutely don’t want to give a burglar any reason to come on your property. If they see those valuables, they may wonder what else is inside.

#12. Make Friends with Your Neighbors

The tight-knit communities tend to have a lower crime rate as neighbors help look out for each other and can easily spot a strange.

Making friends with your neighbors can be one of the great ways to prevent burglars from breaking into your home because they offer extra eyes on your home property when you are away and can alert you to any suspicious activity.

You can also consider forming a neighborhood watch program to monitor your community on a “round-the-clock” basis as a way to deter burglars and improve security. (Click here to learn how to start a successful neighborhood watch program.)

Keeping a low profile on social media is also a smart way to stop burglars from targeting your home. Never mention you’ve made large purchases or you’re away on vacation on social media, or even in person to people you think you can trust.

If a burglar notices the purchase of expensive items or your absence of home for long periods, they will be more likely to target your home.


Your home is your castle, and every castle has to be defended. These helpful tips should help stop burglars from breaking into your home. Now safeguard your home against cat burglars by applying the advice listed here.

And if you have more effective ideas about how to stop burglars from targeting your home, please feel free to contact us in the comment below and we’d love to hear more from you!

What can stop the robbers?

June 19 2015

Sometimes a burglar will look at a house and think, "No way am I going to try and rob this place!"

Do you want to make your home such a place? It's up to you.

University of North Carolina researchers interviewed 372 burglars and asked them what security and environmental conditions would stop them from attempting a burglary.

In this article, we'll look at the top 10 factors that influence a burglar's decision and the steps you can take to protect your family. We list them below in order of increasing importance. nine0003

10. Escape routes

A criminal is more likely to rob your house if he is sure he can get away easily. One way to stop him from doing this is to increase some security measures, such as locking the gates in the yard and trimming the hedges to reduce the number of places that the robber can use for cover.

9. Security plate

Even if you actually have a security system, you need to let burglars know about it! Make sure you have a security sign in a visible place. nine0003

8. Close neighbors

Robbers don't want to be seen. So, the closer your neighbors live, the better.

7. Heavy traffic near the house

Heavy traffic near the house means that there are more potential witnesses. Of course, you cannot influence the situation in any way in this case. But if you're moving, keep that in mind when assessing the security of your home.

6. Police

Almost half of the burglars, when deciding whether to break into a house, first find out how close the police station is to the house. nine0003

5. Car at the house

If there is a car at the house, it means that someone is at home. Leave your car at home when you go on vacation.

4. Presence of a dog in the house

According to the study, robbers hate dogs.

There are two main types of dogs: