Two houses on same lot
Can I Build Multiple Houses On A Lot? (8 Basic Rules)
Tiny houses by their nature are much smaller than traditional homes. But, lot sizes tend to be much larger than what you need to build a tiny house.
This has led to many people wanting to know what they can do with the extra space of the lot.
Can you legally build more than one house on a single lot?
In many cases, it is legal to build additional houses on the same lot. However, it’s important to consult the local authorities about the rules for spacing between the houses and issues about how big a lot you can purchase.
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I’d say “possibly” because it isn’t allowed in every town. Still, confused? Don’t worry – I’m here to help!
Here are all of the important rules and restrictions you should know about before attempting to build multiple homes on one lot.
Get Approved Before You Build!
You might be able to build multiple houses on one lot. However, there are many restrictions and rules to keep in mind.
The first thing you will need to do is get permission to build multiple homes on one lot.
Depending on where you live, there are several different processes for this. However, most of the steps will still be the same.
Before you even begin planning, visit your town’s office in order to get all the information you need.
From there, you should also be able to find out if building more than one home is even allowed in your area. If it is, make sure to get all of the paperwork as well as guidelines and regulations. This way, when the time comes to plan for the build, you will be much more prepared.
The most important information you will want to get is the exact zoning restrictions.
This will be the complete guideline for you when the time comes to build. However, it does much more than that! These zoning restrictions will give you a good idea of what to expect when it comes to common complications.
One of the best ways to learn is to learn from the people who have tried before you.
Your Property, But Not (Always) Your Rules
One of the biggest misconceptions is that the property you buy is yours to do with what you will.
But, just because you buy a large plot of land does not mean you can build whatever you want. There are plenty of hoops to jump through.
This is especially evident when it comes to building multiple homes on one lot.
This does not mean, however, that you won’t be able to build multiple homes either. Once you visit your clerk’s office, you will have a better understanding of what you will be able to do. What do you do if your town doesn’t allow you to build multiple homes?
Unfortunately, you will have to follow the laws of the land when it comes to building.
Why Wouldn’t You Be Able To Build Additional Houses On Your Lot?
It can be hard to understand why the laws wouldn’t allow you to build on your own property. However, there are many reasons why certain areas have such strict restrictions.
The number one reason I have found for this is that the town wants to uphold a certain image.
By being able to control who builds what and how the town can better control the way, the town looks as a whole. Most towns want to avoid their neighborhood, becoming a “dumping ground.”
We have all seen those small towns that have yards that resemble junkyards with broken-down cars and furniture spread across the lawn.
Some consider this to be another way for the local government to have more control over the people.
However, it isn’t just because they worry about their town becoming an eye-sore. Officials also have major concerns when it comes to safety when multiple homes are built on one lot.
This is why it is so important to only build within your local laws.
Lot Size Regulations To Be Aware Of
While some towns do not specifically say that you cannot build multiple properties, they have put regulations in place to prevent it.
One regulation that works to do just this is plot sized regulations.
Some areas have put restrictions on the size of a lot you can purchase. This means that you can build multiple houses, but they will have to fit on a smaller lot.
While this makes it hard for multiple traditional homes to be built on one lot, it is good news for tiny houses.
Tiny houses, on average, are only 150 square feet.
So, if your town only allows for a half-acre lot, you still have plenty of room to build a few tiny houses.
However, you will still have to make sure that you’re following proper building guidelines in accordance with your local government.
Because you are technically building on a loophole, you want to make sure that everything else is properly in place!
Regulations For Distance Between Each House On The Lot
The government has a funny way of restricting you without you even knowing it. One way that this is done is by putting limitations on the distance between homes.
For example, some towns state that houses must be at least 2 acres between them.
This means that there will be a great deal of distance between you and your neighbor.
But, how does this restrict you when it comes to building multiple houses on one lot? This means that you will not be able to build multiple homes if they are within 2 acres of each other.
However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t build multiple homes either. You would just have to purchase a large enough lot to put dual houses on either side.
This is another example of the way the government tries to insert control while leaving loopholes wide open!
Guidelines Regarding Additional Lots On Your Property
If you are lucky enough to live in a town that doesn’t restrict the number of properties, you can build on your own lot, rejoice!
But, this doesn’t mean that you are completely out of the woods either.
Having the privilege to dictate what happens on your property means that you have to work to protect it.
But what does this mean exactly?
Why should you still have rules to follow if you are permitted to build how you want?
Unfortunately, there will always be zoning rules to follow, no matter how many houses you want to build.
This has little to do with the government having control and more to do with safety.
Here are some of the most common rules that you will have to keep in mind when planning to build multiple houses on one lot:
1) Water and Power Issues
The first thing you will need to work out is how each home will be receiving water and power. Many towns will be where you will be getting your water and power from. Generally, a town will be contracted with a single power company.
This is because the town will receive deals and kickbacks from the power company.
But, this also means that your options are restricted when it comes to selecting where your power comes from.
Once you know what power company you will be working with, have them out to visit your lot. You need to make sure that your lot will be able to provide power to all the homes you are planning on building.
The last thing you would want to do is overwhelm the system. This also means that you might expect to pay extra money to properly set up your lot to provide the right amount of power.
Being able to supply water to your home in a whole different story.
Many people like to set up their own water collection system when planning on building multiple homes. But did you know that collecting rain and lake water privately is illegal in some states?
This is done to ensure the safety of the people.
So, if you are not able to collect your own water, what other options do you have?
Much like the power company, you might not have options when it comes to water in your town. It would be a good idea to work with your town when it comes to planning how you will provide water to each house.
2) Work With Your Town – Not Against It!
I admit that have government restrictions is frustrating. Especially when you are just trying to do what you want with your own property.
However, sometimes it is easier to go with the flow instead of fighting the current.
Your town may be much more open to the idea of multiple homes than you think. Working with your town is definitely the way to go.
This is especially true since you will be filing all of your permits and paperwork with your local office. Not only will they be able to guide you when it comes to power and water, but they can also help to ensure that your properties are safe and legal.
Final Thoughts
Building multiple houses on one lot isn’t such a new idea.
Way back in the day, families used to buy one large lot for their entire family. As members got older and started their own families, they would simply build another house on their parent’s lot. This is why you see old traditional homes that look like a little “colony.”
As the country got older, more and more restrictions were in place.
And while at times it can feel restraining, other times it can work in your favor.
So, before you start planning to build your own family compound, make sure you’re staying legal.
Not checking with your town first is a sure-fire way to find yourself under a mountain of fines.
Good luck!
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Can I Build Two Houses on One Lot? (ONE Basic Rule To Know)
There are a lot of legal issues and technical state problems going around when it comes to constructing a property.
We understand that you want to maximize the value of your property on one lot, but you may not be familiar with all the legal bottle neck with your local authorities. That’s why we’ve come to answer your question, “can I build two houses on one lot?”
In this guide, I’d say maybe if you’re uncertain, before building multiple residences on one land, consider these guidelines and constraints.
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Can I Build Two Houses on One Lot?
Yes, you can build two houses on one lot because dual occupancy properties are built on the same piece of land. This involves building two or more separate properties on the same block of land.
Can I Build Two Houses on One Lot?It can also mean building a new home next to or behind your old one. It means you have two or more dwellings on one land title that will be subdivided.
In many circumstances, building on the same lot is legal. On the other hand, because it’s not authorized everywhere, Local authorities should be consulted concerning home spacing and lot size.
What is a Dual Occupancy Property?
When two or more different properties are built on the same plot of land, it is referred to as a dual occupancy property. It could even entail building a completely new house adjacent to or behind your current home.
It basically means that you have two or more residences on a same piece of property that will be subdivided in the future.
This is ideal for accommodating elderly relatives or if you wish to enter the rental market by renting out one or more of the properties while living in another.
Dual Occupancy is Different to a Duplex
Dual Occupancy also known as shared-living homes, or granny flat or auxiliary house cannot be subdivided and exists in two versions – attached and detached, whereas a duplex home can usually be separated into two independent dwellings. After a dual occupancy property has been subdivided, one or both of the dwellings can be sold to reduce the overall debt.
However, the property on which they are built is always treated as a single parcel and cannot be separated. While it may restrict your freedoms, it frequently results in fewer construction and council expenditures than a duplex.
Get Approved Before You Build
Multiple homes may fit on one land although many regulations and restrictions apply.
To develop many dwellings on one lot, first seek permission from your local authorities and get approval before you start developing your property.
Where you live may affect the procedure. However, most steps remain the same. Visit your town’s office for planning information before you start.
You can also learn if developing several homes is allowed in your area. If so, get all the documentation and rules. When planning the building, you’ll be better prepared.
The zoning constraints are crucial and stands as your building guide. But it does more! These zoning regulations could help you anticipate issues.
What is it called When You Have Two Houses on One Property?
A Duplex House Plan is when you have two houses that are on one property. Two living units are joined to each other in a duplex house plan, either next to each other as townhouses or condominiums, or above each other as apartments.
The phrase “duplex” refers to two separate units or dwellings that are connected by a shared wall, ceiling, or floor.
What is a duplex house? It is a two-story residential building with a single dining room and kitchen.
How Many Plots Are in One Acre of Land?
6 Plots. An acre is the product of a rectangular plot of land with a total area of 4,046 square meters (43,560 square feet).
An acre is divided into six plots, each size is 6 x 120 feet. An Arce is a typical unit of measurement for land dealers; it’s around the size of a football field.
Can You Build 3 Houses One Lot?
Yes, you can build 3 houses on one lot because in some states, generally, you can get away with building anything you want on your landed property. In some instances, it is legal to build additional houses on one lot. However, it’s important that Local authorities must be consulted concerning home spacing and lot size.
Two homes on one property
With this video, you will learn the basic rules and legal permit required to build multiple houses on one property.
Two single-family homes on one lot
I’ve come across homes with two houses on one property, but the use is multi-family. Currently, each home is a single family that shares the same parcel.
Can I Build Another House in my Backyard?
Yes, you can build another house such as a guest house in your backyard, the procedure is legally the same as building a house if you have enough land, survey, plans, permits are all needed for local authority approval.
Technically speaking, backyard dwellings are known as auxiliary dwelling units, or ADUs. A separate secondary dwelling unit on the same property as the primary residence is what is meant by the term “ADU.” While many ADUs are standalone structures, ADU extensions can also be attached to the main house, the garage, and the basement.
You will need to abide by the local codes and regulations for clearances and distance from adjoining lots.
So you’ve been starring at your backyard for a couple of years, wondering what you could possibly build there.
A guest home can be built in the same way as another house is built: survey, plans, permissions, and all the rest of it.
For clearances and distances from adjoining lots, you must follow the local codes and laws.
Is it possible to construct something in your backyard?
Building in your backyard without permission is doable, but it depends on what you want to build.
You should check your state’s regulations; however the following are some common guidelines:
- Permission is not required for small-scale construction.
- Pergolas, decks, and sheds are commonly exempt from planning requirements.
Can You Put Multiple Houses on a Property?
It is possible to put multiple houses on a property and in order to construct more than one housing unit on a property; the property must first be zoned for multiple dwelling units.
In most cases, the capacity to have several dwellings on a single lot or parcel of land necessitates a specific lot size.
That is, standard residential zoning only permits the presence of one property, the primary building meant for habitation, on the property referred to as a parcel.
How many houses can you build on 5 acres of land?
Because a block seems to have 6 to 8 houses on it, five acres could have twelve to sixteen homes on it. Consider putting this five-acre parcel next to the world’s most popular size comparison: a football field.
Multiple structures on one property are allowed by zoning. Zoning restrictions, on the other hand, are subject to change and setbacks from highways and density.
A compound isn’t always created by purchasing many parcels of land with extravagant homes.
Building another House on my Property
There are many good reasons for building another house on your property without subdividing the lot.
Building a new home in your existing garden has several benefits, including a free site.
No, you don’t need to subdivide to put a second house on your property.
As long as you meet certain size and boundary constraints, a second dwelling up to 70 sqm can still have the same title as your existing home.
As long as you can use common access and run services to the new property, you don’t need to subdivide.
If you want to build a house for yourself, someone else, or to sell, you need planning clearance.
- Set your priorities.
- Check the municipal website or zoning office to discover if a second structure is allowed.
- Check zoning for full kitchens and connected vs. detached homes.
- Ask your local tax office or construction permit department for your lot plat map, which shows the shape and measurements of your property.
- See if there’s enough room on the property with the first home.
- Check the minimum and maximum square footages for the project.
- Find out your neighborhood’s setbacks.
- Check your utilities to see if they can handle the extra load.
- When considering the project’s location, consider parking and drainage.
- Check if your subdivision has restricted covenants.
- Choose a design that matches your home.
Can I Build Multiple Houses on One Residential Lot?
Yes you can build multiple houses on one residential lot provided your state building code rules allow. The building code rules for the second unit or multiple houses in your home may differ depending on where it is located.
In California, the new measure provides for increased housing density by allowing two units per parcel of land—for example, duplex-style construction. It also permits landowners to split their houses, allowing them to build up to four dwellings on a single piece of land.
Can You Put Two Houses on The Same Lot Sims 4?
No. Although you cannot use it to own more than one home, there is a method around this restriction if you really want to. Build it on site as a store, but simply have to transport it. A cash register will, of course, be required, but no one will use it.
How much land do you need to build 2 houses?
For example, a typical general response for a side-by-side dual occupancy build online would normally state that you require a minimum of 400 square meters.
There aren’t many guidelines for how much property to purchase for a construction project; it basically just depends on the size of your house.
Can you build two houses on one lot?
Building multiple houses on one property can helps save cost and boost revenue. Building more buildings on a lot is often legal. However, check with the local authorities on home spacing and lot size.
Certain neighborhoods limit lot square footage. In other words, in certain neighborhoods, the maximum permitted lot size is fixed at a specified amount.
Dual occupancy refers to the construction of two or more independent dwellings on the same parcel of land.
Or, it can refer to the construction of a new home adjacent to or behind the current one.
In essence, it indicates that you have two or more dwellings on a single property title that will be subdivided in the future.
How to build multiple homes on one property?
Prior to the construction of more than one housing unit on a property, that property must be zoned for multiple dwellings on one property.
Can you build a second house on your property?
Yes, you can build a second house on your property to enable you with the development, construction and building two dwellings on one title.
In addition, did you know that you do not need to subdivide immediately?
If you can safely meet the resource and approval criteria, you can construct a larger home on the same lot.
That is, it is possible to have two homes on one property with one of the houses being larger in size and structure than the other.
Can you legally build more than one house on a single lot?
Yes, it is legal, but since some of information is confidential, it would be challenging to create a perfect replica in every way. It would also be incredibly costly.
Can you put two houses on one property monopoly?
You can purchase homes once you control every asset in a Monopoly color group. You can’t build a second house on a property unless you also have a house on all the other properties because you have to build equally.
Players should be aware of a few rule adjustments in the new edition of Monopoly. There is only one way to add both a house and a hotel to a Property set.
How many houses can fit on 2 acres?
You might have trouble fitting a 1,200 square foot house in a rural area with setbacks. That depends on who is constructing them and what the local regulations are.
However, given the current methods used by builders, you may expect to get 10–12 homes out of a 2 acreS lot.
43,560 square feet make to an acre, which can be any size. On average, there are 9–10 detached homes per acre. This varies based on the lot’s dimensions and shape, as well as the zoning laws in the area.
What is it called when two houses are on the same property?
Two living units are connected to one another in a duplex house plan layout, whether they are located next to one another as townhouses or condominiums or above one another as apartments.
Can you combine houses?
Yes, provided that the local planning or zoning body grants approval. The term for this is “property merging,” which contrasts with “subdivision. ”
From a legal standpoint, it is permissible to construct multiple homes on a same lot.
It is possible to construct two houses on a single parcel of land in many jurisdictions.
However, it is essential to discuss the local authorities regarding the laws for the spacing between the houses and the issues with the size of the lot that you are permitted to purchase.
Final Thoughts on Can I Build Two Houses on One Lot
It is not against the law to construct extra homes on the same plot of land.
That is, you can legally build two houses on one lot once your local authorities check the technical size of the lot and approve your survey and plan to start building.
Can you legally build more than one house on a single lot?
On the same lot, it is frequently permissible to construct extra homes or 2 dwellings on one property.
However, it’s crucial to speak with the local government about matters such as the size of the lot you can buy and the regulations regarding the distance between residences.
Useful Resources
What is a Dual Occupancy Subdivision and/or Property? (link)
How to legally build two houses on one plot: answers from a lawyer
Together with lawyers we figure out whether it is possible to build two houses on one plot and how to do it
Photo: B-D-S Piotr Marcinsk/shutterstock
No direct ban
Russian legislation directly does not prohibit the construction of more than one house on a plot for individual housing construction (IZHS), a garden plot or a plot of personal subsidiary plots (LPS), say lawyers interviewed by RBC Real Estate. nine0003
“But each city, village or district has its own rules for land use and development (PZZ), which determine the maximum and minimum parameters of the land plot, the maximum percentage of its development, and the standards for indentation from the boundaries of the site. And here there may already be restrictions, ”explains lawyer Volodymyr Postanyuk. Therefore, much depends on the specific locality, he adds.
Information on the possibility of such construction and the LPP should be clarified with the local administration, since within the same region there are different minimum parameters of the site and the maximum percentage of development. For example, according to the PZZ in the Leninsky urban district of the Moscow region, the minimum size of a land plot is 400 square meters. m, in the city district Serebryanye Prudy of the Moscow Region - 500 sq. m, and in the urban settlement Rodniki of the Ramensky municipal district of the Moscow region - 600 sq. m, gave examples of the legal adviser of the suburban real estate department of the real estate company "Inkom-Nedvizhimost" Gulnara Saburova. “In all these districts, the maximum percentage of development is 40%, and the minimum indent from the boundaries of the site is 3 m,” she noted. nine0003
And, for example, in the PZZ of the Volokolamsk city district of the Moscow region, it is stipulated that the land plot for individual housing construction is intended for the construction of one residential building and individual garages and ancillary structures. “Before making a decision on construction, the owner of the site must definitely familiarize himself with the PZZ. It is also very important to calculate the percentage of existing development, since its excess is one of the grounds for refusing construction,” explained Gulnara Saburova.
From PZZ it will be seen:
- is it possible to build a second house;
- in what place of the land plot and with what parameters construction is possible.
It is important that during the construction of houses all the requirements of urban planning regulations are observed. This applies to the area of the house, the minimum indentation from the boundaries of the site, the height of the building, they added in the Cadastral Chamber. So, according to Art. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the IZHS facility should have no more than three above-ground floors, and its height should not exceed 20 m. “If the requirements are not met, such a building may be in the unauthorized category,” the department explained. nine0003
Before making a decision on the planned construction of a second house, the owner needs to familiarize himself with the LPP. It is very important to calculate the percentage of existing development (Photo: gopixa/shutterstock)
How to build two houses
If the law allows you to build two houses, then you need to fulfill the requirements during the construction itself. “It is necessary to comply with building density standards, check that the dimensions of the land plot allow the construction of two houses without violating the rules on the permissible distance between them (from 6 m, depending on building materials) and from houses to the boundaries of the land plot (at least 3 m)” - said the lawyer Volodymyr Postanyuk. nine0003
Before starting construction, you need to send a notice of the start of work to the organization that deals with these issues in a particular locality. As a rule, this is the town planning committee. The notification is submitted through the MFC, the public services portal or by mail. It should contain information about the developer and the land plot, the characteristics of the house and its schematic representation on the site.
For each house, a separate notice is sent indicating that it is planned to build another property on the same land plot, Vladimir Postanyuk noted. “If a land plot has two owners and each intends to build a house, they should conclude in writing an agreement on the procedure for using the land plot, where there will be an agreement on the construction of each of their own residential building. If it is not possible to agree, then the court will determine the procedure for use,” he added. nine0003
Upon completion of construction, a notice of completion will be required. “If the construction is completed and as a result another residential building has appeared, it must be assigned an address even before registration of the right. The object will have the same number as the main building, only with a letter or fraction, ”said the legal adviser from Inkom.
If the law allows the construction of two houses, then a number of requirements must be met during the construction itself (Photo: Radovan1/shutterstock)
Realtor's comment
Tatyana Maksimova , head of the suburban real estate department of the real estate company Inkom-Nedvizhimost:
— Construction of two houses on one plot is not such a rarity. As a rule, they build a small house, move into it, and later build the main one. In the future, a small house is used as a guest or housing for staff. Similar objects are in demand in different segments:
- in economy class, this allows you to separate the generations of one family - no one interferes with each other and everyone is nearby;
- in the business class, there is also an element of generational separation.
In addition, in the second house there may be premises for housekeepers, a bathhouse, etc.;
- in the elite segment, the second house can accommodate a spa complex, rooms for assistants, guest rooms.
Difficulties with sale and registration
Difficulties in the construction of two houses on the same site may arise during the design of such objects, especially if urban planning standards have been violated. “Although the law does not directly prohibit the registration of two residential buildings on the same plot, Rosreestr will not register the ownership of a second residential building within the same plot of land,” said lawyer, real estate expert Daria Korovina. Such an object can be recognized as unauthorized construction and demolished - the owner will demolish it at his own expense. nine0003
Difficulties may also arise during the sale, even if the objects are legalized, lawyer Volodymyr Postanyuk added. There are usually few people who want to buy two houses at once. You will have to either separate the plots, or sell the houses separately. For example, assign a new address to the second house or deal with the registration of rights to a land plot. “When buying one house out of two, the buyer will not be able to count on the entire land plot, but only on 1/2 of the share in the ownership of it. In the future, the buyer may have to go to court to establish the procedure for using the land. Not everyone will agree to such conditions, and again there will be a need to divide the land according to all the rules, ”the lawyer warned. nine0003
Difficulties in the construction of two houses on the same site may arise during the design of such objects, especially if urban planning standards have been violated (Photo: Reinhardt and Co/shutterstock)
Legal example, lawyer Vladimir Postanyuk:
— A man built several houses on his land for each of his children. No one divided the plot, the yard and the entrance to it were common. After death, the heirs divided among themselves the houses and shares in the ownership of the land. But as often happens, the heirs quarreled while dividing the inheritance, and decided to fence off their plots. As a result, one of the houses turned out to be blocked, that is, it had no access to common lands. The right of passage through the sister's plot (servitude) to our trustee had to be established through the court. Therefore, even if you do not plan to sell houses today, it is better to think about it in advance. nine0003
Alternative methods
There are alternative methods that allow you to build two houses on the same plot. One of the options is to divide the plot into two independent ones and put them on the cadastral register, and then build a second house. But dividing a plot is a rather laborious procedure: it requires land surveying, removal of the old plot from the cadastral register and setting up two new ones, Anastasia Shevereva, leading lawyer at the Yurlov and Partners law firm, warned. During the division itself, it is necessary to determine the location of each of the land plots, to provide an exit from the plot to the common lands. All these procedures will need to be carried out before construction begins. nine0003
It is also important that the requirements of the PPP regarding the minimum allowable size of the plot are observed. This information must be verified with the local administration. “If you have a plot of 13 acres, then you divide it into two plots of 6.5 acres each and build a residential building on each. If you have a plot of only 10 acres, and the minimum allowable for your area is 6 acres, then you will not be able to divide it into two, ”explained lawyer Daria Korovina.
If the regulations do not allow the division of the land or the construction of two houses on it, it is possible to build one block of flats. In the common people, such a house is called "for two owners," added lawyer Vladimir Postanyuk. It consists of several blocks that have a common wall without openings and their own exit to the common area (yard). Another possible option is to build a non-residential building, such as a summer house. Such a building will not have its own address and it will not be possible to sell it as an independent object, but it will be easier to register it as an outbuilding. nine0003
how to register 2 houses on 1 plot, what documents are needed to register a second house on a land plot, whether it is necessary to issue a building permit, how to locate several houses on one land plot, layout features, what is the distance between two houses on one plot, where order a plot plan for two houses and a project with a photo
Prices Our experience How to become a client Do it yourself Video nine0003
What could be better than your own country house in a picturesque place next to a forest, river or lake? Two separate houses on the plot! Ask why you need several houses on the same land? This is obvious: one house can be used for recreation and family living, the second - to accommodate guests or household helpers. Or you can put parents in one house, adult children in another, so that each housewife manages her own kitchen. Lots of options. The most difficult thing is not how to use the second house on the site, but how to arrange two houses on the same site. nine0003
Is it possible to build a second house on the land
What does the law say about building a second house on the land? To be honest, he doesn't say anything. You will not find a single normative act in which a direct ban on the construction of a second house on the site would be prescribed. But there is no opposite statement that the construction of several houses on the site is allowed. If we are guided by the basic principle of Russian legislation: “what is not forbidden is allowed”, then there are as if there are no obstacles to the construction of any number of objects on private territory. You can build only a house, a house with a bathhouse and a utility block, two or three residential buildings with or without outbuildings. nine0003
But, firstly, this is just a theory, and practice is important in life. For example, many landowners faced strong opposition from local administrations to the design of a second residential building. When literally reading the norms of the law, officials did not find any mention of the possibility of placing two houses on the site. The conclusion from this was made simple: since it is not written that it is possible to build a second house on the site, it means that the construction of another residential facility within the same territorial boundaries is unacceptable. Guided by this logic, the applicants were denied approval. nine0003
Secondly, there are many legal nuances associated with urban planning, fire protection, sanitary and other technical requirements. That is, the very possibility of building 2 houses on 1 site is not excluded, but is put under the condition.
How to build two houses on one plot
We have already mentioned the tyranny of some officials who refuse to register real estate just because this situation is not familiar to them, they say, documents are submitted not for one, but for as many as 2 houses on 1 plot. It is possible and necessary to fight arbitrariness in the localities, including through the courts. The main thing is that the construction of a second house on the site does not violate any of the existing urban planning requirements. nine0003
What rules must be observed in private construction?
By and large, two houses side by side on a site or on different sites is of no fundamental importance (there are nuances, but more on that later). The first thing you need to find out from the point of view of the possible legalization of the building is what kind of object is it and on what land is it located?
These are very important points.
Residential building
In everyday life, we can call almost any building a home, regardless of its appearance and purpose: high-rise building, small house , non-residential barn and even a factory. However, the law gives a clear definition to a private residential building (the most commonly used abbreviation is IZHS ). The parameters are as follows:
- maximum height - 20 meters;
- allowable number of floors - 3 overground floors;
- building suitable for human habitation;
- the building cannot be divided into separate independent objects.
As a rule, there are no problems with determining the height of a building: most often, the roof ridge is recognized as the upper point, and the planning mark of the ground level is the lower point. But with floors, everything is much more complicated. nine0003
Normative documents use concepts such as “floor” and “number of floors”. The floors, in accordance with the technical specifications, can have not only a numerical designation (1st, 2nd, etc.), but also a division into categories: aboveground, underground, basement, basement, attic, etc.
To classify buildings to a residential building, such a characteristic as the number of storeys is important. When calculating the number of storeys of a house, not all levels are taken into account, but only the above-ground floors (at the above-ground floor, the floor is located above the level of the ground level). Accordingly, all other floors are considered underground by default. True, a basement can be included in the number of above-ground floors if the top of its floor rises at least 2 meters above the planning mark. nine0003
The plinth is not the only exception, however. Also, when calculating the number of storeys of a building, the technical space under the roof (above the top floor) is not taken into account. But if this is not a technical floor, but a full-fledged attic, then it is taken into account.
Why such boring details? Only in order to clearly demonstrate: it is not always possible to determine by eye what number of storeys a building has. The actual house may have 4 floors (2 underground and 2 above ground). It will meet the parameters of individual housing construction, its construction will be coordinated without any problems and the property will be registered. But if all 4 floors are recognized as elevated, then such a cottage for summer cottage will be impossible to legalize (at least without reconstruction).
With regard to habitability, this refers to the compliance of the premises with sanitary and hygienic requirements and other standards that are designed to ensure the safety of the permanent presence of people in this building (lighting of the premises, ceiling height, the ability to connect to engineering systems, etc.).
At the same time, a private house may consist of living rooms and other auxiliary premises, but it cannot be divided into several independent objects. That is, it will not work to build a country house, and then make a townhouse or duplex out of it. Such types of buildings are classified as blocked buildings, which can be placed only on the land of the corresponding purpose. nine0003
So we come to the second important point related to the layout of the plot for two houses.
Land plot under two houses
To understand how to build two houses on one plot, you first need to figure out if it is possible to build on this land at all.
Lands are divided into categories, each of which determines the possibility of using the site for certain needs. For example, it is forbidden to build cottages in the forest (if it is a forest fund, and not just an area overgrown with trees). But on earth IZHS, LPH or SNT can be safely built within the boundaries of the settlement. The landowner, at his will, may erect various outbuildings and auxiliary buildings, as well as a residential building for permanent residence or for seasonal residence ( garden houses ). But in any case, the house must meet all the requirements for individual housing construction (that is, no one will build a concrete plant or a high-rise building in the country).
At the same time, capital construction is in principle prohibited on field and garden land, only non-capital buildings for industrial and household needs are allowed. For example, if you have land for a subsidiary plot (LPS), and a plot of land, then you can build it, if you have a field plot, you can’t. nine0003
What documents do you need to study in order to understand whether it is possible or not to build the first (and second) house on the site?
- Basic information about a land plot as a real estate object is contained in the unified state register (EGRN).
Having received an up-to-date extract, you can find out the category of land, purpose, location of the site, etc. To register a construction site, the land plot under the building must be demarcated and recorded in the cadastre (have a unique number assigned, exact coordinates and dimensions). The owner's rights must also be confirmed. Otherwise, you will have to first resolve the issue of land registration, and then think about construction. nine0022
- However, to develop a project where two houses are on the same plot, more detailed information will be required.
- The urban development plan of the site (abbreviation - GPZU) contains information about the parameters of construction (what can and cannot be built with an indication of the percentage of development) and various restrictions (security zones, red lines, etc.).
- Rules for Land Use (abbreviation - PZZ) establish the division of the territory into various zones and subzones with certain urban planning regulations.
Which information from the indicated documents is of particular importance?
Firstly, the house within the plot must be located so that it does not cross the red lines, and in some cases is at a certain distance from these lines. Red lines delimit public areas (where private construction is prohibited) with other lands, so overlapping with red lines automatically makes it impossible to legalize the building. Whether it is necessary to deviate from the red lines and at what distance, the land use rules of the corresponding area will prompt. nine0003
Some territories have also been given the status of a specially protected area. These can be sanitary zones where construction is prohibited (near a reservoir), or protected zones where the construction of capital buildings is possible, but only after agreement with the authorized departments (next to a monument or other object of cultural heritage). Accordingly, the possibility of building in the protected zone is under the condition. And all the nuances should be clarified before the start of construction, and not after the fact.
How to arrange two houses on the plot
After examining the documents for the land and finding out that construction is allowed on it, you can begin to develop a plan for a plot with two houses.
Having 2 houses on 1 land plot, all the rules and regulations discussed above should be followed. Particular attention will need to be paid to compliance with the red lines and the minimum distance between two houses on the same site (exact figures are indicated in the PZZ, most often it is 3 meters). If the site is non-standard (small or narrow), it is not always possible to fit into the specified standards.
Another factor of decisive importance is building density. Typically, the building spot for a standard summer cottage 6 acres (8 acres, 12 acres ) is 40%. Accordingly, it will not work to fill the entire site under the foundation. If a second house was built on the land plot, then the area of “free land” around the houses should be at least the established minimum.
How to register a second home on a plot
The rules for registering a second home on a plot of land are exactly the same as for the first. Citizens draw up private houses in a notification manner. You do not need to obtain a permit for the construction of a second house on the site, and you will not need to put the building into operation either (draw up an act and permission to enter). However, before the start of construction, it will be necessary to coordinate construction work with the local administration (submit a notification of the established format), and after completion, send another notification and the technical plan of the constructed building. nine0003
Each house on the site, both the first and the second, will need to be decorated in this way. Moreover, when submitting an application, it is necessary to indicate that there is a second house on the land plot. Officials will check compliance with all established norms and requirements during construction and independently submit documents to Rosreestr for the final registration of two houses on one land plot.
Also, the preferential mechanism for registering private houses under the “dacha amnesty” continues to operate, when instead of notifications, the owner immediately sends a technical plan of the house with a declaration to Rosreestr. However, simplified registration does not at all cancel the verification of compliance with all applicable norms and requirements. In the same way, you will have to order a technical plan from a cadastral engineer both when submitting a notification and when sending a declaration. nine0003
How else can you register two houses on the same land?
"The smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain." This is how you can describe this design option for several houses on the site. The point is the following.
- One house is officially recognized as residential and registered as such (by notification or by declaration, if it has not yet been issued).
- The second house is legalized as an outbuilding, say, a bathhouse.
At the same time, it can be used as a full-fledged residential building, and such objects are drawn up quite simply (according to the technical plan). nine0022
If the plot is not suitable for two houses, for example, in the PZZ it is clearly stated that this is prohibited, then the plot can be divided. That is, to build not two houses on one land plot, but one at a time on two independent territories. To do this, you will have to call a cadastral engineer and conduct a survey. But not every area lends itself to division. There are certain minimum parameters, less than which an allotment of land is not formed, for example, 7 acres . If the plot is 10 acres, then it will not be possible to divide it into separate objects (one of them will be less than the set limit). But 15 acres is suitable for these purposes: it will be possible to make equivalent plots of 7.5 acres or 7 and 8 acres.
And the last, most risky option is the legalization of buildings through the courts, when the judiciary recognizes the ownership of existing buildings with their power.