Killing borer bees

8 Ways to get rid of Carpenter Bees

The safest way to get rid of Carpenter Bees would be to call a professional bee removal team, such as Bee Serious Bee Removal because when it comes to the safety of your family, you only want the best.

With over 20,000 different species of bees in the world, there are bound to be a few of them that are more of a hindrance than a help. One of those bees is the Carpenter Bee. They look similar to Bumblebees in size and general shape but whereas Bumblebees usually nest in the ground, Carpenter Bees nest and lay their eggs in wood that they have drilled into for protection. If you notice these wood dwellers living in your home, here are 8 ways you can get rid of Carpenter bees on your own.

Although Carpenter Bees are typically docile, they can still cause big problems in your home. The male hovers just outside the nest to protect and fight off any intruders or other bees by engaging in physical combat, albeit without a stinger. The female, who actually does have a stinger, acts as a last line of defense for those who enter the nest. The real problem with Carpenter Bees is what they do to the wooden features of your home. These little insects bore holes out of soft wood and create a series of tunnels to lay their eggs and seek refuge from the weather and danger outside of the nest. Even though this doesn’t seem too bad, over time it will do a lot of damage to your home. Carpenter Bees are looking for raw or untreated wood, damp wood and older outdoor furnishings such as tables and chairs. This means the most common places you will find them is door frames, windows, the siding of your home, patio furniture and exposed wooden beams.

If you have realized that you have a Carpenter Bee infestation, here are a few simple ways to get rid of them or protect your home before they come around looking for a new place to build a nest:

1. Paint or seal any exposed wood around your home.

These little bees are looking for easy to drill wood, therefore, if your deck, door frame or windows are left untreated, they are the prime candidate for a bee infestation.

2. Vacuum the bees out with a wet-vac.

This method is best if the nest is fairly new and if you have a high powered wet-vac. The best time to try this is to wait until the evening because the bees will be back in the nest for the night.

3. Make a lot of noise.

Carpenter bees enjoy the quiet so if you find yourself with some unwanted guests, set up a radio or speaker right next to or on top of where the nest is. Not only does the music disorient them, the vibrations will cause them to evacuate their nest. Often times, once a severe problem has happened in their nest, they will not return to that same place anymore.

4. Make a citrus spray.

Carpenter Bees are naturally repelled by the smell of citrus. in a small pot of water, slice the citrus fruit and boil it in the water for 10-15 minutes to release the juice. Let the citrus water cool down and pour it into a spray bottle with a “stream” nozzle and spray it into the nest site.

5. Boric Acid.

This common household item can be used for a bevy of different DIY insect-removal projects. Mix 3 parts water with 1 part boric acid in a spray bottle and spray inside the entrance hole. This is very poisonous to the carpenter bees and will exterminate them within an hour.

6. Aerosol Carburetor Cleaner.

Although this is not the most natural remedy, it works. Whether they are inside when you spray it inside or not, it will either kill them or make their nest inhabitable.

7. Essential Oils.

Carpenter Bees are very sensitive when it comes to scents inside their nest. Peppermint, tea tree and lemon essential oils are excellent for making their nest unbearable thus making them leave for good. Although this isn’t a permanent solution, it will buy you a little time to safely get them out of the nest without hurting them so you can properly seal the entrance site.

8. Pyrethrum Spray.

Pyrethrum, also called Tanacetum, is a flower that is used a lot in natural pesticides. It is one of the strongest natural insecticides that is allowed in organic gardening.

If you notice a carpenter bee hovering around your house, you can bet there is an entrance to their nest nearby. Although home remedies seem easy and foolproof, you should always wear protective gear when handling chemicals as well as disturbing an insect nest.

If you need help with bee removal, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees

How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees | Do-It-Yourself Pest Control

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If you currently have a carpenter bee infestation, the time to treat is today. Follow these guidelines to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees safely.

Carpenter bees are a beneficial insect but they are also destructive to wooden structures. Female Carpenter Bees drill holes into any wooden structure they can find in order to lay their eggs. This article details the best ways to identify carpenter bees, prevent infestations, and stop them from doing further damage to your home.

How To Identify A Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bees look similar to Bumble Bees - large, with yellow and black patterns.

They are about 1/2 to 1 inch and may have some metallic reflections ranging from dark blue, yellow, green, or purple tints. Their abdomens are bare and shiny, compared to the Bumble Bee. Bumble Bees are not a wood boring insect. You’re more likely to find them sitting on flowers in the yard. They are highly beneficial and we suggest leaving them to tend to pollination.

Carpenter Bees are commonly found in the spring. They hover around eaves, porch rails, and under decks and any other unpainted wood around your home. Sometimes carpenter bees are called "wood bees" because they bore into wood.

For More Information:

Difference Between Carpenter Bees and Bumble Bees

Carpenter Bee vs. Bumble Bee

Signs of Carpenter Bee Infestations

Carpenter Bees make holes about 1/2 inch in diameter. They prefer unfinished wood, but are capable of drilling and creating tunnels in seasoned hardwoods, softwoods, and decaying woods. Frass is the result of already damaged wood. It looks like sawdust around the drilling areas.

Female carpenter bees bore channels (also known as a main corridor in wood). The damaged area will be 6" to as long as 4 feet wide. The female lays her eggs in areas called "galleries" or "cells". She deposits eggs into these galleries and brings feeds them with a mass of pollen for the newly larvae to feed. She then seals them off to ensure their development before she repeats the next egg process. This is one of the reasons it can be so hard to get rid of carpenter bees.

For More Information:

Carpenter Bee Signs/Identification

Carpenter Bee Frass

How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees (3 Steps)


Spray A Residual Insecticide to Kill Carpenter Bees

If you have an active infestation, spray the areas where carpenter bees are boring into wood with:

Their holes are usually located on the underside of wood surfaces, We recommend spraying twice during the spring months at intervals of 3-4 weeks to most efficiently prevent carpenter bee damage.

When protected from the elements like rain, residual insecticides will last 2 to 3 months. If applied in late winter, the treatment will stay active through most of the carpenter bee season.

Severe Infestations

You may need to repeat carpenter bee treatments more than twice during the spring. We suggest an interval of two weeks for spray treatments. After each spray treatment, apply D-Fense Dust or Tempo Dust to all possible carpenter bee nests, holes or entry points.

2. Use Dust In Carpenter Bee Nests

To get rid of an active Carpenter Bee infestation, apply Tempo Dust in every carpenter bee hole that you find. Use a recommended duster such as the JT Eaton Hand Bellow Duster

Although the initial damage to wood appears as a small hole, only an inch or two deep, it usually extends at a 90-degree angle. The female will turn 90 degrees and bore a channel from 6 inches to as long as 4 feet. This channel serves as the main corridor from which she will drill small chambers. These chambers serve as egg nests. She deposits eggs. Brings in food, and then seals off the area to ensure the egg's development.

Carpenter Bee entering hole


Plug Carpenter Bee HolesCarpenter Bee Holes

(Optional Step)- A Non-Chemical Natural Approach

Carpenter Bee Traps and Natural Repellent

For those considering a non-chemical approach to carpenter bee control, we recommend carpenter bee traps such as, Best Bee Trap or Citrus Carpenter Bee Repellent

Carpenter bee traps are designed to attract and trap the bees. If you have an existing infestation, hang the trap directly over the carpenter bee holes. If you do not have a current infestation, hang the traps at the peaks and corners of your home, preferably on the sunniest side of your house.

How To Prevent Carpenter Bee Infestations

Successfully preventing carpenter bees is determined by the time of year. You can prevent carpenter bee infestations if you tackle the situation early in the season.

Key Takeaway

Prevent holes by spraying insecticide concentrates. Treat existing holes with insecticide dusts.

Residual Insecticides (For Active Infestations Or Prevention)

These residual insecticides will make several gallons of finished product and can also be used to treat a broad variety of insects. Apply them for carpenter bee prevention, or if you have an active infestation.

Bee Traps and Natural Solutions

Carpenter Bee Traps offer an addition to your carpenter bee treatment or a stand-alone natural treatment method.

Citrus Spray Carpenter Bee Repellent is a natural repellent against carpenter bees.

Carpenter Bee Kits (Combines residual insecticides and Dusts)

Written by our resident pest control expert Ken Martin.

How To Discourage Woodpeckers

Key Takeaway

Woodpeckers may peck into carpenter bee tunnels in the wood trying to eat the bee larvae. Spray a residual insecticide into the carpenter bee holes and on the wood in the spring. This will discourage the carpenter bees from attacking the wood. This, in turn, will discourage woodpeckers.

Written by our resident pest control expert Ken Martin.

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Extermination of bark beetles in a wooden house

Disinsection of bark beetles - you can order insecticidal treatment of premises at the Romashka company. Affordable prices for bark beetle disinfestation in Moscow are waiting for you. We offer our customers the extermination of pests in homes and outdoor areas. Bark beetles can cause irreparable harm to both living trees and cut wood. A professional disinfector will help you deal with the problem.

How is bark beetle disinfestation carried out? nine0005

Procedure for extermination of bark beetles:

Efficient and fast - order bark beetle disinfestation!

Advantages of cooperation with Romashka:

The bark beetle is a dangerous pest that can damage log houses, wooden furniture and green spaces. At the first sign of damage to the wood, you should immediately contact the pest control service for bark beetles. The use of cold and hot fog to kill insects is the most effective measure today. nine0003

Disinsection of bark beetles in Moscow - emergency measures for the destruction of pests

Serious damage to wooden surfaces and living trees can be caused not only by bark beetles, but also by other pets. Among them are woodworms, rotten weevils, grinders, drill beetles and other insects. It is quite difficult to determine with an inexperienced eye which particular bug settled with you in the neighborhood. It is better to entrust the sanitization of premises to professional disinfectors.

Disinfestation "Romashka" offers comprehensive measures for the disinsection of bark beetles and other beetles that live in wooden houses. With the help of a correctly selected active preparation, several varieties of insects can be simultaneously destroyed at once and thereby protect the wood from their destructive effects.

At your service seven days a week

Don't put off calling the bark beetle pest control service. The longer they live in your home or garden, the harder it will be to eradicate them. Give us a call - we'll be there within 24 hours. We work seven days a week. nine0003

An experienced disinfector can handle even the most difficult task in less than a day. But we always recommend our customers to periodically carry out preventive pest control of beetles.


Natural wood is an excellent building material, but it also has its drawbacks. In particular, wood is susceptible to mold, borer beetles, and other biodegradants. To prevent the destruction of the material and maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house, you can buy a special biocidal agent from us. The assortment of goods in our store includes anti-bug and anti-ant compositions, as well as other insecticides. They are designed for preventive and destructive biocidal treatment of surfaces, they are easy to apply, environmentally friendly and safe. The quality of the insecticides presented in our catalog is confirmed by certificates, and the price is affordable. nine0003

Biocidal treatment

We offer you products to protect wood from biodamage, fungus and mould. They destroy the colonies of microorganisms that exist on the surface of the wood, and also prevent their reappearance. All insecticides for wood, including anti-bug and anti-ant, are highly effective, suitable for interior and exterior finishing work. By purchasing biocidal formulations from us, you can expect to receive the following results:
- elimination of fungus and mold colonies from the surface of the tree;
- creation of a protective coating on it, resistant to the effects of biodestructors;
- inactivation of toxic waste products of microorganisms;
- room deodorization.

Also in our catalog are the anti-ant drug and antifungal primer, which can be bought with delivery in Moscow and the region. If you need insecticides for wood, order them at Vashi Kraski store - give preference to real quality and excellent service.

Learn more