Trees with red leaves and berries
Trees with red berries: our favorite red berry trees
(Image credit: Phil Bird / Getty Images)
Trees with red berries will provide interest in fall and winter, adding joyful color when the rest of nature is winding down. However, some varieties will add an accent in the summer, and many have beautiful flowers in the spring, too.
There are trees with red berries to suit every garden setting, and the right choice will add seasonal impact to your backyard ideas.
‘Trees with red berries are decorative and offer visual interest, especially during the winter months,’ says Pete Smith, urban forestry program manager at Arbor Day Foundation . ‘Many of the berries can also be collected for consumption and provide valuable food for wildlife.’
Trees with red berries
These are our favorite trees with red berries. Several varieties can be grown as evergreen hedges, which makes them some of the best trees for privacy and screening in a backyard.
When choosing trees with red berries to suit your garden, you must only plant species that will thrive in your area. Knowing your USDA plant hardiness zone is essential, and happily there are options for almost every climate.
You also need to ensure your chosen tree is compatible with your soil type, the level of sunlight it will receive, and how much maintenance you are able to provide.
Check its maximum size and growth rate to ensure it won't outgrow your yard, and learn how to plant a tree correctly.
Finally, consider whether you want a tree with edible red berries, or are only concerned with its ornamental value.
‘As a longtime forager and permaculture gardener, my favorite trees with red berries all have edible or medicinal fruit,’ says Susannah Shmurak, founder of the blog.
Many berries are packed with vitamins and antioxidants, and can be made into everything from jellies to alcoholic beverages. Before eating any berries, however, you must be certain of the variety, as some are poisonous or require cooking before consuming.

(Image credit: Perytskyy/Getty Images)
A familiar sight in hedgerows, the hawthorn tree – Crataegus monogyna – also makes a valuable addition to gardens, as its appealing red berries, or ‘haws’, endure through fall and into the winter.
‘The hawthorn tree is a beautiful landscape tree that provides bright colored berries enjoyed by birds, squirrels, rabbits and deer,’ says Smith.
You can consume the haws, as long as you cook them first. ‘Hawthorn berries are prized for their medicinal value, especially for promoting heart health,’ says Shmurak.
To eat hawthorn berries, they are at their best when used to make a sauce, but can also be added to an apple jelly, used to make ‘fruit leather’, or even wine.
In terms of variety, Emilly Barbosa Fernandes, small space gardening consultant at Housegrail , favors the green hawthorn ‘Winter King’. ‘This is one of the trees that display red berries on their branches while the rest of the trees are bare,’ she says. ‘They bloom in the mid to late spring and make a great addition to your yard.’
You should be able to grow hawthorn trees in zones 5 to 9, in most soil types. Ideally they need full sun. Most hawthorns will reach between 15-30ft.
2. Holly
(Image credit: Getty Images)
Not just a symbol of Christmas, holly is one of the best trees with red berries to include in your winter garden ideas. ‘A good option is American holly – Ilex opaca – which has glossy, green leaves all winter long and great red berries used regularly in holiday wreaths,’ says Smith.
Holly trees grow well in zones 5-9, and will tolerate partial shade and most soil types. They can eventually reach as tall as 50ft, but you will need more than one tree to get berries, as they don't self-pollinate.
Arborist Mark Russell believes English holly – Ilex aquifolium – is one of the best trees for privacy. ‘While many people use arborvitae or Leyland cypress as privacy screens, they have their drawbacks due to fungus weaknesses,' he says.
'Instead, I recommend homeowners go with an English holly, as they are hearty cultivars, produce fantastic red berries, and make great privacy screens.’
3. Mountain ash – rowanberry
(Image credit: Feifei Cui-Paoluzzo / Gerry Images)
Yielding bright red rowanberries in late summer to early winter, and frothy white blossom in the spring, the mountain ash – Sorbus aucuparia – is an attractive garden tree. The leaves turn a stunning shade of orange in the fall, making it one of the best trees for autumn color.
‘The stunning mountain ash tree produces masses of attractive fruit that birds eat in the winter – and the determined forager can use them if they're willing to make an effort,’ says Shmurak.
While not one of the tastiest berries, rowanberries are rich in vitamin C and have anti-inflammatory properties. However, you do need to freeze them for a couple of weeks before cooking them, and they take a lot of sugar to counteract their bitterness.
Shmurak recommends turning rowanberries into jelly, vinegar, wine, or even Turkish delight.
In the right setting, mountain ash trees are hardy, but they don’t like extreme heat and humidity. You should be able to grow them in zones 3-6, where they can reach around 30ft. Rowanberries will tolerate partial shade and like well-drained soil.
4. Cherry tree
(Image credit: Steve Smith / Getty Images)
‘Cherry trees are one of my all-time favorite trees with red ‘berries’. Not only do they produce delicious fruit, but the flowers are beautiful too,’ says Barbosa Fernandes.
Unlike many of the other trees featured in this list, cherries ripen during the summer. However, the trees’ stunning blossom often heralds the end of winter, and is one of the first signs that spring is on the way.
There are numerous types of cherry tree you can grow, with options for zones 3-9. Sweet varieties need full sun, but more acidic cooking cherries will grow in partial shade. 'Sweetheart' is a lovely late season variety that has bright red cherries, and is self-fertile.
Cherry trees come in a range of sizes, and dwarf varieties are some of the best trees to grow in pots, so you can position them on the patio.
However, even if you don’t have room for a potted cherry you can still enjoy these wonderful trees: ‘There are many festivals around the United States where you can see cherry trees in full bloom, and then later in the year go try some of the cherries yourself,’ adds Barbosa Fernandes.
5. Chokecherry
(Image credit: Akchamczuk / Getty Images)
The chokecherry tree – Prunus virginiana – is native to North America. ‘It’s a smaller tree with a dark red fleshy fruit that can be used to make jams, jellies, syrups and wines,’ says Smith.
Packed with antioxidants, chokecherries can be astringent when not fully ripe, although cultivated varieties are sweeter with a cherry-like flavor.
In spring and summer, the tree bursts with clusters of white flowers, making it attractive in the garden for much of the year.
Reaching up to 30ft, the chokecherry is a versatile tree that grows in zones 2-8.
6. Red chokeberry
(Image credit: R Ann Kautzky / Alamy Stock Photo)
Not to be confused with the similarly named chokecherry, the chokeberry is a very different plant, though both are named for the effect the fruit can have on the palate.
Technically it’s an upright treelike shrub, and while common varieties are dark blue/purple, the red chokeberry – Aronia arbutifolia – is a stunning shiny ruby hue.
‘In the spring, they have gorgeous white flowers that eventually give way to the bright red berries in the summer months until late fall,’ says Jen Stark, gardening and home writer, and founder of Happy DIY Home .
‘Additionally, the leaves turn brilliant colors in the fall to give you multi-season interest. The berries are too bitter to eat raw, but you can use them in desserts or savory dishes to help balance out the flavor profile.’
This deciduous shrub gets between 6. 5-13ft tall and has large leaves, making it one of the best trees for small gardens.
7. Mulberry tree
(Image credit: YONCA60/Getty Images)
‘Red mulberry trees – Morus rubra – are wonderful because they produce an immense amount of fruit when in season,’ says Russell.
‘The fruit that they produce is really similar to raspberries, or blackberries. It's super sweet and more than anything super plentiful.’
Mulberry trees can reach up to 80ft, and can be grown in zones 4-9, tolerating part shade.
However, Russell warns not to plant one over your driveway or a walkway – ‘because all of those berries can stain.’ For this reason, mulberries may not be the best trees for front yards.
8. Juneberries
(Image credit: Akchamczuk / Getty Images)
‘Though the ripest berries are a bit on the purply side, my favorite trees with red berries are hands-down juneberries – Amelanchier alnifolia – also known as serviceberry or saskatoon,’ says Shmurak.
‘These delicious blueberry-like fruits grow prolifically in all sorts of conditions, have lovely spring flowers, as well as attractive fall color.’
Juneberries are hardy trees that grow well in zones 2-7, tolerating light shade and damp sites. They typically reach between 15-35ft.
Another benefit of these wonderful trees is that in the spring they produce elegant star-shaped flowers, while in the fall, their foliage turns brilliant red orange.
9. Peruvian pepper
(Image credit: Weisschr / Getty Images)
Peruvian pepper – Schinus molle – is also known as the California pepper tree, false pepper, or the American pepper.
'This is an evergreen tree that produces small red berries with a peppery taste,’ says Stark. 'You can eat the berries safely.'
The Peruvian pepper tree does best in arid and hot climates, thriving in zones 8-11, and reaches 25-50ft in height.
‘It has pretty pinnate fern-like leaves with small white flowers in the spring. Its berry-like drupes of pink or red woody seeds grow in large clusters all year long,' adds Stark.
10. Yew
(Image credit: Zelg / Getty Images)
A large coniferous tree, the yew – Taxus baccata – makes a beautiful addition to the garden with its bright scarlet berries in the fall and lush green needles.
It's also an ancient tree with a fascinating history steeped in myth and superstition. While they are difficult to date, there are yew trees believed to be over 3,000 years old.
As an evergreen tree, the yew provides color and screening in the garden year round, and grows in zones 5-7. Though it can reach great heights, it can be pruned to keep it in shape or to serve as a hedge.
However, while it offers lots of landscaping potential, the yew tree is poisonous to humans, so it’s not one to plant if you prefer trees with red berries that you can sample. Happily, the birds can enjoy the berries in safety.
How do I identify a tree with red berries?
To identify a tree with red berries, it helps to find out the common trees that grow in your area, as this will narrow down the options.
Invest in a tree identification book with clear photographs and descriptions to help you examine the tree.
While the presence of red berries provides the first clue, you should also look at the leaf type and shape, as this is slightly different for every tree.
Which trees have red berries in summer?
Popular trees that have red berries in summer include cherry trees, mulberries and juneberries, while hawthorns tend to start developing berries in the summer.
As editor of Period Living, Britain's best-selling period homes magazine, Melanie loves the charm of older properties. I live in a rural village just outside the Cotswolds in England, so am lucky to be surrounded by beautiful homes and countryside, where I enjoy exploring. Having worked in the industry for almost two decades, Melanie is interested in all aspects of homes and gardens. Her previous roles include working on Real Homes and Homebuilding & Renovating, and she has also contributed to Gardening Etc. She has an English degree and has also studied interior design. Melanie frequently writes for Homes & Gardens about property restoration and gardening.
15 Trees with Red Berries You Could Plant
by Jennifer Poindexter
Are you interested in growing trees around your home that produce red berries? There are many varieties to choose from.
However, it can feel overwhelming narrowing your options down. Don’t be discouraged because you’ve landed in the right place. I’m going to tell you which trees produce red berries.
I’ll also share which planting zones they do best in and any other information you might need to make the best choice for your landscape.
Here are your options for trees which produce red berries.
1. Hawthorn
The hawthorn is a larger tree which produces colorful small blooms. These blooms transform into bright red berries later in the season.
If you’re interested in a larger tree, the hawthorn can reach heights between fifteen and thirty feet. It’s hardy in planting zones five through nine and prefers full sun.
2. Mountain Ash
The mountain ash tree is commonly known as the rowan tree. Its foliage fills out nicely and, for this reason, is frequently used as a shade tree.
This tree will produce red berries as well. It reaches heights between ten and thirty feet and can be as broad as fifteen feet. This is a great choice for planting zones three through five as long as you have a growing space with full sun and acidic soil.
3. Holly
When you think of plants which produce red berries, the holly tree is probably one of the first things which comes to mind.
The holly tree is hardy in planting zones five through nine. It prefers to grow in spaces with full sun and acidic, well-draining soil. A holly tree can become quite large as it reaches heights between forty and fifty feet.
4. Chokecherry
The chokecherry tree is one that’s versatile across many planting zones. As with the other trees mentioned here, this option produces red berries.
However, this tree is hardy from planting zones two through ten. It likes sunlight but can thrive in shaded locations as well. It also must be planted in well-draining soil. Ensure you plant the chokecherry tree where it has room to grow as it can become as tall as thirty feet.
5. Juneberries
This tree is also considered a shrub in some circumstances. It typically produces blooms, in the early part of spring, which turn into berries by around June.
To grow this tree, you must have a location with full to partial sunlight. Be sure the soil is sandy and drains well. It’s hardy in planting zones four through eight and can reach heights between fifteen and twenty-five feet tall.
6. Yew
Yew trees are amazing additions to most landscapes. These trees have evergreen needles and produce cones and beautiful red berries.
If you’re interested in growing this plant, it’s hardy in planting zones four through eight. It isn’t picky about growing conditions and can thrive in full sun, partial sun, or full shade. Be sure you have room for this plant as it can grow as tall as fifty feet.
7. Cherry Tree
Cherry trees are gorgeous fruiting trees that produce beautiful pink blooms. Once the blooming period has ended, cherries will begin to form on the tree.
You can incorporate cherry trees into most landscapes as they can grow to be thirty-five feet tall or smaller. These trees need well-draining soil and full sun to avoid fungal issues. Cherry trees seem to grow best in planting zones five through seven.
8. Red Chokeberry
Red chokeberry trees are beautiful to look at and great for those who don’t have a ton of growing space. These trees can grow to be between three and twelve feet tall.
Also, they put on a show of color as a semi-evergreen plant. If you’re interested in growing this tree, ensure you plant it where it’ll receive full to partial shade. The red chokeberry is hardy in planting zones four through nine.
9. Mulberry
A mulberry tree makes for a large addition to your growing area. These trees produce elongated berries that can be red in color.
When growing mulberry trees, be sure to plant them in full to partial sunlight. They also need well-draining soil that’s well amended. These plants grow best in planting zones five through ten.
10. Eastern Wahoo
The eastern wahoo (also known as euonymus atropurpureus) not only has a fabulous name, but it also packs a ton of color. This plant is considered a shrub or small tree as it can reach heights of approximately twenty-five feet.
This tree produces red berries and displays bold colors during the fall. If you’re interested in growing the eastern wahoo, be sure to plant in well-draining soil and light shade. The tree is hardy in planting zones three through nine.
11. Strawberry Tree
The strawberry tree is a petite tree that grows mid-size, circular red berries. If you’re interested in growing something a little different, the strawberry tree could be for you.
This tree reaches heights between fifteen and thirty feet once fully mature. It prefers to grow in full to partial sunlight and requires well-draining soil. The strawberry tree will remain hardy in planting zones seven through ten. The berries of this tree are edible, but they’re also known for being on the bland side.
12. Peruvian Pepper
The Peruvian pepper tree is a larger tree with angled foliage. This tree produces red berries which are typically used for looks only. However, they are edible.
This tree can reach heights between twenty-five and fifty feet tall. It needs full sun, and the more sunlight it receives the better this plant should do. If you’re interested in growing this type of plant, it’s hardy in planting zones eight and higher.
13. Sumac
The sumac tree is a smaller tree which produces cone-shaped clusters of red berries. This tree reaches heights ranging from five feet to twenty feet.
If you’re interested in adding sumac to your landscape, it needs well-draining soil and can handle full to partial sunlight. This tree is hardy in planting zones five through eight.
14. Cornelian Cherry Dogwood
I love dogwood trees. They’re smaller and a gorgeous addition to most landscapes. This variety of dogwood produces clusters of yellow blooms.
If you choose to grow this tree, it can grow in most soil types and prefers full sunlight. The tree reaches heights between fifteen and twenty-five feet tall. It’s also hardy in planting zones five through eight.
15. Spindle Tree
The final tree we’ll discuss is the spindle tree. The European spindle tree produces bright pink blooms and red berries that are eye-catching.
This tree will thrive in full sunlight, but it can survive in partial sun as well. It also does well in most kinds of soil. A spindle tree is hardy in planting zones three through eight and will reach heights ranging from twelve to thirty feet.
These are your options for trees which produce red berries. Whether you’re looking for small trees, large trees, or trees with edible fruit this list should have all you need.
Ensure you follow the tips as far as planting in the right soil, sunlight, and planting zone. If you provide what each tree needs, they should do well and add beauty to your landscape for many years.
More About Trees with Red Berries
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Decorative trees and shrubs with beautiful fruits for the autumn garden
The autumn garden leaves no one indifferent. Before the onset of cold weather, trees and shrubs play with bright colors, not only thanks to the multi-colored leaves. Some cultures have no less attractive fruits, which are densely strewn with branches.
Most trees and shrubs bear fruit in early autumn, but some crops retain bright berries until winter. We have prepared for you a selection of the most attractive plants that are ideal for decorating an autumn garden.
1. Barberry
Among barberries there are deciduous, evergreen and semi-evergreen plants. In the autumn garden, common, Ottawa, Siberian, Amur and Thunberg barberries are especially popular. They have decorative leaves, flowers and fruits. In autumn, bright red barberry berries look great against the background of yellow, orange, red, green leaves of this ornamental plant. Often the fruits are kept on the branches even in winter.
By planting barberry bushes, you can create beautiful hedges. Also, the plant looks great in the autumn garden as a bright tapeworm on the lawn.
2. Euonymus
Euonymus does not require shaping pruning, so it is ideal for beginner gardeners. This undemanding plant does not particularly stand out in the summer, but in the fall it changes into a bright outfit in pink, red and purple hues. In addition, beautiful autumn leaves complement the unusually shaped fruits.
3. Hawthorn
These small trees or tall shrubs delight gardeners with their edible fruits in autumn. Depending on the variety, they are yellow, whitish, orange, brown, purple, black, but bright red is the most common. They are shaped like small apples. The fruits remain on the plant until they are pecked by birds.
Hawthorn is most often used in landscape design as a hedge; single trees also look good in the garden.
4. Elderberry
In May-June, the elder decorates the garden with numerous inflorescences, and at the end of August, instead of flowers, fruits form. The red elderberry, as you might guess, they are red, the black elderberry is blackish purple, and the canadian elderberry is dark purple. Red fruits fit more organically into the palette of the autumn garden, but they are inedible, unlike dark berries.
Elderberry of any kind and variety is good both as a "soloist" and as a member of an attractive composition in the vicinity of other ornamental shrubs.
5. Derain
Deren bears fruit with small white berries in August-September, but this plant also has decorative bright leaves and shoots in autumn. Thanks to the fiery stems (especially in young specimens), both white and red turf remain attractive throughout the winter.
Turf looks best in hedges or planted in small groups. The shrub tolerates a haircut well, practically does not get sick and is not susceptible to pest attack, therefore it is suitable for inexperienced and lazy gardeners.
6. Kalina
In spring, viburnum pleases the eye with large snow-white inflorescences, and in autumn the shrub fascinates with its bright leaves and red berries. By the way, there are species with pink, orange, black, bluish-blue fruits, but they are not popular in our latitudes. In the middle lane, the common viburnum is most often grown. Tasty and healthy bright red berries of this plant ripen in August-September. However, the fruits are harvested only after the first frost, then their taste becomes less tart and not so bitter.
Viburnum is planted as a tapeworm and in groups with other flowering and ornamental shrubs. It is also good for creating hedges.
7. Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster is decorative in spring and summer due to glossy leaves and small flowers that bloom in May-June. And in autumn, the shrub is strewn with bright red or burgundy berries.
In landscape design for the formation of hedges and solitary plantings, cotoneasters are most often used horizontal, splayed and shiny. And Dammer's ground cover cotoneaster is suitable for an alpine slide.
8. Clerodendrum
In regions with a fairly mild climate, to decorate the autumn garden, it is worth planting a tripartite clerodendrum - a spectacular shrub with unusual fruits. He looks best as a "soloist" on the lawn or in the garden in the company of low perennials.
In autumn, the clerodendrum is covered with inky blue fruits that look like artificial beads. Each berry is surrounded by massive crimson pericarp, forming a kind of star flower. This gives the shrub an original look.
But keep in mind: Clerodendrum grows only in sunny areas protected from the wind and is afraid of severe frost. In the middle lane, the plant is carefully covered for the winter with dry leaves, non-woven material, spruce branches and again non-woven material on top.
9. Beautiful fruit
From the name of this shrub it becomes clear that its fruits are the most decorative. In September-October, purple-violet berries appear against the background of red and golden leaves. They remain on the plant even after leaf fall.
Sprigs covered with bright berries are suitable for creating winter bouquets. They keep their shape for a long time and go well with many plants.
10. Holly holly or holly
Holly is widely distributed on Christmas Eve, especially in the West. Branches with dark green glossy leaves and bright fruits are used as Christmas decor. On the site, this shrub is used mainly as a hedge. Small holly berries are most often red, but sometimes yellow and orange are also found. All of them are inedible.
11. Pyracantha
This evergreen shrub is often referred to as firethorn. In spring, creamy fragrant flowers flaunt against a background of dark green leaves, and in autumn and winter the plant is strewn with glossy berries of scarlet, orange or yellow.
Pyracantha is undemanding in care, but is afraid of frost, therefore, in regions with an unstable climate, it is often grown in containers. The fruits of pyracantha are edible, but they are very bitter, so they are not attractive to people. But birds love to eat them in the cold season.
12. Rowan
Many types of mountain ash are beautiful in autumn, in particular common, chokeberry (chokeberry), pomegranate. In August-September, numerous fruits collected in clusters ripen on these trees. Today, there are many ornamental rowan varieties with berries of various colors, but red and orange fruits are still most often found in gardens.
13. Snowberry
White or pink fruits of the snowberry stay on the bush for a long time, thanks to which they decorate the garden not only in autumn, but also at the beginning of winter. By the way, some varieties have red or black-purple berries, but so far they are not very popular.
Snowberry is suitable for making hedges and borders as it tolerates shearing well. Also, the shrub looks great in group plantings, can be used to strengthen the slopes.
14. Rosehip
Wrinkled rose is a widespread and undemanding shrub. From May to August, it is strewn with fragrant flowers, and in August-September, useful fruits ripen on it. They are usually red or orange.
Rose hips look best in hedges, but a single bush will also be a good decoration for an autumn garden.
Which trees and shrubs in your garden cheer you up in autumn due to their bright appearance?
Red Leaf Shrubs, Top 10 Most Popular
A variety of methods can be used to make an area attractive, a common variant of a plant with deep green foliage paired with bright flowers or garden décor. However, the design of the garden can be diversified in a natural way by planting a red shrub on the site. Burgundy, red or pink foliage can add contrast and charm to the garden. Consider the types of the most common shrubs with red leaf, which have proven themselves from the best side. 90 -100 cm in diameter. The leaves are very beautiful, dark, shiny, brown-red, oval in shape with a pointed end.
Weigela Black Minor
The plant loves brightly lit areas, in the shade the leaves lose their original color and turn green.
The woody bark is brown-green. Weigla Minor Black is a flowering plant, pleases with its decorative effect throughout the summer. The flowers collected in inflorescences are bell-shaped, the color is dark pink.
In 2006 at the exhibitions Plantarium, Boskoop, held in Holland, the variety was awarded a silver medal.
Winged Euonymus
The plant is often used for ornamental gardening. Shrubs have different heights, depending on the crop variety. On average, the height is from one to one and a half meters, the width of the crown is from two to three meters. The leaves are red in color, they have a special saturation in the autumn, the foliage becomes lilac-red.
Winged euonymus
The flowering period begins in the last days of May and lasts until mid-June. The buds are small, white-green in color.
Features of the plant:
- Winged euonymus belongs to the photophilous species, although it grows in partial shade.
- If the bush receives a sufficient amount of light, then in the middle of autumn this will be reflected in the color of the fruits and foliage, the color will be richer and brighter.
- Slightly alkaline or neutral soil, preferably loose, is suitable as a soil. Dense soil is dangerous for the plant.
The root system is branched and thin, so you should be careful when transplanting or when carrying out mechanical manipulations.
Barberry is often used to decorate a summer cottage or garden, because it has good decorative qualities and is unpretentious in care.
Shrub height from one to two and a half meters. The flowering period falls on the month of May.
Thunberg barberry
Thunberg barberry is special, as it has burgundy foliage throughout the season, in other varieties the foliage turns red only in mid-autumn.
The advantage of this species is high frost resistance. The barberry variety Aurikoma has similar properties, but in autumn the rich purple color of the leaves becomes bright orange.
This shrub is perfectly combined with coniferous plants: pine, arborvitae and juniper. Apply Barberry as a hedge or as a single planting. Although the bush may not be pruned, gardeners recommend maintaining a certain shape so that the plant looks neat and presentable.
This is a spreading plant with a lush spherical crown and drooping shoots.
Description and characteristics:
- The height of the bush is 3 meters. There is a dwarf variety, its height is not more than one meter.
- The leaves are similar in shape to viburnum leaf plates, have from three to five lobes.
- Inflorescences are small, pink or white, hemisphere shaped. Bud diameter from five to seven centimeters. The blooming takes place in the month of June.
- The plant loves the sun and a lot of light. Therefore, you should not plant Bubblefruit next to trees or large shrubs.
Life span thirty to forty years.
It belongs to the frost-resistant species, but in severe winter it needs shelter.
Does not tolerate waterlogged soil, this can be avoided with moderate watering or drainage.
Southern mackerel or leather
Sumpia is best known in the southern part of Russia, the Caucasus, the Mediterranean and the Crimea. In autumn, the leaf plate of the shrub acquires an orange, purple and rich burgundy color. The color of the leaves directly depends on the variety and variety of Skumpia.
In addition to beautiful foliage, there are pink buds that look like large butterflies from the outside. The first inflorescences are observed in the second half of the summer season. The height of the bush is about two meters.
This crop is used for group plantings and as a single composition.
To improve the decorative qualities, trim to create a beautiful and neat shape. The plant is sun-loving, does not like drafts and windy areas. In other cases, it is unpretentious.
Unaffected by pests and insects, resistant to plant diseases.
Common hazel
Fairly tall shrub that can grow up to six meters. The leaves are bright red, purple, corrugated, round in shape. In one year, it increases by twenty centimeters in height.
Common hazel
Planted in full sun or partial shade. It does not tolerate drought well, if the summer is not rainy and hot, then the bushes should be watered abundantly.
Features of the plant:
- The life of this crop is at least one hundred years;
high frost resistance, able to withstand temperatures below thirty-four degrees. - shoots spiraling, tortuous;
- leaves purple, curly, wrinkled visually and to the touch;
- fruits are nuts, tasty and healthy, hidden in a scarlet-pink skin or shell,
- fruits ripen in late August early September;
- undemanding to the types of soil.
Growers use for planting in prominent areas as a single planting.
Redleaf Plum cultivar Hollywood
Some refer to this crop as a tree. However, there are varieties of plums that are undersized, no more than sixty, seventy centimeters high, resembling a bush, or two or three meters high.
Red-leaved Plum
If you cut the plant yourself and give it the shape of a ball, then the culture can easily be used in the landscape as a hedge. Suitable for decorating a problem area, allows you to hide the imperfections of the landscape.
Dark maroon plum foliage, shoots also red, with a purple tint.
Characteristics of culture:
- It is not subject to attacks of dangerous insects and garden diseases.
- A young shrub needs abundant watering and regular pruning, if these manipulations are neglected, the survival rate of the plant is minimal.
Ornamental apple tree
Ornamental apple tree can be considered a small tree or an extensive ornamental shrub. In height reaches no more than six meters. With proper pruning, you can create a beautiful shape and control the width and height of the crown.
Ornamental apple tree
The plant is winter-hardy, easily endures a period of long drought. Easily withstands difficult weather conditions. Widely used for landing on the territory of the Russian Federation.
According to external data, the apple tree is similar to the Japanese cherry or Sakura. During the flowering period, the shrub is plastered with small pink inflorescences. Flowers bloom in mid-May, and the duration of flowering is no more than fourteen days.
The buds are not only incredibly beautiful, but they have a delicate, subtle and specific aroma that fills the garden.
In addition to the red foliage and pink buds, the apple tree bears red fruits that blend perfectly with the overall composition. Apples are small and not used for human consumption.
Intense red shade of the bush repels parasites and harmful insects, which is a protection for this crop.
Photinia Fraser
Spectacular and rare plant, but recently it has become more actively used in gardens as an ornament.
Photinia Fraser
- Large burgundy leaf plate.
- Photinia loves warmth, lots of light and dry, fertile, loose soil.
- Withstands minus temperatures of at least eighteen degrees.
- Used as a single fit.
- It is resistant to diseases and insect attacks, but spring treatment is recommended for prevention purposes.
The plant needs pruning and shaping.
Black Tower Elderberry
Intense burgundy shade of leaves. The shrub is attractive during the flowering period, at which time the bush is dotted with small whitish flowers.