Terraced backyard landscaping design
25 Beautiful Hill Landscaping Ideas and Terracing Inspirations
There are many landscaping ideas for sloping hills that create beautiful outdoor living spaces and enhance house design while increasing home values. Lushome shares a collection of inspiring yard landscaping ideas that turn sloping hills into amazing features with creative, nature inspired and gorgeous terracing.
Softly sloping hills can require hard work, but patience and creative yard landscaping ideas that compliment natural surroundings turn outdoor living spaces into gorgeous gardens and spectacular places to relax and connect with the nature in elegant and pleasant style.
Yard landscaping ideas that do not fight the nature, but emphasize and enrich the surroundings can be transformed into attractive and practical areas that is not difficult to maintain and inviting. The size of a yard and the steepness of the hill are major factors to consider when selecting garden design and deciding on how the area going to be used. If the hill yard is very steep, then terracing is a great idea for front and backyard designs.
25 beautiful yard landscaping ideas adding beach stones to backyard designs
Terracing and hill landscaping ideas
Terracing for slopes and stone wall design, hill landscaping ideasTerracing makes yard landscaping more manageable and attractive. Terraces reduce reduce the chances of injuries and and mud slides. A series of terraces provide flat areas for growing edible herbs, flower beds or vegetable gardens. Terraces are great for creating outdoor seating areas also.
Terraces can feature steps, look formal with stone walls or natural reflecting natural landscaping. Creative and smart terracing and hill landscaping ideas can be beautified by adding side gardens, flower beds, paved patios, stairs and ramped pathways.
Hill landscaping with arched terracesThere is no limit for creativity and original, interesting and surprising landscaping ideas. Classic or natural, contemporary or rustic hill landscaping that offers outdoor seating areas can be designed and appreciated. Shrubs and decorative grasses, planted trees and flower beds can add unique accents to hill yard landscaping ideas.
30 Green backyard ideas adding privacy to outdoor living spaces
30 stone wall pictures and yard landscaping ideas
Even dead tree parts and old fences can be used for keeping hills look charming. Trees planted on a hillside and long fences look stunning as you and your quests look over them from the top of the hill. Trees growing on a hill give you a fabulous feeling of being amongst the tree tops.
Flower beds on terraces, curvy stone pathway, hill landscaping ideasSloping hill landscaping ideas and garden design on a hill have tremendous potentials. Unleash your imagination and create very natural or formal outdoor living spaces with seating areas and flower beds or charming water features. Formal or rustic, hill landscaping ideas with terracing, seating areas and water features look spectacular.
Small terraces and curvy garden pathSloping hill landscaping ideas by Ena Russ
31. 10.2016
50 Backyard Retaining Wall Ideas and Terraced Gardens (Photos)
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Welcome to our photo gallery featuring a selection of the most luxurious and beautiful terrace gardens with retaining walls we could find! We hope you can glean a retaining wall idea or two from the list we’ve provided below. If you do, let us know!
The use of terrace gardens dates back millennia to ancient times. Terrace gardens are still a beautiful but much less widely seen luxury in the present day.
Terrace gardens also fulfilled a practical purpose in the past and still do in the present; in hilly or steep areas, they were a means of growing more crops to feed a local population. Terrace gardens also help ensure more uniform watering across crops and gardens, where a steep slope cannot and does not.
Contemporary terrace gardens and retaining walls tend to be much smaller and more modest in the majority of residential landscaping designs. While some retaining or garden walls are masonry works, others are simply composed of stacked stones or concrete steps. We’ve listed the ten common retaining wall materials here.
The majority of the terraces and retaining walls you’ll find included in this collection can be found in nearly any suburban neighborhood.
Many contemporary terrace gardens are also located in urban areas. Many of these urban terrace gardens use extensive container gardening to create small gardens in places where a lack of traditional planting beds is an issue.
The terraced garden made from different levels of stone walls in the photo above the text is located in an expansive garden. The terraced garden in the photo is complete with a small pond and waterfall, and small evergreen bushes that line the larger terraces. The natural stone wall was made from cobblestone.
We hope you’ll enjoy this unique collection and perhaps find inspiration for your own terraced garden or wall landscape!
Find more backyard ideas in our article on the definitive guide to backyards!
Wood retaining wall ideas
Here we see gorgeous wood brick retaining walls that use a stacked concept. This timber wall is accented by lovely green plants that sit atop it. The layered design of this garden retaining wall, with its cohesive look, makes it pleasing to the eye.
Here is a wood retaining wall that is topped with charming ornamental plants. These plants make an excellent and enchanting accent to the wood retaining wall landscape.
Here we see a wide soil plot of land that’s divided by a timber retaining wall. The timber wall’s levels grow higher and higher as the wall grows closer.
In this photo, we see a wood-paneled retaining wall surrounding a grassy courtyard. This wood retaining wall wraps around a lush green yard that is filled to the brim with verdant plants and trees.
Stone and rock retaining wall ideas
Here, thin slate stones have been stacked to create a natural-looking, simple, and beautiful barrier between the landscaping and the grass lawn below it.
Here we present a more country or rustic retaining wall that is running along the side of a paved driveway. This stone wall creates a terrace from the large hillside. Moss grows on the old stones, marking this stone wall as aged and weathered.
We see a hand-laid retaining wall made out of natural stone in this photo. The two natural stone terraces are filled with low-maintenance plants and landscaping. These stone terraces smooth out the angles between the much higher house and the soft, lush green lawn below it.
In this photo, we can see a series of layered garden retaining walls between the highest and lowest levels of a split-level home. There is a ramp overhead, as well.
Here, a brand new garden is completed with several garden tiers and new plant growth. The stone retaining garden walls that make up the terraces will help keep the arrangements separate from one another.
We see a residential stone retaining wall running along a winding stone path along the side of the home in the photo above.
Here we can look at a terrace garden with stone retaining walls and a nearby stone path from the rear of a home.
Here, stone retaining walls run alongside a paved road.
In this photo, a series of stone walls surround a waterfall that runs into a small creek down a hill.
Here we can see a unique rock retaining wall by a sidewalk. This rock wall is composed of rocks of various shapes and sizes, which adds visual interest to the overall look of the retaining wall. The wall is topped with evergreen plants, which give a sense of life to the wall.
Here, we see layered stone brick retaining walls above a green lush slope. The layered stone retaining wall is accented by lovely ornamental plants, and a green chair adorns the area near the third level of the terrace garden.
In this photo, there is a sophisticated stone retaining wall complete with serene pine trees in its backdrop. A stone pathway and matching steps in the middle lead up to a concrete bench.
This stone retaining wall is fitted with a concrete staircase that leads to an area with flagstone flooring. The rustic wood chairs complete the look.
Here, natural stone retaining walls surround a majestic garden that is filled with lovely, colorful blossoming plants crawling throughout it.
This home features stone retaining walls that end in planters on a stacked wall layout. Captivating flowers add character and softness to the area.
Cobblestone/Brick retaining wall ideas
This contemporary home has terraced landscaping on either side of the stone stairs that lead up to the home’s front door. The light-colored stones are stacked neatly around the planting beds, making the hillside less dramatic.
This stone retaining wall snakes around either side of a paved driveway. Ornamental trees, flowers, and draping vines fill the area in and around the sides of both stone terraces.
Stacked cinder block landscaping stones are an easy and excellent method for keeping grass out of planting beds. These block walls also add curb appeal to the landscaping. Any borders created with concrete blocks will remain in place.
The bricks used to create these terraces and retaining walls are speckled with small holes. These small holes give the bricks the appearance of a kitchen sponge.
A series of light stone retaining walls that help keep the sand dunes of the landscape from eroding away. They also provide a sturdy place for larger evergreens to grow.
Here we see lush landscaping complete with a small birdbath, looking glass, and uniformly stacked stones. A small set of stairs leads up to a pathway on the top of the brick terrace.
In this photo, brick retaining wall rises next to a stone courtyard using alternating red and gray stone.
Here we see a simple terrace garden with ornamental grasses and bushes atop the stone retaining wall.
In this photo, a simple, curved retaining wall forms a circular planter. The owners chose to fill the stone retaining wall planter with bright petunias.
A retaining wall of light-colored stacked stone that is uniform in both color and size. The ground above the stones is covered in a thick ground cover.
Here we see a simple retaining wall that creates a raised gardening plot filled with petunias, black-eyed Susans, and other members of the daisy family.
In this photo we see a brick retaining perimeter wall surrounding the wooden backyard patio. The top tier of the terrace continues into the surrounding woods.
Here terraces of varying heights surround the swimming pool. Retaining walls and terraced gardens are an ideal methods to create your own private oasis.
Here we see three beautifully fashioned terraces, each planted a different plant in large gathered groups.
In this photo, the concrete block retaining wall snakes along the lush green lawn. It has drainage on its side. Ornamental flowers and green plants peek out from below and above the gray wall.
Here, a serpentine retaining wall landscape wraps around the area surrounding a traditional ranch house with blue vinyl siding. The house and landscaping are lined with beautifully manicured bushes and shrubs, as well.
Here, a gorgeous brick retaining wall is situated beside a curved pathway that sports a two-tone color. This retaining wall is overflowing with lush green plants.
Here, a beige two-story house is framed by brick retaining walls. The retaining walls are accented by plants and manicured shrubs.
In this photo, multi-tiered brick retaining walls showcase a stunning design. There’s even a matching staircase along the side of the terraces. The terraces’ unified gray color makes the green plants stand out even more.
This house boasts natural brick retaining walls that wrap around a gorgeous tree and lush plants.
Concrete retaining wall ideas
A series of small concrete terraces create steps along this hillside. The soft, plush grasses make this spot perfect for sitting and relaxing.
Here, sleek concrete retaining walls with a striking and unique layout double as seating areas. The fresh, smooth grasses complete the clean and modern look and provide an overall serene vibe.
Gabion retaining wall ideas
See our entire gabion wall and fence article/gallery here.
Here we see gabion retaining walls that are framed with wire mesh, which showcases the concrete staircase in the center of the gabion wall.
This lovely white rock gabion retaining wall wraps around plants, forming a steady and sturdy planter for the plants inside it.
This garden features a round rock gabion wall planter that is filled with green plants and solar lights that illuminate the area at night.
This is a close look at a gabion retaining wall that is fitted with a chrome lamp and topped by luscious green plants.
Here, a curved gabion retaining wall atop a concrete tiled courtyard is lined with garden plants.
These towering gabion retaining walls serve as a fence around a house. The vibrant yellow color of the gabion wall blends well with the green plants and their yellow flowers.
In this photo, the layered gabion retaining wall beside the poured concrete staircase is filled with large pebbles. The terraces are topped with various plants and shrubs.
Here, multi-tiered gabion retaining walls that use two-toned rocks are accompanied by alternating well-manicured plants. This creates a stunning fence for a backyard or even a front yard!
In this photo, the simple terrace was created using wooden blocks, chicken wire, and large stones for an overall rustic look. The landscaping is simple and low maintenance.
How to make a DIY retaining wall
First, find the elevation contour of the area where the retaining wall is desired. If there is a change in elevation in the land, the water can roll off and away from the soil and plants on the terrace.
A retaining wall must be built along the contour line, so that rainwater that falls on the terrace will remain in place, slowly sinking into the terrace. One can locate elevation contours using a tool called an A-frame level.
Next, drive stakes every two to six feet along the contour line. On steeper slopes, the stakes should be closer together than the stakes on gentler slopes. Stakes can be made from waste wood, or they can be purchased from a local home improvement store. Wooden deck balusters can also be used as stakes.
To prevent weeds from growing on the new terrace, lay cardboard where the terrace will be the way shingles on a roof are laid, beginning at the bottom and working up from there, with overlapping pieces.
The next step is to lay materials like logs, and tree limbs, and brush uphill of the stakes. These materials act as a dam for the terrace, to help keep rainwater from draining from the terrace quickly. Dig a slight ditch for the logs, limbs, and brush, to help get some of the pressure they exert off the stakes.
The best logs and tree limbs to use are six to eight inches in diameter. It’s best to stack the logs, limbs, and brush so that they are slightly above level, because over time (due to gravity), the terrace will settle.
Next, pack materials such as twigs, leaves, and more brushes between the logs. These materials act as a filter and also hold the soil in place. Then, add the soil to the cardboard. It will settle in time, so more soil will need to be added in the future.
It’s important to observe what happens with the new terraces after a few hard, heavy rains. Once happy with the stability of the terrace, feel free to plant perennial plants and flowers in it!
Garden Wall Ideas
So, what is the difference between a garden wall and a retaining wall? Aren’t the two terms interchangeable?
The difference between a garden wall and a retaining wall lies in the purpose of the wall. Retaining walls hold back the earth, essentially creating a staircase-like structure out of a natural slope or hill, especially a steep slope or hill.
Retaining walls can present a stunning look and can be aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but their basic and most important function is to hold back the earth. Thus, the retaining wall design is dictated by the naturally occurring slope or hill that is present on a property.
Garden walls are purely aesthetic, for decoration or separation only. These walls are not built for strength or to hold back the earth.
They are typically used to designate different types of gardens or one garden bed from another. Garden wall design is not dictated by a natural slope or hill but is decided by the landscaper or gardener.
Here, a short retaining wall made of layered blocks creates dedicated planting beds that are easily distinguishable from the grass lawn below them.
This charming garden bed is filled with gorgeous plants that line the decorative rock retaining wall.
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tips, ideas and ready-made projects
Walking through the streets of the private sector, you involuntarily pay attention to the design of courtyards. Particularly attractive are beautiful, tastefully decorated landscapes, near which you want to stay longer. Unusual compositions with artificial ponds, waterfalls, with elements of topiary, alpine slides and rockeries are interesting. Creating an extraordinary landscape in the yard requires work and knowledge of the basics of its design.
Principles of planning a yard near a private house
Yard is a part of a land plot adjacent to a private house. It is divided into the front, or front yard, and back. The front yard is between the facade of the apartment building and the fence. It is open to everyone who wants to look behind the fence, and is the calling card of the owners. For this reason, its design is treated with particular scrupulousness.
The back yard is behind the house and hidden from prying eyes. A secluded resting place is arranged here, outbuildings are located, poultry and animals are kept. nine0003
The layout of the yard largely depends on the size of the plot and the needs of the family. But there are general principles of its improvement, which the majority adheres to. The list of objects located on the territory of the yard includes technical buildings and decorative elements of the landscape. The first of them are a necessity, since they provide comfort to the owners of the house, and the second ones are needed to satisfy their aesthetic needs.
The objects of technical importance include a garage, a parking lot, a summer kitchen, a guest house, an arbor, an aviary for a dog. A garage and a parking lot are usually located just outside the gate, and other buildings are located in the depths, where road noise and street dust do not reach. An aviary or booth for a dog is arranged in a dead corner, but not too far from the outer fence. nine0003
Objects of decorative value, these are flower beds, ponds, deciduous and coniferous plantations, lawns, small architectural structures, etc. Their number depends on the area of the yard and such elements in most situations are located along the fences and walls of outbuildings.
The space directly in front of the porch is not accepted to be filled with vegetation - it must remain free for movement. On the site at the entrance to the house, tiles or other paving covering are laid. nine0003
Exception to the rule. When the yard is spacious enough, flower beds are broken near the porch on the side of the steps, where flower beds do not interfere with movement.
Front yard seating area
Pergola or shed, this is common in the front yard. They are surrounded by flower beds and climbing plants, and together they make up a landscape composition.
If there is free space, you can complete the picture with any hydraulic structure: a waterfall, a fountain, an artificial pond. The proximity of water contributes to a special microclimate, especially desirable near the place of rest. nine0003
It is very popular to build a patio in front of the porch. Proximity to the front door to the house makes it possible to spend every free minute outdoors. Here you can drink a cup of morning coffee, gather with your family for evening tea or keep secrets with friends and girlfriends.
On a small paved area, a table and a few chairs are set - these are the most necessary items in the arrangement of the patio area. Potted plants and sheer curtains providing light shade, comfortable wicker furniture and cushions are used to create a cozy environment. nine0003
Important. It is possible to create a full-fledged resting place on the territory of the front yard when it is isolated from the road by a blank fence or a high hedge. Otherwise, it will not be very comfortable to spend time in a sincere conversation at the sight of prying eyes. Moreover, you will not be able to relax in a hammock or on a garden sofa swing.
How to set up a backyard
Backyard design with gazebo, patio area and pond Between the house and the garden there is a space that is used in two directions: for a garage with a parking lot for a car and a resting place. If there is enough space, you can do both by dividing it with a hedge, a vertical green screen, or a flower garden. At the same time, the garage with parking is located closer to the gate.
The back yard is the best place for a recreation area near a private house. It is easy to create a completely isolated space here, inaccessible to the views of neighbors and street dust. On the one hand, it is protected from the wind by the wall of the house, on the other hand by an orchard, and from the side of the neighboring plot it is separated by a fence. By constructing a light canopy, you can spend time in the backyard seating area without fear of summer rain. nine0003
This is where it is most convenient to create a barbecue area, install a barbecue or fold a garden stove.
It is also a suitable area for creating a sports ground, a place for children to play with a sandbox and swings.
Naturally, the backyard, regardless of its purpose, is decorated with various types of flower beds, it is appropriate to plant tall coniferous and deciduous trees here.
Paths and paving
A hard surface in the yard is important from a hygienic point of view. It allows you to keep the yard clean, and it is easier to take care of it: wash, remove leaves, throw away snow. Most often, continuous paving is used, when most of the yard area is laid out with paving slabs. Paths are laid from paving in different directions, helping to get to various areas: a garden, auxiliary buildings, a shower, a bathhouse, and so on.
Ford type paving is mainly used to create paths to various objects. The principle of its device is that a gap is left between the individual tiles. nine0003
At the same time, for ease of movement, the distance should not be more than 30 cm, and the tiles themselves are chosen large enough so that the foot fits completely on them. The space between the elements of this type of path is filled with lawn grass, pebbles, small gravel.
What to make paving and paths:
- Paving stones.
Thick, brick-like tiles can easily support the weight of a car, so they are used for laying in parking lots. A blind area, a patio area, a path between the gate and the house are arranged from paving stones; nine0108
- Molded concrete tiles. Ideal for creating garden paths;
- Flagstone. Flat slabs are integrated into the lawn, combined with crushed stone filling, pebbles;
- Decking. Water resistant composite material imitating wood. It is laid on a leveled area, sprinkled with gravel or crushed stone of small fractions. For greater reliability, decking is sometimes mounted on a crate made of timber;
- Modular cover. nine0065 Plastic boards with embossed anti-slip pattern, connected with tongue-and-groove or foot-groove;
- Rolled plastic cover. Used to create temporary and seasonal tracks.
It is also possible to make a concrete screed with the prospect that some tile material will be laid on it in the future.
Plants in the design of the yard
Flower beds and flowerbeds help to create a special flavor around the house. The type of vegetation is selected depending on the style in which the site is designed. The size of the yard, the degree of its illumination and the design of the house are also taken into account. nine0003
Bulbous flowers will provide a spring explosion of colors: tulips, lilies, hazel grouses, daffodils, muscari, alliums, saffrons . Their flowering period is not very long, but many species and varieties allow you to choose plants in such a way that it lasts from April to early June. At the end of flowering, the bulbs completely wither, modestly giving way to other horticultural crops.
Variety of shapes spruces, pines, junipers and arborvitae opens up space in the gardening of the yard. They are used in the creation of hedges, are present in mixborders, planted in rocky gardens and as tapeworms on green lawns. Undersized and dwarf species are popular because they are suitable for decorating small yards and are used as container crops.
Ornamental shrubs
Background plants are designed to emphasize the bright colors of beautifully flowering perennials. In this performance, 9 are of interest.0064 snowberry, privet, tamarisk, mackerel, lilac . They will cover the fence and the barn and will not divert attention from more sophisticated plantings, such as roses, hydrangeas, peonies or irises.
Shrubs with decorative foliage and lush flowering act as dominant plants. These are Thunberg barberry , forsythia, various types of spirea, spindle tree, viburnum buldenezh, louisiana, viburnum viburnum .
Tip. Evergreen shrubs and trees will add showiness to the flower composition: boxwood, holly mahonia, holly, cinquefoil, aucuba.
Flower beds are based on herbaceous perennials. They define the backbone of the flower bed, around which the rest of the composition is built. For sunny places, erigeron, liatris, anemone, yucca, are suitable, and sedum and hosta grow well in the shade.
The space left between perennials is filled with annual flowers that bloom all summer.
Liana-like plants seem to be created for decorating the yard. They braid arbors, arches, fences, porch posts. Climbing plantations are used to create green screens when zoning the garden, separating outbuildings from the front part of the yard.
Clematis in the landscaping of the gazeboOften planted in the front garden in front of the house clematis . Their not too dense foliage transmits light well, and at the same time creates a kind of curtain that protects open windows from dust penetration.
Always in demand climbing roses , which can be planted near the porch, at the gate, at the entrance to the gazebo. Their long flowering period provides an atmosphere of conviviality throughout the summer season.
Landscape features of the yard
The total area of the land allotment does not always affect the size of the yard. Rather, how much land can be allocated to the yard depends on whether the owners plan to grow vegetables and fruits or not. If so, then on a small plot, a vegetable garden and a garden often take priority at the expense of the yard area.
Design of a small yard
It is difficult to make a large yard on a plot of 6 acres, but you can deceive the perception and expand it visually. A tiny pond will capture attention and distract from the surrounding background. nine0003
The illusion of an increase in territory will be stronger if the pond is made elongated. It is best to place it along the longest line. A similar effect of expanding space is felt in a landscape with a fountain installed on a hill.
If the allotment has an elongated shape, a small strip of land remains between the facade of the building and the fence for the front garden.
It is most practical to cover this area with paving, leaving narrow strips of earth around the perimeter along the fence for flower beds. Also suitable is the option when the flower garden is broken behind the fence. It will visually move the yard away from the road and brighten up its tightness. In such a situation, the garage takes place in the very corner, and the parking lot is also taken out of the fence. nine0003
A resting place near a house with a small yard is recommended to be arranged in the backyard. It will be easier to spend your leisure time here. The gazebo is sometimes arranged close to the house and has a common wall with it.
Design of a yard on a plot of 10 acres
A plot of land of 10 acres allows you to allocate about 3 acres for the front yard (but this is not a rule and depends on the location of the house on the plot). The classic option is when the house is maximally shifted to the border with neighbors, and the porch is turned towards the gate. In such a situation, on the opposite side, there is sufficient space for arranging a yard with a front garden. Not only a recreation area is arranged here. There is still enough space left to create a beautiful landscape with a mixborder, a rose garden, an alpine slide. nine0003
Since a garage is indispensable, it is taken out as close as possible to the gate: only a parking area remains between the gate and the garage.
This layout has its advantages. The building of technical importance (garage) closes the view from the street, thanks to which behind its walls you can create a full-fledged recreation area, a playground, and build a sauna.
Design of a yard on a plot of 15 acres
On a large plot of land there is a unique opportunity to build a house in the depths of the plot. The area in front of the cottage is completely at the disposal of its owners. It is divided into two main zones: an ornamental garden and a recreation area. nine0003
The main elements of the garden are flower beds, which are located on both sides of the path leading from the gate to the porch. The design of flower beds is the most diverse, but when breaking them down, it should be taken into account that the variegation of flower beds and the piling up of many types of vegetation tires the eye. Landscape designers recommend interspersing flower beds with cut lawns and separating them with low hedges.
Uneven terrain with a rocky landscape looks original. If the site is flat and its area allows, you can artificially create elevation differences, fill them with decorative gravel and create a corner of the mountain landscape. nine0003
An artificial pond, a dry stream, wide steps on steep slopes - all these are interesting ideas for decorating a front yard.
There can be more than one recreation area in a large yard. They are created according to interests: a secluded place of relaxation, family gatherings, gathering with a noisy company.
Each sub-zone is equipped accordingly, for example, a hammock in the shade of a pergola, a carved tea arbor, an open hearth (brazier, barbecue) under a canopy. nine0003
An important detail in the design of the courtyard: lighting
An essential detail in the arrangement of the courtyard is lighting. The main objects that should be illuminated first are the front porch, paths, outbuildings and recreation areas. Electric outdoor lights are hung above the porch. They are mounted in such a way as to clearly see the steps of the stairs.
On track routes, it is important to illuminate especially dangerous areas: slopes, turns, steps. Solar-powered garden lights are often used for this. They just stick into the soil on the side of the road. nine0003
Garden lights are convenient because they do not need to be wired and do not use electricity. But they do not always give full light. In inclement weather, there is not enough sunlight to charge them. Therefore, if possible, it is better to organize electric lighting in autumn and winter.
Types of landscaping for a private house, dacha, yard
Landscaping is something that sooner or later the owner of any, even the most modest land plot begins to think about. After all, each of us wants to live in a comfortable and aesthetically attractive environment. and outside the home. nine0003
This is exactly what landscape design does - creating an environment in which man-made forms are in harmony with natural forms, where your feelings create an atmosphere of comfort. doing landscape design, You can let your imagination go in any direction and realize it to the fullest, despite the existing budget constraints.
Here we will try to present you some of the directions of this movement, among which you may find the one that attracts you the most. nine0003
There are a great many styles of landscape design , and it is simply impossible to describe them in detail in one article. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only a few of them.
1. High-tech style is designed to demonstrate the perfection of engineering and technological progress, so if you admire high technology, then perhaps you should consider creating a garden in such style in your area. At the same time, remember that such a garden is inseparable from a high-tech house. stylistically. nine0003
Distinctive qualities of a hi-tech site are conciseness, simplicity, geometricity. Fundamental to the style of lighting, which will not only solve functional problems, but will, for example, highlight the plants (this will allow you to see your garden from a completely different side). As a rule, you need to choose the latter based on the idea that caring for a site in this style is not should take a lot of effort. Undemanding plants and a lawn are a great option for such a landscape style . Undemanding is one of the virtues of such a garden. If you do not want to spend a lot of time and money on its maintenance, then high-tech style should be one of the favorites in the process of choosing a landscape style for your site.
Choose grays, greens, blues, blacks, purples and browns in your color palette, and use pastels in warm colors for accents.
A pond in this style exists to create a contrast with the simplicity of modern design materials and can be of any shape and size, the main thing is to frame its edges with technological materials (concrete or terrace board is quite suitable for this). nine0003
In general, use high-tech materials for your high-tech garden more often, such as LEDs and energy-saving lamps for lighting, glass and decking for small architectural forms.
2. The Scandinavian style, which originated in countries with the same fleeting summer as in our country, is perhaps the best suited for the inhabitants of Russia from a rational point of view. But don't forget that this style has a stunning northern charm and its own aesthetic features. Plus, he is not demanding in care. nine0003
The Scandinavian style is distinguished by its restraint, orderliness and at the same time naturalness. Here landscaping , in contrast to the high-tech style, allows more bright colors, variegated compositions of flowers and shrubs. A plot of any relief and size is suitable for this style. In fact, this direction initially involves the use of small areas.
The color solution for the design of the site is expected - naturalness. Natural shades of green, brown, gray. But, as mentioned earlier, experimenting with variegated colors as accents only welcome. nine0003
The materials should also refer you to the wild. Wood and natural stone are leaders in this direction. Steps made of stone cuts, benches made of logs and stumps - all this is very harmonious will fit into the overall picture.
From structures for a plot with a house in the Scandinavian style the ideal solution would be a wooden gazebo, the purpose of which will be friendly gatherings. This building will obviously make the atmosphere of comfort even thicker.
Evergreens that suit your climate, semi-wild grasses, weeping tree forms, and anything that looks Nordic to you will create perfect harmony in your gardens. projects in the Scandinavian style.
3. Landscape design of the courtyard Your house can be done in the so-called Regular style, especially if you are the owner of a plot with a French-style private house, as the principle of the inseparability of the garden from the main building works here. This style has a long history and initially required large and even areas, but today its elements can be reproduced in small areas at relatively low financial costs. However, it is worth remembering that you will need to allocate quite a lot of time to care for such an area. nine0003
Elements of such a garden are made in the form of geometric figures, distinguished by clear contours. This applies to both plants and small buildings and hedges. For the design of the latter, it is desirable to use forged and carved parts made of metal and wood.
Mandatory element of the French style, the so-called "parterre". This is a composition of flower beds, ponds and lawns. It is here that you can put a small fountain or sculpture.
Intricately shaped flower beds are also an important structural detail of the regular style. For them, plants of any color are used, which can be placed separately, or they can surround a sculpture or fountain. The reservoir should be in the form of a regular geometric figure. A regular garden implies the presence of a neatly trimmed hedge, which can also be presented in the form of miniature shrubs. nine0003
The main condition for plants in regular garden landscaping is a long flowering period. From trees it is better to choose boxwood, barberry, yew, thuja and all, from which it is easy to cut interesting shapes. But it is better to limit yourself to the choice of a spirit of three kinds.
4. Minimalism, which grew out of constructivism, has long been used not only in architecture and painting, but also in landscape design. Compositional integrity, harmonious combination of all elements garden, conciseness - these are the main features of the minimalist style. nine0003
This garden is suitable for any site, easily fits into even the tiniest areas, and also visually expands the space. In addition, this style is suitable for busy people, those who want to enjoy the beauty of your site without putting much effort into caring for it.
This style garden landscape design does not require clear zoning, only harmony and geometry.
The color scheme involves the choice of light shades of brown and gray in materials and discreet light green, silver, bluish for plants. Bright colors are also allowed, but in very small quantities. Materials - concrete, metal, wood, brick are best used in combination with no more than two.