Stain remover from walls

How to remove wall marks and stains

Quick Tips

Where do wall marks come from? Everyone has Most people have seen a random scuff on their wall at some point. Sometimes the mark is clearly from a shoe. However, there are other instances in which mystery marks appear.

Regardless of where the smudges on your walls originated, wall marks and stains can be bad news, especially if you’re a renter whose landlord is coming over for a move-out walk through. And some of those blemishes seem impossible to remove. Well, most of them aren’t if you know how to properly remove stains on walls. Whether you rent or own, the following three tips can help you get rid of those stubborn marks and stains on your walls.

Tip 1: Remove Stains on Walls with Soap and Water

Before breaking out any heavy duty wall cleaner, you want to start with the simplest method. All you’ll need here is some warm water, a few drops of dishwashing liquid and a microfiber cloth.
  1. Mix a few drops of dishwashing liquid and warm water in a medium-sized bowl.
  2. Dip your microfiber cloth into the solution. Wring out the cloth so that it’s not overly saturated.
  3. Rub the stain with the damp cloth until you can’t see the stain anymore.
  4. Wait until the wall dries to be certain the stain is gone. If it’s faint, but still there, repeat the process.

This method should be a safe way to remove stains on walls, whether they’re painted or not. If the stain or mark doesn’t seem to be budging, you’ll need to move on to then next tip on wall cleaning.

Tip 2: Use Cleaning Erasers to Remove Stains on Walls Remove Stains on Walls with Cleaning Erasers

Eraser tools that are used for wall cleaning look a lot like a sponge. You can find them at any grocery store or online. These cleaners can come in handy for tougher wall marks or stains. The only items you need for this method of wall cleaning is the cleaning eraser tool and some water.
  1. Wet the cleaning eraser following the instructions on its packaging.
  2. Before you tackle that mark or stain, you’ll want to do a spot test on an out-of-the-way area. Cleaning erasers can work magic on wall stains, but they can also damage finishes, especially on wooden surfaces.
  3. Once you’ve determined that the cleaning eraser is safe for your wall, gently rub the mark until it disappears. Don’t scrub too hard, or you may create a stain on your wall that’s even worse than the original.

Cleaning eraser tools will typically remove stains on walls, even if the soap and water treatment had little to no effect. But what can you do if your spot test failed and you weren’t able to use the cleaning eraser?

Tip 3: Get Rid of Stains and Marks with Wall Cleaner

If the first two wall cleaning tips didn’t make a dent in your stain or you were unable to use a cleaning eraser on your wall’s surface, consider using wall cleaner. While there are many products on the market specifically made for wall cleaning, you can usually get by with an all-purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Follow the dilution steps on the cleaner to the letter and be sure to do a spot test before you get to scrubbing.

If none of these wall cleaning tips worked in your home, then you have a stubborn stain indeed. In this situation, you may want to bring in a professional cleaning service to remove them Contact your local Merry Maids.

Quick Tips
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10 easy ways to remove stains from the wall and what to use to remove stains

10 Fast and Easy Ways to Remove Wall Stains

If you live in Philadelphia and have walls that have accumulated some nasty stains over the years then you may be at a loss on how to get those stains off. Removing stains from the walls of your homes especially in Philadelphia can be a tricky process as you don't want to damage the paint or other finish on the wall any more than you can get away with. Too much damage from stain removal will eventually result in your needing to get the wall repainted, so taking a careful approach can help delay the need for you to hire painters to resurface the wall. To get the best results, the approach you use will often depend on the type of stain you are removing. Different staining materials require different cleaners and techniques to loosen and remove the stain without harming the wall and its finish. So here are ten different ways to get specific stains off the walls of your Philadelphia home. 

For general purpose cleaning you can begin with:

1. One gallon of warm water

2. Quarter cup of baking soda

3. Two Spoons of lime juice

4. Three Spoons of Vinegar

5. Three Spoons of baking soda.

Mix with warm water and use a damped towel to clean any surface.  

1. Clean off loose dirt. 

To start, get a bucket of clean cold water and one or more cleaning rags. Soak the rags in the water and rinse the excess water out. Wipe down the walls with the rags to remove the loose dust, rinsing out the rags and replacing them with fresh rags as needed. Once you have all the loose dust removed, fill the bucket with a solution of warm water and detergent. You can use dishwashing detergent or laundry powder. Use a sponge or microfiber cloth to wipe down the walls while rinsing it out as needed. This should get rid of any surface dirt but you may be left with deeper stains that may require one of the other approaches to remove. Be careful to rub the drywall gently because too much pressure may take the layer of paint off and damage the drywall.  

2. Removing general grime. 

Dishwashing detergent dissolved into warm water does a good job of cleaning off general grime for wall stain removal. You can also make your own cleaner using one cup of ammonia, half a cup of white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar, and a quarter of a cup of baking soda. Mix the ingredients into a gallon of warm water and then use the result to clean the walls with a sponge or cloth. Wipe off with fresh water when you are done. This process will not only remove general grime but also disinfects your wall from micro bacteria which may have accumulated over the years. This method is especially useful for a home with kids or infants. 

3. Removing crayon, pencil, ink stains,etc. 

The secret to removing crayon, pencil and ink stain is acting quickly. Fresh crayon wall-stains can be removed quickly using a cleaning wipes or baby wipes if you have one handy. Cleaning erasers also work well for crayons. The graphite-based lead used in pencils is designed to be erasable, so pencil marks can often be removed with rubber erasers or art gum erasers. You can also try a suede stone or a melamine-foam eraser. A wet cloth dipped into baking soda can be used as a pencil stain eraser too. For oil-based materials such as ballpoint ink, you can try using foaming shaving cream to dissolve the stain. Spray it on and rub it over the ink stain. Wipe off with a wet cloth afterward. Hairspray and nail polish remover will also work. You can also try using the white chalky type of toothpaste (not the gel type) by rubbing it onto the stain, letting it sit on the stain for about fifteen minutes, and then wiping it off with a wet cloth.

 4. Get rid of permanent marker wall stains. 

Permanent markers are specifically designed to be hard to remove so getting these marks off your walls can be tough. Get some rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol) and soak a cotton ball with it. Then use a cotton ball to dab the permanent marker stain until it is gone. Rotate the wad of cotton so that you are using an unstained piece with each dab. If that doesn't work then try using hair spray on the mark, and wipe away the resulting runs. You can also try nail polish remover. If none of these methods work, then take a dab of toothpaste and rub it on top of the marker stain. Let the toothpaste settle for five minutes and rub it off with a warm wet towel.  

5. Get rid of kitchen grease. 

Kitchen grease wall-stains can generally be removed by scrubbing with hot water and dishwashing detergent. Before you begin though you may want to get a plastic spatula and go over the greasy areas to scrape off any loose built-up grease first. Removing this easy-to-shift grease before cleaning with detergent will reduce the amount of detergent that you need to dissolve the remaining grease. If the grease is stubborn and taught to remove, your last resort will be to use WD-40 Degreaser. WD-40 Degreaser will remove the toughest of grease. Once the grease is removed make sure to go over the surface with dishwashing detergent to wipe out the strong chemicals from WD-40 Degreaser.

6. Getting rid of soot marks from candles. 

Candle soot tends to be a fairly greasy mix so most of the methods for removing grease will also work for it. You can also use rubbing alcohol to dissolve it and wipe it off. To restore the surface to the original look, use baby oil or kitchen counter polish to restore the shine.  

7. Clean off greasy finger marks. 

Fingerprint marks tend to be oil-based with some grime mixed in. For marks around light switches and doorknobs that have been there for a while, they may have been ground into the porous paint on the wall and may take some removing. This will be easier to do if the surface of the wall has a gloss finish, but most interior walls use a flat matte paint that can make finger marks hard to shift. To start with try using a mixture of dishwashing detergent and hot water. If that doesn't work then you can try distilled white vinegar dissolved into hot water. Use a ratio of around half a cup of vinegar in half a gallon of water. Clean with the mixture and then rinse off with fresh warm water. You can also try using white chalk to clean off any persistent finger marks. Rub a flat piece of chalk over the marks. The porous chalk should absorb the greasy finger marks. Wipe off with a wet microfiber cloth afterward. 

8. Remove persistent grease stains.  

If you are left with grease that doesn't want to come off despite all your scrubbing then you may need a more serious approach to shifting it. Get some absorbent paper and place it on the wall against the stain. Then use an iron to heat the area over the paper so that the grease under the paper melts and is absorbed into the paper. Do this a few times with fresh paper until you are not getting any grease being absorbed. Then go over the area with detergent and water to remove the remainder of the grease. 

9. Clean off mildew. 

Mildew is the result of a fungus feeding on grime on the wall, or on the material of the wall itself. For mildew wall stain removal, mix up a solution of one tablespoon of white vinegar in a quart of water and spray this solution onto the mildewed area of the wall. Leave the vinegar on for a few hours and then clean off with water and detergent. You can also use enzyme-based laundry detergent to clean off mildew. Follow the pre-treating directions for the detergent to soak the stain and then clean off the result with water.  

10. Use cleaning erasers for fresh spot stains. 

For fresh stains that don't need elaborate cleaning, you might want to try using a cleaning eraser such as Mr.Clean Magic Eraser. You can buy these from most stores that sell cleaning products. These can be great for cleaning up small spot stains along with stains from your children's impromptu crayon wall art projects. With a bit of careful wall stain removal, those nasty stains and smears on the walls of your Philadelphia home will be gone in no time. And by using the right approach for each type of stain you can minimize the wear on the wall surface. If your walls are looking in need of some new paint after years of stain removal though then you can always find Painters In Philly to help you get your house back to looking like new.

Home stain remover. A wonderful tool!

The recipe is incredibly simple.


Salt and soda

Ordinary salt and soda are indispensable in the household, not only for cooking.

For example, you can put freshly washed terry towels in salt water for a quarter of an hour - they will become soft and fluffy.
If you spill ink on a carpet or rug, immediately sprinkle a thick layer of salt on the stain: it will absorb the ink and the stain will go away.
Do you have a stove, a fireplace in your house or in your country house? To make raw firewood flare up faster, you can sprinkle it with a pinch of coarse salt.
Salt removes the unpleasant smell of fish, onions, garlic: to get rid of it, rub your hands with salt, and then wash with soap and water.
Is it time to sharpen knives, scissors, garden tools? Pre-place them for half an hour in a weak saline solution and sharpen without wiping. The effect will exceed your expectations!

There are three types of soda: food, washing, caustic. Their difference is in alkaline activity. The weakest is baking soda. As a rule, it is placed in dough, confectionery and some other food products. But it is sometimes used for other purposes as well. For example, for washing woolen and silk products that cannot withstand strong alkalis.

To keep milk from curdling in the summer heat, add a little baking soda (1/4 teaspoon per 1 liter of milk) when boiling.
Strips of paper on the windows can be easily removed if they are first moistened with a warm solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water).
A pot that has burnt on something is easy to clean by boiling water with baking soda (1-2 tablespoons) in it.
Sediment from the spout of the teapot can be removed by pouring hot soda solution (1 teaspoon per glass of water) into it for 2-3 hours. Then rinse three times with hot water.

Iron marks on silk are removed with soda gruel. It is applied to the stain, allowed to dry and brushed off.
Itching from mosquito bites will disappear if you wipe them with a solution of soda (0. 5 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).
Calluses on the hands can be removed with warm soda baths, if done 2-3 times a week (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
Yellowness on the teeth from smoking will be less if you put a little soda and a drop or two of lemon juice on the brush when brushing them.
Freckles and age spots will become less visible if you wipe them with a solution of soda (6-7 teaspoons per 1 glass of water).

Golden tips for the home.

Aspirin: dilute 2 tablets in 100 ml of hot water and soak deodorant marks on clothing for 3 hours. They will disappear.
Bread: A slice of white bread will remove greasy fingerprints from walls and non-washable wallpapers.
Dental floss: Helps you secure fasteners and buttons, and repairs umbrellas and backpacks.
Colored pencils: crumbled lead helps mask damage to wood floors and furniture.
Freezer: if you place candles in it just before use, they will burn longer.
Hairspray: Helps prolong the life of your drawing, especially if it's in pastel.
Ketchup: Cleans silver jewelry by soaking it in a bowl of ketchup for a few minutes and then brushing with an old toothbrush.
Diapers: guarantee the safety and safe delivery of fragile items in parcels.
Olive oil, to which lemon juice or white wine vinegar is added in a ratio of 1/2 of the total oil, will help to bring shine to polished furniture.
Peanut butter can remove chewing gum from hair by simply rubbing it in.
Vodka: If you mix 30 ml of vodka with a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid and 400 ml of water, you get a remedy for garden insects.
Yoghurt: Mix 200 ml of live yoghurt with 200 ml of water and a handful of moss, spread the resulting mixture wherever you want moss to grow.

Use of hydrogen peroxide in everyday life!

Hydrogen peroxide in the kitchen:
Peroxide will perfectly disinfect cutting boards and other surfaces, destroy harmful microbes - salmonella and coca-bacteria.
For disinfection, when putting things in order in your kitchen, take note of a simple rule - spray the kitchen boards first with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and then with table vinegar. Then rinse the boards with running water and dry.
Wipe the working kitchen table with a cloth soaked in peroxide.
When washing dishes, add to the dishwasher, in addition to the main agent, 50 ml. peroxides - hydrogen peroxide will significantly improve the quality of washing and your washed dishes will simply shine.

Hydrogen peroxide in the bathroom:
In the bathroom, hydrogen peroxide will help kill mold and prevent it from growing again.
To do this, you need to take a 33 -35% solution, mix it with water in equal proportions, and then spray the surfaces that have undergone mold with a spray bottle.
A solution of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help clean rust stains and drips in the bathroom and on other surfaces. Take peroxide and alcohol in equal parts, moisten a cloth with the resulting solution and wipe the places where stains and rust have appeared.
To disinfect and wash the toilet well, you need to take 2 liters of water, 1 glass of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Pour the resulting solution inside, lower the lid, let stand for 10 minutes, then clean with a brush.
If the walls of your bathroom are covered with water-based paint or tiled, from time to time spray them with a 3% peroxide solution heated to 40-50 degrees.

Hydrogen peroxide in the room:
To humidify and freshen the air in the room, use this product: dilute 500 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in 4-5 liters of water - spray in the room with a spray bottle, this will significantly refresh your room.
For the care of indoor plants, prepare a solution of 25 - 30 ml. peroxide and one liter of water. Wipe the leaves with this solution or spray your plants.

If there is an ink stain on the page of your book, simply dampen it with a 20% peroxide solution, place blotting paper under and on top of the book page. Let dry, there will be no trace of the stain, your book will be like new.
It is good to bleach any linen, especially children's. I use kitchen towels for bleaching (powder + peroxide in hot water and let it lie down, ideally boil it, but often there is no time, but even without boiling it bleaches and disinfects well).
And about the cloth for cleaning the table and the sponge for washing dishes; although I change it once a week, I soak it for a short time every day (you can overnight in a solution of dishwashing detergent and a little peroxide for disinfection) And it’s cheaper than perhydrol tablets, dissolve as much as you need and use it.

Bioclean PV-103 stain remover for carpets and furniture

You can buy Bioklin PV-103 stain remover for carpets and furniture from us. If you need a wholesale price for Bioclean PV-103 stain remover for carpets and furniture, then send an application with details.


The product is designed to remove stains from coffee, tea, drinks, including Coca-Cola, fruit and berry juices, wines, tomato sauce, dirt, grass, ink, ink, stains of tannin origin from carpets, carpets, upholstered furniture and textiles. materials.

The stain remover can be used as a cleaning agent for cleaning heavily soiled textiles and carpets, floors, glass, plastic, as well as for removing traces of glue, felt-tip pen writing, paint from plastic, glass and other hard surfaces.


The stain remover is used in various public institutions (hotels, railway stations, hospitals, sanatoriums, offices, etc.), transport, industry and everyday life.

Recommendations for use

Dry cleaning of carpets and textiles:

  1. The concentration of working solutions is 5-20%.
  2. Apply a small amount of product to the contaminated surface with a sponge, rag, brush or clean with a carpet washing machine, grind. Leave for a few minutes, then rinse with clean water, remove excess water with a dry cloth, vacuum cleaner, dry.

Stain removal from carpets, textiles:

  1. Moisten the contaminated area with a concentrate or solution of 10-50% concentration, grind, hold for several minutes, then rinse with clean water or clean with a carpet washing machine and a special carpet cleaner.
  2. To avoid the formation of a halo on the fabric or carpeting, it is necessary to carefully remove the remaining moisture with a suction pump or carpet washing machine.
  3. When removing stains from a felt-tip pen, ink, paint, clean manually with a sponge and spatula from the edge of the contamination to the center, preventing the halo from spreading.

Note: when applying the stain remover for the first time, it is recommended to check the dye fastness of the material by treating a small area.




When working with working solutions:

When working with concentrate:
