Spring door decorations ideas
40 Stunning Spring Door Decor Ideas
Dress up your door for spring with one of these gorgeous spring door decor ideas! From wreaths to door hangers, there is something for everyone.
Other great ideas for spring: Spring Throws under $30, Outdoor Spring Cleaning Tips, and Spring Cleaning Yard Work Bingo.
With Spring popping up all over, it’s time to turn to our front doors with spring door decor. Ornaments, winter white, or gold glitter just won’t cut it anymore – bring on the greens! If your door is looking a little tired after the cold season, dress it up in pretty pastels, fresh greens, and neutrals. Use flowers, moss, and succulents in unexpected ways. Add eggs and nests for even more Springtime punch. Think outside the round wreath form – to baskets, umbrellas or picture frames. If you want to get really creative, skip the typical wreath ideas all together and go with pinwheels, hot air balloons, butterflies or fabric! The stunning spring door decor ideas below are sure to get your creative juices flowing.
Floral and Greenery
Flowers are a sure sign of spring! There are so many different and unique ways to use florals and greenery to brighten up your doors. From monograms, to paper flowers, and even some sweet little succulents.
Floral Monagram // Daisy Mae Belle
Easy Forsythia Wreath // The Happy Housie
Tissue Paper Rosettes // bugaboo, mini, mr & me
Paper Flowers // Gathering Beauty
Moss and Roses // Homemade Ginger
Floral and Yarn Hoop // Shrimp Salad Circus
Floral Embroidery Hoop // Lemon Thistle
Oversized Flowers // Lolly Jane
Conical Floral Basket // On Sutton Place
Basket of Hydrangeas // Domestically Speaking
Tulips in Birch Bark // Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body
Flower Box Hello Sign // Positively Splendid
Floral Picture Frame // Joy To My Heart
Fresh Flower Umbrella Wreath // TGIF
Ombre Tulips // Confessions of a Plate Addict
Floral Initial Wreath // Positively Splendid
Hello Banner // Two Purple Couches
Simple Peonies // Making the World Cuter
Botanical with Black and White Stripes // Positively Splendid
Spring Greenery // The How-To Mom
Simple Spring Wreath // The Honeycomb Home
Moss and Succulents // Homemade Ginger
Succulents // Mad in Crafts
Easter Themed
Spring and Easter go hand in hand. Why not decorate for spring AND Easter at the same time with these simple and fun DIY Easter spring door decor ideas.
Tulip Carrot // Love the Tompkins via HomeTalk
Bunch of Carrots // Our Cozy Nest
Yarn Carrot Sunburst // bugaboo, mini, mr & me
Super Simple Neutral Eggs // Live Laugh Rowe
Easy Greenery and Mini Eggs // The Happy Housie
Natural Bird’s Nest // On Sutton Place
Framed Eggs // Thrifty Parsonage Living
Rainbow Eggs // In My Own Style
Spring Grass With Chicks // Remodelaholic
Tobacco Basket Easter Wreath // Our Crafty Mom
Easter Tulip Wreath // The Lived In Look
Unique Ideas
We mentioned hot air balloons and pinwheels above, and there are so many other unique ways to bring a springy touch to your door without going full on floral or Easter. Let’s take a look at these awesome ideas.
Butterflies and Lace // Under the Sycamore
Yellow Ruffles // Morena’s Corner
Hot Air Balloon // Houseful of Homemade
Rainbow Rag Wreath // Ask Anna
Pinwheels // Positively Splendid
Split Peas // Little Things Bring Smiles
Which wreath inspired you the most? Are you ready to shake up your front door? Be sure to share what you are thinking in our comments below.
More great Spring ideas:
- 25 Inspiring Spring Mantels
- 23 Spring Porches
- DIY Spring Decor Ideas
- Great ideas for Spring Decor
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Originally Published 4.4.2018 // Updated 4.5.2022
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Related to spring door decor
- spring door wreath
- spring wreaths for front door
- spring wreath
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80+(Photo) Bright Ideas 2018
It is not difficult for a creative person to decorate the interior of a house with their own hands.
Since the house begins with the door, it is from its appearance that the first impression of the home is formed. Jewelry can be magical, themed, masking, festive. There is no limit to fantasy, and I will tell you how to make the door smart, beautiful and attract positive energy flows into the house. How to decorate and decorate so that everyone would envy you? About everything further in detail.
Contents of this article:
- How to decorate a door with your own hands?
- Autumn-spring decoration
- New Year's theme
- Butterflies decoration
- Decor with wreaths
- Family holidays
- Conclusions
- Photo gallery (more than 80 photos)
How to decorate a door with your own hands?
For various reasons, there is a desire to decorate the door yourself. It happens that the door leaf is worn out, cracks appear on it that need to be masked. And sometimes you just want to change your interior, while making it unique and inimitable.
Making your interior unique
The best way to create an unusual contrast is to decorate the door. There are many ways to do this that you did not even know about:
- liquid wallpaper - different original decor, make it possible to apply unusual patterns, but do not tolerate high humidity;
- washing wallpaper – you can make the canvas monochromatic or, by choosing the color, create an abstraction, a flower meadow, any other panorama you like;
- murals - create a realistic picture, but it is important to choose them according to the size of the canvas so as not to violate the integrity of the pattern;
- stained glass - stained glass creates unusually beautiful highlights around the room, insert it instead of ordinary glass;
- decoupage - cut out drawings of various shapes, sticking them in a certain order and fixing them with varnish;
- decoration with fittings – from rivets, buttons, beads and other small items, stick a pattern according to your imagination;
- mirror surface – instead of glass, two mirror surfaces are inserted into the inner part of the opening, glued together with a non-reflective side;
- fabric is a very beautiful decoration that requires only cloth and glue that does not leave marks;
- leather - leatherette upholstered exterior doors, inside the room they decorate the canvas with natural leather, if it is combined with the general style of the interior;
- stickers - you can buy ready-made stickers from a polymer film, or you can cut out any shapes from a self-adhesive film and compose a composition yourself.
Decorations for every taste
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How to decorate?
In European countries, it has long been a custom to decorate a doorway, and in our country this trend is only developing. If you decorate the entrance canvas in an original way, it will become memorable and give a good mood to everyone who sees it.
Mosaic on the door – beautiful and unusual
Particularly interesting are decorations with thematic compositions that correspond to the holidays. It is better to make such decors removable, as they create a festive atmosphere for a certain period of time.
These can be:
- bouquets;
- garlands;
- lamps;
- balloons.
Holiday themed decorations
You may be interested in: REVIEW: Crafts from fir cones (large, painted) for the New Year (175+ Photos) Beautiful toys for the holiday!
See also: Ottomans for different rooms as an original piece of furniture - options, tips, 235+ (Photo).
Autumn-spring decoration
Autumn wreaths for decoration are weaved from fallen leaves, alternating with asters, periwinkle and rowan twigs. A bright multi-color composition will stand out as a bright spot in the entrance space.
Composition of autumn leaves
The embodiment of spring - wreaths of fresh greenery and fresh flowers. The basis for the ring is made of bending young twigs or vines. Young delicate flowers and bright grass are fixed on it.
Seasonal themes can also be emphasized with artificial flowers; for such compositions, a color background is selected that matches the season.
DIY seasonal decorations
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On the eve of this holiday, everyone expects at least a small but miracle. New Year's days are filled with mystery and fabulousness, and if you create the appropriate atmosphere in your home, then the festive mood will last for a long time.
Of course, we must start by decorating the entrance area . There is no limit to fantasy here, I offer several options, and you can add colorful elements to the decor or make your own exclusive composition.
There is no limit to your imagination
Spruce twigs
It is easy to make a wreath from twigs, decorate it with real or decorative cones, tie it with a red ribbon. You can hang one wreath or tie several, constructing the necessary form of the composition.
Fir branches connected in the form of a Christmas tree, a house or a lush bush look festive.
Bright bells, golden balls are fixed on the branches, intertwined with serpentine. The spruce composition will look original if fresh apples and tangerines are hung on it.
The main thing is not to overdo it with the chosen decor
If you don't want to create a festive composition, you can simply fix a fluffy spruce branch with tape and hang a bow on top. This decoration will also give a festive mood.
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From cardboard
A shape is cut out of thick paper or cardboard, it can be a candle, a Christmas tree, letters, a teddy bear or a star. You can cut out anything.
Cardboard is a dense material, but it should not be overloaded.
In another version, the form is painted according to the theme, additional decor is glued - bows, gift candles or other small items.
Cut out eyes, mouth and nose from paper to make a funny face. If you are fond of origami, you can decorate them with this style.
Additional paper options
I recently came across an interesting paper decoration in the form of a snowman. He was wearing a red cap, he smiled, looked playfully with black eyes, and the most interesting thing was that he had a long orange nose, which was not flat, but sticking out forward.
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This design needs a solid foundation. They make it themselves from wire or buy it ready-made. A bright fabric or a scarf is wrapped around the shape with a bundle, the ends are neatly fastened or tied into a beautiful knot . Complement the decoration with beads, snowflakes or sprinkle with artificial grass.
Tulle makes a funny snowman face. To do this, they give it the shape of a ball, clumping and fixing it with wire, insert a carrot into the center, sew on button eyes and fix a hat cut out of paper.
From fabric with butterflies - no less spectacular
A bow tied from burlap with a lot of ribbons intertwined with serpentine looks elegant.
Photo frame
A New Year's greeting, a wish to guests or a letter to Santa Claus are inserted into the middle of the frame. Bows of festive ribbons, snowflakes are fixed on the frame with adhesive tape, a bunch of Christmas balls are hung on a beautiful braid.
From fir cones
Real or toy cones are attached to a solid frame of any shape with thin wire. For contrast, the composition is diluted with small, bright, Christmas balls. A wreath of cones can be an independent decoration, or as an addition to other compositions.
Simple but tasteful
From Christmas decorations
A bunch of shiny gold or silver Christmas balls looks rich in combination with a rain of foil of the same color. Balls are selected of different sizes, a bunch begins to be formed from large balls, gradually attaching balls of a smaller size.
Christmas decorations can be selected by color
Make a Christmas tree-shaped base out of wire and fix multi-colored Christmas balls on it. It will turn out a very elegant and bright Christmas tree.
Out of clothes
A child's slipper attached to the door, a mitten, a funny hat looks unusual and fun. Colored scarves fastened with a brooch are made into the shape of a sun or a flower. Such attributes will always bring a smile.
Mittens and a variety of baby products can be used
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See also: TOP 15 best food processors: How to choose a high-quality and multifunctional one? How to make the most of it? Everything you need to know about the food processor (+Reviews)Butterfly decorations
It is impossible to look away from an incredibly beautiful decoration. For the manufacture of butterflies, stencils of different sizes are prepared. Butterfly wings are cut out of fibrous paper that moves with the slightest breath of wind. The decoration looks like a flock of butterflies trying to scatter in different directions. They are made:
- black;
- colored;
- transparent.
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See also: Tapestry in the interior: Elegant combination with styles, design ideas (100+Photo). How to create a cozy design with your own hands? (curtains, bedspreads, paintings)Wreath decor
A beautiful wreath on the door will create a festive feeling.
The main thing is to make a strong frame of the required shape, and you can make a wreath from any materials:
- Christmas tree twigs - tie spruce branches in the form of a lush wreath with multi-colored ribbons, tie the ribbons with bows;
- sweets - choose sweets with bright candy wrappers, tie them together with threads and weave a wreath;
- rope – weave two circles of rope, connect them in the form of a snowman, decorate with red cloth and beads;
- from Christmas decorations – weave a strong base of a wreath from bending branches, fasten multi-colored Christmas decorations on it;
- from wires and boards - a comic wreath, a gift for a programmer.
- paper - cut out the base of the wreath from cardboard, decorate it with small toys, beads, shells and other items.
You can decorate with anything, even with the help of such houses
Wicker wreath bases are sold in specialized stores, decor can be attached to it according to your desire and imagination.
Feel free to combine different shapes and materials
It’s not always possible to get a ready-made form for a wreath, but you shouldn’t worry, you can make it yourself from improvised materials, for this it’s suitable:
- circle, fix the ends well;
- embroidery hoop;
- newsprint - twist strong strands of newspaper, tie them with thread or wire;
- Paper towels are rolled in the same way as newspaper.
A little fruit and a satin ribbon - the result will surprise you
The base can even be made from toilet paper rolls by tying them together and giving the shape of a circle.
The wreath does not have to be round, the shape of a cube, oval and rhombus also looks original.
Family holidays
A well-decorated room gives solemnity to the holiday, cheers up, but for each family celebration there are decor attributes that symbolize a special day:
- the birth of a child - blue jewelry is chosen for girls are pink; balloons, nipples, toys, bows, posters with wishes and other cute things are hung on the doorway;
- birthday - interior aisles are decorated with garlands, balls, serpentine, the main thing is that this does not interfere with the movement of guests;
- Women's Day March 8 – a festive mood will be created by an original composition of natural or artificial flowers and colorful balloons placed right on the door;
- Valentine's Day is the most tender holiday of all couples in love, of course, decorations should be in the form of hearts, angels, cupids and other symbols of love.
There is no limit to fantasy in decorating doors. If you add a thematic attribute to an ordinary wreath, it can become patriotic, lyrical or magical.
The main thing is that the decoration should be positive and pleasant and interesting to look at. Behind such a door, family well-being and joy will always reign.
VIDEO: We make a beautiful wreath with our own hands
New Year's Christmas wreath
DIY beauty
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7. 8 Total Score
Beautiful decorations on the door
Don't know how to decorate the door? We have selected the most current selection of options that can add zest to your design. Add a little imagination and the result will not keep you waiting. After reviewing the information, please leave your assessments with arguments in the comments. They will be helpful to other readers. Your opinion is very important to us. Thank you for your participation. We appreciate your feedback and your time.
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- Beautiful decor.
- Lots of options.
- Cozy atmosphere.
- Time to make jewelry.
- Material costs.
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How to decorate the front door: ideas
The door serves not only to provide security and limit space. She is able to tell in advance about how the owners of the house live. Even our ancestors thought about how to decorate the front door, believing that a beautiful design would attract good. Even if this is not the main goal, the aesthetic pleasure delivered to guests and the hosts themselves is worth a little work.
We decorate the house for winter and New Year
The most common front door decoration is a spruce wreath. To make it, you need to take several spruce branches (three are enough) and tie them together with red ribbons. You can add such a blank to your taste: cones, bows, garlands, Christmas toys and everything that seems appropriate.
A wreath of spruce branches can be decorated with ribbons and pine conesNew Year's wreaths always look elegant and festive:
If you want to move away from stereotypes and make an unusual wreath on the front door, for example, from acorns, use your imagination!
Unusual wreaths for decorating the front door (photo):
When wondering how to decorate a metal front door, you need to take into account its features. Statues finished in bronze and ceramic decorations will harmoniously fit into the door space. The design in the form of a theatrical curtain will give a special highlight to the inside of the door. To do this, you need to choose either a silk fabric or a velvet fabric and drape it beautifully, hang it over the door. Invitation speeches for guests made up of letter magnets or wishes for the holiday will look great.
An image of a snowman will be a worthy alternative to a wreath. It is done quite easily. To do this, you need flexible branches that are twisted into three wreaths of different sizes. They will be parts of the snowman. Wreaths are painted with spray paint, and white, silver and gold metallic look equally impressive. The head is decorated with a cloth cap, button eyes and a carrot nose (can be made of fabric). It is necessary to tie a bright scarf around the neck, and make hands from the same twigs.
Having made a simple craft in the form of Santa Claus, you can decorate the doorknob. To do this, take:
- Red felt or other dense fabric;
- White wool thread;
- Needle;
- Cardboard;
- Scissors;
- Eye buttons;
- Adhesive.
Draw a pattern on pear-shaped cardboard and cut a hole in the top for a pen. Dividing the paper blank into two parts, you need to transfer it to the fabric. The top part is on red felt, and the bottom part is on white fabric. When cutting a hole in the red fabric, the resulting circle should not be thrown away, it will serve as Santa Claus's nose. The white fabric is glued to the cardboard, and cotton wool should be glued to the cap area, so the toy will be more voluminous. Next, the fabric cap must be attached to the cardboard and sheathed along the contour with threads of a contrasting color. Woolen threads are used to make beards and hair. It remains to glue the black beads in place of the eyes and the craft is ready.
If you don't have time to make crafts, you can simply decorate the doorknob with colored ribbon bows. Even such a simple decor will indicate that the residents of the house were thinking about how to decorate the front door in winter.
Winter is the time of miracles and fulfillment of desires. You can bring a little magic and create a holiday mood from the very doorstep without much investment, you just have to show your imagination. Taking care of how to decorate the front door for the New Year, the owners demonstrate their cordiality and hospitality to those around them.
Decorating the door for a bright Easter
Easter is a holiday full of bright colors. Decorating the doorway with a bright tree with willow branches is a great idea. In order to make such a decorative element, you will need a bucket or a suitable vase. The container is filled with pebbles and water, then branches are placed in it. For decoration, use souvenir Easter eggs, which are hung on a thread like Christmas tree decorations. Butterflies and birds are cut out of colored paper, and a tree is decorated according to the same principle.
Decorating the door, it would be right to opt for decorations in the shape of an egg. To do this, you will need:
- Cardboard;
- Scissors;
- Pencil;
- Several pieces of fabric;
- Piece of foam rubber;
- Tape;
- Adhesive;
- Jewelry to your taste.
Make an egg-shaped pattern on cardboard and cut it out. Cut an egg of a slightly larger diameter from the foam rubber, and make the blank even larger from the fabric and cut it out too. Put a fabric egg, on it - from foam rubber, then - from cardboard and glue it. Wrap the cardboard blank with foam rubber and cloth, glue it. Take a piece of another fabric and build a half-egg pocket out of it and glue it on the back. Paste the back with smooth material and sew on a loop. The decoration of the front door for Easter is ready, it remains only to decorate the pocket with flowers or souvenirs.
You can use a wreath on your front door in spring too. In this case, the same flexible twigs can serve as the basis, but you need to decorate it with spring flowers, natural or artificial, Easter decorations, paper butterflies, bows.
To make a wreath, the rods, if they are not quite flexible, must first be bent. Twist one long rod in the shape of a ring so that it holds this position. If the design is not reliable, glue the ends with tape. Then you need to take the second branch and wrap it around the resulting ring. Hide the tip between the branches. Proceed in this way with all the rods. To make the wreath more accurate, it is better to apply each new branch from the bottom of the ring.
Baskets with spring flowers are especially popular at this time of the year:
You can decorate the door in the same way in autumn.